ratfest · 4 months
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 month
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"ليستِ القدسُ مدينة إنّما القدسُ عقيدة"
"Kudüs; sadece bir Medine (şehir) değildir. Kudüs; akide (inanç) meselesidir."
Şehid Şeyh İzzeddin El-Kassâm, 1300-1354
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maddisandy · 4 months
no one gets me like greek tragedies get me
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james-p-sullivan · 9 months
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yakazakalb · 9 months
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إنَّ اللَّيْلَ وَ النَّهارِ يَعْمَلانِ فيكَ، فَاعْمَلْ فيهما، وَ يَأْخُذانِ مِنْكَ فَخُذْ مِنْهُما
"Şüphesiz gece ve gündüz, senin üzerinde çalışıp durmaktadır; öyleyse sen de onlar üzerinde çalış. Senden bir şeyler almaktadırlar; o halde sen de onlardan al."
Ömer b. Abdülaziz (رحمه الله)
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cal-leandros-fan001 · 5 months
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Finally finished this. It was supposed to be for Christmas, but oh well. It could be this years' ornament on the tree.
The villain, Wilfre, and Akide, my first ever hero of the game. Got a whole comic in the works on these two.
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cedobols · 2 months
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still alive. me and my friends wc oc's as kids: dove, fox and little
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princeofpittsburgh · 2 months
why.the fuck do people call buck blonde. he literally has brown hair.. r u guys looking at a different guy. cause uhm that's not blonde
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jdmcdonagh · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Jordan's Greatest Rival Axiom(A-Kid) 💕🎂
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snobgoblin · 1 year
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did you know the tuna can lady used to look really cool I just learned that this morning. I think I like the 2000s and 1950s versions best the last two are giving "we're trying to profit off the little mermaid" if I'm honest
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zacksfairest · 8 months
Vys 📙 , Caed 🍐 , Saya 💤 ; Vaela, Lehala, and Ayala all, this is very very important, 🌸
Ask me about my OCs
Vys'kydir - 📙
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Vys is definitely the most reserved out of my little Mando group. He likes to talk about the usual Mando things: weaponry, armor, tactics, etc. He is simple to that effect.
He likes cartography, too. Maps and the like. He and Caed usually work together for any recon that needs to be done for this reason. He has an innate sense of direction, too. Even if he didn't have access to a map in his HUD, he can almost always tell North from South from East from West. It's also why Vys is usually set up as a lookout. He has the area memorized, any escape routes, potential sniper nests their enemies might take up, the best places an ambush might lie in wait—he's got it all covered.
He also likes to read. Being a lookout can get boring sometimes. You gotta have something to keep you awake when things get quiet. He usually turns to reading if he has someone else with him to help with the lookout duty. If not, he blasts music in his helmet.
Caedyc -🍐
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Caed is an OVERWHELMINGLY positive person. He is constantly the one trying to lighten the mood when things get tense, brushing off serious situations with a joke, teasing his squadmates purely to be a pest and get a rise out of them.
He is fucking insufferable, but this makes him a key member of Ayala's squad. She can always rely on him to keep morale up when things go sideways. And he's always there to make her laugh and get her to crack a smile when the pressure starts to mount. Caed is absolutely invaluable to Ayala for this very reason, even when she wants to throttle him because he won't shut the fuck up.
Caed knows this is his niche in the squad, and he is completely fine with that. He's always been the Clan Clown, you could say. And he likes knowing that when things get hard, and boy can they get hard, that his fellow mando'ade can turn to him to get their spirits lifted. Or at least distract them with the desire to strangle him. Anything that helps.
I love Caed a lot.
Saya - 💤
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
Saya lost her mother very young. Like, baby young. Young enough that she has no memory of her birth mother. Not entirely uncommon amongst Mandalorians, mind you. And this was not a loss she felt too keenly. Raising a child is pretty much a community effort for Mando clans even under normal circumstances, but when your clan head loses his wife? You best believe everyone steps in to ensure the child doesn't feel that loss, and to take the onus off the grieving widower.
But Saya was your typical Mando child. Relatively adventurous and plenty brave, constantly seeking whatever trouble she could get into with the other kids. Things changed a bit once Ayala came into the picture. I'd say that Ayala might have been? 5? Ish? When Aran adopted her and brought her and Eliava back home with him, putting Saya at 4, though pretty close to 5 herself.
Once Ayala was in the picture, Saya was enamored. She had a big sister now! Just like so many of her friends! I'd say that, even though there are definitely other alien races amongst Clan Ger'Mana, Ayala and her mother are the only Twi'leks, so Saya was entranced. She would tug at Ayala's and Eliava's lekku a lot, which hurts like a bitch because it's not like tugging on hair. She would get gently scolded a lot for that, but it's a habit that's continued into her adulthood when she decides she wants to be a brat to her big sister—or perhaps when Ayala needs to be humbled a bit. It happens.
Saya definitely went through a bit of a bratty phase as a teenager, especially once it became clear that Ayala was the one being praised for her prowess in all things Mandalorian. Like, Saya was by no means forgotten or Not Good Enough, but it was always clear that Ayala was just Better.
