#aisha zaidi
mystical-evergreen · 10 months
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Lady Aisha Zaidi comes home with Lord Bergstrom from work. The two nobles enjoy the warm spring air outside in the courtyard. Of course, not before gossiping about their fellow rivals!
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This article talks a lot about Hannibal, Saif and Syria!
Saif's lawyer, Khaled al-Zaidi, was photographed with the Charge D'Affaires of the Libyan embassy in Syria
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Why does it say 2018 when it was 2015?
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merrock · 4 months
Hey! Does anyone have a wc for a male 50+?
Hi there, anon!
While I'm not sure that there are many wanted connections that are specifically for a 50+ man, I know that older characters are super, super wanted around here! As someone who plays a character over 50, and several in their forties, I love seeing a wide variety of ages played out in Merrock.
Some wanted connections that I think could work for an older man:
Amina Zaidi's ex-spouse.
member of the Smokey Bunch.
ex-military friend for Jason Browning.
biker buddy for Josh Lane.
lawyer or real estate agent for Bardales Inc.
state park ranger.
mechanic at Takato's.
carpenter / construction worker at Creekside.
historical society nerd.
housemate for Darrius and Aisha.
member of Aleja Alverez's book club.
Aleja Alverez' sperm donor.
I marked a couple as bold that I feel like are the best fits for older characters, whether it be that they worked hard / established themselves to get there, or the connection specifically calls for an older FC in that range, but I think any of them could work!
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Censura covid, sentenza storica. La Corte della 5a Circoscrizione ha accolto il ricorso Missouri vs Biden intentato dagli scienziati @DrJBhattacharya, @MartinKulldorff e @AaronKheriatyMD condannando Casa Bianca, FBI e CDC per violazione del Primo Emendamento: censurarono notizie e informazioni corrette sostenendo fossero “fake news”.
La Corte ha stabilito che le seguenti persone
1.non potranno più censurare account
2.non potranno più censurare post
3.non potranno più dettare la linea politica sui social media
4.non potranno più comunicare con le piattaforme social per censurare
5.non potranno più minacciare le piattaforme social
Ecco la lista dei funzionari e delle istituzioni condannate:
-Karine Jean-Pierre, addetta stampa della Casa Bianca;
-Stuart F. Delery, Consigliere del Presidente Biden;
-Aisha Shah, partnership manager della Casa Bianca;
-Sarah Beran, Assistente speciale del presidente Biden;
-Mina Hsiang, amministratrice del servizio digitale degli Stati Uniti presso l'Ufficio di gestione e bilancio;
-Ali Zaidi, Consigliere Nazionale sul Clima della Casa Bianca;
-Andrew Slavitt, ex Consigliere senior COVID-19 della Casa Bianca;
-Rob Flagerty, Direttore della strategia digitale;
-Dori Salcido, Direttore delle comunicazioni strategiche sull'emergenza COVID-19 presso la Casa Bianca;
-Clarke Humphrey, ex Direttore digitale della Casa Bianca per il team di risposta al COVID-19;
-Benjamin Wakana, ex Vicedirettore delle comunicazioni strategiche sul COVID-19 della Casa Bianca;
-Subhan Cheema, ex Vicedirettore delle comunicazioni strategiche del team COVID-19 della Casa Bianca;
-Timothy W. Manning, ex Coordinatore della fornitura COVID-19 della Casa Bianca;
-Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, consigliere medico capo del presidente Biden insieme con direttori, amministratori e dipendenti.
-Vivek H. Murthy, Surgeon General;
-Katharine Dealy, Chief Engagement Officer del Surgeon General, insieme con direttori, amministratori e dipendenti.
-i CDC (Centri per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie) e in particolare i seguenti dipendenti: -Carol Y. Crawford, Capo del settore digital media della Divisione Public Affairs dei CDC;
-Jay Dempsey, responsabile del team social media, filiale dei media digitali, Divisione Public Affairs dei CDC;
-Kate Galatas, Vicedirettore Comunicazioni dei CDC
-il Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI e in particolare i seguenti dipendenti:
-Laura Dehmlow, Capo Sezione della Task Force sull'influenza straniera dell'FBI;
-Elvis M. Chan, agente speciale supervisore della squadra CY-1 della divisione San Francisco dell'FBI.
