huitunkuutti · 2 years
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Reading time
[Id: Drawing of a little fish with human legs and hands under a light reading a book. He’s wearing a little hat and socks, and is draped with a starry blanket.]
Uploading Huevember pieces I forgot to upload here so Huevember day 23 with Ahve my son [he/him]. He is quickly learning how to read!!!
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I would like to know more about the fish in your profile pic. :)
oh!!! of course!!! gladly :) here's a full picture of the little fella:
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so this guy's a Perca fluviatilis, or European perch, or just a perch, or in Finnish, ahven!
It's a predatory fish that lives in both fresh and brackish water, so here in Finland, dotted with over 180 000 lakes (albeit most are very small) and surrounded by the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea (or Itämeri in Finnish, which is funny because it means the East Sea even though from Finland said sea is to the west, but it's a direct translation from Swedish, to whom it is in the east lol anyway), it's a very common fish. In fact, it's the most common fish in Finland! There are a lot of little lakes and ponds in which it might be the only fish. It's also the national fish of Finland!
The important characteristics are the red (or really orange usually) fins and tail, the darker stripes, and the spikey dorsal fin, with the little black dot at the end towards the tail. In some of the darkwater lakes they can get almost black, though, so the stripes aren't always visible, but for example in the sea, where the water is clearer, you can see them well.
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They can grow pretty big, but are usually 15-30 cm and weigh at most something like 350 grams, though occasionally bigger fish are found. When it comes to people who fish for fun, and not like, with big ships, the perch is the most commonly fished fish in Finland, I think? They can also withstand waters quite a lot acidic than most Finnish fish, which contributes to them living in tiny bog ponds as the only fish in there. Mostly they live in Europe (aside from Spain and Italy) and all the way to the Kolyma River in the Russian far east, but they've been planted in places such as Australia, New Zealand/Aotearoa, South Africa and even China I think? Where they're endangering the native fish species :[ so that's not good
They're pretty curious little fishies! They live in schools of fish during the day and look for food together, but at night they rest on their own at the bottom of the body of water they live in. A few times, when I've gone swimming in a lake with clear water, I've spotted them in the shallow water rather close to people swimming, and when I stayed in place for long enough they came really close a few times! I could've almost touched them, but they're also really fast, so they would've (and probably did) sprint away.
I've caught them a few times, but the ones I've fished have been too small so I've let them go. When my dad's side of the family used to have the cottage in the archipelago my mom has now, my grandparents used to put out the fishing nets (I helped a few times as well!) and then in the morning I'd help take the fishes out of the net, and there'd be perch there pretty often. I've also filleted these fish, and eaten them haha. My favorite is perch covered in flour and fried in butter, served with mashed potato! But most of all I do like just watching them :)
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A couple more fun facts! They have a sharp boney spike at the edge of their gill cover, so you have to be careful when you hold them for example taking it off a hook! And the spikes on their back! They're very spiky fish :D
The word for ahven here in Russian is окунь, okun', which according to a version of the etymology, comes from the old word for eye, oko. In Finnish, ahven is pretty close to the reconstructed Proto-Finnic form *ahvën, but we don't know what the etymology for that is! The name for the fish is really similar in most Finnic languages though:
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Lastly, the Finnish name for the big island and autonomous region of Åland is Ahvenanmaa, with ahvena being a dialectal form of ahven, and thus the name is like, the land of the perch :) It might come from the fact that in the 1500s, the people from there paid their taxes in perch? The etymology on that one is a little unlcear still! Just a fun little fact. :)
Here's a picture of a little ahven I took in 2018!
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I just really like them :) ahven my beloved <3 <3 <3
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duckduckngoose · 5 months
Every day I think about episode 22: Open and Shut from taz graduation and i am totally normal about it every single time
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cuntstable · 2 years
i forgot how healing it is to draw naked scary women with swords. maybe even covered in blood? anyway god bless this will fix me
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beta-adjacent · 2 years
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i humbly volunteer to listen to you speak for hours about it *sits listening like that one spiderverse meme*
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO FIRST ASK EVER!!!!!!!!! >:D Strap in, motherfucker, because I don't know when I'm getting this chance again, I'm going to be summarizing a lot, and I'm going to do it within 30 minutes because if I don't, it'll end up in my drafts for literally a week.
