#aka ms tax fraud
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Ms. Evenleigh AKA Evens (@kursed-curtain / @goddessoftechnology) vs. Purity (@poicyss)
Ms. Evenleigh info:
Description: “Do not underestimate me. Speak to my brother that way again, and you’ll suffer worse.” Co-running an illegal underground fighting ring beside her brother Mr. Odden, Evens is the cold and calculated contrast to her brother's eccentric spontaneity. She takes care of finances and makes Odds' wild ideas more plausible and possible. They had humble beginnings, cheating at games and eventually starting their own little casino. Eventually that had to be... Disposed of (cough cough burned to the ground). The fight club was her brother's big idea, but Evens was the one to suggest they use the casino money and their vast connections. Even though she is a wanted criminal, she was raised on the streets, caring for her younger brother more than she cared for herself. Even in their age, they protect each other through thick and thin. There's no Evens without Odds.
Stealing (Much more often when she was living on the streets) Multiple gambling related crimes (Cheating, scamming, getting banned from every casino location in the area) Running an underground fight club with her brother Scarily good at disposing of evidence Kidnapping & memory wiping (This is how the fighters for the fight club are often obtained) Assisting in arson Will crush the bones of anyone misbehaving. Does not tolerate bad work from the fight club's workers Not canon yet but probably commits tax fraud
Other notes from the submitter: srry to anyone who simps for her she's aroace ok gl gamers <3 may the best girlie win
Purity info:
Description: Purity is a deity who's main job is to just make sure nothing disrubs the timelines. She's there to fix any mistakes that might change the way things "should be". She keeps the world pure of chaos by cleaning out and filtering anything that may go wrong. However, since her job is mostly just to make sure other's aren't falling behind on their jobs, she has a lot of free time. She may not actually be a young god, but she acts like one. Her attention span has been broken by ages of doing absolutely nothing, so she has started people watching to pass the time. She loves people and the art they make! So she tries to make some art herself, turning some teenagers into Magical Girls and dropping them into a world without magic. This is like introducing an invasive species but worse. She's basically writing magical fanfiction for actual people and forcing them to abide by the story's whims because she is bored. She writes fanfic like a middle schooler, so it's all needlessly edgy at times too. But it's ok! She's having fun :) And she's so passionate and genuine about it all, if you tell her she's doing bad she'll cry. You wouldn't want to make her cry! She's so cute and full of joy and girlishly whimsy 🥺 But yeah she doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong she's just having fun #girlswag
💖Introduction of foreign magic in a magic-less world (corrupts the world, fucks up the ecosystem and power dynamics of the entire world, will eventually have major consequences) 💖Introduction of foreign species (she has to make monsters for the magical girls to fight when there isn't enough crime going on. This is obviously Bad monsters are Bad) 💖Mundicide (Read above) 💖General Manipulation (TECHNICALLY if you didn't want to be a Magical Girl you could just say no… But she deliberately does research to find girls who she know CAN'T deny her. Usually this means scouting out children who don't know any better) 💖Indoctrination (Read above) 💖Corruption 💖Psychological Abuse 💖Whatever Waking Someone Up From A Coma Counts As (One of her magical girls is a sick girl who she forced to wake up from her medically induced coma. She is not healthy enough to be a magical girl. But she is also Purity's favorite, so she just forces the other girls to protect her with their lives teehee) 💖Not Doing Her Fucking Job 💖General Hypocrisy 💖Being so cute and nice all the time aww awww
Other notes from the submitter: She is an antagonist for a web comic I am planning on making and is SPECIFICALLY inspired by Drosselmyer (Princess Tutu) and Kyubey (Madoka Magica) so if you like her please watch Princess Tutu I owe that series my life
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Michael Cohen wants to let Stormy Daniels out of the nondisclosure agreement she signed to keep allegations about her affair with President Donald Trump under wraps — and he wants the $130,000 he paid her to do so back.
Essential Consultants, the company Cohen used to make the hush payment, filed a status report in a Los Angeles federal court on Friday to rescind the 2016 agreement that was meant to keep Daniels from speaking out but has become part of Cohen’s recent legal troubles.
”Today, Essential Consultants LLC and Michael Cohen have effectively put an end to the lawsuits filed against them by Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels,” Brent Blakely, Cohen’s lawyer, told CNN. “The rescission of the Confidential Settlement Agreement will result in Ms. Clifford returning to Essential Consultants the $130,000 she received in consideration, as required by California law.”
Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer, in August pleaded guilty to eight counts of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance violations. The campaign finance violations were directly related to the Daniels payment made ahead of the 2016 election. (Cohen also implicated Trump in the illegal payoff.)
