#ak amputee
maounteighn · 1 month
Hear me out.
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I've already seen mobility aids hcs for Orel, but taken his initial physical trauma + shit show of a medical help he received for it, it's not impossible for his leg to start deteriorating in the future.
i think it's canon that he got a nasty femur fracture from that shot. they were hunting game at least as big as a deer, so the bullet Orel got was also scary big. there's no way he got away with just a crack. it probably was comminuted fracture, it requires more intervention than just a cast. so in the end, his limping was probably coming from incorrectly healed bone and tendon I imagine once he is able to seek competent medical help as an adult, it would be a bit to late to regain anything. In the end, above the knee amputation becomes the only other option.
Of course, amputation comes with it's own issues like nerve damage and phantom pain etc., but is still be better that nothing. Also, he would be able to resume tracking once he heals and learns how to walk and run with a prosthetic.
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emberglowfox · 10 months
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back on the oc grind. its got robots now
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ampdevotee · 2 years
AK stumps
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theivorlegov1 · 10 months
First time in the swimming pool as an AK amputee - Chong’s Video
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interdevo-devotee · 9 months
AK amputee girl does equilibrium on crutches
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blindmagdalena · 4 months
You use a Wheelchair?
Sorry if that sounds rude
not rude at all! i’m an ak (above knee) amputee, so any time i’m not in my prosthetic leg, i’m using either crutches or my wheelchair. 🥰
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leftprohans · 6 months
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ariekdimas · 1 year
Harapan Baru
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Sudah tiga bulan berlalu semenjak aku bermain bola kembali. Setiap sabtu dan minggu aku jadi suka menyempatkan diri untuk latihan sendiri. Akan tetapi dalam seminggu aku hanya diperbolehkan bermain 4 jam saja, karena kondisi tubuhku masih belum pulih total. Jika dipaksakan melakukan aktivitas fisik berlebihan maka berdampak pada luka amputasiku.
Dari hasil latihan yang aku lalui tersebut, sebagian kemampuan sepak bola bisa ku dapatkan lagi. Lumayan lah sekarang aku sudah mulai bisa menggiring bola dengan menggunakan tongkat jalan. Walaupun kadang masih sulit menjaga bola agar tidak terpental jauh dari kaki. Lalu, kemampuan menendang ku juga udah lebih meningkat dibandingkan ketika bermain bersama Rio. Terkadang aku juga suka mengajak Ayah untuk bermain bola bersama biar ada lawan tandingnya.
Untuk bisa memotivasiku lebih, Ayah masih suka mengajakku menonton pertandingan piala dunia di TV. Tahun ini tim kesayangannya, Perancis menjadi juara Piala Dunia Rusia 2018. Salah seorang pemain muda tim ayam jantan tersebut yang bernama Kylian Mbappe sedang menjadi perbincangan media global saat ini, karena penampilan aksinya yang menakjubkan. Bagaimana tidak, Mbappe yang masih berusia 19 tahun tampil lebih menonjol dibandingkan pemain muda lainnya.
Ditengah menonton pertandingan piala dunia, Ayah suka menyelipkan pesan kepadaku.
"Mas Arga lihat deh itu, hebat ya Mbappe. Belum 20 tahun tapi kemampuannya udah hampir setara sama Cristiano Ronaldo sama Lionel Messi."
"Iya Yah, bertalenta banget emang dia. Kalau ia udah turun di lapangan lawan pasti langsung kocar-kacir."
"Hahaha betul... Tapi yang perlu kamu ketahui, Mas. Di luar bakatnya yang dahsyat itu, Mbappe pasti punya mentalitas yang luar biasa sehingga membuat ia bisa jadi seperti saat ini."
"Oh iya, Ayah jadi teringat, nama tengah kamu diambil dari pemain terkenal Perancis bernomor punggung 10 yaitu Zinedine Zidane. Mbappe juga bernomor punggung 10 bukan? Tim Les Bleus juga mengangkat tropi kali ini. Mungkin tahun ini saatnya kamu untuk bersinar juga."
"Mmm ..Pasti Ayah!" Aku hanya bisa mengangguk setuju kepada Ayah sambil tersenyum. Belum tahu apa yang akan terjadi nanti.
Pada kemudian hari, setibanya aku di rumah setelah melakukan kontrol berkala ke dokter, Ibu menyampaikan kalau tadi ada kiriman surat dari INAF yang ditujukan kepadaku. Surat dari siapa pikirku dengan bingung. Selama ini aku belum pernah kemana-mana lagi. Karena penasaran, aku pun lalu segera membuka dan membaca surat tersebut.
Dengan hormat,
Perkenalkan kami dari INAF Assosiation – Perkumpulan Sepakbola Amputasi Indonesia. Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa INAF akan mengadakan seleksi untuk mencari pemain Tim Nasional Sepak bola Amputasi Indonesia.
Seleksi ini akan dilakukan di Jakarta pada tanggal 8 November 2018. Maka dengan ini INAF memanggil Sdr. Arga Zidane Prasetya untuk mengikuti seleksi tersebut.