Ok so!! I don't actually know how much you know about the franchise, but Zombies (probably known as 'Z-O-M-B-I-E-S' but that's way too tedious to write more than once) is a very basic, "new age", "anti-ism" story that tries to say like, "we all should love each other!" but ends up Actually saying "every racial ideology you've ever held onto is going to be reinforced!" Here are some brief things that show this:
Zombies in general! Much like Zootopia, Zombies argue zombies AKA our minority are genuine threats who eat brains. There is a biological, predatory difference between them. Also, they use Electroshock Therapy as treatment and it Works and No One Questions It Morally Until I Think Movie 3??????
Zed, our main character who is an ostracized zombie, is only given worth when he himself exploits his electroshock treatment so he can be a football star (CLASSIC myth that if you work hard enough, you'll make it, but probably as an entertainer). And then in following movies, he is given an impossible standard as The Representative of All Zombies Ever; he runs for president even when other characters (COUGH COUGH FUCKING ELIZA WTF DISNEY YOU COWARDS) are FAR MORE capable AND persuasive
Eliza, another zombie, representing the "violent, angry revolutionaries" of the ostracized group. She is shut down time and time again because violence or force doesn't work. Which. Ok, I don't like violence either, but you're riding upon the context of fucking racial tension IRL, Disney.
Bonzo. A zombie named Bonzo. I love him bc he's a multi-lingual king but also you called him FUCKING BONZO STOP PLEASE
ADDISON. I hate this character so much as-is in the franchise because she tries again and again and again to "belong" because she has white hair. But???? It literally just looks like regular human hair so????? ALSO WHITE HAIR WAS REALLY IN FOR GEN Z. And she does this to not only the zombies but the wolves and the aliens. MOST IMPORTANTLY she represents white privilege, that oppressor guilt (specifically that kind that still makes it about the oppressor somehow instead of just. Supporting the oppressed). And she is praised EVERY FUCKING TIME for it. There are no consequences for her actions.
Movie 2, Yes I am grouping this entire thing into one cluster even though it deserves an entire Powerpoint and then some. Tl;dr the werewolves who were the original inhabitants of Seabrooke (ok so the indigenous people) want to take their land back (a little on the nose Disney) so the newly acclimated zombies try to teach them to succeed in the environment. Any of the messages in these movies are like... not good (like movie 1 was teach your children to be better but also exploit the minority, movie 2 is we should all share the land AKA you can get your piece back but Only Your One Piece Motherfucker), but the execution of movie 2 is particularly bad because I ARGUE! The zombies have the duality of Asian Americans with the model minority versus yellow threat. They are still absolutely feared but they have "proven" themselves so they are the "ideal" minority to look up to, but also Because of their proven worth, the oppressors feel threatened. But also, movie 2 has the best music in that 1) they have the meme wolf songs and 2) . ALSO ADDISON HAS VERY UGLY WIGS IN THIS MOVIE
Movie 3, I barely remember, which is ironic bc I watched it the most recently! Very forgettable; I think it took a more action-y approach bc it knew it fucked up. It had its first nonbinary actor so... that's cool? We learn that Addison's grandma loved Addison (her grandaughter) more than her own daughter which.... fucking What. Justice for Addison's mom hello?? OH AND THE ALPHA WEREWOLF WILLA AND ASPEN THE ENBY ALIEN ARE IN LOVE THAT'S CANON. Anyways hopefully you get the idea that this movie was made to respond to the backlash of the first 2 movies and make it "actually diverse" with a "wholesome simple" message
Now listen. I have 5 minutes left. And with this last five minutes (really 3 because I'm writing the tags/editing in the last 2) I'm going to entrust you with the most valuable bullshit hc I've ever created SPECIFICALLY for my ideal write of the franchize.....
Addison has autism.
STOP I KNOW LISTEN!! IF SHE *WANTS* TO BE FUCKING DIFFERENT THEN WE SHOULDN"T RELY ON THIS FUCKING ALIEN SHIT. OR WE JUST MAKE THE ALIEN SHIT BETTER THAN WHITE HAIR. I KNOW THE IMPLICATION OF HER BEING AN ALIEN AND BEING AUTISTIC IS BAD BUT I LOVE THE IDEA THAT THE ALIENS ARE NEUROTYPICAL TOO AND SHE HAS JUST HAD TO MASK ALL HER LIFE. Addison SHOULD learn that doing everything her parents want is not fucking ideal and getting a boyfriend should not be the extent of those attempts!!! And she Needs to understand that being the white fucking savior for all these monsters gains her no fucking sympathy. Also, if she was autistic-coded in the original Disney franchize because of the alien shit, Disney would so not be afraid to do it; they'd say autistics are akin to otherwordly creatures negatively (THEY SHOULDN"T BUT YOU KNOW THEY FUCKING WOULD WITH THIS TRACK RECORD)
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fzrticv · 2 years
Me; yeha, im donje with fe i aint gonna get the new ga- Me; wathces a bit of it in a stream me now ; ... fuck.
