#aka carlando's first year together
papayafiles · 6 months
simple like 2019: a carlando edit
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Soooooo Carlando idea just reader feeling a little left out, because they’re always together during race weekends and she has to stay behind for college. So they try to make her feel better and spoil her a lot
It’s busy an idea I wanted to share, you don’t have to write anything if you don’t feel like it. Also I really love your writing and the way you write Max and Lando is amazing
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im so sorry this is so late, it's been hectic (aka i kept starting series and falling in love with them)
She wanted to go to their races, she really did. But it was her final year of university and there just wasn't time.
The boys wanted her there, they really did. At the start of their relationship she came to almost every race, but that changed when her university became more and more demanding. Where she used to be able to write essays between rounds of qualifying, it was no longer possible.
She still kept up with the racing, watching from her bedroom while she got on with her essays. She saw them having fun between the races, playing football in the paddock together, and she couldn't help but feel left out.
She missed them tremendously. The periodic phone calls weren't enough for her anymore. But she'd never say anything to them. They were out there living their dreams and she was doing the same. If that meant sacrificing time together, so be it. It would all be worth it in the end.
Although she didn't say anything to Lando or Carlos, they started sending her gifts throughout the race weekend. They got her presents from wherever in the world they were that weekend and tried to spend as much time as they could with her before they went back to racing.
Still she missed them. She missed having fun with them and seeing them together just made things worse.
After this particular race when they got home, Carlos was the first through the door of their apartment in Monaco. He dropped his bags as Lando walked in and walked over to their girlfriend, kissing her cheek.
"Hey baby," Lando called, walking towards her with a small bag.
"Hey boys," she replied as she moved the laptop off of her lap and stood up. She wrapped her arms around each of them, giving them kisses.
Lando held up the small bag. Inside of the bag were several brown paper bags, all full of souvenirs. Fridge magnets, a shot glass, a novelty bottle opener (that wouldn't open anything), Lando and Carlos knew the sorts of things she liked. Not flashy, that was key.
"We missed you," Carlos said, wrapping his arms around her.
They knew she missed them, and they missed her too. All the time they were home, they made sure she knew that she was loved.
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lewierre · 3 years
What are the main ships (friendship or otherwise) in fe? Like the equivalent to maxiel or carlando sort of thing? New to fe and wanna be in the loop :)
btw thank you to eline for first helping me with this some time ago! @robinfrijns1 <3
bear in mind fe ships are just fun and games. the environment is so friendly and everyone is so close together!!!
basically the main most famous one is jeandré (jean eric vergne and andré lotterer) they were teammates for two years at techeetah in seasons 4 and 5
they made up their “ship” name and they’re still besties to this day! they’re honestly so open about being super friendly to the point people on here thought they were actually together (yes lauren i am looking at you) - well they did actually have a “there was only one bed” moment and shared it with the world so can’t blame anyone
they’re honestly the least no homo duo i have ever seen in motorsport and to quote jev, the key to a good bromance is “being good-looking and sexy people” LMAO
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then robin and antonio (gaydretti cause they were teammates in andretti - lmao still not over the name) aka robin has a huge crush on antonio - quote courtesy of sam bird
jack nicholls and sam bird made good fun of robin’s “crush” countless times on tony on a show they filmed last year called behind the visor (best content on youtube let’s be honest)
btw sam has shown signs of good old jealousy towards both ships and both jev and robin have been his teammates lmao
also honestly i would add mitch evans and alex lynn. the man is just a flirting mess, and his bestie def doesn’t shut up either <3
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Hey there!
I am quite new here and I was wondering how you got into this fandom. Specially the carlandofandom :)
Also, when did you start writing? I saw your posts the other day about not being able to write all of it, so it somehow triggered me to write some stuff myself (some requests were just too cute).
Havent been properly writing for ages though and I am not quite sure if anybody wants to read my stuff...any advice? Im so indecisive...
Thanks for all your great stories and have nice day :)
Hey you, anonym and especially – welcome to the fandom! 🤗❤️
Oh my God, believe me – you actually don’t want to know how I got to this fandom, it’s such a long story.. You better grab yourself some Coke and popcorn, because this will be a longer one.. 🥤🍿
But alright, everything has begun with that the TWD (The Walking Dead) fandom has started to annoy/boring me, also because the show has become pretty bad and I wanted to leave the sinking ship before it will be too late. That must have been around autumn/winter 2018. During the winter months I really, really love to watch ski jumping, also because it’s pretty popular in my country (Austria). I was already a fan of it since many, many years, but I only became a real fan at that time. I always say I love this sport so much, because those jumps are always so “quickly over” – meaning that I don’t have to wait for too long to find out the results. Yeah, the competition itself isn't that short, but the individual jumps of each athlete are. That’s why I actually “hate” F1 so much, because I have to wait freaking two hours of pure stress, several mental breakdowns and heart attacks later to finally find out who will win, and also because so much can happen during a race, while those ski jumpers are practicing individual – does that make any sense!? However, so I got pretty deep into the ski jumping fandom over that time, especially also here on Tumblr, where I have met a pretty nice girl back then, who had been as thrilled about the fandom as me. But you know, during the summer there aren’t any competitions, so it had been pretty boring in the ski jumping fandom and then suddenly that girl came up with F1.
