#aileen x cloude
edensania · 2 years
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My beloved Aileen, what were you doing behind my back this time ?
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
600 years (Loki x ofc)
Hello! As you likely noticed, I mucked up my posting schedule so Dust is getting a skip week. This is for @devilbat and their Halloween Marvel Madness Writing Challenge using the prompt:  “You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.”
Loki x ofc, Rating: Mature 
warnings: aftermath of extreme violence
This one shot picks up right after Loki’s end in Infinity War. 
Summary: Thor was picked up by a passing ship however the rescuers assumed everyone else was dead. Loki floated, clinging to life in the void of space. A better time to think over his greatest regrets and remember the warm smile of the woman he had cared for 600 years ago? It is with her memory he intends to comfort himself as he waits for death. Turns out, death had a scheduling conflict.
600 Years
When one’s neck is broken and their bodily systems barely functioning, there is little else to do but think while one waits for death. He couldn’t close his eyes, it seemed his whole body was paralyzed. It made sense, he could remember the sound his neck had made when it snapped. Time seemed endless, no different than the vast nothing around him. With so much nothing, he had nothing to do but think while he waited for death to take him.  
He didn’t want to think of the pain he’d suffered in the last ten years. It wasn't worth the heartache to think of the betrayal of the man he thought of as his father. It wouldn't do to dwell on how unfair it was that he should die only now, when he was beginning to rebuild a relationship with his brother.
He didn’t want to think of the horrors he had seen. Not in what he expected would be his final moments. Instead, he turned his mind back through the years and settled on one of the few truly happy memories he had. By the gods, he could still see her face as clearly as if it were yesterday.  
“Come, Loki.” She ran, fingers wrapped around his hand.  
Her red hair was a mess of waves, tied back with a green ribbon he had gifted her a few days prior. Odin would surely chastise him for letting a human drag him about by his hand but Loki couldn’t find it in himself to care in the moment. Her green eyes sparkled as she ran along. He could overtake her, out run her with hardly any effort but he allowed himself to be dragged along just the same.   
She had something she wished to show him. It was likely mundane but he couldn’t managed to be annoyed with her. Aileen was something unique, even among her people. While Thor, Loki and Odin were worshiped as Gods by these people, Aileen was different. Her devotion was to Loki alone and maybe that was why he was so forgiving of her eagerness to waste his time.  
Loki wasn’t an idiot. Far from it, even so long ago. If he could smile, floating in the void of space while his mind was in the distant past, he would have. Even then, Loki had known he was telling himself lies.
She had dragged him to a field of wild flowers. The deep green of the grass stretched out in front of them as the trees gave way. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining down on the field. Blue flowers of all shades dotted the ground. Some were small, others rather large. The field went on until the cliff face dropped, giving way to peaceful rolling ocean.  
It was beautiful, even Loki could admit it but there was something far more beautiful in the field.  
She had been brought to his attention almost ten years ago, dancing on the line of a woman and a child at the time. She was the only of her village to declare herself to Loki and only Loki. She didn’t bow to Thor, nor to Odin or even Frigga. She bowed to him alone, though she faced ridicule for it.  
Loki had always showed her favor whenever Odin would bring them to Midgard and that was fairly often at the moment. For whatever reason, their father was going through a benevolent period in regards to the youngest of his subject realms. Once Loki had her, he found himself minding these trips less and less.  
“It’s a field.” His voice was lost in the wind, yet the way she smiled at him left no doubt that she had heard him.  
“It’s been blessed.” Her voice was soft, far softer than any flower’s petal.
“Not by I.” She pulled him out, fingers still wrapped around his hand.
“Not by any god.” She laughed.
Even now, floating in that cold void, waiting for his brain to shut down, his heart to beat the last time, he could hear her laugh. It was more akin to the sound of bells tinkling than the hearty laugh of many of the women in her village.  
“Than how has it been blessed?” He asked. They were at the center of the field now and finally she let go of his hand. He watched as she spun and danced in a sea of flowers.  
“By the sun.” She held her hand above her. The long, flowing sleeve of her dark green dress fell to expose her slender pale arm. She then cast her arm out, waving at the ocean waters beyond the cliff. “By the great sea.”  
“Those are but the natural forces of the world.” Loki was well aware she knew better.
“And yet, are we not a blessed people to have them?” She smiled and he shook his head. He wouldn’t say it, but he knew it was she her people were blessed to have.  
