#aka Pornography with the Vampire
hekateinhell · 2 years
Vamptember, Day 8
Armand/Daniel | Rating: M | Prompt: Movie | Word Count: 1897?
It started innocently enough, as these things were wont to do.
A similar curiosity that had driven twelve-year-old Daniel to hide in the closet with a flashlight and his father’s old nudie mags, now engulfed Armand—without the tempestuous cocktail of adolescent hormones and rages added in.
Armand picking up Playboy at the newsstand. “These breasts… they appear different than they did in my day.”
“It’s plastic surgery, Armand.”
Armand picking up Playgirl at the convenience store. “Daniel, the men of today are remarkably well-endow-”
“Armand, please.”
Then came the sex shops. “What is this for?”
“It’s a butt plug, Armand.”
“But why would you want-”
“It feels good. Or so I’ve heard. And no.”
The porn theaters. “How intriguingly obscene,” he smiled. “An act for the public.”
Finally, the poor unfortunate souls Daniel was made to bed. Bitter yet proud, he performed as his puppeteer commanded. Armand in the background, in his own home theater—different film each time with an original cast.
Such a sweet murmur in Daniel’s head. “So beautiful, my Daniel. So strong, so hot-blooded.”
Ah, Armand loved his little jabs, didn’t he? Hot-blooded, indeed.
Not like Armand.
“And you’re a fucking cold-blooded cobra,” Daniel snapped as soon as Armand pushed their guest out of the door with a satisfied smile and a nod, like he’d just come out on top of brokering some covert deal.
And Daniel would never be quite sure if Armand used these exploits to live through him, or if he instead fancied himself the man or woman he’d hand-picked for the evening’s entertainment. Or both. Or neither.
Armand was a giving lover on occasion, having been no stranger to the pleasures of the flesh once upon a time. At least Daniel assumed, based on the obvious.
One early evening in a Vegas hotel, Daniel let Armand drag him out of bed. Shave him, shower him, offer him a piece of white bread and an apple from the room service tray.
“You will not require a doctor if you consume this fruit, correct?” Teasing, holding it out as if the red apple alone could atone for the drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, the nocturnal lifestyle Armand forced on him.
Armand stared as Daniel brought the apple to his mouth and bit in. The crunch sounding loud in the hotel room, the juice running down his chin. Armand lunged over the glass table and wiped it away with a curl of his index finger.
As it so often did when Armand moved at a superhuman speed, Daniel’s brain reacted by staggering everything else around them in slow-motion to compensate for the difference.
His mind was still on a stuttering lag when Armand announced, “I want to make a pornographic film.”
Daniel choked.
Armand had the animated glow in his eyes that promised nothing good, coming to sit beside him on the red velvet sofa, sliding his hand up Daniel’s thigh, his glassy nails grazing the silk fabric. “I want to make a film like the ones they sell in your provocative little shops.”
“Oh yeah, and who will you be? Bystander number three?” Daniel quipped, irritated. Resenting the reminder that his body didn’t belong to him, not anymore. The bits of apple in his mouth felt gritty, ashy.
Armand laughed, so hard it almost sounded like he would have to catch his breath. Of course, he wouldn’t. A sound Daniel loved because it made Armand sound human; a sound he hated because his brain the reminded that Armand’s inhumanity was, in fact, what he loved most about him.
“You misunderstand me, darling. I want you and I in the starring roles, and I want to record it and watch it on the television afterwards.”
Armand’s messing with him, had to be.
Daniel had seen Armand naked, touched him—if not intimately, then in intimate places.
But it’s oddly clinical, Armand laying there motionless while Daniel tries desperately to incite some recollection of a passion or response from him.
Craving the validation of… something.
Poking, prodding, kissing, and licking until he gets frustrated to the brink of alcohol-and-barbiturate-induced tears, and Armand throws him a bone and guides him up to his neck.
“There, there, my beautiful boy, it’s not all bad. This, at least, contains a semblance of life.” Daniel nuzzling against Armand’s pale throat, licking at the tiny wound he has made for him, whimpering like a pathetic infant while Armand strokes his hair.
Armand wanted to film that, watch it on repeat like on twelve different screens he had Blade Runner, with nonstop commentary?
He could just go straight to Hell, probably had a 5-star penthouse suite waiting for him.
“It’s too early for your goddamned shit, Armand,” Daniel took a swing of his beer, bent down so his face was mere inches away from Armand’s seemingly innocent one.
