#ai shopify s
trader-sg112 · 2 months
Market Overview: Mixed Movements Amidst AI Concerns and Earnings Reports
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In a turbulent day for U.S. stock markets, the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by 234 points, or 0.60%, while the S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite also faced setbacks, falling by 0.7% and 1%, respectively. The downturn was largely driven by mounting concerns over the slowing momentum in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, which prompted a sell-off in semiconductor stocks.
AI Concerns Weigh on Chip Stocks
The tech sector, particularly chip stocks, experienced significant pressure. Leading the decline were NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA), Broadcom Inc (NASDAQ: AVGO), and Wolfspeed Inc (NYSE: WOLF), all of which saw their share prices drop by approximately 2%. The apprehension surrounding AI's slowing progress has rattled investors, leading to a broader sell-off in the semiconductor industry.
Energy Sector Shows Resilience
Amidst the broader market decline, the energy sector displayed notable strength. Targa Resources Inc (NYSE: TRGP), Williams Companies Inc (NYSE: WMB), and Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE: DVN) were among the top gainers. Devon Energy, in particular, saw its stock rise following quarterly results that exceeded Wall Street's expectations. This positive performance highlights the sector's resilience despite the overall market volatility.
Major Stock Movements
Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS): Disney's stock fell sharply by 4%, reflecting ongoing concerns about the company’s performance and future prospects.
Shopify (NYSE: SHOP): Contrasting the general trend, Shopify's shares soared nearly 18%, driven by positive developments and investor optimism about its growth potential.
Airbnb (NASDAQ: ABNB): On the other end of the spectrum, Airbnb's stock dropped 13%, influenced by recent market challenges and potentially disappointing financial metrics.
S&P 500 Earnings Resilience
Despite the recent negative price action and growing recession fears, the earnings resilience of the S&P 500 remains a key highlight. The index's earnings have shown a level of robustness, which could offer some reassurance to investors amidst the current market volatility.
In summary, the market's recent performance underscores the complexity of current economic conditions. While AI concerns and specific sector movements have contributed to market declines, there are areas of strength and resilience, particularly in the energy sector and select stocks like Shopify. As always, investors should stay informed and consider these factors when making decisions.
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zombieprowl · 4 months
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I just came across an ad on Instagram for a shop called Giftvoy, that is selling phone cases amongst other items. What struck my atte tion was that I recognized at least a couple of artworks from people I know, such as @jarofloosescrews 's Jazz right there. There is a lot of AI generated stuff in there that, ironically, is stolen from AI prompters (have come across a few on Instagram and aome is very blatant AI with zero manipulation whether stolen or just prompted by the "small studio at home" is unknown).
They have only a small facebook and instagram account so reporting there will be an absolute shit show. The best way would be to contact the host of the shop directly, Shopify.
Unfortunately only someone with a shopify account can do the reporting so I am unable to do more than share it here for the people affected to go look and see if any of their work has been taken.
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thelifestylesaga · 16 days
Gaming + Fashion? If this were the 2000's, we'd all be laughing at this collaboration - but it is 2024, it is serious and it is here
'Roblox to Sell Physical Goods Through Shopify Integration' reads the headline for one of Business of Fashion's (BoF) September 6th articles.
Hello y'all!
Today we're going to be talking about the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) into gaming and fashion.
The gaming world is no stranger to the use of AR and VR, from games like Gran Turismo incorporating VR into GT 7 - “Witnessing the same Gran Turismo 7 we know and love, but now in VR without the hangups felt liberating. Like Arsenal under Mikel Arteta, finally, the potential of virtual reality for driving games on console has been realised,” writes Thomas Harrison-Lord in his opinion piece for Motorsport - to Fortnite providing interactive experiences to its users in the form of virtual concerts (popularly called V-concerts) featuring artists the likes of Travis Scott, BTS, Diplo, and Ariana Grande.
And Roblox - the online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program and play games created by themselves or other users - is already familiar with using VR to branch out of the gaming world. Similar to Fortnite, Roblox’s V-concerts also boast an impressive resume - from Lil Nas X and Zara Larsson to Twenty One Pilots - the platform is accustomed to using Gen AI to create and deliver unique experiences to its users. 
So I see Roblox’s latest partnership with Shopify as an effort to diversify its portfolio and an opportunity for both profit and exploration. According to BoF’s review of a demo video, users would be able to see “a “Buy Now” prompt next to a virtual T-shirt that calls up an e-commerce product page where they can see photos of the physical item, select colours or sizing and make their purchase. Customers will be able to pay using any method accepted in the seller’s online store, according to Shopify. Purchasing will be restricted to users 13 and older.” I believe that Roblox, with its loyal customer base, can help boost Shopify’s sales (and earn commission in return, if they choose to include that in their partnership), while also boosting user activity on the gaming platform using social media and word-of-mouth to market its foray into the world of metaverse fashion. 
BoF’s article states that “The companies said the integration will start to roll out soon, with a larger launch arriving in early 2025.” So it shall remain to be seen whether or not Roblox can indeed successfully leverage VR and what impact, if any, will the partnership make on Shopify’s sales.
Until next time,
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montreux-suisse · 1 month
Créer un site internet performant et efficace est essentiel pour toute entreprise souhaitant se démarquer dans un environnement numérique compétitif. Un bon site web doit non seulement être esthétiquement plaisant, mais aussi fonctionnel, convivial et aligné avec les objectifs de l'entreprise. Voici des conseils clés pour créer un site internet qui répondra aux attentes de vos utilisateurs tout en soutenant vos objectifs commerciaux.
1. Définir les Objectifs du Site Web
Questions à se poser :
Quel est l'objectif principal du site ?
Est-ce un site de présentation pour améliorer la notoriété de la marque, un site e-commerce pour vendre des produits, ou un site de service pour générer des leads ?
Quelle est votre audience cible ?
Qui sont vos clients potentiels et quelles sont leurs attentes ?
Quel message clé voulez-vous transmettre ?
Quels sont les messages ou valeurs essentiels que votre entreprise souhaite communiquer à travers le site ?
Conseils :
Clarifiez les objectifs dès le départ, car ils détermineront la structure, le contenu, et les fonctionnalités du site.
Comprenez bien votre audience pour adapter le design, le ton, et les fonctionnalités à leurs besoins.
2. Choisir le Bon CMS (Système de Gestion de Contenu)
Questions à se poser :
Quelle plateforme convient le mieux à mon projet ?
Dois-je opter pour WordPress, Joomla, Shopify, ou un CMS sur mesure ?
Quelle est la facilité de gestion des contenus ?
Le CMS doit-il permettre des mises à jour fréquentes par des non-techniciens ?
Conseils :
WordPress est souvent un bon choix pour sa flexibilité et sa large gamme de plugins, mais d'autres options comme Shopify peuvent être plus adaptées pour des sites e-commerce.
Assurez-vous que la plateforme choisie offre la scalabilité nécessaire pour accompagner la croissance future de votre entreprise.