He wondered what had ever become of her. For a few short years, they had visited Midgard every few months. Than it became every few years. He had watched as she grew from a girl at the cusp of womanhood and into a young woman any man would have been lucky to have.  
Had she married? The last time he had seen her, she hadn’t yet though she was well of age. He’d only gotten to see her a handful of times after she had shown him the field of flowers.
Once he had told her he’d loved her. She had said she loved him and he had known it was more than the way the rest of the villagers loved the Gods. She had loved him in the way a woman loved a man. And he, her. He’d sworn that he would go to Asgard, speak to his father and they would be together. She would be his High Priestess and he, her God. She would be his wife and he, her husband.
But war came to Asgard. A few days had become weeks and months before he even noticed. Human lives were fleeting and he had spent what would amount to years of her life on the battle field offering strategic aid that more often than not was ignored.  
When he next found himself standing in the field of blue flowers, she was surely bouncing grandchildren on her knee. Or at least, Loki had hoped. Now, floating and waiting for death to take him, Loki found himself wishing he had been strong enough to make sure she had at least had a good life.  
Black consumed his vision or perhaps it was simply that he had shifted in the void and no longer could see any distant stars. It didn’t matter. He’d had a long life. A hard life and maybe he was ready for it to be over.  
He was aware of warmth before any other senses came to him. It confused him but it could be that what came after death was warmth. There was no way to know how long he was aware of only warmth but he paid time no mind. Time didn’t really matter anymore.  
Sometime later, how long he couldn’t even begin to say, he became aware of sound. First it was a slight breeze running through the space, though he could not feel it. Than it was a voice, familiar and yet he couldn’t place it. It didn’t feel important enough to place, in the moment as it hummed a sweet song. The sound was hardly there, as if carried on a fleeting breeze and gone the next moment.  
He became aware of the weight of a blanket over his form, a soft mattress under him and a too fluffy pillow propping his head. He realized he was in fact somehow alive. The aches in his body had returned but they felt dull and far away though he still couldn't open his eyes or twitch a finger. Sometimes, coppery liquid would drip into his mouth, cool and wet.  
He was beyond weak still and spent much of his time unaware and asleep. When he was swimming so close to consciousness, he would wonder how long he had been where ever he was. It felt safe. Surely, Thanos wouldn’t give him a soft bed and nurse him to health after breaking his neck.  
Eventually, there was a lucidity when he woke that was a stark contrast to what had been. There was light and dark that he could pick up even through his closed eyelids. It felt like it took all the strength he had to crack open his eyelids.
The room was sparsely furnished and that was putting it rather kindly. A groan slipped out of him as he pushed himself up. Casting his eyes around, he found that rather than just a room, he found himself in what appeared to be a two room hut. There was a lamp in the corner with one dim bulb casting light into the space.  
Through a door standing open was a bathroom though he hesitated to call it as such. From where he propped himself up on the bed, it looked to hardly have enough room to serve its most basic purpose. There was a two burner stove that looked to run off gas. A small chill box was next to a thin counter and a sink with a board balanced across.  
The space was small and cramped- just hardly big enough for one person to live in though in most cases he would hesitate to call it living. A chair was piled high with clothes and assorted personal items. Except for that and the bed he was on, there wasn’t anywhere else to sit.
The bookshelf next to him offered no clues about who had been caring for him. The writing on the books told him he was likely in Midgard, though how he had ended up there was a mystery. Hell, he didn’t even know how he could be alive yet somehow here he appeared to be.  
His limbs felt like they had weights attached as he dragged himself and swung his feet to the ground. The soft fabric of loose pants clung to his legs. The ground wasn’t offensively cold as his feet touched the worn wood floor.  
A breeze pushed the airy curtains through a window with no glass, caressing his exposed chest. The breeze was clean and fresh, something he missed when in many places through Midgard. He could feel how badly his hair needed a wash and would give anything to bathe but first- he needed to find answers.  
When he stood, black swam through his vision for a moment and he was sure he was going to hit the bed again. When it receded, he made his way through the small room, inching toward the door. Everything hurt. Every muscle ached.  
Stepping outside, he found a field of dark green grass that stretched to the drop of a cliff that looked achingly familiar. Above him, clouds moved lazily by in black masses against the velvet blue night sky. The moon was full between the clouds, casting her cold light on the world below.
