dead-ghouls · 1 year
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sketches 🫶
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rivxia · 9 months
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zombieboyfailure · 9 months
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i was cooking on twitter
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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I dont remember ever posting this so take it
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dismoondart · 2 years
CSM manga spoilers
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nihilnothings · 1 year
Who is Fumiko, What is Fumiko, and Why is Fumiko?
“Chainsawman and problematic women name a better duo”
  Today’s chapter has sprung a lot of discussion regarding a controversial character who goes by Fumiko Mifune, a new character within the list of CSM’s problematic women that joins Makima and Himeno in the groomer gang.
Her making inappropriate advances and actions towards minors already makes her be on so many people’s shit list, doesn’t help that she herself is within the “good guys” side (in the loosest term considering that most CSM characters are somewhat morally bankrupt) which makes it squicky for characters as well as the readers to work with someone who does actions that are a little too close to irl, when you make even Denji uncomfortable I think that character should have a moment of self-reflection. However, considering that this is the CSM world and PS as an organisation isn’t really a moral paragon, I think it makes sense to have some problematic nutcases within the organisation (PS really needs to improve their HR department smh). 
Currently people are confused and befuddled on why her previous actions (diddling and humiliating Denji) contradicts the words that she said within the newest chapter (liking Denji for who he is and protecting him). Like most CSM characters, they aren’t often the most straightforward types so if you take their actions and words at face value, you’re probably missing something (or not). Based on the many opinions of people on her there are two ways that you can view her. 
Fumiko the Manipulator 
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One of the ways people can interpret her contradicting statements and actions is to perceive her as a manipulator who would do anything to keep Denji from transforming into Chainsawman. If she has to provide him with sex, so be it. If she has to be a Chainsawman fan, so be it. If she has to say that she likes him, so be it. It has to be remembered that Fumiko works with Yoshida and under PS with the goal of keeping Chainsawman from resurfacing presumably to halt Fami’s plans. This explains why she says a fan of CSM in one page and then says she’s a Denji fan the next few days. She even reveals to him that she and PS invaded his privacy, a fan has a normal amount of idolization. This is just stalker behaviour at this point! 
I think everyone who thinks that she’s merely doing her job would find that this interpretation as making a lot of sense right? Yesn’t. If she were doing her job properly then why’d she blab her mouth about surveillance and why would she give semi-subtle nudges for Denji to maybe reconsider his choices in not being Chainsaw. This could be interpreted as mere teasing or incompetence but Fumiko doesn’t seem to be the type to be that incompetently stupid, she’s carefree but not careless.Therefore her contradictions could mean something else entirely with the below interpretation.
Fumiko the Misguided 
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In the recent chapter, Fumiko mentioned a bit of her backstory of her being caught in the chaos of the battle between AKI47 and Denji. At that moment, two things dawned upon her, CSM is not omnipotent and that he’s but a child. This view of him being imperfect festered and held two contradicting feelings within her where she on one hand wants to be “super” like Chainsaw and at the same time holds some resentment for his inability to save. At the same time, she also developed pity that a boy not even of legal age has been involved in operations meant for adults. These two feelings she felt recontextualizes and explains why she acted differently within their first meeting compared to subsequent ones where she’s much more affable with him. It is not wrong to say that she cares for him but that care is not completely pure as it is “tainted” by the resentment and idolization she felt. In a way the assault can be interpreted as a way of her “caring for his needs” despite it being ethically/morally wrong for her to do so as an adult, according to some people who hold this interpretation. Even if she does care, sad to say Denji doesn’t see it that way as she’s already broken his trust by assaulting him and taking away his privacy, Denji might be often be viewed as desperate but even he has his limits and he himself has had enough of any sort of “care” that only serves to harm his being. Is there any way for reconciliation? Perhaps, but only future chapters can tell. 
I find this interpretation quite interesting as it exemplifies the morally grey and black world of the CSM-verse, it doesn’t forgive her wrongdoings but doesn’t necessarily paint her as a moustache twirling villain either. However, you may ask, is this true? Hard to say considering that this is a first and her backstory while believable feels “stock” that it feels as if there’s more that she’s hiding from Denji as well as the audience. Characters who are often marked for death in order to further the protagonist’s development in CSM tend to have a flashback when explaining their motives or back story and considering she’s a more amoral parallel of Himeno it’s quite odd that she hasn’t had one. 