3. Conception et Expérience Utilisateur (UX)
Questions à se poser :
Le site est-il facile à naviguer ?
Les utilisateurs peuvent-ils trouver rapidement l'information qu'ils recherchent ?
Le design est-il cohérent avec l'identité de la marque ?
Les couleurs, les polices, et les images sont-elles alignées avec l'image de marque ?
Conseils :
Priorisez la simplicité et l'intuitivité. Un utilisateur doit pouvoir naviguer sans confusion ni frustration.
Adoptez un design responsive pour que le site soit optimisé pour tous les types d’appareils, notamment les mobiles.
Assurez-vous que le site charge rapidement. Les utilisateurs quittent souvent un site si les pages mettent trop de temps à charger.
4. Contenu de Qualité
Questions à se poser :
Le contenu est-il pertinent et engageant ?
Répond-il aux questions et besoins de vos visiteurs ?
Le site est-il bien référencé ?
Les moteurs de recherche peuvent-ils facilement indexer le contenu ?
Conseils :
Rédigez un contenu clair, concis, et orienté vers l'utilisateur. Utilisez un langage qui résonne avec votre audience cible.
Optimisez le contenu pour le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) : intégrez des mots-clés pertinents, rédigez des balises méta, et assurez-vous que le site a une structure claire pour le référencement.
Utilisez des images, vidéos, et infographies pour rendre le contenu plus attrayant et compréhensible.
5. Sécurité et Maintenance
Questions à se poser :
Le site est-il sécurisé ?
Ai-je mis en place des protocoles SSL, des sauvegardes régulières, et des protections contre les attaques ?
Comment sera assurée la maintenance du site ?
Ai-je une équipe ou un plan pour maintenir et mettre à jour le site ?
Conseils :
Installez un certificat SSL pour sécuriser les données échangées sur le site.
Planifiez des sauvegardes régulières pour éviter la perte de données.
Mettez à jour régulièrement le CMS, les plugins, et les thèmes pour prévenir les failles de sécurité.
6. Intégration des Outils et Fonctionnalités
Questions à se poser :
Quelles fonctionnalités sont nécessaires ?
Ai-je besoin d'un système de gestion de contenu, d'un CRM, de formulaires de contact, de chat en direct, etc. ?
Comment le site s'intègre-t-il avec d'autres outils que j'utilise ?
Est-il compatible avec mes systèmes de gestion, de vente, ou de marketing existants ?
Conseils :
Identifiez les fonctionnalités essentielles avant de commencer le développement du site.
Choisissez des outils qui s'intègrent facilement avec vos processus existants, comme des CRM pour la gestion des leads ou des plateformes d'emailing pour les campagnes marketing.
7. Suivi et Analyse des Performances
Questions à se poser :
Comment vais-je mesurer le succès de mon site ?
Quels KPI (indicateurs clés de performance) sont les plus pertinents pour mon entreprise ?
Ai-je mis en place des outils d'analyse ?
Est-ce que Google Analytics, Search Console, et d’autres outils sont bien configurés ?
Conseils :
Utilisez Google Analytics pour suivre le comportement des utilisateurs, les taux de conversion, et d'autres métriques importantes.
Ajustez continuellement le contenu et les fonctionnalités en fonction des données collectées pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et atteindre les objectifs commerciaux.
La création d'un bon site internet repose sur une planification minutieuse, une compréhension claire des objectifs de l'entreprise, et une attention particulière à l'expérience utilisateur. En suivant ces conseils et en anticipant les questions clés, un chef d'entreprise peut s'assurer que son site web devient un outil puissant pour attirer des clients, renforcer sa marque, et stimuler la croissance de l'entreprise. Collaborer avec des professionnels qualifiés, tels que des développeurs web, des designers UX/UI, et des spécialistes du marketing digital, est également crucial pour maximiser le succès du projet.
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zeedropcrosslister · 2 months
Boost Your Sales with ZeeDrop Crosslister: The Best Cross Listing App for Online Sellers
In today's competitive eCommerce landscape, efficiency and visibility are key to success. ZeeDrop Crosslister is the ultimate tool for sellers looking to expand their reach and boost their sales across multiple marketplaces. Here’s how ZeeDrop can revolutionize your online selling business:
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Why ZeeDrop Crosslister is the Best Cross Listing App
1. Effortless Cross Listing to Multiple Marketplaces ZeeDrop Crosslister helps you cross list your items to multiple marketplaces easily. This multiplies the visibility of your items, resulting in more sales and a broader customer base. Whether you’re selling on eBay, TikTok Shop, or other platforms, ZeeDrop makes the process seamless and efficient.
2. Unique Features for Faster and Easier Reselling Discover the platform that makes reselling online faster and easier with unique features tailored to your needs. From seamless inventory management monitor to efficient crossposting, ZeeDrop streamlines your selling process.Copy-paste address, bulk uploader. We support any kind of listing from any supplier or your Shopify / woocommerce store , ZeeDrop support.
3. Unlimited Crossposting and Listings Enjoy unlimited crossposting and listings included in every plan at no extra cost. This allows you to scale your business without worrying about additional fees. ZeeDrop offers the best price for dropshipping tools, making it a must-have for resellers and dropshippers.
4. Free use of Dropeex non-API tool for eBay, ZeeDPosh Poshmark bot, and MegaSaleBot to easily find winning products.
5. Easy-to-Use One-Click Upload Listings With ZeeDrop, listing your products is simple and straightforward. Enjoy easy-to-use one-click upload listings without the need for difficult integrations. This user-friendly approach saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
6. Safe and Compliant Crosslisting ZeeDrop Crosslister is not a bot and does not violate the terms of any marketplaces. Your accounts are 100% safe, ensuring you can grow your business without worrying about penalties or restrictions. Compliance and safety are top priorities, making ZeeDrop a reliable choice for sellers.
7. AI-Generated Listings for Rapid Creation Expand your online selling business with ZeeDrop’s advanced eCommerce tools. Experience rapid listing creation with AI-generated listings that save you time and enhance your product descriptions. Quality listings lead to quality sales, and ZeeDrop ensures your listings stand out.
8. Comprehensive Inventory Management Manage your inventory with ease using ZeeDrop’s bulk actions, inventory management, and pricing tools. Automatic delisting and auto sales detection keep your inventory accurate and up-to-date, reducing the risk of overselling and enhancing customer satisfaction.
9. Tailored for Second-Hand Sellers and Resellers ZeeDrop is perfect for second-hand sellers and resellers. The crosslisting software simplifies reselling and dropshipping with automated features designed to save you time and increase your profits.
10. The #1 Way to Crosspost and Grow Your Business ZeeDrop is the #1 way to crosspost and grow your business. By increasing your item visibility across multiple marketplaces, you can reach more customers and boost your sales significantly. Experience the power of ZeeDrop and take your online selling to the next level.
