#ai powerpoint generator
aipresentation · 1 year
Say Goodbye to Boring Presentations: AI-Enabled Creation Tool
Harness the potential of AI technology in your presentation design process using our free AI presentation maker. Embrace the future of presentations and deliver impactful messages.
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mystudentai · 26 days
What Are the Benefits of Using AI Learning Tools?
In today’s digital era, students are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance their learning experiences and academic performance. Among these innovative tools, AI learning tools stand out as invaluable assets, offering a myriad of benefits to students across various educational domains. In this comprehensive exploration,
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mclalan · 10 days
Can you share what your art-making process is? What software and tools do you use?? I'm falling in love with your work!!
Thank you, I'm so happy you like my work and are interested in the process. The short answer is I mostly use Adobe Animate.
I hate how I'm using an Adobe product (although I still regard it as a MacroMedia Flash product), but there's just no other software that compares to its jankiness. Perhaps it's just my long familiarity with the program, but nothing I've experienced matches how it simultaneously feels like drawing in MS Paint and using Microsoft PowerPoint vector shapes. The result is something that feels in-between the two; handmade yet computer-generated.
Typically, I'll start with a hand-drawn sketch, often beginning as a thumbnail done with pencil and paper.
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I'll then do a mix of hand drawing and vector shape tool rendering. I use the Paint Brush tool to hand draw strokes, and the line and shape tools mixed with transform to make more geometrically accurate shapes. The design is rendered into divided closed loop shapes, ready to be filled with a solid. The strokes are kept or removed depending on the design.
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These fill shapes are then either coloured and rendered in Adobe Animate, using fills, gradients, or a more complex process of masks and effects.
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Alternatively, I'll bring all these vector shapes into Photoshop and use them as clipping masks. The vector shapes act like masking taped areas or shields to maintain sharp edges, while the brush is like an atomized airbrush used to build soft volumed forms.
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Please excuse all that horrible Adobe Cloud and AI bloatware...
And there we go!
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Variations in the process include just using MS Paint, index color in Photoshop, or 3D programs.
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Very old works of mine were almost abstract, just exploring digital mark-making, which was a trend I was following in the mid 2010s that I loved. This kind of stuff.
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While my current work uses its digital material specificity as an intermediary to the subject in the illustration.
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For example, #ersatz.world parodies clip-art and flash edutainment styles but imagines the characters living within that kind of world. The designs are meant to be cute, easy to read, light in computer processing, but also irreverent, janky, and generic too.
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People typically regard this sort of clip art style as ephemeral trash, but I always found them charming. I use Ersatz World primarily as a satire vehicle, parodying educational formats to spoof corporate explainer content and digital media.
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However, part of the problem with Ersatz is I've made it look too polished, complex, and I've grown too attached to the characters, which I imagine is a typical issue with overbuilding a world. So recently, I've made an even jankier Ersatz-like set of characters to play about with, using an even simpler style with less cohesion. I like to try and use slightly different styles and digital material styles to relate to the property at hand.
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That’s why #autonymus has a bitmap digital material and a denser feel to it. Unlike Ersatz, Autonymus is not meant to be an overt semi-meta fiction. It’s not exactly pixel art, but the pixels are just about visible, as the intention is to create a digital expressionist depth to the setting. Although it’s still stylized and not realistic to our world, I definitely still want to evoke semblances of our world. That’s why there’s attention to landscape, plant life, and implied life beyond what you see in the frame with the characters, etc. But I'm still making a cartoon, and I still want it to feel at ease with itself being a digital material work. Characters are therefore flat, simple, stiff, and the speech style is like a bad Shakespeare parody. I like to balance between ugly and appealing, simple and complex, familiar and unfamiliar.
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In regard to things like inspiration, references, and my relationship to aesthetic genres; these things certainly factor into my work, perhaps I'm even overtly dependent on them. My work can definitely be post-modernist in method; creating new, ironic, or fragmented interpretations through deconstructing a mix of various styles or methods. But at the same time, I'm still trying to make a digital gestural representation where the aesthetic is driven by my relationship to the software and techniques directly—not simply in an attempt to reference a style. For example, I like drawing lines in sweeping strokes, not to a point of geometric perfection, but just in a way where the curves are smooth and simple. But if I want perfectly curved or straight lines, I'll use the vector tools.
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Working this way, you can sort of learn why certain styles and design choices in past vector aesthetics were made, as they would have also needed to make similar choices. That’s why I’m more mindful of using digital material specificity as a foundation to build narrative and subjects upon these days.