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jjbatarotdeck · 10 months
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Preorders for Starline, A JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Tarot Deck, open in five days!
(Card previews by @ahvene, @arikabooboo & @sboopie!)
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xoluvx · 18 days
it’s on “billie eilish tours” on instagram
oh girl i don't see things til they're on twitter x whatever the hell it's called now and i ahven''t been on all dayyyy let me check
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Funniest thing about wok prime is how over in jasnahs and ahvens(taragangians) sides of the story people keep mentioning onyxseers, who can see the future if they have onyx
and over in merins(kaladins) side he keeps going "hmm, renarin has this black rock hes really obsessed with and he keeps making weirdly accurate predictions and he wont explain how, i guess hes just really good at algebra."
and this is never commented on ever
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triflingshadows · 1 year
Self-Rec tag game
Tagged by @dungeons-and-dragon-age and @oopsallmabari !
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made.
1- Something you absolutely adore:
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The wayfarer mass attack from last year’s artfight is still one of my favorite pieces I’ve done overall. I don’t think I’d have been able to do it for another fandom just because of how involved I was in the wayfarer discord+artist circles back then, and how small the fandom is compared to, say, dragon age. This one^ was literally all the wayfarer characters *on* artfight, including mine (5th from the right) and one who hadn’t been uploaded to artfight just yet!
2- Something that was challenging to create:
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My piece for a gift exchange a while ago, the pose and the bg were hard as was figuring out the composition in the first place…this one went through so many iterations. Shocked I drew the bottoms of the feet so well first try. Also thank you again to I believe rowen for lending me your hand as a ref
3- Something that makes you laugh/smile:
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One of many stupid ideas I have which either get drawn or languish in my big drawing ideas note forever
4- Something that surprised you:
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The pixel wrath characters! Didn’t expect to finish the set or for them to turn out so well. Honestly very similar to the pieces I’ve been doing recently as commissions in terms of bright colors and the poses…hmm
5- Something you want other people to see:
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Azata yuri!!! Arueshalae’s armor is so hard to draw, also I still really like the faces+lighting effects…butterflies are also hard to draw…link here
Taggingggg…. @ahvene @arcturite @brother-genitivi @brainwormterrarium @brainrotdotorg and anyone else who wants to!!
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yeastinfectionvale · 6 months
idk if you've seen this edit or not but: https://x.com/eternitwt/status/1386413969477279744?s=20
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brooklynn1ghts · 2 years
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white rabbit trixie!!
I have this and other trixie and katya stuff on redbubble (they're having a sale rn) if u wanna financially support me seeing my long distance gf 😭💞
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darya-bell · 2 years
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Я опубликовал(а) 48 постов в 2022 году
Это на 21 пост больше, чем в 2021 году!
34 поста создано (71%)
14 реблогов постов (29%)
Блоги, из которых я сделал(а) больше всего реблогов:
Я пометил(а) тегами 33 из своих постов в 2022 году
Только 31% из моих постов остался без тегов
#disco elysium - 21 пост
#harry du bois - 8 постов
#kim kitsuragi - 6 постов
#dragon age - 3 поста
#discotober 2022 - 3 поста
#discotober - 3 поста
#dragon age inquisition - 2 поста
#dolores dei - 2 поста
#klaasje amandou - 2 поста
#cuno - 2 поста
Longest Tag: 25 characters
#lily carter disco elysium
Мои самые популярные посты в 2022:
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556 заметок - опубликовано 25 апреля 2022 г.
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coffee break ☕
658 заметок - опубликовано 21 января 2022 г.
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1 337 заметок - опубликовано 31 января 2022 г.
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1 502 заметки - опубликовано 31 января 2022 г.
Мой пост №1 в 2022
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1 927 заметок - опубликовано 18 сентября 2022 г.
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aleksandrvarma · 1 year
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Еще один список слов, заведомо неполный, но, быть может, в целях общего развития могущий быть кому-то полезным.
