#ahhhh thanks for asking Lychee
mungdou · 3 months
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FT. iwaizumi, kuroo
W. soft swears, innuendos
GR. fluff
AN. kinda inspired by working in my dad's gelato shop and all the couples that come to eat (osamu and bokuto next anyone?)
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"mmmm everything looks so good~" you hum, perusing the choices in the display case. From chocolate to vanilla to raspberry cheesecake, you really can't decide which one to get. "'scuse me! can I try that yuzu cheesecake flavor really quick? ooh and the raspberry lychee!" Your eyes are glittering at all the options and as soon as your samples come you take a small bite.
"Ahh!! Its so good- Hajime c'mere, ahhhh..." You gesture to your boyfriend who is looking in the other case at the more savory flavors. He perks up to look at you beckoning him over and asks the server if he could sample the pistachio before coming over.
"Ahhhh... mmm. Here, try this–" he took the pistachio sample from the server and held his hand under the spoon to feed you. The nutty flavors filled your mouth, its sweet yet savory flavor coated your tongue. "You like? I think I'm gonna get that... What do you think?" He smiled, almost like a kid at a candy store.
You groaned with satisfaction and nodded. How could gelato be so good? As you whipped back around towards Iwaizumi, you froze. "Oh! You have a little something on your mouth-" You pointed to your lips, trying to show him where it was, awkwardly changing positions to try and help him understand.
"Here?" He licked the corner of his mouth to no avail.
"No no, here!" You pointed more aggressively.. though that really didn't help at all.
"Wait her-" He froze, feeling your thumb graze where the melted gelato. You licked your thumb with triumph.
"There." You grinned at his face, which quickly turned bright red. He covered his face and looked down before asking the server for a small cup of the pistachio.
After ordering both of your cups, he graciously paid before the two of you sat down. He placed the cups down, and to his surprise, you stole his cup to take the first bite.
"Jeez, you could have asked first, dummy." He snatched the cup back as you giggled. Resigned, he sighed and held up the spoon. "Here."
Your mouth opened and your eyes closed, but as you waited for a few seconds yet nothing came. You cracked one eye open, only to see your cup and his in his hand and both spoons in his mouth.
"Yo! What gives??" Your hand reached out over the table, struggling to take the cup back from your scheming boyfriend. He moved the cups out of your reach, smirking while making exaggerated yums and so goods.
"Give me a kiss." He puckered his lips cartoonishly, stretching out his neck. "Then I'll give it back."
You pecked him on the mouth and snatched the cup out of his hand. "Thank you very much! I'm not giving you anymore." You huffed, pouting before licking the rim of the cup.
"Don't you want your spoon back?" Iwaizumi held it out towards you.
"Ew no, your saliva's all over that thing, I'm getting a new one" You got up (with your cup) and walked over to the counter.
"Huh? You've had more than my saliva in your mouth before, what makes this any different???" He said loudly as you walked away. You yelled at him to shut up, but when he turned back to enjoy his dessert, a child no older than seven stared at him with blank eyes and his mother glared at him. Needless to say, he followed your command until you two left the store in mild embarrassment.
"Ugh it's so hot outside. Why did we come out here again?" Kuroo said, his messy bangs glistening with sweat. The two of you decided this date was going to be a nice, calm, park date. However, with temperatures up to 90ºF, it was anything but nice and calm. Instead, the two of you were slightly irritable and tired.
Normally, seeing your tall, well toned, charismatic boyfriend in the afternoon sun would be a treat for sore eyes, but in this heat, there was nothing to do but to sweat together in solidarity.
"I thought it was gonna be pretty nice out today." You sighed, looking out at the scenery, the heat making the sight look quite wobbly. "If only it rained yesterday, then it wouldn't be so muggy..." Pulling out a handheld fan, you waved it in front of Kuroo, who, in the heat, was practically melting.
"It doesn't help that I'm wearing mostly dark colors today either," He groaned, flapping his shirt to try and let the air circulate. He lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his brow, his toned abs shining in the sun. Yum.
"Tetsu," You began, before hearing his acknowledging hum, "next time we should go to the beach." He hummed again, this time with a questioning tone. You poked his lean stomach in boredom, tracing your fingers from side to side.
"Well, for one, we'd be able to cool down in the ocean, and two, you'd properly tan so that you don't get weird tan lines." You pointed at his crew socks, "Especially those ones."
