#alex and steve spawned at the same time in different locations. to me
made-nondescript · 1 year
both alex and steve are older than the concept of gender in minecraft. they have no opinion on the matter theyre just players man. but they also don't particularly care about correcting people when they go into villages n stuff. when in rome do as the romans do (have pronouns)
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #374
“Sneeze Tp, Stevie Gets Stuck, Baby Shower, Kidnapped!”
[Lie] Once full of wonderful food, she's considering what she needs to do for the day-
[Karla] Walked back to tell Ever what was going on-
[Dawn] Is using Lie's swing and glancing over to check on her every few mintues.
[Lie] - I think I'll take some more vanilla to the village, I messed up last time
[Dawn] Shrugs- I guess? But you shouldn't go by yourself.
[Lie] - Oh all right, the green house is right there though
[Dawn] Glances over at Cp running around doing chores-
[Lie] Heads right for the green house, the plants perking as she gets closer-
[Lileep] Happy noises-
[Blake] Generally bothering Cp-
[Lie] - Hey there- She starts picking some of the vanilla but as she does her nose starts to itch and before she can stop herself, she sneeze teleports
[Dawn] Hears the noise and goes to investigate.
[Lileep] Confused tentacle wiggles-
[Dawn] Ummm.... -Yells- Cp!!!
[CP] Comes over- What?
[Dawn] Lie went in here, and now she's gone! - points at the Pokemon- Is that thing dangerous????
[CP] - The Lileep is harmless, did you hear anything at all?
[Dawn] I heard a sneeze, but that was all.
[CP] Curses- Damn it, she teleports whenever she sneezes!
[Dawn] Really???
[Karla] Comes back with a casual saunter- Are we gardening today?
[CP] - Lie sneeze teleported
-CP begins making his way towards Notch's house. Apart partway there his red zone heart suddenly flats brightly, becoming visible even through his back and he stumbles a little-
[Dawn] What in the world?
[Karla] I'm going to guess its nothing good...
[CP] - She's cold... Too cold...- He hurries to Notch's house and bangs on the door
[Notch] opens the door in such a hurry Cp almost knocks on his head- what's going on Cp???
[Dawn] is there any rhyme or reason to where she teleports to when it happens?
[CP] - Where's Flux? And no. Sometimes she teleports far, and sometimes it's only a couple of feet
[Notch] She's downstairs... - calls for Flux-
[Flux] Comes upstairs- Is everything alright?
[CP] - You can see the entire server at once and we don't know where Lie is
[Flux] - I understand- Both Karla and Dawn feel a slight pulse of magic as Flux disapates
[Dawn] Oh... so that's what she meant... I can see how that would be a mood killer...
[Notch] Huh?
[Dawn] Nothing.
[Flux] Within seconds she has located Lie and sends CP an image of the location-
[CP] Teleports there and quickly returns with his shivering wife who has a dusting of snow on her-
[Flux] Reforms next to Notch-
[Dawn] Well that was easy.
[CP] - Are you okay?
[Lie] - Y...  Yeah...  Just, really cold...
[CP] - Are you sure?
[Karla] Best warm her quickly or she might sneeze some more.
[CP] Teleports to the bath house-
[Flux] Smiles a little- Glad to see that little trick still works
[Karla] Trick? You mean manipulating him? That's fairly easy.
[Flux] Shakes her head- What I did was send him an image of where she was.  It's the same thing I would do when he would lose track of his brother on their original server
[Dawn] You're way of helping without revealing yourself I suppose.
[Flux] - Yes- She pauses briefly- Notch?  You may want to go check on your other son
[Notch] O-okay?
[Dawn] I'll go with you- points at Karla- you stay here!
[Karla] VERY sarcastic- arf.
-At that point a giant spike of ice erupts from Stevie's house-
[Notch] Starts to run- shit!
[Alexis] Comes running up as well since she had been out hunting- Stevie!
[Dawn] still in her robe and pjs from the night before- should i have brought a weapon???
[Flux] - No
[Notch] Reaches the house first- Stevie!
[Stevie] - I'm okay!  Just a little stuck!
[Notch] pulls out his notched pick axe and knocks the icy door off the hinges - I'm coming!
[Dawn] Well that's something you don't see everyday.
[Stevie] Winces in pain, his shoulder being the source and his leg is stuck in his own ice-
[Dawn] I hate to say it, but I think we need someone with less subtle powers then mine....
[Stevie] - Well, brother is usually the one who has to get me out...  I'm sorry, I don't think we've met...
[Dawn] I'm Dawn.
[Notch] oh I know who can help! Hang on. - he starts typing in chat and speaks to Stevie over his shoulder- she's a witch with some powerful allies.