Blue flowers dotted the ground on either side of the worn path he was dragging himself along. The coastline felt so much closer than it should have been. His heart pounded in his chest as he told himself he couldn’t be here. Anywhere but this cliff.  
For so long he had avoided this place, though he wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone. Perhaps it was another cliff, somewhere similar.  
He almost didn’t see the woman standing at the cliff. Though he regretted to admit it, his attention was far more focused on taking in the surroundings. She was standing so still that she was easy to miss.  
But when the coastal wind blew,  loose waves of red hair floated to the side. The skirt of her dress, a green that almost matched the grass she stood on, danced above her knees. One slender arm reached up, pulled the waves from in front of her face and tucked it behind her shoulder and ear. He could see nails painted dark and a ribbon tied around her wrist with a neat bow.  
“Who are you?” He called out and when she didn’t answer he added, “Where am I?”
“You’re awake.” She finally answered without turning to face him as he drew closer still. The sound of her voice made ice run through his veins only to be replaced by a rage fueled fire an instant later. “I’d worried that you’d not wake at all.”
“Face me.” He ordered and she did but he didn't believe what he saw. “Show your true face, witch.”
“I’m no witch though that would indeed be useful.” She mused, eyeing him. “Relax, won’t you? You’re so very weak still.”
“Who are you?” She stepped closer, unafraid even as a dagger shimmered into existence. He’d not show it, but the small magic alone left him feeling drained.  
“Who do you believe me to be?”  
“She’s dead, has been for centuries.”
“Have I been?” She asked, cocking her head to the side only to have the wind shift and blow more strands of red across her face, destroying the moment of elegance. He couldn’t begin to explain it but she appeared wholly unconcerned with his dagger. Instead, she looked around her and smiled. “This field has been blessed. Not by you, my God but by the Sun and the Sea. Most importantly, it has been blessed by me.”
“Aileen.” The name slipped from his lips without his consent. There were beings who could do terrible things with a name alone. “Who told you that?”  
“I told you that.” She walked up to him, unafraid. “You fell from the sky and landed in the ocean not far from here. It was simple curiosity that drew me out to see what caused the splash and I’m beyond thankful that I did. You’ve been asleep for almost three weeks.”
“How am I still alive?” He didn’t expect her to have am answer, truly.
“I do not know how you survived getting here or from where you came. I wasn’t sure you’d survive the first few days, then I feared you wouldn’t wake at all.” She admitted and Loki wondered how it was possible that she was there. “I’d never thought I would see you again, after centuries. Then you where there, in New York and gone again. I’m sure once you’re healed, you’ll be gone once again.”
“How am I still alive?” She finished when the words seemed to catch in his throat. “It doesn’t matter right now. You should be resting more, you’re still weak.”
He didn’t want to admit that she was right. Still, when her delicate hand wrapped around his arm, he allowed her to lead him back inside the small hut. His mind was far too busy trying to piece together what was happening and what it meant. This couldn't be real.
“Your hands are cold.”
“As is your arm.” She said as they crossed the threshold. “You’ve always been colder than most.”
“But you were not.”  
She sighed and admitted, “You’re right. I am different now. I have been for a very long time.”
“Tell me, how is it possible that you look the same now as you did 600 years ago?” Loki again pressed as he sat heavily on the bed.  
“Thanks, I’ve got a great skincare routine.” She laughed at her own joke before understanding that he wasn’t going to let it go. “Shortly after you left, our village was attacked by beasts of the night. They would come and steal the lifeblood from their prey, night after night. Our numbers dwindled as others fled.” She sat on the bed next to him, picking at her fingers.
“I remained, even as my father abandoned me. You had said you would return for me and I couldn’t bring myself to leave. One night, the beast came for me. I prayed as he sank his teeth into me. I prayed to my god to give me strength and rolled the man beast off of me. He landed in the fireplace and my life was spared.”
“And how are you still alive now?” Loki pressed. “What does that have to do with now?”
“I was the only one to survive the beast’s attacks. I thought that was the end of it, and for a while it seemed to be. But then, I began to change and became the monster that had driven my friends and family from our home. I wasn’t always able to retain my sanity and at times I was no better than the beast who attacked me. Years ticked by and I waited for you. Soon, centuries passed and I remained standing in place as time moved on without me.”
“What medicine had you given me?” Loki watched as she tensed up.  
