#aknk spoilers
seraphirism · 2 months
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Butler’s Cruise Vacation - Event story backgrounds + Muu’s outfit!
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darnossweater · 2 years
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It's not quite March 5th where I live, but happy birthday, Berrien! The memory was very cute 😭 💜
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kamidukki · 7 months
[AKNK] The Prophecy ⚠ spoiler warning ⚠
四つの光が地上を照らし 知恵なき者に裁きを下す
Four lights will descend upon the earth, casting the judgment on the ignorants
三千世界の最後の希望は 絶望と共に生きる者
Three-thousand world's last hope lies upon those who lives with despair
二十の悪魔の魂も 天を埋める無数の羽にはまだ足りない
Twenty demon souls are missing against the countless feathers scattered in heaven
一場の春の夢は 数年以内に覚めるだろう
The fleeting dream of spring will be awaken in few short years
--- [Note] ---
Okay. Rough translation, and I'm not too sure if certain parts are even acceptable. Thankfully the butlers (and the lord and Muu) went on deciphering the prophecy among themselves so it didn't become too confusing. Below is their interpretation.
First line: four lights referred to the intelligent angels (followed by a discussion how the last angel would still missing from their knowledge if that were the case)
Second line: those who live with despair = devil butlers. Muu inquired about the 3000 thousand world part. Boschi told him there's a saying in the Eastern Land that mentioned about it. It roughly means [この世界の全て], which roughly translated into everything that makes up/is in this world (?). Idk really. Better ideas are absolutely welcome.
Third line: demon souls were literally interpreted as the demons themselves. Since it said 20, they talked about how they were short of 4 people. Muu brought up Bern (or whatever his romanisation is), but in the end they would still miss three people. A brief talk about the need to look for more three butlers ensued.
Fourth line: Boschi mentioned a four-character idiomatic compound aka yojijukugo. 一場の春の夢 (fleeting dream of spring) becomes 一場春夢 (a metaphor for the transience of glory or prosperity). Frankly? I have no idea what to make about this. They didn't elaborate much on this part. Boschi simply said something bad was gonna happen in a few years (aka a literal take) and that was it.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 2 months
Once again - Berrien x Aruji-sama (you!)
☆Gender is not specified ☆Slight spoilers from chapter 4 of aknk ☆Angst then Comfort :3 ☆My headcanon of how Aruji-sama comes to the aknk world (at the end) ☆Time skips for every section. (section 1 - 30 years ago, section 2 - A few minutes ago, section 3 - N O W)
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Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirp outside.
The monochrome man’s eyes flutter open, his eyes squinting at the light as he yawns.
Rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to wake up, he stumbles towards the curtains and opens them.
Morning has come. And like always, another day has begun.
The monochrome man wakes up his two co-workers and prepares for the day.
Comb his hair, fix his tie, and tidy up his side of the room.
He is now ready to start his day.
He greets everyone he meets in the halls, some already competing their duties, some half asleep, and a few… quite literally sleepwalking.
Everything seems to be in order.
Yes… “Order”. The constant loops they all live in.
Repeated routines, same pairs of clothes, tedious chores… this is the constant loop they go through every day.
Living a somewhat immortal life may sound exciting, but it is a tiring and torturous experience.
The time era you lived in… the memories of the past… the people you once knew, all pass away in a blink of an eye. But that’s only how story authors describe it.
They’re not completely wrong, though. Time does move fast.
But his first XXX years of solitary went by too slowly. As if life was mocking him for his existence.
Although it happened centuries ago… it still shakes his soul.
Even if his memory is quite damaged, the mere thought of having to experience that again gives him a feeling of…
What do you call this feeling?
Sorrow? Hopelessness? Despair?
Whatever it is. He hates it. He never wants to experience it again.
No matter how many times he wants to scream, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to run away, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to DIE… he doesn’t want to.
Not now. He must stay strong for all of them.
and for his father and brother…
Another few decades have passed.
Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirps outside.
The monochrome man walks through the halls and enters a room, with a pair of teacups and a teapot in each of his hands.
He sets down the fragile objects down on a nearby table, and opens the curtains.
Sunlight beams into the room and on his pale skin.
Today is yet another beautiful day.
The man returns to his usual standing spot and fixes his tie. He fiddled with his gloves and he patiently waited.
Who is he waiting for you may ask?
It’s Y O U of course!
Come on, don’t keep him waiting!
Put on the ring! Come and say hi to him!
A twirl of light appears in front of the monochrome man. He gasps in delight.
You’re finally here!
Small golden butterflies fly out of the light and form into a person.
Your vision slowly returns as you turn your head towards the man.
His pink eyes, filled with adoration are focused onto you.
A soft giggle escapes your mouth. “I’m back, Berrien”
The man, now identified as Berrien, responds to you with a huge smile adorning his gorgeous face.
“Welcome back, Aruji-sama”
He would gladly go through all of those years of solitary again if it meant that he could see you again
Thank you for breaking this cycle, Y O U .
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[—🎀—🍩—🎀—] 🍩Glaze's Notes: *comes back from a burnout cutely* hii :3 this shot idea just came into my mind just when I was trying to sleep. I decided to make this into my comeback post for my burnout -3-
Last edited - July 26th 2024 {Please let me know if there are any typos in this post, and I will fix them right away!}
✦ Want to read more of my works? Come and take a look at my Masterlist! Have a nice day, toodles! ✦
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pardi-real · 5 months
thoughts on the latest update in ch4 of aknk????
i have so many questions right now and i cant wait for the other parts to update 😭
i reaaaaally have a feeling it's boski's turn to demonize this time
also it's really strange that farin looks like his mother tho 🤔 its either they're blood-related relatives or it's really his mother but it's like the same situation with tricia
Hey there! I did read some spoilers for Episode 3 onwards, but I haven't found the motivation to actually read the main story (or other story) in-game past Episode 3 part 1. You might be right Boschi got the spotlight for this episode, from his lineage reveal to that Emperor attire 🤔... he looks so fine with his smooth long hair bruh and that elf looks nice too
That said, the people in the server do have discussion about it. Feel free to join, Akuneko enjoyers! 😄 (Sometimes discussing about other games too-)
Edit: fixed link
Unrelated ramblings ⚠️⤵️
sometimes I just wanna
Lay down contemplating things
gacha games
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These all are this week
Maybe I'll just get back to event story and do that one event story with Lato & Lucas in one event
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4ltrd · 11 months
i noticed you posted most of lamli's UR version of his ssr cards and it's actually prohibited because it's a spoiler and it's also in their terms and conditions. i hope you take it down.
Hey, guess what? I don't give a shit! So take your capitalist snitch attitude somewhere else. 😘
I don't post/translate the stories that go with these cards (which are the best part), and you seeing the UR doesn't mean you get the extra hairs, voice lines, etc. in your inventory. You have plenty of reasons to try to draw the card and unlock it yourself.
