#ahhh tysm for sending this is !! <333
theorphicangel · 9 months
Ahhhhh congrats my dearest Angel!!! I'm so happy for you 💖 can I request for 'you got me flowers?' and 'your heart is beating so fast right now.' from the fluff prompts? Thank you and I love everything that you do <3
— Rei <3 @levi-supreme
hiii rei tysm for sending in an ask for my event ahhh! also I’m sorry this is like five months late…but I hope you like it nonetheless mwah mwah ❤️
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You’ve had many bad days at work. Not an overwhelming amount, but you’ve experienced a few that’s made you want to curl up in bed for the rest of your life and not want to interact with a single human being ever again.
You’re not really sure what sin you’ve committed recently for the universe to have it out for you as soon as you woke up this morning. But you think it was bad enough to have you on your knees begging for mercy by the end of the day.
Bitter coffee, burnt toast and an annoying stain on your work clothes is the limit that you could cope with. Unexpected rain without your emergency umbrella, having to refill your car suddenly and a mountain of paperwork to deal with, is enough to definitely set your nerves on edge. But dealing with that one bitchy coworker, as well as constant complaints and backhanded compliments about your work from your manager was enough to set your emotions astray.
The worst of it all was forgetting your lunch that you took the time to prep the night before. You let out a groan, your palms covering your face in complete surrender. You’ve just had enough of this day already.
Just before you rose from your office chair to go grab an emergency lunch from the deli down the street, your phone vibrated with a text message. With a sigh, you had immediately planned not to respond at all but that was before you saw that it was from Levi.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:36pm]
- You left your lunch in the fridge.
That reminder was enough for your anger to rebubble on the surface again, despite that not being Levi’s intention.
You: [sent 12:37pm]
- I figured that out thanks.
It wasn’t like you to respond that way at all but given that you’ve been rushing around on your feet all morning without a single break and had been given a mountain pile of paperwork, you figure that there would be no one on earth who would be the happiest right now.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:37pm]
- Are you alright?
That question alone was enough to have your eyes watering. You hesitate in your reply, biting down on your bottom lip as you look at the screen, your thumbs frozen over the keyboard.
Should you be honest or lie about it?
But who would you be kidding? This is Levi after all. A man who knows you inside out, who can tell your mood based on the amount of emojis you send when you text.
You: [sent at 12:40pm]
- No, I’m not. Work is so shitty right now. I want to go home.
It doesn’t take long for him to reply; one of the many, many reasons as to why you love this man so much. Reading his text, your heart practically swells at his words.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:41pm]
- Want me to pick you up? Or drop off your lunch?
Instead of tears, your lips tilt into a smile. God, you’re so happy that you’re married to him.
You: Sent at 12:41pm]
- No, no it’s fine, I have a shit ton of work to do and if I don’t get it done today it’ll just pile on for next week and that’ll stress me out even more.
Your thumbs click send before typing out another text.
- Also, I’ll grab lunch at the deli xx :)
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- If you’re sure?
You reinforce that you are with a message of simple thumbs up emoji.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- Take out and movie tonight?
You: [sent 12:43pm]
- I would love that. :)))))
You reply, a real smile now stretching across your lips. This immediately brightens up your mood and gives you something to look forward to. With a positive outlook, you stand to get your lunch. Only five more hours of this shit and you’ll be free.
You can do this.
You quite like the way it sounds.
Home. It’s your safe place. A place where you can truly let go and be who you are without judgment or stress surrounding you constantly.
Your shoulders droop as you come to stand in front of your apartment door, your key in hand, positioned over the lock. Inserting the key, you twist. and when you hear a click, simultaneously push the door open.
“I’m home.” You announce breathlessly, not hesitating in slipping out of your shoes.
The sound of slippers shuffling on the oak hardwood floor grows louder as Levi approaches you. The first thing that catches your eye as he rounds the corner is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand.
Your face lights up immediately, an inaudible gasp leaving your mouth. “You got me flowers?” And if you thought your heart bursted earlier today at his actions you were sure that it had completely gone to ruins by now.
A light blush reaches Levi’s cheeks and stretches all the way to the tips of his ear. “Ye-yeah.” he coughs a little shyly. “I was passing by the florist and I saw them on display.”
Your lips pout in complete affection for him as you take the flowers into your hands. “You really didn’t have to.”
He merely shrugs.“You were having a bad day, it’s the least–
Levi doesn’t get the chance to finish off his sentence as you randomly wrap your arms around him, your head landing on his chest. You take him by surprise at your sudden energy and he stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance.
You squeeze him tightly, eyes watering as you mumble your thanks, “I really don’t deserve you y’know?”
You hear Levi tut and feel his hand pat your head softly. “Don’t be stupid.”
“It’s true. “ you say. “I do not deserve you, Levi Ackerman.”
“Don’t get over sentimental about it, brat.”
“Your heart begs to differ.“ you point at his chest. “Your heart is beating so fast right now.”
“No it’s not.”
“I can hear–”
Levi pulls you away from his chest, clearly embarrassed. You miss the pink tinge on his cheeks deepen in shade as he turns around. “Go shower, you stink.”