“It’s unimportant. It healed you. I couldn’t stomach the thought of watching you die.”
“I assumed you’d grown old and died.” Loki admitted. It pained him to think that she had suffered this condition he only was now learning of for so long alone.  
“Why did you not come back? Had you changed your mind?” She asked before shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter, forget I asked.”
“Asgard went to war for nearly a century. When I was able to return- I assumed it was too late.” She nodded at his words.  
“You should rest. There is food should you hunger. I must leave for now but I’ll return by morning.”
“Why?” Loki felt weariness pull him down. He didn’t want to sleep now but his energy was draining. There was an ache in his neck that went deep down to the bone and the longer he sat, the harder holding his head up became.  
“To feed.” She answered as she stood.  
“I don’t understand. You said there was food here?” With a firm hand she guided Loki back on the bed as he spoke.  
“You need not worry, all will be clear in time. The food here does nothing for me. I am a beast now.”
Once he settled on the bed, she spread the blanket over him. With another urge to get rest, she turned and pulled the shutters closed on the window before stepping out into the night. Part of Loki wondered if he should be gone before she returned but sleep claimed him again before he could give it much thought. 
Tag List: @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller, @bambamwolf87, @queenoftheunderdark, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @xoxabs88xox, @wegingerangelica, @myoxisbroken
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committed to you
hello! this is a thought I had after my last story about infidelity. x gif isn’t mine.
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The house was quiet and illuminated by two dim lamps only. Harry had suggested switching the light bulbs before they gave out completely, but Y/N quite liked how it gave their living room a warm and dark orange glow. Somehow it was deeply comforting. Especially with the wind moving the branches of the tree outside and pushing dark clouds together to hide even the last stubborn rays of sunshine, though since it was coming close to nine pm, there wouldn’t be much of those left, anyway. 
Y/N took in a shaky breath. Her palms rubbed her heated cheeks and she kicked away the phone she had abandoned after her friend Aileen had ended their call to go off and cry herself to sleep. Y/N was crying herself.  The utter despair in her friend’s voice had inflicted as much pain on her, it might as well have been herself who had received some of the possibly worst news there were. Aileen had been robbed of everything most dearest to her and Y/N didn’t know what to do to help. She still had her source of comfort, sitting in the music room down the hall of their home. To her great luck, she couldn’t relate to her friend’s horror. But she could imagine it, and that sufficed to make her entire body tremble.
Guilt mixed with her sad mind. Harry hadn’t even gotten to snack on the food they’d ordered and spread on their coffee table before Y/N had been forced to pay her phone attention and answer Aileen’s texts. And once the depth of the problem and the urgency had been revealed, Y/N had been stuck on the phone for what had been approximately an hour. It wasn’t fair to him, not after he’d come home tired and exhausted. Though it was sweet how he hadn’t complained in the slightest.
A slow sigh escaped her mouth. Y/N tried to steady her rapidly beating heart and hoped that breathing evenly would help stopping the tears from slipping on her cheeks. She closed her eyes. Aileen had been so sad. So utterly heartbroken. She’d sobbed and had cried terribly, two times she had even screamed, all of it because her heart had been ripped into shreds. The memory made Y/N cold and cry even harder as she pressed herself up and raised into a sitting position.
Y/N stretched her aching legs and rose to her feet, determined to go after him. Being the wonderful and respectful person he was, Harry had left the room with a short kiss to her cheek once he’d recognized the distraught voice of Aileen at the other side of the phone. The thought made her smile softly. Y/N loved him so much. He always put her first and hadn’t even argued when their movie night had been interrupted by her obligation to help her upset friend.  He was so soft with her. And patient. She rubbed her tired eyes. Worry turned her stomach as she imagined not having his support anymore. That she could lose him to someone else. Y/N sniffled and almost ran to the room her was in. Her hectic breathing got worse the closer she got and once she burst through the door without remembering to knock first, her body was shaking so bad she could barely walk. 
At the noise of her entering, Harry turned around with a smile and his hands still resting on the keys of his piano. The smile dropped instantly once he noticed the redness of her cheeks and the drops falling from her eyes.
“Love?” he hummed, “Hey, what is it?” 
Harry sat on the narrow piano stool and his brows knotted at the sight of his hysterical girlfriend. Y/N froze in the doorway. 
