#aleksadner morozova
aquitainequeen · 2 years
Kirigan/Darkling: *cuts off Baghra's finger*
Baghra: Son of a bitch!!!!!
Kirigan/Darkling: You said it, not me.
Kirigan/Darkling: Get that down to the lab and see what's on the slab what can be done about turning this into an amplifier.
David: Umm, doesn't the...creature that an amplifier comes from have to be dead, in order for it to work?
Kirigan/Darkling: *prods at the finger*
Kirigan/Darkling: Looks pretty dead to me.
David: i hate my life
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: You find Aleksander's letters...
Aleksander could feel your anger when he entered your shared rooms.  “Y/N?” he called, stepping into his study, where he found you.  You were seated at his desk, a thick stack of letters before you.  Aleksander recognized them at once, and his heart stopped.  You looked at him with a cold smile, and he froze further.  “Aleksander,” you said, voice hard.  “How wonderful of you to join me.  I had planned on a romantic evening for us, but then I stumbled upon these.”
You gestured to the letters, and Aleksander took a stiff step forward.  “Why were you going through my things?” he asked, foolishly going on the defensive.  You laughed, a frigid, icy sound.  “I was looking for wax for a seal,” you explained.  “Because I was going to write you a love letter.  Imagine my surprise when I found an entire stack of them!  From another woman!”  “Y/N, I–”  “How long, Aleksander?  How long have you been carrying on behind my back, and how long were you planning on keeping it from me?”
Aleksander shook his head.  “Y/N, please, let me–”  “My beloved Aleksander,” you read from one of the letters.  “I cannot stop thinking about the way you touched me last night, how your tongue felt on my–”  “Enough!  Y/N, those letters were from a woman named Luda.”  “Oh, Luda, is she?  Well, I hope Luda will keep you company, because I’m done.”  You stood up, crossing the room and exiting, slamming the door behind you.
Your lover–was he still your lover?--decided to give you a bit of time to cool off before talking to you.  Aleksander tried to busy himself by looking over the latest reports sent in from Second Army camps, but all he could think about was you.  After only an hour, he found you in your old rooms, rooms that you seldom stayed in anymore.  “Y/N,” he said.  “Please, let me explain.”
You said nothing, which Aleksander took as an opportunity to speak.  “I’m sorry that you found those letters, Y/N.  I…I never meant for anyone to find them.”  “Is that what you call an apology?” you sniped, standing up and walking over to him.  “I find love letters, explicit love letters, to you, from another woman, and all you can say is that you wish I hadn’t found them?  Really, Aleksander?”  
“Luda is dead!” Aleksadner shouted, and you fell silent.  “W-what?”  “Luda. Is.  Dead, Y/N.  She has been dead for nearly 400 years.  She was the first person to love me for who I was, not what I was, not what I could do.  She didn’t fear me, she didn’t try to use me.  She loved me, and I loved her.  And it got her killed.”  “400 years,” you whispered, and Aleksander nodded.  
“She died shortly before I created the Fold.  It was my grief that drove me, in part, I think.  Y/N, you are the one I love, only you.  You, my beautiful, precious girl, I love you.  I love you so much that it drives me mad, that I cannot breathe when you aren’t here.”  He took your hands, and when you didn’t pull away, Aleksander let himself smile.  “Why do you still have them?” you asked, tears pricking at your eyes.  “If I’m the only woman you love, why hold on to pieces of another?”
Aleksander hesitated, taking a deep breath to steady himself.  “I…do not have an answer for you, Y/N.  But believe me, you are it for me, for the rest of my life.  I love you.”  Why had Aleksander kept the letters?  Luda had loved him, yes, and he had loved her.  But she was long dead, joining the Making at The Heart of The World before the Unsea had come to be.  And he had you, you who loved him, cherished him, adored him.  
“I understand if you hate me,” he said.  “I kept those letters from you, and if you don’t forgive me, I…”  Aleksander trailed off when you cupped his cheek, making him look at you.  “I don’t hate you,” you said.  “I don’t think I could hate you if I tried.  I’m sorry, I overreacted.”  “No!” Aleksander replied, resting his hand atop yours on his cheek.  “You didn’t.  If I found letters from another man, even if he were gone, I would be incensed…. My love, I am so sorry.  From here on out, I promise, there will be no secrets between us.”
You smiled, going on your tiptoes to kiss him, making Aleksander smile against your lips.  “No secrets,” you agreed, and he took your hand, leading you back to his rooms.  Aleksander allowed himself one last look at Luda’s letters before feeding them to the fire, wrapping you in his arms after they were reduced to ash.  Aleksander smiled, basking in the warmth he felt in his heart, the feeling that only you could give him.  There was one secret he was keeping from you, however, but you would know it soon, when he got down on one knee and asked you to marry him.
