#obv not a great - safe- or HEALTHy environment
shopcat · 9 months
see feline hybridisation is weird bc as much as it interests me on a surface level bc it's like a video game species come to life it's also just like WEIRD. like there was a time in the 1800s or whatever where everyone was just seeing if a lion and a tiger could produce offspring and it's like i understand the scientific curiosity but at this point in time we Know and now they're just created in labs to be sideshow attractions... and combined with the health complications that come with it it's just ridiculous to see it as anything other than bad people trying to play god.
and like, natural hybridisation is different by being like, technically ethically sound bc they're just well doing it themselves but it also calls into question first of all Why are they interbreeding across species and does this indicate an issue with their environment/safety/the number of individuals of the same species being able to co-exist in the wild without human interference/etc. like it implies some sort of possible desperation/the cat had no other choice especially when even if it's been documented most cats will not find an animal outside their species viable/consider them a threat. like it being naturally occurring doesn't mean it's naturally ... engineered? necessarily. but obv it can also just happen for no reason as well animals breed and such. hybrids in the wild are usually found and the offspring are typically culled (or sometimes taken into captivity but over-all removed in one way or the other) because it taints the gene pool and could quickly become an ecological disaster like you don't actually want wolves and coyotes or dogs and coyotes breeding bc if that keeps happening there just won't be anymore damn coyotes you know. along with the health risks like it's Bad.
and we're at the point now where like for felines specifically they seem to have a high rate of possible genetic crossings and you will inevitably get someone being like "but could a CHEETAH and a HOUSE CAT have a BABY" and it's like okay. say that's technically possible but why the fuck would anyone do that... it would never occur in the wild it would never be able to be ethically produced in captivity (not that there is any ethical production of hybrids in capitivity but this goes even more so with just like. the logistics. a female domestic cat will always be used as the carrier of the larger wild cat's offspring and they are LARGER. if the offspring even survive and are healthy the mother wouldn't be able to even deliver them safely. it's the same reason people don't breed a female chihuahua with a male great dane. like it's literally not possible even if it's "possible").
and then there's also like the sensationalisation of it all which is where i usually get into most of my arguments about it online where every cunt in every hemisphere goes "yeah this is definitely possible i know from personal experience that my aunt's husband had a cougar crossed with a house cat here's a picture" (normal brown tabby cat) and it's like oh my god i want to actually crush you under a heavy and sharp object. people act like the scientific documentation of these things don't have to go through a certain set of perimeters that is literally the entire point of science it's all well and good to go "we're trying to see/prove if this is possible" "here's my anecdotal evidence" but you still need the burden of proof. like how that domestic dog and false fox hybrid case was "known about" for years but could only be officially documented and recorded once actual genetic testing occured and even then its just the closest guess people could make and isn't entirely certain (though it was confirmed to BE a hybrid of something at the very least). Because you can't just SAY THINGS. but in a way i guess that's technically sort of beautiful and is in itself the nature of science and discovery even if it's fucking annoying.
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Prpbably obvious but am I the only one that's noticed a significant drop in George's more immature, chaotic energy, behaviour in recent episodes? I think it coincides with him starting to lose control of what's happening around him, both through Deadman and Weekend interference. I think what we're seeing now is more of who George really is. I don't think his quirkiness is 100% an act but it's clearly something he only does when he's in control or at least thinks he's in control. Does that make sense or am I just rambling lol?
OOPArts Anon.
nah I think you got it spot on.
Even if its things he's not really in-control of, if George has known about it for a hot second he'll be able to adequately present his usual veneer of chaotic bastard confidence
(i.e Hiromi )
-- I don't genuinely think George wanted anything bad to happen to him, but it was out of his control and he's known for a long time what would happen if he gave that belt to Hiromi,,,,,, so when Hiromi confronts him about it?
George goes full malicious fked up and evil scientist. And? Honestly I think that's his own defense mechanism. Like a very toxic 'You can't blame me for this. You're the one that asked for it' thing -- while somehow ALSO fully shifting the blame onto himself. Particularly the attention on him as a bad person.
which both emotionally distances George from the situation/his part in it-- and also pushes Hiromi away from further questioning.
It's a very interesting defense mechanism. "Yeah I did it -- Im the villain and you asked for it."
See -- he does this because he doesn't like for people to see him weak or vulnerable. Because if they see that, then they can use it against him.
But if he's the villain? That gives him power over the situation. Over others.
