#aka fking davy-jones BI$CHASS
scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Prpbably obvious but am I the only one that's noticed a significant drop in George's more immature, chaotic energy, behaviour in recent episodes? I think it coincides with him starting to lose control of what's happening around him, both through Deadman and Weekend interference. I think what we're seeing now is more of who George really is. I don't think his quirkiness is 100% an act but it's clearly something he only does when he's in control or at least thinks he's in control. Does that make sense or am I just rambling lol?
OOPArts Anon.
nah I think you got it spot on.
Even if its things he's not really in-control of, if George has known about it for a hot second he'll be able to adequately present his usual veneer of chaotic bastard confidence
(i.e Hiromi )
-- I don't genuinely think George wanted anything bad to happen to him, but it was out of his control and he's known for a long time what would happen if he gave that belt to Hiromi,,,,,, so when Hiromi confronts him about it?
George goes full malicious fked up and evil scientist. And? Honestly I think that's his own defense mechanism. Like a very toxic 'You can't blame me for this. You're the one that asked for it' thing -- while somehow ALSO fully shifting the blame onto himself. Particularly the attention on him as a bad person.
which both emotionally distances George from the situation/his part in it-- and also pushes Hiromi away from further questioning.
It's a very interesting defense mechanism. "Yeah I did it -- Im the villain and you asked for it."
See -- he does this because he doesn't like for people to see him weak or vulnerable. Because if they see that, then they can use it against him.
But if he's the villain? That gives him power over the situation. Over others.
We also see this the episode after Hiromi goes MIA. When Ikki questions whether or not George's intentions are to use him as a lab rat/experiment?
What does George do?
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He reminds Ikki of who has more power in the situation.
"I made the Revice driver."
<-George created it. He has control over it. So if Ikki wants to continue to fight? (Which they both kno he does) Then Ikki will have no choice but to rely on George.
'You need me, therefore you can't question me.'
Again, I found this so fascinating because if there's (1) thing that any of us can actually be SURE of -- its that George cares about Ikki.
Ikki's the first person we see George express remorse to. (Episode 18 -- Their hospital scene.)
So -- if George legitimately cares about Ikki and his safety and well-being, then why manipulate him like this? Why not apologize? Why not express remorse for Hiromi?
And I think this is because George tends to become more emotionally involved if what's causing the problem is something he created.
Hmmm. What i mean to say is
George gave and created the Kamikaze stamp to Ikki -- he wanted Ikki to use it.
But Ikki used it and got hurt.
George did NOT create the Demons belt -- nor did he ever plan on giving it or letting Hiromi use it.
George created the Crow Stamp, but didn't give it to Daiji because he didn't want Daiji to Kamikaze himself like Ikki did -- aka he knew he wasn't ready.
But when he's forced to give something he made over -- knowing it may very well cause unintended harm?
Well? George lost his sh#t.
This tells me that for the Demons situation, George really had no control over that. Yeah there will be consequences, but it's not like he even knows Hiromi all that well, AND he didn't even create the belt so
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