#akagi shohei
shoheiakagi · 7 months
Bandou, looking up from his laptop to glare at Akagi from across the room: How does this idiot not notice that I’m mad at him? We haven’t talked in 20 minutes…What the fuck is he even thinking about?
Akagi, staring out the bar’s window in deep concentration: I can take a bear in a fight. Not like a grizzly bear, but a black bear. Jump on his back and put it in a headlock. Done.
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Everyone in this pic looks like really fine expect shōhei why is he smiling like that.
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I mean I understand you're optimistic and all but you're still in a gang i mean dewa, Eric and chitose smiled but they still look cool.
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I know i attacked shōhei in the last post but.....it just that gora find a way to mess him up.
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redloveashes · 1 year
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Akagi Shohei
boi series
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fictional-birthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday, Shohei Akagi! (K Project)
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dare-g · 11 months
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Dr. Akagi (1998)
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trashcan3001 · 2 years
Choose my next Bandou fic idea!
Alright, I'm finally settled into my second year of uni and I am ready to dive into some more Bandou fics! I just need some help on what you would like to see! Choose 1 and tell me which one you'd be interested in reading!
Bandou and Doumyouji once again in my purple connections au where they are able to blend their auras together to create one big purple one. This time its a deep comprehensive of their budding partnership and their attempts to hide their new found ability from their respective clans. It will look into both the blue and red clans and how they are both treated by them. Drama and obviously ensue!
Shouhei is a stalker. Yes, you heard me! Now instead of Bandou being the lovable asshole he is, he actually has a real reason to dislike Shouhei! What doesn't help is that no one believes him and now Shouhei's obsession has shifted to him! Think a more mysterious detective feeling fic. Instead of finding the culprit, it's proving he did it in the first place. Read along as Bandou works to stop Shouhei from doing anything to his new red clan comrades and get to the bottom of why he even joined. Enter yandere!Shouhei stage left! Perhaps a twisted romance is in order?
A strain who caused their victim to be cursed with seeing ghosts has hit Bandou! Really, it's not too bad, I mean- someone's grandma wanting to tell their kids they love them isn't scary. Except, who is that girl who keeps looming behind Chitose? And why is it that when he runs into the blue clan, a chilling cackling can be heard right by Fushimi? Basically Bandou is forced to face other people's fears for them as he navigates helping souls move on and also people. He won't be emotionally stunted for long!
Here are the 3 ideas I've had in mind! I plan on doing them all but since I am focusing on school I can only do one at a time! Please comment what you'd like to read first! Any suggestions would be great as well!
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heartsoji · 1 year
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SAWAMURA DAICHI - regular hot drip coffee, probs with a bit of ordinary cream/milk
SUGAWARA KOSHI - iced brown sugar oat milk latte with light ice
AZUMANE ASAHI - a bottle of apple juice but then he gets laughed at so he puts it back and orders a hot honey citrus tea
NISHINOYA YUU - grape frappuccino with extra whipped cream and pistachios on top
TANAKA RYUNOSUKE - bro gets a chocolate croissant and an iced water usually, but sometimes he'll get hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a warmed cheese danish with strawberry jam on top on the side when he's in a good mood
KAGEYAMA TOBIO - blueberry milk tea latte with cheese foam and tapioca is his fav but sometimes he can't speak properly and just orders a cup of steamed milk
HINATA SHOYO - strawberry acai refresher with extra berries and one of those cheese and grapes and crackers boxes
TSUKISHIMA KEI - hot oolong tea with honey usually, but he'll also get the occasional twice-a-year java chip frappucino
YAMAGUCHI TADASHI - vanilla creme frappucino
KUROO TETSURO - hot black coffee
KAI NOBUYUKI - hot hazelnut soy milk latte
YAKU MORISUKE - peach green tea (switches if he wants iced or hot based on mood and weather) with 2/3rds of a sugar packet or half a pump of cane sugar
YAMAMOTO TAKETORA - prides himself in having never gotten an overpriced cafe drink
KOZUME KENMA -large strawberry creme frappuccino with extra extra whipped cream, extra strawberry syrup, extra freeze-dried strawberry powder, and an extra pump of simple syrup
FUKUNAGA SHOHEI -lemon tea (changes if he wants iced or hot based on his mood)
INUOKA SO - mango dragonfruit refresher with strawberry base, light ice, extra dragonfruit bits
HAIBA LEV -says"i'll take whatever your favorite drink is!" then records it, and doesnt give it to the worker and just keeps it (he never understood the vids where they would give it to the worker. hes just like bro why'd u order it if u werent gonna drink it)
