#this is just like my gut instinct i havent gotten to planning this part in my rewrite yet.
vyladromeave · 3 years
U talked ab the whole werewolf wedding scene and all the stuff kind of. Eh about it and like the in-between moments being....weird. How would you go ab like.....fixing how it went? Or would it be better to get rid of completely in the plot ? What aspects would u want to change? :0
ooook so first of all i would take out abby completely. i like abby a lot and the potential she holds but introducing her there just felt forced, esp to not do anything with her afterwards. I think including her in S2 is a good move as long as you do something with her. Katelyn only really starts to get more development later in the season and I feel like that would be the time to drop Abby on the party, since of everyone she would have closest ties to probably Katelyn and Aphmau.
fenrir wanting vengeance was bullshit. dont do that. yes its his dad and he can be sad over his dad being dead obviously but like. he doesn't need to seek vengeance for that. for something that was ultimately kinda their people's fault. its just.... not fun. like did you not learn your lesson. did you not remember why this started in the first place.
I almost want to remove that it was a werewolf thing entirely just because I don't like how the werewolf tribe in s2 was handled compared to boldolfs in s1... like "society developing" does not just mean turning into big castle number 273862. (although it was definitely still better compared to the second tribe we encountered in s1.)
I almost want to make it a tu'la/meifwa thing entirely since that would be a more natural introduction to tu'la for the season. like having it be a meifwa thing instead of werewolf thing. i feel like something closer to Ghibli The Cat Returns would work better honestly. Obvs not as silly as the movie but u get what i mean yknow yk.
I definitely wouldn't want to get rid of it completely bcs it is a big moment for laurance and what triggers his arc of Being A Shadowknight which was something that was sorely needed after it having not a lot of consequences in s1.
I'm a little bit torn on the consequences of the arc itself bcs in MCD we dont really... get any...... even though they're threatened? (not until s3 and they suck LMAO) like on one hand i want there to be something more lasting because that was a big fucking murder you just did there. but also on the other hand i feel like each party vehemently avoiding eachother does things to me on a thematic level. like them just leaving quietly and the queen just lowering her head and letting it happen, knowing that this violence could have been avoided and now its too late, choosing not to perpetuate the cycle.... i think leaving that specific tribe alone for the rest of the story would be nice just to give them a break honestly. but also because its a tu'la thing it maybe sets them up with a reputation with them when they start dealing with tu'la more. i feel like that works.
OH and to fix the inbetween moments themselves, 1: make it a liiiittle shorter. no offense but we dont need a lot of time developing fenrir & ylva, especially if they’re not coming back. 2: Aphmau should make a more substantial effort to escape on her own, even if it doesn’t work. 3: Katelyn being stuck in prison also doesn’t sit right with me shes literally The Fire Fist i think she could punch through those bars if you gave her enough time. So she needs to be in some different kind of peril or those bars need to be upped big time. 4: No Irene lore it did Not fit in at that moment read the room. 
and 5: I think Aphmau should also vehemently reject the wedding during the ceremony she has nothing to lose at that point. And seeing her in distress is what makes Laurance transform, not seeing her about to marry. Bcs ultimately he cares about her and her safety and I think that gets the point across better.
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