The first thing I have thought was ‘NO WAY! NEVER EVER!’ – you have to know, I have really hated F1 with a passion before August 2019. I was always making fun of my boyfriend watching those cars driving in circles for two hours. I just couldn’t understand it how someone can watch that voluntary (I sometimes still can’t..😅) and I really, really hated it with everything I had. My boyfriend even was at the Austrian GP in 2019 and back then my biggest nightmare would have been if he would have forced me to come with him (he got there with his father in the end – today I would give everything to get there!)
I remember, we have been on vacation during the beginning of August 2019. We were in a theme park, when my boyfriend said at one point that he will get over to that bench in the shadow under the tree now and watch the qualifying. I have really thought he was kidding me, because I couldn’t understand how the hell someone would watch something so stupid like F1, while being in a freaking theme park. Well, today I would be the one sitting there on the bench, while my boyfriend would probably urge me to please finally stand up so we could go on 😅
That was at the beginning of August 2019 – so I must have slowly but sure fallen for the fandom around 15th of August. And if you believe me or not, but I have neither fallen for Lando nor for Carlos at the first place. It was actually Max, also because he was one of the less drivers I have known next to Lewis, Sebastian, Valtteri (I always had to think about Harry Potter because of Bottas..😂) and probably Nico. But I have actually began to “stalk” when I have got to know about that Max has a little sister and I have found those sweet pics of him with her together (Do you know which pics I mean? You should really check them out – they are so cute). And somehow Lando came into the play as well and so my first story for this fandom resulted. Back then I have really, really thought it would be the first and also last story I will ever publish for this fandom. Well, that didn’t aged well..😅 Somehow my interest grew and grew with every more day stalking the internet for content and by the time of the first race after the summer break, I was already a fan. Spa 2019 has been the first F1 race I have ever watched from the start till the end and I have to say that this weekend has broken me (literally). Of course, because of Anthoine, but also because this time of the year is since 2017 never easy for me and on that weekend also Carlando finally came into the play. Check out this post from a few weeks ago – Carlos’ birthday on Sunday and that Lando has supposedly hugged Carlos after his DNF has really, really touched my heart and since that day these two boys own my heart and I remember, that the next day after the race I have got up at five in the morning to write “Tomorrow will be kinder” – because writing is sometimes my only way to deal with things, so I just had to write my thoughts/feelings down and it was the beginning of something beautiful actually.
But there is one more little story I have to tell you about my F1 past – this story right here is actually one of @hurtsprincess favourite ones. Because back in 2015, when F1 was finally back in Austria again, I was there by the race as probably the biggest F1-hater under all of them. Half of our town and so also most of our friends has got there, so it was kind of peer pressure, why I have finally joined them as well. We had to stand up really, really early – actually it was still in the middle of the night (I think it was three in the morning or so) and got to Spielberg with the bus. It was one of the hottest day of the year back then and after watching “the race of generations” with Niki Lauda, Gerhard Berger and some others and then following also the F3 and F2 races (Me, back in 2015: What do you mean there are races before the actual race? What the hell is F3 and F2?) and because we were so damn tired after standing up so early, most of us, including myself, were sleeping in the meadow during the F1 race. So I have missed over half of the race and I really can’t even remember anymore who has won 😅 But it had still been a funny day for my as a F1-hater, but believe me - if I should ever get to a GP again, this won’t ever happen to me again! 😅 I promise! 🤞🏼
Wow, this has turned out longer than you have actually wanted it, right anonym?! 
Your first question about how I have got into the Carlando fandom is probably answered now and also half of your second question. But I have actually started writing fanfictions back in autumn 2016 for the TWD fandom. I have written overall 16 stories for that fandom and 4 stories in German for the ski jumping fandom, but as much as I have already loved to write fanfictions back then, it only really became my passion and biggest hobby with Carlando. I just can’t stop writing about them, also because they make me so happy and for me so easy with those dorks just being them 😊
Yeah, I’m still very sorry about that I just can’t write stories to all of these great requests, even tho I would really, really like to do - but if you have got inspired by one of these, you should give it a try!
But if you are really that indecisive and shy, you could use the anonymity of the internet for your favor (in this case this posibilty is a good thing - as long as you use your anonymity not for spreading hate/attacking/bullying someone) You know what I mean? I actually did/do that as well. Only three people here on Tumblr know who I really am. Some of you may know from where I am (because I don’t make a secret out of it) and some here even know my name, but that’s it. I don’t share any more personal things about my identity, because I also prefer to stay anonymous here, especially because only my boyfriend, my best friend and my mother know about that I’m writing fanfictions. All those other people I call “friends” don’t know about it or me having this account here and I also don’t want them to know, because they simply wouldn’t understand it.
What I’m trying to say here - if it makes you feel better and also more secure, you could upload your story on AO3 without telling anyone it’s you. Or if you don’t want to post it on AO3 and you also don’t want to post it on your Tumblr account, I offer you to send me your story anonymous. I would post it in your “name” aka anonym, saying that this story isn't mine and you could watch/read the reactions.
You don’t have to lose anything, anonym 😉 I would really, really like to read your story, no matter if you will decide to publish it with your name or anonymous. Because there won’t ever be enough writers out there, blessing us with their great stories. Also because I am as much a passionate reader than a writer. And I’m also pretty sure about that you are talented and also about that your story would be more than just worth reading it 😊
Thank you so much for your message, anonym and I’m sorry my answer turned out to be so long 😅 but I really hope my words have helped you in some way, because I’m pretty sure about that you actually don’t have to have a reason to be that shy and indecisive 😉 Just give it a try, as long as it makes you happy 🤗❤️
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