The Future of Fumiko within the Narrative? 
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With these two interpretations can we now determine her role in Denji’s development considering she’s been attached to him for quite a while? It’s a bit hard to say on where her trajectory is but considering that there’s glimpses of her “caring for him”, as twisted as it is, her development may lead to him having a glimpse of a healthier relationship with women other than Power and Asa during their brief moment in the Aquarium, considering her age she maybe the “mother figure” (still kinda yikes considering what happened in 137) that he’s looking for before getting offed or maybe not and it’s just something platonic where they both see each other as the flawed yet at the same time well meaning individuals that they are before she probably gets killed off. Alternatively, it may be something else entirely because Fujimoto often throws off his readers.
Fumiko isn’t a character that’s meant to be universally liked, with her polarising as well as contradicting actions and statements, she’s meant to incite a divisive reaction amongst the fandom, similar to her predecessor but even worse considering that she’s even more loose and immoral than her. That said, I am hoping that she’s able to stay long enough within the series as there seems to be a lot left to explore within her as compared to Himeno and Yuko who are more or less figured out, Fumiko hasn’t “revealed” all her cards to the cast as well as the audience. Until she reveals it, she can’t die yet lest she becomes merely fodder with no purpose. 
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starlitheaven · 2 years
aki’s IM username is aki47 so that’s who you’re sexting with just so you know <3
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 years
Can I get a Mammon x MC smut scenario where MC is a sadistic, dominant top and Mammon is a masochistic, submissive bottom. Like she’ll spank him until his ass his raw and sobbing for mercy, degrade and humiliate him, cockblock and blueball him until he’s humping her like a bitch in heat. And once they finish MC allows Mammon to cuddle up to her with his face in her tits while she runs her fingers gently through his hair and praises him for being “such a good boy/dog” 🥵🤤 please and thank you!
Hi there!! SO sorry it took me so long to do this!! I mashed your request with my kinktober fic I hope you don't mind!! Here's the link and I hope you enjoy!!
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a-questing-lady · 4 years
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I'm gonna spare people from spoilers for now but this is my reaction to chainsaw man chapter 79
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dead-ghouls · 1 year
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im out of captions
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fablesofkitkat · 2 years
pov: you start to open up to Sero about your family dysfunction
alt. title: i (don't) remember you pt.12
genre: fluff
Now it's three in the morning and I'm trying to change your mind
- Arctic Monkeys
Tags: @vanilacaramel @vtte @blushycontent @charlie-xo @happilyheavenproductions @bl--ankhaeji @mattesatoruuu @that-fic-girl @comehome2myheart @hanta-fr-fr @fancyjellyfishcake @bolinbxby @shijjii @aki47-hayakawa @eijis-stuff @ectoplasmictoast @duchess-l @sana-li @ranrandomesss
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When Sero came back to the dorms despite being 2:00 in the morning, you hugged him tight as if you wanted to seep into his skin. It was apparent that you wouldn't let him go when you jumped and locked your legs together around his waist. He has to carry you now. He went home for the weekend since his ma was nagging him to come visit.
And then during the good night call, he asked you what's wrong and somehow his words was the impetus to the dam of your feelings bursting forth.
"Want to talk about it?"
You burrowed your face in his chest, avoiding eye contact. "You know I mentioned that my parents were college sweethearts, right?"
"Yeah, it's nice." His hands are under your thighs holding you up as he navigates the way to his dorm room.
"Did I ever tell you how my dad decided he was gonna marry my mom?"
Sero shook his head. "No."
"He said the moment he saw her, he knew he was going to marry her." You lean your face away, staring at a spot on his shoulder. "Can you imagine feeling so strongly for someone the first time you saw them and you just knew?"
Because it wasn't like that for us. The thought snuck in with no warning.
You went on, "And I think that's why I think he made a mistake you know because I think he got blinded and failed to see and know who my mom really was."
"But your mom and dad's been married for almost 20 years."
