#alex: okay maybe id do it for info
excessive-vampires · 9 months
Danger in Numbers Part 4: Alex's Questions
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @whumpy-wyrms
As the paramedics started pouring from the ambulances the woman’s breathing calmed from ragged sobs to shuddering gasps. Sweethive didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad one. “Just hold on, Exo.” Cassie whispered. “Just stay here with me.” 
Alex started asking questions about how Cassie knew Exohive and why she’d never said anything about it but Sweethive didn’t answer. They just concentrated on the woman in front of Cassie, because she might be all that was left of the hive they had so longed to see. 
When the paramedics carried the woman away Cassie followed, and Alex trailed behind her. Silas met Cassie at the ambulance. They held hands because fuck subtlety, actually. It was so far away from mattering right now. Sweethive just wanted comfort. Alex had more questions but Sweethive was done listening. 
“We’re going with her,” Silas said as they loaded the woman into the ambulance.
“Unless you’re immediate family or a member of her hive we can’t allow that.” 
“We’re her emergency contact!” Or at least they had been five years ago. Exohive was still theirs so maybe… 
“We still can’t—”
“Cassie has a concussion, she’ll need to go to the hospital anyway.” Silas pointed at her. As if on cue the noise became too much and Cassie fell to her knees and vomited. 
“Fuck,” The paramedic complained. “Prove you’re Exohive’s emergency contact or you get a lower priority ride to a different hospital.” 
Cassie shakily stood. Every screen she had on her was broken so she took her physical ID card from her sock and handed it to the paramedic. They scanned it and handed it back before checking some info that had popped up on their screen. 
They held an arm out to Cassie. “Get in, Sweethive,” they said. They turned to Silas. “Get to the nearest place that can sedate you. I don’t care if it’s a goddamn veterinarian’s office. If the concussion is bad we might have to operate.” 
“Understood.” Silas started walking away. The ambulance drove off. Sweethive tried to pretend Alex wasn’t following Silas. 
“Hey!” Alex called out. “Hey, wait! Who the fuck even are you?” 
“Just go back to the Wanderer, Alex.” 
“How do you know…?”
“You’re a smart guy. Don’t hide in denial.” 
Alex continued to chase after Silas. “Okay. Then I have questions.”
If there was a way to aggressively send contact numbers to someone’s wrist screen, Silas found it. “Call Cater or Mel.” 
Silas pointed to his throat. “Smoke inhalation.”
“What about—” 
Alex’s communicator beeped in his ear. His wrist screen informed him that it was Mel. He answered. 
“Um, hi,” he said. “This is—”
“You can’t call Kara because her throat’s wrecked from crying and one of the paramedics is trying to figure out how bad Cassie’s concussion is now that the Exo member’s stable. Ask us your goddamn questions.” 
“You’re kind of being an asshole about this.” Alex muttered. 
“We were just in an explosion and someone we care for deeply might be about to die. So explaining this to you right now is going to be pretty fucking annoying.”
“Screw you! I’ll wait until I can talk to Cassie.”
Mel sighed deeply. “You are talking to Cassie. To talk to one of us is to talk to all of us.” 
“Fine, whatever. How long has this been going on?” 
“Since before you met us.”
“Don’t say ‘us’. I don’t know you. I know Cassie.” 
“You know all of us. You just weren’t aware of it.”
“Carter’s the one who talks about artistic choices in animation with you. It was Kara who hit on your sister. Silas punched that guy in the bar that called you a slur and Mel dragged you out to the bar in the first place.” 
“… And Cassie?” 
“She gets you lunch and laughs at your terrible jokes and makes you watch fantasy movies when we’re burnt out on cartoons. But honestly it doesn’t matter. The only reason to distinguish between members’ impulses is to make a point. All of that was all of us.” 
“So everything Cassie told me about her past was…”
“The truth. She was born and raised on Earth. Her bonding ability had to be induced.” 
“Why choose her?” 
“It’s not like what you’re thinking. A bond can’t form without a pre-existing connection. We were friends and when the technology became available we all wanted to try. Because that’s all the eight months of training and preparation gives you, the chance to try. A bond only ever forms if it’s a perfect fit.” 
“Sure… So I should ask you whatever questions I have for Cassie because the answers will be the same?”
“Why keep this secret? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“We told the captain and the ship’s doctor not to announce it to the rest of the crew. We wanted to see how long it took for someone to figure it out. Then we met you, and we wanted to be friends, so keeping our status under wraps just felt easier.” 
“So you assumed I’d, what, freak out and request a transfer? Lock myself in my room and barricade the door? Hurt you? Is that what you think of me?” 
“No. But do you honestly expect us to believe that if we had introduced ourselves as Sweethive you would have seen me reading classical literature the next day and asked if I wanted to watch the movie adaptation with you after our shifts?” 
Silas noticed Alex look down and put his hands in his pockets. 
“And then, after the movie, do you remember what you said to us?”
“Something terrible?” Alex’s tone was miserable.
“We asked you why you wanted to be on a ship exploring beyond known space and you said, and yes we know it was a joke, you said that until Earth came to their senses and put the quarantine on Nova back up you wanted to be so far away that there was no chance of a hive deciding to assimilate you. So yeah, something terrible.” 
“Is there even a reason you’re so afraid that you think that the shit you say sometimes isn’t the furthest thing from okay?”
Alex sighed. Silas went to go tell a paramedic about his smoke inhalation just in case it was bad enough to do more than hurt his throat. Alex spotted an empty bench outside a nearby cafe and sat down. 
“Are you done talking?” Mel asked after a moment. 
“I’m not the first person in my family to love classic tv and movies. My dad is a big Star Trek fan. The oldest ones. Mainly the Next Generation. We would watch it together all the time when I was a kid. They had this villain, the Borg. They were a hivemind that went around capturing people and forcing them to join, erasing their individual identities completely. It was the scariest shit I’d ever seen. And this was just like ten years after the quarantine was lifted. A lot of people genuinely thought the hives on Nova were like that. And like as time went on I realized that wasn’t how it worked but I never really looked into how it did work because in the back of my mind it still made me think of the nightmares I had as a kid about the Borg.” 