[Stevie] - Oh, okay.  I'm Stevie
[Alexis] - Stevie...  What did you do this time?
[Stevie] - I'm not sure...  My shoulder just started hurting pretty badly though...
[TLOT] tps himself and Steve to Notch and clips him for a second- yikes, that is bad...
[Steve] Is just staring at the ice spike- Geeze
[TLOT] You just relax Stevie, I'll get you loose- advances with a little swirl of cloak-
[Stevie] - Thanks TLOT- He winces again
[TLOT] He grabs all that he can reach of Stevie and gives him a huge hug, turning his glitch up higher to melt the ice and filling the room with steam-
[Steve] looks at Dawn- your boyfriend threw a banana at me. That was weird.
[Dawn] Chuckles.
[Alexis] Just watches the air become more appropriate for Stevie's mushroom collection-
[Stevie] Watches as the ice melts away-  Sorry for disturbing your morning guys
[Dawn] It's okay, we'd just finished dealing with a different emergency.
[Steve] Smells the mushrollems - mmm I take it Yaunfen shared a bit of their gardening with you?
[Alexis] Laughs a little- Switched all the mushrooms for the dessert ones
[Stevie] - A different emergency?
[Steve] giggles- Cute jokes are the better then regular griefing by far.
[Notch] Lie sneezed away and Cp had to go get her.
[Stevie] - Is my niece okay?
[Alexis] Giggles a little at Stevie calling the baby his niece, knowing just how unfamiliar it still is on his tongue-
[Notch] Should be. Lie tped once with a hand on me and took me with her.
[Stevie] - That's good.  I don't even want to consider the amount of damage my brother might cause if anything were to happen
[Alexis] Sighs as she considers how all their food is currently buried under the ice-
[TLOT] That is quite a mess...
[Dawn] Will it melt if we leave it alone?
[Stevie] The ice finally melts enough for him to get free- Well...  It looks packed ice, so no
[TLOT] I could change it into something else for you?
[Alex] - That would be helpful, thank you
[TLOT] Gives his knuckles a little pop -any preference?
[Alexis] - Something easy to remove?
[Stevie] - Something useful?
[TLOT] That's at cross purposes, but I think I know what Stevie would like. - He sweeps in arm out and there's a slight flicker as the blocks flip from to #174 packed ice to #56 diamond ore. - That should also keep you happily occupied for the rest of the afternoon.
[Stevie] Grins a little-
[Alexis] Groans a little-
[Steve] Offers an iron pick- If you don't have one on you.
[Dawn] That was impressive.
[Stevie] - Nah, I'm good- He pulls out a diamond pick
[Steve] Gives him a high five instead. - yeh!
[TLOT] Gives Alexis a sideways look like - 'Steves. Heh'
[Stevie] Begins figuring out where he should start-
[Alexis] - I'm going to go hunt down some spare food in case we don't reach the food chests by dinner time
[Steve] Literally? Or go borrow something?
[Alexis] - Literally, it's what I was doing anyways
[Steve] Do you want some company?
[Alexis] - Sure, if you want
[TLOT] You guys have fun. I'd rather do some fishing.
[Stevie] - Do you need any diamonds father?
[Dawn] I'm going to go check on Lie and Cp.
[Notch] Same, and no thank you Stevie. I appreciate the offer though. - Gives him a little hug. - You be careful okay? Call one of us again if you start feeling weird.
[Stevie] - I will, and we need to have dinner sometime soon, we haven't done that in awhile
-Le little time passes-
[Lie] Is watching her animals wander their pens as CP deals with some mob stuff-
[Doc] Is hunting for Glitchy so they can retrieve some of the baby shower things and go visit Lie.
[Notch] Slips up on Lie - how are you feeling?
[Lie] - For the most part?  Tired, and cold, always cold now
[Notch] Aww. I'm sorry Lie. - He wraps her up in hug. - Can't be too much longer, can it?
[Lie] - We'll know when I enter the last stage.  Dawn told me that for the last month or so she's gonna gain a pound per week
[Notch] Yikes... maybe you should just stay in bed at that point?
[Glitchy] -Sitting with his Mew in the sun-
[Lie] - I know that's what CP would prefer too
[Doc] There you are, feel like delivering those presents today?
[Glitchy] Hmm? Oh sure!
[Notch] I hate to agree with him on something like that, but... it's not like he won't run himself ragged fetching you things.
[Doc] Calls for Deerheart over the chat- I found him, can you meet me there?
[Lie] - I know, but I also know my mood swings are putting him off guard too, and I don't want him to strain himself...
[Deer] - Sure!