He laughed softly, "You just want to see me without a shirt on." He had a point, nothing was better than seeing that, probably better than the blob you saw in front of you. "Oh don't forget about your gelato, don't let it melt" His head drooped again, laying on your shoulder like a sunbathing cat.
With his head on your shoulder, you tentatively licked the gelato cone you had gotten just a few minutes ago, having no energy in you.
"Tetsurou, you want some? Come here.." You lifted your arm and held it in front of his face, possessed with sleep and lethargy. Closing your eyes, you felt yourself drifting off.
He leaned forward towards the cone, but instead of feeling the cone shift in your hand, you felt... something warm on your hand. At first you thought nothing of it. Its probably some sweat... no...
Your eyes shot open and in front of you was Kuroo, licking off all the melted gelato that dripped off your fingers. His tongue was meticulous, weaving between your fingers, around your wrist, up the cone....
"EWW!! Tetsurou Kuroo that is so friggin gross!! What in God's green earth are are you doing???" You jumped up, looking at your hand that was not only sticky, but also covered in saliva. Whipping your head around, you frantically looked for a fountain to wash your hand in. You froze as a familiar hand grasped your wrist, and a familiar pair of lips pressed to the back of your hand.
"Sorry, we didn't have any napkins and you were about to get it all over yourself~" Kuroo grinned mischievously before taking a bite out of your cone.
"Ugh– Did you– With teeth?? You scare me sometimes." You laughed, tucking your hand away. He might be cunning, but he really is just an idiot at heart.
“I might be an idiot,” Kuroo began, reading your mind, “but I’m your idiot so deal with it.” and pressed his sticky lips against your cheek.
He’s right, of course, but you’d never admit that.
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3, 4, 8 for skylar and hazel!!
Ahhhhh ok, I'll do these in 2 sections just so it's easier to read lol also I'll try not to ramble since it'll already be kinda long 😅
3. Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it's done can we see it?:
Skylar's backstory is pretty much done (I'm constantly adding/subtracting/moving things around but the core of it stays the same). Basically she's a bisexual disaster whose girlfriend joined the marines as a way to earn some money for them to leave home (very domestic), but her ship was blown to pieces by a pirate crew and she's presumed dead. Meanwhile, Skylar's parents are pretty archaic in their thinking (they run a huge business empire, both legal and on the black market, and their goal has always been to keep it in the family), they're also violently homophobic (and don't believe people can be into more than one gender, so the fact Skylar was in love with a woman is her "choosing" a side in their minds), and there's the implication of a sorta conversion therapy kinda thing that happens in between her girlfriend leaving and the start of the actual story. The week before the story starts it's decided she's been "good" enough to allow some freedom once again, and one day when a certain yellow submarine pulls into the harbor, Skylar makes the snap decision to run away (she's dealt with emotional and physical abuse for a very large chunk of her life, so even though it's not a well thought out plan and could very likely get her killed, she'd rather try to leave than stay under their thumb). She does end up getting caught (of course) and convinces Law she's just an idiot (no bad intentions towards his crew) and he does agree to let her live, but even after getting to the next island she ends up right back on his sub and they bargain for her to work on the sub in exchange for room and board (she thinks it's because nobody else wants to cook, but part of Law's reasoning is she dropped a comment about the black market and "some guy named Joker" that her parents are always talking about, and while she doesn't know who Joker actually is or anything about it, Law's gears are spinning and he figures he can use her for information somehow in the future)
And then shenanigans 😂😂
4. How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
She was terrified of him 😂😂 Skylar absolutely knew who's ship she was sneaking onto but she chose to do it anyway, and he threatened to remove her limbs the first night they met lol but she does grow to care for him pretty quickly. She's a very emotional person, which helps her read emotions in others a lot easier than most, so she can read him really well (which tbh terrifies him and pisses him off for a long time until he stops being a butt about his own feelings lol)
