#aka this thing got steadily sassier and sassier as it went on
restitutiopax · 5 years
Spark Types (of the Uniend Cluster)
     Given that all of these are based on the Covenant Thirteen, rather than the Multiversal Thirteen, consider this to be applicable to any universal stream where said Thirteen are in use. And, obvs, this ain’t canon, but feel free to use it and adapt it as you like or as it suits.
                            To Start:
Sparks, the very core of a Cybertronian, are primarily composed of light. They give a Transformer life, soul, and often personality; and, while most are unable to survive outside the body for any length of time, a few are even immortal and capable of traversing space without a body for eons. 
      Sparks, for the purpose of this article, can be broken down into these parts: a Corona, also known as a EM Field, that encircles the Spark and Body with some level of distance; a Photosphere, the light that defines a Spark; and a Core, the Photonic shard that roots their Light to the Material Plain. Also of note is a Cybertronian’s Innermost Energon, which keeps the Spark fueled.    
      As far as the Uniend Cluster is concerned, no unaffiliated Spark is purple. And, if one does appear (which can happen), they’re typically snuffed out before they make it to a body. 
      Similarly, no Spark is a ‘dark’ shade (deep navy, mahogany, etc), but the intensity of their light can make something appear to be darker than it actually is.
      Prima: The Spark of an Attacker. These Sparks are a harsh gold, heavy in all ways but not dense. These Sparks like to be Primes and, when not being Leaders, they can take a lot of damage in preparation for becoming a Leader. These Sparks are almost always sphere-like, as if the concept of being unique or different was an affront to their very being. 
      Vector: The Spark of a Defender. These Sparks are thin-Cored, with a dense Photosphere and a twirling Corona. These Sparks can vary between a soft gold to a gentle magenta, or sometimes both in spiral-patterns. Oddly enough, these Sparks are completely immune to the effects of long-term Space-Bridge usage, and are less likely to succumb to Space Madness.  
      Trion: The Spark of a Scholar. This Spark tends to have a larger and more detailed Core, but a lighter Photosphere and a complicated Corona. Most are a soft magenta pink. When removed from a body, these Sparks are more likely to recall their memories upon being transplanted; this is often attributed to their unique Photonic Crystals. 
      Solus: The Spark of a Maker. This is the Spark of architects, weapon-masters, and those who know better than to experiment past their limits. These Sparks have a typical Core, light Photosphere, and tight Corona. Their colouration is often a sharp, steely blue. 
      Micronus: The Spark of all Minicons. This Spark is dense, with a large Core and a compacted Photosphere, but the Corona tends to be rather small. Mint colouration is common. They’re capable of storing great amounts of energy in their Spark, which allows them to enhance their partners. In the Uniend cluster, Twins are very common from this Spark Type.
      Alchemist: The Spark of Students. This Spark tends to be blue, often varying between soft and brilliant, uniformly light in all ways. These Sparks are so light that, supposedly, they’ve been found wandering outside of the body, floating amongst materials and others. These Sparks have the highest tolerance for High-Grade.
      Nexus: The Spark of a Combiner. While Combiners can be made of non-Nexus Sparks, having a Nexus Spark involved makes the process far easier and far more comfortable. These Sparks tend to be an almost-white shade of Gold, with a dense Core, varied Photosphere, and short-range Corona. 
      Onyx: The Spark of a Beast Former. Despite the name, this Spark appears in non-beastformers. This is a typical Core and foggy Photosphere, with a large Corona attributed to the Predacon Empire’s success in communication. Uniquely enough, this Spark tends to be split in colour; the colours are always complimentary. 
      Amalgamous: The Shifter, and rarest of all the Spark-Types. The only definer in this type is the latticework of their Spark’s energy; they can be any colour, any density, and any frame-type. Transformers who were built with multiple alternative modes are often this typing and, typically, they can sustain multiple modes without a modifier.
      Quintus: The Spark of Dreamers. Supposedly, those of this Typing have the most vivid of dreams, bordering on out-of-body experiences; but, quite frankly, this is usually just because this Type in inclined towards drinking practically anything put in front of them simply because of their curiosity. These Sparks like to be a sharp green, with swirls of silver. Heavy Cores, wavy Photospheres, and absolutely enormous Coronas are quite common.