And while I can support AKNK with my money, not everyone else is that position. Gashapon aspects of games favor those with money to blow willy nilly and are predatory. (Please go read the multitudes of studies on gambling, addiction, and gashapons/loot boxes.) It's the worst type of capitalism.
Nobody who gives money to AKNK decides not to make purchases because they see a UR on my tumblr.
So block my blog if you don't like it. There, I solved your problem! 😊
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YOUNGER BASTIEN also jessica......hello sir
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m4yun0meme1ng · 2 years
Akuneko episode 1, chapter 34 spoiler warning
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Short Stories Collection
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Reminder: Beware of Spoilers within each one and also past relation.
Supernatural Team (Group Chat 1) -Here
Ship Writings
Lynette x Melanie -[Here]
Geoffrey x Julian -[Here]
Mireille x David -[Here]
Tatsuo x Ellis -[Here]
Chizuko x Flynn -[Here]
AU Ship Writings
Lynette x Mellow (Detective AU) [Here]
One Shots
A Smile of the moon (AKNK) - [Here]
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seraphirism · 1 month
what happened at the end of chapter 4?? im not really updated anymore due to busy schedule :/
hii, and I’d be happy to explain (*^^*)!
readers, please be aware that there are spoilers below (of chapter 4 and “wish upon a black rabbit” or 黒兎に願いを込めて event story) so proceed with discretion!
I tried my best to condense it but I wasn’t sure how far you had read, plus the story following part 3 of chapter 4 till part 5 is completely connected (in a way that you wouldn’t understand one part if you didn’t know the previous part) so I gave it my best shot! I’ll include a tldr at the very end so you can read that if you want to avoid the barrage of text; I went kinda overboard?
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in chapter 4, as we know, Boschi’s demon took over him; he lost control to it. but unlike the case of Bastien, Haures and Lato where they lost control because of an emotional outburst (caused by extreme despair or rage), Boschi gave control to his demon on purpose.
(just in case if you don’t know/remember why, let me give a brief summary!)
Aruji and the second floor butlers were sent over to guard the Seirans/セイラン, a noble family in the East. this was after kidnappings and attacks were done by an unknown assailant (the white headed, elf looking guy). the stranger was specifically targeting nobles associated with the Sardis family.
while they were there, the butlers were at the same time investigating if the Seiran family had been in cahoots with the Sardis family (you know in, child trafficking and experimentation).
earlier in the chapter Boschi revealed that around 300 years ago, his mother and grandmother (who was actually his nanny) were killed on the orders of Seiran family. (that was a long story; if you want me to explain that, please send me another ask, I’ll do that separately :D!)
then skip to a week later, while Aruji and the butlers were staying at their residence (and doing their guard duties) the elf guy kidnapped the head of the Seiran family. Boschi decided he and Ammon would protect Aruji and the wife of the head of the family (while they stayed in the Seiran family’s residence), and Haures and Fennesz would leave to search for the head of the Seiran family with the help of his guards.
elf guy was targeting the families associated with Sardis. that’s because a large group of his people/compatriots went missing/were kidnapped; he suspected the Seiran family was involved with it (due to their association with the Sardis family that were publicly exposed to be carrying out human trafficking. )
it is later revealed that the Seiran family was responsible for that, in particular the wife of the head of the family (because of her twisted obsession with beauty; you’d need a separate post to understand her). she was later injured by Seraphim and killed by elf guy. unfortunately for elf guy, his people are then taken by Seraphim and Cherbim.
then Chrone/スローン attacked Aruji, Boschi and Ammon whilst this happened. however this time was different; instead of trying to kill the butlers, he was attempting to kill Aruji (so the butlers would become seriously upset/angry and thus fall under the control of their demon, fight Chrone in that state to see how strong the butlers really are. (his mission was to access the full strength of the butlers).
whilst fighting, Boschi loses his prosthetic arm protecting Aruji.
(boschi’s demon is called Zaebos/ザエボス by the way!)
Zaebos offers to give Boschi all his power for this fight (basically unlock his full potential) if Boschi agrees to give up his life to the demon (i.e die) by the end of the fight. their whole talk and meeting happens in Boschi’s subconsciousness. Boschi agrees after he loses his prosthetic arm, the incident acting as a trigger.
(he realised he and Ammon couldn’t defeat Chrone by the time Haures and Fennesz would arrive and Aruji could lose their life.).
before fully losing control to his demon (like how Bastien and the rest did), he gives Ammon a warning. then he attacks Chrone. in the end, both Ammon and Boschi managed injure Chrone enough for him to agree to leave when Seraphim asks him to (since they got an idea of how strong the devil butlers are under the influence of their demon.)
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but Boschi, having lost complete control to his demon side, now attacks Ammon. Ammon, having trained with Boschi for years and years on end, well aware of Boschi’s moves and what was Boschi’s weakness in a fight (—he gets exhausted easily and rapidly loses energy to fight.), exploits this. Boschi collapses in the end, Aruji comes over and does their whole usual going into their “heart”.
this time though, when Aruji goes there, Boschi was chained to a throne (I think it was a throne?) and asleep, and Zaebos (who has the form of a leopard by the way) appeared and told Aruji that it’s no use trying to awaken Boschi because he had promised his life to him in return for power.
Aruji tries their best (which was a very emotional scene by the way, the way they kept calling out for Boschi despite Zaebos telling them that Boschi is gone for good 😭) and Boschi finally manages to hear their voice (he was in a dream-like place with his mother and grandmother, possibly passing over to the other side/about to die). he comes back and tells his demon that while he did promise to give his life to the demon, he did not specify “when” he’d give his life up (that was such a move on his part, our king ✨). so long story short, Boschi promises to give his life up to the demon when Aruji dies in the future (so he’ll die when Aruji dies.).
next thing you know, he manages to wake up with Ammon collapsed at his side. Fennesz and Haures arrive with the master of the Seiran family (who they found on their way back in a bad state). His wife, Falin is dead. there will be trials in the East to implicate the Seiran family officially.
there’s a whole mess going on with Eastern Lords Alliance but Finley will attempt his best to settle the situation; he also adds that the butlers may be asked for their assistance in the matter of finding the stranger (mr elf; please devs, give him a name already or I’ll—).
[also, I nearly forgot to add; mr elf is being suspected for the crime of killing Falin, the mistress of Seiran family since she was killed with a sword and the public believe angels would not use swords to kill, rather their light/power. in actuality, he attempted to end her life with a quick blow of his sword instead of leaving her to bleed to death from Seraphim’s attack which was from a sword.
the angels use swords now too by the way ✨ like yay, their powers weren’t enough.)
then, we’re back at devil’s palace (yay! our visit was more than a week long, less than 2 weeks, if I’m not wrong). Aruji and the second floor butlers get some much needed rest. Boschi shows Aruji their new prosthetic arm (which was made from the material of his old prosthetic arm.).
he seemed much more at peace now (but we later learn in the black bunny festival [黒兎に願いを込めて] event story that losing his prosthetic arm did trigger his memories of losing his actual arm, so now whenever he spars he gets flashbacks of Chrone cutting his prosthetic arm off. those flashbacks make him freeze up while fighting. for this reason, he trains a lot more to get over this, than he did prior to this incident.
anyhow, that event story and his card story sheds light on to boschi’s state right after chapter 4, in a bit more detail.).
lastly, Berrien visits Belen and says he hopes to be able to save Belen someday.