Demikian hal ini kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
Salam Olahraga.
Ketua Umum INAF
"Hah? Perkumpulan sepakbola Indonesia? Aku baru tahu kalau ada asosiasi tersebut. Ku pikir asosiasi sepakbola cuma ada PSSI aja."
Tertarik dengan undangan tersebut, aku memutuskan untuk menerimanya. Saat datang ke gedung pertemuan sesuai arahan undangan, berkumpul di dalamnya berbagai peserta penyandang amputasi dengan kondisi yang hampir sama denganku. Ada yang amputasi di kaki, ada pula yang amputasi tangan. Mereka berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
Ketua Umum INAF menyambut kedatangan para pemain peserta yang akan mengikuti seleksi. Ia menjelaskan terkait Indonesia Amputee Football atau Garuda INAF yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2018. Layaknya PSSI, INAF ternyata merupakan induk organisasi sepak bola bagi penyandang disabilitas fisik. Asosiasi ini sudah tergabung menjadi bagian dari World Amputee Football Organization atau WAFO, yang berarti Indonesia sudah dapat mengikuti ajang olahraga khusus ini dalam pertandingan di luar negeri.
Wow keren juga pikirku. Aku jadi tambah bersemangat, akhirnya setelah sekian lama aku dapat menyalurkan hobiku bermain sepakbola dalam sebuah tim. Selain itu, dengan tergabung menjadi pemain sepakbola amputasi artinya ada peluang untuk mewujudkan kembali mimpi lamaku yang sempat hilang. Yakni menjadi pemain bola profesional dan bisa menorehkan prestasi di kancah internasional.
Tahapan seleksi pemain timnas amputasi ini sendiri diikuti oleh 40 oran,g dan yang terpilih nantinya hanya 20 orang pemain saja. Para peserta seleksi ikut serta disini karena mereka sudah terjaring dalam organisasi sepak bola amputasi lokal di daerah masing-masing. Salah satu peserta yang aku temui adalah Samsul Bahri, ia berasal dari klub bola amputasi Jember.
Disini hanya aku sendiri yang tidak berasal dari tim atau organisasi sepakbola amputasi manapun. Karena itu aku masih bertanya-tanya, kira-kira kenapa INAF bisa mengundangku kesini ya.
Sebelum tahap seleksi dimulai, aku dihampiri oleh seorang bapak-bapak berkumis. Ia terlihat seperti pengurus dari INAF.
"Kamu yang namanya Arga bukan?"
"Iya Pak betul. Ada apa ya Pak?"
"Perkenalkan saya Martin. Saya yang akan jadi pelatih Timnas Amputasi ketika kalian lolos nanti. Saya yang merekomendasikan dan mengundang kamu untuk mengikuti seleksi ini."
"Oh iya? Maaf kalau boleh tahu, memang darimana bapak tahu saya?"
"Saya mendengar kabar dari teman saya yang menjadi pengurus di PSSI untuk U-17. Ia bercerita bahwa ada seorang anak bernama Arga dari Tim SSB Macan yang punya prestasi gemilang. Namun akibat cedera tragis yang dialaminya sehingga ia harus kehilangan kakinya."
"Betul, itu saya pak." sahutku
"Kemudian saya mendengar dari orang-orang kalau ada seorang pemuda amputasi senang berlatih bola sendiri di lapangan, di Kampung Bojong Kecil. Saya pun mencoba menggali informasi tersebut dan menemukan bahwa benar itu kamu Arga. Saya yakin dengan pengalaman yang kamu miliki, kamu punya potensi yang bisa dikembangkan. Karena itu saya tertarik untuk mengundang kamu untuk bergabung dalam timnas amputasi."
"Saya harap kamu dapat melakukan yang terbaik Arga, sampai bertemu dengan saya nanti." Ujar Pak Martin sambil menepuk pundakku dan berjalan pergi meninggalkanku.
"Ah, seperti itu rupanya mengapa mereka mengundangku kesini."
(Bersambung) (c) Ariek Dimas
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strzzeka · 6 months
Whatever Happened to John Smith?
This continues the story of John Smith, who featured in the story 'Whatever Happened to Brenton Harter?' (January 2022). Having easy access to voluntary amputations and sharing an apartment with an overbearing disabled master leave John Smith a legless bilateral hook user. Things improve when his German friend Johan returns for a second AK procedure.
Here's a sample.
John Smith was waiting for them in the entrance hall. He was wearing only a white hoody over his arm prostheses and torso socket, displaying his black carbon stumps for Johan’s inspection. He too was surprised to see how disabled Johan now appeared on his primitive peg legs. John Smith was temporarily taller than Johan. He would have liked to hug his visitor but his prostheses prevented it.
            – You look so different, John Smith. I did not know you have now a beard. It looks so wonderful on your face.
Johan’s English needed a little tuning but they would be together for much of the time while his arm stumps healed. How to break it to the man that he would leave Menard House a quadruple amputee?
            – Come to the lounge, Johan. Leave your case. I’ll collect it later.