For example, genre references like cyberpunk clichés for #cyberhell or late medieval design for #autonymus or 2005 to 2015 era subculture fashion for #gradientgoblinz.
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I think it’s important to take inspiration and reference from a wide variety of sources, but I think they’d mean nothing without having something to say or express. Autonymus, although it is a collection of tropes and clichés, isn’t just about that. It’s a story about the tensions of socially constructed systems and how that shapes faith, technology, and the natural world, or at least that's what I'm aiming for anyway.
But despite all that, I think there’s a danger of locking myself into the past by using these methods. For example, using nostalgia and references to past aesthetics can result in just recreating the past in a form of role-play. To avoid that, I try and evoke the past through a messy, inaccurate pastiche rather than caring to accurately re-enact anything. I’m probably not always successful at communicating the deliberateness of this, and it can certainly get very frustrating and pedantic. To be honest, I do kind of hate aesthetic labels (terms like Y2K, global coffee house, utopian scholastic designs from a pre-9/11 world).
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I do not believe that a project aimed solely at mapping history through aesthetic styles is worthwhile. Sure, they can be handy for organizing style trends, but they can also be reductive and ahistoric. Who are these people to define the history of these design eras? The result is a kind of suffocating simulation of design history but removed from context, perfect for moodboardism. I wish it felt more tongue-in-cheek, less absolute of itself in its own practice. Instead, it acts to legitimize and engender those making these labels, almost giving them ownership of the design styles. It’s similar to the logic and process of generative AI and its databases in a way, just done manually.
I’m very inspired by artists like Oneohtrix Point Never in this regard, as I think he’s able to create an aesthetic portal to all kinds of memories, feelings, and worlds reminiscent of the past, while still being in the present. It’s more a reflection of how timelines are messy now, like a memory or dream, rather than an audacity to say the past was actually like that, or to try to actually map some kind of timeline.
I think the benefit of this process is how it avoids the other side of the spectrum—being locked into chasing the cutting edge of digital processes. I don't necessarily think using an old digital process means your work inherits the semiotics of old aesthetics. Non-digital mediums don’t have this issue to this degree, as you can still paint in oils and be considered contemporary, or at least it's not frowned upon to such a degree. And I also don't think anyone in the heyday of Flash ever made work the same as I do, especially as computers are more powerful now so can handle more. I probably shouldn't boast too much about that though, as artists at the time probably just had more sense than to use Flash like a painting program! So then, why is my use of Adobe Animate critiqued as obsolete and an aesthetic dead-end? Because to whose standards is this process obsolete? If you value digital aesthetics as an apparatus in industry practice, then sure, my work is redundant.
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But as wonderful as the latest tech can be in creating new aesthetics, I do feel it can be overtly dependent on the trends and directions of tech corporations, and therefore act as an indirect propaganda tool to their hegemony over digital aesthetics, such as the ever-demanding processing power needed for simulated realism. If anything, work that does follow in the direction of the latest tech trends is ironically the quickest to date once the trends move on.
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I've noticed I've not really described what my work is about, just the process, in this text. But I don't know, maybe I like Flash because it is regarded as redundant. No one really cares about it, so I feel free to make whatever I want, and can decide on form myself, to my own standards, the quality of my work. As fun as making images is, I find it difficult to put into words what it is exactly I'm expressing in my work, and perhaps that would spoil it anyway.
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animentality · 2 months
not to be a boomer, but I do worry about the current generation of kids being raised with iPads.
first off. some of them literally can't hold a pencil because their parents never gave them physical toys to grip and play with, developing their fine motor skills.
you might ask why do we even need to learn how to write physically anymore- well, frankly, because if you're stranded on an island somewhere and you need to write HELP, you might not have the strength to hold a pencil, but you can at least hold a stick.
but on a more general note.
writing by hand helps you remember things better. it forces you to focus in a way that typing something word for word does not. a person can transcribe what a professor says without even thinking about it.
someone writing notes has to consider what to write and what to omit. it also activates more parts of your brain, forcing you to flex the parts of your brain related to learning and communicating, while also engaging the part of your brain dedicated to muscle control and precision.
but in general, I think the issue isn't even oh technology is bad and kids are getting dumber.
you can have PowerPoints AND take physical notes. that could help you learn even better than the olden days where you just had to remember everything that was thrown at you. or read very limited, out of date books.
the problem is that the generation that raised/is raising this generation of children just doesn't understand the true impact that all this technology will have on their kids. or they just don't care.
because our generation had the internet yes, but it wasn't widely accessible for most of us, sharing our computers with the entire family in the kitchen. it was also the internet in its infancy, where it wasn't quite so predatory, when it was lawless and disturbing, yes, but it wasn't weaponized by corporations trying to sell you things and steal your data, it wasn't flooded with bots and ai and all sorts of things that the human brain can't even distinguish as real or fake, especially when you're just a little kid.
that generation still played with physical toys. we celebrated when it snowed and we could stay home.
we also came from a gen that still, vaguely, cared about some form of community and had third spaces for kids to hang out.
