xrofahsx · 11 months
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It has been five years since The Harmons died and The infamous “Murder House” became home to thePi Iota Epsilon Sorority and the Beta Phi Tau Fraternity. Ghosts and hormone-induced, party crazy teenagers aren’t a good mix. The spirits of the house decide to toy with them, they’re out for blood. But where some people die, love is born and where love is held, it could bring death. Will history repeat itself or will the spirits decide your fate peacefully? Take a leap of faith and join the-darkness-has-us.
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xrofahsx · 2 years
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Hello, and welcome to Ring Of Fire! This is an American Horror Story Discord Group, and we've been running going on five years now from roleplayer.me, and want to recruit on Tumblr as well. We have recently decided to make this a more discord oriented group, which would just require you play a character without a page, in the safety of your own discord! Just fill out the form and choose the season you're associated with in self roles.
1. We are Page Optional. If You do want a page, that is great! You must post the 𝑅𝑃-𝑃𝐴𝐺𝐸-𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐾𝑆 channel! There's no activity requirement for roleplayer.me site or tumblr. You can muse in those as well, if you want! You don't need to know what roleplayer.me is if you don't know
2. The main activity requirement that is an ABSOLUTE MUST is GROUP SLS. We break them apart per season. OC's must join the group SLs that their character is correlated with, even if it's a couple. If you feel your OC isn't apart of that timeline in the plot, please don't worry, just talk to an admin. Everyone has two weeks to reply whenever it is their turn. If you do not do the group sl, your role will be re-opened.
3. OC must make sense. They could be apart of multiple seasons, however it must with the timeline. We don't allow OC's to replace any character. Yes, we do take Celebrity AUs, and if you have seen Coven, Stevie Nicks is a good example. But they must fit into the AHS timeline. Make sure you have a Face Claim and a story in place, whether you have a page or not. It is important to have everything ready so everybody else knows who your character is! Must have these things ready before getting into the group!
4. WE DO MONTHLY DRABBLES, however, you can opt out of them if you don't have time that month. We also require you at least do 3 or more 1x1 storylines with your main connections, if you are a cannon character, especially if you're a main character. OC's have more freedom in that realm.
5. If your interested role is closed, and you have no other role you want, you're welcome to leave the server before joining! It is okay. 6. EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE. Nobody has to write with everyone, but in reality, we all do. 1x1 maybe lax, but please give an OC a chance too. We all need each other to help our muse grow, and OCs need Cannons as well!
7. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CLAIM UP TO 2 CHARACTERS UP FRONT. However, be wary on what you choose, because each character has to write in a group SL. Meaning if you have Nan and Queenie, they both have to be in the Coven/Apocalypse Sl. If you have Kit, and March, then they have to be in the Asylum SL and then the Hotel SL. Once I see activity after 30 days, you will have room to pick up 2 more characters.
8. And Lastly, NO DRAMA or BULLYING. That means NO harassing another member for replies, or a SL they might not want. ANY OUTSIDE DRAMA between you and another member must be taken care of outside of the group. ADMINS HAVE THE RIGHT TO DENY A POTENTIAL MEMBER. We Will not take Past members unless there is a conversation had first. (Depends on why you got kicked or left the first time.)
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dlc-archive · 12 years
Is the app count updated?
It is indeed :)
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