#literotica 💞
heich0e · 1 year
“Secret third thing” ITS CALLED SOULMATES💕💖💞💓❤️‍🔥❤️💘💖💝💞💕❣️
this is bullying. i'm writing u anime man literotica for free on the internet and you're BULLYING ME.
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
@literotica Kel!!! @mxgenderbender Charlie and I are partying, WHAT ARE YOU UP TO, BBY?!?!
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inside-mychest · 3 years
For the ask game:
waxing and earth
waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment? : That is a difficult question for me, I would say I'm glad that I passed my Abitur (high school diploma) and I remember that I was proud but I wouldn't call this my proudest accomplishment, I really hope for myself that my proudest accomplishment will be that I'm happy and that I won't stay in my own way anymore.
earth: where do you feel most at home? : wow you aren't making it easy for me :D, I didn't find my home yet.. Life is a little complicated right now but I know that it will get better and that I will find a place or a person I feel safe with
Thank you very much @literotica for asking ❤ feel hugged
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
🤨 Rick, my guy…
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I been trying to suck your dick for a minute now, and you been trying to sleep with me from the start (awkwardly), so Y E S!!! 😫
@literotica @mxgenderbender This man thinks I’m playing!
This Moisturized!Shigaraki wannabe is really off putting. I may play his route because I can’t picture him being nice at all, he’s really something.
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
My Ita bag came today!!! I love it! I do have to get a bigger one because the amount of witchy pins I have are borderline nuts, I didn’t put any of them on here this time, I’m only displaying my BNHA pins (Hawks pin is coming!)
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@mxgenderbender @literotica What do you think of the new Ita bag? I wish she were bigger tho 😔
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
Upstairs Neighbor Wakes Me Up While She Gets ✨〜Reamed〜✨ Update
Bruh, lowkey why did that title start of sounding like a sleazy porno? I’m fucking dying of laughter omg 😭
So, as some of you may know, I was struggling with a sinus and ear infection, (I’m at the tail end of the ear one now, and my sinuses are so much better) and I happened to be woken up by my upstairs neighbor - cause someone was layin’ the pipe for her at like… something o’clock at night (can’t remember the exact time at this point) and I was like, 😵‍💫 “omg what the hell’s happening up there?!” My lovely friends @deleteddewewted, @literotica, and @blossominglark gave me advice and pepped me up on what to do so I cranked my music up on my Amazon echo dot since I couldn’t put earbuds in cause of my ear infection! 😭 Cause it’s like, bitch, if you’re gonna interrupt the more precious type of sleep I needed that night, the type that helps people start feeling better, you need to suffer too with the music I was recommended and know that I can hear you and whatever the hell that sound you’re making that’s trying to pass for a “moan”! 🤣 And just as I had predicted in one of those previous posts above, round 2 took place a bit before 3am, fml 🤦🏽‍♀️
why couldn’t I predict the lottery so I could finally buy the tiny house of my dreams and not have to ever worry about paying someone rent or a mortgage to anyone, just me and my Black Lab, Raven in our mini cottage 😮‍💨
Well, the next day she, called me and she was like, “Mar*… um, I’m so sorry if you heard what happened last night.” *another nickname for me btw. I was like, “Yeah, yeah I did and honestly, you gotta do what you gotta do but PLEASE try to remember next time. I wasn’t lying about me being able to hear everything once it’s at a certain level of volume!” We both had a good laugh about it and I explained to her that I’m in the process of trying to get better from my dual infection which made her apologize even more. All in all, we had a laugh and she understood and was truly, genuinely sorry about it. Also, I won’t lie, despite us laughing about it, that didn’t mean it was any less awkward to have the conversation.
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
@literotica @mxgenderbender We’re absolute menaces on the gc, no? 😭
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
@literotica Bby, Idk how I read this and it didn’t click when it did, but I’ve never met anyone else that wasn’t a senior citizen that also had a hip replacement!!! I got my right done when I was 23 and when I was 32 I got my left one done! Do you know how many doctors I had to go through just to approve it? Because I was “too young” yet they were cool to let me go on with a hip bone that was dying off and could break 🙄
I’m so sorry but I’m like utterly shocked at this, I never really find many people like me so forgive me for being stuck on this lol
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
MARIIIIIIIIII!!! I'm such an awful, shitty friend! I forgot the 16th is your birthday! @mxgenderbender just said something to me about it and i was like OMFFFG LASND;AVNWEA;
So Happy Birthday, Love! Charlie mentioned it hasn't been great for you and I'm so sorry about that! Just imagine celebrating with Shinsou...I know he would would make you feel like the special, lovely human being you are!! 💜
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I love you so much, my beautiful devil! 💋
Omg, sweetie it’s a-ok! You’re so far from a shitty friend!! I’m thank you so much for the wishes! It was shit, snow’s falling heavily outside rn, I can hear the icy pieces hitting the glass - it’s cold 🥶 I couldn’t be with my family on my day, but you guys are just as important to me 💗
You and @mxgenderbender have honestly made my night, and I thank you for it.
I wish I could spend my birthday with a hot ass - just got off of work Toshi 🥵 Ugh, the literal icing on my birthday cake. I got myself a little tira misu cake and I had some with a candle earlier this evening 😊
actually, now that I think about it, that last bit sounds really emo lol, yikes!
I love you so much, too!! Both of you, you guys are my precious, precious loves! 💋💋💋💜
Happy birthday to me🎈
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different bloggers, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out ✨
Kel, my love, I- 🥺
I don’t deserve you & Charlie @mxgenderbender in my life, nor do I deserve the sweetheart that is Unique aka @pervysenpaix, who comes & checks on me through my asks. The 3 of you brighten my days so much, I wish you knew. I know I’ve been busy lately & been missing out in our dope ass group chat.
You guys keep me grounded & with it in ways I haven’t been in a looooong ass time. I can only hope I’ve been able to do the same for you, even if it me only a tiny bit. Not only that, but you and Charlie have shown me what true best friends look and act like, not that manipulative & gaslighting bullshit that was thrown my way “in the name of” 😒. I don’t need a whole crew of besties behind me, I never been that type of woman in the first, y’all are more than enough & I love & appreciate you guys so fuckin’ much.
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
Ready for this? Have at it my loves 😏 go create your person of interest. I do wish there were more to choose from tho 🥺
And no, you don’t need to know what I’m doing to Toshi below the cut 😜
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@literotica @mxgenderbender @deleteddewewted @blossominglark @galair @themotherofmoons @theravencawsatmidnight @mindninjax @pervysenpaix @touyasdoll and anyone else who wants to do it, happy Saturday y’all 💞
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