Wagged a finger right under Armand nose, like he was scolding an obnoxious child. Derogatory, disrespectful, dangerous, and he knew it.
Yet, the deafening alarm bells that would’ve once told him to get his hand the fuck away from the crocodile’s mouth had long ago eroded from sheer neglect.
Let Armand bite.
Daniel wanted him to.
Armand didn’t seem bothered and unfortunately, Daniel knew good and well when Armand was bothered. He stared up at him with his usual unique mixture of mild boredom and genuine amusement. Lips parted, allowing his tongue to peek out and graze his bottom lip—a house-cat that’s had the same feathered toy shaken in his face.
“It’s my morning hour too, Daniel,” Armand breathed out, patient and affectionate. Placating.
Merciful today, huh?
“And I say it is not too early.”
And what Armand says, goes.
Daniel wasn’t so drunk that it wasn’t starting to make sense… Armand loved filming all sorts of things. Interviews with random people on the street, himself staring at the camera for hours on end, his hair growing back in his sleep. So, of course, why wouldn't he want to create a film like this? It was the natural course.
“Fuck you, Armand.” It's sort of a joke when he says it.
Armand clapped his hands together, a gesture Daniel’s come to associate as having the fraught potential to translate into raw meat smoothies and pet store mice being flushed down the toilet, amongst other, far worse things.
“Yes beloved, that’s the whole point!”
Armand’s completely naked and Daniel’s a twenty-five-year-old—of course, he stares, shamelessly.
“Daniel? Daniel?” Armand’s tinkering with the video camera. They’re both bare-assed on the bed, Daniel leaning against the headboard, Armand by his legs, sitting up, frowning with a perplexed expression on his face.
He handed Daniel the bulky thing, “Tell me what you suppose is the best angle to capture the point of insertion.”
The point of-
Daniel snorted, borderline choked again. Armand loathed being laughed at but sometimes it simply couldn’t be helped. He glanced at Armand’s artificially flushed face, thrilling at the rosiness in his lips and cheeks—more than one person died for that—and was surprised to see the corners of his mouth quirking up, barely, as if he were seeing the humor in this too.
A certain self-conscious sort of curiosity and excitement that reminded Daniel of his first time. And in a way, it was—his first time fucking a vampire.
Armand stared at him, a slight lift to his auburn eyebrows, as if he couldn’t and wasn’t presently reading the thoughts rattling around Daniel’s skull.
“It will be my first time fornicating with a human since I have been one myself.” Those words actually come out of Armand’s mouth in a soft murmur, accompanied by a filthy smirk that passes as soon as it comes.
And now Daniel’s alert, because that’s a lot of information packed into one monotone sentence. Information that Daniel isn’t sure what to do with, what Armand wants him to do with.
Armand’s so cavalier, coming to kneel on the bed, summoning him closer with a languid wave of his right hand, rings flashing in the bright light of the hotel suite.
He’s figured out the camera now, standing with his back to Daniel while he adjusts the tripod a little to the left, a little more to the center, just right.
Daniel’s reclining on the a pile of red satin pillows, wishing to God he had a cigarette in his mouth right now. He should be fucking esacstic, borderline delirious with arousal right now. Fucking Armand had become a fanstay that lurked just out of reach when Armand came to lay naked beside him after the evening’s entertainment had departed or been disposed of for the leaving.
Daniel learned not to question when Armand deigned to escort their guests back on to the street instead of merely to the front door. A wicked, playful glint in his dark eyes when he would return from the streets, his clothes slightly rumpled, smoothing down his hair.
He could have done that before entering; he opted to right himself in front of Daniel—the implication as heavy and loaded as Daniel imagined the fresh, warm blood now surging through his lover’s body, his heart. His cold, dead heart.
“Not cold right at this moment, Daniel,” Armand sighed, bringing Daniel’s hand to rest over his bare chest, above the heart pumped full of stolen blood.
“I can feed you, sustain you,” Daniel had whispered once, reverent, almost possessive—not realizing in the moment how naive he sounded. “Oh, my Daniel…,” Armand looked almost mournful, as he dragged the sharp edge of a nail through the dark blond hairs on Daniel’s chest, his nostrils flaring as beads of blood blossomed to the surface.
“How sweet,” he mused, bending down to lick up the trail he’d made from Daniel’s abdomen to his clavicle. “How I wish that you could. I would love that your blood alone could nourish me.”
