#aka a woman from my church who runs the food bank and seems like a decent (if forceful) person
ioannemos · 2 years
woke up this morning feeling like i'd been beaten in the night and almost immediately got a frankly unkind email from my boss. so as you can imagine the day went great! only cried twice!
she asked why certain things hadn't been done and i countered by asking when, exactly, i was supposed to get them done when watching 20+ kids by myself, especially when some of those kids straight up refused to listen to me. or answer honestly, apparently, bc i did ask if they had homework, okay, and they said no. and not a single parent asked me why it wasn't done. not one. but they did email my boss! who was out of town! and she didn't forward the emails or email me herself about it or text me or anything so i only found out today! so that's nice
also her beef with a local woman seems likely to escalate bc now i'm in the middle of another disagreement and the local woman, who goes to my church and has been very friendly with me, said that i said things that i know i did not say. so now what. how do i deal with that.
the other librarian did back me up tho. when i was trying to explain why planned activities didn't happen and trying not to cry and failing, the other librarian said "she's been working her ass off" so that was encouraging. i'm glad someone noticed
not a word from my boss about anything i did right while she was gone. not a thing. just a general air of "i'm not mad just disappointed." and a "oh, you're leaving? okay bye abbieweloveyou!" when i picked up my stuff and left while she was still talking to the volunteer who's basically the only reason i'm still as close to sane as i am
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