#akljdhiut soft morgsele feels my beloved~!
loosesodamarble · 3 years
Morgsele with 17, 18, & 19 for the OTP 20 Questions!
Ooooh! Thank you for the questions, Ian!
17. Who is the better singer?
Morgen had the voice of an angel. Or a nightingale. Or bells. Josele changed how she described it every time she talked about it.
Morgen, along with playing piano, learned to sing. He had a beautiful, gentle voice from years of practice. Even though he didn't diligently train his musical skills after becoming a Magic Knight, he continued to sing once in a while. Usually, it was for Josele. Lullabies in order to help her sleep.
Musically speaking, Josele's singing voice is quite nice. Nothing nearly as clear and lovely as Morgen's, but she can carry a tune quite well. She learned little folk songs and lullabies from her parents then picked up other melodies from the twins.
18. Who has the best jokes?
I would say that Josele's sense of humor hits better than Morgen's. That's not to say that Morgen is unfunny just more niche.
Josele's humor is rooted in common things that everyone can understand. She also makes jokes from the situations she finds herself in and pointing out the absurdities of life. If asked to throw someone a bone, she could respond that she doesn't have bones on her and it's gross to assume so.
Morgen's jokes would've fit in more with high-brow comedy. Jokes that take knowledge on etiquette or current events to understand. Like... "The Importance of Being Earnest" (I'm so poorly read that it's the only one I could think of). He probably got a big reaction from other nobles but people like Josele and Yami would've been very lost.
19. Who’s the better cook?
Josele is most definitely the better cook between her and Morgen. She grew up helping with chores around the house, cooking included. Meanwhile, Morgen wouldn't have been able to tell a grape from a grapefruit.
Josele would cook homey and hearty meals made from ingredients that she might've hunted and gathered herself. She taught Morgen a little bit during their time together but he never became as confident in the kitchen as her.
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