#they go waaaaaaaaaaay back
made-nondescript · 8 months
both alex and steve are older than the concept of gender in minecraft. they have no opinion on the matter theyre just players man. but they also don't particularly care about correcting people when they go into villages n stuff. when in rome do as the romans do (have pronouns)
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micerhat · 2 years
Хотели бы вы попробовать Nyotaimori с участием Glitchtrap в роли красивой девушки? Я плохо рисую, но вместо суши я использовал закуски к пиву и водке.
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Looks lovely and as much as I fuckin love vodka and snacks, I don’t know where Glitchtrap has been, so therefore teacher protocols of ‘boy howdy that ain’t hygienic in the least’ overrides to hope those hooded figures have some pepto bismol on hand.
But love the pic!
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diazpatcher · 24 days
7x09 my thoughts
"my resignation" WHAT BOBBY WHAT. this man needs extensive therapy bc why does he think he doesn't deserve good things.😭
Athena being the supportive wife she is. "Walking away from the 118" THOSE ARE YOUR KIDS
Edmundo noches is at it, with his ex dead wife's doppelganger 💀 the date is waaaaaaaaaaay to romantic for 2 people who aren't an official item.
Eddie baby no, you're not only emotionally cheating you are full on cheating bro 😭💀 pls let her be part of his mental breakdown.
Athena fighting for bobby even when bobby doesn't want to anymore:( Athena is such a great wife I can't fucking handle it.
Finally they talk about Bobby's struggles, of balancing his past and his present and the guilt he has😭 as much as I want retirement for the Grant-Nashes I don't want Bobby to leave 😭
Bobby is straight up evil, he wants to retire and before he does so, he takes care of every single person in his team "they're not the only kids you're raising Mother Hen"😭
Buck and Eddie cooking together😭
Buck looking at Bobby the way a kid looks at their dad waiting for praise 😭 im not okay bro that whole sequence fucked me over. BOBBY😭 7 years😭 "here's to seven more" 😭 Their father son relationship makes me want to chew on glass 😭😭😭 "it's been my pleasure kid"
BUCK MEETS THE DOUBLE, OMG. THE WAY HIS FACE FELL😭 He is so fucking funny I can't 😭OH OH BUCK IS MAD. He used the Back door💀😭 The way he's trying to figure out if Marisol is still around lmao😭 "Eddie who's kim" HILARIOUS ACTUALLY. "Marisols my girlfriend, she just a friend" "a friend who's a dead wringer for your dead wife' OKAY BUCK😭 Buck has healed he is ready to confront and pull Eddie out of his ass. The way Eddie is trying to justify his actions, "does this poor woman know thay she is a carbon copy of your dead wife"
"Im worried about you" HUSBAND BEHAVIOUR 😭😭😭
The kids🥺🥺😭 Wilson-Han family is so special to me❤️ Chim knowing something is wrong with Bobby!!!
I knew that the Council woman was gonna be a bitch. I knew it.
I feel so bad for Kim. She got pulled into this mess it's insane. "But I'm not her" THIS POOR WOMAN. she knows Eddie just wants to replace Shannon with her 😭😭 heartbreaking. "which was not fair to you"
Hey anyways Eddie did that after buck talked to him even his break up with his ex wife's doppelganger is colored by the interactions with buck.
"I never meant to lead you on"
"but you did" 😭 "I guess she was the love of your life" STOPOP😭😭😭
Eddie should be talking about this with Frank 💀
"living happily in Florida with his husband" lmao💀 Okay either Amir is gonna help Bobby or he's gonna torch the place. oh he's gonna torch the place. right.
Mom and Dad are fighting 😭 oh god Athena is so desperate. She's trying so hard. "You're making your round to say goodbye" 😭 Athena still worrying about Bobby being suicidal. "And you're standing on the ledge of a building again, Bobby." 😭 I'm in shambles. somebody glue me back together.
Athena doesn't know about the Book...
"I threw it in the trash on the night of our first date." She gave him hope that he was worth something 😭.
Garica is a BITCH. idc what happened to her she's a bitch. Who is she to refuse Mara a home😭 just bc her idiot son refused treatment. They're ripping apart a family they don't give a shit. Fuck CPS. fuck those 2 especially. ripping Mara out of Karen's grasp what the fuck. Fuck this what the fuck.
WHAT. THE FUCK. IS KIM DOING. SHE GOT A HAIRCUT AND IS.WEARINF SHANNONS DR3SS???????? Eddie looks as horrified as I do. She's pretending to be Shannon IM GOING INSANE. Kim is so smart istg. "You have to let me go" 😭 She is doing the right thing but my god this is psychotic to watch 😭
Eddie finally FINALLy letting go of Shannon is so 😭 he deserves peace. Eddie breakdown era 2.0 let's go. he sounds like a little boy so scared and angry and hurt. CHRIS WALKING IN WITH MARISOL !!!
Bobby, Bobby??? bobby... oh. oh no. He is, he's drinking. Oh my god. he dreamed of his dad while HIS HOUSE IS ON FIRE. ATHENA!! he gets to save his family this time. BOBBY???? HE HAD A HEARTATTACK WHAT.
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 10 months
Okay, I know I've brought up the Terry redemption arc thing over and over and over again, but I literally have entire scripts written down predicting exactly how it's going to play out, so you'll just have to work with me here, okay?