[Yaunfen] Runs up with Waffles in tow- I've got all the stuff from the house mada!
[Notch] Bah, he's tough. And learning more responsibility can't hurt him. No reason for you to try doing it all yourself. It's his kid too.
[Doc] Come on Glitchy, let's go!
[Lie] - Now if only he'd actually ask his brother for help...
[Notch] I think Stevie might be quite afraid if Cp asked him for help directly.
[Lie] - This is true, maybe their father should give them a push?
[Notch] Wry look- Just putting it all on me huh?
[Lie] - Only because CP will notice if I slip away to talk to Stevie...  Mostly because I probably wouldn't make it there
[TLOT] Joins up with Doc, Yaunfen and Glitchy at the spawn - I got the food. Steve is coming too, he's just a bit behind.
[Deer] Comes up- Are we getting Hera or GK?
[Glitchy] -Null the mew chirps at everyone from Glitchy's shoulders-
[Doc] Don't have too- Points up just a giant red dragon buzzes them from overhead.
[Yaunfen] Hey no fair! - They shift and run after Gk-
[TLOT] Hey Glitchy, your kitty looks bright eyed and bushy tailed today. Ready to go do some good?
[Glitchy] You bet!
[Steve] Runs by them, he's trying to catch up with HG and mostly failing-
[Crim] - hears all the commotion and wanders toward the sound.
[Yaunfen] Spots him- Crim! I love your new scales!
[Deer] Takes Doc's hand-
[hg] hello everyone
[Steve] Blows past Hg since he slowed down to talk-
[HG] -giggles and steve's taking a while to stop-
[Waffles] Stops to sniff Crim- Mrr?
[Doc] Come on, lets get this party roling- Heads towards Lie's house.
[Crim] Yaunfen! Whoa.... Large meow... Hello - reaches paw out to pet
[Gk] Lands on Lie's roof and tip toes on his little hooves. Herabrine is on his head-
[Waffles] Allows petting with a curious expression.-very deep meow
[HG] -is jumping up and down excited for the party-
[Notch] Notices the dragon and side-eyes him without alerting Lie-
[Lie] Giggles a little as CP yells at Blaze Blake who still hasn't gotten the new blazes to obey him-
[Doc] Helps pass out presents to everyone who's giving something.
[Crim] - scratches - Ah, nice kitten. Where is you goings?
[gem] -fly's over head she has cookie and the two small enders-
[Yaunfen] Prances happily in place, - Baby shower! We're going to give Lie a bunch of stuff for the baby. You should come!
[Endrea] Is having some difficulty resisting sneaking up on GK-
[Crim] - is confused but nods - Not know why get baby wets, but I comes.
[Gk] Sneaking and peeking.
[Yaunfen] Good one! I don't get it either. But it should be fun.
[TLOT] Lets hope shes home.
[Deer] - I doubt CP would let her go far
[Doc] It's okay, I was whisper chatting to Markus. She's there.
[Notch] Kind of pats Lie's shoulder supportively and stays close to keep her from turning around. He can see Steve throwing down chairs and such around the side of the house.
[Endrea] Shifts to her dragon form behind GK, it's a little cramped on the roof, but her tail comes around to poke GK-
[Gk] Jumps a little and almost throws Herabrine off his head- SHHHHHHH!
[HG] -puts down a chest and fills it with a lot of food he had grown-
[Endrea] Smug look-
[gem] -lands and puts cookies in another chest and eddy and Edward climb down and run around-
[Doc] Helping lay stuff out -
[Glitchy] -Helping too-
[CP] Is a bit amused as wolf Blake tries to chase blaze Blake-
[TLOT] Waits until they're all done to signal to Notch-
[Notch] Solem pat - Either way. We should probably find you a comfy spot to sit Lie. Cp can take care of this stuff. -
[Lie] - Yeah, maybe near some lava?
[Notch] That's a good idea...
[Lie] Turns around to head for the house-
[Gk] Flares his wings hugely- SUPRISE!
[TLOT] Amplifes everyone elses echoing calls-
[Lie] Is very much surprised- Um... What?
[CP] Picks up on her emotions and turns towards the group as well-
[Doc] Hope you don't mind us dropping by Lie!
[TLOT] Laughs- You're about to have a lot less storage space...
[Steve] We brought baby stuff!
[Lie] - No, I don't, but... Why?
[Herabrine] Flies down- Because you're getting a baby shower ding-dong.
[Gem] yea can't have the baby with out getting a baby shower first
[Glitchy] Hell yeah!
[HG] we even brought food
[Lie] - Ooooh, right...  That's a thing...
[CP] Flew over and lands next to his wife- Now what is everyone doing?
