friday-gal · 4 years
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• BOOK 9 • I have to say I've heard mixed reviews about this book series, many saying the writing and characters are feeble attempts at creating a good story and whatnot. All I can say is screw those people because I enjoyed this series more than I could ever describe in words. It's seriously written in such a way that even if you're told about every event and spoiler throughout any of the books, you will still be amazed at how those happenings come about. Cassandra Clare places twists into the story that you wouldn't have ever thought of no matter how much you ponder, and I very much enjoyed the sarcasm and humour throughout all the books. All the major events are well woven together in a way where you really don't know what will happen and Cassandra Clare is very creative with her ideas of the several different supernatural races in the story as well as her own principles of Shadowhunters and their world. The characters are interesting and definitely not boring, they're thoughts and actions frustrated me sometimes, but it makes it all the better and more suspenseful to read. The descriptions gave me a clear image in my mind of what was happening, and I often found myself pulled into the world and politics of the Shadowhunters. Quite plainly? I love it. The building feelings and love between the main characters, Clary and Jace, along with the action and adventure are thrilling and enticing. I personally can't get enough of this series! . . . . #mortalinstruments #cityofbones #cityofashes #cityofglass #cityoffallenangels #cityoflostsouls #cityofheavenlyfire #jaceherondale #clarissafairchild #issabellelightwood #simonlewis #alecgedionlightwood #magnusbane https://www.instagram.com/p/B70f200n29T/?igshid=14pio99yx7mv5
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