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Aleksadner Morozova x reader
Summary: Aleksander loves to give you flowers...
A/N: you already know I had to pull out the Victorian language 😂, Lavender roses; love at first sight, sunflowers: adoration, calla lilies: beauty, red camellia: you’re a flame in my heart, red salvia: forever mine
Part of you still couldn’t quite believe it: General Kirigan was interested in you.  You, of all people!  You’d been nervous when he’d first asked to have dinner with you, thinking of all the rumors you’d heard of him.  He’s horrible, cruel, that’s why he’s single.  No woman satisfies him, he’ll just use you and throw you out.  But Aleksander–he’d asked you to call him Aleksander!--had shown up at your door with a bouquet of roses, a warm, kind smile on his face, and you knew you were a goner.
That had been the trend for the past three weeks.  Aleksander kept up his unattached, almost cold persona around the other Grisha, but with you, he was kind, sweet, and hung on every word.  He made you feel cherished, adored, and yes, loved, and you knew you were falling for him and falling fast.  This morning, there was a note slid under your door, written in Aleksander’s loopy scrawl.  Be ready at 7 bells, I want to take you out.  -Your Aleksander.  The note was vague, so you dressed in your kefta, which would suffice for wherever you were being taken tonight.
At exactly 7 bells, there was a soft knock at your door.  You hurried to answer, finding Aleksander, holding a bouquet of sunflowers and lavender roses, tied with a Y/G/C ribbon.  “You got me flowers?” you said, feeling a blush creep up your face.  “Of course I did,” he replied, taking your hand and kissing it.  “Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl.”  You took the flowers and placed them in a vase before turning back to Aleksander.
“Shall we?” he asked, offering his arm.  You nodded, looping your arm through his, allowing Aleksander to lead you from the Little Palace.  “Where do you get all these flowers from?” you asked, and Aleksander laughed softly.  “The hothouses, of course.  Most of them grow year round, but I’ve had a few planted especially for you.”  You looked at the ground, smiling as you blushed.  
“R-really?”  “Of course, milaya,” Aleksaner said.  “Like I said: beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl.”  This was so unlike the Darkling you thought you knew, the Darkling everyone thought they knew.  “What’s on your mind, darling?” he asked, pausing in his path.  You looked up at him, smiling softly.  “Just how sweet you are,” you said, and Aleksander smiled.  “You think I’m sweet?”  “Yes, Sasha,” you said, trying out the endearment.  You saw Aleksander’s face change, his eyes softening and his lips quirking up in a smile, and you went on.  “Who else would bring a girl flowers on every single date?”
He took your hand and squeezed it, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled.  “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you, Y/N,” Aleksander said, and you smiled, looking at your joined hands.  You’d stopped walking near the lake, the sun glinting off the water.  In that moment, you looked simply radiant, perfectly beautiful, and Aleksander was overcome with the need to kiss you, and he told you as much.
“I want to kiss you.”  Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you tilted your chin up, eyes wide.  Slowly, Aleksander lowered his face to yours, pressing his lips against yours.  He placed his hands on your waist, but soon pulled you into his arms, holding you to him as he kissed you.  As soon as he kissed you, you felt fireworks going off in your heart; you felt light and giddy, like everything in the world was right.
Aleksander kissed you for several minutes, but when he pulled away, you frowned softly.  “I love you,” he said, and you gasped; you had yet to say those three little words.  “I have never felt like this before, Y/N, and I know now that I cannot live without you.  “I.. Aleksander..I love you too.”  He smiled, pressing his lips to yours once more, tugging you against his chest.  The two of you continued your walk, and when Aleksander brought you back to your rooms, he departed with another kiss to your lips, followed by several to your cheeks and forehead.
The next morning, there was a massive flower arrangement on your dresser: Calla lilies, red camellia, red roses, red salvia, along wit a small book.  It was entitled The Language of Flowers, and inside the front cover was a note.  I consider myself something of a savant of flowers.  This book will help you decipher the meaning of each blossom, as I plan to send you flowers every day for as long as you will let me.  I love and adore you endlessly, -Your beloved Aleksander.
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: The general’s ball is infiltrated...
moya lyubov'-my love
How she’d gotten in, Aleksander would never know.  He had oprichniki stationed at every entrance; they were instructed to let nobody in without his permission.  Everyone on the guest list had been screened thrice over, ensuring nobody who wished either you or Aleksander harm would be permitted entrance.  And yet, someone had slipped through the cracks, someone had managed to pass by the guards and enter the party, someone who held murder in their heart.
