jenzig · 7 years
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20+ Icons of the Bane Hawk™
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- Icons under the cut
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stardustalec · 7 years
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High Warlock of Brooklyn
Alec’s version
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jean-valjean-moreau · 7 years
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          I S A B E L L E   L I G H T W O O D
“How do you manage never to get mud on your clothes?” Isabelle shrugged philosophically. “I’m pure at heart. It repels the dirt.”
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ladymatt · 7 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: POV Alec Lightwood, Canon Compliant, Fluff and Humor, OC character mentioned, Sam the Scorpio poem-loving barista, Domestic Malec, Magnus in a pinstripe suit, Alec in his dependable denim, Magnus at work in his office, Alec working up to joining him there, Poetry, Warlock Magnus Bane, Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood, Hint of smut, Boyfriends, Spooning on the couch
Summary:Looking forward to spending a cosy night with Magnus in front of the TV, Alec's bubble is burst when his beloved 'big spoon' declares he has *insert eye roll* work to do! Despite valiant efforts at distracting himself from the loss of a warm body tucked into his back, he finds the phrase 'out of sight, out of mind' to be complete bs when it comes to his boyfriend - so with a book of poems in hand, he seeks out the company of the 'Rhyme' to his 'Reason.'
A gift for @alecsplushpillow for the SH Summertime Gift Exchange Fest 2017
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More Precious Than Gold (The Lightwood-Banes)
Enjoy, @alecsplushpillow!
Hello Sam, it’s the Oracle, at last!  I really hope you enjoy your gift and that it makes you smile! It has been fun to get to know you through your blog, I’m sure we’d get along famously!!  Your enthusiasm for my messages proved a great motivator and I want to thank you for your wonderful Ask replies! Enjoy your surprise! Love & Hugs! ;-)) XXXX
[Read on AO3]
More Precious Than Gold
(The Lightwood-Banes)
Exiting the penthouse lift, Alec dragged his weary feet to their front door, ready to drop onto the couch and sleep for a week. He pushed it open, pausing as his ears were met with childish shrieks of ‘Take that!’ and ‘Fire the cannons!’ followed by realistic sound effects  and suddenly all traces of fatigue fell away.  
The door closing heralded his return and two young pirates, complete with costumes and perfect make-up, jumped into his path before launching themselves at his legs, with delighted squeals of ‘Dad!’  Ruffling their hair, being careful not to dislodge their elaborately-fashioned bandanas, Alec returned their beautiful smiles before asking in a conspiratorial whisper, ‘Where’s Papa?’  
Five year old Max tugged at his impossibly large hand, cupping little fingers to his cherubic mouth as their new recruit knelt down dutifully to listen.  ‘He’s not Papa, he’s Captain Cat Eyes and he wants our gold!’  Blue eyes shone with glee as hazel ones looked suitably afraid. ‘What should we do?’ he asked fearfully, as Rafe threw his arms around them both to form a huddle. With authority belying his tender age of seven, his eldest replied, ‘We have to take him prisoner!’ looking over his shoulder at what used to be the living room.
Curious, Alec grasped their hands as he stood up, edging further into the room and gasping as his eyes took in the change.  His peaceful haven had been transformed into a tropical utopia, walls filled with plants and flowers of every colour imaginable, the floor covered in golden sand with weathered planks forming pathways in different directions around the furniture.  Balcony doors had been thrown open to showcase what was now the bow of a ship, complete with steering wheel and flagpole, flying the obligatory skull and crossbones which bore the gold-green eyes of a cat. Oh boy, his indulgent husband had really pushed the pirate boat out this time. They would never sleep tonight.
With surround sound speakers providing the perfect soundtrack of creaking wood, noisy seagulls and rolling waves, there was only one detail missing from the scene - the all-important treasure.  Expecting to see a bejewelled chest sitting atop of the big black ‘X’ in the middle of the room, Alec’s heart melted instead at the sight of a glitter-covered shoebox dotted with shiny gemstone stickers, a big black lock drawn in Rafe’s hand on it’s lid, with Max’s scribble of ‘tHe gOld’ either side of it. He could imagine the fun they’d had making it, let alone the mess it had caused, and wished he’d been home to share in it.
A polite cough came from the general direction of the balcony, drawing their attention, followed by a gravelly voice calling, ‘Parley!’ the desired impact ruined by the accompanying giggle. ‘I be willing to allow ye a ten minute truce to prepare….,’ a short pause, ‘Pretty Boy Pirate for battle!’  Alec chuckled at the nickname, it’s effect on him the same now as it had been the first time.  Magnus’ normal voice restored, he added, ‘Everything’s ready in the bedroom! Better be quick!’ Resuming his role with a lusty ‘AARRGGHH!’ as he stomped his feet, the sound had the kids running for their daddies’ room, Alec in tow. Only just managing to slide the door closed before a thud from the other side had them all jumping with nervous delight, they laughed as they taunted their enemy who was having difficulty not joining in.  ‘Clock’s ticking, Blueberry Beard! And tell Racketeer Rafe that I owe him for those cannon shots!’ As the boys quickly dispersed to gather up make-up and jewellery from Papa’s vanity table, Alec took the opportunity to finally say hello to his beloved.