SHIBAYAMA YUKI - strawberry frappucino with extra freeze-dried strawberry bits
OIKAWA TOORU - vanilla creme frappucino or iced sugar cookie latte in the winter (will scream at u if u call him a basic white girl)
MATSUKAWA ISSEI - homie goes to the convenience store across the street and gets some weird cheesey beef sandwich with relish on top and a giant slurpee
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO - homie goes with matsukawa to get a nasty pork sandwich with mustard but then runs back to get an extra hot quadruple shot upside-down caramel macchiato with soy milk
IWAIZUMI HAJIME -hot soy latte
YAHABA SHIGERU - espresso con pana
WATARI SHINJI - iced peach green tea lemonade with no ice
KYOTANI KENTARO - gets nothing when with the group but comes back after to get a pinkity drinkity with cold foam
KINDAICHI YUTARO - pistachio frappucino with a shot of espresso
KUNIMI AKIRA - hot soy half-caff pistachio/hazelnut latte with caramel drizzle at 120 degrees
BOKUTO KOTARO - either a unicorn frappucino or a chocolate cold brew
KITA SHINSUKE - a hot americano
OJIRO ARAN - a hot matcha latte
AKAGI MICHINARI - iced matcha latte
MIYA ATSUMU - pink drink with extra berries and no ice
SUNA RINTARO - hot caramel macchiato
MIYA OSAMU - hot chai tea latte with pistachio foam and a warmed brownie
KOMORI MOTOYA - iced matcha latte with strawberry jam
SAKUSA KIYOOMI - a single shot of espresso
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vraisetzen · 1 year
✨️ maki shinichi appreciation post
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(because my boy doesn't get enough love from the SD fanbase)
i think by now i've made it plain and obvious that maki shinichi is my best boy out of all the best boys in slam dunk.
which is fairly surprising, because i started reading this manga expecting to like sendoh, based on the hype surrounding him, and the fact that he's shohei ohtani's favourite character.
and to be honest, it's difficult for me to articulate why i like him as a character — for all intents and purposes, maki was introduced in the manga as the quintessential player (before sawakita was introduced). he's physically well-rounded, he's a leader, he has a strong desire to win, and he's the king. he's supposed to represent the glass ceiling for all basketball players in kanagawa. when we're shown, prior to shohoku's match with sannoh, that kainan had difficulty playing against sannoh, that not even maki could go up against them, it serves as a representation of how strong sannoh is.
but all this — the titles, the comparisons — these are all impressions other characters have of him.
as the story unfolds after his first appearance (as a stuffy looking teenager who appearance suggests more of a 50 y/o divorcee than a high school basketball player), more details are revealed about him:
his coach credits his humility and his strong desire to win as part of the reason why he's the strongest; his teammates have complete trust and respect for his leadership and captaincy; kiyota, the petulant child, defends him after sakuragi makes a poorly-timed comment at maki's mature appearance.
and despite kainan's dominance, despite maki's undisputed reign as the best player, he sees the potential and the strength of other players — most notably when he invites sakuragi (along with a tagging kiyota) to watch aiwa gakuen's match against meihou; he also warns sendoh of shohoku's renewed strength, and flags up minami to rukawa's attention.
it's interesting, then, that the kanji in his name: 牧 (maki) means shepherd, while the 紳 in shinichi means gentlemen. he guides his players, like a shepherd with his flock, to victory, and with grace and humility.
maki's the king, yes, but he's also a teen who cares enough about his appearance to change it after being called out for it; he's forceful and domineering, but he has a strong respect for his opponents; he grumbles about kiyota tagging along for the trip to aichi and pretends to be distracted, but he really doesn't mind and lets sakuragi follow as well (while also checking in on akagi).
and i think, also, that we tend to overlook the immense pressure maki must have as the captain of the strongest team in kanegawa — who is not only responsible for the welfare of his players, but also for the honour of bringing the trophy home for the 17th year running.
all these things, ultimately, come together to create an unforgettable and notable character who was only ever meant to serve as an antagonist for our team of problematic children.
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(and i mean, just look at how happy he is, winning the inter-high tournament 🥹 in most panels he's pouting like ben stiller in zoolander)
also, this is rather random, but for a character who isn't a fan-favourite, we know strangely quite a lot about maki:
he surfs
he drives a car
wears glasses
has friends outside of kainan (moroboshi)
wore the numbers 12 -> 8 -> 4
had a pompadour hairstyle as a freshman
it's these small tidbits that make him really endearing to me, personally.
maybe i just have a thing for really strong players with no perceivable flaws, who are subsequently revealed as actual absolute dorks (affectionate). or maybe it's just maki shinichi.