"Yeah," you slumped over him once more, resting your chin on his left shoulder. "I think it's also because for awhile, my dad had to work abroad for higher pay. So alot of their relationship was spent in long distance."
"That's amazing." Sero comments as he reached the door of his dorm room, without needing his prompt you reached and turned the door knob. "Long distance relationships are  hard."
"Yeah, my mom has this huge plastic box that contained letters. Handwritten. Their letters to each other. They used cute stationaries. Letters with actual stamps. I think I used to sneak around and read those letters when I was around 1st grade."
"You think?" He quirked a brow at that as he used one foot to push open the door.
You rolled your eyes. "I snuck around. Happy now, you grammar nazi?"
Sero's lips pressed quickly on your forehead as he laughed.
"Anyways my mom, she's not bad—"
He chuckled, kicking the door gently to close while you glared at him. "I'm sorry. It's just— you're saying it like you're leaving a review on your mom."
"Do you want me to go on?"
"Please." Sero walks over to his hammock, sat on it, and lied down with you still in his arms.
"She wasn't really there for us, for her kids. She never went to PTA meetings. She never oversaw our studies. She hired tutors sure, had nannies to take care of us but she wasn't there which was okay, no big deal. I wasn't hurt by it but she had these expectations that she's the most perfect mother in the world." You adjusted your body to lay in a position that's perfect for you and Sero when you said, "Tell me when your body's getting numb."
"So, my mom wants us to do things like post our greetings on social media on her birthday. Greeting her outside of that doesn't count.Also on mother's day too. She wants to show off all the time." Your forefinger finds its way to Sero's jaw, tracing the shape. "Everything about me is about her especially after getting into U.A., I guess it's because she was the pretty girl in high school and college, she got used to everything being about her. Sucks I didn't inherit her looks."
He put his hand over your wrist. "What do you mean by that?"
"I'm not as pretty as her."
"You're pretty. The prettiest, cariño."
You looked at him thoughtfully and hummed. "I see, interesting." You broke into a smile.
"I'm a bad influence on you. Now you're dishing sass left and right." He grins while his fingers find the spaces between yours, holding your hand. You hear the whizzing of the tape to see Sero using his tape quirk to wound it on the door knob so he can pull on the tape to swing the hammock. "What about tío?"
"He's the best. When my siblings and I were toddlers, he actually stayed here and found work here instead of overseas." You start to smile as you remembered things fondly. "I remember his mango smoothies and coconut smoothies."
"Not strawberries?"
"Mango is the best flavor. But my dad is also a jerk. He's. . . hard to please." You stare at Sero's face, wondering if there will ever be a day you'd get sick of his face. Kami, he's so cute. "I remember the first time I joined a spelling bee contest and I got 2nd place. I was so excited that I got a medal. I come up to him and he asked me, 'why not first?'"
"I know. That's when I know I wouldn't get his approval unless I aim for first. So I didn't. Why exhaust myself to something that's going to take a whole lot of time pleasing someone else when I could just do whatever?" You sniffed at Sero, his cologne smells good. "Besides, if I do become like first all the time, he'd want me to maintain it so.."
"So tío is hard to please?"
"Used to be, now I call him out. And he's soft on me."
"You're a daddy's girl."
"I am."
"Oh. . . so like, you can call me daddy— ow! You smack like you're doing a spike on a volleyball. Sadist." He studies the expression on your face, and tentatively asks, "you feeling better?"
You press a quick kiss on his cheek. "Yeah."
AN: I wanted to write angst so why am I writing fluff. Really sorry if this doesn't resonate with your family dysfunction. I usually make reader's backstory vague as possible.
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zombieboyfailure · 8 months
Hells Bells Chapter 3 is coming up on a word count of 5-6k (aiming to stay within 6k because I want it to be done), but overall its already more than the same size of chapter 1 and 2 combined so I hope it's okay that it's a little late !!
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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just like normal
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ckxuu · 2 years
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atenhyukkie · 7 years
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#kuihraya done 😎 tq @aki47_bakery 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Repeat order this yr sbb cookies mereka semua sedap! Dlm kete tu ade lg 5 balang 😅 Roti aki next time turun bangi sy beli 😄 #aki47 #crookiecookies #moodrayaon
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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Den... ji...
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