Pressing his forehead to the door, he whispered, ‘Evening, beautiful! I gather this was your idea?’  He could picture Magnus’ guilty grin as he flattened himself against the wood on the other side.  ‘Good evening, darling! And I admit the thought of you pouring yourself into the black leather trousers I’ve laid out for you, did expedite my willingness to participate.’  Alec looked back at his costume warily.  The trousers and navy blue ruffled shirt seemed suspiciously small to him, grimacing as he noted there were very few buttons with which to fasten it. Typical.
‘Hey! No talking!’ Rafe scolded, pulling his father away from the door by his jacket, ‘You’re not even dressed yet!’
Stumbling backwards, Alec held his hands up in apology. ‘You’re right, I’m sorry. Gimme two minutes.’  Seeing the panic on their faces, he scooped up the clothing off the bed and quickly headed for the en-suite, calling out ‘One minute!’ through the door.  Toeing off his boots, he shed his jacket and t-shirt before hopping out of his jeans, kicking them to one side as he hastily donned the snug-fitting shirt and the indecent leathers. ‘Magnus, you’re in so much trouble for this,’ he promised, as his reflection rolled its eyes at him, cursing the amount of chest hair on show.  Alec only hoped Captain Cat Eyes was similarly attired as he knotted the matching paisley bandana behind his head, and flung open the door.
‘What do you think?’ he asked proudly as Max bounded over, his hands full of goodies from the trinket bowl.  ‘You look really handsome, just like Papa always says,’ came the heartwarming reply as Alec lifted him onto his hip so he could place the silver necklaces over his head, revelling in his son’s laughter as he planted kisses on his soft cheeks.
‘Five minutes!’
‘Dad, quick! You need a beard!’ Rafe urged as he tapped the stool, brown eyes pleading with him to hurry.  Placing Max on his knee as he sat down, Alec allowed him to add rings and a bracelet to his hands while Rafe set about dotting his jawline with the kohl pencil, tickling them both as they did so.
‘Two minutes and counting!’ Magnus insisted, ‘Tick tock, tick tock…’
‘No way!’ Alec countered, as he placed Max back on his feet and checked his appearance in the mirror, feeling proud of his son’s efforts. ‘You are cheating!’
‘Pirate!’ came the smug reply, ‘And you three are having far too much fun without me, by the sounds of it!’ The bedroom door slowly began to slide open and the boys flew to close it, their shared laughter the best sound Alec had ever heard, the reason his heart had trebled in size over the last few years. Blinking back the unexpected tears of happiness, he assumed his ‘Head of the NY Institute’ voice and strode toward them, with a warning of ‘One minute! So you’d better run!’  A creditable yelp was the response as they listened to Magnus fleeing back to the ‘island’ and Rafe began the countdown, but Max’s impatience to resume battle prompted him to push aside the door and go charging after the Captain, leaving them little choice but to follow suit.
With enthusiastic battle cries, they ran into the room, only for Alec to come skidding to a halt at the sight that greeted him. His husband in pirate garb was something he never knew he needed until now, and the effect on him was immediate. He’s a little uncomfortable in tight trousers.  Vaguely aware of their sons’ attempts to start a fight, their eyes found each other as they always did, and Alec thanked the Angel that the boys were too distracted to witness their blatant appraisal of each other’s appearance. As much as Alec thrilled to the slow examination he was being subjected to, it was Magnus’ body and soul that made him react this way.  Every time. Knowing the man within that amazing body was even more beautiful on the inside was what drew him to Magnus, what kept him there and why he’d never leave.
Nodding his head and giving an approving wink, Magnus recovered quicker, pretending to fend off both of his adversaries with deft movements and exaggerated growls, giving Alec time to take him in.  A vision in black, from the knee-high buckled boots and velvet fitted trousers, to the matching sleeveless lace-up that was begging to be untied, he looked dangerous. Silver and onyx jewellery adorned his ears, throat and hands, whilst the violet streaks in his soft bouncy hair were matched by the rakishly tied sash at his hips and the glittery make-up.  Was it their bed time yet?
‘You cheated!’ yelled Captain Cat Eyes as he jumped behind the ship’s wheel to protect himself from another attack.  ‘Pirates!’ Pretty Boy replied, feeling a ridiculous amount of pleasure at being able to say it back, as the Captain rolled his eyes. Suddenly, Blueberry Beard shouted, ‘Attack!’ and the brothers waved imaginary cutlasses as they ran at him, only for the would-be prisoner to leapfrog the wheel and escape to the island, where Pretty Boy was guarding the priceless chest. The boxed one, not his husband’s.
‘I can’t wait to get my hands on that thing!’ Magnus promised, spanking him on the way past, leaving Alec groaning as he self-consciously tugged down his shirt while the kids gave chase.  ‘Dad, keep it safe!’ was the order thrown over the shoulder of Racketeer Rafe, and Alec promptly stood astride it, doing his bidding.  When Magnus looped back around and saw him, he couldn’t resist a cheeky follow-up.  ‘’X’ does indeed mark the spot for all things coveted,’ he quipped a little breathlessly, sidestepping Alec’s attempt at catching him, before ducking behind the brick pillar.  