There was another silent moment before Mel spoke up. “If you want to cut ties, or if you just need some space for a while, then go. This was a big secret to keep, we understand why you’re upset.” 
“Are you serious? Cassie’s my friend. If what you said was true then you’re all my friends. And you just survived a freaking explosion. The bullshit emotions I have to deal with can at least wait until Cassie’s out of the hospital.” 
Mel exhaled. “Thank you, Alex. Really.”
“I can’t promise I won’t still be an asshole about this, but I’ll try to make sure it’s all from ignorance rather than prejudice.” 
“You could go read a book about Nova or hive culture.”
“And you could go program a map of a newly discovered planet. I feel like those two things would each go just about as well as the other.” 
Silas walked away from the ambulance until he was close enough for Alex to see him flip him off.
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eatyourchancletas · 4 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
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AUTHOR’S NOTE | written by alex and edited by monnie! we are so sorry for not updating since the new year! we decided to upload this mini chapter to provide some background information for the following chapters to come! if you enjoyed this, please reblog, like, and leave some feedback! it’s much appreciated!! please excuse any mistakes!
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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heeseung held his breath as soon as he caught a glimpse of the door that belonged to y/n’s apartment. it’d been a while since he had been remotely anywhere near it, just the thoughts and flashes of memories being enough to make his knees buckle in anxiety. he felt scared—of what, he didn’t know. maybe he was scared of just being back there or maybe he was scared that y/n really did leave.
he inhaled a deep breath before walking along the carpet that led to the door. beside the door was his mailbox, fastened to the wall. what rose heeseung’s suspicion though, was that the mailbox was overflowing—bills, disclosures, notices, and envelopes of different matters splayed out. the oldest (visible) one dated back as far as two weeks.
after multiple failed attempts of entering the passcode to the door, he bent down to search for the spare key, remembering where y/n placed it. he always thought y/n chose the most foolish spot to leave a means of entry into his home—under the doormat—but now he couldn’t help but feel relieved when the little scrap of metal touched his hand. he went to unlock the door when a voice called out to him.
“hey, what are you doing?”
the nurse jumped in shock, dropping the key as his hand flew to his heart, feeling the thrashing of his heartbeat. he looked over, seeing an elderly woman standing a few doors down. “do you know y/n? i’m looking for him, have you seen him?”
“you haven’t seen him either—the last time i saw that young man was two weeks ago!”
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heeseung ran past the other pedestrians, not caring about the curses he’d received from bumping so harshly into them. his mind was in a state of frenzy—not even y/n’s neighbors had seen him. where is he?
he suddenly stopped, bending over to catch his breath, hands on his knees and lungs screaming for air. “maybe- maybe he just went on vacation!” he mumbled to himself, but he let out a frustrated cry, “no! y/n wouldn’t just leave like that. come on heeseung, you knew him more than you knew yourself at one point! he wouldn’t just leave,” he made his final decision, standing straight to walk into the police station in front of him.
“i’d like to file a missing person’s report.”
the officer at the desk looked at heeseung before clicking onto a new program on her computer, “what is their name and when was the last time you saw them?”
“y/n l/n and i saw him about two weeks ago.”
“excuse me, but why are you just now filing a report then, sir?” another officer walked up, overhearing the conversation.
heeseung looked shocked, not knowing what to say. maybe he had put too much faith in believing y/n was okay. maybe he should’ve come sooner, but now wasn’t the time to patronize himself.
“he’s a surgeon. we all figured he took a break or something—”
“sure, one second. let me go check if we have him in the system.” heeseung stared in irritation. did the officer not hear him? y/n is a surgeon, why would he be recorded in the system?
he waved down the officer, shaking his head. “nevermind officer, i’ll just go to the next division station and report it.”
he let out a rough sigh as he gripped his hair, kicking his feet as he walked out the station. “please, y/n, please be safe—”
his phone suddenly rang and he fumbled with it in his pocket before pulling it out and looking at the caller id. it was a number he didn’t recognize, so he went to ignore it when a nagging feeling compelled him to answer.
there was some breathing on the other end of the line before a voice spoke up, “hello? hi, yes, is this lim heeseung?”
heeseung didn’t recognize the voice, but if he knew his name, he must’ve been calling for a reason. “yes this is… may i ask who i am speaking to?”
“oh, hello, yes i am changsik. i’m a friend of y/n’s—”
an audible gasp left heeseung’s mouth, his feet carrying him to a less crowded place. “really? do you know where he is—is he okay?”
“oh, he’s fine! i’m actually calling you because he asked me to. he wanted me to let you know he was okay. i’m letting him stay at my house for a bit—he wanted to take a break, he’s turned his phone off. that’s why no one can reach him,” heeseung listened on, each word causing his mind to be put more at ease, “he actually asked me to call you a while ago, but i’ve been so busy with work, so i’m very sorry!”
heeseung frantically spoke a mantra of “no,” telling the man that he was fine and thanking him for telling him about y/n.
“here, how about this. i’ll send you my address and you can come and surprise him with a visit this weekend!”
“of course! thank you so much, i’ll keep in touch!”
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“mister hongjoong… sir,” y/n fumbled over his words as he confronted the man. hongjoong looked at him with a raised brow, waving a hand slowly, urging him to continue speaking. “uh, i’m running low on supplies… so i was wondering if someone could come with me to get more from the store…”
the leader stares blankly at him for a moment, causing the doctor to almost become weak in the knees, before he taps his in-ear, “jongho, come here please.”
a few seconds later, jongho enters hongjoong’s office, bowing his head before waiting for hongjoong to speak.
“y/n says he is running out of supplies, so i want you to go with him to the pharmacy down the street, okay?” jongho only nodded his head, bowing before asking y/n to follow him.
as they made their way down the corridor, jongho tapped his in-ear, “i’m going with y/n hyung to get some more medical supplies. san hyung can you bring me my wallet and gun. we’re headed toward the front door.” there’s a hurried yes on the other end, heard in both jongho and y/n’s ears. 
when they reached the front door, san was already standing there, a batman wallet and gun in hand. y/n eyed the wallet, “wow, jongho. who would’ve thought you were into batman—”
san choked on a laugh as jongho just huffed, opening the front door. “oh, one second jongho, please. let me just go get the list of supplies i need!”
jongho nodded his head, shutting the door behind him. y/n went to go get the list from the infirmary when san’s hand landed on his forearm. “i already grabbed it… hyung,” the younger was staring up at him with a worried look, “be careful.”
y/n went to thank him when he noticed a subtle blush painting his cheeks. “are you okay san? you’re not coming down with a fever, are you?” he placed a hand against his forehead and then his cheeks.