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applepi-1 · 11 months
Aoba Johsai.
Toru Oikawa-  
Make things right
Spin the bottle
Issei Matsukawa-
coming soon
Takahiro Hanamaki-
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Photographer- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12- Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Just Cramps
Your friend likes him
shigeru Yahaba-
coming soon
Shinji Watari-
coming soon
Yutaro Kindaichi-
coming soon
Akira Kunimi-
Kentaro Kyotani-
Kaneo Yuda-
coming soon
Motomu Sawauchi-
coming soon
Heisuke Shido-
coming soon
Wakatoshi Ushijima- 
Friends to lovers
Jin Soekawa-
coming soon
Eita Semi-
Movie night with Shiratorizawa team? And confession with Semi...?
Reon Ohira-
coming soon
Satori Tendo-
Brothers insecure best friend
Enemies to Lovers
coming soon
Tsutomu Goshiki-
coming soon
Yu Shibata-
coming soon
Kenjiro Shirabu-
coming soon
Taichi Kawanishi-
Kei Akakura-
coming soon
Hayato Yamagata-
coming soon
Yusho Sagae-
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Tetsuro Kuroo-
I missed you
Brothers best friend
Nobuyuki Kai-
coming soon
Morisuke Yaku-
coming soon
Taketora Yamamoto-
coming soon
Kenma Kozume-
according to you
Shohei Fukunaga-
New girl
So Inuoka-
coming soon
Tamahiko Teshiro-
coming soon
Lev Haiba-
coming soon
Yuki Shibayama-
coming soon
Daichi Sawamura- 
coming soon
Koshi Sugawara-
can I sleep with you?
the girl who wants your boyfriend
need and wants
Asahi Azumane- 
coming soon
Yu Nishinoya- 
Ryunosuke Tanaka-
What in the-
Tobio Kageyama-
school shooting
Like shes mine
rained in
Shoyo Hinata-
coming soon
Kei Tsukishima- 
He cheated?! ft. Kageyama
surprised party
asking to kiss
you get jealous
Dreams or reality
The Texts
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
coming soon
Keishin Ukai-
Old friend
Shinsuke Kita-
coming soon
Ren Omimi-
coming soon
Aran Ojiro-
coming soon
Hitoshi Ginjima-
coming soon
Atsumu Miya-
friends into lovers
drunk confessions get the girl
Rintaro Suna-
Work wife
Osamu Miya-
creepy ex
Yuto Kosaku-
coming soon
Heisuke Riseki-
coming soon
Michinari Akagi-
coming soon
Tatsuki Washio-
coming soon
Yamatu Sarukui-
coming soon
Kotaro Bokuto-
Never too late
It’s always been you
Keiji Akaashi-
you have a panic attack
Secrets out
Akinori Konoha-
coming soon
Shuichi Anahori-
coming soon
Haruki Komi-
coming soon
Wataru Onaga-
coming soon
Friends into lovers
Seven minutes in heaven
Unfriendly friend
Bumping into an ex or old friend
Kenma, Ushijima, Kuroo
They have a nightmare
Daichi, Nishinoya, Semi, Tendo
Comforting Haikyuu boys who aren't use to being loved
Iwaizumi, Kenma, Tsukishima, Akaashi
He gets defensive of you when your parents treat you badly
Kuroo, Tsukishima
truth or dare
Iwaizumi, Daichi
Protecting their girlfriends
Tsukishima, Bokuto, osamu, Sugawara
Saving their crushes
Tsukishima, Akira, Akagi, suna
Morning after
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Sugawara, Sakusa
The team finds out they have a girlfriend
Kissing you in front of your ex
Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Someone flirts with you- you use it on them
Sakusa, Asahi, Atsumu
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima, terushima, atsumu
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara, Kenma, Suna
They hear someone say something bad about them
Bokuto, Akaashi
Caught making out
Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Suna
Kissing them for the first time in front of another girl
Kageyama, Tsukishima
You flinch
Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi
Ushijima, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi
Calling them 'babe'
Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma
Accidental confessions
Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi
My hero academia:
Confessions with Bakugo
He hears someone say something bad about him
Car rides
Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki
First I love yous
Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Hcs/Scenarios with the other homra clansmen? (dewa, chitose, shohei, bandou etc)+yata ?? 😭
I feel like the Chitose-Dewa-Yata situation is always Chitose giving Yata (bad) life advice while Dewa sits in the corner facepalming and trying to keep Yata from getting too much of a wrong idea. Like obviously Chitose has noticed that Yata is a huge virgin and I imagine he finds this endlessly entertaining, Yata is like the little brother he never got to tease for being unable to look at girls. Whenever Chitose is bragging about what new girl he got last night Yata’s always sitting there trying to look like he totally understands what this is like and it’s hard not to tease him really. Though for all that I think Chitose would try to give Yata proper advice in the right situation, it’s just that Chitose has no good advice so Dewa has to try and step in to mitigate that. Unfortunately Dewa’s love life also seems largely nonexistent so he probably can’t help much either, but at least he knows how to ask a girl out without getting smacked. I could see Chitose trying in his own way, like setting Yata up for a dating meet up or something and encouraging him, and then sighing when Yata comes home all spooked because no one told him there’d be girls in low cut dresses there.