[Steve] Having a party?
[CP] - Oh joy...
[Yaunfen] Starts unloading pastries onto a row of wood blocks-
[Deer] - Come on Lie, sit down
[Notch] Chuckles- You have a lot of stuff to go through, best to sit.
[Lie] Does go to a chair to sit, dragging CP with her so she'll have a heat source-
[Doc] Nudges Glitchy- do your thing, I know you've still got more in your bag.
[Glitchy] -Jazz hands before he starts pulling the gifts out of his bag. There is NO way all of it fits in there, but he keeps pulling them out! At one point a bike handle peaks out of the opening. Don't ask.-
[Lie] - Wha...  What all did you guys get  us!?
[Yaunfen] Peeking in the bag- Nice trick!
[Notch] I got you a carrier- Pulls it out. - It's too big to conceal.
[Steve] Hey Crim, want some food?
[Lie] - Oh, you didn't have to, although I suppose it will be useful whenever we go out
[Glitchy] So much stuff.
[Glitchy] -Goes in up to his shoulder in his bag to dig around a bit before pulling out a little hat.- So much.
[Doc] I got a crib. - Sets it down in front of her. - I'm still weirded out by the idea of putting a baby in a cage though.
[HG] -takes some of the food off the table to nom-
[Lie] - That will probably be in our room for awhile
[CP] - I'll find space for it
[Gem] -give eddy and Edward each a cookie-
[Lie] Starts looking at some of the things he others got for her-
[TLOT] So I was privy to a discussion about baby gates? I think I get it. - He solemly hands Lie a half stack of metal gate pieces that have been meticuliously coated with wool pixels in several clashing colors so there aren't any poky edges.
[Lie] - Oh, right!  These will be good for helping to keep her from falling down any stairs or ladders
[TLOT] Grins because he helped-
[Crim] - nods - I try... Not sure like.
[Gk] Hey Lie?  When do we get to steal Cp and get him blind drunk?
[Steve] What do you usually like Crim?
[Lie] - When you supply a heat source of equal or better heat levels
[Crim] Coal and Redrock.
[gem] -tries to offer endrea a cookie-
[Gk] Aww, man...
[Endrea] Lounging on the roof, she politely declines-
[Steve] Oh. I think I have some coal! - digs in his inventory and comes up with a small stack. - Here you go!
[CP] - Why do you need to get me drunk?
[Crim] - takes happily - Much thanks!
[Gk] Because you didn't get a bachleor party! And you won't have time once the baby is born.
[Herabrine] Does a little turn in the air and steals the cookie from Gem-
[CP] - Well it has been awhile since we got absolutely drunk...
[Lie] Starts opening the packages containing the onesies and laughs aloud at some of them-
[gem] -giggles at the at hera stealing the cookie-
[TLOT] I might be up for getting drunk...
[Crim] - looks around while chomping and leans toward Steve -  Why is baby gets wet?
[Steve] I don't know? It is a weird name for a party though. You're welcome. Hey, hows you're little friend? I heard you two have been spending a lot of time together.
[Gk] Perks up- what little friend?
[Crim] Pinwheel? Is fine, fine.
[Gk] Sneaks closer- You've been hanging out with Pinwheel?
[Steve] I heard she can talk now.
[Doc] Is pulling out more baby stuff-
[Waffles] Saunters over and rolls on Lie's feet-
[Deer] Grabs a bit of food for Lie as she opens gifts of clothes and blankets-
[Lie] Smiles and pets Waffle's head-
[Crim] Yes, she is talking very well. - looks up at GK - Yes, She friend. We like to be around each other.
[Waffles] puuuuuuuurrrrrr
-Distant sound of Blake being annoyed that the cat is near his human-
[Gk] Well I'm glad she's made a friend. She seemed pretty determined to avoid everyone.
[Doc] OH! Hey Glitchy, guess what I got?
[Glitchy] What?
[Doc] I got Deerheart a Porygon. It seems like old tech, but I heard they're kinda rare?
[eddy and Edward} -they are running around- they haven't finished their cookies either-
[Glitchy] What evolution? -Definitely interested-
[Doc] First, I think? They're really angular. It seems comfy in this resolution. It also beeps at me when it wants attention.
[Crim] She was... Not happy to not have people listen or understand her. Now she can speaks, is much easier. But she still like to be alones - snorts and scales flash.
[Glitchy] That's cool. Yeah, regular Porygon would fit right in here.
[Deer] - So Lie?  Have you and CP considered any names for your daughter?
[Doc] It's a lot calmer then the Goomy. It felt like giving up to trade it away but it wanted to fight all the time and I'm just not... well that's not how I want to spend all my time.