“your wounds are probably infected! i told you no sharp movem—” his words were cut off as a pair of lips touched his almost as fast as he could blink. his eyes widened in shock, body freezing as he stared down at the younger whose face transitioned into a burning red. 
y/n bought a hand to his mouth, delicately prodding at the area that was tingling. he remained like that for a few more moments, san’s demeanor slowly becoming more ashamed and embarrassed. san went to apologize and run away when y/n bought a hand to his hair and ruffled it. “we’ll be back before you know it.”
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y/n didn’t know how to feel as he followed jongho down the sidewalk. what san did was so sudden—sure they’d grown remarkably closer over the past couple of weeks, but he just couldn’t help but be shocked. maybe it was because the boy was in his younger twenties and y/n was almost thirty. maybe there was some sort of generation gap when it came to the developmental speed of friendships and relationships.
all he knows was he couldn’t shake it from his mind as he walked into the pharmacy, jongho waiting outside to avoid the cameras. 
but what the both of them didn’t and couldn’t have known was that there was someone else in the pharmacy—someone willing to start a war.
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angry-slytherin · 4 years
Heaven Help Me(Ch 9)
Jo and Amelia lounge on the Shepherd-Lincoln couch. Jo is visibly angry at the television where a Hallmark movie is playing.
She turns to Amelia, “This is so ridiculous! That guy is emotionally abusing her. He’s such a gas-lighter. What sane person goes to back to that? Who wrote this movie? I mean what if a teenage girl sees it?
Suddenly she thinks it’s okay for a guy to do that to her. I mean seriously, I was married to...I hate the media. I absolutely hate it.”
Amelia turns to the younger woman, “Jo; movies romanticize everything. You love crappy romance movies. Most girls luckily have smart friends who can help them out.” Jo looks Amelia in the eyes.
“Not all of them do. I didn’t. And I wish I did, but the truth is that this movie is messed up. The whole world is messed up.” Amelia picks up the remote, changing the movie to music.
“Okay, change of plans,” Amelia presses her lips together, “There are good guys out there Jo, you know that. Like Link...Alex Karev maybe?” Jo tilts her head, putting on an annoyed face.
“I’m just saying, you should go there. It’s clear he wants to,” Amelia remarks, taking the bowl from Jo and popping a kernel into her mouth. Then the doorbell rings.
Jo goes to answer it; it’s Link, Scout and their dinner.
“It’s just the boys,” Jo calls out to Amelia. Link winks, and Jo picks the toddler up. She squeezes him and he gives her a toothy smile.
Jo loves her pseudo-nephew. She loves Link and Amelia. But she craves something of her own. A husband, a baby that’s got her own flesh and blood. Someone that is hers; one that won’t hurt her or reject her.
She loves being an extension of their family, but she’s not a part of it. She can spend Christmas and birthdays all she wants, but she’s not in the family photos. She wants family photos.
“Aunt Jo?” Scout looks up at Jo with big, blue eyes.
Jo smiles, “Yes, sweetheart?”
“How come you’re not having a wedding?” Jo bites her lip.
“Like your mommy and daddy?” The toddler shakes his head vigorously. Jo feels deflated inside her chest, but prepares to answer the child nontheless.
“Well,” she begins, “because Aunt Jo doesn’t have someone she can marry right now. One day I will, but for now; no wedding for me. Okay?”
Scout drops the confused look he had worn previously. He shrugs, “Okay.”
Jo feels a rush of affection for the innocence he posesses. “Let’s go get some pizza.” And she brings them out of the entryway and into the kitchen, where Link and Amelia have laid out plates.
Ring, buzz, buzz, ring.
Jo realizes after a moment that her phone is going off and becomes fully awake.
She picks it up, “Hello?”
“So how did your tinder date go last night?”
“It’s five A.M., Steph.”
“Not for me. It’s seven here. And your last email provided me with this info, so give me all the details,” the voice on the other end says excitedly.
“Well I didn’t meet that husband I’m looking for,” Jo sighs, rolling onto her back.
“But was he cute? Hot? Please tell me at least he was eye candy for a couple hours,” Stephanie must be at work, becuse Jo hears chatter in the background.
“Okay fine. He was hot. But he was so boring. Steph, he was so boring. Like works at a bank boring, and wouldn’t shut up about it boring.”
Stephanie snorts, “Oh my god. What did he say when you told him you’re a brilliant surgeon?”
Jo groans, “Ugh. I didn’t even get to talk about me! It was one of those dates. Don’t make me remember anymore. Tell me all about your perfect, gorgeous beau please.”
“I really think he’s going to propose.”
“Yeah, because I saw the ring in his pocket, sucker.”
“I hate you so much!” The line goes silent for a moment.
“Hey, sorry Jo. I have to go, we’ve got another case coming in.”
“Fine, but call me later okay?”
“Yup. Bye, Jo.”
“Talk to you later.” Stephanie hangs up and Jo rolls back over into her side. Then her damned phone rings again. The caller ID reads Alex Karev.
“Alex, I swear to god,” Jo whines as she picks up the call, “This is the second call I’ve had at this unearthly hour.”
“Can you come in early today? Now, actually.” Jo shuts off her alarm, sitting up.
“Just come in! You won’t regret it.”
“Fine. Goodbye, Karev.” But Alex cuts her off, the line going dead. Asshole. But she’s smiling when she thinks it. And she hates herself for it.
Jo joins Alex at the Pediatric floor nurses station.
“Why did you bring me at the crack of dawn? Because seriously, Alex, if this is not urg-“
Alex doesn’t look up from his phone, “Take this and walk.” He hands her a tablet, a chart glowing on the screen.
“A Ladd’s procedure on a seventeen-year-old?” Jo turns to Alex, wide eyed. He finally looks back up at her.
