#alan quartermaine
superghfan · 4 months
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Monica and Alan Quartermaine.
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ghclassic · 5 days
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gootie · 2 years
The drink 'n draw theme was treasure hunters. Alan Quartermaine is mostly a big game hunter but he's uncovered a treasure or two. Ulysses Bloodstone hunts monsters but he's accumulated some treasure over his long life. Anyway... thanks to @artildawn @banzaiboy @solocutart @jonjmurakami & @___roncat___ for another fun filled session #comicjamhawaii #drinkndraw #alanquartermaine #hriderhaggard #ulyssesbloodstone #marvelcomics
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thehauntedrocket · 3 months
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League Of Extraordinary Gentleman
Art by Eric Canete
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Alex Ross having fun with likenesses for his version of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
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bindi-the-skunk · 2 years
Sometimes when I’m writing my Fanfics for League of extraordinary gentlemen, I think it’s far too strange and out there to be liked at all…
Then I remember how bugfuck INSANE the comic is and I stop thinking it
If I ever write anything resembling lightning penis just SHOOT ME or strap me to a chair and play the leagues movie on LOOP
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Listening to the audible book of Dracula, having not read it since high school, and Jesus Christ depictions of Jonathan Harker in various media are even grosser than I remember. In the novel his main traits are, to quote Sister Agatha, his “sweetness and gentleness”; his respect and regard for his wife; and being a nerd. He spends months being held captive, psychologically tortured, and possibly (likely) fed on by Dracula. For much of the rest of the novel he suffers PTSD like symptoms and ill health. 
And in adaptations he’s depicted (when he’s depicted at all) as this bland non-entity or stuffy prude who stops Mina from getting with a Real Man™ like Dracula. Alan Moore out there portraying him a “milksop” who Mina divorces first chance she gets (Moore also has her in love with Dracula, and later Manly Man Great White Hunter Alan Quartermain) A sweet, gentle, and kind man who reacts emotionally to the trauma he endured, (including something that is thinly coded as sexual assault) is portrayed as a cowardly little cuck. 
This despite the fact in the novel he’s free climbing Dracula’s castle walls, smashing Dracula in the face with a shovel when he gets the chance, and spending two days at least traveling on foot through the Carpathian mountains while being pursued by wolves and Dracula’s weed girlfriends, and even lands the killing blow at the end of the novel. None of these heroics outweigh the unforgivable crimes of being gentle, kind and reacting with emotion to trauma instead of walking it off.
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thenightling · 1 year
I was reading up on Alan Moore and how he wrote League of Extraordinary Gentleman and how he chose Mina Murray as his "woman character" because he wanted a woman character and there was a "genius woman" in Sherlock Holmes but she was "too obscure." Irene Adler too obscure?!   I knew who Irene Adler was before I knew who Alan Quartermaine was!   If you're trying to use a graphic novel to entice people into reading the literary classics why idiot proof it?   It would be one thing if he kept Mina a vampire but he didn't.  In League of Extraordinary Gentleman she's mortal (except in the film version) but no, he chose her because he felt people would recognize the name.   Hardly.   There are people who didn't realize who Mina and Jonathan Harker were in The Invitation (2022).  Never underestimate ignorance when it comes to literature.   What I'm saying is, he should have stuck with using Irene.  He wanted a super genius woman, she actually was one.   And today I think (thanks partly to the Sherlock pop culture spike a few years ago) Irene is more well-known than Mina.
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seleeenaaa · 5 months
If I was writing the 60 special of General Hospital
I just finished watching the 60 special, and it was great, but it could have been amazing. Here is what I would do: 
I would have asked for it to be more than 60 minutes. Ninety minutes would have worked. 
For the host and moving it along. It was a choice to make it LW. You should have done beloved fan favourites. I would have done the following: 
Becky and Kelly or Genie and Jane or Tabyana and Nicholas. Those would be how to make most of the fanbase happy. 
I would cut down on the guest people and Stephen A. Smith. You could have done a small two minutes on some of the most famous people. John Stamos was an excellent choice to do that part. 
The part of the dancing should have been Kelly and Finola talking about guest and cast performances. 
More old clips and talking about families such as the Hardy-Webber, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer. 
Here's how I would have done it. (I love the energy Kelly and Becky have in scenes together, so that I would have them) 
Becky and Kelly are getting ready for the show, and both are in their most iconic or favourite outfits. (Becky could be in one of her wedding dresses or nurse ball dress, and Kelly could be too.) 
Becky starts it off with the Hardy-Webber family and how Dr. Steve Hardy started the show, and you get clips of the family members and the first clip of the first episode. Then Kelly added that it began as a hospital show, but it grew into more, and then we get more clips of the Cassadine-Jermoe families and the cops and others. 