[Lie] Little knowing smile- Perhaps
[HG] -has wandered a little and is now watering all of lie's plants-
[Glitchy] That's understandable. I got my Lopunny from a friend who said it liked fighting a lot. It just really wanted some attention. -Shrug-
[Gk] Gives Crim a friendly nudge- You're doing good kid. If you can calm her down so she doesn't bite people randomly everyone will owe you.
[Lilleep] Waves at Hg with it's tendril arms-
[CP] Tosses a bit of meat in Blake's direction since he won't get close to Waffles-
[Doc] It was starting shit with the loose Gastly most every night and I certainly couldn't turn her out with all those babies.
[Blake] Happy woof and grabs the meat- rarrrarrrrarrarra!
[HG] -pets lilleep then water's them-
[Doc] She what are you going to name her? I know that look.
[Lie] Glances at CP- Should we tell them?
[CP] - Careful, your griefer is showing
[Lileep] Streches under the water and pops itself out of the ground- Lil!
[HG] i'm glad you like the water
[Lileep] Waves tendrils at the bucket-
[TLOT] Come on Lie, what's the name?
[HG] oh you want more sure -waters it more-
[Lie] - Aether, her name will be Aether
-There's a bit of fanfare and the greenhouse fills with light-
-Lileep has evolved into Cradily! -
[Deer] - Oh, that's a pretty name!
[Doc] Uhh.
[Glitchy] Oh sweet! Something evolved!! -There he goes for the greenhouse-
[Steve] Worried look towards the greenhouse-
[HG] -pops head out of green house- sorry I was just water your plants to help and I watered  your pokemon and it evolved
[Cradily] Bouncing around on it's four stubby feet.
[Lie] Just sighs-
[Notch] That's a good name Lie. And that is also a weird looking plant.
[Glitchy] Nice! I've never had a Cradily before.
[Yaunfen] Lie? Do you want more failure plants?
[HG] -pets the cradily-
[Cradily] Weird noises, but it seems content-
[Doc] A bit proud- I traded a prospector for the fossil. And even more weirdly, a scientist brought it back to life for me and they didn't even get in trouble for doing it!
[CP] Is gathering all the stuff Lie as already opened-
[Lie] - Sure, I like their shifting colors
[Glitchy] Why would you get in trouble? Archeology is a respected class type and bringing things back from the dead is childs play.
[Yaunfen] Gives her three. - Mada and I have been doing science. It doesn't always work out...
[Glitchy] -Offers Cradily a berry-
[Lie] - That's alright, that's part of the fun of experimentation
[Doc] Looks very touched and resists the urge to hug Glitchy- I'm just... I'm not used to people being so open-minded... Cp tried to kill  me when he found out I made a body from a little bit of his code and Lies...
[CP] Growls a little-
[Glitchy] Well CP is kind of a prick...
[Cradily] Takes the berry and noms it-
[CP] - You do remember that I can mess stuff up in your room at the manor, right?
[Glitchy] ... Fair.
[TLOT] Don't be like that, you're proud of your status as a mean person Cp.
[Lie] Finds the blankets- Aww, these are so soft!
[CP] - Fuck you
[TLOT] Laughs a little-
[Cradily] Scares the fuck out of Blake.
[Blake] Goes yiping into the barn-
[Lie] - Oh dear...
[Doc] Doesn't someone else in your group have a fossil type Glitchy? I have an Archen, not sure if you've seen them around the castle.
[gem] -just calmly lays in the grass-
[HG] -takes a cookie from the chest gem put down-
[Glitchy] Uhhhhh...
[Lie] - Hey Hera, before I forget, CP met a glitched Alex recently
[Gk] Pokes Gem- Hows the budding romance going? A little birdie told me you were hanging out with an ender.
[Herabrine] Really?!?! I thought I was the only one.
[Gem] oh it's been going great she is so sweet
[CP] - She's rather new though
[Doc] It's more complicated then that as well. She should have been a normal Herobrine. She told me herself that she incarnated wrong.
[Herabrine] Geeze, that sucks...
[TLOT] She may be a he by the time you meet her Hera, I saw in her mind she was considering it. I'm sure she'll be back to ask me or Doc.
[CP] - She has to learn how to seed jump first
[Gk] No wonder you've been so scarce. Feathering your love nest, ha!
[Doc] Maybe, maybe not. I gave Licht my number before I dropped her off.
[gem] yea and our house hold is also very busy all the time
[Cradily] Wanders too close to Waffles.
[Waffles] Grabs the pokemon and busks on them while they cheep in a panicky way-
[Lie] - Ah!  Waffles!  Be careful!