As his fellow pirates rounded the armchairs, Alec stopped them with a finger to his lips, as he pointed at their target’s hiding place.  Max crossed his hands over his mouth to stifle a giggle as Rafe nodded his understanding.  Signalling for Max to stay with the treasure, he let the older boy take the lead, tiptoeing over to where Magnus had last been seen before splitting up to ambush him.  ‘Gotcha!’ they both cried as they jumped out from behind the pillar, only to be met with thin air.  Hearing loud shrieks and laughter, they turned to see Captain Cat Eyes standing over the ‘X’  with the golden prize in one hand and Max flung over the other shoulder, wriggling as tried to free himself from the enemy.
‘The treasure is mine, you rascally pirates, and there’s nowt you can do to stop me!’ came the triumphant boast, as the Captain tightened his grip on his troublesome hostage.  Pretty Boy stepped in front of Racketeer Rafe, gesturing behind his back for him to go left, as he sought to distract the villainous Cat Eyes.  Alec rubbed at the back of his neck before stretching his arms high above his head, feigning tiredness, as he nodded for Rafe to block the escape to the ship, knowing Magnus would be pursing his lips at the amount of skin on show.  Hungry eyes confirmed his plan had worked. Shipmate in position, he stepped forward, heel-to-toe, a flirty lop-sided smile on his face as he backed the Captain up toward the balcony doors. ‘We can capture you and keep you with us, for always!’ Alec promised, pinning him with an unwavering look that was warmly returned.  
‘You’re ours!’ Rafe shouted, claiming his prisoner with a hug from behind, as Max mumbled a tired, ‘Ours!’ while Magnus lowered him to his hip.  Closing the remaining distance with outstretched arms, Alec sandwiched them both as he reached around to hold onto Rafe, his voice husky with emotion as he avowed, ‘Ours!’  Tilting his chin up to meet his nephilim’s kiss, Magnus ‘surrendered’ with an unequivocal, ‘Yours!’
With a bone-deep sense of contentment, Alec enjoys a few precious moments of having his family close, before relieving Magnus of one drowsy little boy, getting a hug in return.  Kneeling down to wrap an arm around the younger dark-haired angel, Magnus holds up the shoebox with mock solemnity, bidding Alec to bring Max nearer.  ‘This treasure can only be claimed by reciting a secret enchantment. One that can be found in the Book of Spanish Lullabies’ in your bedroom.’  Snapping his fingers, he produced a golden burst of light that filled his palm, before it morphed into a sand-filled hourglass which the boys found mesmerising. ‘If you find the right one and perform it before this timer runs out, the gold is yours!’
Rejuvenated by their excitement, the pair made haste to find the key needed to unlock the chest, as Captain Cat Eyes and Pretty Boy Pirate took the opportunity to, rather desperately, seal their deal. With their lips. Unfortunately, no sooner had they negotiated mutually agreeable positions, their little princes had returned, clutching a well-worn volume of rhymes that Alec found vaguely familiar for some reason.
As the grains filtered down, Magnus placed the box on the floor.  ‘Rafe, honey, you sing the rhyme and Max, you keep your hand palm-down over the lock, ok?  Concentrate, Blueberry, just for a minute.’ Magnus stood behind him in case he needed help as Max scrunched up his nose, trying to make the tiny sparks from his hand form a stronger pulse of energy. ‘That’s it. I’m just going to top you up,’ he encouraged, placing his hand over his son’s, steadying him as the lid of the shoebox began to shake.  Giving Rafe’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze, Alec spoke confidently, ‘You’ve got this.’  Clearing his throat, Rafe began the lullaby.
‘Cierra ya tus ojitos  
(Close your eyes)
Duermete sin temor
(And sleep without fear)
Suena con angelitos parecidos a ti’
(Dream of angels that look like you)
All of a sudden, Alec felt a flicker of recognition at the tune being sung, the words making him somehow nostalgic…. He knew this!
‘Y te agarrare tu mano
(I’ll hold your hand)
Duermete sin temor
(Sleep without fear)
Cuando tu despiertes yo estare aqui’
(When you wake I’ll be here)
On the last note, Magnus flicked his wrist downwards, sending a wave of electric blue light out through Max’s tiny fingers. ‘Now, Max!’ he urged, watching proudly as his son curled his fingers before flinging up his arm, sending the lid flying up to the ceiling to happy cheers. Magnus used the distraction to wave discreet fingers over the open chest, filling it with beakers of warm milk topped with gold flakes and two giant rainbow cookies. Remembering to examine their cleverly-gotten-gains, they bounced with happiness at their mouth-watering reward,  ‘Don’t gulp, you two,’ Alec warned as the boys dropped to the floor, knowing full well it wouldn’t touch the sides.