Bandou and Akagi, I wonder if Yata ever feels a bit wistful watching them since they’re old friends and all. I feel like he gets on well enough with them, though he probably ends up on Bandou’s side whenever Akagi accidentally charms someone Bandou was interested in. Post-series Bandou’s become a champion gamer so I wonder if they ever have game nights, I could see Bandou smirking like this is something he’s superior to Akagi at. Yata meanwhile feels pretty proud of his gaming skills until he gets his butt handed to him and he’s just staring blankly before he decides that was actually awesome and he wants to play again. Actually imagine Yata deciding he should take gaming classes from Bandou because he wants to be able to beat Saruhiko at video games one day, Bandou getting all arrogant like ‘you can call me sensei’ as Akagi eats chips and is like hey sensei I think you just got sniped.
Yata hanging out with Fujishima and Eric probably involves cute animals and Fujishima basically being like the pet parent who has to mediate between his excitable dog and irritable cat who keep swiping at each other. Yata’s a helpful kid so I could see him offering to assist if like Fujishima rescued a whole pile of kittens and needs an extra hand, Yata’s good at carrying heavy bags of food. Eric snorts and makes a comment about ‘stupid muscle’ and Yata almost drops the bag because he’s so annoyed. Also Eric of course keeps making little comments in English just to tease Yata, Fujishima will come back to the store and they’re squabbling very quietly because the kittens are napping and no one wants to wake them up. Fujishima smiles softly and gives them both a pat on the head and a treat, Yata’s like we’re not pets you know.
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goblinratman101 · 1 year
Haikyuu!! Masterlist
| Hello! This is my Haikyuu!! Masterlist feel free to request any characters you see, some characters might not be here due to me being an anime only fan, I also don’t really know all the characters or those characters aren’t really shown the spotlight so they might be a bit OOC |
╰┈➤ Karasuno
❥ Hinata Shoyo
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kageyama Tobio
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tsukishima Kei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamaguchi Tadashi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Nishinoya Yu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tanaka Ryunosuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ennoshita Chikara
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kinoshita Hisashi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Narita Kazuhito
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Sawamura Daichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Sugawara Koshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Azumane Asahi
How he would confess
❥ Shimizu Kiyoko
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yachi Hitoka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Nekoma
❥ Shibayama Yuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Haiba Lev
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Teshiro Tamahiko
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Inuoka So
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Fukunaga Shohei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kozume Kenma
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamamoto Taketora
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yaku Morisuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kai Nobuyuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kuroo Tetsuro
How he would confess
❥ Yamamoto Akane
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Haiba Alisa
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Aoba Johsai
❥ Kyotani Kentaro
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Kunimi Akira
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kindaichi Yutaro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Watari Shinji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yahaba Shigeru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Iwaizumi Hajime
How he would confess
❥ Hanamaki Takahiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Matsukawa Issei
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Oikawa Toru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Date Tech
❥ Sakunami Kosuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Fukiage Jingo
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Onagawa Taro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Koganegawa Kanji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Obara Yutaka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Futakuchi Kenji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Aone Takanobu
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Sasaya Takehito
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Moniwa Kaname
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kamasaki Yasushi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Nametsu Mai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Fukurōdani
❥ Onaga Wataru
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Komi Haruki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Anahori Shuichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Konoha Akinori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Akaashi Keiji
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Bokuto Kotaro
How he would confess
❥ Sarukui Yamato
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Washio Tatsuki
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Suzumeda Kaori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Shirofuku Yukie
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Shiratorizawa
❥ Sagae Yusho
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yamagata Hayato
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Akakura Kai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kawanishi Taichi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Shirabu Kenjiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Goshiki Tsutomu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Tendou Satori
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ohira Reon
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Semi Eita
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ushijima Wakatoshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Inarizaki
❥ Akagi Michinari
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Riseki Heisuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kosaku Yuto
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Miya Osamu
They protect their anxious partner
❥ Suna Rintaro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Miya Atsumu
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ginjima Hitoshi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Ojiro Aran
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Omimi Ren
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Kita Shinsuke
Nothing is here yet…
❥ The Team
Nothing is here yet…
╰┈➤ Others
❥ Sakusa Kiyoomi
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Hoshiumi Korai
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Hirugami Sachiro
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Terushima Yuji
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Misaki Hana
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Amanai Kanoka
Nothing is here yet…
❥ Yonezawa Maiko
Nothing is here yet…
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shoheiakagi · 11 months
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Character Aesthetics: 9/12
↳ The Alphabet Boys
Akagi Shouhei, Bandou Saburouta, and Chitose Yo
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Can we talk about how akagi asked if anna is a ghost (which i can understand) but then proceed to call her a BRAT like how can a sunshine like shōhei call a child a brat.