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i read the story about 2 weeks ago; though, there’s a huge chance i might have gotten something mixed up/wrong. so feel free to correct me in the comments or send me an ask! there’s also a lot of stuff i left out because i was afraid it would get too long (it still did 😭) like about:
a: Falin/フアリン, the mistress of the Seiran family, who i’d say was the most interesting character in this chapter. i could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about her.
(i love the writing of aknk but i also believe they could have given more information on Seiran family and how they came to be what they are. They have a lot of potential for a follow up event story or even a side story. I hope in a side story we get more information or maybe in the next main story?)
b: Boschi’s past; we got a lot of information about his life and, how after everything he came to meet Berrien and became a butler.
c: Ammon! we got insight into his thoughts and feelings from when Haures became demonized, and how he feels inferior to the other butlers, how he puts less effort into training because he feels he can never reach the level Haures and Boschi are on. And so on!
d: i also skipped explaining the first two parts and a bit of part 3 of chapter 4 since you asked for the ending; (but that involved Berrien, Belen, Lono and were not exactly relevant to what happened with Boschi and the ending of chapter 4.).
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Tldr: Boschi loses control to his demon after losing his prosthetic arm, he manages to defeat Chrone with the help of Ammon. Aruji brings him back from the control of his demon though ultimately he will have to give his life up to his demon the day Aruji dies. there’s investigation going on into the Seiran family, the stranger (mr elf) and his identity. his people (from the valley) are still missing because Cherubim and Seraphim took them. the butlers might get a request to aid in the investigation of mr elf.
i hope this helped (^^)! feel free to send another ask if you’re confused about something or want further explanation; i like talking about aknk so it’s no trouble for me. i hope your schedule eases up a bit, please remember to take breaks and eat/drink — have a wonderful day ✨!
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seraphirism · 1 month
Hello!!! I hope you're having a great day! If you don't mind I really want to know more about Boschi and his past
hii and I don’t mind at all (*^▽^*)!! thank you for the request and opportunity to talk about him!; as I’ve mentioned probably a dozen or so times, I love talking about aknk and especially about our King Boschi 💞!! so let me be your host today and talk your (and all readers) heads off about Boschi.
so grab a snack or drink because this is about to be really long; by the way, I’ll keep this post updated and add relevant information about Boschi’s past that I learn from any new content I consume.
spoilers about chapter 4 (part 4) + Boschi’s card story + event story of “wish upon a black rabbit” event.
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Background: a few months before Boschi was born.
so Boschi was born in the East, in the region of Sougetsu/ソウゲツ to a noble family (whose name, for some reason we don’t know.). his father was an aristocrat with some influence in the East, while Boschi’s mother was from a small noble family from a mountainous reagion in the East. Boschi’s mother’s family, while being nobles, were not as wealthy or influential in any way.
Boschi’s father had three wives, his third wife being Boschi’s mother.
we don’t know much about the second wife; just that the first wife was involved in her and her son’s murder.
the first wife was a power hungry woman from a very powerful noble family in the East, (yep, you guessed it! Seiran family.) and even back then, Seiran family had a lot of influence. because of her background, position and the fact she was the first of all wives to have a son, the first wife exerted her influence in their family (evident by how she ended up killing the second wife and her son).
now, we have a rough time line of when Boschi and his half siblings were born:
[the first son/child to be born in their family was the first wife’s.]
now jump to maybe an year or so later the second wife had her first son, then Boschi was born and a month after, the second son of the first wife was born.
the second wife’s son was killed along with his mother sometime before Boschi was born.
[by the way, all of this happened likely months apart; there isn’t a huge gap in time. I’m still not sure about the order of their births so if anyone can correct me, they’re more than welcome.]
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Boschi’s birth and the events leading up to that day:
now, when Boschi was born, his mother was afraid that he would get killed next by the first wife if she found out.
[Boschi’s mother was physically unhealthy/frail (this was partly helped by the fact that she was being poisoned all this time by the first wife (in small doses to weaken her.). so after Boschi’s birth she would no longer be able to have children.]
Boschi’s mother, knowing the danger she and Boschi were in, decided to give him up to his wet nurse and send her off to the West. she would then go ahead to tell everyone in the palace that she was attacked by bandits while she was out and her child died due to the wounds he sustained. then, she would no longer be a threat to the first wife and be able to live peacefully in the palace.
Boschi was taken by his wet nurse through a cave in the forests close to their palace, leading away from their land.
now Boschi was sent with his wet nurse to the West where they lived in a small village. Boschi, growing up, was told that his parents died in an accident. (his wet nurse passed herself off as his grandmother, which is how I’ll be referring to her from this point.).
Boschi grows up well, going to school and back, helping his grandmother out at their house with repairs from a young age and later in his teens helping everyone in the village with small errands (repair, hunting for food etc).
[this is where Boschi got his love for building houses and handling decor ✨]
Boschi also studied well (because his grandmother wanted him to be aware and knowledgeable). she may have hid his lineage from him, but she did not want him to grow up unlike other noble kids.
(by the way, Boschi and his grandmother were not financially well and barely made ends meet, until he went into his teens and later, since he could work. his work was mostly hunting/repair/protection).
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the day that changed everything, fast: Boschi’s twentieth birthday.
now, on his twentieth birthday he returned home from hunting a deer. he was planning on celebrating the day with his grandmother when a stranger (older in age) visited their house.
he tells Boschi that he’s a noble and an heir to the position of his father. on the approval of the third wife (Boschi’s mother), the man (who was a soldier) had come to inform Boschi of his lineage and to take him back for something very important.
[he had a very bad reaction to it, calling it a prank made in bad-taste but after being shown proof through a ring with a seal of his mother’s family that was kept by his grandmother all these years (it was given by his mother to her to sell if she couldn’t make ends meet), he believed everything, although perplexed.]
he was told that his younger half brother (the second son, I believe?) and the first wife had assumed a rule of total tyranny and were executing any man that they did not like. the people were also in a financially bad state.
[his father was sick and in bed so he couldn’t intervene to stop the two.]
the older loyal men to the family head (his father) were planning a coup d'état and planning on replacing Boschi’s younger half brother with Boschi, who has more right to the throne since he’s older.
they would do this with the approval of Boschi’s father.
[Boschi’s existence may not have been known to the civilians or most of his family but his hair (dark blue) and eyes (green) were a dead giveaway that he was his father’s son and the lustre of his hair was exactly like his mother’s; hence there was no question of people not believing him.]
Boschi was reluctant in the beginning but decided to go ahead with the men with their coup.