The Armand in Daniel’s memory, sucking at his skin to absorb the last taste of blood—the Armand that had crawled behind him naked to wrap his arms around Daniel’s middle, caging him to himself—seemed absent tonight.
There was no sensuality in his words, no captivated delight in his eyes, none of the inherent seduction in his movements. And when Armand straddled his thighs, handing Daniel a small bottle of lube, did the nasty thoughts start to take hold in Daniel’s mind—this was a project to Armand, as detached and clinical as dissecting a household appliance.
As divorced from intimacy as he was staring himself aimlessly in a funhouse mirror, eyes enormous and unblinking, head tilted to the side, lips barely parted for the breaths he forgot to take.
“Do it,” Armand commanded.
“Um, yeah, sure,” Daniel shook his head, trying to break up the thought that hasn’t fully registered yet to the point that Daniel might not be able to perform.
Oh, heaven help him if that were to happen. As he lubed up two fingers, Daniel considered the possibilities: would Armand decide to give him a larger dose of the Blood over the couple droplets he usually offered, so little yet just enough to bestow upon Daniel his ritual communion?
Would Armand instead request Daniel consume a chemical aphrasodic, coke or ecstasy at the ready?
Armand rolled over onto his back, pulling his knees up to his chest in a motion that’s too fluid, too instinctive. Daniel’s stomach flipped but he’s been subdued, broken in for now. A docile pet.
A hidden warmth in Armand's eyes starting to make itself known. Not so clinical after all, perhaps.
Good boy, Daniel.
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Movie Review | Vampire Ecstasy (Sarno, 1973)
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As a teenager in Toronto in the 2000s whose parents had Rogers Cable, one of the key drivers of my horror fandom was a channel called Scream. Launched in 2001, this was a channel that specialized in horror films, and provided me with an opportunity to catch such classics of the genre as Evil Dead II and Blood Feast (although I did not appreciate the latter at the time). On one hand, my budding cinephilia was nourished through whatever Criterions I could get my hands on at the public library, which lent itself to a kind of curation. On the other hand, my interest in horror was fed through a more omnivorous approach, as I would devour whatever movies I managed to catch this channel during its regular generous free preview periods during the month of October. (Looking back, I feel a bit of guilt around this, as the channel rebranded to a more milquetoast iteration known as Dusk in 2009, and then ceased operations in 2012. Were people like me to blame? I can only atone by buying an ill-advised amount of Blu-rays to support companies selling horror titles going forward.) Even though I was cursed with certain ideas around "good taste" at the time, I recognized this channel for the boon that it was to my cinephilia.
Those ideas however led me to squander the channel that was one up from Scream, Drive-In Classics, which specialized in exploitation movies. (Amusingly, after Drive-In Classics ended operations, it was replaced by the Sundance Channel, which is about as far as you can get in terms of programming.) Before my tastes had become sophisticated and/or debased enough, I naturally assumed what was shown on this channel was a heap of garbage and didn't spend a lot of time watching it, although every once in a while curiosity would get the better of me and I'd hit the channel up button to see what was on. During one of these televisual excursions, I stumbled across a scene of some kind of strange ritual, characterized by boobs and bongo music. Despite being relatively prudish as a teenager, I was transfixed for reasons that were beyond me at the time (okay, that's a lie), and watched with rapt attention for a few minutes with the sound really low only to quickly change the channel before anybody else came in the room. That scene was from a movie called Vampire Ecstasy (AKA The Devil's Plaything), which for years held a great deal of psychic weight over me yet I'd found it hard to come across a copy and had never seen mentioned in my internet circles during all these years (it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page). But now, through the miracle of Tubi and the Film Movement Blu-ray label, I found it was available to stream in a beautiful HD transfer, so after many years, I was able to finally sate my curiosity.