Whilst Magnus began restoring the loft to its former state with a swirl of his magnificent arms, Alec retrieved the book of lullabies, leafing through the pages as he tried to recall where he might have seen it before.  It must have been years ago, for it to be so distant but from where?  ‘Alexander, what is it?’ Magnus enquired as he ducked under his arm, forcing himself between the book and Alec, shamelessly demanding attention. Dismissing his concerns with a shake of the head, Alec grinned as he happily switched focus, planting several little kisses all over his upturned face, as Magnus held him, eyes closed. ‘Mmmmm…missed you today,’ he whispered as Alec nuzzled the sensitive spot just below his ear.  ‘You miss me every day,’ he breathed across his skin, feeling Magnus smile against his cheek as he murmured his agreement. A loud yawn from Max brought them back to awareness, prompting Alec to get them ready for bed, after a quick peck to the tip of his husband’s nose.
Their routine was quicker than usual, the effort of defending a pirate island proving too much, even for their energetic boys. After a quick bath where they re-enacted their fun-filled adventure using some newly conjured bath toys, courtesy of you-know-who, and their teeth were brushed clean, both were carried to their beds, limp with fatigue. Almost asleep before they’d said their goodnights, faces softened with the promise of dreams, they never looked more beautiful to their proud parents. And their life together never felt more content.
Finally able to realise his earlier plan of crashing out on the couch, Alec was still puzzling over the book he held in his hands when Magnus joined him, kindly allowing him to rest his long legs across his lap. ‘Magnus, how come I’ve heard that rhyme before? And why does this seem somehow familiar?’ Frowning in concentration and chewing his bottom lip, he knew it had something to do with his childhood, but what?  ‘Well, it’s a much-used, well-loved favourite of mine that I’ve had since my teens.  I came across it at a bookstore in Madrid, when Ragnor needed to find some obscure biography of an artist that no-one else had heard of.’ Brown eyes softened at the cherished memory, returning the squeeze of Alec’s hand as he sympathised.
‘Then how would I have seen it? Even the scribbles inside the cover remind me of……’  Alec trailed off as a flash of insight, as vivid as photograph, came into his head.  He was very young, no more than four or five, and he was curled up on one of the chairs outside the infirmary, but he wasn’t sure why.  A book lay on the seat next to him….was it this one? ‘Have you ever brought it to the Institute? I’ve got a feeling I saw it there, outside the infirmary?’  Now it was Magnus’ turn to use his powers of recall, sifting through all the times his services had been needed to heal anyone there.  There hadn’t been that many times, it was usually Catarina’s domain. He had usually been summoned for help in tracking or setting up wards.  But there was that one time….
‘I seem to recollect being asked to do what I could for a young Shadowhunter whose injuries from a rogue werewolf attack proved too severe.  A small boy, with bright red hair and a birthmark on his cheek…’ Alec lifted himself up onto his elbows, open mouthed at his words.  ‘Gabriel.  I called him Gabe. We attended pre-training together, then he was gone. I worried about him but never found out what happened.’ Unable to sharpen the focus of images blurred by time, his heart skipped a beat at the thought of sharing a connection with Magnus, however tenuous, from so young an age.  ‘I sang him that lullaby to try and get him to settle, I’m sure…sorry, sweetheart,’ Magnus added, ‘Is that how you heard it, from outside the door?’  Alec could think of no other reason, ‘Must’ve been.’  
Despite the number of years that had passed since, he was still able to feel regret for his young friend, an innocent generous soul who’d been taken far too soon.  Maybe the fact that he was the father of a boy the same age was what made it hurt, irrelevant of the passage of time.  Lying back down he felt Magnus lace their fingers together and tried to take comfort from finally knowing the truth. ‘I love you, you know that?’ he said softly, knowing Magnus would have been deeply hurt by his inability to save Gabe.  ‘And thank you so much for trying to help him. He was the sweetest kid.’  A heartfelt sigh escaped Magnus as he thought of the people he’d been unable to save, knowing it made him more grateful for what he had. ‘I love you too, Alexander.’
Not wanting to let the sad memories spoil their magical evening, Alec was still glad to know that one of his earliest memories was of Magnus. Together, they would continue to create memories and he would treasure every one.  Sitting up, he enveloped Magnus in a comforting hug, kissing his cheek noisily to coax a smile.  It worked. ‘I wish I’d known you when you were young, I bet you were adorable,’ Alec thought aloud as a baby-faced Magnus made him chuckle.  ‘I’ll have you know I have indeed always been this beautiful, and you should consider yourself lucky to have snared me, Shadowhunter.’ Thumbing the outline of those ‘beautiful’ features, Alec’s eyes crinkled with a smile.  ‘Oh, I do. But you should consider yourself luckier to have hooked someone as pretty as me.’ Magnus’ eyes rounded in mock surprise.  ‘Oh, I do. Let me show you…’
With slow, deliberate movements they released all thoughts of pain, choosing to pour their emotions into something positive, something pleasurable. As their breaths became shorter, they both tried to get closer, letting their hands reacquaint themselves with their soulmate’s body, after all, it had been hours since they’d last made love. The intensity of  their feelings never dimmed, it only burned brighter with time. They would never be over this need to be close.  Magnus broke contact reluctantly. ‘Let’s go to bed,’ he suggested, receiving a heavy-lidded smile in response.