“Ha-Harry!” Her voice broke and she raised her hands to stifle her sobs.
It was new to him that a steady heartbeat could speed up that quickly, but he guessed that happened when the person owning the heart in his chest was crying that badly. 
”Baby, c’mere.” 
He opened his arms and welcomed her body when she crawled onto his lap and curled her legs around his hips. Her arms slung around his neck and he tilted his head to make room for her face to push and rub against the warm skin of his jaw. The crying didn’t seem to bother him that much, even when it meant that his shirt was stained with snot.
“Harry,” she whined and tightened her hold on him by brushing both hands into his hair.
“Y/N,”  Harry cooed and she hiccuped when he kissed her cheek, “Shh. You’ll be okay. Deep breaths. What is it, huh?"
This state of hers wasn’t something he hadn’t seen her in before, and he knew that normally holding her close was what did the trick to calm her down. But it scared him that he didn’t know what had caused her to cry in the first place. Of course her voice had been hard to miss through the walls of their house and he had been able to tell that Aileen was distressed and that their conversation wouldn’t be a relaxed one. But had he known that it would get this out of hand, Harry would’ve never left her to play his piano.  It calmed him to feel her scratch his neck softly and her lips twitched into a smile when he rubbed her jaw with his nose. 
“Did you fight with Ailee?”
“No.” He felt her shake her head and cuddle him closer.
The hold she had on him was tight enough to be uncomfortable, if having his girlfriend this close ever could be uncomfortable to him. Harry moved his hands up and down her back before gripping her thighs.
“Tell me please,” he sighed into her skin, “want to help.”
“You can’t... I- it’s so stupid, Ha-Harry.”
He hoisted her up higher. “Nothing getting you this upset could be stupid, lovely. C’mon. Tell me.”
Y/N’s mouth ghosted over his neck and she reluctantly pulled back to face him. The deep green in his eyes was warm and it made her heart melt all over again. She brushed away the tears and tried to take in a steady breath. Her fingers grasped his shirt tightly, wrinkling the fabric she had ironed for him earlier that week. 
“You kn-know Aileen’s b-boyfriend Th-Thomas, right?”
He nodded and squeezed her thighs. “Yeah, why?”
“Well,” she swallowed hard, “Ai-Aileen told me tha-that he’s been cheating on her for the past few m-months a-and s-she didn’t even know a-and now they’re gonna break u-up and...”
She trailed off and shook her head before brushing some of the snot off with her sleeve. Harry frowned. 
“But he seemed to be so crazy ‘bout her.”
Y/N agreed quietly. One hand still held on to his shoulder tightly and she gasped when she felt him tighten his own hold on her. Harry didn’t know what else to say. It relieved him to feel her calm down and to hear that her breathing slowly evened out again.
“What are you thinking?” she murmured and tried to smile when he looked at her once more. 
Harry shrugged. “Don’t really know... lots of things. S’just... so out of the blue, isn’t it? We went to dinner with them just last weekend and they were all lovely and showing each other affection. Now he’s cheating on her.”
“I thought the same.”
There were thoughts in both of their heads that they didn’t know how to share with the other. They weren’t even certain if they should voice their worries. Where did one take that certainty that their partner wasn’t secretly with somebody else? How could one be sure, when a couple seemingly so loving and committed to each other could suddenly split up because one of them had been lying the entire time?
Harry bit his lip. “I wouldn’t ever do that to you, Y/N.”
She nodded and lifted her hands to let her thumbs caress his cheekbones softly. “I wouldn’t either, Harry.”
They gave each other a moment to find the truth behind their promises in their eyes before he leaned forward to connect them in loving kiss. His tongue poked her lips and she let hers glide over his, before they pulled away again. Y/N leaned back on his thighs and rubbed off the last sticky stains her tears had left on her cheeks. She picked on her sleeve.
“I know you love me because you kissed me even though I’m snotty.”
Harry laughed and squeezed her hips. “Yeah, there’s your proof.”
“I feel so bad for Aileen.” 
Y/N slowly slid off his lap and got to her feet. He reached out and steadied her once he noticed how her legs wobbled, her body still stressed from her crying earlier and only slowly recovering.
“I do, too,” Harry said with a small nod and got up himself, “Hey, how about she comes to live with us for a while? Got a pretty big guest room, don’t we?”
A smile spread on her face. “I already offered. She already moved to her mother’s though.”