Sometimes you see a bit of a movie out of context and develop an idea of what the movie's like that's completely divorced from the real thing. For years, I'd imagined Weird Science had some wacky extended chase where the heroes escape from an evil pimp played by Bill Paxton, wearing his yellow suit from Predator 2. When I finally watched it last year, I realized I'd extrapolated much of that entirely from the "malaka" scene and had actually only seen the first few minutes. Other times, as in here, you see a part of the movie that proves to be entirely representative of the whole thing. Vampire Ecstasy has many, many, many scenes of nude female characters conducting some kind of weird sex ritual in a dungeon, set to bongo music. Some of these scenes involve marital aids, like dick-shaped candles and wooden cones, as well as the occasional dude, but others merely involve them writhing to the bongo music. (There is occasional gyrating as well. What is the difference between writhing and gyrating, you ask? Well, I'm not a man of science, but I would wager that the direction and intensity of the oscillations plays a role in distinguishing the two.) Now, I'm not against any of this in principle, but the movie runs an hour and forty-three minutes long, and these sequences ensure you feel every second of that runtime. (It's also unclear whether the bongo music is diegetic, as other characters seemingly hear the bongos, yet nobody is ever seen playing them. Such are the mysteries of Vampire Ecstasy.)
However, the movie does offer some of the pleasures you'd expect from a movie called Vampire Ecstasy. One can try to dissect the particulars of the plot, but all one really needs to know is that there are a group of sinister lesbian vampires (the ones conducting the aforementioned bongo rituals) combating a professor of vampire history (or some shit), who may have an incestuous attraction to her brother. Aside from the numerous, numerous nude scenes featuring fairly attractive participants, the movie benefits greatly from being set in a castle near the Bavarian alps, which lends the movie an appropriately chilly atmosphere. Combined with the vaguely German accents of most of the cast and the death metal font of the opening credits, this plays credibly like a Eurosleaze vampire movie, perhaps like one Jean Rollin would have made at the time, so it surprised me that it's directed by a Joe Sarno, an American. Sarno was a prolific director of both softcore and hardcore pornography whose work I'd like to delve further into, as by all accounts, he made some pretty good ones. (During one of my other bouts of interest in Drive-In Classics, I distinctly remember seeing Abigail Lesley is Back in Town appearing on the programming guide, tantalized by the NC-17 rating noted in the movie description but too afraid to be caught actually flipping to the channel.) I suspect Vampire Ecstasy isn't the greatest entry point for his career, and unlike Rollin, he never manages to imbue enough of a sense of threat into the movie, so whatever atmosphere is present never accumulates into dread. As a result, this is hard to recommend as an actual horror movie, but it holds some interest as a curio. Given my interest in clothing, I must note that one of the female characters arrives in a fedora, pinstripe suit and tie, so she immediately became my favourite character. There is also a scene where the heroine's clothes all fall off as she's attacked by bats, in a scene less gruesome yet similarly entertaining as the bat attack in The House by the Cemetery. See, it's not so bad.
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lovely2lynch · 4 years
Looking at Pain: Body Genres (Week 11)
This movie The skin I live In has had the best twist in all the movies we have seen for this class. In all, I enjoyed the cinematography, and the passion showed by the actors. A critical aspect of this film that I noticed was the constant showing of a female body AKA the male gaze. Everything was shown in a close-up angle, from the paintings on the wall to the sculptures to vera's body. This helped me identify "looking" in cinema. "Looking" is the desire to have something perfect or something you admire. For example, Pornography, many people watch it because they want to live their fantasy, so I think that the look is something you want to have physically. I also think the "look" is desired more by men. For example, when Zeca first sees Vera on the monitor, he goes to lick her through the screen, showing that he is attracted to her. After he engaged in forceful sexual acts with her. This helps me identify the links between bodies, violence, and the horror genre.  In the movie, I notice that most of the sexual activities were rough or forceful; the women did not have a say. In the reading by  Linda Williams, “Film Bodies: Gender, Genre and Excess” it said, that "Many feminists have pointed to the victimization of the woman performers of Pornography who must actually do the acts depicted in the film, as well as to the victimization of characters within the films (Dworkin, 1979; MacKinnon, 1987). Pornography, in this view, is fundamentally sadistic. This has me believe that the links between body and violence have to do with the pleasure of the dominant role, and most of the time, the male plays the dominant role. "Clover has suggested that pleasure, for a masculine-identified viewer, oscillates between identifying with the initial passive powerlessness of the abject and terrorized girl-victim of horror and her later, pleasure for women has paradoxically seemed ei- active empowerment (Clover, 1987)" This quote taken from the reading, explains how the viewer would see Vera. She (how every Vera identifies) appears as helpless and is often forcefully sexualized in the movie. They want her to seem powerless as it aroused some who watch. Moreover, Horror films address the divide between humanness and monstrosity by exaggerating what makes them different. For example, in the movie, Roberts' wife was described as a monster and even killed herself when she saw her reflection. They compared their lives as living as a vampire. She was no longer human. Horror movies address the divide between pleasure and pain, mostly by physical signs. For example, if the sexual activity was pleasurable, The women tend to be more active. If it is not pleasurable, the woman pushes away and screams; the men tend to be dominant and forceful. "In horror films, while feminists have often pointed to the women victims who suffer simulated torture and mutilation as victims of sadism (Wil- liams, 1983), more recent feminist work has suggested that the horror film may present an interesting, and perhaps suggests oscillation between masochistic and sadistic poles. This more recent argument, advanced by Carol J. Clover, has suggested that pleasure, for a masculine-identified viewer, oscillates between identifying with the initial passive powerlessness of the abject and terrorized girl-victim of horror and her later, pleasure for women has paradoxically seemed ei- active empowerment (Clover, 19." Lastly, I think horror movies addressed the divide between viewer and participant by expressing the Male gaze to the targeted audience.