“I know. He’s got the most malrotated intestines I’ve seen on someone over three.”
Jo grins at him, “Oh my god, Alex. I hate you so much. You dragged me into work just to brag about your stupidly cool procedure.”
“No, I brought you into work to scrub in on a stupidly cool procedure.” Jo’s jaw drops, and she pinches Alex’s arm.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“I hate you. So much. I still hate you. I can’t believe you tricked me like that.” Alex is grinning at her.
“OR 3, 6:45, okay?” he raises his eyebrows. Jo simply kisses his cheek, and then grins as she goes to prepare.
“You are my new best friend,” Jo tells Alex, as she maneuvers the tools, Alex holding the camera.
“What, like I wasn’t before?”
“Shut up,” Jo says softly through her mask, “And move the camera to the left slightly.”
Alex rolls his neck out, “You do have good visual right? Because if you mess up the easiest part of my very rare surgery- which I so kindly let you do- I’ll kill you.” Jo rolls her eyes.
“Seriously?” Alex shudders after she says it.
“It’s uh- Izzie used to say that.”
“Oh Alex; I’m sorry. I didn’t-“
“It’s okay. You can say it all you want. Better you than her,” Alex laughs, and Jo is just relieved it’s slightly more than half-hearted.
When Alex and Jo exit the scrub room after the surgery, they run into Meredith Grey.
“Oh Alex! You’ll be at my house tonight right? Because Amelia and Link will be, and Hayes and the kids, and Maggie’s boyfriend is in town, and...just be there at seven. You too, Wilson.”
Meredith walks off before Alex can respond.
“Oh great,” Jo presses her lips together in annoyance, “family dinner.”
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Overprotective -  Baby Danvers Drabble
requested by anonymous : can you do a supergirl oneshot where the reader is the third danvers sister and shows up with a knee brace on (cause she hurt her knee) and her kara and alex get all concerned?
Words: 928
Warning: being hurt? I didn’t proof read!
Not that you want to brag but...your clumsy. Like pretty clumsy, so when you tripped over your own feet and end up with a knee brace it didn’t surprise you. It was nothing for you, just another bruise. Not even your mother would have made such a scene as your sisters did.
“OH.MY.GOD-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!” Kara said. She’s the one that does not care to show how concern she is, even if she’s overreacting...like now.
You are currently on her doorstep, a bag of takeouts in one hand and ice cream in the other, you have a bright smile at seeing your dear alien sister, but she’s not smiling, a frown in her face with her mouth slightly open.
“Oh, I tripped-” You tried to explain, pointing at your knee brace. Kara was fast to grab the bags on your hand, using her super speed to leave them in the kitchen and put her arms around you. After the soft and gentle hugs, she grabs you by the waist, trying to steady you.
“did you walk her?!” She asks, her frown somehow getting bigger
“no! silly...I took the bus-” You said, already knowing the big and unnecessary argument that was going to come
“THE BUS?!” She said, her mouth opening and closing, not really knowing what to say. She slowly helps you sit on the couch, not that you needed the help but try to tell Kara that.
“you’re hurt and you just decided that was a good idea to not tell your sister! I could fly you here and and and-” Her ramblings making you chuckled, she’s so overprotective, is unbelievable. Thank god Alex is not here.
“what’s up with the shouts?-oh god Y/N are you okay? what happened?”
I spook too soon, didn’t I?.
There she was, in some comfy pajamas, her confused gaze turned into a worried one when she saw the knee brace. Why are they so dramatic sometimes?. She rushes to you, Kara with her arms on her chest, her frown still present with a tiny pout. She points at you with her finger like your mother would do.
“she got hurt and didn’t tell us! and she came on a bus!” Kara said, still angry that you didn’t ask her for a ride, making Alex look at you with an “oh you didn’t” face.
“I tripped! it’s nothing really-” You tried once again to explain, but Alex raises her hand, signaling you to stop talking. Her D.E.O agent face convincing you to close your mouth.
“It’s not nothing!, you got hurt it is important for us” She said
“yes! it’s super important” Kara said sitting by your side. [pun intended]
“when did this happen?” Alex asks.
“guys it’s really nothing, the doctor said that I won’t need to wear it much time maybe a week more-” You explain bu Kara stop you...again
“much time? for how long have you been wearing it?!” She said squinting her eyes a little bit.
“...a week but-” Kara gasps and Alex looks a little disappointed, probably because you saved the info for yourself.
“It’s really nothing! I’m not dying!” You said, getting up from the couch with the intention of going to the kitchen but Kara stops you.
“oh no no, you can’t walk” You chuckle at this, you came here on the bus, you are capable of walk, but before you could say anything Alex talked.
“does mom now this?”
“yeah but-” Now Alex was the one gasping.
“and we didn’t!”
“for this exact reason I didn’t tell you guys!, you two can be pretty damn overprotective sometimes” You said, walking to the kitchen no matter how much Kara protests about it
“yeah well, we do this because we care about you” Alex said, taking the takeout box out of your hand, Kara was fast to sneak one arm around your waist again.
“you’re staying here the whole week so I can keep an eye on you-” She said, leading you to the couch once again.
“you two are barely here-” You said, trying to grab the pizza box but Alex not letting you. Mumbling an “I’ll do it”
“I’ll call Lena!” Kara said
“Lena is even more busy-”
“D.E:O and guardian stuff” Kara huffs, not having many options.
“really?” Alex said, handing you a piece of pizza.
“fine!...I’ll take you to mom” Kara said, fixing her glasses.
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much, now can we forget about this and eat?” Yousa id, but jst when you were going to give the first bite to your food, Kara steals it from you, making you sigh.
“if you stay, you can eat” She said, in a not so confident tone. Alex was giggling at this.
“I won’t-” Kara sends a pout to Alex.
“You're staying, house arrest” Alex said seriously. You gasp, already tired of the whole situation.
“for what?! being clumsy?!”
“yes! and for not telling us that you got hurt!” Kara said, finally sitting by your side, letting you grab a slice of pizza.
“...I don’t have any other chance do I?” You said, giving up. Alex chuckles at this.
“noup!” She said, a triumphant smile on her face
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk with J’onn so I can stay here more time-” Alex said, putting her arm on your shoulder giving you a side hug.