11. Comprehensive Support for Global Marketplaces Dropeex, integrated with ZeeDrop, supports eBay.com, UK, AU, FR, and more, ensuring you can reach a global audience with ease. Expand your market reach and tap into new customer bases with ZeeDrop’s comprehensive marketplace support.
12. Great support chat 
13. Supports any marketplaces and suppliers you need
Quality Listings, Quality Sales
With ZeeDrop, your path to success just got smoother. Simplify your reselling and dropshipping business with automated features and quality listings that drive sales. Explore the endless possibilities with unlimited crossposting and advanced eCommerce tools included in every plan.
Start Now with ZeeDrop: Only $16.99 for Unlimited Use
Experience the best cross listing app today. ZeeDrop offers unlimited listings and crossposting for only $16.99 per month. Take advantage of bulk actions, efficient inventory management, and robust analytics to grow your business effortlessly.
ZeeDrop Crosslister is more than just a crosslisting service—it's a comprehensive solution for online sellers looking to streamline their operations and boost their sales. With advanced features, safe and compliant crosslisting, and support for multiple marketplaces, ZeeDrop is the ultimate tool for growing your eCommerce business. Start using ZeeDrop today and watch your sales soar!
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Shopify's stock took a nosedive after the company announced lower-than-expected growth projections for the second quarter. Investors are concerned about the impact this could have on the e-commerce platform's future earnings. Shopify's performance in Q2 will be closely watched by industry analysts and investors alike. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Shopify's stock took a hit this week, dropping to its lowest price in six months after the company's Q1 earnings report. Despite a 23 percent increase in revenue compared to last year, investors seem wary of the company's outlook for Q2. The sale of its logistics business to Flexport in 2023 has contributed to a 29 percent year-over-year growth, but projections for the upcoming quarter show slower revenue growth. Shopify's CFO, Jeff Hoffmeister, noted that operating expenses were down year over year, primarily due to the sale of the logistics business and lower headcount. However, the company expects operating expenses to increase in the coming quarter, with a decrease in gross margins. Despite leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance merchant support interactions, investors remain cautious about Shopify's future performance. Rent the Runway's recent success with AI technology highlighted the potential for growth, but Shopify has not experienced the same boost in stock price. The company remains confident in its Market position and the potential of its AI solutions for merchants. According to Hoffmeister, Shopify is just beginning to tap into the full capabilities of AI and will continue to innovate in the future. In a statement, Shopify's president, Harvey Finkelstein, emphasized the company's dedication to long-term growth and profitability. The strong Q1 performance showcases Shopify's commitment to innovation and excellence in the Market. As the company looks ahead to the future, it remains focused on delivering value to both customers and investors alike. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Why did Shopify's stock drop after lowering their Q2 growth expectations? Shopify's stock dropped because investors were concerned about the company's lower-than-expected growth projections for the second quarter. 2. What were Shopify's Q2 growth expectations before the adjustment? Before the adjustment, Shopify was expecting stronger growth in the second quarter, but they had to revise their projections down due to certain challenges. 3. How will Shopify's lower growth expectations impact its business? The lower growth expectations may impact Shopify's revenues and profitability in the short term, as it indicates slower growth in user sign-ups and sales. 4. Should investors be concerned about Shopify's stock performance? Investors may be concerned about Shopify's stock performance in the immediate aftermath of the lower growth expectations, but it is important to consider the long-term prospects of the company. 5. What steps is Shopify taking to address the challenges that led to the lower Q2 growth expectations?
Shopify is working on strategies to address the challenges that led to the lower growth expectations, such as increasing Marketing efforts, improving product offerings, and enhancing user experience on their platform. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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kirnakumar155 · 5 months
Dell Boomi SAP Integration
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Dell Boomi: The Key to Streamlined SAP Integration
SAP systems are the central data and process backbone of countless enterprises worldwide. However, to fully realize their potential, SAP environments need to seamlessly communicate with various other applications and systems—both within the organization and beyond. This is where Dell Boomi comes in, providing a powerful solution for achieving robust and efficient SAP integration.
Why Integrate SAP with Dell Boomi?
Enhanced Data Flow: Boomi establishes a unified data highway, enabling data to move freely between SAP and your broader enterprise ecosystem. This boosts efficiency, reduces errors due to manual data entry, and empowers better decision-making based on consolidated information.
Process Automation: Orchestrate complex business processes that span SAP and external systems. Dell Boomi lets you automate everything from order-to-cash workflows to complex data synchronization and supply chain management.
Accelerated Cloud Migration: If you’re transitioning to SAP S/4HANA or embracing cloud applications, Boomi simplifies the integration process. You maintain the power of your SAP core while leveraging the scalability and innovation of the cloud.
Reduced IT Complexity: With Dell Boomi’s intuitive, low-code approach, integration projects become significantly faster and easier to manage. This frees up your IT resources to focus on higher-value initiatives.
How Dell Boomi Integrates with SAP
Dell Boomi provides a specialized SAP connector, offering several methods for seamless integration:
BAPIs and RFMs: Boomi directly communicates with SAP Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) and Remote Function Modules (RFMs). This is ideal for real-time interaction and triggering specific SAP processes.
IDocs: Boomi supports the robust exchange of Intermediate Documents (IDocs), a standardized format within SAP for business data transfer. IDocs are vital for asynchronous data exchange and event-driven processes.
Web Services: For more modern integration scenarios or exposing parts of your SAP landscape with controlled access, Boomi can utilize SAP’s web service technologies (SOAP or RESTful APIs).
SAP NetWeaver Gateway Expose SAP business data in a RESTful manner for easy consumption by the Boomi platform.
Boomi’s SAP Integration Advantages
SAP-Certified Connector: Peace of mind knowing that the connector adheres to SAP standards and security best practices.
Intuitive Interface: Boomi’s drag-and-drop environment and AI-powered suggestions streamline integration development, even for those without extensive SAP expertise.
Extensive Connector Library: Boomi’s vast collection of pre-built connectors allows simple integration with cloud applications, SaaS solutions, databases, legacy systems, and more.
Use Cases
Boomi’s SAP integration capabilities enable countless use cases across various industries:
Supply Chain Optimization: Real-time inventory visibility between SAP and warehouse management systems. Automated purchase order creation and updates.
Customer 360: Integrate SAP with CRM systems like Salesforce to provide a complete customer view and personalize sales and service interactions.
E-commerce Integration: Connect SAP with e-commerce platforms like Magento or Shopify for seamless order processing, inventory updates, and customer data synchronization.
Get Started with Dell Boomi for SAP Integration
Dell Boomi is a compelling choice if you want to unlock the full power of your SAP environment. To learn more, visit the Dell Boomi website or consult a Boomi integration specialist.
You can find more information about Dell Boomi in this  Dell Boomi Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Dell Boomi Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  Dell Boomi here – Dell Boomi Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class Dell Boomi Details here – Dell Boomi Training
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thehubops · 1 year
HubSpot's 2023 E-commerce Revolution: Must-Know Updates
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E-commerce is constantly evolving, with new technologies, trends and strategies continually emerging to change the way businesses do business online. HubSpot is a leading platform for inbound marketing and selling that has helped businesses streamline their ecommerce operations and grow. It's time for us to look closer at HubSpot updates that will revolutionize e-commerce as we move into 2024.