“Awh, don’t be embarrassed, Le’. I really love them. Thank you.”
He says nothing more and trails off to the kitchen, the sound of his slippers smacking against the hardware floor again. You chuckle to yourself as you head towards your bedroom.
Today was a bad day.
It was until you were stuck with your lover on the couch, forcing him to watch your favorite soppy rom-com to cheer you up. Boxes of unfinished takeout lay on the coffee table ahead of you, a temptation to save them for tomorrow’s leftover.
Tilting your head, you turn to face him, a soft smile across your lips.
“What?” Levi grumbles. “Don’t look at me like that, I hate this movie.”
“But you watch with me everytime.”
“Yeah, because you get all soppy and cry at the ending.”
“So you act as my emotional support?”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, something like that.”
You let out a chuckle at his words, completely unaware that he was serious. Little did you know that he held a pack of tissues in his left hand, that would magically appear to you as soon as the credits would roll on the screen and tears would roll down your face.
“I love you, Levi.” you say, resting your head on his chest.
Once again, you heard his heart rate increase. Yet this time you won’t mention it, sparing him from embarrassment.
“Unfortunately, I love you too.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!”
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angel’s 500 event masterlist.
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
ahhh hello! I saw your 100 followers event and first of all, congratsss! you have an attack on titan option so I'm choosing Maison Rose cafe! I'm probably in that cafe to do some nerdy research and won't order a lot to eat but I'll have a soy milk, a matcha latte, and a kouign-amann (lmao idk how to order)
(For context, I'm sapphic so I'd love a meet cute with someone nonbinary or a woman, that's all thanks love lotss)
a/n: thank you so much for sending this sweet ask babe!! hope you enjoy, had so much fun writing nerds having a meet cute hehe >:) tysm for your patience in waiting for this!! sry it's taking me a while to get thru these i am just so busy lately but i assure everyone i'm working diligently on them!!! <333
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🤍 PAIRING. hange
saturday mornings — an ideal time for some “you time”. and for you, your ideal “you time” means camping out at your favorite local cafe, maison rose, with the latest editions of the many scientific journals you subscribe to. 
as a senior researcher for the survey corps, most of your colleagues prefer to spend their time off reading anything other than studies on titans, given that that’s most of your job. you can’t help but be fascinated enough by them that you use your precious time off to stay on top of the latest discoveries, though.
your area of interest is titan regeneration, and you’re thumbing through a recently published study on that topic this particular morning as you sip your customary soy matcha latte between nibbles of a delectably sugary kouign-amann.  
you look up idly when you hear the doors to the cafe open; maison rose is typically pretty empty on saturday mornings other than you and the couple of other regular patrons, so you’re curious to see who’s coming in now.
 you gasp when you see it’s not just anyone, but practically a celebrity — the survey corps fieldwork star, hange zoe! 
given that your work has been more data analysis and lab-based, the people who do fieldwork are kind of your heroes, and hange zoe is at the top of that pyramid. this is your first time seeing them in person up close, and you try not to stare.
as they stride in and swagger towards the counter, you sigh to yourself; of course they’d just exude cool, on top of everything. 
beyond hange’s inherent charisma, powerful physique, and arrestingly sharp features, though, you admire their mind more than anything. your careers came up around the same time, so you have read almost all of their interviews in everything from mainstream newspapers to esoteric research newsletters. their interviews are always sprinkled with scientific knowledge and wit alike; their narrative voice just has a way of capturing your attention. (you absolutely don’t have a crush on them or anything — you just deeply admire them as a scientist!) 
you turn your eyes back down to your journal and take another sip of your rapidly cooling drink, allowing the pleasantly earthy flavor bring you back down to earth. so what if your long-term celebrity research crush is within breathing distance of you? that’s a pretty average situation, right? you need to get a grip! 
you try not to be too acutely aware as they pick up their americano and madeleines (not that you were paying attention to what they were ordering), and you have to remind yourself to breathe when they flop down at the table right next to yours with a loud sigh, stretching their long arms and legs out. 
fieldwork must be tiring, you think to yourself.
“yeah, tell me about it,” hange laughs, looking right at you. oops. did you just say that out loud instead of thinking it to yourself?! 
if they notice that you’ve gone completely beet red, they ignore it kindly. 
“i should’ve joined the research division like you did instead of signing up for fieldwork, i reckon,” they say with a rueful smile. hold on. they know who you are?!
they must mistake your silence for offense, since their face suddenly opens up into an exaggerated expression of shock. “oh! not to say that what you do is easy. just that i think it’s…well….so cool. so much cooler than what i do — well, not that seeing titans up close isn’t cool, but sometimes i feel like we’re just a glorified cleanup squad…i think the research studies you folks publish are just rad. like that one you published last month in Serum, about the purpose of steam in titans’ regeneration? that was just…way cool! ah, sorry! i’m rambling again…” they trail off with a sheepish chuckle.  
your jaw dropped during their whole spiel. your lab had gotten a small pet project of yours published in a recent edition of Serum, one of the more specialized titan biology related journals; it wasn’t even that popular, and your study was really just one smaller part of the project overall. you had still been proud, though, since that part of the project had felt like your baby.
you had no idea that anybody outside you and your immediate research group even cared about it,  let alone the hange zoe! 