But I would have Kristen Storms jump in and talk about the fantastic guest stars and famous people they had on, such as Elizabeth’s father, Richard Dean Anderson and John Stamos. That was when I would have John Stamos talk about getting the role and the other famous faces. Clips of Richard Dean Anderson, John Stamos, Demi Moore, Ricky Martin, Meghan Markle, Jonathan Jackson, Nathan Parsons, Rick Springfield, and lastly, Amber Tamblyn, who introduces the Quartermaine where she meets up with Wally, Rene, Jane, and Lisa at the Qs where they say a line if these walls could talk. This could lead to wedding dresses, with Lynn wearing her famous wedding dress.
Becky, Lynn, Brook, and Kristina are wearing their iconic wedding dresses with others such as Nancy, Laura W, and Katelyn in theirs. I would still have the same clips but with Brook talking about the first interracial wedding in the daytime. And showing iconic wedding clips such as Tom Hardy’s wedding, Steve and Audrey’s wedding, Drew and Sam’s wedding, Tiffany and Sean’s wedding, Laura and Kevin’s wedding, Scott and Laura’s wedding, Luke and Laura’s wedding, Monica and Alan’s wedding, Robert and Anna’s wedding, and one of Sonny and Carly’s wedding. And I would have Cynthia in one of her wedding dresses from Valentin and her wedding about almost weddings with clips such as Kate and Sonny’s wedding, Drew and Elizabeth’s wedding, Valentin and Nina’s wedding, and Patrick and Sabrina’s wedding.
Here is where I would have Genie host a segment on the Cassadine and Spencers as her wedding clip to Luke finishes with Helena's curse, and we have flashbacks to the war between the families and how other families get involved. I would have Nicholas C join her with Hudson, and they joke about what comes next for the Cassadine-Webber-Spencers war. 
Tristan joins them and jokes with Hudson that their character has something in common, such as coming back from death, and they have clips of characters who have done that. This is where I would have the Steve B announcement, but I would have Hudson and Asher, Jason’s sons, to make the announcement. 
The next segment I would do is about parties and events in PC that never go well with Dominic and Josh. The part of the dancing should have been Kelly and Finola talking about guest and cast performances at the Nurses Ball.  Donnell joins them, and talks about those making good Emmy reels, and they talk about General Hospital wins at the Emmys. 
Maurice, Laura, and Jon talk about iconic storylines about serious topics, and they show clips which I would like to lead into a clip of an upcoming storyline about Adam’s storyline. 
Rick and Kin talks about all of the ones the shows have lost in real life with clips, and I want them to include Billy Miller in this one. I would have Jane and Genie join them with Kristina, Tristan, and Finola as we have them honour long-standing characters. 
Becky and Kelly return and have a segment about fans' favourite storylines where they ask fans. 
Tanisha and Jon talk about babies, how we watch characters have kids and how it is always so dramatic. We have clips of all the main cast who give birth on the show of their most dramatic, such as Elizabeth with Jake and Aiden, Sam with Danny and Scout, Maxie with Georgie, James and Bailey, Alexis with Kristina and Molly, Carly with Michael, Morgan, and Josslyn, Robin with Emma, Felicia with Georgie and Maxie, Monica with AJ, Lucy with Serena, Sabrina with Gabriel, Olivia with Leo, and Britt with Rocco. 
I still have Cynthia and Maura do the bloopers and the ending of the special because that was done well. And the end of the whole thing should be a clip of the upcoming Bobbie’s episode. 
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dross-the-fish · 6 months
have you seen the lxg movie at all? (and forgive me if you have and i’m explaining what you already know lol) it’s totally different vibe to the comics, it’s much lighter and much more pg-13, and i honestly prefer it. it’s no cinematic masterpiece, don’t get me wrong, but it has its charm, and it’s something of a guilty pleasure watch for me.
I did and while it's not what I'd call a great film I enjoyed it and I really really liked what they did with both Mina and Jekyll. The movie does have some bits of fun to be had with both characters and sometimes it's down right cool. While we don't really get much out of Captain Nemo I appreciate that they take the time to acknowledge what a feat of engineering the Nautilus is. I do kind of wish there had been more of Nemo being awesome, I know he's not a goth lit fave but I always get excited for him to show up in crossovers because I love me some sailors and pirates and Nemo has that tragic anti-villain swag.
I give no shits about Alan Quartermain or Tom Sawyer and I didn't care about Dorian Gray. I'd say the movie is fun in parts but doesn't quite come together as a whole, still I enjoyed it enough to want to watch it again from time to time.
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ronnymerchant · 1 year
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Very early silent actress and exotic dancer Mable May Yong who was featured in the first ALAN QUARTERMAIN (1919)
EDIT: I can't believe the backwards morons who run tumblr think this needs a "label". I'll give ya a label= DICKHEADS. FUCK FACES!
This is not porn, pinheads! It's history! Wake the fuck up!