There was a lot of feelings of inadequacy there for while, and sometimes Saya would take that frustration out on Ayala when sparring and such. They do eventually work this out, but it remains a quiet rivalry between the two of them until they are on the cusp of their 20's I'd say. Saya came to see that, though Ayala received a lot of praise and accolades for her skills and training and leadership, it came with a lot of pressure and expectations. Ayala took it all in stride, but Saya could see the way it weighed her sister down, and decided to, instead of adding to that weight, support her. If her sister was going to be their leader one day, the least she could do was help her bear the burden.
Ayala also saw how unfair it was that she, who had been brought into the clan, was overshadowing her younger sister, and so basically became Saya's number one fan and training partner. She sparred with her, took her on patrols, and trained her. It's part of why Saya is a part of her squad. What better way for Saya to learn than by example?
And Saya is a truly stellar Mandalorian, truly. Ayala makes sure she knows this. And Saya comes to accept it as truth as well, especially once their squad starts going out into the galaxy and starting all sorts of trouble.
Vaela, Lehala, and Ayala -🌸
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Genuinely shocked you did not ask this of Vys. But that can be a question for another day.
We all know what Vaela sounds like. I have no shame when I say that she sounds exactly as she does in the campaign. She has a heavy city-going accent, and I'd say her vocal timbre is pretty middle of the road for a woman. Not super deep, but not the high pitched cutesy bullshit out of an anime.
Vaela personally hates her laugh. She thinks it's loud and obnoxious, but her friends and family alike have said it's infectious and an absolute joy to hear.
And yes, she can sing. There. I said it. Maybe Zaresh made her sing sometimes for him. Shut up.
Lehala's voice is powerful. Not that she is loud, but her voice has an air of authority and surety to it. Her voice is also on the deeper side and has a slight accent. It's a weird one; you can hear bits of a typical tiefling accent in there, or at least the kind of accent you'd expect a tiefling to have, but it's not quite right.
A fact! This is because, as the Namda are not a mono-racial species, they all live and exist among many accents and ways of speaking. So their accent can be a weird amalgamation of their species' accent combined with others.
Lehala's laugh is usually a bit reserved. More of a low chuckle. Sometimes she can be made to really bark out a loud laugh, but that's kind of rare.
Alas, Lehala cannot sing. A pity. Imagine how nights around the camp would be if we had that. Traditional Namda ballads every night.
My darlingest girl! Ayala has a similar air of authority to her voice that Lehala does, but her voice is of a bit of a higher pitch. I'd say maybe ever so slightly higher than Vaela's.
Ayala has an absolutely delightful laugh. It is almost musical. You could almost call it girlish, if I had to sum it up in a word. One of those damned Disney Princess-esque laughs.
I am giving the ability to sing to Ayala, if only because she WILL sing in mando'a around Thrawn, goddamnit.
She doesn't have much of an accent, though. If Mandalorians had an accent, I'd give her that, but we are going to go with the same explanation I gave to Lehala. Mandalorians are not a monolith, there are so many different species that make up the people, so their accent is not really able to be placed.
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regalityandcoffee · 1 year
Hello I am literally incapable of being normal about this clip please enjoy
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birues · 1 year
Top 9 shows! Tagged by @lavampira ty bestie 💜💜💜
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1) Six Flying Dragons: A historical drama that tells the story of the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, great acting, great characters, great moments, great music... Love it very much
2) The Untamed: I can't say the cinematography, CGI, costumes and such are good with The Untamed but the story makes up for it thousandfold. It has so many of my favorite tropes as well. Wei Wuxian, chaotic necromancer bisaster, you'll always be famous <33
3) Nirvana in Fire: What can I even say about NiF? It's my favorite tv series ever. So masterfully written and done. Chronically ill scheming genius man back from the dead to achieve his goals and to get revenge? It's a masterpiece everyone definitely should watch. A fair warning tho, first few episodes may seem slow and confusing.
4) Heaven Official's Blessing: Unfortunately only its first season is out but even then, i would be lying if i i say it isn't one of my favorite series ever. Mostly because the books are my favorite but also it has beautiful animation that conveys the emotions so well.
5) Black Sails: I'm currently watching it and let me tell you, I'm hyperfixated on this show, the only reason you do not see me reblogging gifs it's bc i avoid spoilers. When i finish it, it's over for y'all
6) Andor: best star wars tv series to this day, made me so emotional
7) Flower of Evil: God... The suspense and the twists in this drama. The trauma... The feelings... The love...*Cries*
8) Avatar The Last Airbender: One of my favorite shows since i was a kid
9) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I don't think there's anything to say about this. If you haven't watched it go watch it. FUCK YEAH
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murcielagatito · 1 year
“dont say you dont love me”
“i never said that”
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cal-leandros-fan001 · 5 months
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W.I.P. Comic
A scene from where the Hooded Raposa(who is so obviously Wilfre) reveals himsel to Akide. Wilfre tells Akide "I'm just an old man, find someone younger to love" and he seemed to have forgotten that Akide was a vampire-
Akide goes from being emotional at their reunion to giddy at the chance to introduce Wilfre to his very powerful and scary dad-
I have shipped Akide and Wilfre for almost 16 years and am only just NOW drawing their kiss scene... TTnTT
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anyab · 7 months
tyb halla2 l su2al li byotra7 nafso. israel ra7 ydahro 250 shakhes l khatfinun men l 7bouse taba3hun. shu li byudman enno ma yerja3o ye3te2luwun aw ye3te2lo ghayrun enno l atraf li twasato lal deal 7a yedmano hek shi?
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