#alec troven
kippurbird · 11 months
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Prompt - Boast
Alec Troven, the Everstorm of Chaos, ancient eldritch entity from beyond time and reality. Obnoxiously over powered Mary Sue. He can twist reality to his whim. And he's going to let you know it.
Also my blorbo I created in the early 90s and he hasn't left me alone since.
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kippurbird · 4 years
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Sometimes even an ancient eldritch entity has a bad night and is in desperate need of coffee in the morning.
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kippurbird · 5 years
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No one ever said you had to spike the punch with liquor....
Prompt: Spiked
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kippurbird · 5 years
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#13 Metallic
Frying pans are yummy. Alec can’t be expected to keep track of something the size of Meltan at all times. Telling it not to eat the frying pan doesn’t work. Since when did any of the creatures that live with him listen to his desires?
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kippurbird · 5 years
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Prompt: Ambush.
Making friends with a mischievous Mimikyu has its downsides...
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kippurbird · 5 years
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A continuation from "Bond" (day 21). The Mimikyu has gotten itself stuck on the ceiling and needs help getting down. A bit of karmic justice. 
Prompt: Justice
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kippurbird · 5 years
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Alec glowered at Moogie as the baby mimic hung valiantly from his finger. What sort of eldritch entity completely missed seeing a baby mimic? Really. There was being distracted and then there was just being stupid. Which would be par for course for him, of course.
Continuation from yesterday’s picture.
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kippurbird · 5 years
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Mimikyu trying to get some of Alec's food. It works better when he's asleep.
It's nice to have a friend who can look under your disguise without dying in fear since they're also an eldritch horror.
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kippurbird · 6 years
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#15 Weak: Mimikyu has some weak tea. It’s not happy about it. 
#16: Angular. I’d have to say thar are some angles there. 
#17: Swollen; Waterballoons are swollen. Waterballons are also meant to be thrown. But throwing them at sleeping people is rude, Mimikyu. 
#18: Bottle: Just a ghost cat around a bottle.  realize now that I forgot to make kitty transparent down the ledge too. Whups.
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kippurbird · 6 years
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#24 Chop: Trey, Alec’s fire-lizard he picked up on Pern is stealing food from the kitchen and Mimikyu is trying to do the same. Trey will probably let it. As long as it doesn’t try to take Trey’s.  
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kippurbird · 6 years
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#26 Stretch:  Meltan and Mayhem both want to eat the spoon. It’s being stretched between them. I’m not sure what happens though. 
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kippurbird · 6 years
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#28 Thunder: It’s nice to hang out with a loved one on a couch under blankets watching a thunder storm. Terrible drawing and my pen’s running out of ink. Eeep!
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kippurbird · 6 years
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Inktober #14 Clock  
Just Alec looking at a pocket watch inside gears and a clock. Well, ideally it’d be a clock. I think if I were to make this a full drawing it’d be a clock. With stain glass because I like stain glass. 
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kippurbird · 6 years
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#20 Breakable  It’s sort of cliche and everything. I did kinda want to make a star field in the background of the mirror or something but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.  
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kippurbird · 7 years
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Baby mimic in the shape of a salt shaker. 
This one is Moogie and lives at Alec’s Inn and enjoys biting fingers when people pick it up. It will also eat silverware or anything else that people offer it. Though sometimes it will throw up what it’s eaten later. 
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kippurbird · 8 years
30 day character survey day one
This is for Alec. 
Day 1: Basics and cosmetic: Age: 23~ish. He’s also really, really, really, really old. And he’s also the maturity level of a late teenager because his people emotionally mature slower than humans. On his home world he’s been around for 23 years.  Date of Birth: Leap day which comes once every five years. Hair color: Black Eye color: mud brown Skin color/nationality: Dusky/ Wizard Accent: I like to say he sounds like a mix of Welsh and Elvish.  Height: 5 feet 11 Weight: Whatever the average weight is for someone his height.  Tattoos: He’s gone a blue crescent moon shaped tattoo on the right side of his face and a phoenix tattoo on his right shoulder.  Piercings: Three in his left ear Birthmarks: None Disfigurements: none Scars: Lots of little ones, the major ones are two claw mars on his right shoulder, a scar across his left eye from forehead to chin and one that sort of says “Orion” on his left shoulder.  Do they have any nicknames? Where did they come from: Technically Alec is his nickname as his real name is Alexander. He got it because he had trouble saying Alexander -it’s pronounced Alec’zander where he’s from - when he was little and it just sort of stuck. 
Survey here if you’d like
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