90s children, who still had some memories of both playing outside on a playground and playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 with their friends, who both went out to the mall and had a club penguin account.
we grew up with laptops and smart boards. maybe some of us had them in high school or college, but we still physically went to class and developed relationships. learned uncomfortable things about ourselves and others, the way humans do.
met new people and were exposed to new ideas, away from our parents. but not from some fucking influencer trying to sell us Sephora products.
we had to study for things, instead of just being able to Google shit for some bullshit online test.
which is also something that really concerns me. so many kids today can so easily Google answers for every test, and while tests don't ultimately matter in the real world, they still provide some basis for things that do matter.
like I'm just imagining medical students googling how to perform an appendectomy on the day of, and just using a YouTube tutorial to guide them through, and shuddering.
there are some things that the Internet can't teach you.
there always will be.
but I don't think my generation is really helping their kids find the balance that we were given naturally growing up.
the boomers and gen xers had fist fights and we had bullying someone online until they committed suicide.
and now kids use AI to spread fake nudes of girls.
but the laws haven't caught up with a lot of this stuff yet, and certainly won't while we have dinosaurs running our government. and culture takes even longer to change than laws.
I also worry because I know how badly covid affected kids worldwide. how they struggle to read and do math, because remote learning just isn't good for kids.
and I can't even blame them!! I literally teleworked for 4 years and even I can admit that I'm not nearly as good at focusing at home as I am in the office.
it's hard for kids with social anxiety and disabilities, yes I know, I know, trust me, I have social anxiety, and as a hybrid worker ATM, I highly doubt I'd be able to handle 5 days a week in the office.
but it's also not particularly good for kids to stay home ALL the time, entertaining themselves in their room and never being challenged, and never meeting people other than their parents.
the iPad is more of a symbol of that problem than the direct problem.
if your entire... world view is limited to what you can see on your iPad... I mean what a terrible world view you'll have.
you're a 10 year old using TikTok and all you ever see is the same opinion over and over until you can scarcely comprehend people who have an opposing opinion.
you see fake videos that seem so real. that must be real, and so comforting, aren't they, those videos that seem so real?
you let 30 year old influencers who are trying to grift people shape your world view.
and it's not even your fault.
your parents aren't doing anything to help you.
you're young and you're being barraged with entertainment and fake educational videos and how to guides that accidentally create mustard gas in your toilet.
your parents should be teaching you to find a balance between these things. they should be telling you what's real and caution you about the things you see.
they should limit your fucking time on the iPad actually. take you to a fucking park and let you roll in the mud or some shit.
and then when you're a teenager and a young adult, then you can start deciding for yourself what you believe.
but a lot of these weird millennial/gen z parents, man. just let your 1 year old scroll through vids on TikTok while you don't even talk to them or look at them once.
maybe it's because they don't see the harm in it, but I don't get it.
adults can watch TikTok all day and know, ahhh this is bad for me. I'm not doing anything I actually want to be doing.
adults can see other adults doing dumb shit and say ah you're sponsored. someone paid you money to say and do that. silly.
but kids are just kids.
they don't have discipline and frankly, that's not their responsibility. that is yours.
you should be teaching them that they can't have everything in life at their finger tips at all times, actually.
the iPad doesn't solve all of your problems, nor will it think critically for you.
so I worry about if humanity can really keep up with its own technology.
our species is still in its infancy, believe it or not.
so maybe these are just growing pains, and future generations will be able to look back on this era and know the proper balance.
but as someone living in 2024.
I wonder just how much pain is left before we really mature and either make it or break it.
