#alex @ albert: if you won't fuck her i will
Browsing the Alex Wesker tag and people pairing her with Excella? You know what, yeah. They'd look real good together. Excella sitting on Alex's desk trying to get her attention while Alex is working. Alex double checking Excella's projections for their latest research. Excella administering Alex's treatments for her. Two pairs of clicky-clacky Nine West heels coming down the brightly lit corridors, striking terror into all those losers in the labs. Excella gifting Alex that chunky red necklace. They'd look real good dancing together at a fancy party with Alex's fashionable pantsuits and Excella's trophy wife dresses and then Excella just destroys some idiot trying to mansplain some science shit and Alex kisses her cheek. I like it. Ship name is AMAZING too, Alexcella??? 11/10.
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purpledusty · 2 years
Leon: What is the T-Phobos?
Rebecca: It's a fear-activated virus created by Alex Wesker.
Jake: Wait, Alex Wesker?
Carlos: There more than one Wesker?
Chris: As far as we know from the raid the Spencer mansion, there were at least 12 Wesker children, but only Alex and Albert survived the longest
Carlos: Are you saying that Albert Wesker had siblings?
Sherry: So she would be like Jake's aunt?
Jill: maybe
Carlos: She won't be a problem for us, will she? Wait why she would be his aunt??
Claire: No, me and Barry killed her
Jill: Kind of poetic that the Redfield siblings killed the Wesker siblings
Chris: we don't even know if they were really siblings
Jake: Can Redfields stop killing my family? First my dad and then my aunt
Jill: You accepted very quickly that she was your aunt
Carlos: Are you Wesker's son???!!?
Leon: Better question, who fucked Wesker?
Chris: Leon, I don't see how important this is right now
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damadisangue · 4 years
Theory of a deadman
"Who are you?"
Alex slides over his body, looks for his mouth - his heart.
"What are you?"
Alex stares at him, pale eyelashes, transparent eyes - which he remembers different, more blue, less empty.
"It's me, Albert."
Alex smiles, and it's her again - the same woman who made him fall in love with her brazen arrogance.
With a crown of thorns and blood around her head - in her belly.
Wesker curls a lock of her hair around his thumb, breathes on her skin - licks; listen to her gasps, his desire.
“No." he repeats, then clawing at the back of her neck - tugging her between white and wrinkled sheets.
Alex laughs, lets herself be crushed against the mattress - it's not the first time, the thought strikes him.
She opens her thighs, rubbing herself against his erection: he bares his teeth, she sticks her nails into his shoulders and making him bleed - moan.
“I'll blow that fucking pretty head off if you don't give me back my weapons, and immediately."
Alex's pupil contracts, the iris burns - and the penumbra plays a strange shot, which confuses him.
Wake up the Other.
"You let me die." he lets himself escape, giving her immediately after a bewildered, ambiguous look.
Alex touches his cheek with her fingertips, shakes her head first to the right, then to the left.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Albert."
Yes, you know, the Voice murmurs; don't lie to me, Alex. Not to me.
Alex kisses him - suffocates him - tipping him between those same sheets in which he believed he could be lord and master.
Oh, poor thing; you have never ruled over anything other than rubble and ruins; least of all on her.
Wesker closes his eyes,
"I won't die like this! I can't lose! Not against you!"
reopens them.
The Other roars and rises above her like the shadow of a beast never really tamed.
From Theory of a deadman, What if? Resident Evil - DamadiSangue.
Thanks to @madbedlam for this piece of art!
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