#al mashish
iy0v · 9 months
In memory of the ancient pole in Islamic mysticism: Sidi Abd as-Salam ibn Mashish
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Abd as-Salam ibn Mashish, the man of his time, a renowned muslim gnostic, lived in the 12th century in present-day Morocco. Being a significant figure in Islamic mysticism (known as sufism). He was particularily the murshid "spiritual guide" of al-Shadhili, his only disciple, who later went on to establish the Shadhiliya Order.
Renowned for his piety and deep spiritual insight, his teachings and writings consisted of a collection of reflections about religious and political life in his time, of a eulogy of Mohammed (taṣliyah), The Salutation Upon The Best Of Creation, and the widely known metaphysical paraphrase within sufi circles called al-Salat al-Mashishiyah. His influence extended to the renowned Islamic philosopher and Sufi, Ibn Arabi, who acknowledged Abd as-Salam ibn Mashish's impact on his own spiritual journey.
May Allah bless his soul in the purifying ocean of Oneness.
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mereallah · 2 years
The Friend of Allah does not hate people, nor does he harbour ill will toward them; indeed, he does not see them at all. When a lover beholds his beloved, if the whole of the world and its delights were to be paraded before him, his gaze would not fall upon it even for the blinking of an eye. Such is it with those who love Allah.
– Moulay 'Abd al-Salam Ibn Mashish
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rest-in-being · 5 years
"An Enemy that Causes You to Reach your Lord is better than a Beloved that Cuts You off from your Lord".
~ Sidi ʻAbdal-Salam ibn Mashish (the Shaykh of Imam Shadhili)
The meaning of this lies in not complaining about your Qadr-destiny, when being attacked and tested. But see it as a (breaking point to wash your sins) and open sincerely to (worship-ibadah).
*Thus (tribulations having hidden blessings);*
that we are suddenly thrown into a seclusion of extra worship, we otherwise wouldn't never do, as our Egos are lazy, so sometimes shaytaans brings you closer to Allah how Ironic!
So have Sabr, my dear friend dont complain of people, but complain of your lack of understanding of inner Wisdom! that Allah has given to your Qadr-destiny. If you are Always thankful praise Allah in bad states, Allah will lift you yo higher states out of His Mercy of Compensation!
As for *...a Beloved that Cuts You off from your Lord*
These are family members, that keep you busy in dunya by chasing Dunya and not chasing Allah, yes they love you, but they keep your Nafs strong and your Soul weak. But your Enemies keep you at Bay and this is what the Nafs needs and the Soul only then runs to Allah.
Also don't worry Sayyiduna Rasulallah sallallahu is with, as Long as your with Him by read Abundance of Salawat Ya Faraj Rasulallah Sallallahu alayhi wasallim al-Maddad
Extra notes from last night now:
*Sometimes its good to be attacked*... because the next time you can plan ahead and be mucher better prepared..
It should only make you stronger if you see it as a lesson...
*Otherwise you only fail yourself from the lesson and then you have actually lost Spiritually and gained no Opening of wisdom for the Soul*
For at the moment you can make it, or break it, as that moment of crisis you see Allah clearly in your Soul and help comes through the waseelah of Sayyiduna Rasulallah sallallahu and Ghawth al Azim Shaykh Abdal Qadir Jilani and there you will be success.
So fear no lost or attacks but embrace them with Love, for when Allah tests you He Loves you, embrace with only more Dhikr and more Dhikr, until you expel your Nafs from the darkness of worry and grief.
For Allah says Dont give up in the Mercy of Allah, too. In the peak of your Darkness, light it with raging Flame of Salawat and asking Maddad from Sayyiduna Rasulallah sallallahu and Ghawth al Azim Shaykh Abdal Qadir Jilani through Salawat.
For then your heart will find Solace, Peace and Tranquillity in your Soul and your Nafs will be drunk in Dhikr too.
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farhanjamil89 · 3 years
Shaykh al-Kharrubi at-Tarabulisi ق said to Shaykh ‘Umar b. Abdu'l-Wahhab al-Hasani al-‘Alami ق, who was among the descendants of the great Qutb, Moulay ‘Abdu's- Salam ibn Mashish ق: “This Path has guardians who protect it and guards who will guard it until the Day of Rising. They are the People of Allah and the helpers of His deen. Allah has given them outward and inward knowledge. He has helped them with His Name, the Helper (an-Nasr) and His Name, the Protector (al-Hafiz).”
The Darqawi Way│Letters from the Shaykh to the Fuqara│Moulay al-‘Arabi ad-Darqawi│Translated by Aisha Bewley
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campplay · 3 years
Tunisian President: No dialogue except honest ones
Tunisian President: No dialogue except honest ones
He has recently dissolved the government, dismissed Prime Minister Hisham al-Mashish and froze the parliament’s powers. Tunisia President Kays Said, made statements. Said met with Bashir Al Kathiri, Director General of the Grain Court of the Ministry of Agriculture. HE SAID THAT FREEDOM WILL NOT BE VIOLATION Speaking at the meeting President Said, rights and freedoms will not be violated,…
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islamicus · 7 years
SHADHILIYAH. Together with the Rifa’iyah, Qadiriyah, and Ahmadiyah, the Shadhiliyah is one of the four oldest tariqahs (Sufi orders) in the Muslim world. It takes its name from the Moroccan-born Abfi al-Hasan ‘Ali al-Shadhili, whose chain of initiation (silsilah) is traced through Shaykh `Abd al-Salam ibn Mashish to Abfi Madyan al-Ghawth (d. 1126), the patron saint of Tlemcen. Sidi Abfi al-Hasan…
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mereallah · 3 years
"The Friend of Allah"
“The Friend of Allah does not hate people, nor does he harbour ill will toward them; indeed, he does not see them at all. When a lover beholds his beloved, if the whole of the world and its delights were to be paraded before him, his gaze would not fall upon it even for the blinking of an eye. Such is it with those who love Allah.”
— Mawlay ‘Abd al-Salam Ibn Mashish
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