[that was because he believed that by assuming the position of the head of the family, he’d be able to have enough money and influence to get a good doctor for his grandmother, who due to age and illness was not doing well.]
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the coup and the events that followed:
they go ahead, the coup was successfully; it ended without any blood shed and the men of the first wife were arrested, along with her and her son. (there’s a bit of time skip here, maybe a week or so) and the first son and first wife are brought out in public who sneer and throw slurs at them.
civilians and the people who started the coup wanted both of them executed publicly for their crimes and that’s what they were expecting when the two were brought out.
[this was going to be Boschi’s first every public appearance.]
[by the way, younger half brother gets revealed in this fiasco to have been a child born out of wedlock, according to rumours that is. basically, his mother (the first wife) had an affair with another man. Boschi asserts this since the younger half brother did not look like his father at all.]
Boschi appears and reads their crimes out loud as the people watch, in anticipation; he announces that their sentence would be an execution for their crimes but he’s going to grant them a pardon, have them exiled from the East, rather than executing them.
[Boschi states the reason for this. this was because that the treatment of the son and first wife was going to be his first decision as an heir and he didn’t want blood being shed to be that or for that to be his image in the eyes of people. he did not want the people to think he’s cruel like them and someone who would possibly execute the civilians easily over small crimes.
basically, him pardoning them would show the civilians that if he’s capable of showing mercy to people threatening his rule, he could show mercy to his civilians as well. later, rumours would spread that their land is not cruel to its people and even outsiders would come for business endeavours/job opportunities. he thought the decision on a long run.]
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things are beginning to look up?; the events leading up to that night.
now, time skip to a little while later; he’s learning about the problems of his territory, it’s geography and what issues his people are having (everything being new to him). he also has his grandmother being treated by doctors .
[she had a persistent cough I think and wasn’t physically in the best state.]
he meets his mother for the first time and while the meeting is awkward, he hopes their relationship will get better with time.
[by the way, his mother’s physical and mental health was pretty bad; she blames herself for the fact that Boschi grew up away from his parents and had a harsh life. she also believes that by giving up Boschi, he might think she didn’t want him, that’s why she doesn’t try to make attempts to get closer to him, because she thinks she has no right to act like a mother all this time later.]
[almost forgot, Boschi’s father (who was sick all this time in bed) passes way; Boschi was now officially the head.]
[the way this was revealed in the story was amazing 😭💞! on one visit to his mother, he tells her that the Head of this family is worried about you. she laughs in response, saying that to the Head she was already someone from the distant past and as the heir, Boschi has no need to be concerned about her (she was putting herself to be insignificant.).
he tells her he’s not an heir (not any longer). she goes quiet in shock. then he reiterates himself, saying that he said the Head is worried about you; he’s the Head now. and he wants her to eat well and become better so they can make up for all the time they’ve missed spending together these past 20 years. he also added that he would abolish all old traditions and rules (the ones that restricted noblewomen from going out too much) so she has no need to worry.]
[also noteworthy; Boschi wasn’t shown to be upset or affected by his father’s death in any way. it’s likely, that his father was overall not a good person either, considering his relationship with Boschi’s mother too.]
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that night: the beginning and the end.
Boschi was having a walk with his mother, talking about he’s going to go out hunting soon and get some good food for his mother and how they should go out together (him, his grandmother and mother.). his mother asks him whether he’s happy now, and he replies with a wide grin that he is; he’s surrounded by people who love him, his family. his mother, was pleased by this.
their peaceful talk is interrupted when armed forces (under Seiran family) attack them. [it’s later revealed that they come in to attack from a secret passage in the palace, known only to the first wife who taught the armed forces about it.]
his mother gets struck by an arrow and his attempts to save her prove futile as she dies there, since her health wasn’t the best to begin with.
Boschi rushes to find his grandmother inside the palace and leaves with her on his back. he runs outside the palace to the forest nearby, attempting to lose the armed forces.
there, an arrow grazes Boschi’s arm but he brushes it off, still focusing his strength on running as fast as he could with the forces hot on his tail. he finally sees a cave hidden in the forest and decides to hide there for a while.
as Boschi makes plans to escape, his grandmother tells him to leave her behind. he reacts harshly to that, saying she was his only family left now and there was no way he was leaving her behind. there he sees that she was shot in the back with an arrow which was meant for him (yep, the one that grazed him in the arm.).
she ends up passing away with Boschi crying away into the night.
[that was a super emotional scene by the way; she reminisces the night she carried Boschi in her arms (when he was a baby) and escaped through a cave in the forest to the West. the same cave that now Boschi had carried her to this time to escape. she says the time she raised Boschi was her happiest time and she hopes he would continue to be a kind hearted person who helps people 😭.].
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the events following + till Boschi becomes 28:
Boschi returns to the West, has his grandmother buried in the forest; the area was well hidden so it would be safe from attacks (of angels and people.). he quickly reaches his village and tells all villagers to leave because he thought there was a high chance there Seiran family’s armed forces would come to his village in search of him and burn it down too after they were done.
that’s exactly what happens; after the villagers were gone, the armed forces arrive, ransack the village and burn it down.
the villagers of that village all disperse and settle in other villages. all signs of the existence of his village were gone; in an attempt to make sure that his village is never forgotten, he changes his last name to his village’s name so he could carry it forever with him.
[yep! the village’s name was Arenas! we have no knowledge of his grandmother’s name or his family name.].
[all this happened when Boschi was 20 by the way.]
now, we have a time skip of a few years to when Boschi is 28; he’s been living as a wanderer, travelling, staying in a place for a little, working as a bodyguard + other odd jobs before moving again.
this is because after Seiran family had taken over the territory of his family, they had not forgotten him; they were still searching for him to have him killed by assassins.
[random, but something I still want to add: Boschi reveals that during this time period he did do jobs, for money, that his grandmother would not have been proud of him for. it’s unknown what he was referring to.]
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the fateful day: becoming a devil’s butler.
so now, we zoom in to a time where he’s living in the north, in mountains when a man approaches him.
the man seems to know a lot about him, his past and identity. upon Boschi telling the man that, he says that he keeps tabs on the lives of people who have gone through a lot of despair in their life.
Boschi reacts negatively and suspiciously. the man introduces himself as (you guessed it ✨) Berrien, a devil butler (yay, it’s Berrien!).
he tells Boschi that he wants him to join Berrien as a devil butler where they’ll fight angels, his past identity will be forgotten. since the Grobaner family have enough influence and power to protect him if Seiran family do manage to find out about his whereabouts.
Boschi agrees very quickly to this, despite Berrien warning him of the hardships that will come his way; Boschi still agrees, smiling for the first time in a while because after such a long time he’ll finally have a purpose and he has gotten exhausted of this life on the run + hiding.
Boschi joins around the time Fennesz and Haures did; they become good friends because they were the same age when they joined and were assigned to the same floor.
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2-3 years later: Boschi loses his arm and right eye.
in an angel attack (where the attack was pretty strong and i think they may have been outnumbered?), Haures is caught off guard by an angel sneaking up on him.