1. HubSpot CMS Hub: Improved Customer Experience
A user-friendly and seamless website is essential to a successful online business. HubSpot's Content Management System Hub (CMS Hub) has been a major step forward in this field since 2023. The platform is intuitive and customizable, allowing businesses to easily create and manage websites. Drag-and-drop editor and robust SEO tools combined with responsive design features of the CMS Hub enable ecommerce companies to offer an excellent online shopping experience. This leads to higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.
2. Customization capabilities that are more advanced
HubSpot understands that personalization can be a game changer in ecommerce. Customer relationship management (CRM), a feature of the platform, allows businesses to analyze and collect customer data in order to provide highly personalized shopping experiences. HubSpot CRM allows businesses to segment customers according to their preferences, browsing history, and purchase history. This allows them to send tailored emails, create tailored content and recommend products based on the data they have collected.
3. E-commerce Integrations
HubSpot will expand its e-commerce integrations in 2023 to give businesses more flexibility and efficiency. HubSpot can integrate with popular ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, Woo Commerce and Big Commerce. This integration allows you to automate your marketing campaigns and customer support processes.
4. Conversational marketing and sales
HubSpot's conversational sales and marketing tools have improved its ability to communicate in real-time. Businesses can engage customers via chatbots and messaging apps. HubSpot’s chatbot creator allows you to build automated bots which answer customer questions, schedule appointments and even process orders. This real-time conversation not only improves customer service, but also helps companies capture leads and increase sales.
5. AI-Powered Analysis
HubSpot 2023's updates include artificial intelligence-powered advanced analytics. These analytics tools give insights into customer behavior, sales trends and marketing performance. HubSpot AI algorithms are able to predict customer preferences and make recommendations for strategies that will optimize your ecommerce operations. This data-driven approach allows businesses to refine their marketing, improve customer targeting and increase ROI.
6. Email Marketing Automation
HubSpot's automation has made email marketing even more powerful for ecommerce businesses. HubSpot's advanced email marketing tools will enable businesses to send highly personalized and targeted emails based upon customer behavior and segmentation in 2023. Automated workflows for email can be used to nurture leads, retrieve abandoned carts and encourage repeat purchases. All while saving time and effort.
7. Multi-Channel Marketing
HubSpot understands that e-commerce success is often dependent on reaching customers via multiple channels. Multi-channel marketing has been enhanced by the addition of social media tools and integrations with advertising. The HubSpot platform allows businesses to schedule and analyze social media ads and posts. Businesses can measure their impact and maintain a consistent presence on various channels with centralized management.
8. Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting
HubSpot's reporting features have been enhanced to give businesses more detailed insights. You can track key metrics such as revenue, conversion rates and customer lifetime values using the platform's customizable dashboards. These insights will allow you to fine-tune your online strategy and achieve optimal results.
HubSpot 2023 is poised to revolutionize e-commerce. HubSpot's 2023 updates will revolutionize the e-commerce landscape with their improved website management and advanced personalization. They also offer powerful integrations and cutting-edge AI analysis. E-commerce businesses can stay on top of the game in 2023 by embracing these updates. They will be able to deliver an exceptional customer experience, increase sales and remain ahead of their competitors. HubSpot can help you supercharge your business online. Don't let the ecommerce revolution pass you by. 
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Welcome to my channel! In this video, I'll take you on a tour as I transform This MidJourney Prompt - 1920’s Grand Prix Racing Poster --q 2 - Into a stunning racing poster using Photoshop perfect for selling on ETSY or in your own shopify store. Join me as I showcase the power of Photoshop and the creative possibilities it offers. Whether you're an aspiring graphic designer, an art enthusiast, or someone looking to sell their artwork on platforms like ETSY, this video is for you! Throughout this time-lapse tutorial, I'll demonstrate my painting process, step by step, revealing the transformation of the AI's MidJourney Prompt into a sellable racing poster. You'll witness the magic of Photoshop as I utilize various tools and techniques to bring the artwork to life. From the initial concept Prompt to adding intricate details and vibrant colors, every stroke will contribute to the final masterpiece. Remember to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell so you won't miss any future videos. I regularly share tutorials, tips, and tricks related to graphic design, digital art, and selling artwork online. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, my content is designed to help you enhance your skills and achieve your creative goals #midjourney #midjourneyprompts #timelapse #photoshop #aiart #Etsyshop #digitalart #f1 #grandprix #shopify #fineartprints
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The 20/20 vision of cloud Cloud computing expert, Ian Moyse talks about the need for cloud computing and the benefits it offers (think flexibility). Catch his thoughts on Cloud in 2022.
5 new rules guaranteed to build customer trust CX expert and founder of Beyond Philosophy, Colin Shaw, shows you how to win your customer trust with his 5 powerful new rules to build trust. Read now!
5 key rules of behavioural journey mapping Behavioural Journey Mapping looks at four aspects (Rational, Emotional, Subconscious, and Psychological) & we put these layers into the existing journey map.
10 benefits of using AI in cybersecurity Cybersecurity: the ever-evolving tech. But what happens when we add some AI in the mix? Read this article to find out the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity
6 CX Fundamentals of Organizational and Human Adaptiveness MD of Eglobalis Information and co-founder of the ECXO, Ricardo Saltz Gulko talks about the fundamentals for increasing the adoption of technology and services.
7 powerful tips to design an amazing chatbot icon Here's our list of things to do while designing a chatbot icon for your business—Ranging from getting inside your users' minds to analyzing competitor logos.
Marketing Chatbots: The Ultimate Solution for 2023 and Beyond See how mountain dew increased engagement by 572%, using chatbot marketing and learn how you can integrate chatbots for digital marketing strategies.
