#akutgawa might be a little oc
moniwaskaname · 2 years
Do you think Higuchi was bullied in the PM
Can you do a headcanon / fanfic where Higuchi stands up for herself
Uh, I do think she was and still is. Like, I think the Black Lizard did bullied her until chapter 14 when she earned some respect from them. Despite the lack of focus on them and Higuchi, we see little of their relationship or progress, but we know it’s there. Akutgawa tho, treats her like a punching bag, and I still think he does.
With other PM members, I do think she’s looked upon but not exactly bullied. The thing with Higuchi is that she’s high ranked, besides little time on the mafia, besides having no ability, so naturally, compared to the people she stands with, she’s pretty powerless, but I do not think people like her, who are lower ranked, bully her because she has more power than those.
Anyways, I wrote some small fic for you, hope you like it <3 (Aku might have turned a little oc, and I wrote Hirotsu like a proud grandpa, I couldn’t contain myself, sorry).
"You can do this Higuchi," she whispered to herself, as she looked herself on the mirror and slapped her cheeks in a way to cheer herself up. Because no one else would.
No one else ever had.
Akutagawa and Hirotsu were waiting in front of Mori’s office. While Hirotsu’s calm remained untouched, Akutagawa’s sour look made her want to shrink. After knocking the door, they got inside, where Mori was waiting for them behind his desk. Elise was playing with dolls beside him on the floor. Higuchi bowed politely, but anxious.
Mori wasn't happy, and with good reason, as the mission had been a disaster and Higuchi wasn’t sure how they were going to get out of that one.
"Care to explain what went wrong?" Mori asked, with false politeness.
The thing about Mori, was that he never raised his voice. Higuchi could stand screams, even slaps and punches, but not the deadly and poisonous false calmness of Mori.
Higuchi nervously looked from Akutagawa to Hirotsu to the floor several times, anxiety building on her chest. But Hirotsu was not going to say anything, as he wasn’t the head of the mission, and so, he remained silent, with his chin up.
“Higuchi got in my way,” Akutagawa growled, interrupting Higuchi attempt to gain courage to speak. Higuchi’s eyes widenen, mouth was left hanging. “She let the target escape.”
Akutagawa was not looking at her, just at Mori. And to be fair, it was a very Akutagawa-like answer, and it was not the first time he had put the blame on her. Higuchi, usually, allowed it. It was not only her obsessive desire to not make him angry and to please him above anything, but also because, she was nothing. She was disposable and powerless.
Higuchi was aware the lack of respect her subordinates had for her, that their obedience came from the fear of Akutagawa and not because they believe in her leadership. And to be fair, neither did she.
So, Higuchi developed the habit of giving up the fight before even trying, and just let it be.
“That’s not true,” her voice was thin and hesitant, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
Her face started to heat, when she realized she had spoke without thinking, her feelings getting the best of her. Akutagawa narrowed his eyes, his stare cold as ice.
“What are you...”
“Everything was going fine,” she continued. Higuchi felt like crying, but she couldn’t stop herself now. The words flew out of her mouth even though she tried to stop herself. “But you got impatient and attacked the guards, who alerted the target and escaped. It was not my fault!”
There was a prolonged silence after she finished shouting her truth. Higuchi, with tears on her eyes, realized that she had speak over her superior and looked at the floor, ashamed. Akutagawa’s fist were close and his lower lip trembled. It was a matter of time before he slapped her.
Hirotsu’s poker face was broken, as his eyes widened and surprise was evident. Mori was just staring. Patiently.
“You...” Akutagawa growled, raising his hand, blinded by anger.
“Well, so that’s what happened,” Mori interrupted. Akutagawa regained composure, lowering his arm. Higuchi’s eyes were fixed on the floor, as regret hit her like a truck.
Mori seemed amused with the scene, as he smiled and allowed them to leave without anything but the future mission to clean up the mess they made.
When they left the room, Higuchi was expecting Akugatawa to hit her like many times before, but instead, he glanced at her before continuing his way and disappearing on the elevator. Higuchi sighed.
“Good job,” Hirotsu whispered after, patting her head for a second.
Higuchi looked at the old man, surprised at the gentle, proud and tiny smile on his face before following Akutagawa’s steps.
The girl was left alone, feeling a mix of fear and relief.
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