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detoxnearme · 6 years
What Does The Bible Say About Drug Addiction
Answer: the bible
Meth overdose can occur from
Have shown that porn
The same areas
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Whether the addiction is alcohol, drugs or sexual, God offers help in His Word to break free of the addiction. Check out these Bible verses to help with addiction
Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. Despite the involvement of a number of psychosocial factors, a biological process – one which is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive stimulus – is the core pathology that drives the development and …
Looking for drug rehabilitation & addiction treatment centre in south africa then join Extreme Freedom & House Regeneration and get away from addiction
In terms of addiction, enabling has a negative connotation. It refers to a dysfunctional way of helping someone else in such a way that hurts the enabler and the ...
Drug abuse has become a major problem in our society. What does the Bible teach about mind-altering drugs, intoxication, and addiction? Is drug use moral or immoral?
Is smoking weed a sin? Does the Bible mention pot? Should Christians smoke marijuana? What's the real truth? These are all valid questions. Let's examine the scriptures, use logic, and see if smoking marijuana (aka, Mary Jane, Pot, …
Question: "What does the Bible say about doing drugs?" answer: the bible does not directly address any form of illicit drug use. There are no express prohibitions against cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (MDMA), or methamphetamines (Meth).
What does the Bible say about pornography? Is looking at pornography, such as Playboy, a sin? Why is it wrong to watch porn?
Our ministry specializes in The Deep Things of God's Word & Deliverance from Demons, Divine Healing & Casting out Spirits.
meth overdose can occur from 100 mg - 5g of methamphetamine. Weight, general health, and tolerance all factor into the meth overdose equation. More on
How To Intervention Drug Addiction For Women Contents Matter how much harm And with drug addiction Affects every contents timberline knolls and Center offering private Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause. Drug addiction isn’t about just How To Help Someone With Prescription Drug Addiction Contents Porn how addiction Behavior and with drug addiction For persons seeking treatment Meth and how cold turkey How Drug Addiction Affects The Brain Contents Studies have shown that porn How addiction affects your And behavior and With drug addiction It may be surprising, but porn affects the brain in ways very similar to harmful substances, like tobacco. studies have shown that porn stimulates the same areas of … In order to fully understand the impact that drug addiction How To Overcome Drug Addiction For Women Contents Programs for addiction Meth user with Addiction affects every Contents timberline knolls and 9 Steps You Can Take To Overcome Addiction. 7 More Ways to Recover From Addiction to An Energy Vampire. by Christiane Northrup, M.D. Bayside Marin is California’s leading luxury treatment center offering private, first-class rehabilitation programs for addiction, depression, ptsd, and How To Become A Drug Addiction Counselor Contents Started studying with
The featured article What Does The Bible Say About Drug Addiction was first published on https://detoxnear.me
from DetoxNear.me - Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/what-does-the-bible-say-about-drug-addiction-7/
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clover-cnd-lovely · 7 years
Their face claim is GEMMA ARTERTON, and they currently live in FATESWALLOW as an BARTENDER AT DEATH’S HEAD. (REE/21/SHE-HER/GMT - 8)
Trigger warnings for: pornography, stalking, and trauma.
Character Description:
Josie’s face and body are something many horny boys are intimately familiar with, though her name was completely unknown until a few months ago. They knew her as Lula Lovely, the girl of their dreams. A school girl, a teacher, an alien learning about humanity…adult films have interesting premises, to say the least.
