senbons · 2 months
My third question about #aibg is about Temari and her work with the students that do protests. She makes a different persona like the way she dress, her believes. She keeps relationship with them. What will come out of this, because it seems like something that has to have a long run. Also I get impression that Shikamaru is not happy with that job of her, because when she first mention she had dinner with one of them, he said he will go next time, also in the last chapter he woke up to ask her about it, so he seems kinda restless and also asked Temari if she likes them.
Okay!!! Last one!
I am sooooo excited about this because (at least from what I remember) no one really asked about the students after they were first kind of mentioned!
There are a few brief answers to this question.
I think Shikamaru is interested in this because she is forming a network that is really separate from him -- she's involved in more of his work than he is here, so I think he's interested in what she is doing and wants to be there to help (and to ensure the safety of it). I believe whole heartedly that he would play some role at some point. Like even a year down the road, just joining the protestors as just another student and pretending not to know her at all. Or something. But him not being involved at all helps right now because he will always be around later if needed (this is the same for almost all of their missions/plots/whatever, things they do).
I don't think he is jealous (like, not romantically), but I do think there is something he is unhappy with. Part of it is that, although she is dressing and acting younger, etc, she also believes a lot of what the students feel. She is "Acting" the basic, like, "Conservative American Housewife" in her role as Temari Nara (I say american bc we all know this is a loose (loose!, don't @ me) cold war fic) and these students are the closest she really comes to people who share her actual values (warped, but). And she gets to be there. He doesn't. He doesn't get to see her there and be with her when she has that crumb of freedom... and he also don't get to have it for himself. So I think there is a jealousy in that (re why he is vaguely unhappy with it) but it's not romantic jealousy, if that make sense? (he's trying to imagine it, when he asks if she likes it)
And for these students too she would definitely convince some of them to spy for Suna/Konoha (or just spread propaganda about them, which is its own tool) out of genuine anti-Kiri views. Not forced, like Hiashi, but from their own will/values. So I do think some of the relationships formed through this alias (and use of this alias in general) would go on for a long time, even after the group itself broke up after college or whatever.
Okay! Hopefully that answered some of your question!!!!! As I know was said in a lot of those end comments -- there are lots of ends without periods. Lines don't tie off. I don't mean them to be holes, but to be reflective of reality. She gets to where she is (a different person) in her life and marriage at the end of the story, which was the story's thesis, but the life and marriage aren't over. All of these things will continue to grow and change and will take different shapes as time goes on. I am making up things, but even as the author I genuinely think of them only as headcanons... they're not canonical to the story. I'm literally just spitballing here too. Making things up as I go along. So here are my (overly complicated) answers and hopefully they gave you some clarity, but they're questions not really able to have answers... if that make sense.
Again, I cannot explain to you how much it meant to have you reach out to me about this story. Thank you so much for giving me your time and attention and I hope you found it all worth it I am in your debt. Thank you!!!!
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miinah13 · 4 years
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Mr. Nara
Inspired by @senbons "and I'll be good (if you tell me how)"
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dtrojko17-blog · 6 years
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Bio sam na timskom natjecanju ETC koje je organizirala firma Jane Street, to je bio moj prvi korak borbe protiv straha od timskih natjecanja... cijelo vrijeme sam izbjegavao takve oblike natjecanja jer sam bio uvjeren da neću biti od koristi timu ili da ćemo zbog mene biti zadnji... Moram priznati da je ovo natjecanje bilo predivno iskustvo 😊 upoznao sam puno zanimljivih ljudi, bili smo 3.💪, naučio nešto novo i najvažnije, suočio se sa svojim strahom❤ Već sam se prijavio na iduće timsko natjecanje AIBG da se dalje tjeram van svoje konformne zone i da u potpunosti savladam strah od natjecanja i sudjelovanja u timu. Svoje strahove trebamo osvjestiti i pričati o njima na glas, reči drugima što su naše nesigurnosti i slabosti, kako bi ojačali u tim područjima. Na taj način ćemo postati sigurniji u sebe i čvršći. Korak po korak. Mijenjajući sebe, mijenjamo svijet na bolje! Svi imamo sve što je potrebno za bolji svijet u sebi, u svome ❤!!! #janestreet #AIBG #best #ETC #KorakPoKorak #nesigurnosti #ojačatisemora #LoveYouAll #YouCanDoIt #YouAreBeautiful #YouAreEnough #littlethings #outofcomfortzone #izadji #iz #zone #komfora #BeHuman #budicovjek (at Zagreb, Croatia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqsbaGVHLWl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3y201manrmk
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factoides-yajan · 3 years
Factoide #3633