We also see this the episode after Hiromi goes MIA. When Ikki questions whether or not George's intentions are to use him as a lab rat/experiment?
What does George do?
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He reminds Ikki of who has more power in the situation.
"I made the Revice driver."
<-George created it. He has control over it. So if Ikki wants to continue to fight? (Which they both kno he does) Then Ikki will have no choice but to rely on George.
'You need me, therefore you can't question me.'
Again, I found this so fascinating because if there's (1) thing that any of us can actually be SURE of -- its that George cares about Ikki.
Ikki's the first person we see George express remorse to. (Episode 18 -- Their hospital scene.)
So -- if George legitimately cares about Ikki and his safety and well-being, then why manipulate him like this? Why not apologize? Why not express remorse for Hiromi?
And I think this is because George tends to become more emotionally involved if what's causing the problem is something he created.
Hmmm. What i mean to say is
George gave and created the Kamikaze stamp to Ikki -- he wanted Ikki to use it.
But Ikki used it and got hurt.
George did NOT create the Demons belt -- nor did he ever plan on giving it or letting Hiromi use it.
George created the Crow Stamp, but didn't give it to Daiji because he didn't want Daiji to Kamikaze himself like Ikki did -- aka he knew he wasn't ready.
But when he's forced to give something he made over -- knowing it may very well cause unintended harm?
Well? George lost his sh#t.
This tells me that for the Demons situation, George really had no control over that. Yeah there will be consequences, but it's not like he even knows Hiromi all that well, AND he didn't even create the belt so
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brokestminimalist · 7 years
Saving Water
If you’re with us so far, you should already know that drinking water and only water will reduce your expenses and improve your quality of life.  Some hot tea or cocoa is fine once in a while, but you should be aiming for plain tap water as your main source of hydration.  It’s cheap, it’s healthy, and it’s simple.  It goes with anything.  Drink water.
That being said...
For the environment and our utility bills, we want to reduce how much water we use in our day to day life.  In the grand scheme of things this sounds minor, but consider the fact that we here in the US take clean water for granted so much that we use it to fill our toilets.  It comes to us chemically treated and ready to use through pipes, right into our homes.  We even have water heaters. Meanwhile around the world, there are kids walking miles to the river or well every morning and bringing back buckets to cook and wash with.  In some places they are drinking dirty water out of creeks or streams because that’s all there is, and they are dying of diarrhea because it’s all contaminated.  Yes, dying of diarrhea.   It’s the second leading cause of death in kids under five in the entire world.  Cite. 
So, if you’re broke like us, we know you may feel as though you’re at rock bottom every day.  You barely have lights, you eat Ramen for every meal, you walked to work last week because you couldn’t afford gas.  We feel you, we do. We are right there with you. But if you live in a first world country take a moment to check your privilege, because you can go to your kitchen right now and get a glass of clean, disease-free, drinkable water at a cost of just a few pennies a gallon.  For much of human history, until the last couple hundred years in fact, getting safe water to drink has been an issue.  It’s why Europe used to stay so drunk all the time; it was literally safer to drink wine than it was to drink water. Your life could be worse.  Take a minute to appreciate the miracle that is safe drinking water.
Ok, on to the practical stuff.  Below are some important ways to reduce your water consumption for yourself and any family members who live with you.  We’re always on the lookout for new stuff, so if you know of something that we haven’t listed, please let us know!
Repair leaky pipes/faucets:  It might seem like a tiny drip, but stick a bucket underneath it and see how long it takes to fill up.  Probably a lot less time than you thought, right?  Call out a plumber to fix that shit.  That’s literally money going down your drain. If you’re handy, you can probably fix it yourself.  A lot of leaky faucets are caused by simple problems like old washers that just need to be replaced.  They cost a few cents, so if you’re brave, hit the hardware store and give it a try!
Flush less water.  Ok, we can’t really advocate for “if it’s yellow let it mellow” because, you know, ew.  What you can do, however, is fill up a 2 or 3 liter bottle with water and put it in your toilet tank.  The bottle displaces some of the water, making you use 2 or 3 liters less water on each flush.  Are you surprised that it takes more than 3 liters of water to flush your toilet?  Yeah, it’s hugely wasteful.  Go ahead and do it.  Right now.  If you’ve got the extra bucks, buy a low-flow toilet and install it.  But if you’re like us you probably don’t. Maybe next year?