While growing up in Surrey, Josie was overly dedicated to her academics, planning to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or something lucrative and important. She had everything she needed – a supportive family, close friends, and an academic career that was the envy of many a would-be-valedictorian. At sixteen, she joined a local theater group, starting as a tech hand and learning the scripts in her pass time to read drunkenly with her friends. And when a leading actress showed up opening night with laryngitis, Josie was put on instead.
And found that acting was truly her passion in life.
Josie ended up performing in every show after that. Not necessarily as the star, of course, but she loved every second of it. It got to the point that her even parents encouraged her, insisting she take community college classes and work as an actor instead of going to university. At twenty, she had the first role in which she had to appear entirely nude on stage. It terrified her, but she was determined to play the role as it was intended.
She stripped down, stepped on stage – and felt completely at ease in the spotlight. These people didn’t know her name, or her past, or anything about her. She was laid bare before them, her nudity a mask hiding everything. Or something poetic like that.
Josie realized that was the most empowered she had ever felt – to be seen by so many, and known by so few. It was only a matter of time until she entered the adult film industry, and picked up the name people know her by now: Lula Lovely.
She was a different person entirely while working – sultry, confident, headstrong. No-one could talk down to her without backlash, and she became a favorite among her female costars especially, for fighting back against unfair directors. There was a fire inside her that burned brightest on set, but it was only on set that she burned bright. Josie kept her work and her personal life starkly separate, keeping everything about herself private. Her real name, her place of residence, even her star sign were kept under lock and key.
And so it went. Film after film, sex after sex. Five years of Josie loving life and earning no small fortune in the process.
It came to a stuttering halt in January of 2016, when someone got a hold of her personal email address. Josie received an unpleasant number of love letters, propositions, and unsavory and thinly-veiled threats. And though she thought a simple change of email would fix things, one anonymous stalker was not to be dissuaded. He found her phone number. She changed it ten times. He got a hold of her address. She moved – thrice.
As summer reared its head, her stalker made himself known. She was living in the city at the time under a fake name and a fake SSN, and had just come home from a late-night meeting with her lawyers, only to find him nude in her bedroom.
She fled. Her brother found her sobbing on the floor of a seedy motel room a few days later, after she finally called. He had been married, living his life as a happy man planning for his future family, but there wasn’t a second thought in his mind when it came to protecting his baby sister. He took her away from the human world and introduced her to his connections in the court – a cop who specialized in helping young adults hide themselves in plain sight. Thanks to their combined efforts, Josie could begin rebuilding her life again. And hopefully, this time, it sticks.
At Least Three Potential Plots for Your Character
DON’T I KNOW YOU? Some of Josie’s works have absolutely gotten to the Court from the human world, which means a few people might have seen her before. While extremely few people watch adult videos enough to immediately recognize a star when they see one, they would certainly find it hard to let the subject lie.
MORE THAN A PRETTY FACE: Josie loves drinking as much as she loves showing off. She’s working on getting trivia nights going at Death’s Head, where once or twice a month people come to try beating her in trivia. However – she doesn’t actually know a single thing about the Court outside her basic briefing, and will soon find that she is woefully outmatched.
OVERALL CHARACTER ARC (aka spoilers) Josie meets all sorts in Death’s Head, including assassins, sirens, vampires, and more. This specific vampire, however, is someone far more important to her than the rest – or at least he will be, once he turns her into his own personal playthings. Torture, feeding, abuse, and worse – all leading up to him Turning Josie into a vampire herself.
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pandemoniumshq · 3 years
ELLIOT MCCLINTOCK may look a little bit like COLE SPROUSE but he looks way more like GREGG SULKIN to me. (aka, can i change his fc? lol)
THEODORA “THEA” MERCER may look a little bit like VANESSA HUDGENS but she looks way more like HAILEE STEINFELD to me.
SIF, who strongly resembles BRIE LARSON, has been spotted in Pandæmonium. The CISFEMALE is an UNKNOWN year old NORSE GODDESS, and has been in Pandæmonium for A MONTH. I hear they’re FIERCE & NURTURING and ALOOF & PROUD. If you’re lucky you may catch them working at UNDERGROUND FIGHT CLUB & CLUB 390 as a FIGHTER & BARTENDER.
KARA MANNING, who strongly resembles LILI REINHART, has been spotted in Pandæmonium. The CISFEMALE is a TWENTY THREE year old MERMAID, and has been in Pandæmonium for EIGHT YEARS. I hear they’re CURIOUS & CREATIVE and BASHFUL & RETICENT. If you’re lucky you may catch them working at CHIARO DI LUNA as a WAITRESS.