0 notes
mlek13 · 2 years
Spring, Year 7: University, pt. 2
Lorraine and Leonardo had a rough patch when he caught her cheating with his little brother, but he seems willing to give her another chance.
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While they are on a date, enjoying an innocent game of catch, here comes Vernon strutting around the corner, looking like he’s about to ruin their date.  Good grief.
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Nothing happens since he gets sidetracked by Faith.  Good job, girl.  Catch his attention.  I will approve of these pairings.
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Then there’s Glenn around the other corner, looking like he and Vernon are about to start a fight.  (I don’t think they did though.)
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Not that there aren’t plenty of other fights around here.
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I didn’t even try to keep track of them all.
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Sometimes multiple fights break out at once and keep my sims from doing the things I would rather them be doing.
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Sometimes they play nice.  Virgil and Zelda are still and item and Callum admires Susannah from afar.
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Eleanor has a romance with Griffin Zaidi.  He’s not in her class, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
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I think this is a romantic action.  I moved in my incoming freshman to one of the apartments when I reached the end of the season in that household, but haven’t aged them up yet.  In the meantime, Nicholas Durden is romancing Faith Mace.  (I think.  It looks like she’s interested in a kiss at least.)
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Yes, there was definitely some romance going on between these two and Vincent does not like it.  Dude, you need to settle down.  You’re engaged to Sitara and you’re still into Laurence.  Faith is like third on your list, let her find love somewhere else.
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More jealousy arises when Aisha pays a visit and her wife, Samira, tags along.  I had Leonardo as a possible father for their children, but Samira isn’t on board with the flirting.  I wonder how this is going to play out when I get to their lot.  Is their marriage over already?
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Poor Leonardo keeps getting slapped around, first by Samira, then by one of the werewolves.  (I think this is Frederick, but it could be Lucius.   It’s hard to tell when they are in werewolf form. He’s friends with one and not with the other.)
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It’s not all drama as some of my young people are ready to settle down.  Simon has wanted to marry Glenn for awhile and now Glenn is on board.  They get engaged.  (It was hard to get a decent picture with Lars right in the middle of it.)
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And Callum proposes to Susannah.  Of course, she says yes.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Biden stacking hi-level positions in admin with Muslims & terrorist-apologists (updated)
Scroll to end for updates.
If you have more to add to the list please leave a comment here or on our Gab post. Maher Bitar - Sr. Director for Intelligence on the NSC
'Palestinian' Muslim deeply involved in Trump’s first impeachment
As Rep. Adam Schiff’s top legal adviser, he was deeply involved in the first impeachment of then-US President Donald Trump.
Maher Bitar, one of the executive board members of Students for Justice in Palestine, was one of the principal organizers of the 2006 conference which was being hosted by Georgetown University’s SJP hate group.
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Reema Dodin - Deputy Director of White House Office of Legislative Affairs
'Palestinian' Muslim who justified suicide bombings
During the Second Intifada, in 2002, Dodin spoke about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with residents of Lodi, California, saying that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,” according to the Lodi News-Sentinel.
...as one of two deputy directors of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, she will be in a position to keep track of proposed or impending or about-to-be-voted on legislation about Israel, Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the whole Middle Eastern works. She will know which Congressmen are “on our [Palestinian] side,” who can be persuaded to move toward the Palestinian position, who supports Israel and cannot be moved; she’s in the perfect place to inform or warn her allies in the pro-Palestinian camp of what’s to come, and how best to promote or stop it.