(#3633) La ensalada rusa la invento un belga Un chef llamado Lucien Olivier, nacido en Bélgica fue el creador de la primera ensaladilla rusa de la historia. Dedicado al disfrute gastronómico de la élite moscovita, se dice que Olivier ideó en sus cocinas una ensalada fría que, al poco tiempo, no solo se convirtió en el plato estrella del Hermitage, sino que pasó a ser denominada como "ensalada Olivier", y como tal terminó extendiéndose a lo largo y ancho de Rusia, y más tarde, de Europa. Sobre la receta original de la "ensalada Olivier" poco se sabe con certeza, ya que sólo él la cocinaba y siempre quiso guardar cuidadosamente los secretos de su exitosa fórmula. Tal y como se detalla en el "SRAS" (The School of Russian and Asian Studies), la receta original estaba elaborada con una serie de ingredientes gourmet que incluían caviar negro y alcaparras, gallina de caza al vapor y caldo en gelatina. Además, se servía con colas de cangrejo de río hervidas y trozos de lengua alrededor de los bordes del plato; todo ello cubierto con una pequeña cantidad de salsa provenzal fresca hecha de aceite de oliva, yemas de huevo, vinagre francés, mostaza y especias. Una piel de patata con pepinillos y rodajas de huevos duros decoraban el centro del plato La ensaladilla rusa en la actualidad Actualmente, el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua recoge el concepto de "ensaladilla rusa" y lo define como: "ensalada de patata, guisantes, zanahoria y huevo cocido, mezclados con atún u otros ingredientes, que se sirve fría y aderezada con mayonesa". Por su parte, el Diccionario de Gastronomía -proyecto de LID Editorial y la Academia Iberoamericana de Gastronomía (AIBG)- completa la descripción de la RAE y define a la ensaladilla rusa como una "ensalada compuesta de patata cocida en pequeños dados, zanahoria y guisantes cocidos, bonito al natural y ocasionalmente algún encurtido en trozos, como aceitunas o pepinillos en vinagre. Se homogeniza todo con salsa mahonesa y se incorpora huevo duro machacado". Y a esta descripción en forma de receta, añade: "es una de las tapas más populares españolas y curiosamente su origen no tiene nada que ver con Rusia, donde es totalmente desconocida". Evidentemente, no es esta la versión que se conoce en Rusia -ni por los ingredientes que la componen, ni por su nombre, ni por la forma de degustarla-. Tampoco responde, como hemos visto, a la receta que popularizó nuestro primer protagonista Lucier Olivier, ni al resto de versiones que tras él volaron desde Moscú hasta el resto de cocinas de Europa y del mundo. Lo que sí es cierto es que este plato, desde entonces, no ha parado de recrearse, reinventarse y degustarse en millones de cocinas y restaurantes de todo el mundo. Por su parte, Vega se refiere a la ensaladilla rusa en su versión actual como "una maravillosa interpretación española, adaptada a nuestros ingredientes y a nuestra particular idiosincrasia, de una receta extranjera que en su momento triunfó por todo el mundo Gracias a Nesu Beltran por el aporte
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[Publicado originalmente el 21 de Octubre del 2021]
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nedxchange · 3 years
AIB Group announces Anik Chaumartin to its Board as Independent Director
AIB Group announces Anik Chaumartin to its Board as Independent Director
By Debbie Wright June 18, 2021 by Olivier Dellacherie – Talent4Boards – IRELAND, Dublin –  AIB Group plc and Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (LON: AIBG) today announced the appointment of Anik Chaumartin to its Board as an independent non-executive Director. “We are delighted to announce Anik’s appointment and we look forward to her contribution to the Board. We expect her deep technical accountancy…
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nedworks-net · 3 years
AIB Group announces Anik Chaumartin to its Board as Independent Director
AIB Group announces Anik Chaumartin to its Board as Independent Director
June 18, 2021 by Olivier Dellacherie – Talent4Boards – IRELAND, Dublin –  AIB Group plc and Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (LON: AIBG) today announced the appointment of Anik Chaumartin to its Board as an independent non-executive Director. “We are delighted to announce Anik’s appointment and we look forward to her contribution to the Board. We expect her deep technical accountancy expertise in the…
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jewellerdirect · 3 years
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My Own Jeweller Direct has created the lovely lady’s Jewellery over the years. Pictured wearing her beautiful bangle, pendant and ring. Smiling happily with her favourite Jeweller Peter Kumskov. #australianjewellery #diamondmapaustralia #runcornjeweller #brisbanejeweller #diamondring #jewelleryrestoration #jewelleryremodelling #jewellerydesigns #jewelleryrepairs #jewelleryresize #ringrepair #ringresize www.jewellerdirect.com.au phone #kathykumskov 0411344900 (at My Own Jeweller Direct) https://www.instagram.com/p/COJ3zG-AibG/?igshid=1l3n4i02lxenn
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senbons · 2 months
This is my second question about #aibg . In some of the comments it was asked about the relationship between Shikamaru and Hiashi and how it ends. And you said he would have to turn her up or he has to kill her. Which one would you choose? How many years it continues? Because as every relationship it is really hard to continue with one person for that long time plus it is mentioned that she likes having more lovers.i imagine that is getting bored with them and she is the one in control and if he has to turn her up their relationship has to either progress which will lead to her asking him to get rid of Temari or I don't see how she will just decide to side with them, because of him.