0 notes
amrselim · 2 years
نظام أساسي لإنشاء المحتوى وإنشاءه تلقائيًا وجدولته بشكل أسرع تسويق المحتوى وكتابة الإعلانات ووسائل تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... https://bit.ly/3WFJ969 أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم نظام أساسي لإنشاء المحتوى وإنشاءه تلقائيًا وجدولته بشكل أسرع. تسويق المحتوى وكتابة الإعلانات ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في دقائق! ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr ❤️ رابط الاشتراك في القناة https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ روابط التواصل ✅ انستجرام https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP ✅ الفيسبوك https://bit.ly/3AcrQBO ✅ تويتر https://twitter.com/bimarabia ✅ لينكد ان https://bit.ly/2nqASDv ✅ قناة التلجرام https://bit.ly/3bu9Pod ✅ الموقع الالكتروني الشخصي https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3suwyqU https://bit.ly/3bEr3zh augmented reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9c5h0X-Kqw&list=PLNMim060_nUKpt2st91YUPa7BqWd0U2eb open source مفتوحة المصدر https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNYyejjLa-s&list=PLNMim060_nUK6qoVzrpjLucG_aBNaz_Ny revit workshop ورشة عمل ريفيت https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIZBNN7CLk&list=PLNMim060_nULOxkcpmsGdaRXRnEj7rmGC OPEN STREET MAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHnpu5birw&list=PLNMim060_nUJBibv97w-SfqGMjQCDc6xT المدن الذكية https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nGsbGafZ6c&list=PLNMim060_nUKxO8GJj5c-9POTgiCfOdmE الاستدامة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_dma-4wOJU&list=PLNMim060_nUKIQ9OEPA5xGjQ471AQyp3F Pricing Integrations Get Paid! Login Try Free Become a Social Media Genius A platform to create, auto-generate and schedule content quicker. Content marketing, copywriting and social media in minutes! Try Free Play Button See how it works Ocoya 2.0 - Canva + Hootsuite + Copy.ai | Product Hunt G2 Trustpilot GradientGradient These companies rely on us for their content. WPP Logo Pepsi Logo Toptal Logo Looka Logo Cornell Logo 👋 Create social media content. Faster. We help you generate and schedule content - both manually and automatically. Create Create Schedule Schedule Write Write Analyze Analyse Follower Growth Grow followers with non-stop content. Generate banners, videos or music for social media. Or put it on autopilot. GradientGradient 👇 Over 10+ integrations Facebook Logo Facebook Instagram Logo Instagram Twitter Logo Twitter LinkedIn Logo LinkedIn TikTok Logo TikTok Pinterest Logo Pinterest GMB Logo Google YouTube Logo YouTube Shopify Logo Shopify WooCommerce WooCommerce View all integrations 🥵 Social media has changed. Have you? Forget Photoshop. Pick from 10,000+ image and video templates on the go. Create manually within our dashboard or automatically with our API. Facebook Ad ExampleFacebook Story ExampleFacebook Ad ExampleFacebook Story ExampleInstagram Post ExampleFacebook Ad ExampleFlyer ExampleInstagram Post Example 🎉 ROI, ASAP There's no faster way to produce content. Here's why. Graphics Graphics Awesome templates for your images. Copywriting Copywriting Generated marketing text. Scheduling Scheduling Automatic on all socials. Analytics Analytics Real-time metrics on performance. Hashtags Hashtags Relevant & trending, freshly updated. Ecommerce Ecommerce Announce about new products. Link Shortener Link Shortener Save space on long links in captions. Collaboration Collaboration Create workspaces for members. Ecommerce too? Yes sir! Integrate your shop and produce professional graphics in seconds. Integrated with: CanvaShopifyWooCommerce Ocoya Posts Ocoya Captions Captions & hashtags? AI-generated. Produce captions, long blogs, or generate hashtags. All generated through short description or even the image. Product announcements Quotes Relevant hashtags Schedule on socials. For your clients too. Collaborate with teams or clients to plan and review campaigns together. Supported Channels: Channels Officially partnered with TikTok Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter Instagram G2 Top 100 2022 Best usability G2 Fall 2022 Best relationship G2 Fall 2022 Most implementable G2 Fall 2022 Higher performer G2 Winter 2022 G2 Asia Pacific Fall 2022 G2 Europe Fall 2022 G2 Asia Fall 2022 Benjamin Austin Benjamin Austin Account Executive, Uber Eats "Easy to use, rapid setup, powerful" 5 stars Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Social Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn YouTube TikTok Community Join our Facebook Group to learn how to use Ocoya & Travis better! Join Facebook Group → Copyright © 2020 - 2023 UAB Ocoya. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy apply. الذكاء الاصطناعي https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWmW84ZBrbg&list=PLNMim060_nUJs5lSTwbFK8Pe1BCUPT_EB January 20, 2023 at 05:45PM by Omar Selim BIMarabia عمر سليم بيم ارابيا
0 notes
deepyanti · 2 years
AI and Chatbot blog to read before the end of 2022
Conversational analytics part 1: What bot metrics should you track?
Understand how to use conversational analytics to measure and improve your chatbot’s performance. Here are the metrics that show you how your bot is performing!
Hospitality with Artificial Intelligence & personalisation is bling
The hospitality industry is booming. With innumerable travel enthusiasts and bloggers dying to visit new places for a new adventure, it’s chatbot time now!
Who are your most valuable customers?
Which is the most valuable type of customer you could have? Which type of customer would help you innovate and grow the most as a business? Find out here.
3 ways to make your chatbot smart as you!
Chatbots are getting smarter day by day and are helping businesses through lead generation, sales, marketing, customer service, and so on. Read More..
Netflix Predictive Analytics: Journey to 220Mn+ subscribers
See how 30 Million “plays”, 4 Million ratings, and 3 Million searches got Netflix one of the most popular show of all time — House of Cards! Get your mind blown
Education Chatbot: 10 powerful applications for 2022
Education chatbots are providing a personalised learning environment to students, and technology is upgrading the way they learn and absorb information.
Chatbot live chat integrations for better customer experience
Remember the time when you would find an actual, living, breathing human on the other end of a webchat? We now see chatbots assuming that role increasingly.
10 chatbot myths that could hold your business back from growing
To reap all the benefits of chatbot technology and implement it properly, you first need to understand their potential, the advantages and their limits.
Engati crowned winner of 2021 CODiE Awards for Best AI-Driven Technology Solution
We’re so proud to announce that Engati has won the title for the Best Artificial Intelligence Driven Technology Solution of 2021 by the SIIA CODiE Awards.
Into the metaverse: What is it?
Metaverse is a hyper-realistic virtual world in which people are represented by avatars and can interact with each other, hold meetings and many more.
Crypto for Noobs | What’s cryptocurrency all about?
Cryptocurrency is a digital system that makes it possible for anyone to send and receive payments without relying on banks to verify the transactions.
Why does every university need a smart college chatbot?
University & College chatbots help students streamline the process of exchange of information instantly, making it cost-effective & practical way to do anything
7 effective ways to increase customer retention with AI chatbots
Learn how to improve your customer retention using AI chatbots, and increase your customer lifetime value by create fantastic customer experiences for them.
3 simple ways to train your chatbot
Chatbot training is important for lead generation, customer support, follow ups, and more. Learn how to train your bot with the right tools & features.
7 ways to promote your eCommerce store in 2022
An eCommerce platform needs to be mobile-friendly if you want to attract more customers, retain them and gain customer loyalty. Check out the article now!
12 ways to retain customers on your Shopify store
Loyal customers tend to make more purchases and buy higher value products from your store. Here’s how you can increase customer retention on your Shopify store.
How to make your chatbot seem more human and less robotic
Robotic-sounding chatbots might just annoy your customers and users. Here’s how to create chatbots with personality and flair, that make users feel comfortable.
Programming your chatbot from scratch v/s a ready DIY chatbot platform
What will work better for you — spending your time coding your chatbot from scratch or using a powerful DIY chatbot platform? Get your answer right here!
