#aiki rewrite
vyladromeave · 8 months
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design stuff for my rewrite version of vylad! (His s1 design specifically.) His name is (tentatively, unless i can think of something i like more) Evylin :]
They didn't get a lot of drastic changes compared to canon tbh, but i still like how their stuff turned out ^-^
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someartistsammy · 5 years
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bluejay-who · 6 years
Welcome to Chaos!
Hello everyone! This is the lovely BlueJay Who? Official tumblr!  This blog will contain updates, teasers, and anything else regarding the server status!
Our main goal is to rewrite the series from Aphmau Gaming on YouTube! We will be rewriting Minecraft Dairies and MyStreet. 
Our team consists of a whole bunch of lovely writers and artists, such as: @draw-from-immortals (MAIN MOD, CREATOR) @someartistsammy @vylad-stan / @aiki-art @ashe-hole @kermitsewagesigh  @pixelated-gays @blog-in-a-corner @mcd-stan
And many more! (Most active on tumblr and discord that I know of)
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animefagos · 5 years
AIKI, del grupo Bless4, pondrá el ending del anime Hoshiai no Sora
New Post has been published on https://www.animefagos.com/2019/08/05/aiki-del-grupo-bless4-pondra-el-ending-del-anime-hoshiai-no-sora/
AIKI, del grupo Bless4, pondrá el ending del anime Hoshiai no Sora
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La página web oficial de Hoshiai no Sora, el nuevo anime original del estudio de animación 8-Bit (Yama no Susume, Rewrite, Infinite Stratos, Tokyo Ravens, Knight’s & Magic), ha anunciado que AIKI, del grupo Bless4, pondrá el ending del anime, titulado Kago no Naka no Bokura wa. El tema será su debut en solitario además…
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vyladromeave · 8 months
Hi!! I’m the guy who drew your aph from art fight last year and I gotta say I loveeee all your designs so far :D
WAH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! i like being cagey about my rewrite stuff generally but im really glad i put her up on my artfight last year everyone who did attacks of her did SUCH an incredible job. IM GLAD YOURE ENJOYING THINGS TOO!!!
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just for you....transferred some naemi's from traditional doodles to some (kind of) colored digital. for you. enjoy her :3
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vyladromeave · 8 months
Got any bits of the story you’re Not looking forward to? Could be a part that’s giving you trouble or that you really want to work out but it’s being difficult?
hmmmmm.... this is less specific than i think you're looking for, but something that's been giving me trouble is just. Trying to work everything in?? I personally lean more towards telling stories with Smaller amounts of characters, but in original MCD jess kind of just... throws in a new guy whenever she feels like she needs it or wants it. I do think something like MCD does Need a bigger cast, but maybe not... to the degree it was in initially? at least, not in the way it was handled. I dont want characters to just fall out and be replaced when they stop being topical, but that also means maybe taking a step back and not adding in some of the extras that get thrown on top to replace them, you know?
Essentially: I want to be mindful about what I include and how I include it, and not just throw things in for the sake of throwing things in. But also it feels bad to cut out characters or combine them together to make something that I personally feel is more purposeful, when I know there are people who like those characters how they are originally, and might not like it if they were altered too far from the source or cut out entirely.. But also its MY rewrite and I shouldn't feel bad about changing things to fit a story in the way I want to tell it, you know? It's about balancing expectations, I guess!
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vyladromeave · 8 months
Hi! In terms of your mcd rewrite, have you written any totally different/original arcs? (Like inherently the rewrite is gonna be different but I was wondering if there was anything that’s totally from you)
yes verymuch so. i feel like theres a lot of similarities plotwise in the "s1" timeframe of things but stuff gets very divergent by s2. beyond plot stuff there is a lot of things that are going to be Very Different and are originals from me as well, i have lots of ideas planned for just like. world-lore-wise and that sort of thing. wont give any specifics until we get there but like. teehee.
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vyladromeave · 1 year
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ITS TIME FOR MY ANNUAL INTERRUPTION OF MCD POSTING TO SAY: COME FIND ME ON ARTFIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!! I'M @ AIKI ON THE SITE!!! i have my rewrite aphmau up on the site Right Now and am hoping to add my rewrite vylad at some point before/during the event, for all the mcders in the crowd.
come have fun with me i love to attack and revenge and kill <statement that im sure reads normally to people who dont know artfight terminology.
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vyladromeave · 2 years
hi!! i absolutely love your takes on mcd, especially what you said about it inverting classic fantasy tropes while still very much being a fantasy series. what’s your take on garroth’s betrayal? personally i love that it happened, but the way we got there (the whole jealousy thing) was really weird, and just never felt like great writing. what would you have done? i personally would have brought more of the jury into the situation (and into the whole series, frankly, cause i love them), specifically lillian, who i feel like would have made an excellent spy. but what do you think would get garroth to betray them?