Okay!!!! Number two!
So, like the last one, I definitely already tried to answer this in a prior ask (though rereading it I was so dead after this story, it is completely incoherent) and will hold to that answer.
Like I said before, I obviously don't know the answer to your question. I am still spitballing. And it might be one of those situations where I would try writing this and realize I couldn't make it realistic at all and scrap the whole thing.
But if you're asking which option I would choose, I think I'd have him turn her. You're 100% right that he was able to use her desire to have dominant sexual relationships with young men, so he would play to that until he couldn't or until it was no longer valuable. I think if thd relationship ended up continuing to be valuable to him, she would end up being too compromised for the relationship to just end.
And what I mean by that is I think in the end he would turn her... but I don't think it would be the way you're thinking. Like, she wouldn't purposefully work for Suna/Konoha (unlike the student protestors in your other ask) out of love or an amended moral conviction.... she wouldn't work for them until she was forced to. He would get information from her (minor things) and eventually more things. Like she'd take him to meetings and introduce him to people or use her connections to help him get a job or even just show him the work she is doing in her home. And he is feeding all that information to Suna/Konoha. And at some point, it has suddenly been years and she has been working for Suna/Konoha without even realizing it. Maybe he helps her secure funding through a shell company or something and she ends up having research products tied up in money to these enemy nations. Like, shit like that. So she ends up being essentially a spy for these countries without even knowing that she is. And then at some point they can come to her and show her proof she has been spying for them and say they will out her to her country and she will be convicted of treason unless she actually does work for them knowingly. I think those tactics happened all the time (from the books ive read idk). Does that make sense? So turn her, but not politically/morally. Just force her into a position of being a spy.
And I think maybe like two years after their affair begins, Suna/Konoha decide pursuing her in a serious way (i.e. having him continue the affair) is worthwhile, and that's when it eventually goes on so long that he would be forced to kill her or turn her. I think he'd try for the latter, but would be ready to actualize the former if necessary.
Does that make sense???? So it's not really that she is turning out of love for him. I don't mean that at all. I think her hands would just be tied because of his manipulation in her relationship with him.
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eldinerodo-blog · 7 years
Bocao Food Fest: Una experiencia de 360 grados con color, sabor y sonido
Bocao Food Fest: Una experiencia de 360 grados con color, sabor y sonido
[dropcap]R[/dropcap]epública Dominicana se conoce en gran medida por su amor a la gastronomía y, recientemente, fue declarada por la Real Academia de la Gastronomía y la Academia Iberoamericana de Gastronomía (AIBG) “Capital de la Cultura Gastronómica del Caribe”.
Dentro de las diferentes variedades gastronómicas que se pueden encontrar en el país, hay una tendencia internacional que ha alcanzado…
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tunisialive · 7 years
Clôture de la deuxième session de formation de l’Académie Internationale de la Bonne Gouvernance.
La cérémonie de clôture de la deuxième session de formation de l’Académie Internationale de la Bonne Gouvernance (AIBG) s’est déroulée le jeudi 27 juillet 2017 au siège de l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration, sous la présidence de Hédi Mekni Secrétaire Général du gouvernement.