VERS KAL-SO / “KELSO DANVERS”, who strongly resembles CHRIS WOOD, has been spotted in Pandæmonium. The CISMALE is a TWENTY EIGHT year old ALIEN (VISEK), and has been in Pandæmonium for TWO MONTHS. I hear they’re UPSTANDING & BALLSY and COCKY & DICKISH. If you’re lucky you may catch them DEALING ALIEN DRUGS or at DEADLY SIN STUDIOS (PORNOGRAPHY/BRAINDANCE COMPANY) as a PORNSTAR.
SILVIO “VIO” CALAFIORE, who strongly resembles SEBASTIAN STAN, has been spotted in Pandæmonium. The CISMALE is a NINETY THREE year old WEREWOLF-VAMPIRE, and has been in Pandæmonium for TWENTY+ YEARS. I hear they’re STRATEGIC & WITTY and UNFEELING & CRASS. If you’re lucky you may catch them working as the OWNER of 845 APARTMENT COMPLEX.
I’m also gonna be dropping alyssa de la cruz, ryan reynolds, benjamin tomasino, and jacob schecter.
also im mobile but it’s the doofus lol sorry
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marjaystuff · 5 years
Elise Cooper Interview of Christopher Rice
Blood Echo is the second in a series about a sometimes-super human who pursues serial killers. These books are not the typical straightforward thrillers, but do have some traces of sci-fi aspects. As a victim herself, Charlotte “Charley” Rowe wants justice and vengeance against those who perpetuate violence by working closely with the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, Cole Graydon.
The book opens with intense action.  Charley is pursuing a serial killer and after capturing her prey she returns to Altamira California to rest and meet up with her friends and lover. But her peaceful R & R is interrupted when it becomes obvious something sinister is happening. The girlfriend of one of the town’s richest developers is accused of criminal activity. A vast and explosive criminal conspiracy is developing in Altamira. As the fate of Charlotte’s hometown hangs in the balance, and everyone she cares about is in danger, she has no choice but to use her powers to go after the bad guys.
Anyone who has not read the first book might want to in order to understand the back story.  Charlotte was kidnapped and raised by serial killers until she was rescued. Known for being “The Burning Girl,” she has no peace and quiet. She has become an experiment, gaining superpower strength after taking the drug Zypraxon.  This enables her to go after the evil doers, ending their violence. Knowing she can literally rip someone to pieces she tries to control it, preferring to capture and have them punished then to kill them.  
The author writes these cast of characters as very complex and unique.  It is a fascinating read where people will not want to put the book down.
Elise Cooper: Do you plan on having this series go on for awhile?
Christopher Rice:  I have planned out the major complex and dramatic events.  If sales fall short, usually a series has to wrap up quickly.  I do love these characters and I hope to explore them in a lot of different books over the years.  I hope the series goes on for a long time because there is a lot of life in Charley, her relationship with Luke, and the small town.  These books will not have a straight cookie-cutter formula, but Charley will always have a fundamental need for justice and vengeance.
EC:  Was the town Altamira California made up?
CR:  Yes.  It is completely fictional. Charley will return home to this town and the cast of characters. I drew upon it from reading small town romantic novels.  Since I hang out with vampire serial killers while writing the TV series I love to come around at the end of the day and read.  There are a lot of very well written romantic books that I enjoy.
EC:  This book seems a bit different than the first one in the series?
CR:  I was trying to get a gender swap for the protagonist.  I did not want her held back by the male characters.  She did a lot on her own because her boyfriend, Luke, has a temper and is quick to emotion.  In the first book, she had a lot of help, and in this one she is more on her own.  I wanted to make sure readers see female empowerment.  She emerges from the first book as a master over her own fate.  This story allows her to be the one to rescue her love interest.  She gets to do what men have done time and again in a way a man would.  
EC:  How would you describe Charley?
CR:  Confidant and determined. I did not want to write her as the female Incredible Hulk. The drug she takes to give her superpowers only lasts for three hours, after that she returns to a sense of normalcy. She questions when should she take the drug, how to use the power it unleashes, and should she take it?
EC:  Is this similar to a comic book?
CR:  I will embrace that comparison.  I would compare it to the Avenger series that has deeply human relationships.  There is also an organization that has no bounds.  
EC:  How would you define your serial killer characters?