      Maximo: The Spark of a Silvertongue. They’re a soft red to uncomfortable green Spark, with delicate Cores, brilliant Photospheres, and dense Coronas. These Sparks are almost always Seekers (leading to an unfortunate reputation, even if entirely fair at times), and are thus a common sight in Vos. Otherwise, they’re quite rare.
      Megatronus: A common Spark, especially in Kaon. Well known for being as brilliantly red as rust, these Sparks tend to have dense Cores, dense Photospheres, and brittle Coronas. They tend to be rather large as well, even in Minibots or those teeny-tiny hand-sized bots that occasionally pop out of the Well.
      Arisen: Otherwise known as a Thirteenth Spark. These are amongst the most common Spark-types and, similarly, are amongst the most varied. Their defining feature is the holographic tones in their dense Photosphere, seemly reflective of anyone around them. Like the prior Typing, these like to be strangely large for the size of the body often attached to them.
Sparks, in addition, often have Modifiers in addition to their base Typing. These can stack.   
       Point One Percenters: The biggest of the big and the best of the best. These Sparks have enormous output, typically being so dense that they’re nearly physical. Prolonged exposure to one of these can make those who lack this Modifier very sick.
       Bonding: The act of merging one’s Spark, sometimes in a semi-permanent state, can affect their Spark quite dearly. In cases where mass or density is unequal between the Sparks, they’ll trade out and become almost identical (pardoning their Core). This includes colour, which, instead of mixing perfectly, will often just swirl about.
       Innermost Energon Transfusions: Similar to bonding, removing and replacing someone’s Innermost Energon may cause the colour of the donor’s Spark to swirl through the patient’s Spark. This is usually temporary. 
       Afflicted: Otherwise known as Corruption. Upon being exposed to Dark Energon, or any Angolmois in general, Sparks will slowly require more and more energy to function. Mass will gather around their Photonic Core, like Energon crystallizing, and rust will slowly infect more and more of the body. After enough time, the host’s Spark will suddenly fade, before the gathered mass restarts and resets the Spark itself. Some medics call this fully Afflicted Spark an ‘Anti-Spark,’ which sounds way dumber than it actually is.
       Age: Sparks will naturally lighten in density and fade in brilliance as they spend more and more time away from the Allspark. Rumor goes that annual trips to the Well ‘can brighten and lengthen one’s life,’ but that’s a load of hogwash. The dimming of age actually doesn’t affect one’s lifespan, beyond their Photonic Core becoming steadily more and more brittle. 
      Robot Babies: There’s probably a system of dominant Sparks and regressive Sparks that decides what your weird little parasite robot baby gets, but good luck figuring it out. 
      Shapes!: Not so much a modifier like the others, but Sparks can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Spheres and blobs are amongst the most common, but galactic shapes such as spirals and twirls have been recorded. One unfortunate, non-affiliated Decepticon even had a core shaped like Primus’ Cog!
      Throwbacks: Certain Sparks exhibit perfect confirmation to their typing, plus an outlier ability expected of that type, and define the Spark as a Throwback. That means that Spark resembles that of the Prime it’s based off of that it’s believed the Spark is a direct descendant of that mechanical. A good example of this would Orion Pax being a throwback to Arisen. 
While not technically Sparks in their own right, these particular congregations of energy are either very similar to Sparks or formed the basis for Sparks. 
       Primus: The progenitor of Sparks, Primus’ Spark forms the basis for all of his children. Other than his Core, which is a massive Photonic Crystal that splinters and reincorporates those who come to and from, his Spark is quite light.
       Unicron: And, in opposite, Unicron’s ‘Spark’ (sometimes called an Anti-Spark, othertimes simply as a Core) is dense enough that humans confused it for a giant, molten iron ball.The exact makeup is unknown, what with no good scientist wanting to get near that nonsense, but it seems capable of splintering like his Brother’s. 
       Humanity: Analogous to a Soul, a human’s brain puts out similar enough wavelengths that it can actually survive in a Transformer body for a while, and can interface with certain artefacts. Too long of the former can drive a human mad tho’.
                            In Conclusion:
This would get way more complicated if you incorporated IDW1′s Spark Typings, because it would probably stack until it’s as complicated as human genealogy. 
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