Get a low-flow shower head.  Amazon has one for under ten bucks.  Buy it, replace your current shower head with it.  It’ll reduce how much water you’re using in the shower.  It even has a massage setting!
Take showers, not baths.  Baths are great for once in a while. We love to soak away our stress in a hot bubble bath with some chocolate milk in a wine glass while listening to some classy piano music (we’re so fancy).  But.  They use a lot of water.  More than you think, because we know you like to let it drain some and then add more hot water when it starts to cool off.  Yeah, we saw that.  It’s ok, but don’t do it every day.  Save it for once a week or less.
Time your showers.  Look, we like to stay in there and think Shower Thoughts too, but you’re just letting money run down your drain.  Set a timer on your phone, get in and scrub, and when the timer goes off it’s time to get out.  Five minutes is a decent time.  That’s not to say you can never take a long, hot shower after a grueling day at work, but don’t make it a habit.  Find some other way to wind down.
Wash your dishes.... ok this one is tricky.  If you only have a few dishes to wash, scrub them quickly in your sink and lay them out to dry.  If you’ve got a ton, run your dishwasher.  It probably uses less water than washing a lot of dishes by hand. Save electricity by putting it on air-dry.  However, if you have a very old dishwasher, like from the 80′s, it may use more water and electricity than just washing them by hand.  Find out how old yours is and factor that into your decision.  Avoid letting the water run.  Wet your dishes, then scrub and rinse.
Save rainwater.  Don’t drink it, obvs.  But use it to water plants or wash your car. Our next door neighbor’s dad used to grow tomatoes when we were a kid.  He was in his 80′s then, but still spry.  He had a big rain barrel in his yard and he used rain water to water his tomato plants all summer long.  That was 30 years ago and that old man is long gone. We have yet to meet a tomato that tastes as good as his did.  We’re afraid that we never will.  ;_;
Insulate your pipes.  If you have a pipe burst in the winter because it froze, you’re going to waste a lot of water and pay a really ugly water bill in addition to what the plumber is going to charge you.  Go to your hardware store and get some foam pipe covers, wraps, or even heat tape.  We’ve lived through this one, ok?  We had an outdoor pipe burst a few springs ago and it cost nearly a thousand dollars to fix, plus the ridiculous water bill and the damage to our yard from all the mud.  This having been a pipe in the ground, we couldn’t have prevented it, but still.  Hear our warning.  Insulate.  Your. Pipes.
Don’t run the water when brushing your teeth, washing your face, fixing your hair, etc.  Wet your hands or toothbrush, then turn it off.
Don’t have a pool.  Or a sprinkler system.  Or a fountain.  Or any kind of dumb-rich-people-water-feature-bullshit.  That’s not to say you can’t get your children or your dogs one of those plastic kiddie pools and fill it up with the hose a few times in the summer, but don’t fool with one that requires hundreds of gallons of water or chemicals to treat it.  You ain’t got the money for that kind of crap.  It’ll just breed mosquitoes anyway, and no one wants that.
Only wash full loads of laundry and dishes.  Otherwise, your machines will put in too much water and you’ll be wasting it.  If they have load size settings, adjust it appropriately if you have to, but on most days try to only do full loads.
Don’t pour out old water.  Left a glass on your nightstand over night? Found half a bottle in your car?  Use it to water a houseplant. Don’t have houseplants?  You should, but that’s another post.  Put it in your dog’s bowl, he won’t mind. Or drink it, it’s fine.  Water doesn’t go bad.
Don’t water your lawn.  Like, what even is that?  That’s not a real thing.  Don’t do it.  Water your garden, if you have one.  Not your grass.  Your grass will be fine. And if it dies then you won’t have to mow it in the summer.  Win/win!
Water is a precious natural resource that we take for granted in a really nasty, selfish way.  Reduce your consumption as much as you can.  Encourage friends or family to do the same.  Put a few gallons in your basement for the zombie apocalypse.  And the next time you have a few dollars to spare, consider donating to a water charity or purchasing a LifeStraw to donate.
Links: 100 ways to conserve water, SinkPositive
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gyeommine · 8 years
GOT7 As Roommates
So I was reminded of the one I did for BTS (which you could find here) and I thought this would be a cute thing to do <3
(gif credits to the original owners)
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(hot ass)
he strikes me as a dad type
like he’ll be kinda protective of you, making sure you don’t stay out too late and come home at the right time.
he’ll say that it’s to keep a watch on you but he lowkey misses you.
typical dad always ends up falling asleep on the sofa.
so you always have to shake him to get him to actually go to bed.
you’ll feel really awkward when you accidentally call him dad bc he basically is
“is this a new fetish or something?” “shut up im jaebum”
also just another gross male that you have to deal with.