You’d been at Aleksander’s side, a glass of champagne in hand, laughing at the jokes Alya, a Tidemaker, was telling you.  Your fiance smiled at your happiness, his guard down, letting himself relax.  The ball was being thrown to celebrate Aleksander’s 10th year as the general of the Second Army and all the victories he’s acquired in that decade.  It was a high profile event, with high ranking officers from both the First and Second Armies in attendance, as well as dozens of Grisha who’d been invited from their posts around Ravka.
As the evening went on, Aleksander let himself relax and enjoy himself, allowing the worries of his duties to slip from his shoulders, at least for the evening.  But the relaxed, joyful atmosphere was soon broken.  Someone screamed, a glass shattered, and Aleksander was immediately on edge.  “Sir!” Ivan shouted, shoving through the grown with Fedyor on his heels.  “The Fjerdan diplomat was just stabbed.”  “What?” Aleksander said, instinctively moving you behind him.  “How?”
“ A woman, not on the guest list.  You’re likely her target.”  Your heart stopped and your blood ran cold.  “How did she get in?”  “We don’t know, sir,” Fedyor said, and Aleksander snarled.  “Get Y/N to safety,” your fiance said.  “I’ll deal with this assassin.”  “No!” you cried, clinging to Aleksander’s arm.  “Sasha, no!  You can’t, please!”  “Y/N, love, I-”  “You’ll get yourself killed!”
Aleksander turned to face you, your grip on his arm vice-like, his free arm around your shoulders.  “It will take more than a blade to take me from you, my love,” he said, kissing your forehead.  “Aleksadner, please.  I can’t lose you.”  “You won’t,” he said.  “I swear it.  Now let me handle this.”  But you didn’t budge, holding onto your fiance’s arm tighter.  “I’m not leaving.  I can help.”  You flexed your hands, feeling your power flow through you.  But Aleksander shook his head.  
“No.  Y/N, it is you I cannot lose.  Please, go with Fedyor.  I will come for you as soon as this is dealt with.”  You knew Aleksander wouldn’t let up, you knew he would drag you to safety himself if he had so, so you nodded.  “Please,” you begged.  “Be safe, Sasha.  I love you.”  Aleksander kissed you, and you released your hold on his arm.  “I love you more, sweet girl.”  Ivan and Fedyor had kept a perimeter around you and your fiance, but at his signal, Fedyor, took your hand and led you from the ballroom.
He led you down the corridors and through several passageways that took you to a portion of the dungeons that had been fortified with Grisha steel and stocked with rations.  “Where are we?” you asked, and Fedyor hefted the door shut, bolting it securely.  “Under the lake,” the Heartrender answered.  “This has been here for years.  In case of a Fjerdan attack, or any attack for that matter.  The general designated it as where I should take you in case of danger.”  You nodded, taking a seat on a cot.  “Don’t worry,” Fedyor said, sitting across from you.  “General Kirigan will take care of it.  He always does.”
As soon as you were out of his sight, safely with Fedyor, Aleksander thrust his hands forward, letting the shadows loose, the inky tendrils shooting before him as they sought their target.  The crowd of guests parted around them as they wormed through the air, and Aleksander smiled grimly when he felt them wrap around the assassin.  A young woman now knelt on the ground, her arms bound by shadows behind her back, a bloody dagger on the floor at her side.  She looked at Aleksander with rage in her eyes, and he grit his teeth as he approached.
“So,” he said.  “Thought you’d crash my party?”  The woman spat on the ground, and Ivan stepped forward, ready to stop the woman’s heart for daring to disrespect his general.  But Aleksander held up a hand, halting the Heartrender.  “Now, now, Ivan,” he said.  “Not quite yet.  Besides, I will be the one to deal the final blow.”  “You would,” the assassin snapped.  “You heretic!  You kill without remorse, you march on innocent villages, and you massacre anyone in your way.
“Someone has to put a stop to your tyranny, and if it falls to me, then so be it.”  Aleksander scoffed, stepping closer, tightening the shadows around her wrists.  “So you infiltrate my celebration and kill an innocent man?”  “I regret that death.  The only blood to be spilled tonight was yours.  I should have lodged my knife in your fiance’s neck instead.”  Aleksander felt rage boil over in his chest, and he shook his head, eerily calm.
“I might have spared you,” he said, voice level.  “But kill an innocent man, you try to kill me, and you threaten my Y/N.  That, is unforgivable.”  The assassin laughed.  “You kill and kill and kill again.  What’s one more life on your hands?  May the Saints condemn you for your crimes.”  Aleksander slashed his hand through the air, the Cut forming and slicing the assassin in two.  The guests screamed as she toppled to the ground, and Aleksander breathed deeply, attempting to regain some composure.
“I apologize for this horrible turn of events.  This was to be a joyous night, but it has been marred by bloodshed.  Members of the Fjerdan delegation, I am so very sorry for the loss you have endured.  Know that Ravka takes no joy in the loss of your ambassador, and we will be happy to provide anything needed for a service or ceremony following your religion.  I must attend to my fiance, if you will excuse me.”