I'm a notorious overthinker. And what's better for overthinking than the symbolism-filled dream spaces?
But in this one scene in praticular, (no idea if I spelled that right), Viren watches Claudia walk off into a sea of blood, symbolic because she's going further than he did (thanks for someone's text post I just saw for pointing this out), but as she goes, she's holding a tiny blue flower- the same flower Terry gave her.
And I'm probably reading waaaaaaaaaaay too much into things, but what if that flower was a symbol for Terry himself? And everytime she pulls off a petal and it lands in the sea of blood, that's something evil she did (i.e. fighting the dragon, pretending to give Rayla's parents back just for laughs) that made him trust her less, but she's still got the flower, because he forgives her immediately.
And eventually, she drops him. What's going to happen? She's gone further than he (Viren) has, probably meaning that she'll even more evil things in the future. Is he (Terry) going to leave her? Or is she going to kill him, maybe out of anger, maybe for a spell, or even something else?
I really hope she doesn't kill him he's too good for her and instead he gets to go on his little redemption arc
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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So one thing I hate in movies and shows is when they don’t bother conveying the passage of time in a creative way and just go for a card that reads like ‘1 year later’ or whatever. Now that I have acknowledged my hypocrisy, which everyone knows once you do no one can criticize you for it, it’s one semester later! I straight up took one semester off from taking pics to make sure these flops don’t get kicked out of college, that’s how shit everyone’s grades, skills, and aspiration meters were and how close we were to financial collapse thanks to the lack of scholarship money + Lakshmi’s 5k dates. If I ever have the brilliant idea to bring this many sims to college again please remind me of this post.
The only sim unaffected by our gap semester was brainchad June who already had good grades and I wish I could ignore all rules and just crown her as the heir. Alas, I’m cursed with Sugar and Sophito. Two notable things happened during this time: June and I took advantage of the extra time I had to focus on her to finally win over Erik Swain’s flaky little heart, and Stacy moved in, you can see her hot new pop-star look in the background with Julian.
Now, for the moment of truth.. did my hard work bear fruit??
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YES IT DID. I even managed to get Sugar an A+, which is probably my hardest ts2 achievement ever. With our financial and academic worries behind us, it’s time to get back to the normal rhythm of things:
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Eliza this might not be a great time but someone needs to paint those Uni portraits and you’re the one with the highest creativity skill so..
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-Ya, not my problem, Reggie.
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-Dramatic sigh.. Stupid sexy Sophito..
Did you just say ‘dramatic sigh’?
-Oh, I don’t really do actual emotional expression, just the representation of it. Other than rage, of course.
Ya you definitely don’t have trouble with that one, the butler is still returning Sophito’s teeth to us.
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At least someone is perma happy around here, and it’s Stacy and Julian! CUTE
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-That doesn’t sound right! My mom said I can have anything I want!
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-Sooo, cuz, everything ok with you and Stacy? Everything solid? No exploitable cracks in the ol’ relationship foundation?
-Oh, Soph, everything’s amazing! I love her so much, I can barely believe how happy I am! I can’t wait till we graduate and get a place-
-Oh, I’m sorry :( Look at me going on when you’ve just had your heart broken :(
-What?! I didn’t have anything broken, except multiple teeth.
-Ok :( I’m here if you ever wanna talk :(
Ya whatever helps you sleep at night, Soph. I’ll tell you who’s actually never been better:
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SUGAR. Bro what can I say, Claire is ALL OVER OUR BOY. We of course immediately asked her to pledge and move in because I don’t see this ever happening for Sugar again.
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AN INCEL NO MORE!!! Sugar, truly, I’m impressed. I don’t know what kind of dark sorcery you’re using on Claire, but clearly it is working and then some. 
-Oh Sug this was great, I’ll be right back!  -Alright beloved, I’ll be right here!
Umm where you going, Claire?
-I just have something I need to do real quick!
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B R O. 
I was so shook by this that I forgot switch out of live mode to take the pic and you can still see her action panel, the next action on which, btw, is to woohoo Sugar again. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS RUN
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I’d also like to point out that Wilfred and Claire are STILL FURIOUS WITH EACH OTHER
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SMH IRL. Wilfred you debased flop, in how many relationships do you need to be the third wheel until you’re satisfied??
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You know what might help, Wil? Throwing yourself out of this window.
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Claire seriously, I have NO WORDS. I’ve been trying to get you with Wilfred this entire time and you PICKED SUGAR ALL ON YOUR OWN. Like why the fuck wouldn’t you just get with Wilfred to begin with and save us all this bullshit??
-I needed to take both of them on a test drive before I decided!
Thanks for that gross metaphor and I hope you did decide because I’ve officially hit the limit on the amount of degenerate affairs I can handle under one roof- 
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-so it’s time to pull the ol’ Gunther-Brittany-Melody on this shit and have you pick for real. Whoever you autonomously interact with is who you’re dating and you’re done with the other one!!!1
-Oh, this is difficult!  -Pick me, Claire, let’s beat each other up forever! -No, pick me, look at my beautiful creepy smile!
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-I pick Sugar!