He interlaced their hands and began leading her back to their couch. “Okay, then. We’ll just be there for her, then.”
Harry opened one of the food boxes on their table and sat down on the sofa, similar to how he’d done hours before, and began picking at his food. 
“At least chinese noodles are also good when they’re cold.”
She looked at him and her stomach warmed. Harry sat cross-legged on the couch, food in one hand and fork in the other and noodles hanging from his mouth as he ate. He was utterly adorable and her heart fluttered.
She shrugged and smiled. “Just lucky to be committed to a guy as wonderful as you are, Har.”
“Awe.” Harry made room for her to sit down and hummed when she spread a blanket over the two of them before grasping a box with food herself.
His foot nudged her leg. “Right back at you.”
Y/N sniffled and he grinned upon noticing the sparkle he loved return to her eyes. “I’m a girl.”
“Oh, shut up, you knew what I meant.”
I hope you liked this one. it’s really just a thought I had after writing crossroads and it isn’t really something I put a ton of backstory or energy into. just thought it was lovely. please let me know what you thought. x
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 years
The Tucker-White Twins: Part 4
Fandom: The Sebastian Stan Fandom???
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader, Dayton White x Reader
Summary: After a domestic dispute, Aileen Tucker and Richard White decided to separate taking one twin with them. Lance went with Aileen and Dayton went with Richard. Both raised how their parent wanted them to be: a successful gymnast and a famous NASCAR driver.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Showing Dayton around town was probably the most fun you’ve had in a while. He was always making you laugh and smile. It was nice. You also noticed that he was always touching you in some way. Whether it was an arm around the shoulder, holding your hand, your shoulders touching. He seemed like he was attached to you. Not that you minded. He was great company. 
At the end of the night, he dropped you at home leaving with a kiss to the cheek, “Goodnight, sweetheart. I really enjoyed myself tonight.” Dayton said smiling.
“Me too. And if you ever need a tour guide again,” you held out a slip of paper with your number on it, “call me.”
Dayton pocketed the number, “Will do. Probably sooner than you think.” With a wink, he left.
You closed the door and you felt like you were on cloud nine. Dayton definitely wasn’t like anything like Lance. He was a proper gentleman. He didn’t say anything crude to you at all. And he kissed you on the cheek! How sweet was he?!
“So…you went out with Fucker’s twin brother?” Hope asked the next day.
You looked at her curiously, “How did you even-”
“It’s a small town. People talk. Anyway, was he good in bed?”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh my-I didn’t sleep with him! I literally just played tourist with him!”
“Sounds like some kinky shit.”
You shook your head in disapproval, “You’re unbelievable,” you said sarcastically. You walked around the counter heading towards the door that lead to the inside of the gym. Hope followed you.
“But how’d everything go?”
“It was good. He’s funny and nice and a proper gentleman.”
“Now why can’t Fucker be the same way?”
You stopped in the doorway, “You know, he gave me a sunflower yesterday. Said it was bright and pretty like me.”
“I fucking told you! Ooohhh you’re in for some deep shit, my friend!”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head in disapproval, “Whatever. Are you gonna stay?”
“Nah. Got some stuff to do with Ben.” She pat your shoulder, “Good luck with Fucker!” She gave you a peace sign and walked back out of the building.
You observed the kids as you walked the perimeter of the gym. You watched as Lance coached his student, Allison Benson, a seventeen year-old girl.
“Benson! Keep those legs straight! What did I tell you?!”
“Sorry, Coach!” the girl squeaked out in fear.
You walked up to Lance as he continued to observe Allison’s routine, “You’re making her nervous. Yelling at her won’t help.”
Lance glanced at you. He suddenly became nervous, “It’s how I became better. She needs to learn tough love if she wants to compete.”
“Start off with some gentle love first, at least. Not everyone is going to be as tough as you, Lance.”
Lance looked at you smiling, “You called me Lance.”
You cleared your throat, “Slip of the tongue.”
Lance chuckled, “Sure it was.” His eyes went back to Allison. She was performing two backhand somersaults in a row, when she landed on her head with a loud thud. 
You both rushed over to her. She was crying, “I’m sorry, Coach! I didn’t mean to mess up! I’m sorry!”
Lance felt bad. He shook his head, “Hey, now. No tears. It’s okay, kid. It happens. How’s your head?”
“It hurts a bit.”