John Smith revolved in place and led the way into the house, familiar but always exotic in the peculiar old English style. Johan’s peg legs echoed in the entrance hall on the marble floor. Judson watched their progress from behind and dragged Johan’s suitcase behind him. John Smith would not be able to reach it despite his assurance.
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catboy-dysphoria · 9 months
what kind of hcs have you thought for your OCs recently?
The word HC is so weird for OCs bc like...I decide the canon the source is my head. LOL. I mean I also use the term HC for OCs but every time I'm like. Huh.
Anyway ummm. IDK who u are so I don't know exactly how familiar u are with any of them! But recently I talked w my best friend about an OC of mine, Andy, who's maybe my favorite overall I think. He's a calico trans catboy FSSW and I love him so much. But while he's definitely really really good at navigating social stuff and being seductive and charismatic and all that, he also has a POWERFUL glare. He can hit you with the side eye and make you feel like an empty Capri Sun if he thinks what you said was remarkably stupid.
Ummm also my OC Mod is usually an android, but in AUs where I make them human, they're a AK amputee and since they're like. An engineering whiz (in their original canon they create/modify parts for other androids and swap out a lot of their own parts often) they like to do a lot of fun stuff messing with their prosthetic. They'll mostly leave the socket alone ofc but they'll make prosthetics that light up or have compartments or whatever. Swiss army leg. They like to show it off a lot, which connects to their canon bc as an android, they stand out a lot by not looking like other people/androids. They don't have any desire to imitate regular humans or even look like other androids, they take a lot of pride in being (literally, mostly) self-made and different.
Also my OC Marie, after escaping from a very traumatic experience that lasted a few years, couldn't speak for a while. IDK what the technical term is, but she's mostly mute. The lady that took her in/later becomes her partner helped her use an AAC app on an iPad or something similar, but even that took a little bit. She mostly just said yes or no. (She ends up mostly verbal later on though.)
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Surgical Prosthetic Equipment
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Surgical prosthetic equipment encompasses a variety of medically-based devices used to replace a lost limb or body part. They range from aesthetic functional prosthetics to myoelectric and body-powered devices. They can be customized to meet a person's physical and emotional needs.
The Philadelphia prosthetics is an artificial limb or body part, often a prosthetic leg or arm, that is attached to the patient's residual limb (stump) via belts and cuffs. This can be accomplished with either a hard socket or a soft liner, which is made of silicone to create a more suction fit.
The shell of the prosthesis, called a socket, can be shaped or mold-made to match the patient's residual limb. This may be a "test socket" for new amputations or an initial socket that will eventually serve as the template for a permanent prosthesis, sometimes referred to as a preparatory socket.
Prosthetic limbs can be made from various materials including plastic, metal, wood, composites and bone. They are usually light and strong, but they also must be durable and comfortable to wear. A well-fitting limb can be the first step in improving a person's quality of life after amputation.
Choosing a prosthetic limb is an important decision because it can affect a person's quality of life, confidence and level of activity. It is a complex process and a person should discuss their specific needs with their health care provider.
There are many different types of limb prosthetics, including trans-tibial and trans-femoral prostheses for below-knee amputations. Depending on the patient's goals and budget, the prosthesis may be a standard device or a more sophisticated custom-made model.
Below-knee prostheses are commonly referred to as "BK" or below knee prostheses, while above-knee prostheses are referred to as "AK" or above-knee prostheses. A below-knee prosthesis consists of an artificial foot, a section to replace the missing portion of the shank and a socket that connects to the remaining parts of the residual limb.
An above-knee prosthesis consists primarily of an artificial arm, which may include the entire arm or only a hand. The prosthetic companies Philadelphia provides a device that is the last piece of the prosthesis and can be a traditional looking foot or more advanced, custom-made models that can incorporate ankle function.
A prosthetic limb should provide a sense of connection and intimacy to the amputee, as well as allow for a variety of physical activities. Using the right prosthetic can improve mobility and increase independence, but it will take time to learn how to use it effectively.
Osseointegration is an innovative procedure that can help people with amputations below the knee experience better control and physical contact with their prosthetic limb. This direct skeletal connection between the prosthesis and the patient's own natural bone provides superior stability, strength and energy transfer.
This is the next frontier in smart prosthetics. It allows an implanted sensor to communicate with an amputee's skin and send signals to the prosthesis based on temperature, pressure, movement or contact. This will allow the implanted device to sense the user's position and move a microprocessor inside the prosthetic to control the limb. Check out this post for more details related to this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosthodontics.
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theivorlegov1 · 1 month
You have, by far, the most extensive leg amp examples and you are an AK, if memory serves, with too short a stump for convenient pros wearing. Is that true? I guess I am fascinated by your persistent pursuit of great examples of the leg amputee...clips, GIFs and stills. I am most interested in the coping mechanism particular of recent young men amps. I wish there were more who were willing to discuss their thoughts as they progressed with their experience of being an amputee. I would like more than those grotesque captions that some of these voyeurs require for their jollies. My I have your views on the subject?
Thank you for your most interesting message - Are you able to contact me directly via my blogs messaging service ? - Ivor.
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