#alex elmslie gif
harryelmslie · 1 year
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don’t ask me why i made these
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buzzyb33 · 6 months
Main master list:
Angst: ☆
Fluff: ꨄ
Smut: ★
Suggestive: ✮
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Ethan Behzinga:
Holiday headcannons ꨄ
Harry wroetoshaw:
Oh well ꨄ
Josh Zerkaa:
Christmas decorating ꨄ
Quiet night in ꨄ
No, I’m not. ☆ ꨄ
Make-up ꨄ
Annoying ★ ☆ (smut)
Drunk ꨄ
Plus one ✮
Relationship ꨄ
Proposal ꨄ
Nothing yet :(
Simon minimiter:
Dad!simon headcannons ꨄ
General headcannons:
Heather day! ꨄ
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British YouTubers:
James Marriott:
Flustered ꨄ ✮
First ★ ꨄ
Podcasts ꨄ
George memeulous:
Boyfriend!memeulous HCs ꨄ
Alex elmslie:
Nothing yet :(
Will Lenney:
Nothing yet :(
Sleeping ꨄ
Nothing yet :(
Angry ginge:
Nothing yet :(
Danny Aarons:
Confession ꨄ
Nothing yet :(
Beta squad:
Nothing yet :(
Nothing yet :(
Arthur TV:
Nothing yet :(
George Clarkey:
Nothing yet :(
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Nothing yet :(
Nothing yet :(
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alexgeorgejameswill · 2 years
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I’ve wanted to be a YouTuber. Like, it’s like, an absolute dream job and I don’t want to see it slip away. So that’s the kind of thing that keeps me going and keep uploading. I try and work through burnout because I just want to do this so much.
— George Memeulous
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jegulusofwesper · 3 years
Imallexx was made for the bisexuals
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lenney · 3 years
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‘why are you so far underneath me?’ ‘not the first time you’ve said that -’
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imaginesbymonika · 4 years
Three times in which Alex gushes over Y/N and the one time he actually gets to meet her.
Warnings: fluff
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The very first time that Y/N was mentioned happened to be during his podcast. James had asked him, which female YouTuber he watches the most. Alex tried his best to play it cool and to not let her name slip out- so he lied:” At the moment no one, I’m pretty involved in my own stuff. I don’t-.”.
„Come on mate!“, George, who sat next to Will and Stephen on the couch snorted and threw his hands in the air: “That is the biggest lie ever, I frequently hear (your username)‘s voice coming from your room.“
Will laughed: “Alex kidnapped Y/N, confirmed.“.
„Y/N?“, James asked and moved the microphone closer to his mouth: “Really? I never would have predicted, that you enjoy the sort of content she puts out.“.
„Yeah, he doesn’t.“, George once again interrupted the podcast: “Only if you consider her the content.“.
Alex felt the tips of his ears burn up, and he promptly pulled the hood of his pullover over his head: “I- I mean, she’s a great you-tuber. She’s really funny, and her vlogs are really interesting to watch. That’s all.“. He scratched his nose, while George scoffed repeatedly, making everyone laugh.
„Give me a break, George!“, Alex exclaimed, his voice louder: “I find her adorable- there, I said it. Are you happy now.“.
James tried his best not to chuckle and put his hand in front of his mouth to prevent the noises from leaving his mouth.
The second time was at a party, Mia and Aria who both know Y/N privately, asked him about it. „We listened to the podcast.“, Aria began, a cheeky smile playing on her lips: “Is it true?“.
„That you fancy Y/N?“, Mia took a sip of her drink: “Or at least find her- and I quote “adorable”. Alex groaned, before taking a sip of tequila himself.
He can feel how the liquor in his system, gave his mouth a life of its own:” I mean, yeah, sure. She’s beautiful and I really love watching her videos- she makes the simplest things and tasks look so enjoyable.”.
The two girls listened closely and exchanged glances every now and then.
„Have you ever met her in person?“, Mia asked and Alex eyed her for a few moments before shaking his head. She groaned and drunkenly pulled his shoulder: “You would adore her, she’s the sweetest- the sweetest person ever.“.
The third time occurred during an Eboy video. The four friends were reviewing submitted green screen videos when suddenly every fourth video was about Alex’s crush on Y/N.
„This is insane.“, Will commented: “Literally insane! The news about you having a crush on her - everyone seems interested in that.“.