Boschi, who was at his side, throws himself in front of him, taking the blow/attack for him. due to this, Boschi loses his right arm (below the elbow I believe) and his right eye (by that I mean, the eyeball is there but he can’t see through the eye.).
the reason he states for protecting Haures was that having Haures (harmed or killed, though he would have likely died had Boschi not jumped in) would be a great loss to them (devil butlers) and their strength since Haures was and is really strong + he’s responsible for training the other butlers as well.
[by the way, Boschi was and is right handed, so he lost his dominant arm.]
from what we know (through Fennesz, Berrien and Miyaji), he played it off in a nonchalant manner so everyone would not worry about him. but in actuality it was eating at him.
when he started wearing his prosthetic arm, he had difficulty performing everyday tasks like picking up a fork/utensil (his grip wasn’t steady so he would drop it) or sometimes his grip would be too strong so he’d end up breaking something. most importantly, though, he was having a lot of trouble using his sword with his prosthetic arm.
his blows were not as strong as they were and he’d also drop his sword in the middle of a fight as his grip would falter.
this made him train for hours and hours on end to get used to his prosthetic arm, brushing off the concern of the other butlers and pretending he was doing well after the accident, which he wasn’t (mentally and physically.).
now, we have know from the black rabbit event card story of Boschi, that in order to prove himself to everybody he worked really hard to get over the troubles he had with his arm and within a short time, he improved his command over his prosthetic arm.
(he did not take help from anyone, even getting really angry at Haures when he suggested Boschi leave the fighting to him since with the loss of his right arm and eye, Boschi would not be able to reach his full strength. Boschi became really angry at that instance because, as he stated, Haures did not get to decide what Boschi could or could not do; his limits were something only he could decide.
after that, Haures wouldn’t bother him too much during his excessive training sessions and instead Fennesz would check up on him.)
that’s what happened and later he reached the state he is now, where both him and Haures are at the same level of skill in swordsmanship.
now 300 years later, we have Boschi of the present! he hates his vegetables, loves his meat, cannot miss his afternoon naps and trips to the sauna. he has his arguments with Haures (where both verbally and sometimes in training, beat the hell out of each other.) and he also likes books too, which may initially seem contrary to his personality! we have one instance of him tearing up after reading a book recommended to him by Fennesz! (he then played off when you/MC asks him about it). anyhow, he’s very lovable!
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Extra + my thoughts:
something I liked and noticed in the part where Boschi’s mother was taking him in her arms for the last time before he would be taken by his grandmother to the west:
Boschi was sleeping that time and she said that he really is a child that sleeps well. fast forward to now and Boschi is still known to sleep the best and most among the butlers 😭 taking his afternoon naps and going to bed early at night too.
[also, this is my personal thought but what if Boschi started relying on Ammon for taking care of his hair after he lost his arm? i doubt he doesn’t know how to take care of his hair since there was that 8 year time period where he was completely alone; he must’ve taken care of it himself. but after he lost his arm, he must’ve had a hard time brushing it and drying it. Ammon would have likely offered to take care of it to get in Boschi’s good books and with his persistence, Boschi must’ve yielded. so now, over 300 years later, Ammon still does his hair.]
[Lastly, this is a question I had, if anyone knows the answer to it; what happened to Boschi’s older half brother, the first son of the first wife? why was the second son of the first wife in charge and not the first son who was the first heir? could it be since the first son wasn’t mentioned later in the story, that he might have been killed sometime before Boschi came to the East? hence making the second son step for the position of the head of the family? East is prone to territorial feuds and wars so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he got killed in a battle or in an assassination attempt by the other families.]
Edit: I forgot to add this! so the whole Seiran family killing Boschi’s family and replacing them as the nobility of Sougetsu was not something that happened because of Boschi letting the first wife and her son go without executing them, though it may seem so initially.
Boschi explained that the Seiran family planned this when they let one of their noblewomen, the first wife, marry Boschi’s father. what they intended in the beginning was that the first wife’s son would become the head of the family and then (they’d either merge the family into one or take over the territory of Boschi’s family and make it theirs.).
however, they didn’t expect Boschi to appear as the heir and then become the head. that’s why they resorted to plan B, which was killing them off (since they weren’t huge in number) by entering the palace grounds through the secret pathway and using (the additional information provided by the first wife about the structure of the palace, how many guards are situated in each place, the possible weak spots etc) to their advantage. which is what happened in the end.
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that’s all! i haven’t read too many of Boschi’s card stories (I’ve read 4, I’m planning on reading more) so that’s why I might have missed out on some info. if I learn anything new, I’ll mention it in this post (^^)!
I love all the butlers in aknk. that of course, includes Boschi, but my love for him sky-rocketed after reading chapter 4 + the black rabbit event story 💖✨!! I had Lato as my main butler on my homescreen the past month but after reading chapter 4, I had Boschi on my screen before i knew it 😭
if any information I’ve mentioned is incorrect in any way, please do let me know! there’s a lot of information so I can get something wrong if I’m not too careful.
anyhow, I hope you have a good day, anon 💞! I hope this is a good read and the flow of my writing is bare-able lol. and I hope knowing all of this makes you like Boschi more; he’s a very well written character (i am bonkers about him.)
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seraphirism · 22 days
Spoilers for Chapter 5, part 1 below!
i’m done with the story, hehe! surprisingly, it was short and even humorous for aknk 🧐 Elf-guy’s name (or alias should I say, for now?) has been revealed!
It’s Shiro or シロ! which literally means “white” in Japanese 😭 i loved how silent Haures went when Shiro told him his name, clearly showing that Haures knew it wasn’t his real name but he’s taking it as such for now.
also, Elvira was doing her good ol’ fortune telling and she said “two new rays of hope” would shine upon the devil butlers. it was implied that the first one is Shiro and we don’t have information about who the “second ray of hope” could be.
Anyhow, I’ll write down my thoughts about it later when I get time (and my headache calms down); otherwise it was a rather soft update 💗
[just for the context, in the main story, Shiro or Elf-guy is joining the devil butlers because he wants the “powers” that come along with being a devil butler or having a pact with a demon. i don’t think Shiro will be his name when he joins the devil butlers—he’ll reveal his actual name when the whole matter of his people/compatriots is resolved. since he’ll trust the Devil butlers and Aruji by then. also! Elboa makes an appearance in this chapter! he appeared previously in an event story, i think it was the “Doll town” event?]
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seraphirism · 1 day
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Main story, Chapter 5 part 2 will be released on 26th September, 3 pm (JST).
[the part in japanese roughly says “to save his former best friend, he makes a decision.”]
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seraphirism · 1 month
Hello! I hope you’re having a good day and just wanted to let you know that your explanation of chapter 4 was amazing!! If you don’t mind me asking though, who exactly is Falin? Or rather what’s her big schtick? Cause I liked her in the chapter but couldn’t really understand why she is who she is.
hii and thank you so much for liking it (*≧∀≦*)💞!! I go on a tangent when I’m speaking/writing so everything ends up all over the place?
also, I don’t mind at all, in fact, thank you for asking about Falin \(//∇//)\!! I wanted to talk about her so bad (and I decided I was going to make long post about her pretty soon! seeing your ask made me so happy, cause now I have a reason to talk about her!)