from Business News tunisia live news http://www.tunisialive.info via Tunisia live news
from tunisia live news https://tunisialivenews.wordpress.com/2017/07/27/cloture-de-la-deuxieme-session-de-formation-de-lacademie-internationale-de-la-bonne-gouvernance/ via Tunisia live news
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nedxchange · 4 years
AIB Group appoints Fergal O’Dwyer to its Board as Independent Director
AIB Group appoints Fergal O’Dwyer to its Board as Independent Director
By Debbie Wright By operator Feed Up Talent4Boards – Great Talent builds Great Boards – IRELAND, Dublin –  AIB Group plc (LON: AIBG) today announced the appointment of Fergal O’Dwyer to the Board as an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Audit Committee with immediate effect. “We are delighted to announce Fergal’s appointment to the Board. Fergal is a well-known and respected…
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nedworks-net · 4 years
AIB Group appoints Fergal O’Dwyer to its Board as Independent Director
AIB Group appoints Fergal O’Dwyer to its Board as Independent Director
By operator Feed Up Talent4Boards – Great Talent builds Great Boards – IRELAND, Dublin –  AIB Group plc (LON: AIBG) today announced the appointment of Fergal O’Dwyer to the Board as an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Audit Committee with immediate effect. “We are delighted to announce Fergal’s appointment to the Board. Fergal is a well-known and respected Irish … AIB Group…
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myfaceisgood-blog · 7 years
Monday and Sunday : Coin slot
Wednesday and Friday :AIBG
Tuesday and Thurday : Samasam
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senbons · 2 months
I love #aibg so much, that I made Tumblr account just to ask you questions about it. I will ask them separately
1. In chapter 16 when they break up for 10 months what is the reason? ( I believe that this could be a great follow up, because drama of the break up, she moving out, then returning in the house, who's guilty? what is their relationship during that time? who approaches who? What is their reaction to the baby news? )
Okay! There is SO MUCH I want to say, but just know these asks (the fact that you went and found me, that you MADE a tumblr, that you have these questions searing about aibg.... ugh!!!!!) have made me so beyond happy.
So it took me a few days to answer bc I was so excited I didn't want them to disappear from my inbox! But also bc I remember that when aibg ended, we were discussing it on tumblr and a lot of these kind of questions were coming up, so I wanted to read through my prior answers before answering you! In case you don't know (not being a tumblr user!), the aibg tag on my account has all the posts about aibg that are substantive (like the ones where the story is discussed, not just minor things like people asking for update dates) so check that out and you will probably get a lot of answers.
That said! I absolutely cannot answer this 😂. Both because I don't want to have a firm answer, and also (mostly) because I don't know the answer myself.
This question was previously touched on in this ask and I will echo that answer.
In addition to that, I will say, there is no "reason" for it. No one is "guilty" of anything specifically.... At least not that I pictured, but like I said, I don't know. I know they're not "perfect" (which itself is a fiction always) and they're not, like, "all set!" at the end of the story... they will always have to be working on their relationship... maybe more than others but maybe not. maybe life is always like that. So what I mean is I can imagine a lot of their issues (basically their different ways of seeing the world) being the wrench that drives too deeply between them, so I don't think it's because one of them is guilty of doing a specific thing, I think they just are different and come to a point where they aren't wanting to be married anymore. But I can't say for sure because I never sat down and mapped out where, as the author, they would be in three years with all their emotional nuance.
The same goes for how their relationship is during that time. I know it's not good, but idk the details. Like I said in that above tagged post, they would be divorced if they could. But they can't. So they're in one home, arguing a lot. But also seeking each other and maybe reinforcing their love of the other in sex. And then they get pregnant and they have to have a full conversation about where they go from there. I honestly don't think they'd be really happy with the news (he'd be happier than her, she'd work hard with her patriotism and what her duty (her body) is to her country) but by the time their son was born they'd be reconciled and over the moon and never question or work through their love for their children. It'd be whole and unconditional.
I know that is a very evasive answer to your question, but that is all I can give you! I'm sorry!!!! (also the other answers will probably similar, just fyi 😂❤️)
also just a side fyi if i ever (ever!) did anything more on aibg, it'd be writing a commentary on chapter 11. I don't think I'd do a follow up (though of course I know better than to say it'll never happen -- who knows how I will feel in a few years!).
okay! if that doesn't make sense, please let me know! and thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
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piratekirkland-blog · 13 years
/He sings with a grin as he sails/
Sorry guys, this just wont get out of my head.
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senbons · 28 days
I feel like chapter 3 would be so intense in Temari's pov especially towards the end where she confessed and then discovered and then...decided. I'm sorry you have to listen to my whim but have you ever think about it? Writing some parts in her pov in the future?
Sorry I missed this ask!
It definitely would be a suuuuuper interesting exercise to write that entire night from her point of view. A really tough dissection of where she began to where she ended (confession, discovery, decision). I definitely think about it! I worked through a lot of different iterations of how exactly it went down before settling on this one (which I think @myblogmyrulesmymess (my life long beta) called the most confusing paragraph I'd ever written 😂😂😭).
That said, I have no plans to actually write out her pov! If that changes, I will let you know!!!
I can't tell you how happy it makes me though that you're thinking about it. It literally made my whole day.
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