8. Does your s/i have any kind of powers?
Skylar has a so far unnamed devil fruit, but it's kind of a mixture of a few existing ones (i had already come up with hers before I saw them in canon so I tried to make it work so it wasn't the same lol) technically the ability is the ability to manipulate light particles (inspiration from marvel's Invisible Woman ✌). She mostly uses it to camouflage herself/turn invisible, but she eventually learns a sort of force field technique (like the hardened light bridges in portal 2) and that same technique can be used as a way to "fly" in some cases (but it's very draining so she doesn't use it often when she does learn it). She also ate the fruit totally on accident, thinking it was something else, and is really upset that she can't swim anymore, but can't deny it REALLY comes in handy lol
So when I said self-indulgent I meant it lmao she's Luffy's older sister (blood relative), older by 4 years (so older than Ace and Sabo by 1 year. She's the BIG sister lol). Most of her backstory follows the same as Luffy's, though she definitely caused less trouble. She also can't really remember their parents despite being 4 when he was born (it's not too farfetched, especially if they went to Foosha Village when they were that young), but she can remember snippets of Dragon's face, and a voice she thinks is her mother's if she tries hard enough. The biggest thing is that she can remember the first time she saw her baby brother, and how he seemed to be beaming at her even as a newborn, and her "older sibling" instinct immediately set in (the stronger Luffy gets the less he needs her to "protect" him, but she's always going to, and that extends to the other 2 as well later on). Unfortunately this does turn into a sort of maternal instinct for a while, and she has a kind of maturity complex, but after more adults join the crew and tell her "YOU ARE STILL A LITERAL CHILD GO HAVE FUN" she eventually chills out a little lol
Soooo I haven't actually decided who she'd end up with, if anyone, yet lol the thirsty part of me says Law, but I think she'd fit with Nami or even Zoro well too (and unfortunately I think she'd fit really well with Ace as well but that treads into iffy territory that I'm not sure how to navigate yet)
Either way: with Zoro she spends the whole first day with him on the crew apologizing for Luffy's antics (he no longer cares), she's honestly initially suspicious of Nami (nobody wants to hear it though), but now both girls are fiercely protective of each other, with Law he'd just finished patching her up after Marineford, she shouldn't even be moving around yet, and she pulls a knife on him that he better not try anything funny with Luffy (highkey overprotective since he's now her ONLY brother and on the brink of death), but after Luffy recovers she comes to respect him, and at Punk Hazard she's one of the first to trust him with the alliance (though he does make a few quips about her almost stabbing him, which she shrugs off).
She actually got into quite a few fist fights with Ace when they first met for "being mean to Luffy", but with everything that happens with those kids she comes to love him deeply and is devastated by his death (I kinda feel like if anything were to have happened between them it would've been while they were teenagers, mostly due to hormones but the feelings were still real, but they decided not to pursue it further and he left to become a pirate while she stuck around to wait for Luffy, so by the time they're adults it's no longer romantic love? Idk yet lol I started shipping them on accident and now I have to make it work without it being...yikes lol)
Hazel doesn't have any devil fruit powers, but she does have a robot leg (lost it in Enies Lobby, Franky hooked her up. Complete with knee-pistol and roller blade), and during the time skip she first learns some basic Fishman Karate from Jinbei before he goes back to Fishman Island, and then she trains with Hancock and the Kuja Pirates (which only happens as a favor to Luffy, and even then ONLY because she's his sister and therefore not a rival lmao)
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Chapter 2: Rebirth
Korra is the first one to wake up. She quickly gets dressed and packs everything she’ll need on her trip. She takes care to grab toys for Naga and clothes for any weather. There was no telling where the journey may lead them, even with Tenzin’s strict planning. The young Avatar made sure she had everything before sitting her bags by the door. One by one she woke everyone up and made sure they were ready to depart. As the sun rose past the clouds everyone could hear the loud humming of an airship approaching the island.
Metalbenders jettisoned cords up to the massive airship and guided it down to the onboarding ramp. Everyone had gathered at the bottom of the ramp in anticipation. Korra stared up in amazement as the doors slid open and Asami emerged from the ship. “Did somebody order a fully equipped Future Industries airship” she shouted to everyone below.
“It’s perfect! Thanks Asami,” Korra said glowingly. When she asked Asami for a favor she didn’t expect all that much.
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“I figured we should travel in style,” the CEO explained. The kids excitedly explored the ship and everyone said their goodbyes as Pema, Kya, Meelo, Ikki, and Rohan were staying behind. Mako showed up unexpectedly but Korra was happy to see him.
He offered maps of every village and town reporting new airbenders inside the Earth Kingdom. Korra was grateful but wanted Mako to actually come along, not just send his regards. Bolin used his little-brother charm to convince the broody young man to join them and Team Avatar was officially reunited.
Inside the airship there were enormous meeting rooms, balconies, plush furniture, sleeping quarters for everyone, and a level just for Oogi and Naga. Asami had picked the biggest and best equipped airship in the fleet. After Mako led a meeting to map out their journey, everyone went off to claim a room. Korra got settled in a smaller bedroom nearest Naga’s area so they could be close. She unpacked most of her things and set out down the hall to check on everyone else.