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tommos · 7 months
can only certain people refer to you as 'mango'? because sometimes i go to refer to you by it but i'm unsure if i can 😅
no bby u can haha!!! its just a nickname my friend @girlbosslou started waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, like 2013 lmao, anyone can call me it hehe
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
im officially sick (not covid but still) AND my copy of crisis core reunion was delayed and isn’t coming til next week
i am at the fucking BRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!
but other updates on my life... going through my old music is fun, some thoughts are:
i should’ve been shot in the streets for my edgy music phase (mostly hollywood undead and *** which i do genuinely regreT)
very frustrating that whenever i find old emo/pop punk music, i do google “band name accused” just to make sure none of them were abusers
likewise when i find old metal/industrial i do google “band name fascist” and similar. luckily none so far but i feel SO aware of how many groups have dogshit politics
that said the music on the hard drive is mostly from 2004-2009. in 2006-2008 it seems like i mostly listened to rave, screamo, and anime theme songs. some of it great... some of it sounds like ass. a lot of it is decent tbut is just... too loud for me at my advanced age. 14 year old me was built different
i can sing along to 50% of songs, nearly perfectly
i got jumpscared by opening a gackt song that apparently just came with a random picture of him... i can’t tell if it was just one bad photo but christ alive... no.
i have ever single remix possible of hide & seek by imogen heap... like... dozens of them. why did everyone want a club mix of fucking hide and seek???????
you know that post that’s like “we will become nostalgic for hte imperfections in old media? the static on old tvs, the limitations of vinyl” or whatever??? i kinda feel that with old ripped music. like i DO prefer the cleaner official versions i find on apple but... idk... i listen to the crinkly, MQ versions i found on limewire and it just... feels like home my dudes
bring back silly ddr music but make it mainstream.
i was into kpop WAAAAAAAAAAAY earlier than i remmber?? i apparently was super into a 90s dude who ended up getting banned from korea for draft dodging... king (his music is not good tho)
the pop punk “revival” that happened with like MGK, Willow, yungblud, and all that is even worse now that i am in the think of old pop punk. like old pop punk wasn’t even that good but it had EDGE! it wasn’t overly produced. it also wasn’t really meant to be radio friendly which made it so much better
and my final thought is... i have some music on this hard drive that you literally cannot find anywhere else. like the links arae dead, they’re not on streaming, the groups are disbanded. piracy really IS archival work. that said... that just made me feel very bad because i’m deleting a lot of the music i do not like. which means... instead of uploading them somewhere to ACTUALYL do the archival work... i am just taking one of hte few remaining copies and sending htem into the ether. whoops
anyways can someone please blow my nose for me i feel so GROSS
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labrador-beefcake · 2 years
I have THOUGHTS. And OPINIONS. About one piece.
Y'all are here on this part, so you're going to hear about them.
First off, when was the first time we see Gear Second? In the fight against Blueno, right?
It was in Water 7 against the Franky Family. I forget his name, but the dude in the battleship armor gets the first Gear 2nd punch from Luffy. He starts to throw a gum gum gatling, but his fists stop short. Then his arms start to turn pink before he unleashes his gum gum cannon. He wasn't attacking before he was pumping his arms, just like he does with his legs later on.
Next thing is that I don't like the idea of Zoro facing off against Shiryu when the Straw Hats and Blackbeard pirates finally clash. Putting those two against each other just because "sword man fight sword man" strikes me as simplistic in a way I just don't enjoy. So who do I think Zoro should fight?
Jesus Burgess. We know he wants a strong devil fruit, having gone after the Mera Mera no mi, and we know he didn't get it. We know they have clashed with the remnants of Whitebeard's crew. I feel like Burgess is going to kill and take the fruit of Diamond Jozu (which would compliment his fighting style PERFECTLY) and is that in his battle against Zoro. Daz Bones even asks Zoro waaaaaaaaaaay back in Alabasta, "what's next? Learning to cut diamond?" Burgess and Zoro are both the vice captain of their crews, been with their captain for the longest, and are arguably the strongest fighters outside of the captains on their respective crews. Besides, I don't think Shiryu is a good enough swordsman to really push Zoro further in his goal. Not like Burgess with a diamond form could.
"But labrador, who would Shiryu fight then?"
Sanji. It would basically be his fight against Absalom all over again, but with much higher stakes. Sanji wants the Clear Clear fruit for his own pervy reasons. Always has. That's half the reason he fought Absalom. The other half was to save Nami. Shiryu is a dishonorable man, and would have no qualms about using Sanji's morals against him. Sanji has fought swordsmen before, and I think it would be wonderful to see him branch out from brawlers and martial artists like himself. Maybe have the end of the fight culminate between Sanji having to either save Nami or grab the fruit before they fall into the sea, and ultimately choosing Nami because he's not completely worthless.
Okay, last but not least, the whole reveal of the Gomu Gomu no mi actually being a mythic zoan fruit, to me, cheapens the entire character. Luffy was always someone who thought outside the box and used his creativity and and determination to push the limits of such a relatively weak fruit. Give him the Gear 5 power up, that's fine. Have him take on the role of Nika. But for all our sakes, just have it be the awakening. Rather than just modifying his body with the fruit, he could affect his surroundings as well, just like the other awakenings we've seen. In that, add in his ability to bend and stretch the laws of physics, the fabric of reality itself. That way, it's a story of overcoming adversity, rather than making him a secret chosen one.