The Wall Street Journal in January first reported Trump’s alleged 2006 affair with Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and the $130,000 payout. Daniels in March sued Trump and Essential Consultants, Cohen’s shell company, claiming the hush agreement is void because Trump never signed it.
Friday’s filing would seek to let Daniels off the hook for the nondisclosure agreement — but it’s not a deal she is eager to take, according to her lawyer, Michael Avenatti. In a pair of tweets late Friday, Avenatti said he sees the maneuver as an attempt by Cohen to bar him from deposing the president and Cohen. “My client and I will never settle the cases absent full disclosure and accountability,” he said.
Michael Cohen is back to playing games and trying to protect Donald Trump. He is now pulling a legal stunt to try and “fix it” so that we can’t depose Trump and present evidence to the American people about what happened. He is not a hero nor a patriot. He deserves what he gets.
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 8, 2018
Let me be clear – my client and I will never settle the cases absent full disclosure and accountability. We are committed to the truth. And we are committed to delivering it to the American people. #Basta
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 8, 2018
Trump and Cohen initially said that Daniels could be liable for damages of up to $20 million if she spoke out, but that didn’t stop her. According to CNN, that’s part of why Cohen wants to rescind the NDA. The porn actress has already said plenty about her alleged affair with Trump, including with Anderson Cooper for 60 Minutes in March, so trying to block her no longer benefits him. He just wants the $130,000 back.
If the NDA is rescinded, Daniels will be able to speak freely about her alleged affair with Trump without the fear of legal or financial repercussions. As the Wall Street Journal points out, scrapping the agreement wouldn’t end all of Cohen’s and Daniel’s legal entanglements with one another: Daniels also has a defamation claim against Cohen related to his public comments. Both Cohen and Daniels have set up separate crowdfunding pages to help them raise money for their legal battles, including against one another.
The dismissal of the hush agreement lawsuit would likely mean that Avenatti wouldn’t be able to keep trying to depose Trump or Cohen about the payment, and that’s where Avenatti has taken issue. He told the Journal he would be “shocked” if Daniels agreed. “This is a hail Mary to try and avoid [a deposition], that’s my first guess,” Avenatti told CNN.
Daniels and Avenatti are scheduled to appear on ABC’s The View next week, where they’ve teased a “big announcement.”
As for the $130,000, Daniels already offered to pay it back months ago, though it’s unclear who would keep the money if she does return it. Trump reimbursed Cohen for the payment after it was made.
Original Source -> Michael Cohen wants to scrap the Stormy Daniels NDA
via The Conservative Brief
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astral-crescent · 4 months
Why the fuck does Ted Lewis voice Yami Bakura like hes a fucking Bosmer/Dunmer from Oblivion?
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Chris Laserbrain (@soupluvr03 / @orangebot) vs. Ms. Evenleigh AKA "Evens" (@kursed-curtain / @goddessoftechnology)
Chris Laserbrain info:
Description: Chris is a robotics engineer in the semi-post-apocalyptic dystopia of Radiumville. She designs robots and machines used by the city-state’s military. When a mysterious vigilante overtakes Radiumville, Chris obsessively tries to track them down and “bring them to justice.” There might be yuri involved.
Crimes: Working for a corrupt government, unlawfully commandeering state equipment, faking the malfunction of a large mech to draw out the vigilante causing millions in property damage, attempted murder on multiple counts
Other notes from the submitter: N/A
Ms. Evenleigh info:
Description: “Do not underestimate me. Speak to my brother that way again, and you’ll suffer worse.” Co-running an illegal underground fighting ring beside her brother Mr. Odden, Evens is the cold and calculated contrast to her brother's eccentric spontaneity. She takes care of finances and makes Odds' wild ideas more plausible and possible. They had humble beginnings, cheating at games and eventually starting their own little casino. Eventually that had to be... Disposed of (cough cough burned to the ground). The fight club was her brother's big idea, but Evens was the one to suggest they use the casino money and their vast connections. Even though she is a wanted criminal, she was raised on the streets, caring for her younger brother more than she cared for herself. Even in their age, they protect each other through thick and thin. There's no Evens without Odds.
Stealing (Much more often when she was living on the streets) Multiple gambling related crimes (Cheating, scamming, getting banned from every casino location in the area) Running an underground fight club with her brother Scarily good at disposing of evidence Kidnapping & memory wiping (This is how the fighters for the fight club are often obtained) Assisting in arson Will crush the bones of anyone misbehaving. Does not tolerate bad work from the fight club's workers Not canon yet but probably commits tax fraud
Other notes from the submitter: srry to anyone who simps for her she's aroace ok gl gamers <3 may the best girlie win
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