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Sameera Fazili - Deputy Director at the US National Economic Council ('Kashmiri' Muslim) Source 1 + Bio
Update 1:
via: Biden’s Terror-Tied Appointee Sameera Fazili is a Threat to U.S.
via: Top Biden Economic Policy [Fazili] Adviser Linked to Kashmiri Extremists
Currently, Fazili is listed as Committee Chair of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network's (IMAN) Atlanta office, and she was previously listed as a director of IMAN's Chicago branch. Notably, two of IMAN's top 20 donors include the Barzinji Family Foundation and Mirza Family Foundation. These two organizations, in particular, are apparent successors to individuals and organizations associated with the SAAR Network, a web of businesses and charities accused of harboring numerous financial connections to entities involved with Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
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Aisha Shah - partnership Manager at the White House Office of Digital Strategy ('Kashmiri' Muslim) Source
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Uzra Zeya - Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights (Zeya was a key Obama advisor during Arab Sprint/Muslim Brotherhood uprising) + Source
More on Zeya:
Biden Pick for Human Rights Undersecretary Worked for Group That Claimed Jews Were Behind 9/11
Sean Durns, a research analyst at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, called the Washington Report a "fringe organization" that has "published content with anti-Semitic themes," including claims that the Mossad was behind the JFK assassination and the Sept. 11 attacks...
And on Zeya’s previous work:
"Ms. Zeya, a Muslim, will seek out Islamic groups seeking to work effectively within the American political system, and non-Muslim groups looking for authoritative speakers on Islam," reported the outlet. She published several book reviews in the Washington Report and was listed as "program coordinator for the American Educational Trust specializing in Islamic affairs" in March 1990.
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Ali Zaidi - Deputy National Climate Advisor (Pakistani) Source 1 + Source 2
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Zayn Siddique - White House Deputy Chief of Staff (Bangladeshi) Source
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Paul Abbate - Deputy Director of the FBI
9/11 mosque visiting, terror-imam praising FBI flack
…[as] the FBI’s #3 man, Associate Deputy Director Paul Abate, participated in a “love-fest” of sorts with Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood jihad Imam Johari Abdul-Malik at Hamas’ Dar al Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia.  See the UTT video HERE.
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Denis McDonough - Secretary of Dept of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Islamic terror supporter
McDonough has a long history of openly supporting terrorists/jihadis while in public office.  
The counter-terrorism policies and strategies created under his watch as Deputy National Security Advisor and Chief of Staff under President Obama demonstrate his overt support for individuals and entities who openly call for the overthrow of the U.S. government and the destruction of liberty and innocent life.
McDonough’s seditious and unlawful actions are unprecedented in their brazenness and blatant violation of his oath and the law.
For instance, as the Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama, McDonough went to the Muslim Brotherhood’s mosque, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Sterling, Virginia with senior U.S. leaders including FBI, DHS, NSC, etc to PRAISE its Imam.
The ADAMS Center Imam is Mohamed Magid, a Muslim Brotherhood leader.
See the video of McDonough’s speech at ADAMS HERE.  (By the way, Denis McDonough lied when he said Thomas Jefferson held “the first Iftar dinner at the White House”)
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McDonough with imam from terror-linked, Muslim Brotherhood mosque
Robert Malley - special envoy for Iran (Hamas supporter & Obama's Iran deal negotiator & failed ISIS czar)
... in 2008, when he was an informal foreign policy adviser for Obama's presidential campaign. He was forced to sever ties with the campaign when news outlets reported he had met with members of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that the State Department classifies as a terrorist organization.
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President Bill Clinton, left, meets with, from left to right, Palestinian negotiator Nabi Abu Rudineh, Rob Malley and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat on July 17, 2000 at the Middle East peace summit at Camp David in Maryland.
Neera Tanden - Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Clinton and Obama retread
Head of anti-American, Bloomberg-funded, pro-Sharia law think tank Center for American Progress that created an “Islamophobia” hit list and targeted those who warn about the dangers of sharia in the U.S. 