Слова и термины, связанные в самом широком смысле с зоологией, то есть с живыми существами разного размера.
  aasi — осёл ahkerias — угорь ahma — росомаха ahven — окунь alli — морянка, аллейка [представитель семейства утиных, небольшая полярная нырковая утка] ampiainen — оса ankka — утка (домашняя) apina — обезьяна arokissa — манул elefantti — слон eliökunta — популяция eläin - животное   etana — улитка fasaani — фазан haahka — гага [крупная морская птица из семейства утиных] haaskalintu — гриф, стервятник hai — акула haikara — аист, цапля hanhi — гусь harakka — сорока harjus — хариус hauki — щука haukka — ястреб hepokatti — кузнечик hevonen — лошадь hiiri — мышь hirvi — лось hummeri — лобстер huuhkaja — филин hylje (hylkee-) — тюлень hyttynen — комар hyönteinen — насекомое hämähäkki — паук häntä — хвост (животного) ilves — рысь imukärsä — хоботок (насекомого) joutsen — лебедь kala — рыба kampela — камбала kana — курица kaniini — кролик karhu — медведь karja — скот (крупный рогатый) katkarapu — креветка katti — кошка (puhekieli) kauris — косуля kettu — лиса, лисица kiiski — ёрш kilpikonna — черепаха kimalainen — шмель kirahvi — жираф kirjolohi — радужная форель kissa — кошка kiuru — жаворонок koira — собака kontiainen — крот (��быкновенный) korppi — ворон korvayökkö — ушан (обыкновенный, бурый) [летучая мышь] kotka — орёл kottarainen — скворец kovakuoriainen — жук krapu — краб krokotiili — крокодил kuha — судак kuikko — гагара kukko — петух kuono — морда kuorainen — жук kuovi — кроншнеп kurki — журавль kyy — гадюка kyyhky — голубь käki — кукушка kärppä — горностай lahna — лещ lammas (lampaa-) — овца laskiainen — ленивец lehmä — корова leijona — лев lepakko — летучая мышь leppäkerttu — божья коровка linnunpoika — птенец lintu — птица lisko — ящерица lohi — лосось lohikäärme — дракон lokki — чайка lonkero — щупальце lude — клоп lumikko — ласка läävä — хлев maakotka — беркут made — налим majava — бобёр mammutti — мамонт matelija — пресмыкающееся maukua — мяукать mehiläinen — пчела metso — глухарь metsäpäästäinen — землеройка, бурозубка minkki — норка muikku — ряпушка muurahainen — муравей myyrä — полёвка mäkärä — мошка mäyrä — барсук naakka — галка nisäkäs — млекопитающее norppa — нерпа norsu — слон närhi — сойка näätä — куница orava — белка ori — конь, жеребец palokärki — черный дятел peippo — зяблик pentu — щенок perhonen — бабочка pesiä — гнездиться pesä — гнездо piekana — канюк (птица) piisami — ондатра pingviini — пингвин pistin — жало pulmunen — пуночка punatulkku — снегирь pyrstö — хвост (рыбий) pyy — рябчик pääsky — ласточка pöllö — сова raisu — горячий (лошадь) rakki — дворняга rantakäärme — уж rastas — дрозд riekko — куропатка rotta — крыса rupikonna — жаба rusakko — заяц-русак sakaali — шакал salakka — уклейка (рыба) sammakko — лягушка satakieli — соловей saukko — выдра seepra — зебра siika — сиг siili — ёж, ёжик siipi (siive-) — крыло sirkka — сверчок sopuli — лемминг sorsa — утка sorva — краснопёрка (рыба) sotka — утка-нырок sudenkorento — стрекоза sulka — перо suomu — чешуйка supikoira — енотовидная собака susi — волк suutari — линь (рыба) syöpäläinen — паразит särki — плотва teeri — тетерев telkkä — гоголь [птица семейства утиных, нырковая утка средней величины] tiikeri — тигр torakka — таракан toukka — личинка turska — треска varis — ворона varpunen — воробей verikoira — бульдог villisika — кабан virtahepo — бегемот vompatti — вомбат vuohi — коза västäräkki — трясогузка
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myrnadalgleish · 2 years
for @averymerrychrismas2022 day four's prompt 🎄✨️❄️
Three dances.
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jjbatarotdeck · 10 months
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✨ Card Artist Spotlight ✨
Up next we have @ahvene! Siiri's gorgeous painterly style really captures the symbolism of her cards.
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