He clicks on a video and Calfreezy comes up on the screen. He stood next to Y/N, who was smiling brightly into the camera. “Today, I am here with the wonderful Y/N.“. She waved. “We asked you guys if you have any questions for us and while we are making our very own-.”, he turned his face to look at Y/N:” our very own drinking game, we will respond to as many as possible. Are you ready?”.
She nodded softly before taking a pen into her hands:” Let’s do this.”.
A voice behind the camera started speaking up, while the y/h/c girl wrote something down:” Cal, when will you ask Y/N out?”.
The man laughed:” Y/N and I are just pals... for now.”.
Suddenly Alex came across the screen:” I want you to go to war with this YouTuber, I mean-“.
The three YouTubers all started laughing uncontrollably. Alex on the other hand was glancing into the camera suppressing a grin. “I mean they’re not wrong!”, George claimed and once again everyone laughed:” I haven’t seen Alex that whipped for a female YouTuber- ever.”.
„I’m not ‘whipped’!”, Alex argues and crossed his arms defensively.
“You did confess that you find her adorable and Mia told me you were speaking very highly of her at a party the other night.”.
“Uhhh!”, George giggles and made smooching noises behind his mask.
“What are you? Ten?”.
Alex who stands in front of Will takes a sip of his drink:” I should go and get myself another drink.”, he says loudly, attempting to talk over the music. The fact that none of the neighbors had complained to Ethan yet - was astonishing to him.
He turns around and when he looks at the kitchen island, where the Alcohol is placed his heart drops into his stomach. He rapidly turns back around:” Maybe in ten minutes.”.
Will furrows his forehead and peeks past his friend. When he notices what made Alex change his mind so quickly he lets out a laugh.
“It’s not funny, Will.”.
“Oh, come on.”, Will chuckles:” For months you have been babbling about her and now she’s standing right there- go over there, introduce yourself.”.
Will groans before softly nudging Alex to the side:” Will, what are you doing?”.
Without answering he walks over to the kitchen. “No, no, no.”, Alex murmurs and feels how the anxiety is rushing through his body.
He watches how Will taps Y/N’s shoulder. When she turns around a smile emerges on her lips. She says something, which is noiseless to the young man before hugging Will. Alex swallows thickly and watches in anticipation how Will mumbles something into her left ear. And then their eyes meet.
Alex can feel how the insides of his stomach explode and his mouth runs dry. She makes her way through the room over to him and he takes a deep breath.
“Hey!”, she says and hands him a cup:” I understood you’re missing some.”.
He smiles:” Y-Yeah, thank you.”.
“I’m Y/N, it’s delightful to meet you.”.
“Alex, it’s nice to meet you too.”.
Gosh, he is sold.
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uservalentine · 3 years
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alex on jd’s don’t crack!
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florencewritez · 4 years
The cycle
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AN: hope yall doing good, i am tired and listenting to kids by mgmt and only kids by mgmt.
WC: 1543 Words 
WARNINGS: lowkey toxic relationship but lowkey the point. alexs jumper gets ruined
"I can't wait to do this again." That's what he'd said the last time we broke up, messing with his hair and casually scrolling through his Instagram. I'd rolled my eyes at the time, saying it was the last time he'd ever see me long enough to say a word to my face. He didn't even look up from a screenshot of a football match, barely even hummed.
At the time, I'd believed my words, pushing past a very confused Alex holding two cups of tea, mumbling an apology before I slammed the front door closed and fell to my knees crying. I hadn't stopped crying till a deliveroo driver had to awkwardly sidestep past me and asked if I was waiting for the food. The taxi drive home had been silent, only noises being my sniffles and incessant typing on my phone.
Y/n: I broke up with George for real this time.
Will: You always say that
Will: By the way did you spill tea on Alex? He's very upset about some expensive hoodie being stained or something
At the time I'd left Will on read, sending Alex a half hearted apology with a few hearts and clicking off my phone. It was then the taxi man turned in his seat and asked if I had had a rough day. I just nodded back, sniffing extra loud for dramatic effect. Yes, I had the worst rough day ever. First, George forgot we had a date, again, and I had to go to his flat to remind him. Then it turned out he'd forgotten to book the damn restaurant and we had to just go back and order takeout. It started with a simple comment of "Maybe we'd be eating actual Italian food and not fucking dominos if someone had remembered to book the restaurant," and spiraled into an extremely heated and quick argument that I can't remember half of. It was just spitting words in each other's faces, not meaning any of them, a crappy movie playing in the back. At one point, Alex came home and attempted to solve things with reason. Of course, such things aren't welcome during stupid fights and he quickly made himself busy with 'editing' in his bedroom.