“And I’ll try the same” Kara said, resting her head on your other shoulder. You sigh, forgetting about their reaction and actually enjoying the peaceful moment while it last.
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davidcarner · 6 years
Chuck and Sarah vs The Break Up Ch 14, It’s Over
A/N: This fic has gotten out of hand, it's time to end it…it's Ch 14, It's Over
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do…no I'm not….
"Are you absolutely sure, Chuck?" Sarah asked. Tears were in her eyes. "We do this, there's no going back."
"We have to, we can't keep living like this," Chuck replied. "I know what you want, but we have to, I can't do this anymore." Sarah nodded, straightened, and reached over to adjust her fiancé's tie one last time.
"I'll tell Beckman," she said. "She'll get the paperwork started. Are you sure? Because there is no changing your mind."
"I'm positive," Chuck said. "Let's go."
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I would never ask you to do this by yourself," Chuck replied, following her out the door.
"Buddy, are you sure about this?" Morgan asked.
"Never been more sure," Chuck replied.
"But, Dude, you can't end it like this," Morgan nearly pleaded. Chuck stopped, and so did Sarah as they turned to face Morgan.
"Look, it's not going to change that much," Chuck said. "You and Casey are still going to be just across the courtyard."
"And Alex," he grumbled. Sarah's eyebrow shot up.
"Really," she said, talking about anything to calm the pit of dread in her stomach.
"Yeah, they're going at it like rabbits, and Casey is more vocal than I ever imagined," Morgan said, and started to the briefing room. Chuck and Sarah stood there a second both blinking.
"You ready?" Chuck asked. Sarah looked at him.
"I'm just so scared," she admitted.
"I know, this changes a lot, but at the same time it doesn't," he said. "Trust me?"
"Always," she said, nodding. "Trust me?"
"Til the ends of the Earth mah dear," he said. Sarah laughed, took his hand and led him into the conference room.
A few hours later
"Casey, you alright?" Chuck asked. Casey looked at him.
"I should be asking you that," Casey replied. "You're awful calm."
"Things happen," Chuck replied. "That's the spy life." Casey grunted. "I meant about Alex." Casey gave him an "are you stupid" look.
"Bartowski, spies don't fall in love," Casey said. Chuck looked over his shoulder at Sarah who was playing the role of a server.
"Really?" Chuck said, a grin covering his face. Casey looked at Sarah who was smiling, and holy hell, was she blushing? Casey shook his head.
"Let me correct myself, I don't know what in the hell you did to her but the best spies don't fall in love," Casey said.
"If you ask him nicely, I'm sure he can show you," Sarah said over the coms. "Plus I can still kick your ass, Casey." Chuck just drank his drink, grinning.
"I need brain bleach for that," Casey muttered.
"Serves you right for what you did to poor Morgan," Chuck said. Casey grinned, and grunted a laugh. "Seriously Casey, you've been watching Alex more than I've ever seen you during an op." Casey quit fake wiping the counter, placed both hands on the bar and glared at Chuck.
"She's my partner, it's what we do for each other," Casey growled. "Now either help me, or leave me alone, because someone needs to watch her, since apparently you can't."
"I'm watching her reflection off that mirror behind you, the way Sarah taught me," Chuck said, enjoying watching Casey nearly melting down. Casey looked confused, looked behind him, then back to Chuck, studied him, and grunted.
Good job, Bartowski," Casey said, begrudgingly. "Looks like Sarah finally rubbed off on you."
"That's what he said," Sarah replied, grinning. Chuck nearly spit out his drink, laughing. He then looked in the mirror and flashed. Casey saw and brought him a glass of water.
"Signal her to activate her com, we have a problem," Chuck said. "The info is in the belt buckle." Casey kept an eye on Forrest until she looked their direction. Casey subtly tugged his ear, and Forrest, laughing at a joke, bent her head to the side, touched the wig, activating it.
"Casey," she whispered.
"The mark has what we need in the belt buckle," Casey said.
"Forrest, find out what room he's in, tell him you'll meet him there later, Sarah and I will break in, and when he comes in tranq him," Chuck said. Casey nodded at him, not saying anything, but the thanks was in his eyes. "Aw, crap," he muttered as the next flash hit him. "Wow that was a brain freeze from that water."
"Chuck," Casey growled.
"Two Fulcrum agents," Chuck said.
"Forrest, get that belt buckle, however you have to," Casey said with a pained expression on his face.
"This must be bad, he didn't even tell me to stay at the bar," Chuck muttered.
"Maybe he knew that someone else would," Sarah's voice came over the earpiece. "If you leave."
"What?" Chuck asked, grinning.
"Don't find out," she said. Chuck gulped.
"Are you kidding me," he muttered. "Sarah you have a situation, the mark is coming your way, apparently you're more his type, sorry, Forrest."
"Not a problem," Forrest replied.
"Hullo, beautiful," the mark said. "I think I could use some personal service." Sarah laughed.
"Has that line every worked?" Sarah asked. The mark shrugged, not one bit ashamed. Sarah wiggled her left hand in his face. "Sorry, happily married."
"How can you know, you've never been with me," the mark said.
Chuck groaned, threw back what was left of his drink, spun his chair, muttered, "Sorry, Sarah," and walked over to them. "I'm sorry, Sir, but I think the lady has made it clear she wishes to be left alone." Sarah had an unreadable look on her face. The mark looked around and walked/pushed Chuck a little bit away from Sarah.
"Don't get involved," the mark said. "I'm Cole Barker, MI-6." Chuck flashed, and shook his head. "You okay?"
"Oh, I'm great," Chuck said. ""Got any ID?" Cole just stared at him.
"I'm undercover," he said.
"Good, because I'm Charles Carmichael, NSA, CIA, and BTW, you just got PWNed," Chuck said, grinning. Cole gave him a strange look.
"What my partner is trying to say is, why are you digging up graves?" Sarah asked.
"And why are two Fulcrum agents on their way here?" Forrest added, having joined the pow wow. Cole gulped.
"Bloody hell, all of you?" he asked. They all nodded. "I have a contact to meet to get the device needed to read the chip in my belt buckle."