Aleksander turned and ran from the room, following the passageways to the fortified part of the dungeon where he knew you were, Ivan following him.  The Heartrender opened the heavy door, and you leapt to your feet, flinging yourself into your fiance’s arms.  “Aleksander!” you cried, and he held you close to him.  “I’m here, moya lyubov', I’m alright.”  You buried your face in his chest, breathing his scent deeply, trying to calm your racing heart.
Fedyor lifted a hand and slowed your heart, and Aleksander nodded his thanks.  “Did she… was she… are you?”  “Shh, my darling.  Yes, she was trying to kill me, but she’s dead now.  And I am just fine.  Everyone is fine.  You are fine, Y/N, my love.  You are safe.  I will keep you safe.”  You let out a sob, and Aleksander lifted you into his arms, carrying you from the dungeons and back to your rooms.  “Post a full guard outside our rooms,” Aleksander instructed.  “A Heartrender too.  But Ivan, you and Fedyor should rest.”  
Ivan shook his head.  “Your safety is my top priority, moi sovernnyi,” he said.  “Fine.  I order you and your husband to get some rest.”  Ivan sighed, a faint smile on his face.  “Very well, sir.  I’ll have Inessa stationed along with the guards.”  “Thank you.”  Aleksander entered your rooms, locking the door behind him.  As he dressed the two of you for bed, he didn’t once take his eyes off of you, and as you fell asleep cradled against his chest, he kept watch until his eyes fell shut.  He would protect you from anyone who wished you harm, no matter the cost.
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Hiding His Emotions
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Requested by Purple Heart Anon
Summary: Aleksander is skilled at hiding his emotions, most of the time...
In his centuries-long life, Aleksander had mastered the art of masking his emotions.  He could be boiling with rage or completely elated, and the person sitting across from him would be none the wiser.  Of course, around select people, he didn’t bother to hide how he was feeling; you in particular.  You were always privy to Aleksander’s thoughts and feelings, and even when he was keeping his emotions hidden, you knew exactly how he was feeling.
Which is why, despite his composed face, you knew that your fiance was jealous.  You felt his seething temper rolling off him, but when you placed your hand on his bicep, he relaxed, though only marginally.  The Zemini ambassador was before you, waxing poetic about the beauty of Ravka, the Little Palace, you….you?  “I have seen many beautiful women on my travels,” he said, daring to step an inch closer to you.  “But they all pale in comparison to you, moya soverennyi.”
Suddenly, it clicked, and you cursed yourself for not noticing sooner.  Few things could enrage Aleksander more than someone coming onto you, thinking they had a chance with you.  You stepped back, further into Aleksander’s embrace, putting on a graceful smile.   “Thank you, Ambassador Lewis, you are too kind.  If you will excuse us…”  You took your fiance’s arm and led him away, feeling the tension in his body.
“Are you alright, love?” you asked when you reached the wall of the ballroom.  “I’m just fine, darling,” Aleksadner responded, but you called his bluff.  “Are you sure?  Because you look like you’re jealous.”  Your fiance scoffed, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.  “I’m not jealous, Y/N.  I just don’t like it when people think they can have you.  You’re mine, Y/N, no one else can have you.”
You laughed, and Aleksander cocked his head.  “What?”  “That’s jealousy, Sasha,” you said, and he frowned.  “I’m not jealous,” he reiterated, and you nodded.  “If you insist.  Now how about we get out of here?  I don’t think we’ll be missed.”  Aleksander scanned the room, seeing the Queen holding court and the Zemini ambassador flirting with one of the Lantsov cousins.  “Alright,” he agreed, and you led him from the ballroom, keeping his hand in yours until you reached your quarters.  
Aleksander held the door open for you and shut it behind you, his shoulders slumping.  You turned to face your fiance, and when you did, he pressed a heated kiss to your lips.  “My Y/N,” he whispered, arms wrapping around you, pulling you flush to him.  “I love you so much, my sweet darling girl.”  “Aleksander,” you whispered back, cupping his cheeks with both hands.  “There’s no need for you to be jealous.  I’m yours.”
He huffed, and you pressed a kiss to his chin.  “Will you smile for me, Sasha?”  “I can’t smile, I’m mad.”  “Why are you mad, honey?”  Aleksander, despite his statement, smirked.  “Because I can’t Cut the Zemini ambassador in two for so much as daring to look at you.”  You laughed, going up on your tiptoes to kiss him.  “Oh Sasha,” you said.  “I love you so damn much.”  He returned the kiss, bending so you could stand properly.  “As I love you, my darling.  So very much.”
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