What to do about your company’s leaky bucket
Customer experience wizard, Dan Gingiss addresses the issue of your company’s leaky bucket and shows you how to boost customer retention! Read the article now!
10 most powerful ways to improve your FinTech customer experience
Fintech (and finance in general) doesn’t need to be completely boring, dull, and transactional. Check out this article to know more on it………….
How are intelligent chatbots eliminating human intervention?
Chatbots are automating repetitive query resolution. This means that humans don’t need to intervene there, they only get involved to handle complex queries.
Impact of facial recognition technology on our lives
A thought-leader in the cognitive space, Shailendra Kumar talks about facial recognition technology and the different ways in which it could impact our lives
0 notes
SMARKETO REVIEW -- The Best Easy  Apps Creator
SMARKETO OTO is a first-released cloud base app that creates lightning fast marketing pages, pop-ups, optin forms and sends unlimited emails all under a single dash with zero monthly fee. However, the best aspect of it is the commercial right which enables users to sell the service and keeps all the profits.
Tumblr media
Well, it seems amazing already huh? When I first used Smarketo, it looked amazing and convenient as it seems to you at this time. As an internet marketer, it is totally worth your money as it is perfect to every information. You know the reason why it can satisfy our demands to this extent?
It was designed by a talented team completely armed with years of experiences in this field.
Dr. Amit Pareek is a marketing expert who has been working for years in the field. He's provided many different products, the majority of which focus on social networking marketing in addition to lead magnets. Some of the best-selling products arexMails, Tappit, MailPrimo, WPSociXplode, TopStorySites, VidFly, SuperStores, myIMUniversity and so much more.
This time, in corporation with Ashu Kumar, Amit Pareek is going to releaseSmarketo. Just as some other products, Smarketo concentrates on making things easier for marketers when dealing with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. In my opinion, we would share the identical notion that Smarketo will create some alterations that are cutting in online marketing field.
This part might be the one you are eager to discover. Please have a look at the listing below to find out Smarketo's features and what it actually can do for your internet business.
Captivating lead pages with elegant and recognized to convert design components. Engaging newsletter templates, to keep your audience engaged. A.I enabled notification pop-ups to assist you present the next-best-offers according to your customers' previous interactions and behavior. Professionally designed web forms to get you more traffic and leads on your blog site, word press site, e-com site, or affiliate offers and promos.
♦ Completely Cloud Based System with One Dashboard to handle them all
♦ Create Unlimited Pages, Emails, Engagement Boosters for Unlimited Campaigns with no limitation
-- able to create a huge array of pages: sales pages, service pages, lead pages, webinar registration page, review pages, etc..
-- suitable to promote affiliate products, build customer relation & market by creating
-- Send Unlimited Emails directly into Inbox for more Opens & Clicks
-- convenient to boost sales using A.I. Based Notifications on Website, followup with Emails, etc..
♦ Total Control over your system without worrying about blocking or compliance
-- Smarketo offers you the easiest way to find, filter or clean your subscribers in never-ending lists. You can determine a subscriber from a list of tens of thousands with only 1 click.
-- You can now send your audience best of offers and discounts based on their past behavior or interaction in your website. Now no more, high cart abandonment rates and no more losing targeted traffic.
♦ Over 100+ Integrations to Connect with Your preferred Marketing Platform and Migration
♦ Behavior Automation to Boost your E-com sales by 3X on any WordPress, Shopify or any other sites with most advanced revenue booster system
-- If you have the power to give your visitors exactly what they're looking for, they'll get glued to your offers and will wait for more from your side. So,Smarketo provides you the power to show best offers, deals, lead forms using A.I to laser targeted audience and boost conversions hassle free.
♦ Commercial License to bill 1K-5K from clients each and every month
♦ 100% Mobile Friendly
♦ Step-By-Step video training
♦ No hosting, No Domain needed
♦ Safe, Secure & 100% GDPR complaint
Knowing how your campaigns are doing is of vital importance for every marketer's success. It is great that Smarketo gives you a summary of your campaign's statistics, so you know which campaigns are doing well, and which aren't to take corrective actions.
This is exactly what the main dashboard look likes when you first sign in. There are four options for you as it shows below: Engage & Sell, Catch Lead, Send Emails, Analytics.
Step 2: Select from 200+ templates ORStart from Scratch
Step 4: Just Shoot and Gain
As I have mentioned above, Smarketo is a really useful tool which is packed with all the features you will need to create unlimited lighting-fast landing pages, affiliate sites, attention-grabbing emails, forms in addition to AI based notification popups.
I have access to Smarketo so trust meI am completely amazed with its own features. Because It lets me build attention-grabbing marketing pages and emails as well as notify my visitors and send them ideal offers right to their inbox fast, I am able to sell more merchandise and solutions on my own WP Websites
Additionally, You are able to use Smarketo to boost leads and maximize engagement on any sites as you want, get more registrations or send attractive emails for targeted traffic
Just Have a Look At Just Some Of The Amazing Results Achieved By Actual Members
219% Increase in Opening Rates
3X Increase in Sales and Conversions
Again, Smarketo is create to simplify the complex process for marketers who have to deal with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. It can also be considered as an optimal solution to any tight budget promotional campaigns.
So, Smarketo is a MUST-HAVE asset for:
+ Marketers with multiple stores, affiliate sites, and merchandise sites
+ Video Marketers
+ Business Owners
+ E-com Store Owners...
+ Merchandise Creators
+ Content Creators
+ Freelancers
+ Video Agencies
+ Bloggers
+ Authors
+ Social Media Marketers
Use Smarketo to print:
+ Sales Pages
+ Marketing Emails
+ Optin Forms
+ Instаgrаm/Fаcebook/YouTube Stories
2 notes · View notes
splendidd-sunss · 5 years
SMARKETO REVIEW -- The Best Easy  Apps Creator
SMARKETO OTO is a first-released cloud base app that creates lightning fast marketing pages, pop-ups, optin forms and sends unlimited emails all under a single dash with zero monthly fee. However, the best part of it is the industrial right which allows users to sell the service and keeps all the profits.
Well, it sounds amazing already huh? When I first used Smarketo, it looked amazing and convenient as it sounds to you right now. As an internet marketer, it's totally worth your money as it's perfect to every details. You know why it can satisfy our demands to this extent?
It was designed by a talented team fully equipped with years of experiences in this subject.
Tumblr media
SMARKETO REVIEW -- THE CREATORS -- Dr. Amit Pareek&Er. FEATURE DETAILS -- WHAT'S INSIDE SMARKETO? ♦ Over 500+ Landing Page, Emails, Optin Forms and Notification Templates ♦ Completely Cloud Based System with One Dashboard to handle them all ♦ Total Control over your system without worrying about compliance or blocking ♦ Over 100+ Integrations to Connect with Your favorite Marketing Platform and Migration
Dr. Amit Pareek is a marketing expert who has been working for many years in the field. He's provided many different products, most of which focus on social media marketing in addition to lead magnets. Some of his best-selling products arexMails, Tappit, MailPrimo, WPSociXplode, TopStorySites, VidFly, SuperStores, myIMUniversity and so much more.
