perlarara · 6 years
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One sided battle.
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bretcorey · 6 years
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Have been practicing predicting traffic lights sensing when they're going to change even trying to protect my energy to get the light to change, I believe this is something many people do but I do consciously practicing knowing myself. Well yesterday I raise my hand and open my palm to release the light and it changed a that moment . I went on with my day got done doing shopping and as a walk through the parking lot somebody that had seen me do it asked if I knew magic. lol "I said not really, he said give me something no one tells me anything." Truthfully what we are is Energy everything honors is made of matter out of energy thus call Sagan said we are Stardust. Scientist have discovered that consciousness continues after death, this answers the age old question came first consciousness or life. Since consciousness continues after death it is beyond life. Akashic Record is the preconceived universe and energy source comprised of everything that ever was is and ever will be stemming into our reality of life, the energy that we are. Knowing that we come from the same source of energy, and consciousness is electrical impulses between 88 billion neurons of energy in each of us. This means the source of the universe from which all Energy we stem from is a Great consciousness which is why we have consciousness stemming from that consciousness feeling it at times throughout all energy we experience as life. Call it what you like, the connection to God perhaps. When I look into myself I am looking into the eternal universe beyond myself. #knowledgforyourlife #enlightenment #wisdomeoftheday #peace #success #akashicrecord #akashicrecord #akashicfield #knowthyself #universe #eternal #energy #science #stemresearch #enlightened #enlightenment #lightbeing #goodmoring #positivethinking #positivevibes #zen #oldenergy
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aperfectsoul1-blog · 6 years
The Akashic Records are energetic records of all souls about their past lives, the present lives, and possible future lives. Every soul has its own set of Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall of Records of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored energetically. In other words, the information is stored in the Akashicfield . The Akashic Records, however, are not just a compilation of events. They also contain our collective wisdom. For more information or to schedule a reading visit today!!
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be-thecreative · 3 years
"A soul finds it record
Past, present, and future unfold
It reads on, chapters spilling endless knowledge"
A Haiku...Or Whatever...
Music: Quantum - Matter and Energy
#haikupoem #haikuist #haikusaofig #haikusofinstagram #igpoets #igpoetrycommunity #haikugram #akashicfield #akashicrecords #quantumphysics #Akasha #aether #AHaikuOrWhatever
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drlgadbois · 4 years
Memory exists not only as a personal creation we form as the result of what we can call “real life experiences”, but exists as the very basis for knowledge itself as ideas that can be used to create... #akashicfield #akashicrecords #andMemory–TheEthericHolographicBlueprintforCreatingReality
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lilyb444 · 6 years
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#akashicfield #amazingopportunitieslieaheafd #msgoftheday #readingswithlily
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A Holograph of Mirrors
These Randomly Specific People Wander Through my life,
their tests upon my limits lead to newly found extremes.
cuz what I see in you is what I see in me
A mirror of halls - reflecting endlessly
everything that's ever been and all that's yet to be.
Peering through the Looking Glass,
delivered & returned to a place I've never seen,
In finding You,  I find Me
a glimpse beyond the veiled realm that otherwise is blind & past.
In your eyes is Clarity, I want to Know, I Have to See
that which lingers, hovering - A waiting destiny
only to be found by those
who stare into the Deepest Mirrors
Standing Strong & Brave Enough to find Their Own Pathway Clear.
TT {SpiritHeart67} 10.10.13
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drlgadbois · 4 years
Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a metaphorical... #akashicfield #consciousness #electromagneticfields
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drlgadbois · 5 years
Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a metaphorical... #akashicfield #consciousness #electromagneticfields
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Outside The Storm
In the Eye of the Storm
At the Center of the Whirling Vortex do I Stand,
It's Noxious Dust, Chaos & Destruction beset upon the land.
The Devastation Laid Waste Before It
cannot of sense be made.
When Man has lost all logic,
and thoughts of preservation tossed
thru the endless barren desert 
we must somehow find A Way to Cross.
When Words & Acts are in Delusion carried out
Life into Lunacy it's very Self careens,
our means of Course Correction left in Shaking, Weakened Hands.
A line drawn in the sand is where Salvation's found,
stepping over, a move past must, for higher ground be made,
a surveillance point where the air like our vision is clear,
no longer distorted, twisted, blind
by our own or other's fear.
Only from this place can we look out to see
with Clarity another Future's Possibility.
TT {SpiritHeart67} 10.17.13
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Many Roads, One Destination, Choosing The Right Path for Our Purpose
“a bad map is worse than no map at all for it engendered in the traveler a false confidence and might easily cause him to set aside these instincts which would otherwise guide him if he would but place himself in their care. He said that to follow a false map was to invite disaster. He gestured at the sketching in the dirt. As if to invite them to behold its futility. The second man on the bench nodded his agreement in this and said that the map in question was a folly and that the dogs in the street would piss upon it.” ― Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing
This brought to my mind the following 'message:
To not know from where you have come, where you are going and then to follow the wrong path upon your quest/journey to your Life's Purpose is one of the most overlook Personal Tragedy's. It leads to much loss; loss of Time, of Direction, of Trust, of Understanding and Completion.  
When One finds himself 'lost' in life, could it really be as simple as a 'False Map', willingness to relinquish that which has served to lead us no where and an openness to set out upon an entirely new & previously unseen road/route which will be our salvation, ultimately delivering us our Intended Destination?
To do so we must cultivate an awareness & faith in the guidance both from our inner selves and from without that is always available, waiting patiently for us to turn our ear it's way and receive it's loving, gentle Grace.  I do know that 'Ask & You Shall Receive' IS Literal & the Law, it is our willingness to do so that determines if, how & what it will manifest in our Life.
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