aakipple · 8 months
making 3 art posts in a row for 3 different fandoms within 10 mins of each other kind of makes me laugh. ok good night
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kuroheishi · 3 years
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|| crawls away time for me to be off for today! I have work tomorrow and I need to eat, I forgot to have dinner wops, when I’m having fun I forget basic survival functions haha.....
Thank you everyone also for sending me some prompts from my latest meme thing, I’ll reply to them as soon as I can!!!
And THANK YOU ALL AGAIN FOR TODAY!!!! For all the kind words, all the support and just general positive atmosphere it really made my day and I hope I can keep sending you always double of it back because you all damn deserve it! I will bury you of good stuff and love and you can’t stop me hah!
Remember to stay always safe, stay hydrated and be good to one another!!
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otousamayobeyo-blog · 7 years
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“Celty-kun you’re making me blush like this!”
Probably Celty after telling Shingen he is creepy as heck part 1.
|| HELLO EVERYONE WOAH, it’s been so long since I have posted something in here sdghsdghjsd I am having huge changes in my life right now so I’m pretty much absent from Tumblr in general BUT I had to say hi here before disappearing again because I will never forget about my fave crazy old man, so here have this kawaii Shingen. When I’ll have some more free time, I will post more Shingen’s pics I took because I MUST show them to the world thumbs up!
If anyone might be interested in cosplay or nerdy/otaku stuff tho, you can find me on Instagram where I am way more active there:
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theclosetpoet7 · 5 years
I have been meaning to type this up for so long. I just wanted to update my friends here on tumblr. So first of all, you might have read in my previous posts about the reason for my hiatus. I honestly didn’t think it would take this long. But I just wanted to let you guys know that I passed that test I was studying hard for and am waiting for the results of another (crossing fingers), and yet again studying for the next step.
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I also wanted to be transparent and share what I went through. 2018 was pretty hard for me. First of all, it wasn’t my first time taking that test. I took it before but unfortunately failed. And it had broken my confidence. 
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It took me sooo long before I could get back on that horse and try again. I always postponed because the possibility of failing again always stood in my way. Last year, I wanted to uninstall tumblr so I could focus on that test. It took me a while to realize that I had to focus on fixing myself first.
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Anyway, long story short, it was a tedious journey which involved me moving somewhere else and going through feeling like shit as well as heartbreak before I was able to say that no, self-pity will not get you anywhere. And I know this might seem childish, but I always reminded myself that even Sakura failed her first attempt at the chuunin exam. haha It might seem crazy that I am taking inspiration from a fictional character granted that her circumstance was different. But it did help. 
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So, I was able to get past that test and finally passed it earlier this year. I wanted to update you guys as soon as I could but did not feel like it yet. It also has something to do with me being at a standstill with my fics. Because I can’t seem to get out whatever creativity I had before. I know it’s gonna come back to me someday though. So, I deeply apologize for not updating my fics. Please know that all your reviews are being read and are always deeply appreciated. As an avid reader of fanfic myself, I know how it feels to be left hanging with a story I’m following. 
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What was the purpose of this post again? I just wanted to say to anyone who is struggling right now, for those who have been discouraged to go after their dreams and to those who have been broken due to any kind of failure, I just want you to know that “No, it is not the end. And Yes, you can make a comeback. Don’t give up! Make the necessary sacrifice to get you there. And most all, Believe in yourself. And to that test, Shannaro!”
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youngmar4 · 7 years
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170609 BOYFRIEND in Aki Twitter and Instagram Story Update ~
Today I was MC in the release event of BOYFRIEND。 Hyunseong, happy birthday🎂
Also tomorrow at Shibuya 109 will be the 12th AKITALK! The tickets are sold out!Looking forward to it☺️
Cr: AKITALK0130 | akistargram | Trans by me youngmar4 *u*💖
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aakipple · 1 year
catching tumblr up with my art👍 dont mindme
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kuroheishi · 5 years
Random talks
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|| I kinda am confused on why people get iffy or do not understand Shinoa’s developping in the story. This girl was basically created to be a vessel, she was raised with the idea of not being able to express any feelings at all and with a family who was going to each other’s throats and-
Is it really that bad that Kagami is showing her weaknesses now? Is it really that much of a uh... Shock that a 15 yo teenager can develop a crush for a character like Yuuichiro who basically can draw towards him everyone around him?
I do not find so surprising that Shinoa can for the first time have some confused feelings for a boy of her same age, especially for Yuuichiro; everyone around him looks up to him, respects his pure feelings and determination, he is warm sunshine for the pain that surrounds all of them and I find it weird how people see all of this disappointing. I would 100% crush for someone as kind as Yuu if he existed jeez and I actually find it amazingly adorable and liberating for Shinoa that she could finally find a way to open up the gates of her heart - for how much it concerns me her safety argh.
I swear if it’s because of Mikayuu I am going to scream so hard to break sound barrires in the freaking universe. I really will never understand why female charcaters always receive worse treatments to male characters, it’s not fair.
I do support 270% Kagami’s developping of the story and I am looking forward to knowing what he is going to reveal in the future!!!
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otousamayobeyo-blog · 7 years
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// aH I am sorry I am never online I don’t even know if there is anyone around actually but I am passing by to leave some shoots of my Shingen cosplay BECAUSE YES I COSPLAYED AS SHINGEN AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN GUYS!!!! 
I got to go around my city as Shingen and literally, I crossed the road making weird dramatic poses and singing loudly too A WHOLE BUS WAS STARING AT ME but it was super much fun.
@chaoticeternity was so ashamed of knowing me C’:
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aakipple · 2 years
changed my url!! formerly ayu-miya :)
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aakipple · 2 years
good evening..... an entire day later and i finally finished eps 1-13 of tiger and bunny 2..... how are you all holding up
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aakipple · 2 years
once again sorry to all the non-taibani fans following me . not my fault the tag has new posts everyday
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aakipple · 2 years
happy tiger and bunny 2 day
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aakipple · 3 years
hi just wanted to say that while i dont mind people using my art as icons, i'd appreciate it if you asked me first >< BUT if you dont want to do that at least credit me somewhere🙏 thank you
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aakipple · 3 years
oujggjgjhh.h......i like this new tumblr update
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aakipple · 3 years
oh right its august. happy kagepro month fellas
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aakipple · 3 years
deleted a reblog just now i did not watch the video but people were saying its cursed ,,, i thoight it was just a regular gokushufudou post ww sorry abt that
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