This time, in business with Ashu Kumar, Amit Pareek is going to launch Smarketo. Just as some other products, Smarketo focuses on making things easier for marketers when dealing with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. In my opinion, we would share the same idea that Smarketo will make some cutting-edge changes in online marketing field.
This part may be the one you are eager to find out. Please have a look at the listing below to find out Smarketo's features and what it really can do for your internet business.
Captivating lead pages with elegant and proven to convert design components. A.I enabled notification pop-ups that will assist you present the next-best-offers based on your users' previous interactions and behavior. Professionally designed web forms to get you more visitors and leads on your blog site, word press site, e-com site, or affiliate offers and promos.
♦ Create Unlimited Pages, Emails, Engagement Boosters for Unlimited Campaigns with no restriction
-- able to create a wide variety of pages: sales pages, service pages, lead pages, webinar registration page, review pages, etc..
-- suitable to promote affiliate products, build customer relation & market by creating
-- Send Unlimited Emails directly into Inbox for more Opens & Clicks
-- Smarketo offers you the easiest way to find, filter or clean your readers in never-ending lists. You can find out a subscriber out of a list of thousands with only 1 click.
-- now you can send your audience best of offers and discounts based on their previous behavior or interaction in your site. Now no more, high cart abandonment rates and no longer losing targeted traffic.
♦ Behavior Automation to Boost your E-com sales by 3X on any WordPress, Shopify or any other websites with most advanced revenue booster system
-- If you've got the power to present your visitors exactly what they're looking for, they will get glued to your supplies and will wait for more from your side. So,Smarketo gives you the capability to show best deals, deals, lead forms using A.I to laser targeted audience and boost conversions hassle free.
♦ Commercial License to charge 1K-5K from customers each and every month
♦ Super-Fast & Easy to use
♦ Step-By-Step video coaching
Knowing how your campaigns are doing is of vital importance for every marketer's success. It is great that Smarketo gives you a summary of your effort's statistics, so you know which campaigns are doing well, and which aren't to take corrective actions.
Step 1: Sign in. This is what the main dashboard look enjoys when you sign in. There are four choices for you as it shows below: Engage & Sell, Grab Lead, Send Emails, Analytics.
Step 4: Just Shoot and Gain
As I have mentioned above, Smarketo is a really useful tool which is packed with all the features you will need to create unlimited lighting-fast landing pages, affiliate websites, attention-grabbing emails, forms in addition to AI based notification popups.
I have access to Smarketo so trust meI am completely amazed with its own features. Since it lets me build attention-grabbing Advertising pages and emails as well as notify my visitors and send them ideal offers right to their inbox quickly, I am able to sell more merchandise and services on my own WP Websites
Moreover, you are able to use Smarketo to boost leads and maximize engagement on any websites as you want, get more registrations or send attractive emails for targeted traffic
Just Take A Look At Just Some Of The Awesome Results Achieved By Real Members
219% Increase in Opening Rates
3X Increase in Sales and Conversions
Again, Smarketo is create to simplify the complicated process for marketers who need to deal with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. It can also be regarded as an optimal solution to any tight budget promotional campaigns.
So, Smarketo is a MUST-HAVE advantage for:
+ Marketers with multiple shops, affiliate sites, and merchandise sites
+ Video Marketers
+ Business Owners
+ E-com Store Owners...
+ Merchandise Creators
+ Content Creators
+ Freelancers
+ Video Agencies
+ Bloggers
+ Authors
+ Social Media Marketers
Use Smarketo to print:
+ Sales Pages
+ Marketing Emails
+ Optin Forms
+ Instаgrаm/Fаcebook/YouTube Stories
2 notes · View notes
keepitcooltil · 5 years
SMARKETO REVIEW -- The Best Easy  Apps Creator
SMARKETO OTO is a first-released cloud base program that makes lightning fast advertising pages, pop-ups, optin forms and sends unlimited emails all under one dash with zero monthly fee. However, the best aspect of it is the commercial right which enables users to market the service and keeps all the profits.
Tumblr media
Well, it seems amazing already huh? When I first used Smarketo, it looked amazing and convenient as it seems to you at this time. As an internet marketer, it's totally worth your money as it's perfect to every information. You know the reason why it can satisfy our demands to that extent?
It had been designed by a talented team completely equipped with years of experiences in this field.
Dr. Amit Pareek is a marketing expert that has been working for many years in the field. He's provided many diverse products, most of which focus on social media marketing in addition to lead magnets. Some of his best-selling products arexMails, Tappit, MailPrimo, WPSociXplode, TopStorySites, VidFly, SuperStores, myIMUniversity and so much more.
This time, in corporation with Ashu Kumar, Amit Pareek is going to releaseSmarketo. Just as other products, Smarketo concentrates on making things easier for marketers when dealing with advertising pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email advertising. In my view, we would share the identical notion that Smarketo will make some alterations that are cutting in online marketing field.
This part may be the one you're eager to discover. Please take a look at the list below to find out Smarketo's features and what it really can do for your internet business.
Captivating lead webpages with elegant and proven to convert design elements. Engaging newsletter templates, to keep your audience engaged. A.I allowed notification pop-ups that will assist you present the next-best-offers based on your users' previous interactions and behaviour. Professionally designed web forms to get you more visitors and leads on your blog site, word press site, e-com site, or affiliate offers and promos.
♦ Completely Cloud Based System with One Dashboard to handle them all
♦ Create Unlimited Pages, Emails, Engagement Boosters for Unlimited Campaigns with no restriction
-- able to create a huge array of pages: sales pages, service webpages, lead webpages, webinar registration page, review pages, etc..
-- suitable to promote affiliate products, build customer connection & market by creating
-- Send Unlimited Emails straight into Inbox for more Opens & Clicks
♦ Total Control over your system without worrying about blocking or compliance
-- Smarketo provides you the easiest way to find, filter or wash your readers in never-ending lists. You will find out a subscriber from a list of thousands with only 1 click.
-- now you can send your audience best of offers and discounts based on their previous behavior or interaction at your site. Now no more, higher cart abandonment rates and no more losing targeted traffic.
♦ Over 100+ Integrations to Combine with Your preferred Marketing Platform and Migration
♦ Behavior Automation to Boost your E-com earnings by 3X on any WordPress, Shopify or some other sites with most advanced revenue booster system
-- If you've got the power to give your customers exactly what they're searching for, they'll get glued to your offers and will wait for more from your side. So,Smarketo provides you the power to show best offers, deals, lead forms using A.I to laser targeted audience and boost conversions hassle free.