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Update: Tanden has withdrawn
Hady Amr - Deputy Asst Secretary of State for Israel-Palestine
Biden’s New Asst Sec of State Worked for Islamic Terror State That Funds Hamas
One year after 9/11 Amr stated “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada” & called for engagement with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood
... Over the past few years, Amr has repeatedly urged negotiations with Hamas. When the Trump administration unveiled its proposed peace deal, Amr co-wrote an article declaring that it should be scrapped in favor of focusing on a deal with Hamas. The article provides some insight into the policies that Amr may advance as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israel-Palestine.
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Matt Duss - State Dept
Associate of Linda Sarsour & Islamophobia conspiracist at left-wing think-tank Center for American Progress
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Update 2:
Ilhan Omar - vice chairwoman Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations
The anti-American, 9/11 victim-mocking, brother-marrying, fraud-committing, ISIS terrorist-supporting Muslim said she is excited to:
“play a leadership role in overseeing our international aid and foreign policy on the continent."  Source
In other words, Americans can expect more taxation for Islamization...at least it will be outside the U.S.
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Update 3:
Ramin Taheri, Chief of Staff, Office for Civil Rights - Source
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Tariq Habash, Special Assistant, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development - Source
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  Vanessa  Harmoush, Special Assistant, Office of Communications and Outreach - Source
She started her professional career as a journalist at the Washington, D.C., bureau for Al Jazeera America, where she worked primarily as a feature reporter.
For Harmoush, Al Jazeera America’s Qatar-based sister news organization, Al Jazeera, was always on when she was growing up in Lebanon. After her time at the D.C. bureau, she took an internship with then-Senator Mark Udall.
Today, she works as the communications director at Rocky Mountain Values, a progressive advocacy organization.
Al Jazeera is Qatar-funded jihadi propaganda outlet.
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Many more far-left appointees at the source links above and via multiple U.S. Department of Education Announcements https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases.
Just the beginning & the Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS, Hizbollah, ISIS, al-Qaeda, CAIR, MAS, MPAC, MSA, Emgage, et al know that America will one day be theirs
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soudybrown · 4 years
Weekend hii Pakua App ya @swahiliflix lipia kifurushi cha Buku Tu! Itazame Episode Mpyaaa 🔥 ya #MAMAKIJACHO @auntyezekiel Uyatazame Maisha halisi ya Ujauzito wake. Kwenye Episode hii Mpya #MAMAKIJACHO @auntyezekiel kamtembelea Mama Kijacho Aisha, Msichana Mdogo mwenye Story ya Kuhuzunisha ambae MAMA KIJACHO ameona anahitaji kusaidiwa ili Maisha ya Ujauzito wake yawe yenye Furaha. Fungua App ya @swahiliflix Jionee Story yote zaidi . #MAMAKIJACHO 🤰 #NdaniYaSwahiliflix #BurudaniKiganjani 📲 #PopoteUlipoDuniani🌍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFWuJmahHFd/?igshid=16b5lnh0sqv4s
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tasksweekly · 8 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 150+ Pakistani faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite Pakistani faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a Pakistani artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on Pakistani culture and customs.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Zeba Ali (71) Pakistani - actress & model.
Badar Khalil (69) Pakistani - actress.
Babra Sharif (62) Pakistani - actress.
Bushra Ansari (60) Pakistani - television presenter, comedian, singer, actor & playwright.
Laila Zuberi (59) Pakistani - actress.
Atiqa Odho (48) Pakistani - actress.
Hina Dilpazeer (48) Pakistani - actress, television presenter, television director, model & singer.
Saira Khan (46) Pakistani - television presenter and celebrity.
Mahnoor Baloch (46) Pakistani - actress, model & film director.
Yasmeen Ghauri (45) Pakistani / German - model.
Hina Shaheen (45) Pakistani - actress.
Javeria Abbasi (44) Pakistani - actress & former model.
Ayesha Sana (44) Pakistani - actress.
Jia Ali (44) Pakistani - model & actress.
Aaminah Haq (43) Pakistani - model & actress.
Zainab Qayyum (41/42) Pakistani - model & actress.
Angeline Malik (41) Pakistani - director & actress.
Irtiza Rubab (40) Pakistani - actress, television presenter, model and leading philanthropist.