Naga caught a wiff of her owner’s scent and barreled into the hall as well. “Hey girl, you doing okay,” Korra asked of the polar beardog. Naga wagged her tail giddily and began knocking things off the wall. Korra attempted to calm her down but Naga thought it was a game. Asami, who was roomed just across the hall, heard all the noise and poked her head out to investigate.
She ducked her head just in time to avoid being smacked by a wagging tail. “Woah there! No need to redecorate so soon, Naga,” Asami jested. Korra craned her head around her big furry pal and locked eyes with a smiling Asami.
“I’m definitely gonna clean this up,” Korra insisted with a strained smile. “Knock it off Naga,” she commanded through gritted teeth. Finally, Naga obeyed and sat squarely between the two women. 
“It’s no big deal. I don’t even know where these pictures are from. I think they're just part of the decor,” the businesswoman explained. She was happy Naga could come along. She knew how sad her and Korra were when they were apart. Korra squeezed past the massive white beardog and stood face-to-face with Asami in the narrow hall. 
“I can’t thank you enough for letting us use this ship. It means a lot,” Korra said. Asami propped her hand on her hip and quipped, “did you think you were going to run off and have all the fun without Team Avatar?” Korra laughed at the feigned sass then suggested they go raid the kitchen. She was starving.
Asami rummaged through the fridge while Korra peaked in each canister she could find. They collected a few snacks and met up at the huge table in the corner of the kitchen. “I’ve got some berries, nuts, and….fire gummies,” Korra exclaimed with a grin.
Asami dumped her pilfered food onto the table and noted “some dumplings, fruit tart, and lychee juice.” The duo was impressed with their haul and divided it up evenly. They stuffed themselves until it got too dark to make out their snacks just a few feet in front of them. Korra firebent a light and they gathered up their trash.
“Wait, I’ll keep those,” Korra said of the fire flakes they found later on. Asami giggled, “I didn’t realize how much junk food you ate.” 
Korra blushed and shoved the snacks in her pocket. “That’s one thing Bolin and I had in common for the two seconds we were dating.” 
Asami’s green eyes widened with confusion. “You dated Bolin,” she asked with exasperation.
The Avatar had to laugh at the big reaction to such old news. “Totally! When Mako rejected me I figured Bolin was sweet and available. In hindsight, I was probably just running away from my feelings for Mako.”
“I know that feeling,” Asami groaned empathetically. “It was hard seeing him dote over you when you got kidnapped. Not that I wasn’t worried about you...I just missed that attention.”
Korra let the silence sit for a beat before she rattled her bag of fire flakes to offer her friend some. “Now that we’re close- well closer friends, I think we’re both being avoided pretty evenly.”
“No kidding,” Asami agreed with a laugh. She shoved her hand into the bag and flicked a few flakes into the air. She bobbed and weaved to catch each one in her mouth. Korra was thoroughly impressed with the CEO’s skills. 
“Did they teach you that in etiquette school?”
Asami’s cheeks reddened as she thought how silly she must have looked. Korra liked seeing a more fun loving side of Asami. Too often they were working or fighting bad guys or planning to save the world. Catching flying fire flakes was a welcome change of pace and reminded Korra of when they first met and Asami took her race car driving.
The Avatar grabbed a few flakes and tried to catch them with her mouth. The first one landed on her cheek, the second on the floor, and the third fell into her eye. “Ahhhh, fire in my eye,” she howled. The burning quickly went from bad to hell and Korra froze in panic.
“Oh Spirits,” Asami gasped. She immediately started pushing Korra back to the kitchen and over to the sink. Despite Korra’s frantic flailing, she managed to get her friend’s head under the faucet. She held her eye under the running water for about a minute and rubbed Korra’s back until she was no longer writhing in pain.
Korra stood up with her hair soaked and a red, inflamed eye. “Note to self: no more fire flakes.”
It wasn’t exactly funny but Asami couldn’t keep from laughing. The bellowing chuckles were infectious and soon Korra joined in. They laughed and laughed until they doubled-over with stomach pain and sore cheeks.
“It’s not funny but you look so pitiful and cute,” Asami finally managed to say between joyful gasps of air.
“Well at least I’m cute,” Korra responded as she tried to regain her composure.