Alec stood, placing the book on the coffee table before pulling Magnus up with both hands, leading him backwards toward their bedroom, sharing a look of promise that, even now, left them breathless with anticipation.  Dilated pupils raked each other’s bodies as they neared the doorway. ‘Tell me Captain, how wicked does a pirate have to be to earn your punishment?’ Alec wondered, still susceptible to blushing, except now his gaze no longer averted and his hands never faltered.  Reaching the foot of the bed, Magnus clenched his jaw as some rather delicious ideas came to mind. ‘Only the most sinful, scandalous and downright indecent acts shall receive the most glorious retribution,’ he replied, dropping his glamour.  With a guttural moan of pure need, Alec began untying the velvet laces, as Magnus reached for the buttoned fly on his leathers, each release increasing the tension.  
‘Then prepare to be boarded, Captain,’ Alec warned, only half-joking, as he used the sash to pull him flush against his body, ghosting his lips along his lover’s throat.
Dextrous fingers began unknotting his bandana, as an evil laugh escaped past Magnus’ lips. ‘Then, Pretty Boy, prepare to be fucked!
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burntotears · 7 years
Baking 101
A prompt from the darling @alecsplushpillow​:  what about malec baking together? Like.. just casually trying to make a bday cake for izzy and they're both idiots when it comes to baking. So it all ends in a mess and flour war and frosting kisses and they Finally end up buying a cake? 😂💕
“How do you not know how to do this?” Alec sighed in exasperation as he surveyed the counter in front of him like it was a battlefield.
Magnus twirled on the spot, eying the other man with a cool expression. “I don’t appreciate the accusation. You don’t know what you’re doing either.”
Alec balked. “I’m not hundreds of years old!”
“Alec, just because I have been alive for centuries does not mean I’ve ever wasted my time on such frivolous things. I have magic for that.” Magnus picked up the can of frosting and eyed it suspiciously.
“Wha- why did you say we had to make it ourselves, then? You could just magic one up!”
“No no no, I said that you should make it yourself. I’m just here for moral support.” He patted his boyfriend on the shoulder and stepped carefully around the counter space, placing the frosting down between them.
Alec’s sigh was overly exaggerated as he gave up the argument in favor of finishing the task in front of him. The recipe sounded simple enough, but once he had all the ingredients laid out in front of him, it just seemed daunting. “I mean, isn’t this just like making a potion? I know you’re good at that,” Alec tried a backhanded compliment as a last ditch effort for Magnus’ assistance.
Magnus leaned against the other side of the counter with a smile on his face. “I don’t think many cakes call for vampire hair or werewolf claws. Small nuances, sure, but probably a grand difference when it comes to taste.”
Alec began unfolding the sticks of butter from the silver wrapping and plopped them into the large mixing bowl before taking the sugar and measuring out the correct amount, gliding a palm over the crystals to even them out against the lip of the measuring cup. Magnus’ eyes were trained on his hands now instead of his face, interest and intent equally visible there.
They both remained quiet as Alec mixed the proper ingredients in the correct bowls and then plugged in the mixer. As soon as the beaters came into contact with the contents of the bowl, bits went flying out and splattered the both of them and the counter.
Magnus blinked and wiped a clump of butter from his neck. “Don’t they teach you this sort of thing in the Institute?”
Alec rolled his eyes as he picked flecks of butter off his own person. “Baking isn’t really one of the shadowhunter main curricula,” he replied sourly.
Magnus made a sound of distaste at that and shook his head. “Maybe you should considering adding it before the young ones end up as hopeless as you.”
Alec couldn’t even muster a response for that, he just stared, mouth gaping with indignation. Magnus now wore a pleased smirk on his face which drove the younger man over the edge. “Alright, you know what, I’ve had enough of this.” With a maniacal glint in his eye, Alec spooned out a chunk of frosting from the container and held the spoon back like a slingshot.
“Oh no you don’t,” Magnus began backing away slowly, shaking his finger. “This hair took hours of crafting in front of the mirror to reach its current state.”
Alec didn’t even flinch. “You use magic.” He advanced from behind the counter, following Magnus step for step as the warlock backed away.
“That is… that is not the point here. The point is it took me hours to choose the hairstyle, so you cann-” his words sputtered to a stop when frosting splattered against his face. He stood stock-still, glaring at the younger man. “Alexander.”
“Yeah?” Alec waggled his eyebrows and began laughing at the sheer horror in Magnus’ features.
It took the warlock a moment to regain his composure, but soon he raised his hand with a flourish of blue magic and a snap of his fingers. The bowl filled with flour and baking powder upended itself over Alec’s head in a blooming mushroom cloud, eliciting a squeak of surprise from the man beneath it. After he’d fully appreciated his retaliation, Magnus said with the straightest face, “Why, Alec, you’re white as a ghost.”
“My cake!” Alec squawked in defeat.
“Hmm and it was going so well too,” Magnus mocked, taking a step closer to the other man.
Alec moved forward as well until they were standing chest to chest, both defiant in their stances. “Well, you look like you’ve contracted some kind of magical pox.” He lifted a finger and swiped some of the frosting from Magnus’ cheek. He pushed the finger into his mouth and sucked the sugar from it while staring the other down.
