#akumaclass harem au
wilygryphon · 8 months
Akumaclass Harem AU
Marinette has a crush (whether she yet knows it or not) on all of her classmates, and when she kisses their Akuma forms (either as Ladybug or as Marinette), their Akumas’ connection to Hawk Moth severs and they regain their normal minds and are able to switch between civilian and Akuma modes.  This also prevents Hawk Moth from Reakumatizing them, as technically they still have an Akuma.
It first happened with Lady Wifi.  Her Akumatized best friend had her locked to the wall and her partner trapped, and she was making a big show of how she had full control of the situation and was going to unmask her to all of Paris.  Ladybug was very attracted to the presented power and was overcome with the urge to kiss her, to the surprise of both of them.  Alya’s normal mind and morality were restored, and Hawk Moth’s connection to her was broken, and she quickly dismissed the livestream sigil and the locks.  She apologizes for everything and drops her Lady Wifi appearance while Ladybug uses the Miraculous Cure.  Marinette wonders what could have happened, but Tikki has no answers that would explain it as being a power of the Ladybug Miraculous.
Evillustrator- Marinette explains the situation to Sabrina adequately, and Sabrina is touched that Mari would agree to the date to help Nath and keep Chloé safe.  On the date, Marinette is genuinely charmed by Evillustrator/Nathaniel and gives him a kiss on the cheek.  This has the same effect as on Lady Wifi and Nath comes to his senses while still appearing as Evillustrator.  Marinette admits that she worked with Chat Noir to trap and Deakumatize him, but Nath tells her that she did the right thing even if he doesn’t like being tricked.  Chat reports to Chloé to tell her that she is safe now.  Marinette wonders how she has this power, and muses the possibilities of if it is a hidden power of the Ladybug Miraculous or something akin to True Love’s Kiss.  In the meantime, she offers to go on a real date with Nath.  When Marinette relays the night’s events to Sabrina, the latter girl is dismayed as she wanted to ask Mari out on a date, but Mari agrees to that.  So she starts dating both Nathaniel and Sabrina, and both are willing to help her with her crush on Adrien.
Ladybug gets this to work with Horrificator but ironically fails to perform it on Dark Cupid.  When Nino tries to tell Marinette he likes her but panics and says he likes Alya and Marinette comes up with ideas to set them up, Alya is annoyed in part because she is in love with Ladybug after the Lady Wifi kiss.  But Alya and Nino still end up falling for each other and start dating.  Ladybug later uses her magic kiss on Princess Fragrance and Reflekta (but not Gamer, Vanisher, or Antibug).  After she comes to understand Chloé’s situation, her pushed-down feelings spark up more clearly rather than having Chat Cataclysm the Bee Comb.  She still takes the Miraculous back to Master Fu and discuss the whole “Akuma Cure Kiss” thing.  While she does not have the Miraculous, Chloé cannot become Queen Wasp again, as the Akuma is in the Miraculous, but she could be Akumatized without it.  Marinette takes part in the fight against Reverser in civilian form due to her Ladybug form being reversed and made clumsy so Marinette has the opposite state, and she kisses them to bring Marc to their senses.  So by the time we get to Heroes’ Day, Marinette is dating Nathaniel, Sabrina, and Marc, while Ladybug has Alya, Mylène, Rose, Juleka, and Chloé pining for Ladybug.
When Vanisher follows Ladybug in an attempt to find the Guardian, Ladybug detransforms and kisses her as Marinette to free her from Hawk Moth’s control.  Every Love-Redeemed Akuma aids Team Miraculous in fighting Scarlet Moth’s army, while Chloé starts out as Queen Bee in the fight before shifting to Queen Wasp to clear out large numbers of Scarlet Akumas when she thinks of it.  Ladybug gets kisses in on Timebreaker (really easy because Scarlet Moth had her stand by because he remembered that she is the one Akuma he doesn’t want to use) and Stoneheart (kept occupied by Horrificator).