“Okay. Well, I’m gonna get some ice-”
“It’s okay. I’ll get it.” You rushed out of the gym and to the kitchens where you quickly got a towel and threw in some ice cubes in it. You ran back into the gym to see Lance kneeling before a sitting Allison. As you drew closer, you heard him give some encouraging words.
“You’re doing great, okay? We just need to make some minor adjustments on your form, but that’s it. You wouldn’t be my student if I didn’t think you were great.”
You made your presence known as you walked up to them. You knelt down and handed Allison the makeshift ice pack. She thanked you and Lance helped her up to sit on a bench. 
“We’re gonna end today’s session. I don’t want you to push yourself too much. ‘Kay?” Allison nodded, “Good. I’ll see later, Allison.”
Allison softly smiled, “Thank you, Coach.”
You looked at Allison, “I’ll go call your mom to pick you up.” You followed Lance out, “Good work.”
Lance looked back at you, “Thanks. I guess I’m capable of some gentle love.”
You smiled, “Who’d have thought?” You made your way around the front counter to the phone ready to call Allison’s mom.
“Wanna go out to dinner with me?” Lance asked looking at you hopefully.
“I don’t-”
“I swear I won’t try anything. No pick-up lines. No sketchy bars. I wanna take you to a nice restaurant. I want you to get to know the real me.”
You were so confused, “Why?”
Lance sighed, “Because I like you, Y/N. I want you to know me.” You bit your lip in hesitation,”Just gimme this one chance. If you don’t like how everything goes, then I’ll be out of your hair.”
You looked at Lance. Really looked at him. And you could see it. Desperation. He really likes you. So why not? “Okay, Lance. I’ll have dinner with you.”
Lance was beaming, “Great! Tomorrow? You get off at 4 right? I could make reservations for 7:30. So be ready by around 7? 7:15?” Lance was suddenly very giddy and excited. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at this Lance, “Yeah. Sounds good, Lance.”
Lance took your hand and kissed it, “Prepared to be wooed, Y/N.” 
Dayton arched an eyebrow when his brother came into the house smiling wide, “Have a good day?”
“Great. I finally got a date with Y/N.”
Dayton narrowed his eyes at his brother, “How the hell-”
“I was just being genuine with her. I told her I liked her and that I wanted her to get to know the real me. And she said yes!”
“Okay. This is gonna be a problem.”
Lance looked at Dayton with confusion, “How?”
“Because I like Y/N too.”
“Like hell you do! I’ve known her waaay longer than you have.”
“Well after we spent time around town, I started to realize that I like being around her.”
“You can’t be doing this to me, Dayton! Not again!”
“Okay. How about this: we just let Y/N decide. We both take her out on more dates, then we’ll ask who she chooses. That sound fair?”
“Fine.” Lance held out his hand and Dayton shook it, “May the best twin win.”
A/N: This is still going to turn out to be a polyamory relationship. But bare with me! We’ll get there!
Part 5
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innorninepatris · 7 years
@piper-aileen-lenox [X]
Piper studied her friend for a moment as she explained the situation, preparing herself for the worst of the worst news. Death. Terminal illnesses. Abuse. Sexual assault. She’d steeled herself, vowing to be there for Caoil first and to deal with her own emotions second.
But as the truth came out, the redhead just blinked, feeling her mouth slowly opening, a bit like a fish. It hadn’t been the reasoning that she’d expected. Hell, she couldn’t even figure out why Caoilainn seemed so solemn. She was in love, for god’s sake. Maybe it was scary, but she should have been on cloud nine, not acting like her aunt had just died.
“I mean, you had me scared. I thought you were dying or something. But…it’s just a girl?” Piper let out a breathy laugh, letting one hand brush her hair out of her face. “I…I know it’s scary, but it’s worth it, it’s so worth it. I bet she’s gorgeous. You wouldn’t deserve anyone le–” She stopped, suddenly acutely aware of exactly why her friend had seemed so anxious. And why she’d started her statement the way she had.
“I…I don’t see how any love could be wrong, Caoil. I mean, anybody worth a rat’s ass would be much happier to know that there’s more love in the world. And I’m including God in that. If he’s gonna judge you for this and condemn you for your happiness, fuck him.”
As someone who had gone through half of those tragedies and then some, Caoilainn had grown used to the feeling of her throats closing up in her sleep, or nightmares leaving her sick and shaking for hours. Yet, here she stood, face flushed as she realized she had blurred out the truth to Piper.