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kamorth · 2 years
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I posted 7,191 times in 2022
60 posts created (1%)
7,131 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 564 of my posts in 2022
#@markaleb - 14 posts
#i mean - 4 posts
#as in - 3 posts
#yep - 3 posts
#also also - 3 posts
#also - 3 posts
#it always means something different - 2 posts
#so just the fact that you are aware that you chose this person - 2 posts
#because i kept embarrassing the boys in woodworking and metalworking - 2 posts
#i love how you can see how hard he's jazz-handing even though it's a still image - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i think the rise of this kind of thinking is in part a combination of tl;dr internet culture and the rapidly increasing numbers of people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay to be clear I am getting nothing out of this, the seller doesn't know I'm making this post, this is purely me gushing about awesome customer service for an awesome product.
So when the fire happened (almost 2 years ago it does NOT feel that long) one of the things I lost was my collection of playing cards. I cried over these ones specifically. I backed the Kickstarter (technically my FiL bought them as a gift for me but it was all on my accounts) waaaaaaaaaaay back in the before times in the far distant good old days of 2014 and got two packs. I kept one sealed (for collector points or maybe in case the others got damaged lol) and opened the other and instantly fell in love with them. They are GORGEOUS and they feel AMAZING and they were hands down my favourite cards ever. I had them sitting on my desk next to my computer and I would sometimes shuffle them while waiting for things to load just because they felt that nice. I still reach for them sometimes.
About a year ago I set up an ebay search alert for them. I wanted them back and my only chance (I thought) was to grab them quickly if a fellow collector put them up for sale. No hits. Not even one. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I thought fuck it, let's try a hail mary, can't be any worse than a "sorry they're gone", right? So I go and message the seller on the original KS campaign. They haven't had any campaigns recently so chances are it's a dead account, so okay maybe the best I can hope for is silence but I have to try.
15 minutes later I get a reply. "Sorry you went through that, I still have a few unsold packs though. Let me go put them up on Etsy". Half an hour after that I get another response which includes the above link along with "I'm just looking to have shipping costs covered, you don't have to pay for the cards".
Two packs just arrived in the mail and I'm crying. I thought they were gone. I feel like a complete idiot, crying over playing cards, but they represent something that feels like getting my life back finally.
If you like playing cards, nice art, or just generally gothy things, do everyone involved a favour and grab yourself a pack. They are SO worth it.
8 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Getting more than a little bit sick of people not understanding even the slightest nuance.
Queer/Dyke/Fag/Homo have historically been and are still sometimes, often even, used as derogatory slurs. So have all the other words we use for ourselves.
Learn to read fucking context clues and STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO ARE USING THOSE WORDS AS DESCRIPTORS FOR THE RELEVANT EXPERIENCES. All you do when you ONLY police people who are using those words as something other than a personal attack is HELPING THE BIGOTS WIN. You are doing the work of the enemy! BIGOTS ARE OUR ENEMIES, NOT PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO TALK ABOUT QUEER EXPERIENCES AS BEING QUEER.
I am SO over this bullshit.
Is the person you're having a go at using our words as a personal attack? Let's look at some examples:
"I'm taking Queer History this semester" - if you think there is a slur in this sentence you need a much stronger reading comprehension lesson than I'm about to give you.
"I hope someone fag-drags you you gross fucking dyke" - This statement in itself being said to an individual is legally a hate crime in many countries
"You're just a fucking queer fag go suck a cock" - I need more context because there is FUCKING NUANCE HERE AND INTENT MATTERS. I've said this to a grumpy gay friend who just needed to go get laid before and in that context it was loving advice (and his mood improved SO MUCH because I was right, as I often am), but I can see how it could be used in a derogatory way.
13 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
This reminds me of something
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Can't QUITE put my finger on what it is though
15 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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101 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My kid works at the lotto booth in a supermarket that happens to be a favourite of boomers and upper-middle class white people - the kind of people we've been seeing at anti-listening-to-doctors protests around here. He gets at least 3-4 people per shift going off at him for wearing a mask and I've been trying to convince him to quit for a while now. Last week some dude spat at him.
It's probably unrelated but we've both tested positive for covid in the last 72 hours. We're triple vaxxed. He seems to be getting off lucky, nothing more than a stuffy nose which is good. I, however, would like to die now please. I have a fever and have been shivering so hard I think I've pulled a muscle in my chest. I'm really hoping it doesn't get worse. Like I don't need a hospital but I'm really hoping it stays that way.
Also, someone in the house has a surgery booked on Friday and they've already taken 6 weeks off work for recovering. Fingers crossed for that person not testing positive.
If you're an antivaxxer, fuck you. This is absolutely your fault.
2,428 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gethellbcnt · 1 month
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anyone remember when i mentioned possibly making a goetia oc waaaaaaaaaaay back when ?
i think i'll likely go with a version of the fancy pigeon, and have them come from the House Forneus, of the Sixth-Greatest Marquis ; Forneus is known to teach the art of persuasion and languages -- the latter being a trait shared among many demons in the LKOS -- gives men a good name, but most importantly makes them be loved by both friends and foes.
that most latter trait is one that i'd like to create an inherited "path" with, in that in those hailing from the Forneus House are highly-regarded matchmakers amongst the goetian families and noble families.
think of it like those old-school au's where you're the only person who can see people's countdowns to their deaths, but it is replaced with an array of traits similarly seen in DnD ; charisma, intelligence, strength, though to witness how much chemistry runs between a potential pair is a lengthy process. if there are couples that wish to have a strictly professional marriage/family, this character could instead look at fertility rates and other desired genetic traits between two potential spouses to produce guaranteed heirs with specific genetics.