The word “cute” lingered in the air once silence fell over them. They exchanged quick, quizzical glances before Korra broke the silence.
“I think we better get some sleep. The first Earth Kingdom state is not too far. We’ll be there by morning.”
Asami diverted her eyes and ran her hand through her hair anxiously. “You’re right, we should.”
The next few days were full of disappointment. Every new airbender the team encountered opted not to join Tenzin at the northern air temple. Tenzin had tried pitching all his favorite things about the Air Nation - the food, the clothes, the bison - but nothing was convincing enough. Korra, being strong headed as usual, decided she should try her hand at recruiting someone. The Avatar, Bolin, and Mako traveled into the next town in search of a young new airbender. The young man’s mother was very excited to find the Avatar at her door. She desperately wanted her 22 year old son to move out of her basement. Rui, however, was a lethargic and apathetic guy. He had no motivation to leave his parents’ home or join the Air Nation. Despite a few sage words of encouragement from Korra, Rui wouldn’t agree to come. Korra got frustrated and came pretty close to just dragging the couch potato out of his home. His mother surely wanted him gone. Mako and Bolin had to restrain Korra and insist on returning to the airship.
When the trio returned with no new recruits everyone seemed deflated and defeated. They all sat around a grand table with a giant map of the nations. Korra folded her legs in her chair and slouched back so her head hung over the edge. Bolin and Bumi were the only ones with any hope left. Together they came up with an idea to put on a street performance to impress people with airbending and get recruits interested. The team had reached a point where they’d try anything, so they agreed on a plan for their last stop on the way to Ba Sing Se. 
Korra got cleaned up and spent some time tidying her room. She glanced out her window and caught the sunset as it disappeared over the water. Around that time every night, her and Asami met up in the kitchen to enjoy more snacks. The taller woman had beat Korra this night and was perched on the table eating little cakes from a platter she’d found.
The two sat side-by-side on the tabletop with their feet swinging freely. Korra tried the mouth trick with some safer snacks and eventually perfected the technique. Asami showed her how to rest her tongue in the back of her mouth to keep from choking. “It would be pretty anticlimactic if a berry took you out,” Asami said coyly. 
Both women began laughing with their whole bodies. Every nighttime rendezvous on the airship was full of deep laughs and fun times. Korra even joked once that they were basically at summer camp. Asami thought back to all the close friends she had in the past and couldn’t think of one as fun to hangout with as Korra. 
They stayed up way later than they intended and burned through a few candles, keeping the lights off so they wouldn’t get caught. Neither woman even made it to bed. They fell asleep sitting back-to-back on the kitchen floor. Naga came and wrapped her furry body around them to stay warm. Time seemed to escape them when they were with each other.
Bolin got everyone up and out of bed. He was surprised to find Asami and Korra cuddling up with Naga on the kitchen floor. 
“It’s showtime ladies. Hut hut hut!” Bolin yelled his orders and the two women sat up frantically in a sleepy daze. They looked around until they realized they hadn’t gone to bed and were pressed against each other still. 
Asami swiveled her head around and met Korra’s cyan eyes. They giggled at their current situation- caught red handed after a night of snacks and staying up late. Bolin started yelling again, unsatisfied with their pace.
“We don’t have all day, ladiesssss!”
Korra’s giddy grin turned into a scowl that she shot towards her overzealous friend. She jumped up and stomped over to Bolin and pointed a stern finger right at his nose. “Yell one more order before I’m completely awake, and you’ll have the ‘running away in fear’ role later today.”
Bolin quivered and recoiled away from the strong-looking index. “Th- that’s not a role, Korra,” he stuttered.
“I’ll make it a role,” the Avatar growled. Asami hopped up and pulled Korra away by her shoulder but the water tribe woman continued to glare at Bolin as she walked backwards out the kitchen. Naga followed suit and huffed a moist breath in Bolin’s face before heading back to her area.
“Phew!” Bolin exhaled and straightened his posture before continuing with his morning wake-up call. Before long the team was docked in a small town at the edge of a long cliff. Tenzin emerged from the airship and shed his robe to dazzle the crowd with his airbending. Jinora joined in and Korra pretended to apprehend Mako, who was playing the role of a bandit. Korra laid it on thick creating her small vortex of wind and whipped Mako rather hard. She and Asami laughed at Mako’s expense as he quietly protested the realistic performance.