"I'm on the roof, under fire!" Casey yelled. Everyone took off to the roof, with Sarah trying to make sure she has Chuck covered. When they get to the roof, there was a helicopter there, loaded with a machine gun. The helicopter fired pinning all four behind a car.
"When I flash, yank me down," Chuck says to Sarah. Her eyes bug out as he stood, looked at the helicopter, and machine guns, and began to flash. Sarah grabbed him yanking him down.
"Is he crazy?" Cole asked.
"No, in love," Forrest retorted, glaring at Cole. Chuck shook it off, and looked at the two weapons Cole was carrying.
"Hand me your guns," Chuck said.
"No, I can shoot the gas line, knocking the helicopter down," Cole said.
"Yes, you could, which will probably make it fall to the street, killing innocents, or I could try it my way, taking out the machine guns and the rotor, making it have to land," Chuck retorted.
"You can do that?" Sarah asked. Chuck nodded. She shoved the guns into his hands, grabbed him by the lapels, and pulled him into a scorching kiss, surprising even Cole. "If you die, I'll haunt you."
"One, it's hard to concentrate when you do that, two, I think you have it the wrong way around," Chuck said. Sarah stared at him. "You know what, I'm wrong," he said. He gave her an eyebrow waggle, flashed, shook his head, clearing it, grinned, stood, and began to fire. He took out the machine gun first, and then the rotor. The helicopter was forced to land and the occupants all got out, with their hands raised. He felt her beside him before he heard her.
"That one of Ellie's upgrades?" she asked. Chuck nodded. "Adrenaline?" He nodded again. "A shoot out like that can do that."
"I was thinking about earlier, and that kiss, and maybe later," Chuck said. Sarah grinned.
"Now I'm feeling the adrenaline," she admitted.
"Good work, team," Beckman said. "The upgrades seemed to work perfect."
"Yes ma'am, they did," Chuck admitted. "I am worried about Agent Barker."
"I have been assured by his superiors that we can trust him," Beckman said. "His record is remarkable." Sarah snorted. Beckman looked at her.
"Sorry, I was think about a different sort of record," Sarah replied. Beckman chuckled.
"I apologize but until this part is done, I'm going to need you two on standby," Beckman said. Chuck nodded.
"We aren't locked into Carmichael Solutions or anything are we?" Chuck asked.
"NO!" everyone but Sarah replied. Chuck and Sarah looked at everyone.
"What we mean to say is, you two could go home and do whatever it is you want," Ellie said with the biggest grin on her face.
"You're vibrating, Ellie," Chuck said. Ellie didn't care.
"Chuck, you and Sarah go debrief Cole, and keep your phones on," Beckman said. She stopped before she closed the connection. "Are you two okay?" Chuck and Sarah shared a look.
"We're great," Sarah replied, smiling. Chuck nodded, a stupid grin on his face. Beckman nodded and logged off. The two headed into a different conference room where Barker was. They debriefed him, and once they were done, there was a call for Chuck. He went to answer it leaving the two alone.
"That was well done back there at the hotel," Barker said. "Nice cover."
"What cover?" Sarah asked, looking at her ring. "I'm married."
"To who?" Barker asked. Sarah just smiled. "Chuck?" She nodded.
"As of a few hours ago, I am a married woman," Sarah replied. "Our honeymoon got interrupted by your graverobbing."
"Well, you're welcome," he said, grinning. Sarah had a confused look on her face. "I kept you from consummating it, and now you can get back to being a spy." Sarah had a salacious grin on her face.
"Cole, we've consummated it," she replied. Chuck walked back in the room. Cole stared at him and shook his head.
"Well done," he said. Chuck gave Sarah a look. She shook her head.
"So that was Beckman, and I have a plan," Chuck said. The two were intrigued.
"Chuck," Sarah said, her feet on the coffee table, totally relaxed.
"Yes, Mrs. Bartowski," Chuck answered. Sarah beamed at him.
"I'm sorry about the cold feet this morning after I had all but bullied you into marrying me," Sarah said, taking his hand.
"Sarah, you weren't the only one that was scared, but I just couldn't not be Mr. Walker one minute more," Chuck said, making her smile even brighter.
"That was an amazing idea you had today," Sarah said, snuggling up against him, them both just in robes on their couch. Chuck had an idea that the item taken from Cole might be trackable so Chuck decided to hack it, while locked into the secure holding cell at Carmichael Industries. The Fulcrum team couldn't get in, and Casey's Tac team took them down before they were really sure what had happened. They were so precise, they managed to stop any Fulcrum agents from taking ricin and killing themselves. Beckman had declared it a win. Chuck requested Cole stay around because he was worried Cole would be a target after the hit Fulcrum had taken. Beckman agreed, called MI6 and had cleared it. Casey and Alex were currently babysitting Cole, allowing Chuck and Sarah to enjoy their "honeymoon." "Oh," Sarah said, a thought entering her mind. She walked over pulled out her purse and handed Chuck a file. "You need to sign this," she said. Chuck looked over the papers. It was very simple, he and Sarah were married, and her permanent assignment was to be stationed with her husband. Chuck looked at her.
"You know, I do feel a little bad," he admitted. Sarah stared at him. "God forbid something happen to us, but if we did get a divorce you'd be stuck here."
"Chuck, I'm not getting a divorce, and I'm not stuck, I want to be here," Sarah said. Chuck went over and got a blank piece of paper, wrote something on it, and handed it to her. She looked at it. "A prenup, Chuck?" she said, not looking happy. "A. What the hell, B. It's a bit late."
"Just read it," Chuck said, grinning. She glared at him for a second.
"I, Chuck Bartowski…." She looked up at him, tears in her eyes and snatched the pen from him. "Will never contemplate a divorce," she said softly. She signed it. "Signed Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker." She stared at him for a second. "That's the last time I ever sign anything Sarah Walker," she said, grinning. She scooted over, and molded herself against his side. "I never thought I'd be here. Thank you."
"Anytime, Sarah, and to be fair, I sometimes wondered if we would myself," Chuck admitted. "So how do you feel about a train across Europe as our honeymoon?" Sarah sat up and looked at him, her eyes shining.
"I would looove that," she said. "But," she began sighing.