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sportsballs-the · 5 months
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Hey everyone, the content schedule for the week is here! To make up for the skipped streams from last week, we've got a full week of five streams this week! Lot's of fun classics this week.
On Monday I'll be wheeling and dealing with the Roguelike Roulette! What can I say? It's fun. I've got too many games to play, and Roguelikes are probably a weekly staple of the channel at this point.
On Wednesday I'll be returning to The Great Ace Attorney! While it's been a little while, we're back continuing with this mini-series with the second game. It's time to solve 19th century murders sometimes, and pretend like the game is driving me crazy slightly more often.
On Friday I'll be playing the newest demo for Balatro! While the full version doesn't have a full release as of yet, they have announced that they will be releasing a new demo to correspond with NextFest! You better believe that I'll be jamming to this for waaaaaaaaaaay too long.
On Saturday I'll be doing more roguelikes AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! In specific though, this time you all asked for it, as this is going to be the donor suggested stream for the month! I'll be getting with The_JPhantom and we'll be racing to see who can do the best in a selection of different roguelikes. It should be an absolute blast.
And also on Saturday I'll be playing some Garry's Mod TTT live on stream for the first time! While I've done plenty of Garry's Mod game nights here in the discord server before, it's time for me to show you all the absolute insanity on stream for the first time.
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CROB 7th Anniversary: Wish Camp Treasure Hunt
Duration: 10/26/23 - 11/27/23, 6 PM EST
☁️ Wowee… seven years already? Vanilla Meringue Cookie- our Editor- started playing this game waaaaaaaaaaay back just a bit before the 2nd anniversary. That’s how much you can trust him on how this game works! And it seems like there’s a lot planned here, so let’s not waste any time and have Cannoli Cookie help share everything there is to offer!
Treasure Hunt
🏕️ Thanks for having me here, Lemon-Lime Meringue Cookie! We’ve got a lot to cover here, so let’s get started with the main event: the Treasure Hunt! In order to start searching for treasure, you’ll need Camping Shoes that you can get from the events here and from a lot of the main game modes as collectable items. Use them to get a reward ranging from common resources to the most Legendary prizes! You’ll need one Shoe per pull, and up to 10 pulls can happen at a time if you have more than 10 Shoes at the time you choose to go hunting for treasure. If you have 10 Shoes or less, you’ll get as many prizes as you had Shoes on redemption.
☁️ Think about the Season 8 premiere event, this is basically the same thing but slightly more streamlined. Coins will not drop alongside prizes, but you might find groups of Cookies for the Group Photo. Also just a heads up, new Cookies, Pets, Treasures, and cosmetics that are scheduled for release this month (Ex: Cannoli & S‘more Cookie) will NOT appear here. Past Cookies like Abyss Monarch Cookie, however, CAN appear here!
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Group Photo
🏕️ We need to find Cookies for our group photo! After you try searching for treasure, you’ll probably encounter groups of Cookies roaming the campsite. Cookies with a higher star rating are harder to find, but you’ll find them eventually. The more Cookies you find, the more populated the site gets. Find all 187 Cookies to get a special 7th Anniversary Lobby Design!
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Daily Gifts
🏕️ Leave a message by the Wish Campfire every day and you’ll get a Crystal prize and 7 Camping Shoes! This’ll reset daily, so keep coming back for more!
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Anniversary Package Payback
☁️ During the month, a lot of the packages award Package Points that you can accumulate here for bonus items such as Camping Shoes and Package Coupons! Just a heads up tho, this one’s for the whales and really just spending money on the game. So… if you don’t plan to spend money or get packages this month, just ignore this.
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Anniversary Item Missions
🏕️ This one, however, is open for everyone. Just spend resources around the game and you’ll get Camping Shoes! The benchmarks get more lengthy the more you score though, so be ready to spend your supplies!
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Gold Chest Missions
🏕️ This one’s really simple. Just open 4 Gold Chests every day for up to 16 Camping Shoes!
☁️ You might miss the first day if you opened all 8 Gold Chests today before the update though… like me.
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Title Missions
🏕️ These missions just naturally complete themselves as you play around various places in the game. Just equip or display the “Star Searching Cookie Runner” title you get on opening the menu and you’ll be able to do the missions for Camping Shoes… a lot of them too!
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☁️ Best of luck to you all! Bring back lots of memories and hidden treasures!
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ofbetterbodies · 1 year
for date night: this is going to be a multiseries ask because shit is complex, BUT, here is a summary of a very complicated situation that has been going on for 3+ years... I work with a guy six years older than me. Over this time we have become really good friends, but also definitely more than ~friends~. He initiated us talking back in 2019, and since then anytime he would get drunk at work events he couldn't leave me alone. During 2021 we became closer, talking every day. (Part 1)
DATE NIGHT!!!! Send asks about dates and romance!!