[Waffles] Gives the Cradily a light bunny kick before letting it go.
[Cradily] Visibly huffy, jimmies have been rustled-
[Lie] Looks up to see what time it is-
[Steve] We should eat before it gets late- Starts passing out food-
[Lie] - Thank you Steve
[CP] Is repairing a bit of fencing the next day after feeding Lie's animals-
[Sammn] - comes stomping by, muttering under her breath. She's followed by Helm, frantically signing at her and Legion, hopping noisily on their heels.
[CP] Cocks a brow- Well that's quite the little circus you have following you
[Sammn] - comes to a sudden stop, making Helm stumble back almost into Legion - They are something... I will give you that.
[CP] - So what are you up to?
[Sammn] Heading toward Doc's. I may have to take them up on their suggestion... As - she waves at Legion - has not been able to fix my memories as it promised.
[Legion] - coils it's tentacles on top of itself - We did what we said we would. We can't fix what others broke.
[CP] - Joy, I may as well come with you
[Sammn] If you wish, I'm getting overly used to having a group on my heels.
[CP] - I'm coming because Doc will probably want to see if my dream abilities can do anything
[Helm] - signs and waves at Legion, clearly not happy. Then points at CP.
[Legion] - snickers and opens its blue eye - You should learn better manners, beast.
[CP] - Do you know what it's on about?
[Sammn] Which? Helm.. Is worried that Legion is scheming and has something  horrible planned. Legion... Is Legion. It's bound by our deal, although Helm refuses to belive it will honor it.
[CP] - Can I set it on fire if it doesn't?
[Sammn] At this point, I'm almost willing to let you... Karla has offered to help with it as well.
[Legion] - bristles at Karla's name
[CP] - She's handy too, had a lot of fun destroying that town with her
[Sammn] I can only imagine. She strikes me as someone who is quite inventive when it comes to inflicting pain. - Leers at Legion, who leers back.
[CP] - Just watch your backside with her, she tends to pounce
[Sammn] Another thing I'm used too - sighs and starts off again. Helm darts after her, making sure to keep themself between her & Legion, who is leasurly hopping behind.
[CP] - Yeah, well, can't say I didn't warn you
[Sammn] - mutters softly - At this point it might be welcome
[CP] - Well I'm pretty sure she wouldn't object...
[Sammn] Always an option if things don't work. According to Legion, dying was what messed things up the first time.
[CP] - Dying is not what I'm talking about
[Sammn] - sighs and keeps walking.
[Doc] Walks out on the side porch and gives a happy strech, hir little pleasure is ruined by Traveler striding up-
[Traveler] YOU.
[Doc] What did I do?
[Traveler] It's not what you did. I just need you. Come with me now.
[Doc] Umm, but I'm-
[Traveler] NOW.
[Traveler] Heads for Lie's house in a huff-
[CP] - Well, at least we're almost at the castle
[Doc] Follows with a resigned sigh.
[Traveler] Sees the other group approaching- Even better. You guys come with me too.
[CP] - The fuck are you on about?
[Traveler] Business.
[Sammn] Business is vague is it not.
[Doc] But if it's something official, why don't you ask TLOT?
[Traveler] Pauses to give Doc an unhappy scowl, and then keeps walking- You'll see.
[CP] - Oh this should be entertaining
[Sammn] Do I want to even ask?
[Traveler] Is headed for the cage at a very fast clip-
[Doc] Probably not....
[CP] Glances at his house before sending a quick message to Notch, letting him know that he'll be occupied for a bit-
[Sammn] - turns toward Helm - Stay or come, choose now.
[Notch] Perks and then reports for babysitting, of a sort.
[Helm] - looks at Legion, CP, Doc then sighs and signs they'll come.
[Traveler] Already heading down into the cage-
[CP] Teleports down ahead of everyone-
[Sammn] Great. Legion you are coming no matter what. (Legion huffs but keeps quiet)
[Traveler] Slams the door open and stalks past him to open a way into TLOT's seed-
[Doc] Hangs back to wait for Sammn and her associates-
[CP] - And why are we going there?
[Traveler] Like I said, you'll see. I don't feel like repeating myself.
[CP] Walks into the portal with a shrug-
[Doc] Waits for everyone to get through and then closes it.
-On the other side is a small desert village, it looks fairly remote and only has one large building. It's daylight and the Testificates are mostly in a huddle nattering fearfully to one another.
[CP] - Oh joy, what now?
[Traveler] brushes past them in annoyance.
[Testificates] Notice the others and a hush falls over them, one breaks away from the group. She's a rather matronly herm-
[Candy] Oh! Have you come to help us?