YES exactly. Like the fact that Garroth, the big classic knight in shining armor, is the one who ends up betraying them? Its perfect its incredible and it HURTS in the best way since he's been there by Aphmau since the beginning. Garroths betrayal is a really strong moment narratively, but why it happens and how they resolve it is... less lol. Mostly because they push the jealousy angle really really REALLY hard which liiike... while we've seen that he's a jealous person, I don't think he'd be the type to turn a blind eye to Phoenix Drop's war efforts and side with the person escalating things because of it.
(Ok post-writing edit this got so so long im sorry. I have a lot of feelings about Garroth as a character actually oops. just warning you ahead of time. also there's a readmore now.)
Theres a couple different angles i feel like you COULD go with instead. You're right in involving Lillian in things more for sure, because she actually was involved quite a bit originally, but the series did a really bad job of showing it. But it could be argued even in the original series that Garroth betrayed the others less because of his jealousy, and more because he felt like he was being lied to/left out/replaced by Aphmau. And while I feel like thats at least a more valid reason to betray the group, it also feels less strong narratively? Garroth's betrayal is strongest narratively when it's entirely his choice, and the Lied To By Aphmau angle only works when it's something he's being manipulated into believing by Lillian and Zane, therefore making it more of a misunderstanding than anything. And thats definitely not as fun.
The problem relies in being able to balance everything. Lillian and Zane working with him and manipulating him definitely should be a contributing factor to his betrayal, but it also still needs to ultimately be his choice and not something that can be cleared up with just a couple words. It needs to result in doing some truly terrible actions of his own volition, but also needs to leave him in a place where he can still be properly redeemed later. It needs to be something he would realistically choose for himself, and not something like jealousy blown way out of proportion, so building off a different flaw of his character would probably be a better choice, but what? and how?
I don't want to get too far into how I would handle it just because well. thats going to be going into my own rewrite lol, and i dont want to spoil it. but i will say that an angle of Garroth that people dont really cover well is how much of a coward he can be, especially when it comes to his own family. He's very scared of his father and the threat of O'khasis looming over his head. He doesn't want to see the people and places he cares about destroyed because of his own inaction, but is also too scared to confront O'khasis directly, meaning as long as he runs away from them people are going to get hurt around him regardless. And while we retroactively know that Phoenix Drop does ultimately overcome the threat of O'khasis, in the moments leading up to that war...
Well. Like. hold on. ok. lets look at this from Garroth's perspective.
Garroth has very personal experience with O’khasis, Garte, and Zane. He knows how they run things and he knows they won’t stop until they get what they want. He also knows that O'khasis' military force is much greater than Phoenix Drops. They sent a fraction of it to the battle and Aphmau had to scrape together forces from every single one of her allies to be able to even moderately match it (and it's likely that if they hadn't found Nicole in time and Scaleswind hadn't pulled out that Aphmau still wouldn't have won). He knows that even if, by some miracle, they manage to win the battle, they won't win the war. That O'khasis has the power to keep this going as long as they want, which is not something Phoenix Drop and their allies can afford. If his brother comes along and says hey, I can ensure your friends safety if you play along with me... If it seems like Zane is genuinely trying to help him and make amends with him, even after all their time apart... If the engagement really seems like the only option for peace, and if following Zane is the only way to get to that point safely... well. It kindof becomes this conflict of Garroth's fear vs his confidence in Aphmau, knowing that as long as he sticks with her things will only get harder to handle. And then being given the option to just have it all stop...
On top of all this, Garroth is shown time and time again to be a very compassionate and merciful person (which is another reason why the vengeance/jealousy angle doesn't work at all). I believe it's Laurance who comments on how this has been turned against him as a weakness before, Garroth is unable to fully stop Zenix when he threatens the village and likely won't be able to stop him in the future because he cares about Zenix too much. I think extending this mercy to Zane as well isn't something too out of left field for him, especially given that they're brothers and Garroth did kindof... leave him to handle Garte alone when he faked his death and ran. And Especially if teaming up with him does lead to the end of the war, because there's no way he can stand just watching the village continue to fall apart around him if he refuses. And if Garroth has to hurt the people he cares about a little in order to ensure that they will never be hurt by O'khasis again, well... Its a difficult choice. But it's one that I think he would definitely take under the right pressure.
(And as a sidenote, I do definitely want to bring the jury further into my rewrite as well, though they'd definitely need a lot more buildup to be able to start properly including them earlier. But also I'm not sure if putting a bunch of them into the S1 finale is the right option for me, again because that requires a lot more time and buildup for something that I think at this point would work better as the whole "looming threat who might be called in next if Garroth doesn't work with Zane instead" deal. Like you can't call in the whole force right away, two of them have already technically been called in to deal with the situation (Katelyn and Lillian) and thats already a lot. And I think I'd like to leave some of them as S2 problems to deal with, as I definitely want to get into Garte as taking up a more threatening role in S2, and control of the jury would probably fall to him with Zane missing. That's just me personally though more jury inclusion in general is always a good thing. I just gotta figure out exactly where and how to work them in ahdjfsgjhkdsfjgh)
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vyladromeave · 3 years
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urge to share bits of my visual concepting for my rewrite overtook me. have these.