(Anon's full story under the cut)
ANON. Hi love. Ok reading this made me want to give you the worlds biggest bear hug because oh my god?? Oh my goddd? First off you seem like such a genuinely sweet person and I'm so sorry this guy has been stringing you along for so long. I do want you to genuinely ask yourself what *you* want with him because ultimately that's all that matters. I hope he gets his shit together and realizes what's right in front of him- as a grown ass man. I think this gets even more complicated because you work together and no matter what happens, there will be consequences in the place you work,,, which is never good. My wish for you anon is to find the kind of shining love you deserve, in whatever manner you need it 💗💗 but also. He was cruel, you were so real for that. Clown away my babe 🤡
Pt 2). Over the years i have had fleeting crushes. But last year around March, my friendship feelings had turned into waaaaaaaaaaay more. We had over the course of the past year and a half been talking way too much, every day, for hours on end. There have been numerous times we have been chatting until 3am. We tell each other vastly too much. We are also chaotic shits at work, and are definitely constantly flirting (which is funny cause we're radiographers at a major trauma centre haha). 3. In May last year we spoke until maybe 2am one night and he asked if i wanted to get breakfast with him the following day post his nightshift. I said sure (I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON). We met up at a quite cafe in the city and had breakfast for two hours, we were just chatting so much. he paid and he also walked me to my car. i was so unsure about what to think of this, like was this a date? A few days later he called me beautiful in a different language (a friend had to translate it for me).
Pt 4. He went overseas in june. And during that time was sending me so many photos and selfies!!!! which was interesting because he hates being in photos. We were still chatting all the time, even though he was on the other side of the world. over this time, my feels had fully developed. At the start of august my cat died, and he invited me to his house to like "sleep" or "not sleep" lol. I wasn't up for driving. I had decided i needed to say something because all i was getting was mixed signals. Pt 5. I wrote a note on my phone app, but never sent it because i was scared. It got to october and we were meant to hand out, but never made concrete plans. we had a really weird conversation that turned a bit hmm not great. i told him he was confusing me, he asked for a list of i did, and then he gave me a piss poor response. i called him cruel. we stopped talking. i cried so much. it was awful in person, we were so awkward, wouldn't talk and wouldn't look at each other. People noticed...
Pt 6. I tried to get over my feelings and things started going back to normal in Nov. we were consistently talking again. Well then it was the work xmas party. he asked my opinion on what he should wear. He kind of avoided me for the first hour and a bit. Everyone was telling me i looked really nice and i just wanted him! to! comment! everyone was progressively getting drunk (i don't drink). i was chatting to one of my male coworkers and he literally cut in and sat between us, lol. Pt 7. We got chatting and he brought up me calling him cruel the month prior (we had never discussed those texts, but knew we had to that night). We moved outside and like started kind of chatting, but like he could not stop touching me, he went to kiss me at one point and i was like stop what are you doing, there are people here. I ended up taking him home (which was an effort). I also ended up staying with him for four/five hours... um we had a very big chat about many things. we both admitted. Pt 8. that we like each other a lot. like more than friends. i asked him how long he had liked me for. he said a long time, and i was like how long is long. he said as long as we'd been talking, and i was like but thats THREE YEARS.... he tried to kiss me again, and i was like i'm not kissing you while you're drunk. i told him i didn't want to be a drunken mistake. he said i wouldn't be, but i was scared. i changed out of my dress because stuff happened lol and had on one of his tshirts. Pt 9. i ended up leaving his house cause i got my period, so i left him a note being like we need to chat tomorrow and that i would text him when i woke up. i got home at 4am anme at like 7:30am. i was so angry and tired. we texted all day off and on. but didn't end up chatting in person for another two days. i was so anxious. we ended up chatting for over 4 hours. i cried. it was a hard conversation. we admitted that we both like each other. but he doesn't want a relationship with anyone ever. Pt 10. we gave each other some space, lol that lasted 3 days before he messaged. i cried a lot again. and now its 2023 and we are back to what we were, which is openly flirting, now in front of other people to the point they mention it to me... we chat every day. we know too much about each other. our physical contact is more than friendly.. i worked with him alone for 5 hours the other night and boy did we flirt, i could say so much, but, i am a clown over this man, and 2023 is my clown year.
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this is also just me projecting my love for all of them. this is in no way shape or form organized. 
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Y/N: WAAAAAAAAAAAY FOR NOOOO ONEEEE Present Mic: 😲OH🤩YEAH!💃THAT'S✨MY😩KID!☝️ *hizashi inhales*: AND I- Aizawa, grabbing his bandage and pulling him in: if you two don't shut up right now I'm going to drive you to Chuck e cheese and LEAVE you there, understood? Y/N and Present Mic swallowing: understood. --- Eri, playing with dolls upstairs while y/n’s at hero training: and then, then, the prince comes!! Tada!! And then the princess on the tower gets saved, and- Shinsou: why does the prince always save the princess. Eri: what? Shinsou: not every woman needs a man to save them- Y/N, bursting in through the door: YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! WOMEN SUPREMACY! Shinsou: ...where did you even come from- Y/N: OH YEAH! POLITICS! Shinsou: those aren't- that isnt- Y/N: OH YEAHHHHHHH!!! ---
Y/N, trying to teach Eri math: if you have 10 cookies and i ask for 5, how many do you have left?