CR: I think many of the jail house interviews of them were based on lies.  Ted Bundy tried to blame pornography for his actions.  The term for this kind of argument is “mistaking correlation for cause ability.” As a writer, I like to speculate on what really makes a monster tick.  I read a book about the Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez, who killed a lot of people in a short period of time.  Right after his arrest he told how he waited until 2 AM because people were asleep.  He did not have the attitude ‘I am a victim,’ and did not commit these crimes because he thought of himself as a victim.  I think the reasons for killing are simplistic, like a Great White Shark.
EC:  Then there are the survivors?
CR:  I am more interested in the survivors than the killers.  This includes Charley’s world.  She and the developer of the drug, Dylan aka Noah, now have a sense of rage.  They feel there will never be closure when someone close is taken away by a murderer. These survivors are working their way out of the darkness created by the killer.
EC:  How would describe the CEO Cole?
CR:  In book one he was motivated to have a major scientific breakthrough for his company that allows him to outshine his father’s legacy.  In book two he is working much closer with Charley as she gets to know him as a person.  Readers are wondering if he wants to make amends with Charley and is he a more noble and sympathetic character.  Remember in book one he was seen as controlling and manipulating.  
EC:  How will the relationship with Charley and Dylan evolve?
CR:  Charley’s single biggest challenge-can she forgive Dylan for initially giving her the drug without her consent.  She received the power, but was never explained the enormous risk.  Everyone before her who took the drug literally tore themselves apart.  I think Cole-Dylan will work together much sooner than Charley-Dylan.  Their journey will be a longer arc.
EC:  Are you on Instagram?
CR:  I am on #bookstagram, which is a part of Instagram.  I think a large part of this series’ audience had to do with this community.  I am very thankful to them and have become one of them.  It is great to see how people love books.
EC:  Can you give a heads up about your next book?
CR:  Charley and Luke will have a solid relationship.  The team will come together and will know everyone’s role.  Luke’s role is emerging and readers will find out what it will be in the next book.  There is a pursuit of a serial killer and the plot is all about the hunt.  
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deathmetaldads · 7 years
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In today's exhaustive expulsion of erratic estimations, the Dads are joined in the loud and stinky bowels of the Oakland Music Complex by comedian, weirdo, vocalist, and fellow dad Scott Vermeire (Sad Vicious, Talkies). After a couple shots of Jeppson's Malort, the conversation quickly turns to sadness and desperation, culminating in the cathartic howls of grown men paying tortured obeisance to their own quiet mortality. Dick jokes too!
Also contained within these cursed 80 minutes: An Awkward Encounter, One Million Tugs, Vaudeville!, The Traditional Consumption of Regional Liqueurs and Resulting Regrets (Two-Fisted Enthusiasm), Endless Elder Archons, Blowing Hobos, Fetish-Inclusive Boner Chat, When The Lights Go Out In The Practice Space, A Dickensian Gig, The Menstrual Hut, Rastafarians And Naughty Dogs, Fretless Bass Corrections Officers, The Thing That Happened At Sketchfest AKA Comedy Sucks, A Vicious Bicycle From Minnesota, The Return of The Thing About The Dog And The Peanut Butter, Investing Time And Money In Specifically Non-Marketable Entertainment Ventures, The Radley Metzger Story (A Vigorous Beej), MESSAGETRIBE!, The Smell of the Rag That The Uncle Used, A Small World, A Big Mistake, Yelling Things On Public Transportation, The World Is A Vampire, Recently-Incinerated Piles of Cash Having Sex, Dick Polaroids, The Guy With The Puppets, Really Great Rallies, A Shout Out To Kaseem Bentley, What Burns Always Returns, Breakin' On Through, A Lot of Talk About Shnarch, Shoplifting With A Broken Arm, Getting Drunk At A Wedding And Misplacing Your Child, The Jackoff Cone, True Confessions, The Return of Borscht Belt Comedy, Pornography And Telephones, Pun Guys, Nude Dads, Totebaggin', Lord Iffybottom And The Bawdy Tale of The Naked Chicken Chalupa, Jerkin' It To 'Barry Lyndon', Huggalos, Feeding The Sea Monkeys, A Little Horse, Why There Aren't Any Asian People In The Bay Area, Dad Sex, Unintentional Fatherly Advice, and, as always, the DMD Bump. We're tired of doing this!
Pavor, "Corpses"
Chaki, "Tired of Sex"
0 notes