"Fulcrum," Chuck said. Sarah nodded.
"Fulcrum," she agreed. "And then, happily ever after."
"Sarah, should I try and get the Intersect out of my head?" Chuck asked.
"I mean, we're not ready to start a family right his second are we?" Sarah asked. Chuck shook his head. "I'm on protection duty for now on, your sister and brother-in-law have perfect cover jobs, and if we did decide to have a family, I would just not be in the field and you could just stay with me being an analyst. It's all in those papers you need to sign."
"Any reason I shouldn't sign any of them?" Chuck asked. Sarah kissed him.
"No, Sweetie," she said. "I said I'd protect you and that means from the NSA, CIA, or whatever other alphabet soup they throw at you. If there was something in there, I'd tell you." Chuck pulled the pen out, and signed everything. He leaned over to kiss her when his and her phone both went off. "Duty calls."
"That's right, and went we get home, you have husbandly duties to perform," Sarah said, gently bopping him on the nose.
"One question?" he asked, smiling. "I know if I do them wrong I have to do them again, but if I do them right, can I do them again anyway?" Sarah's cheeky grin gave him the answer.
Sarah was sitting in Carmichael Solutions, when Ellie came in holding a glass of wine for both of them.
"I love my brother but the fact he can sprain his ankle celebrating after bringing down a cell…" Ellie trailed off, shaking her head.
"Hey, quick question, do you see any reason Chuck should get the Intersect out of his head?" Sarah asked. Ellie shook her head.
"I made some fixes, added what I call an internal governor, we've added some skills," Ellie said. "He's in no danger physically from it, and I've seen the paperwork, he can switch to just being an analyst any time he wants." She studied Sarah for a moment, smiling. "Thinking about the next step?" she asked. Sarah shrugged. "Forget Chuck, what about you?"
"I like Carmichael Solutions," Sarah admitted. "Even if the CIA and NSA pulled out I think this whole team could do some good. I like the idea of using my international badguyery, Chuck's computer skills, and Casey and Forrest's spy skills. Heck, even Morgan is amazing at what he does, we have you and Devon for medical, I see no reason we can't do this for a while, and be safe."
"I agree," Ellie said. "As long as I say when someone needs to be shut down, you listen."
"I will for medical," Sarah said. Ellie looked at her, grinned, and they toasted.
"He has no idea we run this place, does he?" Ellie asked.
"None," Sarah admitted. Cole walked into the room. "Agent Barker."
"Agent Bartowski," he said, grinning. "I was wrong. You are a world class spy, and so is your husband." Sarah smiled and nodded her thanks. "You two led the capture of that entire cell, you have Dr. Busgang and you have a lead on the creator of the Intersect, although with your sister-in-law here, I'm not sure you need him." Sarah looked up at her sister.
"I mean he's welcome to listen to Ellie if she wants him to," Sarah said grinning. Ellie smiled back at her.
"Keep in touch, Agent Bartwoski," Barker said. "Who knows, maybe when my MI-6 days are done, I could come work for you."
"Don't you mean Chuck?" Sarah asked. Cole gave them a look. "Don't tell him."
"Sarah, he's the Intersect, surely he knows," Barker said. Sarah took a drink of wine as her answer. Cole laughed and head out.
"Your mission as Sarah Walker is over," Ellie said. Tears came to Sarah's face. "He does anything stupid," she began.
"You'll have to get in line," Sarah said grinning. Casey walked in, looked at the two, and started to leave when Chuck entered the room. Casey just laughed.
"What's so funny?" Chuck asked. Casey shook his head.
"Bartowski, life as you know it is over, and you have no idea," Casey said.
"Yeah, I do, Casey," he said looking at the two most important women in his life." Casey clapped him on the shoulder.
"I suppose you do, Numbnuts."
A/N: Wait, you didn't think I meant the fic did you? I was going to wait until Ellie and Devon's wedding and do a double wedding, but it's me and you know I have absolutely no patience, so, there you go. Boy have I messed up season 3….hate that…Hope you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Til next time!
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 6 "If Britney Spears Can Get Through 2007 The Villains Can Get Through Tribal Again" -Brian
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Hey Alex.... Sad thing is was that I was fighting for you probably the hardest for the longest (hence the Raven crying pic), but then not only does your pal Richie decide to be a lunatic at tribal, but you also were making it quite hard.... I defended you to multiple people, but I can't do anything substantial if A) I don't hear from Linus myself about his potential swing vote and B) You tried to make a deal with Kage to force rocks and not tell me I liked you more than most of these people, but I can't work with someone who makes an alliance and then tries to force it in danger by accepting a selfish proposal to try and save only yourself and not your allies. I think it was just the way the cookie crumbled that it ended up this way....:L gl on the outside, I might be joining u soon.
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Where is Nic asking for confessionals when we need him? :P I'm really sad that Alex is gone, I wanted to work closely with he and Richie, so it sucks that he's not around but I'm hoping that Richie and I can work together before too long. Right now I just want to make jury and once I accomplish that I'll feel better! 
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What happens when you bring together the 13 most messy, paranoid, villains? Kyoaku? Kyaoku? Kayoaku? Koyaku? I have no clue how to spell out name. But anyway, you get us Also, one more thing FUCK RICHIE FUCK LINUS FUCK JONATHAN
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We win again... woohoo. Not anything different, but the more important part of this round is that I couldn't figure out how finding the idol went, since I'm pretty inexperienced, and honestly would've never figured that out, so I asked Steffen for help, and he goes ahead and just punches in a magic word into a url, and he found the idol and is now choosing to not give it to me, after it being all me who found it for us. I am clearly trusting Steffen for now, but I know he is a VERY smart player, and I wouldn't be surprised if he fucked me over at the end of the day, but I get a strong feeling that he won't do it to me. I just don't think he would, and if he did, it'd probably be one of the shadiest moves that could be pulled, but I'm also not trying to use this thing y'know. It'd be killer if I found it, figured everything out, and Steffen just punched in the URL, and he needed it to save himself and I didn't need it at all. My only concern is if one of us is holding onto it, and then the other needs it played on them, then that's going to leave the person playing the idol VERY vulnerable, but that's something we're just going to have to roll with, and going back to my previous point, if we even need to use this thing, it's a sign of weakness, but also a great tool for us to have in our back pockets. 