Eri: 0
Y/N: this is basic math, Eri. It’s not even that hard-
Eri: I would give everything to you if you asked, because I love you 🥰
Y/N, holding back tears: gross, absolutely disgusting, get out of my room- 
Aizawa: Y/N and Shinsou, can you get us a table? 
Y/N: Sure
Shinsou and Y/N, running out of a restaurant with a table: START THE CAR START THE CAR START THE CAR
Present Mic and Aizawa, after getting hit with a quirk during a  rescue: ✨Hē😩pïnnEd💖mE☄️agÂinSt🥵tHe✨wäaLL🤭☝️ "H😲-haRRy🧚‍♀️" I☝️stuttered🥵🥖 "💦😍ShHhH✨🤫HhuSh👂,🦋bAbY🍼goRL🧈" he👐 growled😰😱 "mY🖖🤩moThEr👩‍👦😳WiLL🌟bE🌸upSet,🐟" I🤕 refused🙅‍♂️🌱 🥰mY😩💅hAzEL✨🥱oRbs🧚‍♀️gLiStEnEd🦟🥵iN😖⚔️the🤨🚤suNseT😱 He👐👹graBbEd✨😋oNtO😩📈mY📉😨hiPs,🕵️‍♀️🥤puLLinG✨🐛mE🌸 iN.🎥 "🙄THaT👆abU$iVe☝️jiMin😼wiLL🤸nEvEr 🍃huRt🦗yoU🏩agAin,🥲bAby 🍼🤪gOrL.🇫🇷" HaRrY😨🥤sAiD🤩 "😩🤸ThAnK💗yoU,🎇h-HarRy💠"🐑I mAnAgEd🤙aS😝🤩 hE👅puLLeD👁️✨mE👺inTo 🙄a 😔kisS😽" "🙇‍♂️AnYtHing🫀fOr🦶yoU,😖🦋BabY🐣🥵gOrL🍼"
Y/N: ...how the fuck are they doing that
Shinsou, crying: I don’t know
Mirio, coming over for the holidays: Haha! And there’s my favorite kid of the famliy, c’mere!
Y/N, arms open wide, ready for a hug: Mirioooo! I-
Mirio, scooping up Eri in his arms: Eri, how’ve you been? 
Shinsou: Are you okay-
Y/N, shaking: I hate it here
Shinsou, patting Y/N’s back: It’s the same every year.
Y/N, dying their hair at 2am with a Walmart bag and Kool-Aid:
Aizawa, hair up in cat-shaped rollers, wearing a matcha green face mask and in Mic’s hot pink bathrobe: ...what are you doing? 
Y/N: Aagh! S-sorry, I didn’t mean to be that loud, I just wanted to-... uhm, what are you wearing?
Aizawa, looking down:
Aizawa: 🧍
Y/N: 🧍
Aizawa: 👁👄👁
Y/N: 👁👄👁
Aizawa and Y/N, in unison: Let’s both agree to never speak of this again. 
Waiter: Can I get you anything?
Present Mic: I’ll have a milkshake with two straws.
Aizawa: *blushes*
Present Mic, putting both straws in mouth: Watch how fast I can drink this.
Aizawa, bring his entire fam on a work day:
All Might: Shinsou! We do not curse words at the moment, there are children present
Eri, in the distance: FUCK!
(bonus: bakugou: good fuckin’ job)
can i headcanon aizawa and shinsou as lactose intolerant because i want to headcanon them as lactose intolerant as someone (me) who is lactose intolerant
Y/N and Shinsou, standing over a broken cat mug: Before you say anything...
Present Mic:
Aizawa: *raises eyebrows*
Shinsou:..that’s it. We just don’t want you to say anything.
Y/N, quietly: run?
Shinsou, whispering back: run.
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prof-peach · 3 years
Does Minerva have a favorite outfit? When did she first start exploring clothing?
Man it changes a lot! Her wardrobe is bigger than mine, and she’s constantly being nagged by the house to donate the old stuff she doesn’t wear anymore, we trip over her piles of laundry a lot, we may have to build her a bigger space for it all at some point...
Right now today this is what she’s wearing. It’s quite sunny here!
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I have sewn a tail hole with big buttons for ease in the back, she usually will knot her ears (harmlessly obvs) behind her.
As for when it began? Like Waaaaaaaaaaay back when she was a little Buneary. I’ve run over her story before, I picked Minerva up as some mangey little bug ridden half pint about 14 years ago now. Her shiny nature was so mild, the notable pink colour almost pastel, faded, mucky in tone, like she was greyed out and stressed as all hell. I had spent so much buying her off an illegal seller, I had no money for the trip to the new region, and had to battle to get cash, until I was just able to afford some hole filled tent, and medicine for her that I couldn’t knock up myself from herbs and plants. That first night in the tent it rained, and I used an open umbrella to plug a large rip in the roof, we all huddled up, myself, Val a couple other new Pokemon friends caught, and this weird pink-not-pink Pokemon, who seemed incredibly timid, the notable shaking of nervousness all over her, finally found a comfort. When buying medicine I’d pocketed a magazine, you know, 5-finger-discount style. The magazine entertained us all that night, and even the stressy Buneary came over to read with the team. When we finally got through it all, and everyone had got to look at the pictures and hear all the stories, cover to cover pretty much, She took the magazine and started to find great fascination with the fashion segment. She poured over it every night, and had the magazine on her most days. She got healthier, and used my keys to cut out her favourite outfits. I spent money on a scrap book for her, with a very small amount left over after food and medicine, battling to make it work out. During the trip to Sinnoh, Minerva chose her own name, got healthier, worked hard, battled with ferocity, evolved, she gained more and more confidence, but above all else, she got her first ever taste of fashion! I was eventually able to buy a few item on the trip, she use to have the cutest hairpin thing, and a little short cape with a hood. Made my heart hurt she was so innocent haha!