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superghfan · 3 months
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In 2007, Alan’s loved ones gathered to say their final goodbyes.
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ghclassic · 3 months
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Alan Moore called Jonathan a milk sop, as justification why he is unworthy of Mina and that's why he divorced them
Ah cool thanks. That little detail just KILLS me too, bc like ok whatever Alan Moore if you're not interested in Jonathan Harker you're not interested it's your story and if you want Mina to fuck Allan Quartermain that's your perogative but literally just don't mention Jonathan then or say he DIED or something like ughughughugh Read The Text.
Also look. I don't think League of Extraordinary Gentleman is a bad read actually, Moore has a reputation for a reason- the man is creative, but all his gender stuff is sosososo bad. I read the first arc long before I read Dracula and even with that introduction to Mina I was very underwhelmed by her strong independent woman makeover. Make her the leader, make her part of the action, make her take no shit, but he just... made her kinda a cold unlikeable person in the service of #feminism and it wasn't actually feminist of him at all and it really shows. Very similar to what they did to Sansa Stark. Having a woman be a cold emotionally stunted badass bitch is not in of itself sexist- women can have any personality type and some of us are cold emotionally stunted badass bitches, but when you take someone who is canonically so warm and kind and friendly albeit... not liberated... and then your feminist version of her is... not you've not actually done anything feminist at all. I think about this too often.
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bklynmusicnerd · 6 months
GH Catch Up Part Two:
- Love Tracy's hating ass but I have to take serious offense to the "bridge and tunnel" shade as a proud Brooklyn girl. So I have to be Team Lois and frankly that's rich coming from a lady still crying over that white trash devil Luke.
- Don't care about Spinnelli's beef with Cody anymore. Don't understand why Sasha and Cody aren't making out already at bare minimum.
- Anything involving this surrogacy psa storyline is becoming white noise for me. I'm just mourning when the Davis girls used to be fun. The closest we got to classic Davis girls energy was the Sam and Alexis banter over bungee jumping.
- Monica finally back in the Quartermaine mansion (Alan gave it to her) warmed my cold heart negl. Monica and Tracy throwing shade at each other is the most Quartermaine energy in that household all year. Glad I skipped the Finn nonsense so this was my first dose of Monica being back on the screen ❤️.
- Everyone blackmailing Nina is so convoluted and stupid but I'm glad Ned, as the superior Quartermaine, one upped stupid Michael and got what he wanted. Michael is one of the dumbest characters on the canvas right now and it's exacerbated by the fact that he really believes he's a "shark".
- I only watched this ep for Ava and I'm as annoyed as her that she's not allowed to have any mess anymore without Sonny somehow getting involved. They're defanging my girl to make her one of those women who relies on Sonny for "protection" and I am not pleased with this development at all. I'm not interested in losing Ava as her own person just because her and Sonny are fun in scenes together.
- As much as I hate them using Ava as a mouthpiece for Michael's pov of all people (🤢), I kinda get where she's coming from in her scene with Nina. Ava has come to accept that she's earned the enemies she has and leaves it at that. She's not waiting around for them to like her one day the way Nina is. If they stop hating her, cool, if they continue to hate her, also cool. Ngl I kinda wish Nina would adopt this energy so we could move on from her constantly groveling to these people.
- Felicia putting everything together on the stupid Cody/Mac secret is exactly why she needs to go back to her PI work and they need to dead whatever that hospital story is supposed to be.
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spokenitalics · 1 year
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this is such a cursed combination of words,,,,,, but honestly no yeah i agree
bc the league of extraordinary gentlemen is ultimately just a very convoluted way for alan moore to take the readers' hands into his hands, look deep into their eyes and scream FICTION HAS CONSEQUENCES YOU FUCKING MORON into their faces and even just the idea of putting this deeply complicated, deeply flawed, and, as per alan moore's belief system, deeply magical work of art into the hands of the guy whose claim to fame is making twitter bros' favorite grimdark superhero movies is objectively hilarious
(especially bc one of those grimdark superhero movies is an adaptation of another moore comic book -- the very one whose success among fascist scumbags moore himself can't seem wrap to his head around, despite the fact he put a very cool and sympathetic fascist in it, and not even for the first or last time in his career, bc IRONY! turns out fiction has consequences you fucking moron)
(also IRONY! the guy who adapted the Whole of (Western, often Anglo) Fiction into a comic book keeps getting mad about his own work being adapted -- but that's another story)
and i know everyone only cares about the victorian volumes of tloeg -- which is more than fair, i would to if i were sane -- but at the end of the day if there's a living director whose attempt at the golliwog could change the direction of cinema forever it's zack snyder (in my nightmares mark gatiss is also somehow involved)
but does he have the range to do 'harry potter aka the antichrist kills allan quartermain by shooting lightning form his dick only to be killed by god incarnated as mary poppins'???
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