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vyladromeave · 3 years
.......... if i made zane blonde in my remake. what would u do. would u all still accept me...
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vyladromeave · 3 years
thinkings again and such (for mcd rewrite purposes.) levin............. him taking on the role of lord during the s2 timeskip. like its effective narratively but they shouldn't have made him a lord. he shouldnt have had to be a lord. hes barely 18 when s2 starts up (if you're being generous on how long s1 takes to go through and how much he aged over the course of it). Thats a child. dont put that responsibility on him. who let him do that for real.
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vyladromeave · 2 years
i’m gonna assume that aarmau is an absolute no go for your rewrite, right? …right…? 😀
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vyladromeave · 3 years
U talked ab the whole werewolf wedding scene and all the stuff kind of. Eh about it and like the in-between moments being....weird. How would you go ab like.....fixing how it went? Or would it be better to get rid of completely in the plot ? What aspects would u want to change? :0
ooook so first of all i would take out abby completely. i like abby a lot and the potential she holds but introducing her there just felt forced, esp to not do anything with her afterwards. I think including her in S2 is a good move as long as you do something with her. Katelyn only really starts to get more development later in the season and I feel like that would be the time to drop Abby on the party, since of everyone she would have closest ties to probably Katelyn and Aphmau.
fenrir wanting vengeance was bullshit. dont do that. yes its his dad and he can be sad over his dad being dead obviously but like. he doesn't need to seek vengeance for that. for something that was ultimately kinda their people's fault. its just.... not fun. like did you not learn your lesson. did you not remember why this started in the first place.
I almost want to remove that it was a werewolf thing entirely just because I don't like how the werewolf tribe in s2 was handled compared to boldolfs in s1... like "society developing" does not just mean turning into big castle number 273862. (although it was definitely still better compared to the second tribe we encountered in s1.)
I almost want to make it a tu'la/meifwa thing entirely since that would be a more natural introduction to tu'la for the season. like having it be a meifwa thing instead of werewolf thing. i feel like something closer to Ghibli The Cat Returns would work better honestly. Obvs not as silly as the movie but u get what i mean yknow yk.
I definitely wouldn't want to get rid of it completely bcs it is a big moment for laurance and what triggers his arc of Being A Shadowknight which was something that was sorely needed after it having not a lot of consequences in s1.
I'm a little bit torn on the consequences of the arc itself bcs in MCD we dont really... get any...... even though they're threatened? (not until s3 and they suck LMAO) like on one hand i want there to be something more lasting because that was a big fucking murder you just did there. but also on the other hand i feel like each party vehemently avoiding eachother does things to me on a thematic level. like them just leaving quietly and the queen just lowering her head and letting it happen, knowing that this violence could have been avoided and now its too late, choosing not to perpetuate the cycle.... i think leaving that specific tribe alone for the rest of the story would be nice just to give them a break honestly. but also because its a tu'la thing it maybe sets them up with a reputation with them when they start dealing with tu'la more. i feel like that works.
OH and to fix the inbetween moments themselves, 1: make it a liiiittle shorter. no offense but we dont need a lot of time developing fenrir & ylva, especially if they’re not coming back. 2: Aphmau should make a more substantial effort to escape on her own, even if it doesn’t work. 3: Katelyn being stuck in prison also doesn’t sit right with me shes literally The Fire Fist i think she could punch through those bars if you gave her enough time. So she needs to be in some different kind of peril or those bars need to be upped big time. 4: No Irene lore it did Not fit in at that moment read the room. 
and 5: I think Aphmau should also vehemently reject the wedding during the ceremony she has nothing to lose at that point. And seeing her in distress is what makes Laurance transform, not seeing her about to marry. Bcs ultimately he cares about her and her safety and I think that gets the point across better.
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vyladromeave · 3 years
Sorry two asks but I was also wondering if your rewrite could be found anywhere or if it was still in the works?
STILL IN THE WORKS UNFORTUNATELY........ im planning for it to be a fully illustrated webcomic which like. takes a lot of planning. im making my own original webcomic with original characters right now and im learning a lot from it but more than anything i am learning that oh my god it takes PLANNING. it takes so much thought and effort. and writing. there is so much text did you know that webcomics also take text and writing and not just drawing things. im good at the drawing things part nobody told me id have to write things too im shocked and appalled /joke
trust me you will know when it's out there because i will not shut up about it. i will probably make a separate blog for it but i will absolutely share all the content of it here as well.
uhm uh uhm until then take some of the visual concepting ive been doing for it ^-^ i wasnt going to share it but you can have some of the rough drafts and rejected ideas ive been making recently. for fun.
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vyladromeave · 3 years
What's one of the mcd kids you just wanna beat up? Just cause a little shuffle with them
well im excluding both lilith and alina in my rewrite so that maybe says something abt me.
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