#ainara watches ndrv3
ainaraoftime · 7 years
Which Danganronpa mastermind do you prefer? The DR1 mastermind or the V3 one?
gonna tentatively say v3, if only because…
ndrv3 spoilers under the cut
1. god i am so fucking tired of junko 2. i like the idea of shirogane’s shtick even if she gave up weirdly easily
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
ndrv3 liveblogging chapter 6, huge spoilers etc etc
they’re really big spoilers
oh great, so the girl who could’ve become my favorite DR protagonist but got the axe instead, actually died for no reason whatsoever. cool
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
not quite finished with ndrv3 yet, but since i get anons asking about v3 every so often, opinion time under the readmore because of spoilers:
characters whose writing/handling in the narrative disappointed me the most, from most to least:
-kaede akamatsu and the “protag’s dead girlfriend storage” fridge she’s stuck in
-angie yonaga
-miu iruma
-shuuichi saihara, i guess, by virtue of akamatsu being in this list
-the fact that four of the characters i just listed are all girls
-special mention to.... maki harukawa, again!
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
ndrv3 chapter 6...
so you’re telling me ouma used to sleep with the wax figure of a dead person hanging upside-down over his bed?
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
You know, Maki makes me sad. I had such high hopes for her. She was really cool for a while. She had a cool design, unique talent, and seemed really interesting. But they really butchered her writing, so while I really wanted to love her, I can't.
same same saaaaaaaaame. i was SO ready to like her. i would’ve LOVED to like her. but the more the story advanced the more disappointed i felt
i’ll probably write at more length about it (although i surely won’t say anything that hasn’t already been said) once i actually finish ndrv3. it’s one of the few things i actually have a semi-solid opinion on
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
NDRV3, loooooong post, liveblogging end of chapter 5 part 1, lots of very big spoilers, etc etc, you know the drill
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“so yeah i went there to kill ouma but i guess momota had the same idea. we all just really hate ouma”
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no comment, i just really like these CGs so im compilating em here
MOMOTA WHAT FUCK. im gonna guess him and ouma were in some kinda cahoots
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the GIANT toilet smack in the middle of this pic is kinda killing the tension. and also maki’s head poking thru the window
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shit where was she keeping that
haha saihara’s calling ouma (or “ouma”) out on trying to pull a chapter 5 komaeda (edit: i forgot what i meant by this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
oh holy shit they make you vote without knowing who it is? that’s new!
...oh so the vote doesn’t count? aw
well, if monokuma doesn’t know either, im guessing this is not a computer simulation like in SDR2. well, we already know it wasn’t, but...
i thought ouma not being the mastermind was pretty fucking obvious but i guess in-universe it isn’t
“wait, ouma LIED?!” holy shit guys it’s been 5 chapters and ouma’s introduction was literally “HI I’M A LIAR”
i love how fuckin pissed yumeno is this trial, shes just yelling her way thru it
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kodaka i will fight you
im not following the train of thought of these characters. i guess it’s one of those things about listening to the game being translated aloud
they make you play the minesweeper minigame twice in a row? omfg
yeah i guessed that was the trick used for filming it. still is kinda weird how after the pause the press just seems to... slam down?
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maki said shes the culprit what. oh she doesn’t wanna accept it
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the fuck you looking at. keep scrolling
CLIMAX INFERENCE TIME YEAHHH prepare for incoming pic spam
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a sneaky girl...
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i find it funny how saihara describes momota and ouma having an “altercation” (well, that’s how jess translated it) and the picture looks like this
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"whatcha gonna do, shoot me?” -ouma’s last words
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1. the fuck’s wrong with his hand 2. is he blushing
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“ >:c ”
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im assuming hes weak because of the poison? ..... =(
god this is... a really sad panel
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ugh he looks like he’s in so much pain, jesus
i dont understand how the electrobomb disabled the safety feature but not the press itself. well i guess im not a mechanic
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yeah momota i dont understand why he took his shirt off either
(maybe they knew that if the others managed to look into the press they’d recognize the jacket/scarf...? but momota made sure to cut the press’s wires. i mean, i guess they could’ve used some kinda leverage force to open the press(???) and ouma decided that better safe than sorry)
(i mean dont get me wrong the #1 reason is fanservice but after every single female character getting lots of creepy fanservice for no good reason (especially iruma) at this point it’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) (still a better reason than “stripping to my underwear would make gonta go away”)
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i’m sad =( (im actually keeping most of my “ouma is making me sad” reactions in chats with friends) (but i’m very sad) (i’m gonna be thinking about this panel and the one where he’s being dragged a lot)
god this is like. the most (physically) horrible death in danganronpa. well, victim death, the executions are another ballpark. well, i guess being drowned wasn’t so fun for Hoshi either
ugh momota had to stand there and FILM IT
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what a weird angle. i understand he’s sitting down on the exisal but
also check out saihara’s suddenly big meaty hand
aaaaaaalright and that’s the end of the climax inference, im guessing after this there’ll be some talking, voting time and then i’m guessing explanations. more detailed thoughts once explanations happen, hopefully. pshooo
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
ndrv3 chapter 6 spoilers...
i feel i’ve lost track of what they’re arguing about? i think i started zoning out the moment junko appeared
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
liveblogging, chapter 6 spoilers, blah blah
pretty dumb of shirogane to not get rid of extremely damning evidence. did she think no one would ever find the secret room?
if this is true there’s something about it i do like, though. i always thought akamatsu had to be komaeda-levels of stupidly lucky for the ball to fall exactly where she wanted. this is a way more satisfying answer
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
big ndrv3 spoilers, chapter 6
man, i WISH the chapter 1 protag switch had been to yumeno instead
(im guessing we’re gonna switch to harukawa too)
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
i've been avoiding your dr3 spoilers for a while in case i decided to watch an lp myself but then i read an endgame spoiler that pissed me off so i dived in headfirst and. huh.
haha oh man, did you read the v3 spoiler in my blog or in some other place? if it’s in my blog i think i could have an idea of what post would trigger that response…
either way yeah, huh indeed. huh.
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
also: that’s not how roman numberals work
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
the chapter 5 execution is really sad
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
Maki is generally considered poorly written and wasted potential. Which sucks because she has a good design and a really cool talent.
(mild ndrv3 spoilers, mainly just chapter 2)
=( doesn’t surprise me to hear, but still saddens me. i would’ve loved to love her, but whenever shes on screen it’s just… eh. she’s like. i mean. her sass is fun sometimes. and i can appreciate that time she almost snapped ouma’s neck in front of everyone. but blergh
sigh… didn’t kodaka really like her, and was saddened that she wasnt as popular as he thought she was gonna be? or are those rumors i heard?
(incidentally: the streamers i watch got shirogane’s love hotel scene and wow it’s terrible)
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
ndrv3 liveblogging...
maki was so much cooler before she became part of the main trio. i mean, i still didn’t find her terribly interesting, but when the assassin reveal happened i thought her character arc would go to a more interesting place than “she’s a tsundere lol”
let girl be assholes whose first steps at finding some humanity is self-reflection and hard work instead of generic cliched “aw look at her soft side when she talks to her designated male love interest :)” come the fuck on
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