Magnus’ adam’s apple bobbed with his audible swallow. Alec grinned, removing his finger and closing the distance between them to offer a slow, sugary kiss. Any opposition that might’ve been left between them melted instantly. When they finally pulled away, Magnus’ chest was powdered with flour too and frosting had somehow transferred to Alec’s hair.
“Not sure Izzy is gonna like this cake now,” Alec said with quiet amusement.
Magnus nodded, brushing uselessly at Alec’s shoulder to remove some of the flour. “I think not. Maybe a quick trip to Paris’ finest bakery?” He stepped back to examine the mess of their clothes. “Should probably clean this up first.” With a snap of his fingers, the chaos disappeared from the loft entirely, including all the ingredients left on the counter.
He straightened Alec’s collar needlessly, letting his fingers graze lightly against the rune on the man’s neck. “Right then. I probably shouldn’t have deluded you into thinking you could produce a cake worthy of your sister’s charms anyhow.”
Magnus turned to create the portal, grinning at the indignant “Hey!” that sounded from behind him.
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athenagrantt · 7 years
@alecsplushpillow y’all go and do yourself a favour and follow sam right now!! let her kill you with her amazing edits i swear it’s worth it!! she’s so so so talented and so wonderful ((sometimes i doubt she’s even real)) 11/10 would recommend! 
for every 🎊 I get I’ll recommend a blog
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
alecsplushpillow,magnusizzy,hoteldumorts for the url thing pls 💞
do they follow me: yes/no
do i follow them: yes/no/now
what i like about their blog: okay first off. sams icons? amazing, i literally have all of them saved. huge fan of her blog, it’s amazing and i too am trash. bless 
do they follow me: yes/no
do i follow them: yes/no/now
what i like about their blog: hello i love ur blog and bless for malec saving 2k17. anyways vicki seems chill and tbh im already in love with her??? 
do they follow me: yes/no
do i follow them: yes/no/now
what i like about their blog: okay tbh i lowkey fangirled when i saw olivia follow me cause i’ve been following them forever??? you seem pretty cool and tbh i would love to talk to u but tbh im too awkward 
send me blogs and i’ll do this^
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jamescarstairz · 7 years
f-f-f-fight and alecsplushpillow
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog:
Seph is wonderful one of my favourite people on this site for sure everything he posts is amazing.  i love reading his tags they always make me smile and i love how he analyses everything. his edits are also stunning and his attention to detail is something i love. i also love all of his aesthetic posts i could honestly scroll his blog for hours.
Do they follow me: Yes | No
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What I think about their blog:
Where do i even start with Sam? I love everything so much she’s perfect as is her blog. Like even her theme is so gorgeous and then you see her edits and they’re all so beautiful and her icons that i really want to use but i can’t decide which one to use cause they’re all stunning. plus she’s gorgeous and just the most lovely and yes i think sam is wonderful and i love her and her blog and everything on it very very much
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wi1helms · 7 years
amorverus, alecsplushpillow, canislytherinthings, lightwoodes, harry-daddario and magnusizzy (AKA the editor mvps of this fandom) for the blog compliments. they're my faves and you are, too! 💖 congrats on 2k 😊
@amorverus - your meta and your edits literally make my life !!! i love reading what you have to say about each episode and your thoughts! they’re so interesting and you often talk about stuff i didn’t even realise, so it’s so refreshing and eye-opening to read. not to mention you write so eloquently aaaa i love reading them !!! 
@alecsplushpillow - sam, you know what i think about you already. your edits are stunning, truly truly gorgeous, and on top of that, you are just so !! so !! lovely. one of the nicest people on here and i’m so thankful for your friendship
@canislytherinthings - yael, your edits are simply gorgeous. everything you make is beautiful, you have such an eye for colours and palettes and you are so talented. and you are such a lovely person as well !!!! you always compliment other people’s edits, and it’s so lovely to see!!!
@lightwoodes - aaaa nancy first off i love ur theme !!!! and also your edits are gorgeous !! your most recent jace one??? talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing ….. ! lots of love
@harry-daddario - when u followed me i did a lil scream because i literally couldn’t believe it !!! your blog is lovely, you are lovely, and your gifs are so amazing. i love everything about you and your blog
@magnusizzy - ur url though 👀 i love it !!!! and also your edits are gorgeous, your colouring is always perfect, and your gifsets are always stunning !!! and you’re so lovely to everyone i love your blog !!!
want one?
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alecsimon · 7 years
well, hello, birthdaygirl 💕🌟 guess what i came here for.. yes!! to shower you with some extra love today c: you know how much i adore you, but do you really? 👀 seriously, elle, you're one of the sweetest and kindest human beings in this universe. i love your sense of humour, your enthusiasm for the things you love and you're so thoughtful and caring and supportive and i'm so so glad that i get to call you my friend. you're beyond talented and i love you so much, babe! 💕 happy birthday!! 🎉😙
hi angel did you know i love you to the moon and back? thank you so much for your kind words i’m so 🙈❤️😘
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stardustalec · 7 years
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— Show Me Your Soul  |  Nikita Gill
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮 alecsplushpillow !!