Shazia Mirza (40) Pakistani - stand-up comedian, actress, and writer.
Iman Ali (39) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayesha Dharker (38) Pakistani / Indian - actress.
Zara Sheikh (38) Pakistani - model, actress & singer.
Bat for Lashes (37) Pakistani / English - musician.
Nargis Fakhri (37) Pakistani / Czech - model & actress.
Fatima Effendi (36) actress & model.
Nadia Ali (36) Pakistani - singer & songwriter.
Sitara Hewitt (35) Pakistani /  Welsh - actress.
Aamina Sheikh (35) Pakistani - actress & former supermodel.
Ayesha Omar (35) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Ainy Jaffri (35) Pakistani - actress & model.
Meesha Shafi (35) Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Komal Rizvi (35) Pakistani - actress.
Zhalay Sarhadi (35) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayesha Omer (35) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.
Ayesha Khan (34) Pakistani - actress.
Noor Bukhari (34)  Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, director and model.
Mehwish Hayat (34) Pakistani - actress, model & singer.  
Sibylla Deen (34) Pakistani, English - actress.
Mehreen Syed (34) Pakistani - model & actress.
Sana Javed (33) Pakistani - actress & cricketer.
Mariyah Moten (33) Pakistani - American beauty pageant runner up.
Anoushey Ashraf (33) Pakistani - VJ & actress.
Anoushay Abbasi (33) Pakistani - actress & model.
Anusheh Asad (33) Pakistani - model & makeup artist.
Mahira Khan (32) Pakistani - actress.
Veena Malik (32)  Punjabi-Pakistani - actress, TV host & model.
Saba Qamar (32) Pakistani - actress.
Dilshad Vadsaria (31) Indian, Pakistani, Portuguese - actress.
Sara Loren (31) Pakistani - actress & model.
Beenish Chohan (31) Pakistani - actress & model.
Alishba Yousuf (31) Pakistani - VJ, model & actress.
Sanam Baloch (30) Pakistani - actress & television presenter.
Christel Khalil (29) African American, Cherokee and European American / Pakistani - actress.
Armeena Khan (29) Pakistani, Canadian - actress & model.
Humaima Malik (29) Pakistani - actress & model.
Sanam Jung (28) Pakistani - actress, model, television host & VJ
Syra Shehroz (28) Pakistani - model and actress and former VJ.
Jahan Yousaf (27) Pakistani / Lithuanian - DJ & singer.
Yumna ZaidiYumna Zaidi (27) Pakistani - actress & model.
Arij Fatyma (27) Pakistani - actress & model.
Ayeza Khan (26) Pakistani - actress.
Shanina Shaik (25) Pakistani, Saudi Arabian / Lithuanian - model.
Urwa Hocane (25) Pakistani - model & actress.
Amna Ilyas (25) Pakistani - actress & model.
Mathira Mohammad (24/25) Pakistani / African - model, dancer, hostess, singer & actress.
Izara Aishah (24) Pakistani / Malay - actress.
Yasmine Yousaf (24) Pakistani / Lithuanian - DJ & singer.
Mawra Hocane (24)  Pakistani - model & actress.
Neelam Muneer (24) Pakistani - actress.
Ayyan Ali (23) Pakistani - model & singer.
Sajal Ali (23) Pakistani - actress.
Sohai Abro (22) Pakistani - actress, dancer and model.
Sohai Ali Abro (22) Pakistani - actress, dancer & model.
Nayab Syed (22) of Pakistani and Afghan descent - YouTuber.
Minahil Mahmood (20) of Pakistani descent - model.
Arisha Razi (14) Pakistani - actress.
Maya Ali (?) Pakistani - actress, model and VJ.
Ushna Shah (?) Pakistani - actress, RJ & host.
Arjumand Rahim (?) Pakistani - actress, director & producer.
Bahar Begum (?) Pakistani - actress.
Farah Shah (?) Pakistani - actress & model.
Hareem Farooq (?) Pakistani - actress.