"I know, I know, I've read every article on God not caring who I am with and Jesus declaring the centurion and his lover fit for heaven, but I keep remembering what I've been told time and time again." She replied, punching the bridge of her nose. She was annoyed at herself for getting so worked up, but god knew that she could use someone to listen and help her. "I have always been taught that no one but the church leaders can interpret the Bible, and that the bishops and priests know best… so what do I do now? How do I convince myself to love Janie as much as I can and not let her go?"
She hadn't realized she was crying until she wiped away a few tears, trying to catch her breath before she started sobbing into the woman's arms. "How do I know that this is love and not some kind of test?"
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/10-movie-makeup-transformations-beyond-shocking/
10 Movie Makeup Transformations That Are Beyond Shocking
Whether you like makeup or not, you can’t deny its power when it comes to transforming people. Here are some makeup transformations that also embrace natural beauty, for instance. It doesn’t always have to mean that wearing lots of makeup will make you ugly or unnatural. Sometimes, wearing it is a part of your job. Actors and actresses do it on a daily basis, whether they like it or not. Sometimes, they undergo such transformations that it’s hard not to drop your jaw at their looks. Suddenly, you are in the middle of a movie and you are like: “Oh, wait, is this Charlize Teron for real? No way!” Makeup can do miracles and here are some of the best ones.
Check out these celebrity movie makeup transformations that will probably shock you!
1. Charlize Theron as Aileen Wuornos from Monster
Just look at how unrecognizable she looks! The hair, the freckles, the brows… This just proves that a nice pair of brows makes a huge difference.
Source: Instagram | @charlizeafrica | The Makeup Gallery
2. Jim Carrey as The Grinch from Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
If you were like me, you were probably shocked to find out that Jim Carrey played The Grinch. The amount of prosthetic makeup made him look unrecognizable, and also very physically uncomfortable. Allegedly, he even needed counselling from a Navy SEAL to learn some torture-resistance techniques. Such a passionate actor!
Source: Twitter | @JimCarrey | Jim Carrey Online
3. Steve Carell as John du Pont from Foxcatcher
Steve Carell played John du Pont in this crime sports drama, and it was obvious that makeup did its magic.
Source: Twitter | @JesseCWilkins | Movies
4. Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter
Who could imagine that baby face hiding under all that prosthetic makeup?
Source: IMDb | Wikipedia | Warner Bros. Pictures
5. Rebecca Romijn from X-Men
I keep wondering how many hours passed until she was ready for the role. She is literally blue from head to toe. Life is really hard for an actress!
Source: Instagram | @rebeccaromijn | X-Men Movies Wiki
6. Karen Gillan as Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy
Did you know that Karen actually has luscious red locks? Yeah, she shaved them for her role as Nebula in Guardians Of The Galaxy. I’m starting to cry…
Source: Instagram | @karengillanofficial | Marvel Movies Wiki
7. Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf from The Hours
She looks like a completely different person, but even more importantly, she actually looks like the real Virginia Woolf! Ok, that just creeped me out.
Source: Facebook | Nicole Kidman | The Makeup Gallery
It took three hours for Nicole Kidman to transform from Nicole to Virgina. The makeup artists spent most of their time on the prosthetic nose. They did a good job, though!
8. Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise the Clown from It
Pennywise is the reason why so many people have nightmares, but Bill Skarsgård is why some women have dreams! How did they even make his hairline? Stunning!
Source: Instagram | @billskarsgard_ | YouTube | Rosario Marciano
9. Halle Berry as Jocasta Ayrs from Cloud Atlas
Halle Berry plays Jocasta Ayrs, a Jewish woman who fled Germany. Her contacts look a bit weird, but she looks amazing, just like always.
Source: Instagram | @halleberry | The Makeup Gallery.
10. Jay Hernandez as Diablo from Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad should have just hired Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy, as he’s fully tattooed to look like a cadaver.
Source: Instagram | @jayhernandez001 | Instagram | @jayhernandez001
Actually, it would have saved the makeup artists on set so much time.
Source: Instagram | @zombieboyofficial
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edensania · 2 years
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𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇
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edensania · 2 years
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Aileen, I love you.
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edensania · 2 years
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Aileen & Cloude ♡
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edensania · 2 years
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