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Akumaclass Harem AU-
Since she is openly poly/has accepted that she is poly, Ladybug doesn't turn Chat Noir down with the "there's someone else" line, and though she adds that she has multiple loves, she and Chat start dating after Glaciator.
How long do you think I can drag out Adrien joining Marinette's harem as a civilian, with her ever-growing polycule helping her try to overcome her nerves and get his attention versus Adrien still being dense?
wait shit I just saw
I had to go find the post but
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wilygryphon · 8 months
I love how Hawkmoth was fishing for a chance to leak the info to Marinette and akumatize her lol.
Not really. He was just feeling awkward with what was happening.
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wilygryphon · 8 months
Akumaclass Harem has Sabrinette.
Immediate S Tier
Thanks! It's not really one I have put much focus on, but it's cute. (And it has a neat what-could-have-been starting point in canon.)
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Akumaclass Harem AU- When Marinette comes up to order ice cream, André Glacier short circuits.
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Akumaclass Harem AU- If Chat Blanc were to happen-
Hawk Moth: "Chat Blanc, I am—"
Ladybug kisses Chat, he returns to his senses and just glares at his father
Hawk Moth: "Oh, right. I forgot about that. Say, uh, does Miss Dupain-Cheng know about this/is she cool with it?"
Ladybug: "I am Marinette, you idiot."
Hawk Moth: "Oh... Yeah, that makes sense. You're the only one(s) who did that kiss thing."
Then Ladybug calls Alya on her Bugphone and Lady Wifi jumps out of the yo-yo with her other Akuma partners, LB having called Alya to get everyone ready during the chase.
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Akumaclass Harem AU-
Weredad might not happen, since Mari has multiple partners at this point and is dating Chat Noir as Ladybug. The "I'm in love with you" cover and brunch may still happen (with Tikki teasing her over that being a knee-jerk reaction), but it won't be as awkward and Chat starts to wonder, and she definitely doesn't overplay the "heartbreak" reaction if Chat does reject her.
Reflekdoll and Miraculer would not happen since Juleka and Sabrina are severed Akumas. In the case of Miraculer, while Chloé might be made to doubt somewhat (and she doesn't have the Bee Miraculous so could be Akumatized), she still rejects the Akuma so Hawk Moth recalls it since it can't go to Sabrina.
Oblivio might happen differently with Nino alone as the Akuma. (That would get him to be kissed and severed and get him into the harem on one side or another.)
Oh dope!
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I'm not sure how the episodes that circle around the Marinette-Adrien-Kagami love triangle would go in the Akumaclass Harem AU. Marinette is still trying to woo Adrien, but she is all for poly relationships, though she doesn't know if Adrien is poly as well, and she hasn't developed a connection with Kagami yet. How would that all factor into certain Season 3 episodes?
Animaestro- Chloé doesn't push Marinette into trying to prank Kagami out of jealousy since she (Chloé) is dating Ladybug. There is a possibility that Marinette would end up in a conversation with Kagami.
Backwarder- Again, the jealousy issue would be unclear, but the same stuff might still happen for one reason or another.
Oni-Chan- If Marinette and Kagami haven't developed a bond by this point, then Mari wouldn't kiss Oni-Chan to sever her connection to Hawk Moth. If that is the case, then while Mari and Kagami would get together between Ikari Gozen and the day that would have Heart Hunter, but Kagami would not have an Akuma form like most of the rest of Maribug's harem.
Do you have any thoughts?
Animaestro - Honestly yeah just let Mari and Kagami talk!!
Backwarder - tbh you could cut the letter mixup entirely and just have Marinette see them off without trying to force a confession. The Akuma could still happen because Marianne is sad about the whole situation. Unfortunately little room for interactiosn with Kagami.
Oni-Chan - Have the Akuma go as normal, but afterward be like 'hey have you ever considered polyamory as a solution to your problems?'.
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Chaotic as hell I love it
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