akimeowk · 7 months
This is the first time i'm writing anything for the genshin fandom buuuut
I cant stop thinking about like, Freminet accidentally pulling a siren goddess or smth like that.
Like imagine he goes diving one day and comes back with an extremely tall gf that has blue scales on her in patches.
Lyney: ...whatcha got there Freminet..?
Freminet: *currently being carried by this 8 ft tall lady with claws and fins and shit* a smoothie
I'd imagine that she can shapeshift between a siren form, a much more normal human form, and a kind of in between form (like described above).
Would anyone be interested in me trying to write this? It could be x reader or i could turn her into an "oc" (most of my ocs are self inserts imma be honest)
Let me know what yall think
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akimeowk · 7 months
Siren Goddess Reader Hcs
Y'all voted for this, sorry if it's bad
I don't write fanfiction often lol
Fem reader because i specified goddess and i don't think i'd be good at gender neutral
Warnings: some stalking, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of selling people, mentions of drowning
Before i get into reader and freminet, i feel like some info about my ideas on sirens should be shared
Sirens come in the following three forms:
Shallow water:
These are the smallest sirens. They tend to stick near the surface and around islands, often have tanner skin. They feast on small fish and land animals. They closely resemble mermaids, except with sharp teeth to eat meat.
Open water:
These ones are longer than shallow water sirens. They swim in to deeper waters and don't go near land often. A little more blue in skin tone than shallow sirens. They swim way more than shallow sirens, so they have more fins to help them swim quickly. The fastest of the sirens, they hunt larger fish.
Deep water:
These sirens are HUGE. Because they live in the depths of the ocean, they can grow to extreme lengths. They don't often go to the surface, because of this their skin is unnatural shades of blue. They often have claws. They don't chase their prey, they evolved to swim at consistent speeds for longer distances. Their color allows them to blend in, stalking their prey silently.
Y/n is most like a Deep water siren, however she's not actually a specific kind of siren. She's technically a mix of all three.
Also some backstory
Y/n was friends with Egeria (hydro archon) before the archon war. The sirens used to all live in the dark sea, but frequent hunting caused them to seek shelter in Fontaine.
When the archon war began, Y/n knew she wasn't strong enough to become an archon. But she couldn't allow her daughters to die. So she asked for help from Egeria.
Egeria agreed to help, and sealed off a large underwater cavern so that only Y/n could allow people to enter and exit. The sirens all hid, and haven't been seen since.
But even queens surrounded by their children get lonely, so Y/n finally decided to take a trip into Fontaine.
Freminet just wanted to go for a beachside walk. He didn't expect to come back with a clingy fish lady.
How Y/n and Freminet met:
Y/n had been seen by some people in her half siren form, and they were trying to capture her to sell her. She was perfectly capable of defending herself, and was about to, but Freminet stepped in, thinking she was in danger.
Freminet had recognized her from an old fairytale.
One about hideous monsters disguised as beautiful sea women that lure sailors to their deaths. She fit the description of them, except the tail. He thought that maybe the fairytale had some truth, and that she was an endangered species, hence why he decided to help her.
In awe of how a human could care enough about a creature like her to fight his own kind, she decided "he's adorable. He's mine now."
She fully planned on keeping him in her domain, but when she picked him up and started walking away, he freaked out (he thought he was gonna be eaten), and convinced her to let him go home.
They ran into each other by "coincidence" (Y/n stalked him until the perfect time to reveal herself) later and had an actual chat. Freminet learned that no, she didn't plan on eating him. Y/n learned that it's actually morally wrong to stalk people and very creepy, along with what kidnapping is.
Human customs are so strange.
Y/n is already infatuated with him right away, but Freminet doesn't quite like her like that yet. At most its a simple "she's really interesting, i wanna get to know her better" kind of thing.
Though that starts to change as Y/n makes an effort to court him with sea related gifts and cute dates.
Also, she can carry him.
I think he'd just swoon over a lady who can literally sweep him off of his feet.
He's always trying to be strong for other people, he needs someone to be strong for him so he can lower his guard for once.
And who better than a giant sea goddess who's head over heels for him?
He'd have a wonderful time in her domain.
So many sirens... if only the looks they were giving him weren't ones of hunger and bloodlust...
At least the caverns are gorgeous.
He wouldn't be able to explore her domain on his own for a while. Too many sirens that have been deprived of their favorite food for too long.
Once they start to understand how attached their queen is to this human, they back off.
Back to Y/n being in Fontaine
Freminet (obviously) can't stay in the caverns forever. So he has to leave for long periods of time.