“leader of got7 or president of the US i don’t care, just wash the dishes”
people often mistake him for your boyfriend bc you guys are weirdly comfortable around him.
he’ll probably just walk around half naked with no shame
you’ll just throw his dirty laundry to get him to put clothes on.
does get a lil’ awkward if you’re ever upset.
will shyly admit he ordered take out to cheer you up and you chill for the rest of the evening.
he’ll get quite angry if someone has upset you or work is giving you a hard time but won’t show it.
since he’s a dad for thot7 as well, just expect the guys to often be over.
reliable dad friend roommate beom ™
you always make him cringe or make fun (in a friendly way okay)
you’ll be over sitting in a weird position on the sofa you’ll just be like “the a teaser, amirite” and poor boy would die of cringe.
with that weird dinosaur laugh he has
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(oh wow i am blind from staring at the sun)
he’s so quiet you’ll honestly forget he’s home.
he’ll just be coming out the bathroom and you’ll jump out of your skin bc when the heck did this boy get back from tour ??
it’d be a strangely quiet house.
he’s more often than not tucked away in his room on his phone.
ngl, he’d probably text you instead of shout out.
but when you guys do stuff together, there’s so much giggling than can be heard from 2 flats above and below.
you guys are organized and on it.
you got that chores and housework rota down and you both know who cooks on what days for the two of you.
you’ll be best buddies with jackson
sleepovers with the three of you !!!
he’s quiet, but boy’s trustworthy and reliable (aka the perfect roommate)
no milk ?? mark’s probably already spotted and bought 3 more cartons.
you’ll be film and music buddies.
you’ll just both be in the kitchen and you’ll hear.:
“hey (y/n) listen to this!”
and you’ll be jamming around for a few hours
you guys will also have a list of movies you wanna watch together.
and when he comes back from tour: a movie night ensues. 
overall you guys would have such a chill vibe.
if you had had a hard day at work, even just entering into your apartment would relax you completely.
if you were ever stress, he’d probably suggest going on a drive.
so at like 3 am, you’d get your guys’ chill playlist up and just drive for a while.
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(the purest)
such a caring roommate and best friend.
he’s always checking on you and asking whether you need anything.
he’s always the first guy there to give you a friendly ear or a shoulder.
he sometimes just goes on for 30 minutes with random life advice.
it’d be super endearing.
the flat would be super loud.
it’s bc he’s so excitable about everything which makes him the cutest friend to have around.
everyone knows you guys have the liveliest flat.
and you’d always wonder how this idol that works all the time has SO much energy ??!
but such charisma wow - can charm his way out of anything.
if he breaks something, he knows exactly what to do.
fills the fridge with random organic shit.
you literally pull 3 new organic smoothies out of the fridge each day.
“where the hell are you buying all this?”
he won’t even need to label it bc you know it will always be his.
he’s also kinda protective of you.
he’ll send you like a million texts bc he’s super worried that you’re not home yet and you need to be safe
it’d be a stern side that you’d rarely see from jackson, but he cares about you a lot.
he sort of feels like it’s his duty to take care of you, bc you live under the same roof an’ all that.
“jackson you’re more strict than my real dad sometimes.”
but he’d prefer it if you saw him more as your big brother or something greasy like that.
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(should i be offended by this ??)
he acts like a stressed middle aged mum with 5 small kids 24/7
but it’s just you along with the 5 kids he has with jb
the flat will always be perfection, spotless, 10/10, flawless.
he’ll live passive aggressive / sassy sticky notes to remind you to close the cupboard door or something like that.
sometimes you’ll wonder why he’d ever wanna share a flat with anyone bc he could easily thrive alone.
but he lowkey loves the company you give him.
y’all could be sitting in a room together for hours and not speak and he’d love it.
idk i could also see you guys going on walks together.
but if you ever ask him anything he’s just give you a sassy response - as if it’s a chore to live with you.
dw doods, he’s lying. that’s the middle aged mum sass.
he’ll tssk, roll his eyes a lot. 
but he’s a v good listener, and would happily let you rant about your days’ work @ him and he’ll have no complaints.
you guys will have deep convos all the time.
you’ll wake up bc the kitchen light’s on at 3 am and there’s jinyoung, sitting with a glass of water.