Hina Sultan (?) Pakistani - television host, VJ,& actress.
Ismat Zaidi (?) Pakistani - actress.
Javeria Saud (?) Pakistani - actress.
Jana Malik (?) Pakistani - actress.
Aisha Linnea Akhtar (?) Pakistani / Swedish - actress & model. 
Zia Mohyeddin (83) Pakistani - actor, producer, director & television broadcaster.
Nadeem Baig (75) Pakistani - actor, singer & producer.
Javed Sheikh (62) Punjabi-Pakistani - actor, director & producer.
Iqbal Theba (53) Pakistani - actor.
Faran Tahir (53) Pakistani - actor.
Noman Ijaz (51) Pakistani - actor.
Faisal Rehman (50) Pakistani - actor. 
Sajjad Ali (50) Pakistani - singer & actor.
Saleem Sheikh (49) Pakistani - actor.
Ali Haider (49) Pakistani - actor & singer.
Nabeel (48) Pakistani - actor, director & writer.  
Adnan Siddiqui (47) Pakistani - actor & model.
Shabbir Jan (47) Pakistani - actor.
Babu Baral (47) Pakistani - actor. 
Yasir Nawaz (46) Pakistani - television director, producer, actor & model.
Humayun Saeed (45) Pakistani - actor & producer.
Shaan Shahid (45) Pakistani - actor, writer, model & film director.
Adnan Sami (45) Pashtun / Kashmiri - singer, musician, music composer, pianist & actor.
Aijaz Aslam (44) Pakistani - actor & model.
Faysal Qureshi (43) Pakistani - actor & television host.  
Faisal Qureshi (43) Pakistani - actor. 
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (43) Pakistani - singer.
Shamoon Abbasi (43) Pakistani - actor.
Shahood Alvi (43) Pakistani - actor.
Moammar Rana (42) Pakistani - actor & film director.
Adnan Jaffar (42) Pakistani - actor. 
Ahmad Ali Butt (40) Pakistani - rapper. 
Cezanne Khan (39) Pakistani - actor. 
Adeel Hussain (38) Pakistani - actor.
Kumail Nanjiani (38) Pakistani (Sindhi) - comedian, actor, writer & podcast host.
Geoffrey Arend (38)  Pakistani  / German, English - actor.
Sami Shah (38) Pakistani - comedian, writer & improvisational actor.
Shamil Khan (38) Pakistani - actor.
Danish Nawaz (38) Pakistani - director, actor & comedian.
Mohib Mirza (37) Pakistani - actor & television host.
Bilal Ashraf (37) Pakistani - model & effects director.
Waqar Zaka (36) Pakistani - television host, VJ & stunt performer.
Sami Khan (36) Pakistani - actor & model.
Ali Zafar (36) Punjabi-Pakistani - actor, singer-songwriter & musician.
Ahsan Khan (35) English, Pakistani -actor, host and performer.
Fawad Khan (35) Pakistani - actor.
Mikaal Zulfiqar (35) Pakistani - actor & former model.
Junaid Khan (35) Pakistani - actor & songwriter.
Shehzad Sheikh (34) Pakistani - actor & model.
Imran Abbas (34) Pakistani - actor & former model.
Riz Ahmed (34) Pakistani / Indian - actor & rapper.
Fahad Mustafa (33) Pakistani - actor.
Danish Taimoor (33) Pakistani - actor & model.
Abdullah Ejaz (33) Pakistani - model.
Atif Aslam (33) Punjabi-Pakistani - singer.
Azfar Rehman (32) Pakistani - model & actor.
Shahid Khan (32) Pakistani - DJ & musician.
Hamza Abbasi (32) Pakistani - actor.
Omer Bhatti (32) Pakistani / Norwegian - rapper.
Osman Khalid Butt (31) Pakistani - actor.
Shehroz Sabzwari (31) Pakistani - actor & model.
Amir Khan (30) Pakistani (Janjua Rajput) - professional boxer.
Ali Rehman Khan (28) Pashtun - actor. 