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memecucker · 1 year
Also looking at places where people that use AI image generators talk to each other, I see people giving tips and tutorials talking about their processes where they use plenty of other tools such as photoshop and other graphic artist programs that are now commonly accepted where it’s quite clear that a lot of this stuff actually has a lot more time and effort put into it to produce the specific image the creator had in their head. Almost like someone trying to hone a craft or “Kunst” as they say in German
The “type some words or upload some pictures and take whatever is spit out” stuff is more like, the people that are like “hey check out what my selfies turned into haha” or the person that is giving a PowerPoint presentation and wants _something_ to illustrate a concept and they couldn’t find something right on Google images so they used an image generator
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cbc-bb · 5 days
i dont want “generative ai images” i want everyone to make freaky lil flash animations and ms paint drawings and grungy collages and unhinged powerpoints about the drama in their lives and sim families of their friends
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Is this ai generated or is it really you ?
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Actually this is me aking a PowerPoint about why you should like the Joxter (communism)
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welcomehomerandomness · 8 months
Welcome Home Randomness Masterlist 1
If Welcome Home characters have Squishmallows
This user loves Welcome Home characters
I do not have an original personality. I stole it from Welcome Home characters.
Welcome Home characters but I give them Genshin Impact voices parts 1 2
A rainy day with the butterfly expert, the mailman, and the shopkeeper
Welcome Home characters as Project Sekai songs
Welcome Home is therapy
Frank is not nobody's housewife
POV: Wally is introducing you to his neighbors.
Wally tells the truth
Top 10 Welcome Home Villains
Welcome Home Character Aesthetic Collages
If Welcome Home characters have houses and cars in the real world
Sunny looks familiar...
Wally Darling be like:
Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Appreciation Edit
Welcome Home characters as hilarious paint shade names
Lady Dimitrescu and Wally Darling have a chat
Wally Darling and his gay boyfriends go on a road trip
Welcome Home characters as scientific diagrams and textbook images that look like memes
POV: You're watching a Welcome Home character's Instagram stories: Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Eddie, Howdy, Sally, Poppy
Things to do with your friends this summer
The most shocking thing ever
Dances to get rid of creepy dudes on the dance floor
Welcome Home characters as IKEA items
Welcome Home slander
Wally's audition
Welcome Home characters as Florida man news headlines
Silly and goofy puppet content parts 1 2 3
Welcome Home Website Prediction Post (July 22, 2023 Update)
Welcome Home Website (7/22/2023 Update) Bingo Card
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) (SPOILERS) Parts 1 2
Welcome Home characters but I made them into cursed inspirational quotes
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home catchphrases but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Nostalgic Reminiscence
Give the Welcome Home characters faces
[SPOILERS] “It’s-For-You!” Telephone calls but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home mystery audios but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home answer videos but I played them at the same time
(Un)helpful guide/infodump to Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] "Eddie's Big Lift" Storybook Record but every time Eddie speaks, it gets faster
Welcome Home characters as Ensemble Stars songs
All About Me (Welcome Home Edition)
[SPOILERS] “Just So” Song Demo but Frank is gone
Welcome Home characters but they have Wally's face (TW: Cursed)
Why you should get into Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] Live Interview Audio Segment but the interviewer and the audience are gone
Welcome Home Canon Deaths (TW: Emotional 😭)
[SPOILERS] Wally’s secret audios but I sped them up and added the vine boom sound effect
My Welcome Home Theory (Hear me out…)
10 Canon Facts about Every Single Welcome Home Character You Totally Didn’t Know About
Random Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Fact
POV: Wally explaining to the neighbors what being controlled feels like
Welcome Home Babies
Wally finally brushes his hair
Welcome Home characters as fairy comments
Welcome Home Live Action Cast Reveal
The Neighborhood Powerpoint Night
A Welcome Home website secret has been discovered!
Who ate all the food
Welcome Home characters as elements (educational)
Welcome Home characters as YouTubers
Welcome Home during quarantine
Kermit did not care 😭
Kung Welcome Home ay isang Filipino teleserye (If Welcome Home is a Filipino teleserye)
Welcome Home but everyone is living in an apartment
Welcome Home but the home is not welcomed Parts 1 2 3 4
My Top Nine Favorite Welcome Home Characters
The Official Wally Darling Makeship Plush Toy ad but I edited it (WARNING: Loud sounds and music)
Wo Xing Shi Trend: Wally and Barnaby; Frank, Eddie, and Howdy; Julie, Sally, and Poppy
Smurf Cat Wally Plush spotted!