One new airbender was intrigued by the show. His name was Kai and he told the team he was orphaned and running from bandits. When the police showed up it was revealed that Kai was orphaned but was a troublemaker too. He had been adopted but had stolen from his adoptive parents and went on the run. Kai pleaded with Korra and Tenzin for a second chance and acceptance. He believed airbending chose him for a reason.
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After some thought, Korra bargained with the police, offering to return all of Kai’s stolen goods if they released him to Team Avatar. She figured he just needed some guidance. The police agreed and let Kai join the group. The young boy wrapped his arms around the Avatar and thanked her for believing in him. She jostled his hair and welcomed him into their motley crew. Mako however, gave the newcomer a stern warning, and put Kai on notice that he was being watched.
Everyone returned to the airship and began preparing for dinner and the final leg to Ba Sing Se. Kai purposefully picked a seat next to Jinora who caught his eye the moment he saw her. Korra wound up seated next to Asami for the first time on the trip. They got the chance to chat with each other over dinner without having to speak across the table or communicate with their eyes. They spoke in a low volume as they assessed how Jinora stared lovingly at Kai all night. “Can you believe that was us once,” Asami questioned under her breath.
Korra muffled her laugh with her hand but Mako still noticed. “What’s so funny,” he asked dryly, assuming they were still going on about the street performance.   
Blue and green eyes shot open wide and darted around the table. Everyone was looking at the two women and waiting for an answer. “Uh...nothing,” Korra said.
“Yeah, we were just laughing at…” Asami looked around quickly for something other than Jinora and Kai to blame their laughter on. “...Bumi’s hair! What’s with that ‘do,” she said nervously with an unsure smile.
“Hey, can’t an old man try something new?” Bumi ran his fingers through his spikey locks which made them stand even taller. The whole dinner table began to laugh and the attention shifted away from Asami and Korra.
“Nice one,” Korra whispered as she nudged her friend with her elbow. Asami smiled proudly. She was growing quite fond of their antics as a pair. 
Once everyone returned to their rooms for the night, Asami slipped across the hall to Korra’s room. She leaned against the doorway and folded her arms as she watched the Avatar try to untangle a ball of string Naga found. Though her hands were big and rough, Korra was very delicate with them in the moment. Her tongue was poking out with determination and her brown was scrunched up as she focused, not noticing Asami standing nearby.
The industrialist cleared her throat to make her presence known. “Oh hey! Come in,” Korra insisted. 
Asami sat on the floor next to Korra as she continued to unweave the string. A particularly small knot gave her some trouble and Asami could sense the frustration rising in the other woman. She gently took the string into her own hands without saying a word. After a life of being tended to, Asami had soft dainty fingers and silky smooth skin. She effortlessly undid the tangles and passed the freed string back to Korra as it became undone.
“You’re so amazing,” Korra said softly, not knowing if she meant to keep that in her head. Asami smiled in response. “You’re not so bad yourself, Avatar.”
Instead of their usual trip to the kitchen, the two women hung out in Korra’s room. They searched the entire airship for pillows and piled them all on the floor. They built a fort like little kids and Korra used fire bending and a few rocks to make silly shadows on the wall. Asami listed off her favorite animals and Korra did her best to bend the earth to match each request. 
“Oo, do a turtleduck,” Asami begged playfully. “I love turtleducks.”
Korra pressed her lips together and mumbled a few swear words as she tried to bend the rock into a turtleduck shape. After a few seconds she was satisfied with her work and raised it up in front of the flame. “Done!”
Asami laughed so hard she rolled onto her back. “That looks more like an arctic hippo, Korra!” The amusement continued to bellow from Asami’s chest and was reinvigorated every time she looked up. 
Korra’s face drooped with dismay at first, but she couldn’t help but chuckle too. Asami was too adorable to be mad at. “I guess it is pretty round,” Korra admitted playfully. While her friend continued to crack up, she took the rock and kept bending with her full focus. She used airbending to smooth the rough edges and firebending to char a turtle shell pattern onto the stone. By the time Asami caught her breath Korra had crafted a perfect turtleduck figurine.
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Asami stared at how cute and intricate it was after only a few minutes of fine tuning. “Korra,” she said, almost in a sigh. “This is...wow.”
The Avatar blushed at Asami’s reaction. She placed the figurine in the other woman’s hand. “You keep it,” she added.
For a split second, Asami thought she might cry. Turtleducks were her favorite animals and she was starting to think that Korra was her favorite person. Maybe...just maybe.
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