[also, anon, I kinda had one thing in my head and it turned into another so I feel like I deviated from what you wanted and turned it into something else? I apologise in advance if this was not what you meant. please let me know if this is what you meant or something else :D!]
spoilers for main story chapter 4, part 4 and 5 are below and trigger warning for breeding, captivity and human trafficking (technically not human but it still applies i guess?)
now, for people who have not read the story or don’t remember it clearly, I’ll briefly go over what happened in the main story revolving asking her, before jumping to what we know about her character and some of my own theories + things I’ve noted about her. unfortunately, we do not have information for why she turned into such a twisted character but I think that might be revealed in the coming chapter since the case of Seiran family has not been wrapped up yet; the investigation is still going on since the Master of the Seiran family is still alive.
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her actions, leading up to her death:
this is meant for those who have not read or do not remember the events revolving her; I’ll wrap it up quickly! in case you have not read my previous explanation about chapter 4 (part 3-5) and are confused, please give it a read!
it begins when the butlers (+muu!) were taking shifts at night in various places inside the Seiran’s palace (doing their guarding duties) when they hear the maids calling out to each other that “she went into labour” or “the child is about to be born, grab [insert necessity]!”
[note: for child, the word used in Japanese by the maids is 子/ko which does not only mean the child of a person but could be the child of an animal too. that was one of the assumptions of the butlers; that the child was a cat/dog’s baby OR that the child could be of another possible (hidden) mistress of the head of the Seiran family.]
but it becomes strange when this happens again, and then again. now, the butlers were suspicious, especially when Falin reacted in an unusual manner, saying she had not heard the maids act like that before heading back quickly, avoiding the subject.
now everything comes to light when:
[this is after the Master of the Seiran family had been kidnapped by mr elf, and Fennesz and Haures were away searching for the Master of the Seiran family.].
Ammon, Boschi, Aruji with Falin at their side are confronted by the sight of elf guy interrogating the Master of the Seiran family.
[note: elf guy’s people (their kind as a whole) are from the West (specifically from the valley regions.). they are governed by Elboa, the green headed elf looking guy with a hood.].
there it’s revealed that the Seiran family had kidnapped the people of elf guy (people of the valley.). Boschi assumed it was for experimentation, like the Sardis family did. In response, when Boschi, in a repulsed manner, makes this remark out loud, Falin says this, gazing at elf guy with fascination:
“Oh my, how rude! I have no interest in such trivialities. Look…(gesturing to elf guy)….at that crystalline skin…those blue eyes…those elegantly shaped ears.”
“I want to keep beautiful things close to me…increase them in number…and share them with others…isn’t that human nature?”
she was the main culprit behind the kidnapping and unlike what the butlers were assuming, it was not for experimentation purposes (like the Sardis) but her desire to possess beautiful “things” and share them with others. not only does she keep the people of mr elf (locked up for her viewing) BUT she wanted to increase their number. now, what was the best way to do that?
breeding. she forced the really beautiful male and female captives to have children together, to produce even more beautiful children for they would be “more desired by clients”. now it’s kinda ambiguous whether she sold only the children or the adults too; but she did have the elf’s people sold to nobles for high prices. that’s the reason for the children being born mysteriously each night but never being seen or heard of.
(we don’t have information about who the nobles were but it could very well be to nobles anywhere. I don’t think their clients were majorly from the East since that would be risky for them. anyhow, i feel like information about who the nobles were will be revealed soon since investigation is still going on into the business.).
that’s how the Seiran family became so rich and influential in the first place (by human trafficking) so much so that even during the (current) wars that plagued the Eastern lands, the people governed by the Seiran family were always doing well, financially, were not impacted by the unsettlement in the East and were extremely fond of the Seiran family and grateful for their rule.
[the scene where Falin is waving and greeting the grateful civilians in carriage with Aruji and Muu becomes kind of unsettling when you think about it; the reason why the civilians could relish in security (financial + food + otherwise) was due to the money the Seiran family earned from trafficking. ]
[note: Seiran family’s “human trafficking” likely started when Falin married into the family (though we don’t know for sure from the main story.). I’m not negating Seiran family’s wealth in any way since they were nobility even 300 years ago, but their sudden wealth in the current years has been likely due to this business.]
after being exposed, the elf guy demands them to hand over his people but Falin says she had all of the “products” burnt on the orders of her husband.
[earlier, Falin’s husband told her in private that he wanted to discontinue this “business” of theirs now because now they had established their power and their kingdom was rich. so he wanted all evidence of their business destroyed. he was especially afraid now, after the Sardis family was exposed, stripped of their titles and now regarded as criminals.]
Aruji confirms that there had been no fire (they would have smelled the scent of such a huge fire or seen evidence of it), proving to elf guy that Falin was lying. She admits after giggling that she would never have her “products” harmed; she merely sent the products with her maids to her parent’s home.
[long story short; elf guy then threatens Falin in an attempt to make her show him where his people were, the huge bell rings (the one signaling angels arrival) and Falin leaves in the heat of the moment. elf guy runs after her, hot on her tail.]
she runs back to her castle, where she sees Seraphim and Cherubim. she is instantly entranced by their appearance, especially after they kill some of her men with their “light powers”.
she asks them to kill her; her ephemeral life was going to come to end someday, hence she’d rather it come to end with her last sight and the manner of her death both being beautiful. [her words, roughly.]
[note: she wanted to die by their light powers.]
Seraphim (after being weirded out 😭) agrees with a smirk. then he proceeds to stab her fatally (because he deemed her impertinent and arrogant for talking this way to an angel 😭). she slowly bleeds out as Seraphim and Cherubim leave with the cage full of elf guy’s people with them.
[elf’s people were seen being taken by the maids of Falin (by Cherubim and Seraphim above). after they saw the cage being transported, they killed her maids and men, and took the captives (the elf’s people) who offered no resistance since all the time in captivity had made them apathetic and out-of-it. Cherubim will likely use the captives for experimentation :(]
there, elf guy arrives; he had been waiting behind in the shadows, unable to step out because he knew the intelligent angels were stronger than the average angels and he wasn’t sure he could win in a fight against them. there, he sees Falin, lying in a pool of her blood, her face pointing to a mirror in the room, gazing at herself (covered in blood.).
elf guy (almost pitying her because he planned on killing her in a quick manner, not in the torturous way she was currently dying) asks her to look into his eyes. she looks at him before he kills her with one quick attack of his sword.
[he also almost pitied her for the fact her last sight was herself covered in blood and not something beautiful; beautiful things were something she had dedicated herself to, all her life. that’s why he asked her to look at him so her last sight could be him (someone she called extremely beautiful and showed a desire to possess), fulfilling her last wish.].
that’s how she dies, her last sight being “something” beautiful, right as she desired all this time.
now, with this out of the way, I’ll only be focusing on her.