Shazad Latif (28) of Pakistani, English and Scottish descent - actor.
Sheheryar Munawar (28) Pakistani - actor.
Babu Baral (26) Pakistani - actor & model.
Emi Khan (19) Pakistani - singer. 
Aramis Knight (17) of German, Indian, and Pakistani descent - actor.
Zuhab Khan (15) Pakistani - actor.
Naeem Haq (?) Pakistani - model, television actor, CEO, gymnast & architect.
Yasir Hussain (?) Pakistani - writer & actor.
Sikander Rizvi (?) Pakistani - actor & chef.
Saad Haroon (?) Pakistani - comedian, actor & writer.
Use at your own discretion:
Zayn Malik (24) Pakistani / English, some Irish - singer - post here!
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mazallaposts · 7 years
Mwanakwerekwe Skuli Wapewa Elimu Afya ya Kinywa na Meno
 Dkt. dhamana wa meno kanda ya Unguja  Muhidini Abdalla akiwapatia elimu fupi wanafunzi wa skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe E namna ya kusafisha meno. 
 Mwanafunzi  Ali Makame wa skuli ya Mwanakwereke E akiwaonesha mfano wa kusafisha meno wanafunzi wezake baada ya kupatiwa elimu ya usafishaji wa meno skulini hapo.
 Dkt. bingwa wa meno kutoka Chuo kikuu cha AJMANI cha Falme za kiaarabu  Zaid Mohammed Hassan akimfanyia uchunguzi wa meno mwanafunzi wa skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe H Juma Hassan katika zoezi la kutoa matibabu yaliofanyika skulini hapo.
 Dkt bingwa kutoka Ujerumani Isabella Di Lorenzo akimfanyia uchunguzi wa meno mwanafunzi wa skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe H Raiyani Subeti Mkaazi wa Magomeni katika matibabu yaliofanyika skulini hapo.
 Daktari dhamana wa Meno kanda ya Unguja alievalia vazi jeupe Muhidini Abdalla akishirikiana na madaktari bingwa kutoka Ujerumani na Falme za Kiarabu wakimng’oa jino mwanafunzi Aisha Makame wa skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe H katika matibabu yaliofanyika skulini hapo.
 Mwalimu Mkuu wa skuli ya Mwanakwerekwe E Khityar Haidhuru Ramadhan  akizungumza na waadishi wa habari kuhusuana na zoezi hilo na kuishukuru Wizara ya Afya Zanzibar kwa kuwapatia matibabu wanafunzi wa skuli hizo.
Picha na Abdalla Omar Habari  Maelezo
Na Kijakazi Abdalla-MAELEZO
JAMII imetakiwa itumie mbinu sahihi ili kuimarisha afya kinywa na meno na kupunguza mzigo mkubwa wa kutibu maradhi ya meno.  
Akizungumza katika kampeni maalum juu ya kujikinga na maradhi yanayoathiri kinywa na meno katika skuli ya msingi Mwanakwerekwe ‘E’, Daktari Dhamana Kanda ya Unguja Muhidin Abdalla Mohammed, amesema wananchi wengi wamebainika kuathiriwa na maradhi ya kinywa na meno.
Kwa hivyo amesema ipo haja ya kuchukua tahadhari ili kupunguza tatizo hilo.
Aidha, alisema lengo la kampeni hiyo ni kuinua uwelewa wa watu ambao hawatoi kipaumbele kwa afya ya kinywa na meno, na hivyo kujikuta wakisumbuka kuhahangaikia matibabu.
Dk. Muhiddin pia amesema hatua ya kufanya kampeni hiyo katika skuli, inalenga kuwapa elimu wanafunzi juu ya namna bora na sahihi za kutunza meno na kupiga mswaki ili waimarishe afya ya meno yao.
Alisema katika umri mdogo, ndipo watoto hupitia mabadiliko makubwa kimwili, hivyo kuwapa taaluma kutawawezesha kufahamu mbinu sahihi za kuimarisha afya na kujikinga wanapokua wakubwa.