@alecsplushpillow sam !!!! not only are you an amazing person !!!!! youre so talented and i love seeing all of your gifs and graphics on my dash !! they truly extend my lifespan every time i see them !! your blog is gorgeous and your blog is just genuinely one of those iconic sh fandom blogs that everyone knows about and loves !!!
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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ladymatt · 7 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane Additional Tags: POV Alec Lightwood, Fluff and Humor, hint of smut, Husbands, married, Parents, fathers, Family, The Lightwood-Banes - Freeform, Pirates, Domestic Fluff, Family fun, Canon Compliant, Innuendo, OC death mentioned, Dress Up, Magical Papa, Handsome Dad, Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood, Warlock Magnus Bane, treasure chest, Loft transformed into a Pirate Island, A surprise revelation from Alec's childhood
Summary:When Alec returns home exhausted from a busy day at work, he's ready to sleep for a week. Unfortunately for him, the place formerly known as Penthouse 1 has been transformed into a 'treasure island' that is under attack from the sexiest captain Alec has ever laid eyes on! When the pint-sized pirates beg for his help in defending their home, he surrenders all hope of rest in favour of a magical evening of fun, fantasy - and something more precious than gold - family!
A gift for @alecsplushpillow for SH Summertime Gift Exchange Fest 2017
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Love, Spoken And Unspoken
Enjoy, @alecsplushpillow!
Sam, I hope you enjoy the personal touches that I’ve included in this one - and that they give you a chuckle, at least! Love & Hugs! XX   The Oracle!
[Read on AO3]
Love, Spoken And Unspoken
As the Torchwood credits rolled, Magnus couldn’t help but tease his peerlessly handsome boyfriend, as they spooned on the couch.  ‘I think you’d look almost as hot as Captain Jack himself in a greatcoat, Alexander,’ he whispered, nuzzling into the attractively messy locks that tickled his nose.  He was rebuked (or maybe rewarded?) with a playful slap to his butt cheek.  Magnus laughed deep in his throat as a territorial grip replaced it.
‘You have a ‘thing’ for the tall-dark-and-handsome type, clearly,’ Alec observed, as his fingers began to move of their own accord, kneading clenched muscles beneath the black pinstripe trousers Magnus was still wearing after returning from a client. ‘And they all seem to have blue eyes, I’ve noticed,’ he added as an afterthought, almost to himself.
Magnus’s arms pulled him even closer, sneaky fingers slotting between the poppers on the denim shirt.  ‘That’s because they’re a very distant second-best colour after yours.’  Placing his lips to Alec’s ear, he smiled. ‘No other hazel eyes could compare, my darling.’  He nipped at his lobe.  ‘No other.  Full stop.’
Alec thrilled to the words, even though he pretended to scoff at them. Unfortunately, his blush gave him away.  ‘I get it,’ he said softly, twisting his body so that he was facing Magnus, drinking him in.  ‘I also have a ‘thing’ for the tall-dark-and-handsome type.’  Scarlet tipped hair bounced as this was acknowledged.  ‘Except I love brown eyes every bit as much as gold ones. No other eyes compare.’  Magnus shuffled closer to press their foreheads together, his gaze unwavering.  ‘No other.  Full stop.’  
And like every time before when they were compelled to be as close as they could possibly get, it was their kisses that spoke louder than words. Slow, lingering and intimate,,,,,perfect for a couple with a lazy night in front of the TV ahead of them.  Torture for someone with a busy evening of work-related research to look forward to.  With a hard last kiss Magnus pulled back, untangling himself from the altogether too-comfortable hold of his boyfriend as he muttered apologies for having to break up their cosy canoodling in order to attend to warlock duties.  
Knowing from experience that it could mean hours of Magnus being locked inside his office pouring over ancient texts and tomes, Alec swallowed his own disappointment and concentrated instead on making things easier for his boyfriend. Silencing the unnecessary explanations with his index finger, he stood up pulling Magnus with him, unable to refrain from stealing one last hug.
‘I understand. I’ve got reports that need finishing anyway,’ he confessed, scaling down their contact to just holding hands but still unwilling to let him go.  ‘How about I get us a Starbucks while you make a start? I need my caffeine intake before I deal with paperwork.’
Magnus nodded in sympathy. ‘I would love that.’ And with a wink, he withdrew to his study.
Alec missed him already, but his one consolation was the view his retreat afforded him.  His sigh was bone-deep and lengthy.  Magnus in casual clothes was an arresting sight, but Magnus in a pinstripe three-piece suit was simply criminal, and although he’d removed his jacket upon returning home, the blood-red silk shirt and tie made him look as hot as fucking Hades, and Alec wanted to be engulfed in his heat. Like, now.
‘Coffee, Alexander!’ came the amused voice of the Devil himself from his pit-come-office.
Rolling his eyes, Alec silently cursed his annoyingly self-aware partner as he headed out.
It was over an hour later before he returned.