By the time I'd stumbled in my apartment door, giving a half assed explanation to my very stoned roommate, the idea it was over cemented itself in my head. This time, I'd told myself, biting my lip till it bled, this time I'm not going back.
Easier said than done considering we're in the same friend group and have to consistently film together.
James: Hey y/n, Will wanted me to ask you to come over to his today to film if you're free
Y/n: Yeah I'm free. What's he need me for?
James: Probably a reddit video knowing him though the fact he asked all of us over is a bit suspicious, not to mention he made me text you instead of doing it himself
Y/n: What do you mean he asked everyone over?
James: Haven't you seen the groupchat? Alex, George and Mia said he asked them too. Knowing Will he'll need us for two minutes and then abandon us to edit or something
Y/n: Oh how lovely :)
And now I was here, sitting on Wills couch in between a very scared looking Alex and my ex of two days, listening to Will explain his video idea in great detail. I wish I could lie and say I was listening ever so carefully and definitely not hyper focusing on how George's fingers kept brushing against me accidentally as he moved to drink, wasn't taking notice of ever slight movement of his leg, inching ever so closer to mine. Every so often I'd dare flicker my eyes to his, always at the exact moment he happened to be looking my way. I'd just stick with Mia I told myself, hand curling into a tight fist and gulping, Mia would understand.
"Right so I'm going to film quickly with Mia first because she has to mind her nephew later, can't be late. Shouldn't be too long though so no one get any ideas and leave," Will announced, stating a wiggly Alex down at the last part. Mia stood up, saying she was fine with that. I gave her a pleading look, begging her to stay, to make an excuse and make someone, anyone else, go first. She only gave me a guilty smile back, following Will up the stairs, patting the watch on her wrist. Of course Will chose to film the one day Mia wasn't free for the day.
As soon as they were gone, Alex and James shared a look and quickly excused themselves to the kitchen, Alex nearly tripping over himself as he scurried away. Great friends I have.
For a moment, an awkward silence filled the air, heavier than any scientist thought possible. I gulped and tried to subtly move to where Alex had been sat before but only managed to make a disgustingly loud noise as the leather squelched under me. Curse the summer heat and it's strange sweat noises.
George looked at me properly for the first time, stupidly perfect blue eyes settling carefully on mine. "You look nice."
I squirmed. "Thanks. New skirt."
"Yeah I know, I bought it for you last week." Ouch. I physically cringed and heard George sigh beside me. "Can we talk?"
Crap, the true signal the cycle wasn't over yet. There was always the beginning, crazy and wild and perfect, the pinnacle of a young couple in love in the city. Then came the coziness, nights out turning into nights in and bars turning into movie nights. After that came the fizzle down period, usually lasting for about two weeks before one of us snapped and said it was over. A week later, someone would say can we talk then two minutes later it was back to heavy making out and laughter as the cycle begun again.
Of course this time would be no different, what was two days ago me thinking? This thing with me and George had been going on for nearly three years now, pissing off friends and fans alike with our mysterious relationship status. Still, it suited us pretty well huh?
So, I let out a breathe and nodded, curling my legs under me as I turned to face him.
"Okay fine," I agreed, resting my hand on the couch just near enough his for him to notice. "But only if we take it seriously this time."
He nodded, smiling softly for the first time I'd seen that day, lips turning up at the end and my stomach went all dopey, any hesitation melting away. He'd always have that effect on me it seemed.
"I'm sorry for forgetting about our date, I've just been pretty stressed lately with my upload schedule and stuff and it slipped my mind. It won't happen again." Of course it won't. Every-time we broke up, we never repeated the mistake again. Maybe one day, we'd run out of mistakes to make and things would be the perfect couple we wanted to be.
"And I promise I'll be more reasonable next time something upsets me. We should have mature conversations about stuff like this, like normal couples do." And I would if it meant never feeling that strange tightness that had filled me the past two days without him. One day, we'd get it right, I was sure.