[CP] Shifting into diplomatic mode- What seems to be the problem?
[Candy] Our blacksmith was kidnapped! We hope he's still alive, but... none of us are brave enough to go after his abductors.
[CP] - Do you know who kidnapped him?
[Doc] And why would anyone steal a blacksmith?
[Sammn] Either they want something made or something destroyed.
[Candy] Please come with me... she leads them around the large building, which is obviously an elaborate forge and behind it is a bad spot of chunk. There's a portal to the nether and a scattering of netherrack around it as if it was teleported there.
[Doc] Angry hiss-
[CP] Grins- Well this will be fun
[Traveler] Is just tapping her feet like they're wasting time-
[Doc] Looks at the forge thoughtfully and then... - What's their name? Your blacksmith?
[Candy] Sniffles - Bismuth.
[CP] This immediately catches CP's attention- What?
[Candy] Is that, important?
[CP] - It could very well be
[Traveler] Are we going or what? They were only taken last night.
[Helm] - signs at Sammn, then pulls sword and ready themself. Sammn just stares at Helm for a second before shaking head. - Might as well.
[CP] Moves swiftly, slipping through the portal-
-It's the Nether. It's hot as balls. There is lava. And a few magma cubes bouncing down a hillside.
[CP] Floats up, looking for any sign of where Bismuth could have been taken-
[Doc] This sucks... - they start hunting around for traces.
-There's a bit of a path a little farther on where someone cut through a slide of soul sand -
[CP] - I think I see something!
[Doc] Follows Cp from below-
[Traveler] Is holding her dirtblock and scowling as she follows.
[Sammn] Follows. Helm is looking everywhere, on edge and Legion has its Green eye open (scouting).
[Ghast] Wanders closer-
[CP] Summons his weapons-
[Doc] Ends up dodging a fireball - I hate the Nether!
[CP] Swoops at it and digs his sword into the ghast, slicing it open and leaving it to die-
[Magma cube] Is sneaking up on Legion curiously-
[Legion] - hears the plopping sound of the cube and opens the Orange eye on its back to stare at it.
[Magma cube] Amourous noise-
[Legion] - growls deeply and waves several tentacles in an odd pattern. The ground around the Cube darkens and seems to liquidify.
[CP] - Let's go!
[Magma cube] Makes a break for it-
[Doc] Geeze, just leave it be. You do look like it.
[Sammn] Legion, leave it.
[Legion] - huffs and reopens green eye - For now, we shall.
-The path leads around an outcrop and towards a bridge across a lava lake-
[CP] Just keeps flying-
[Traveler] Starts to go across-
-Several blazes rise out of the lava and toss a few fireballs-
[Traveler] Angry dodging-
[Doc] Just runs to avoid them-
[Helm] - darts forward and slashes one, knocking a rod off.
[CP] Fireballs back at them-
[Sammn] - mutters something and the ground rises up toward one of the blazes, collapsing ontop of it.
[Doc] Sees the others fighting and throws a cobble chunk into the face of one of them, sending it back under the lava with a gooey -plunk!-
[CP] - Let's keep moving, I don't want to be here long
[Traveler] Is already at the other end of the bridge-
[Doc] I'm coming!
[Sammn] - follows with Helm & Legion.
[CP] Keeps searching ahead-
-There's a male voice from ahead of them- Unhand me you zombies! Somebody help me!
[Doc] Hears it and motions for the others to go quiet.
[CP] Slips behind an overhang-
-There's a small party of pigmen with black masks carrying a very old and tied up Testificate-
[CP] Grins and without asking for permission he races forwards, weapons ready to kill-
[Helm] - signs - I don't recognize those kin, why are they wearing masks?
[Doc] Peeking - I don't know. It's creepy. But we've certainly found our quarry.
[CP] Slices into the back most pigmen, taking them by surprise-
[Traveler] Clocks one with her dirtblock and the broken sword is briefly visible as it slices into their face-
[CP] Is just having fun murdering most everything-
[Sammn] Hang on, let's see if I can judge this right...*mutters* and a single lightning bolt arcs down and strikes one pigmen, dropping it.
[Pigmen] Fight a bit stiffly, as if sleepwalking.
[Legion] - takes the chance of Sammn casting to hop closer to the fray. As soon as it's close enough, it snakes out several tentacles and impales the closest pigmen.
[CP] - This is way to easy
[Legion] - stares at lifeless pigmen before tossing it aside - These beasts have no minds of their own.
[Doc] Well they are zombies.
[CP] Is covered in fetid blood and dispatching the last few pigmen-
-The Testificate is wiggling around trying to get free. He's obviously scared shitless of both Cp and Legion-
[Sammn] - runs toward them - Legion, back off!