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Falin; her character and all the known information about her.
so Falin or ファリン was the Mistess of the Seiran family: the wife of the Master of the Seiran family. she was originally a noble woman from a small aristocratic family located in a mountainous region in the East; her family did not have much influence and it’s not known how she ended up marrying the Head of the Seiran family.
the first thing we learn about Falin, comes when Boschi notices her and remarks, in complete horror that she looks exactly like his mother. he goes further to add that even her voice was exactly like his mother’s; only her personality differed as his mother was timid by personality.
[you can just imagine the extent of how similar they looked for Boschi to feel so uncomfortable in her presence; unfortunately we have no description of how Boschi’s mother looked like to pin down Falin’s appearance. all we know is that Boschi’s mother’s hair had a beautiful lustre to it and was likely long. Boschi’s hair colour is something he inherited from his father so Falin’s hair colour isn’t blue. we can also guess since Boschi’s mother had a frail physique, Falin also had a similar one; she was also likely not too tall either and had a slim/skinny build.]
she married into the Seiran family. she is a descendant of a relative of Boschi’s mother; (Boschi said so himself). while his mother did die in the fire, she had relatives remaining in her village. Falin is a descendant of one such relative — this would explain her eerie similarity to his mother.
she was initially fascinated by Boschi’s appearance because “he is beautiful like Fubuki” — both are cold, strong and have one eye. [this made me crack up 😭 I’m sorry.]. we later learn from Finley that there were rumours that she had actually proposed to Fubuki a long time ago (to marry him) but was rejected by him.
there comes my next point! i think most fans got the impression that she was really young (like I did), being around the age of 25–30 but I believe this is wrong. we know from her interaction with Aruji and Muu (where she was amused when Muu called her young) that she is a bit older (not calling her old 😭) but her age may be (from the way she recalls her past experiences as the time she was “young”) around 30-45. I want to push it further from 30 but with the current canon content, I want to be careful just in case i end up wrong.
[also Boschi saw his mother for the first time when she was around her 40’s; I doubt someone in their 20’s could look so startling alike to someone in their 40’s. Boschi would have then added then that Falin looked like a more younger version of his mother: but he didn’t.
he said that their face, builds and voices were exactly the same; he could have added the age part too.]
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A bit of background about East:
now i want to focus on East a bit and the standing women have/had:
women of the noble families in the East are regarded with little to no importance. they’re merely seen important for their ability to bear a potential male heir. Boschi further explained that they have no power or influence, live in seclusion, make no public appearance and have no political power (despite being mistresses of powerful noble families.).
an example of this is Bosci’s own mother. she was the third wife of his father, had no political power or influence and till her death lived in complete seclusion. because she hid the fact that she had a son, so a child-less wife was not important.
[the first wife killed the third wife and her son, after news of her son being born came out. the reason why the first wife had so much power to begin either is because she had a son earlier than the other wives and wasn’t willing for the other wives to have a chance for their son/s to be potential heirs.]
so for power, the women in noble families could and would sink pretty low.
now, with this in mind, let’s proceed!
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Falin’s role and how she stood out:
Falin breaks many of the stereotypes that we have of the Eastern noble women in akuneko.
first of all, she’s the first and only wife of the master of the Seiran family (from what we know).
that’s extremely strange, especially considering the noble men from the east so far have been depicted to have more than one wife. [polygamy was common; Boschi says so himself. monogamy, on the other hand, was uncommon.]
what’s also strange is that she has no known children. she’s been married to the head of the Seiran family for quite a while yet from their interaction, the topic of children never came up. [keep in mind, this is set in a land and time where women are only regarded important for bearing a potential male heir. wars are still rampant and there are new noble families attempting to rise to power. if she couldn’t have children, her husband would have another wife already. but there’s a split chance her husband cannot have children, but that fact could have been used to oust him from power by a relative of his, from the Seiran family already.].
[so it’s unknown why they don’t have children or aren’t seeking to have them in a war struck region where male heirs are absolutely necessary for power.]
secondly, she had more authority/power (not on first glance) than her husband, the actual head of the family.
we know she (very likely) started the business of human trafficking; from how attached she was to it and how reluctant she was of letting go of it. she likely posed the business to her husband as a means of securing more influence and power in the Eastern lands (which is plagued by wars for power) but in actuality it was for her own twisted desire for “beautiful things”.
her husband acquiesced to her whims very easily. this can be seen by when brought up the subject of ending the business and destroying the “evidence”, she quickly managed to dissuade him with a little assuaging.
she even admitted in front of Aruji, Boschi, Ammon, her husband and elf guy that she manipulated her husband to follow her whims in this business.]
one other incident, which proves this is, when the butlers were told not to guard the master and mistress of the Seiran family (new guards of their own were assigned), she immediately went up to her husband and subtly hinted that she was “afraid” the new guards would not be able to protect her husband as well as the devil butlers (who have quite a reputation for their strength).
in actuality, she was not concerned about his safety (or even her own, to be honest.). she wanted the butlers by her side so she can gaze at their “beautiful faces “ while she went about her day. she did end up accomplishing that as her husband had the devil butlers reassigned only for her protection.
her influence over her husband can also be seen in when she manages to rope him into allowing her to dine with Aruji [instead of dining with him], in hopes of seeing the butlers from close enough (as they would be guarding Aruji right in their room) since she wasn’t getting enough opportunities to see them from close enough.
[it’s also interesting that her husband said that the devil butlers were invited to the Seiran’s residence because he was concerned for her safety, not his. he says this as a reminder to Falin, in one instance, (I guess trying to keep her in check because he was a bit suspicious of her and her intentions.).
so did she possibly manipulate her husband into inviting the butlers? it’s canon (in aknk’s story), that the devil butlers (while they are detested by people all around the world) are well known for both their beauty and strength. since we know she wasn’t concerned for her own life, could it be she invited them after hearing talks of their looks?]
moreover, unlike the noble women of her time, she was extremely confident and sly (in all matters, with all people, even strangers.).
ignoring her husband now and focusing on her interaction with the other characters:
when she saw Boschi for the first time, she approached him confidently, even inquiring about how he received the injury on his arm and eye. his attempts to reject her questions (rudely too) only brought her satisfaction and made her even more curious and him.
in the incident where she dined with Aruji, she had managed to convince Haures too, into allowing her to go inside Aruji’s room without informing them prior. and Haures genuinely seemed unable to deal with Falin and her persistent personality.
she switches her approach too, depending on who she’s dealing with: with her husband, it’s gentle, concerned and complacent; with the butlers, it’s persistent and clever.
even when she was revealed to be carrying out that business, she was calm and amused by Ammon and Boschi regarding her with hatred. even after that, she made one last further request to Aruji to capture elf guy in return for anything Aruji wanted (which they rejected.).