Since then she’s grown into a decadent lady, who lives a very full and happy life (I think, she seems content). As the seasons change and fashion shifts to new styles, she will also pick and choose new stuff. You could ask her the same question every day, ‘what’s your favourite outfit?’ And she’ll come back with a different look each time.
I’m just grateful I got the hang of mending and editing clothing to a degree, saves a lot of cash, but I do have a limit. If she wants something stupid expensive, then she’s gotta earn it. We go out battling until she’s gained the funds, minus what I’ll put towards it.
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“I own you”
Pairing: Dark 1940s Mob Bucky x Singer Reader
Warnings: Possessive Bucky, different time period & very different comprehension of a woman’s role, non-con touching & kissing, uncomfortble implications, unrequited love, readers open disdain towards Bucky and one moment of violence towards reader.
A/N: This is waaaaaaaaaaay darker than what I planned on writing...please don’t read if you’re under 18 or if the tags are triggering for you, I'm saying this just to be safe as this is nothing like any of my other fics & might trigger someone...😶
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You were applying make-up, tilting to the side, to get a better view of your cheekbones in the backstage vanity. The light bounced off your skin and you accentuated it with highlighter. You saw him approach you from behind, yet you still gasped as his hands wrapped around your stomach and his body pushed up against your back.
"You're a vision, Doll." Bucky smirked as he locked eyes with you in the mirror, before he softly kissed your neck.
"Thanks, Bucky." You whispered, hoping he'd let you go soon.
"Give 'em hell, Toots." He winked and slapped your butt as he turned away. Your body went rigid.
You hated him. He knew it, yet he took it as a challenge, he found it cute.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Miss Diva." The man announced and it was your cue to enter through the golden colored curtain. The spotlight was bright, the stage was set and the applause was loud. You skimmed the crowd, immediately noticing Bucky.
Words couldn't describe how much you hated him.
The music started and the audience went quiet. You could see the smoke from their cigars dancing around the room. You grabbed the mike stand quickly, with force as you brought it closer to you, but the voice that left your mouth was soft, yet so powerful.
Your eyes focused on him as you sang and you thought back to the moment he got his claws in you. No one refused James Buchanan Barnes, because they knew that there would be no help for them afterwards. The law knew what was happening in the Buchanan Lounge, but no one was brave enough to do anything about it because he had everyone wrapped around his fingers. At the end of the day he saw himself as a businessman. He traded secrets to gain and keep power. In the end he acquired so many secrets about other powerful people that he was practically untouchable - even with his side business of being the head of the mob family.
There were more than enough words in your vocabulary to express your hatred for him...but not one seemed right enough to describe the true extent of your hatred for him.
He knew how to untangle tongues without spilling blood and that included good atmosphere, a tinge of excitement, good amount of alcohol and an angelic voice in the background.
He used you, on more than one occasion, for his gain and pleasure.
You were the singer on the rise with debts. Hearing you perform was a treat to the ears and seeing you in those beautiful dresses....well you were a vision people were willing to pay big bucks to see. To pay off your debt the deal he proposed was sweeter than cane sugar - you should've known better. You don't make a deal with the devil and come out scar free.
Once he had you, word spread and you were known as Miss Diva, the woman with an angelic voice that charmed the devil himself. In other words, you became Bucky's girl.
You hated him. Your insides burned with how much you hated him.
As the night ended you took a bow and slowly retreated backstage. After Bucky closed down the speakeasy and it was just the two of you, he joined you. He advanced slowly, clapping and kneeled down before you, taking your hands in his and kissing them.
"Darling, you were spectacular. What a show!" He smiled at you.
"This was my last show, James." You met his eye, determined. His smile fell and he searched your eyes, before scowling.
"You're not going anywhere." He firmly stated, getting back up on his feet, turning away from you. His anger was rising, but so was yours. Even though you knew better, you have learned through the years, you still continued with your demand. 
"I paid my debt, more than once over. I don't owe you anything anymore." You pressed, getting up as well. You were pushed back into the vanity, his hand wrapped around your throat. You searched around the room, even though you knew there was no one to save you. Even if there was...no one would come between Bucky and his girl.
You should’ve known better - no one says no to James Barnes.
"You just don't get it, do you?"
His rings cut into your skin as he grabbed your chin, making you look at him. You could feel the outline of his skull ring digging into you.
"You're mine, Doll. I own you. Never forget that." He kissed you hard then, his teeth clashing against yours.
 Thank you for reading! 💙😊 The GIFs are not mine - they belong to the amazing creators! 🙏😊
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