[Traveler] Looks at him critically-
[Testificate] HOLY CRAP A NOTCH!!! HELP!!!
[CP] - You're fine!  I'm your freaking god of war and that one back there is the healing god or whatever
[Testificate] Passes the fuck out-
[Doc] Well shit.
[CP] - Well at least he's not struggling anymore
[Sammn] - comes to stand over Legion. Helm comes over to examine one of the dead Pigmen's masks.
-It's flat black and featureless, probably obsidian-
[CP] Reaches down and picks up the testificate, tossing him over his shoulder-
[Doc] Well considering that murdering zombie pigmen tends to piss them all off, we should probably leave...
-The old man is quite light under his layers of leather clothing-
[CP] - Let's go then
[Helm] - picks up a mask before signing - I've never seen something like this. Wonder why they were wearing them.
[Traveler] We've got company! Let's go! - there's a growing noise that sounds like more pigmen-
[CP] - I could teleport everyone?
[Doc] Please do!
[Helm] - tucks the mask away
[CP] Focuses his energy in the area and teleports the group back out into the overworld-
[Candy] Comes rushing up followed by several other villagers- Is he okay???-
[Sammn] Just scared senseless, here. - pulls out a potion bottle.
[CP] Puts him down-
[Doc] Is already destroying the portal-
[Candy] Bismuth? - patting his face-
[Traveler] Cuts the old testificates bindings-
[Sammn] - motions to sit him up so they can give them the potion.
[Candy] Helps him upright and puts the bottle to his lips-
[Bismuth] Coming around- Gracious me....
[Doc] Comes back over-
[CP] - Now then, who are you exactly?
[Bismuth] Suddenly looks cagey for his years. - Nobody...
[CP] - Then why did those pigmen grab you?
[Bismuth] I don't know?
[CP] - Then what is your specialty?
[Bismuth] Fire and... other things.
[Candy] No. You remember what happened last time you played with fire. No fire!
[CP] - Fire?
[Candy] Shoos away the other villagers- We should go inside.
[Doc] But he's a blacksmith? He can't have fire???
[Sammn] Playing with fire? That could be why he was dragged to the Nether.
[CP] - What does he do?
[Candy] Helps Bismuth up and starts walking him inside- He should be in bed.
[Doc] Come on Cp- follows
[Traveler] reluctantly follows
[CP] Follows with a scowl-
-The inside of the forge is spacious and there is a lava spawn block but it's got a metal grate to keep anything being put into it.
[Sammn] Follows but back a bit cause of Helm & Legion.
[Candy] Helps the old Testificate onto his bed. - He's a great help to us. - She pats his shoulder-
[CP] - What does he have to do with fire?
[Bismuth] I like fire..... - there's a dangerous glitter in his eyes.
[Doc] Oh dear.
[CP] - Can you do something unique with it?
[Candy] He can't have fire because the last time he had access he made a terrible thing out of it.
[Bismuth] Offended- It was beautiful...
[Legion] Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder - it's orange eye is open & watching.
[Candy] He somehow turned a bow, some tar, gunpowder, a torch, and a flint into a thing that throws fire from a distance. So we encourage his other hobby instead.
[Doc] That is horrible!
[CP] - Other hobby?
[Candy] Smiles - he's good with making flexible things out of dehydrated slime.
[CP] - Flexible things?
[Bismuth] Hehe saved my ass a few times. Wish I woulda thought of it when I was younger- huffs.
[CP] - What exactly are they?
[Candy] Old pervert. They're sleeves. For preventing children.
[Doc] OH.
[Bismuth] Giggling like the ancient fucker he is-
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake, that's it, I'm going home
[Doc] Why would it have made a difference at a younger age?
[Bismuth] Because then I'd have left fewer children behind my exploits ya whippersnapper.
[CP] - Do you know all the names of your kids?
[Bismuth] Nope. Got run outta town before most of em were born.
[CP] - Doc?  Can you look at his coding?
[Doc] What do you want me to look for?
[CP] - The equivalent of a genetic marker
[Doc] Okay???
[Bismuth] You leave me alone. I don't trust weird looking librarians.
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake, if my hunch is correct then we might know a relative of yours, possibly a child or grandchild
[Doc] How about I just make a copy and you can look at it later?
[Bismuth] Annoyed - Don't touch me
[CP] - Do you really think I'll have time for that?
[Doc] Then I will look at it! Geeze.  - They place a command block and grab the old mans hand to lay on it for a moment- There....  annnnnnnnnnnnnd done. Lets go home.
[Traveler] Finally.
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