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I want to talk about one more incident where I loved the writer’s subtlety in showing Falin’s character:
it was when she wanted to have breakfast with Aruji instead of her husband; the reason she states for this was: that being surrounded by fully armed, “faceless men” (the guards) would make her not enjoy her breakfast. and that’s when she remembered the “faces of the butlers” (with whom she would be able to enjoy her food, since she liked their faces).
she could have said she wanted the company of Aruji or the butlers over the guards, or remembered them because she likes spending time with them or that they’re more amusing; any excuse could have passed. but she said she remembered the faces of the butlers and thought she would enjoy her food better with them in her presence.
[by the way, this was after the head of the guards was changed because the original one was injured; the temporary head of the guards made it a rule to wear armour that covered their faces as well i think?].
Lastly, it’s interesting how Falin, a mere mistress of the Seiran family has a name (despite the eastern noble women being put down in terms of power and influence) yet her husband was only “Master of the Seiran Family” throughout the story — all in all, to show how irrelevant he was and how he had no power or a role in the story, besides his title.
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my own thoughts:
I mentioned in my previous post that I would like it if the writers could give more focus to the Seiran family, in particular, Falin.
how did a woman from a small aristocratic family end up marrying the master of a (relatively) bigger noble family and rope the master into following her desires? (if she did start the business of human trafficking) how did she convince the master of Seiran family?
also, what started her obsession with beauty? considering how rooted it is in her, did it start from her childhood? did her parents engrain it in her? [I can come up with loose reasons for almost every question in my mind but my mind goes blank for why Falin could have been so obsessed with beautiful people. she didn’t show much regard for riches either so why beauty of all subjects?]
(another thought that’s been on my mind) is that the killing of Boschi’s family was something well known in the aknk world; Berrien affirms this as well. so it’s unlikely that Falin’s ancestor (the one related to Boschi’s mother) did not know of the killing of Boschi’s mother.
how were Falin’s family okay with her marrying into the Seiran family when they were responsible for killing her family just 300 years ago? it’s unlikely they have forgotten it because (call me delusional) but I think they do keep records of everything (since the Eastern lands in aknk are loosely based off feudal japan.)
Or wait ✨! what if they (Falin’s parents) made her marry the Master of Seiran family because they believed it would be a good proposal for her (Seiran family being rich) and they could benefit from Seiran family’s riches too if Falin marries into them (their past bad blood be damned)?
and Falin knew of what the Seiran family did to hers years ago, which is why she doesn’t love or show any regard for the Master of the Seiran family ✨?
[I’ll shut up; these were mostly my own thoughts from what canon content I could scavenge. but I think even if this isn’t the truth (what I’ve proposed), it’s pretty close the truth. so I’ll settle with that.]
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anyway, that’s it! i’ll pipe down now but that’s what I could piece together. please let me know if i got a fact wrong (as the length of the story does make it easy to confuse parts of it.)
i hope we learn more about Falin, her childhood and what led to her character becoming the way it is! if they don’t, I’m coming for studio wasabi ✨! have a wonderful day, anon (*^▽^*)!! i hope this was a good read!
and if there’s something you all want to add into what I’ve said, propose an alternative idea to what I’ve said, or correct me in something I said, please comment below or send me an ask. i don’t wish for incorrect information to be passed around, especially from my own mouth.
have a good day everyone! I love discussing the story content of aknk so feel free to send me asks anytime (*^▽^*)! please pray for me, (if you’re someone that prays) because my exam result is coming out tomorrow morning 😭)
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sugar-glaze-donut · 2 months
List of upcoming fics and requests! I'll keep on updating this so don't worry if you think I haven't seen your request :D
Shy/Anti-social Aruji-sama - Requested by ANON A shy Aruji-sama who is very anti-social. Some butlers try to help with their anti-socialness, while others... may be the cause of Aruji-sama's silence. Not in a bad way! They just intimidate Aruji-sama (*cough*, Boschi- *cough* WHO SAID THAT!? CUZ I DEFINITELY DIDN'T 😪)
Aruji-sama who can't age - Requested by ANON A continuation of this fic. I just misunderstood a few things oopsie :3 This is an AU where Aruji-sama became a "devil butler" way back before Haures and Fennesz came. Except... they're not an average devil butler. Here's a hint! They can't feel human emotions, but they have empathy to make up for it!
Haures x You - Requested by a certain Haures Lover (OFFICER I'M TELLING YOU I SWEAR I HAD THIS REQUEST IN MY INBOX 😭) This might be a tough one since I'm single as hell *vine boom* and I don't know much about relationship headcanons. But not to worry! Me and my Haures loving heart will somehow make this real! (Live Laugh Love Haures)
Part 2 of Demon!Aruji-sama or a freshly new batch of Angel!Aruji-sama - Requested by ANON lmao making a continuation of one of my oldest contributions to aknk or a new Angel!Aruji-sama writing... very hard to choose... *sobs internally*
Another part to TOUCHSTARVED BUTLERS GRRRR - Requested by ANON *choked bleep noises* comparing hands with them... *cough cough* holding hands... *faints*
Butlers reactions to Aruji-sama with trauma/ despair - Requested by ANON angst but like... *makes hand gestures*...comfort at the end. ALSO LOTS OF METIONS OF NAC IN THIS GET READY.
Part 3 to "Life as an Angel in Akuneko" Spoilers! First part is about you taking with Akane (this world's aruji-sama) and Muu, and the second part is about Akane and Muu going back to the palace to find Haures warning them about the angel (you) that ran away from town a couple of days ago
Akuneko and Sanrio collab writing!??/1?!?!?!/!?1!!?? Is this even legal?? I have no idea honestly ( ._.) I just wanted to write how I think the butlers discovered the mini Sanrio characters, which led to them having a crossover/ collab
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kamidukki · 1 year
[AKNK] Butler's known family member(s)
Simpler and less organised than the previous list (Butler and Demon) because it's unplanned.
Berrien: an orphan, no blood relatives, raised in a church
Bastien: (have no info)
Lono: younger siblings not related by blood
Haures: a mother, little sister (Tricia Clifford)
Boschi: a grandmother
Fennesz: both parents (mentioned) and an older sister
Ammon: a mother
Lucas: parents mentioned, no sibling
Nac: father, no sibling
Lamli: a mother
Miyaji: (have no info)
Flure: an older sister
Latto: a younger brother (Alec), adoptive mother
Teddy: parents (mentioned), a twin brother
Yuuhan: a cousin, two nephews
Hanamaru: (when I made this list, what I had in mind was the family that raised them/they grew up with so at the moment it is blank bcs I have no info. Apart from that, Hanamaru had raised four children prior to becoming a devil butler)
🔹Needless to say, most of the butlers' family members have long been deceased.
🔹Lucas and Nac seem to be the only butlers who were born into a wealthy family (even though it's more of a heavy implication in Lucas' part... I think?)
🔹 Tricia, Haures' little sister, and Alec, Latto's younger brother each has an in-game sprite.
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