Rushing in, beverages in hand, Alec made a bee-line for his studious boyfriend ensconced in his throne-like leather chair, dropping a kiss on his head before handing him his order. ‘Magnus, I’m sorry, I-’
‘Don’t apologise, it was Sam again, wasn’t it?’ he asked, a look of understanding on his face as he sipped at the extra creamy cinnamon coffee with added chocolate and strawberries. Nodding confirmation, Alec winced on Magnus’ behalf at the consumption of such a sugary sweet drink.  ‘An accomplished barista she may be, but a typical Scorpio first and foremost.’ Alec leaned back against the desk next to him and raised an inquisitive brow.  ‘She reminds me of myself in a lot of ways - curious, determined, resourceful - but it does mean you face a barrage of questions every time you’re in a hurry.  Who would refuse her though? She’s not ruled by the God of War for no reason!’
Alec chuckled. ‘Well, she certainly asked some probing questions, I couldn’t get away. They were mostly about you though. I think you have a fan.’ Magnus smiled his agreement, obviously fond of her too.  ‘She kept quoting poetry at me every time I answered her, said love always inspired her.’ They shared a look warmer than the coffee itself, and Alec quickly gulped down the last of his drink, knowing if he didn’t leave the room now, Magnus would get nothing done tonight.
Magnus’ grin told him he was right. ‘Thank you for the sustenance, darling. I believe I might actually be getting somewhere with this confounded invocation, now that I’ve had a chance to brush up on my Old High German. It was a little rusty, I’m afraid.’  
Alec’s pride in his abilities was evident in the adoring look he gave him as he collected a (relatively safe) kiss on the cheek, as well as Magnus’ empty cup before exiting the room, both wearing the expression of a lovesick teenager.
Magnus tried (unsuccessfully) to school his features as he returned to his task.
After two hours of shuffling patrol statements, tidying an already pristine loft and familiarising himself with Gordon Ramsay’s version of Jocelyn’s famous chicken cacciatore (as recommended by the vampire) which he planned to cook for Magnus tomorrow night, Alec had decided they’d been apart long enough. So, armed with Sam’s eagerly loaned book of poems, he peeked around the office doorway, about to ask if he might keep him company, when he felt his heartbeat skid to a halt.
Still seated at his scroll-cluttered desk, Magnus had shed his tie and waistcoat and undone a number of buttons on his shirt, exposing what Alec knew was his Achilles Heel, but was actually in fact Magnus’ Adam’s apple. What a great way to die, he thought as he savoured the way it bobbed whilst he read to himself.  ‘Can I help you, sweetheart, or am I merely an object for your amusement?’ came the sultry voice that still made him shiver with pleasure whenever he heard it.  Even though he’d just been caught with his hand down his pants, almost literally, Alec didn’t care.
‘I’ve missed you, and I came..’ An undignified snort interrupted him, but he shook his head and persevered.  ‘I came to ask if I could join you in here. I promise I won’t distract you, I’ll just be reading.’  Magnus bid him enter with an outstretched hand, pulling him down onto his lap with a playful tug before cradling him in his arms as he inhaled the faint traces of citrus from their shower that morning.
‘I’ve missed you too, Alexander.  Even though you’re only outside the door, it’s still too far away.’  Alec pressed his lips to Magnus’ throat, enjoying the vibration of his words against them as he spoke, letting his fingertips explore the collarbone that was begging to be touched underneath the silk. The hitch in his lover’s throat was deeply arousing.  ‘Darling, I won’t be able to finish anything but your fine self, if you keep touching me like that, and I’d hate to think I’ve denied us great sofa sex for no reason at all.’  
With a flick of his tongue to the pulse point on his neck, Alec sighed, ‘You’re right. I’ll be all the way over there by the fire, maintaining a respectful distance.’  Gracefully, he rose to his feet before crossing the room to sit by the hearth, opening Sam’s book to the bookmarked page.  After a quick glance up to find Magnus still watching him, he jabbed a finger at the parchments requiring attention in front of him.  ‘Finish it. Quickly.’ Receiving a mock salute, Alec began to read.
‘Found a quote you like, sweetheart?’ Magnus asked, standing over him an hour later.  Alec tapped the rug in front of him, enveloping a weary but grateful boyfriend with his legs and his arms, whilst still holding the page open on a poem that had resonated instantly with him when he’d read it. Taking a shaky breath, he read an extract from Beau Taplin’s The Defining Moment over Magnus’ shoulder:
“You were an unexpected surprise.
The defining moment. The collision of stars that slammed
into me hard and sent my neat little world plummeting into
the ocean.
I never expected it to be you, you know?
But it is you.  It’s all you.  And now there’s no looking back.”
Alec kissed his temple. ‘This is what you are to me….only I could never have said it so….so well.’
‘Oh my romantic nephilim, it’s beautiful,’ Magnus agreed.  Reaching forward, he took the book and closed it, setting it to one side before pushing Alec down onto the fire-warmed rug, his face a picture of happiness and desire. Straddling Alec’s thighs, he laced their hands together, holding his gaze.  ‘I have a quote of my own from that poet, called The Goodnight, and it’s exactly how you make me feel.’  
“I want to fall to sleep with you,
and I couldn’t care less
if it were in
layers upon layers
of clothing
or only our skin,
all I really want is to wake up
not knowing
where I end and you begin.”
Lifting their hands to his lips, Alec held his lover’s gaze as he kissed them, letting a tear slip from his eye, his heart fit to burst.
‘Me too,’ he whispered.
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