“what are you doing jinyoung?” “i can’t sleep.” “lol neither. so what’s the meaning of life?”
and you’ll be talking until like 6 am, by which point the glass of water has magically turned into a strong mug of coffee.
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this is another loud apartment when it comes to the thot7 bois.
he honestly just needs protecting, someone to keep an eye on him.
he laughs a lot and it literally lightens the flat, it’s such a good vibe.
but sometimes you don’t see him for days.
he’s either writing some sweet ass music or playing video games.
but he always appreciates you checking on him, even if he gets too shy and bumbly to admit it.
he always knows how to make you feel better even if that means just smiling and curing the world of its sins
probably wants to include you with got7 outings
he doesn’t want to make you feel left out or leave you at the flat by yourself.
and if you lightly scold him for something once, he’ll be careful to always do it and he’d be such a sweetheart.
you probably do the most work within the flat but he tries every once in a while.
he’ll get super nervous if he breaks or loses something and you’ll receive an odd text from him.
so you call him to make sure he’s okay, and he’s like “oh no, i just lost your headphones” and the relief you’ll feel.
you’re always there to reassure him if he ever feels insecure about his career or anything in life.
and it’s chill bc you know he’d do the exact same for you, it’s all around a pleasant and healthy environment.
you’ll also sneak in coco even if the apartment block doesn’t allow it.
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(he looks so soft here. i highkey loved this hair on him)
do i even need to say that this flat is gon’ be loud as fricking heck
he’d just make random loud noises most of the time and you’d have to give him a “??? wtf” look.
don’t even get me started when yugyeom comes over.
ear muffs come free with the roommate.
i joke, but its’ actually always a hella good mood boost.
our resident meme cannot stand the thought of you ever being down in the dumps so is running around the flat doing dumb shit.
you can’t go anywhere with him bc he spends 3 hours getting ready.
“bam pls we’re only going to the grocery store just wear-” “NO”
then you contemplating going to the grocery store by yourself because bam “flawless model” bam needs to like 10/10.
but you always tell him you’ve seen him without makeup or high brow clothing and he still looks great.
pranks, pranks and more pranks.
did i mention inside jokes? plenty of those.
you guys will be like kids with your own secret handshake and a password you yell before entering the apartment.
“bam why’s the door locked?” “password.” / “but bam i-” “passWORd”
and you’d sigh, and yell “I like to dab with moose” and you’re in.
let’s just imagine the mortified look mum and dad (jjp) have when they come over for the first time and you yelling that.
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(omg it’s me @ kim yugyeom aka the loml)
just accept the fact you’re going to be hearing music all the time.
you guys will have like a playlist of your fave songs and you end up just stupidly dancing and singing around the house.
sometimes he’ll clear the space in the living room and just dance.
he’ll get hella blushy and shy when you walk on him though.
that’s basically how the hit the stage dance got spoiled for you.
he’s so loud as well.
he’ll probably just yell “PABO” really loud from the other side ot the apartment to get your attention.
and you run over asking yourself why you moved in with such a child.
he’ll smile wickedly as you ask him “what’s wrong”
“nothing!!” he’ll say cutely. “KIM YUGYEOM I SWEAR TO-”
oho you guys will do a lot of childish shit, prank each other.
one of those roommate situations that everyone questions why you ever moved in together bc you’re both a bad influence on the other.
but you guys are obvs like the best of friends for sure.
it’s not fun for mum and dad (jjp) when you call them dumb names and get your ass beat.
you guys are partners in crime and it’s the cutest sHUT UP NOBODY TOUCH OR TALK TO ME.
you better believe you’ll be sitting right next to each other and still be screenshotting memes, giggling your asses off.
but you’ll be so proud and gushing over his performing and how far he’s come and awwww.
but you guys will be having the 10th pillow fight before you could admit to such mushy feelings.
HONESTLY GUYS ! i got so warm and fuzzy bc i wanna be best friends with bambam and yugyeom like you have no idea. also, i am also jinyoung. i write passive aggressive sassy notes to my brother all the time bc he does dumb shit. hope you guys enjoyed ! <3
SIDE NOTE: one of my closest friends and are I are sort of like bambam / yugyeom cross friendship. but i am so done with his shit, and he’s so done with mine  - it’s chill.
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