♦ Commercial License to charge 1K-5K from customers each and every month
♦ Step-By-Step video coaching
♦ Safe, Secure & 100% GDPR complaint
Knowing how your campaigns are doing is of vital importance for every marketer's success. It's great that Smarketo gives you an overview of your campaign's statistics, so you know which campaigns are doing well, and which aren't to take corrective actions.
Step 1: Sign in. This is exactly what the main dashboard look enjoys when you sign in. There are four choices for you as it displays below: Engage & Sell, Catch Lead, Send Emails, Analytics.
Step 2: Select from 200+ templates ORStart from Scratch
Step 3: Design and Customize
Step 4: Just Shoot and Gain
As I have mentioned above, Smarketo is a really helpful tool that's packed with all the features you will need to create unlimited lighting-fast landing pages, affiliate sites, attention-grabbing emails, forms in addition to AI based notification popups.
I have access to Smarketo so trust meI am completely amazed with its own features. Because It lets me build attention-grabbing Advertising pages and emails and notify my customers and send them perfect offers right to their inbox fast, I am able to sell more product and services on my WP Websites
Moreover, you are able to use Smarketo to boost leads and maximize engagement on any sites as you want, get more registrations or send attractive emails for targeted visitors
Just Have a Look At Just Some Of The Awesome Results Achieved By Real Members
219% Increase in Opening Rates
3X Increase in Sales and Conversions
Again, Smarketo is create to simplify the complicated process for marketers who need to deal with advertising pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email advertising. It can also be regarded as an optimal solution to any tight budget promotional campaigns.
So, Smarketo is a MUST-HAVE advantage for:
+ Marketers with multiple stores, affiliate sites, and product sites
+ Video Marketers
+ Business Owners
+ E-com Store Owners...
+ Merchandise Creators
+ Content Creators
+ Freelancers
+ Video Agencies
+ Bloggers
+ Authors
+ Social Media Marketers
Use Smarketo to print:
+ Sales Pages
+ Marketing Emails
+ Optin Forms
+ Instаgrаm/Fаcebook/YouTube Stories
1 note · View note
SMARKETO REVIEW -- The Best Easy  Apps Creator
SMARKETO OTO is a first-released cloud base program that makes lightning fast marketing pages, pop-ups, optin forms and sends unlimited emails all under a single dashboard with zero monthly fee. However, the best part of it is the commercial right which allows users to sell the service and keeps all the profits.
Tumblr media
Well, it seems amazing already huh? When I first used Smarketo, it seemed amazing and convenient as it seems to you right now. As an online marketer, it's totally worth your money as it's perfect to every details. You know the reason why it can meet our demands to this extent?
It was created by a talented team fully equipped with years of experiences in this field.
SMARKETO REVIEW -- THE CREATORS -- Dr. Amit Pareek&Er. Ashu Kumar
Dr. Amit Pareek is a marketing expert that has been working for years in the area. He's provided many different products, most of which focus on social media marketing in addition to lead magnets. Some of the bestselling products arexMails, Tappit, MailPrimo, WPSociXplode, TopStorySites, VidFly, SuperStores, myIMUniversity and so much more.
This time, in business with Ashu Kumar, Amit Pareek will releaseSmarketo. Just as other products, Smarketo focuses on making things easier for marketers when dealing with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. In my opinion, we would share the identical notion that Smarketo will make some alterations that are cutting in online marketing area.
This part might be the one you're eager to find out. Please have a look at the listing below to find out Smarketo's features and what it actually can do for your online business.
♦ Over 500+ Landing Page, Emails, Optin Forms and Notification Templates
Captivating lead pages with elegant and recognized to convert layout elements. A.I allowed notification pop-ups that will help you present the next-best-offers based on your users' previous interactions and behaviour. Professionally designed web forms to get you more traffic and leads on your blog website, word press site, e-com website, or affiliate offers and promos.
♦ Completely Cloud Based System with One Dashboard to handle them all
♦ Create Unlimited Pages, Emails, Engagement Boosters for Unlimited Campaigns with no restriction
-- able to create a huge variety of pages: sales pages, service pages, lead pages, webinar registration page, review pages, etc..
-- suitable to market affiliate products, build customer connection & market by creating
-- Send Unlimited Emails straight into Inbox for more Opens & Clicks
-- convenient to boost sales using A.I. Based Notifications on Website, followup with Emails, etc..
♦ Total Control over your system without worrying about blocking or compliance
-- Smarketo provides you the easiest way to find, filter or clean your subscribers in never-ending lists. You will determine a subscriber out of a list of thousands with only 1 click.
-- You can now send your audience best of offers and discounts based on their past behavior or interaction at your site. Now no more, high cart abandonment rates and no longer losing targeted traffic.
♦ Over 100+ Integrations to Connect with Your preferred Marketing Platform and Migration
♦ Behavior Automation to Boost your E-com sales by 3X on any WordPress, Shopify or some other websites with most advanced sales booster system ever
-- If you have the power to give your customers exactly what they're looking for, they'll get glued to your offers and will wait for more from your side. So,Smarketo gives you the power to show best offers, deals, lead forms using A.I to laser targeted audience and boost conversions hassle free.
♦ Commercial License to bill 1K-5K from customers each and every month
♦ 100% Mobile Friendly
♦ Step-By-Step video training
Knowing how your campaigns are performing is of vital importance for every marketer's success. It's great that Smarketo provides you a summary of your effort's statistics, so you understand which campaigns are performing well, and which aren't to take corrective actions.
Step 1: Sign in. This is exactly what the main dashboard look enjoys when you sign in. There are four choices for you as it displays below: Engage & Sell, Grab Lead, Send Emails, Analytics.
Step 4: Just Shoot and Gain
As I have mentioned above, Smarketo is a really helpful tool that's packed with all the features you will need to create unlimited lighting-fast landing pages, affiliate websites, attention-grabbing emails, forms in addition to AI based notification popups.
I got access to Smarketo so trust me, I am completely amazed with its features. Because It lets me build attention-grabbing Advertising pages and emails as well as notify my customers and send them ideal offers right to their inbox quickly, I am able to sell more product and services on my own WP Sites
Additionally, You are able to use Smarketo to boost leads and maximize engagement on any websites as you want, get more registrations or send attractive emails for targeted visitors
Just Have a Look At Only Some of The Awesome Results Achieved By Real Members
219% Increase in Opening Rates
3X Increase in Sales and Conversions
Again, Smarketo is create to simplify the complex process for marketers who have to deal with marketing pages, pop-ups, optin-forms, email marketing. It can also be considered as an optimal solution to any tight budget promotional campaigns.
So, Smarketo is a MUST-HAVE asset for:
+ Marketers with multiple stores, affiliate sites, and product sites
+ Video Marketers
+ Business Owners
+ E-com Store Owners...
+ Product Creators
+ Content Creators
+ Freelancers
+ Video Agencies
+ Writers
+ Authors
+ Social Media Marketers
Use Smarketo to publish:
+ Sales Pages
+ Marketing Emails
+ Optin Forms
+ Instаgrаm/Fаcebook/YouTube Stories
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