Welcome Home characters as AI-generated inspirational quotes (SOURCE: SootHouse on YouTube)
Howdy's message in Makeship Wally Darling plush ad reversed
Welcome Home is better than Justin Bieber
Welcome Home as Jeaney Collects videos Parts 1 2
Ah hell nah they done turned Welcome Home characters into pronouns
Single Celled Organisms
The neighbors found out about AUs
Welcome Home Questions Game 2023
Wally, Barnaby, Julie, and Sally play Roblox at 3 am
Welcome Home characters as hilarious street names and addresses
Welcome Home Birth Month Game
Welcome Home Halloween 2023 Update Reaction (SPOILERS)
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willcodehtmlforfood · 4 months
"Adobe is adding a new generative AI experience to its Acrobat PDF management software, which aims to “completely transform the digital document experience” by making information in long documents easier to find and understand. Announced in Adobe’s press release as “AI Assistant in Acrobat,” the new tool is described as a “conversational engine” that can summarize files, answer questions, and recommend more based on the content, allowing users to “easily chat with documents” to get the information they need. It’s available in beta starting today for paying Acrobat users.
The idea is that the chatbot will reduce the time-consuming tasks related to working with massive text documents — such as helping students quickly find information for research projects or summarizing large reports into snappy highlights for emails, meetings, and presentations. AI Assistant in Acrobat can be used with all document formats supported by the app, including Word and PowerPoint. The chatbot abides by Adobe’s data security protocols, so it won’t store data from customer documents or use it to train AI Assistant."
Szép, szép, de vajon mit tud kezdeni egy wc papírra nyomtatott, faxolt, majd szkennelt dokumentummal?!
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Eloquence often matters less than sincerity in many forms of communication, and there's one case from my own life I keep thinking about in the context of AI popping up everywhere.
Between the end of my marketing days and going to J-school I had cards and fliers up around town advertising myself as a freelance writer. Only got one hit the whole time, and it was a guy who wanted me to write a letter to his daughter.
They were in family therapy, and therapist had recommended a letter writing exercise. They were drifting apart despite living together, and he explained that he was a capital Q Quant, he worked in data visualization for a fintech firm and the style of communication he felt most comfortable with was Powerpoint decks.
I talked to him a bit and tried to convince him that while I could dress up the bulleted list he gave me, he could just try to put more of his ideas and feelings on the page, even just some of what he'd said on the phone.
But he didn't like that, so I wound up just updating his bulleted list a bit and providing notes about what he could include in the preamble and end. Didn't want another round of edits, left a check in my mailbox and I never heard from him again.
I'm left wondering if I did the right thing on one level, but even more about what the final letter was like and if he even mentioned that he'd tried to hire somebody to write it for him.
And now, LinkedIn is encouraging me to use AI to send messages to hiring managers (HR types, not actual managers) or write little notes saying congratulations to somebody I know for getting a promotion.
And like, the only reason those things are meaningful in the first place is because it's sincere and being sent by somebody who took the time to write the note or express their genuine enthusiasm. In the former case AI is helping out by taking a task off my hands where I'm already expected to be insincere and a machine will decide if a human even glances it at or not, and in the latter it's rendering it meaningless, not even conveying as much genuine sentiment as clicking a like button.
These are either instances where ANY communication is pointless in the first place and should be dispensed with (cover letters and the like) or places where taking the time and effort to communicate even a single sentence is itself more meaningful than any machine generated verbiage, even if it's more eloquent.
I know my stance that "all art is communication, and can be assessed along those lines" isn't widely held. But it is a rubric that I think makes it possible to assess AI art in a way consistent with everything else. If something AI generated is better able to communicate or capture a message, or form a component of it, that's one thing. If it's churned out dreck that is standing in for a lack of thought or effort, that's something that is going to show through regardless.
It doesn't matter if it's an AI or a rando you found from the Panera Bread corkboard, you should probably write your own letters to your daughter.
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discranola · 5 months
i went to the library the other day and there was a little girl on the pc next to me making a valentines day powerpoint so she could print it out for someone which was very sweet! but also she was looking up pictures of kittens on google images and i just cannot describe the feeling i had when i realized the images she was copy-pasting were obviously ai generated. she was just a kid so she obviously didn't notice but oh. oh man. this is what the internet is now, huh
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xipiti · 1 year
Microsoft is now putting its AI into all of its 365 apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more. What’s more, Microsoft said it will be accessing your data, including anything you might have in your OneDrive, email, and beyond, to personalize all the content this so-called “Copilot” generates.