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And the fact that shōhei was actually a bit scared to meet her and bando taking the opportunity to tease him is adorable.
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redloveashes · 1 year
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Valentine day with Shohei Akagi
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Akagi Shohei
Terms of address: Shohei
Birthday: April 17, Aries
Blood type: O
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.75 cm in height. Average size.
Face, hair: A characteristic that people like. Brown hair.
Attire: Sports fashion in the street.
Personal effects: A cap. In an emergency, it will be deeply covered up to the eye.
· He is not afraid to talk to people with a smile, even when they meet for the first time. He is sociable.
· He is Bando's childhood friend.
· The “Homura” sign is on the upper left arm.
A member of "Homura".
Since he was a teenager, he often dated bad boys and girls, and at that point he asked for strength because his friend's girl got caught with a dangerous man and was in danger. He joined "Homura".
Although he was greedy, he began to form a strong bond with Homura's companions and think of Homura as his home.
As Bando's childhood friend, Bando embraces the complex, but Akagi's side silently respects Bando, who can help people even if they take a chance.
A bright and friendly young man. Although he is a good man who answers when asked, there are places where he has a fight, and there are places where he cannot retreat once he starts fighting.
Due to his calm personality, he doesn't bother with small details, and he has a natural feel that makes it difficult for other people to get into him.
He was sociable and had many friends, but he often had many superficial relationships, so the first time he came to "Homura" he felt a strong bond with other people and thought that this was his place.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
With the ability to express flames, he can attack with appropriate fire, such as woods and metal bats, or he can spread the storm with your enhanced physical ability as a clan member.
C (General clan member.)
Roasted meat. Especially Calvi.
Outdoor sports such as surfing and skiing.
He prefers casual and sportswear. He didn't dress it, but he is fashionable enough to stick to small items.
Average height, average size. The body is tight.
He doesn't really like to use his head, but he's smart and understandable.
He wants to protect friends from him. Even if a person is not a judge of justice and another person accuses him of being a villain, he would like to work for that person if he admits it.
Dropped out of high school. He worked part time while hanging out with friends on the street, but when he was eighteen, he joined "Homura". He reunited with his childhood friend, Bando, in "Homura".
· 1992, Shohei Akagi is born.
· 2010, he joins "Homura".
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Akagi returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A person that he terribly admires. He doesn't know what Suoh's thinking, but he doesn't think he can think of himself.
He calls her "Anna".
Once he knew that she was a child to protect, when she awakened as "Red King", he felt very confused and wondered if Anna could be the leader of "Homura".
But after knowing that Anna wants them to be by her side, he runs off and wants to do anything for her. He looks at Anna as a king, a friend, and a girl.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
There is some distance from the recognition that they are the executives of "Homura". If something happens, he talks to Totsuka if he doesn't want to get angry, and to Kusanagi if he needs an emergency.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
Rookie of "Homura". Yata is younger, but is standing above him as he is the court captain and second only to Kusanagi.
He calls him "San-chan".
A childhood friend, a friend he met in "Homura". When he was a child, Bando usually had a complex because Akagi was better than Bando, but Akagi wonders why Bando is so servile. He respects Bando's ability to act in times of emergency.
He calls them: "Chitose-san", "Dewa-san", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. There is basically no relationship between them, but Chitose and Dewa are like adults, so he is a bit shy around them and uses honorifics.
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bi-bobbysoxxers · 4 years
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Stupid random selfies feat. my anime husband, my son, and my other son's gay lover ope
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