“you’re interested in this stuff?” you ask. “i had no idea our boring grunt work would hold any appeal to a rockstar of the field like you.” you don’t hold back your admiration for them, feeling emboldened by their knowledge of your work. 
“you’re anything but boring, y/n!” they clap a hand over their mouth suddenly. “ooh, sorry, is it ok if i call you y/n? sorry, i just read so much of your work that i feel like i know you!” they laugh again. their smile is infectious, since you find yourself giggling too.
“i feel the same way!” you respond. “i loved your interview in Paradis Times last month about how you collect titan specimens safely! i felt like i was out there in the field with you.”
hange, grinning from ear to ear now, is shaking their head in disbelief. “i can’t believe the y/n l/n knows about little old me! oh, i’m starstruck! listen, do you mind if i pick your brain about your research? i have a feeling i have a lot to learn from you.” 
you agree, and they scrawl their phone number on your hand, apropos of nothing. you blush at the feeling of their hand around yours…and something possesses you to say “we can talk about things other than research, too. if you’d like.”
they give you that radiant, gorgeous grin again. “i’d like that very much, y/n.”  
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tonycries · 3 months
Babe wake up tonycries just dropped another jaw dropping toe curling masterpiece !!!! Ngl everytime you drop a post and I get a notification I drop everything and click on it so hard the screen might break. I've been following your account for a while but I've never really interacted except for liking your posts because sending an ask makes me nervous as hell
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Live reaction of me after reading your posts.
Anyways I hope you have a good day ! :))
I'm so honored oml tysm for reading ahhh you got me blushing and kicking my feet rn hehehe. And also don't be nervous!! I love love loveee asks, I don't bite unless you want me to <333
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virtualcoffeemoon · 1 month
hii loveee omgomgomg did you see the VIDEOOO? i can do it with a broken heart? 😭😭 if yes what are your thoughts? what do you think? i need to know, ahhh i'm feeling soso much right now omg 🤍🤍
omgggg I literally was about to send u an ask like this lol
yesss I literally loved it but it defff wasn't the vibe I was expecting, it felt more wholesome and intimate, compared to the song which is more " hehe I'm so professional but also secretly going insane and nobody knows and would care if they did! "
the music video is more like " heyyy this is what was going on behind stage I actually love my job and the people that surround it also I love all of u guys tysm <333 "
LIKE the difference between the vid and the song was giving me whiplash, I see the vision but it just isn't right for a song like icdiwabh i think the visuals from the lyric video actually are more fitting
over all I like the video and the song individually but it would definitely be better suited for a song like long live or just a little behind the scenes
what about youuuu girlyyyyyy?
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beelikesbirds · 23 days
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. 🤍 You make my day brighter! Love you Bee!
AHHH tysm <333 you are seriously one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met!!
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prentissluvr · 1 month
this is so so late and I apologize, but I was on a trip and just got the chance to read the fake dating headcanons! i’m absolutely obsessed!! you took my idea and made it flourish, I adored it. tysm for writing my request <3
now I gotta catch up on other fics you posted while I was gone!! - 🍁
ahhh it's okay baby!!! i hope that your trip was good!! i'm sooo so glad you that you liked it!! and i hope that you enjoy everything else that you get the change to read hehe <333 sending lots a love <3
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uzi-x33 · 1 month
Hi there, mootie! :3
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going and make someone smile! Add a heart so we know how long the chains been going! ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎💓💙💝💚💘💜💕❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❣️🫀❤️🧡💚 💝🩵
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lofeel · 4 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better!
ahhh tysm<333
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starrynightsxo · 6 months
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jarondont · 6 months
💌send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.💌
Ahw, friend, ty for thinking about me with this message! Certainly I send it back, you are awesome🥺🙏
Ahhh TYSM Mircsy!!! You're so amazing!!! <333
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thatdelusionalnerd · 9 months
🌈💖✨Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get one back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙🩷
I LOVE your new theme btw. it was a jump scare, but I love it. Also why have you broken up with coffee
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attroxx · 4 months
✨ girlie ( non binary ) i wanna print out your writing & plaster it to my forehead. i wanna download your characters in my head & uglie cry over them as my JOB i would come to work EARLY for that & STAY LATE no overtime pay gonna eat your goodness like a five star meal
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ahhh tysm <333 i'm so glad we finally started writing together. rping with you on discord has been sm fun !! koto and dante make me so so happy, one of my favorite ships i have now. thank you for the kind words.
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send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why . . . accepting.
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m-inas · 1 year
If you receive this you make someone happy. Send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better ♡♡
AHHH TYSM 😭 <3333
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s1gmagirl · 2 years
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sehrgefaelltmir · 4 months
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lees-chaotic-brain · 5 months
AHHH TYSM!!!! <333
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