On Thursday, Microsoft showed how much it’s still gunning for big tech AI dominance. In a live press conference held on LinkedIn, Microsoft’s corporate VP Jared Spataro touted the new AI system’s power to remove the “drudgery” of modern work. At the same time, he hedged somewhat on how accurate the system would always be, saying “Sometimes it will get it right, but otherwise it gets it usefully wrong.”
What’s more, Microsoft said it will be accessing your data, including anything you might have in your OneDrive, email, and beyond, to personalize all the content this so-called “Copilot” generates.
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offshoreoilrig · 5 months
Generative AI should be used to explore new realms of the subconscious but instead it's a great a bullet point in the powerpoint a CEO shows to VCs on a zoom call begging for funding for CLM software sold to online pet insurance aggregation websites for a 3-year subscription at $30k per year
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weepingchoir · 6 months
ChatGPT and other AI companies have my full and explicit consent to use my Dumb Shitt writing for their STupid Fuck business powerpoint generators. Let's see them pour all the gore and sex in there.
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I dream to be used as material for other people’s content.
A dream of mine ever since i started posting online isn’t to get internet famous, or become a millionaire off of my content. But to bring joy and to have my stuff get used in countless of projects more or less without my permission. I want to get to a point where what i make ends up as one of the first results on Google images so thousands of young creators get to right click save image on the fruits of my labor.
I want my art to be featured in a 13 year old’s vent AMVs of their comfort character to a song by Evanescence or Skillet, i want to have an illustration i’m deeply proud of be used as a Russian teen’s profile picture on VK, or a German kid’s desktop wallpaper. I want clips of my cosplays to get used in people’s Spanish written fanfictions on Tiktok. 
I want videos of me screenshotted and gifed into reaction images and have them posted all over obscure message boards, or to have a soundbyte be used in people’s Youtube poops. I want the music i make to get reuploaded into nightcore with a picture of a sad anime girl or Sans with press-on nails. I want my animation memes to get put into top 10s or to feature in a cringe compilation with someone’s lavender angle wolf furry oc giving me constructive criticism on my work. I want people on Instagram to make thirst traps slowly panning up my art with capcut. 
I want a teenager who uses bun/bunself on Tumblr to make flower crown edits of my creations. I want my NSFW to be featured as clickbait in a 24 year old man’s first custom let’s play thumbnail. I want to be featured in a British stranger’s Pinterest board. I want to see my doodles used as templates in a meme generator. 
I want to have a French girl in their tweens use one of my shitposts as a cover for a their Lemon Y/N X character Wattpad fanfiction. I want my art printed onto a cake with happy 9th birthday Daniella written on with icing. I want a 36 year old woman on Deviantart to crudely draw a vore belly with MS paint onto a picture i created.
I want to be unknowingly helping an American college student who need to fill a slide on their 10 slide PowerPoint presentation about dolphins or to be the backdrop for a 17 year old person with autism’s announcement of their week long hiatus from Amino. I want to have my art printed out and plastered onto someone’s wall with stickers and tape. I want to be used by people online who want to have fun or who simply want to create on the internet.
However, i do NOT want my art to be stolen by people who claim that they made it, or to have it be used in AI datasets by tech bros who specifically want to make a profit. I don’t want multi-million dollar clothing brands to steal my art to use as merch. I don’t want my art being used to promote shady pyramid schemes to children. I don’t want my art to be edited into CP, or used to promote hate speech. I don’t want my art to be exploited unethically for profit or clout.
Whenever i see something that i have created being used by someone else: i feel a sense of glee that is incredibly particular. I have a folder dedicated to this very thing, of wild instances of people using what i have made unknowingly, all titled ether with the title of the creation or me at that moment expressing the sheer joy i felt seeing something i have created be used or mentioned. It makes me feel like i’m giving something to the world, that what i do isn’t for nothing and that people DO appreciate what i make. It’s a feeling that i adore to my very core. 
What i have created has been in Deviantart submissions, Youtube videos, Reddit posts, Tiktoks, Discord profiles, Wattpad thumbnails, Amino, VK, News articles and sites i’ve never even heard of before! Heck, some of the things i mentioned in this post are based off of ACTUAL occurrences! I won’t tell which of these happened to me, however. That is a secret for me to keep.
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azspot · 8 months
Yet that is the trap. A great talk starts with a message. Everything else — whether a joke, a story, a statistic or a picture — should be chosen to support the message. It’s always been easy to forget that. In a world of PowerPoint on tap, it can be impossible to remember it.
Ubiquitous yet hated – what does the triumph of PowerPoint teach us about Generative AI?
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