Hata hivyo, ameiomba Serikali iongeze juhudi zaidi kufikisha huduma za meno kila eneo ingawa kunahitaji gharama kubwa, lakini akasema kuacha watu waugue bila tiba ni gharama zaidi.
Alieleza kuwa, tangu kuanza kampeni hizo kuelekea maadhimisho ya siku ya afya ya kinywa na meno kimataifa, zaidi ya watoto 1,000 wametibiwa kwa kushirikiana na madaktari kutoka Ujerumani, Muungano wa Falme za Kiarabu (UAE) pamoja na Wizara ya Afya.
Mwalimu Mkuu wa Skuli ya Msingi Mwanakwerekwe ‘E’ Khitiyar Haidhuru Ramadhani,  alisema ujio wa madaktari hao umewapa faraja  wanafunzi na elimu sahihi ya kutunza meno yao.
Aidha aliwataka wazee kujenga utamaduni wa kuwanunulia watoto vitu vinavyoweza kuwaepusha na maradhi ya meno kama vile pipi, biskuti na chokoleti ambavyo huchangia zaidi maradhi hayo.
Mwalimu huyo pia aliwaomba wazazi kuwasimamia vyema watoto na kuhakikisha wanapiga miswaki mara mbili kwa siku na kwa njia sahihi kwani imebainika kuna baadhi ya wanafunzi huenda skuli bila kusafisha meno yao.
Aidha aliiomba Wizara ya Afya iliendeleze zoezi la  kuchunguza maradhi yote kwa wanafunzi, kwani kumekuwa na ongezeko kubwa la maradhi lakini  baadhi ya wazee hawamudu gharama za uchunguzi na tiba.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2HETEAx
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mystical-evergreen · 1 year
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A friendship that always surprised me was between Pipa Clarrel and Aisha. They're polar opposites, peasant and noble, romance and family, homewrecker and loyal. And yet they are best friends. I believe Aisha caught Pipa on the way to Bassil's and stopped her to chat about the slow work at court, Pipa seems to share Aisha's dislike towards the old King.
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English version!
But this version doesn't have the photo of Khaled al-Zaidi in Syria, or the official letter
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merrock · 4 months
Anywhere you could see daveed diggs or Rahul Kohli fitting?
Good afternoon, anon!
Firstly, allow me to say: excellent choices, my friend. Secondly, I recommend checking out our wanted connections yourself to see if there are any that really, really stick out to you! But also pages like our occupations page, to see where others in town work, or what job you might want to snatch up!
So! I am going to list connections that I think could fit either or both (if it's only one, I'll mention that, don't worry):
Jackson & Jordan's older brother.
Lara Caruso's ex-husband (for Daveed).
Jamie Mariadaga-Evans' ex-boyfriend (for Rahul).
Amina Zaidi's ex-spouse.
a member of the Smokey Gang.
Jason Browning's ex-military friend.
Theodore Browning's best friend (for Daveed).
biker buddy for Josh Lane.
a whole lot of these career connections work for anyone!
housemate for Stelly & Sylvia.
housemate for Darrius & Aisha.
neighbor for Elena Vazquez.
member of Aleja's book club.
member of Chetan's DnD party.
band member in Unknown Destination.
Oh, phew, there were a lot! If anyone has any in mind that aren't listed, or something that I forgot to list, please feel free to chime in. But we hope you'll join us! xx
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mystical-evergreen · 1 year
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In the middle of the night her ladyship goes into labor... and safely delivers twins! An heir, Haziqa Zaidi and her brother Mustafa Zaidi.
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mystical-evergreen · 1 year
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mystical-evergreen · 1 year
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By no means is this the "first" night, but its certainly the first night as a married couple. Let's hope for some noble babies!
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mystical-evergreen · 1 year
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The spring season comes to a close as Raymond gets home exhausted. A recent promotion has made it so he works later, and the change is a struggle. Aisha finishes the round with spending some time with her youngest children, a rare luxury she's hardly been able to enjoy this round
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