"So does that me-" I cut him off with a quick peck to the lips, laughing when his eyes widened.
"Will you be my boyfriend George?" He didn't reply and only repeated my peck, my hands coming to rest in his hair as I deepened it to something more. "Do you think we'll actually make it to the end?" I asked between kisses, mumbling dangerously close to his lips, having swung my legs over his already.
"Jesus Y/n we haven't even been dating for two minutes yet, might be regretting my decision already." I chuckled, knowing that was his off handed way of saying 'yes of course'. I leaned back in, feeling his hands pull my waist closer before we heard an extremely loud sigh.
"Right next time you break up, wait until I put on something cheap yeah?" Alex groaned, turning back around and walking straight back into the kitchen, carrying two cups of tea again.
I couldn't help but burst out laughing, leaning my for head against George's and relishing in the warmth that came with the contact.
"You know there's a new club open near here. We could go later?" His hands somehow found themselves intertwined with me. It was the same thing over and over again, the same old cycle.
I smiled. "My roommates gone for the night, you can stay at mine after."
It was the same cycle over and over and I lived for it, every part of it. One day, we'll get it right and maybe most of the excitement comes from wondering it this is the time we do everything perfectly. A spark in his eyes reminds me I won't care anyways.
I'm addicted to the cycle as long as it's with him.
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harryelmslie · 2 years
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we googled ourselves (x)
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heartsforjeong · 4 years
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my favorite chaotic boys🥺
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emiwuaidmslomc · 4 years
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I loved the new James Marriott video so much. It was so causal and down to earth, as well as funny, and also serious at points. We also got to see Aria which was fun, she's so pretty!
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alexgeorgejameswill · 2 years
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Will painting Alex
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topsshaggerwillne · 4 years
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Eboys x Intro Eboys Episode 1 - “OnlyFans Got Talent” give credit if used
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lenney · 3 years
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#too right, george
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wolffwood · 4 years
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eat it. i made this for him!
+ bonus
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Visiting the Eboys While Filming the Eyetracker Challenge
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A head canon. 
A/N: Platonic! Slight Alex x reader!
You were Alex and George’s flatmate
You had finished work early that day
So you thought you’d get some coffee for the boys and stop by where they were filming this week’s video
When you walked into Will’s flat, everyone paused
Ciaran in a doctor’s costume
George wearing a ski mask
A giant cake could be spotted in the kitchen
White powder on the coffee table
Were they filming a porno?
When they explained the plan for this week’s video, it made much more sense
Everyone thanked you for their coffees
You apologized to Ciaran for not getting him a coffee
You didn’t know he’d be there
You’d offer to run out and get him a coffee
Or just give him yours
But he said it was alright
He’d be spending most of his time up in Will’s room judging each of them anyways
You’d be making jokes about the white powder on the table
The way you gasped when Alex went down to actually snort the powder
Making jokes about how sweaty George’s face must be under the ski mask
Calling George princess for wearing a princess crown
You’d be chilling on your phone when you’d hear something slam hard against another item
You’d look up to see Alex leaning forward on the couch clutching his head
While Will was behind him with a broken guitar and a look of shock on his face
It wasn’t hard to piece two and two together
You’d make sure Alex was alright first
You were scared he might have a concussion
He’d be alright
You’d want to get him ice for his head
He said he’s fine
You were always protective of Alex and George
They were like brothers to you
After making sure Alex was alright, you’d turn your attention to Will 
You would be livid
You’d understand it was suppose to be a joke
But hurting your friends aren’t jokes
You’d want to yell at him
But you knew you’d disrupt the filming going on upstairs
So you’d get Will to apologize to Alex for slamming a guitar against the back of his head
When finding out the scores each of the boys got, you practically yelled at Alex’s
You’d say All doesn’t respect women
You’d even tweet it out as a hashtag after the video was published
When Will had slammed Alex’s head into the cake, you couldn’t help but giggle a bit
It was kinda funny
At least this time Will wouldn’t give Alex a concussion
You wouldn’t be as mad as you had been when Will used a guitar against poor Alex’s head
You’d help Alex clean up in Will’s bathroom after filming 
Taglist: @anyasthoughts @multifandom-but @caswinchester2000 @springholland @blondiee-seaveyy @elmslielife
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