But without her favorite human to occupy her, Y/n quickly finds that the caverns are too boring.
The sirens are all big girls. They can handle themselves! At least until Y/n gets back.
Of course, she has to go about it differently than last time (Freminet banned her from exiting the caverns without him unless she disguised herself.) She forgot that sirens are nothing but a myth to humans now, so showing up in her semi-siren form will only attract unwanted attention.
The solution? Human form!!!
I think it'd be funny if her human form was a little bit shorter than Freminet. Amongst other sirens she's HUGE. But if she was scaled down like other sirens, nope. Below average length. Which is why her human form is on the shorter side.
The sirens find it hilarious. Y/n, not so much.
Of course we can't forget about our favorite twins (wonderful transition i know), Lyney and Lynette!
As funny as the whole iCarly smoothie scene is, i don't think they'd meet Y/n in her semi-siren form or her full siren form right away.
The house of hearth is in the middle of fontaine, Y/n is NOT sneaking past that many people.
Freminet also wanted to wait a bit before letting his siblings meet her. Y/n isn't exactly... caught up on human culture.
After a month of dating though, the twins get suspicious of all the "walks" late at night that he's been taking.
They immediately figure out he's been going on dates with someone, just haven't figured out who.
At this point, Freminet deems Y/n educated enough on modern Fontaine to only be slightly strange.
So the twins finally meet her in her human form.
But they know something is off.
It's uncanny valley for them. She looks human, acts human, talks human, but you just get that feeling that something isn't right.
Freminet doesn't seem to notice their discomfort. Or maybe he does, and he's just praying that the months worth of lessons he gave Y/n didn't go in one ear and out there other.
Lyney puts up a front. He doesn't trust Y/n one bit. But he doesn't have any reason to start a commotion. So he acts friendly and observes for now.
Lynette i think would be a bit conflicted.
She's like Lyney in the sense that she doesn't trust Y/n. However, Freminet is smiling and chatting happily with somone who isnt from the house of hearth or the traveler. He's opening up to someone without the help of his siblings.
She decides that as long as Y/n doesn't hurt Freminet, then there's no issue with her being human or not.
It's still gonna take some work for them to fully trust her.
They'd find out shortly afterwards that Y/n is a siren.
Lyney, wanting to learn more about this strange girl who just showed up one day, suggests that they follow her home.
Lynette finds it ridiculous at first, but she can't help but be curious as well.
So they follow Y/n and Freminet from a far.
I honestly don't think they'd be that surprised when they see Y/n shift into her half-siren form.
"You mean the random girl who's never been seen around fontaine before, has no records of existing EVER and has a strange fascination with trying to drown fishermen, is a siren? How shocking. :|"
Like, they're not surprised that she's not human. But the siren thing? A little shocking. Actually, Freminet spends 80% of his days in the water diving. So maybe they shouldn't be that surprised.
Y/n knew Lyney and Lynette were following them. She doesn't care. She may not be able to win in the Archon war, but she damn sure can keep two human magicians silent.
Unfortunately, now things are awkward. Lyney and Lynette know that their brother is dating a sea monster. Y/n is too smug for her own good.
Freminet is struggling. How did he get into this mess?
Whenever Freminet leaves to hang out with Y/n, Lyney tells him to "not let her eat him alive"
Most people think it's a joke. Freminet knows it's genuine advice.
I think i'm running out of ideas.
Lyney and Lynette finding out that Y/n is a goddess would have to wait for another day
Feel free to request some things if you have any ideas! I think i'll only write for Freminet for now though
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!!
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akimeowk · 7 months
Okay i'm making one last post about this before i give up and move in to writing other things
The siren goddess reader x Freminet post is up on my profile! For some reason it hasn't been showing up in the tags!
Please go check it out if you can!!!
Thank you :)
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akimeowk · 7 months
Tumblr hates me, i've tagged the siren goddess post properly yet it doesn't show up in the tags??? But a post made 8 hours ago does??? I'm so confused. The original post is made vanished from the tag too idk why.
Can someone explain? Please?
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akimeowk · 7 months
For some reason my posts don't show on this tag despite me making sure i tagged them right so...
The siren goddess reader hcs are posted on my profile!
If you guys would like more stuff related to it, please feel free to send requests!
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akimeowk · 8 months
Decided i'm going to post more on here so SONIC OC DOODLE DUMP WOOOO!!!!
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I have more but i forgot to take a picture of them- anyways that's the silly kitty i love her and need to draw her more (despite the fact that i doodle her on all my assignments everyday-)
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