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People are constantly criticizing my game but messy or not, when it comes down to it, my social game has saved me 3 times in a row now
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crow and sarah can eat the entirety of my ass tbh GOD i hate being on a tribe with these people.... after the mess that was the rocks scenario crow came to me and was like "have you talked to alex he has a plan for an alliance" and i went to alex and said ".....crow and sarah didnt they just vote you out?" and he was like "they came to me my dude" so whatever i never trusted them because sarah was sketchy about the hinky vote against me at the rocks tribal... BUT i thought okay theres no reason for them to go thru all this trouble if they were just going to vote out me or alex like we're at the bottom no reason to string us along i guess we could come together vote out kage this one round and from there maybe a unified tribe would allow for more moves for me in the upcoming rounds.... but shortly before tribal brian comes to me and is like im voting out alex i dont want there to be a tie bc crow and sarah are voting alex so im like okay theyre votes are already in for alex and you cant change votes this wont cause IMMEDIATE consequences and im going to need alex still here to back me up for this so 15 minutes before tribal i start WW3 asdfjhasfk i call out sarah and crow for the alliance and for sarah blaming junior for the hinky vote against me blah blah more goes down i say more things alex says things they say things everythings a mess and im just trying to paint the image that those 2 are liars and expose them just in the off chance that someone believes me and has an ounce of doubt against them bc with alex leaving and those 2 lying about it i was alone on this tribe anyway with no real social connections so id be gone next tribal.....but of course we lost the duel immediately after alex was voted out and i went crazy so i dont really have the time to do damage control at this point now its just campaigning which is going to be.................difficult i already went to junior kage and tommy with some campaigning last night but idk im going to need a miracle or someone to realize that i'm an asset that can be used like anyone who saves me right now gains an ally that has no other connections besides them so im prime numbers material in arabia i played such an under the radar social game where even when i backstabbed people and voted everyone out (except ting ting RIP) and i still got them to vote for me in the end bc i formed relationships and remained a likable positive quiet game player.... in this game.... BITCH i'm JT the winner that should have just played once because they just blow up their game from being extra in the next go around 
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okay remember the last time i wrote a confessional i was in the mindset of i know i'm going down but i'm going to do everything in my power to stay? well fuck that i swear to god i'd rather be voted out than ever have to have another conversation with tommy again i have never met anyone who is more infuriating to speak to and i CANT DO IT I"D RATHER BE VOTED OUT ITS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!    
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On 9/6/17, at 6:28 PM, cat (japan host) wrote: > okay FIRST it all started when i woke up and had to live another day Honestly I'm Cat
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Hey I haven't been here in a while because we literally haven't lost since Mist. Not that there haven't been any developments, because their have been! It's just that the villains suck booty. And they're losing their 5th person in a row tonight. I wasn't really pressed about any of the eliminations other then Jaiden. I wasn't sure if I would have been able to work with him, but I was able to get quite a bit of info out of him. And now my outlet for villain tea is kinda gone. And the fact that I was in Canada all last weekend didn't help me in finding a villain tea substitute. BUT with all of them dropping like flies, it's hard to tell who would be a good candidate :') Other than Jaiden, we saw Ashley go which is fine because she's from India and I want them dead. Alex S went too so that's a thing. I feel like I need to really start messaging some of these villains to gain a connection - whether we swap any time soon or not there's an inevitable merge that there's a chance I could be at. The problem is though, I don't wanna really talk to any of them asdfghjk. Tommy and Sarah sketch me out, Brian and I are not on good terms, and while Linus and Kage could be chaotic and spill shit, I don't wanna get caught up in their messes. That leaves Richie, Junior, and Jonathan. Which obviously one of these 8 is going tonight, so I won't start messaging until after the tribal. I'm still skeptical of a swap and I'm hoping one doesn't happen so I can utilize getting close to the villains that I want to before we ACTUALLY meet up with them. But as for tea on the hero side, there's an obvious conflict on who we would hypothetically take out if we go to tribal. With 12 of us, we need 7 so someone isn't Jaiden'd. The main argument is whether to go for a Malaysian or to just take out Steffen. The thing is, I've been getting really close to Johnny and I think he trusts me. And he wants to bring in Steffen for a strong Solomon 5. Now, I don't want that to last forever seeing as I want Steffen gone soon anyway. But I think we need him for one round. Because the Malaysia/India hybrid duo of Kendall and Alex is a major problem. And Drew is someone who is just a massive threat to begin with. But Isaac still just wants Steffen gone. And he doesn't think that we could take out someone like Kendall or effectively take out Alex with Pippa being close to him. HERE'S THE GAG THOUGH! I talked to Pippa for a little bit one on one today, and she is totally down with taking out Kendall or Alex. The thing is, they both seem a little bit checked out. Kendall has 2 strikes, and Alex has kinda died out since his audition. Which... I absolutely feel for them if they're dealing with real life struggle. But at the same time if they're not gonna be super invested and if one of them already has 2 strikes then I won't question voting them out. So if Isaac knows Pippa is down to come for one of them, then we have the Solomon 5 already. Then it comes down to the outliers of Dom, Trace, Ruthie, and Ashton. I know Pippa and Johnny both really like Dom separately. Isaac likes Trace. I personally like Ashton but dunno how long we could trust him because he seems like he could have a chaotic side to him. And then there's Ruthie who I just would prefer not to really work with long term because she's such a social threat, and if we swap or get to merge way down the line or whatever and Ruthie is there, I feel like she's someone villains would definitely flock to for a potential number because she's so social and kind. And I know girl can be a flipper. So this just comes down to who do we wanna take out, and getting enough people on the same page for my own agenda. Because at the end of the day this is to benefit MY agenda the most. Isaac wants out Steffen still, and I was already able to talk Pippa out of going for Drew first. If we could get a Malaysia/India person out, then Drew, then Steffen, that would be the most optimal. Will it happen? Probably not just because that's so specific. However, it is still at least an outline that I would like to ATTEMPT trying to follow.
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iyarpage · 7 years
20 Best New Portfolio Sites, October 2017
Hey WDD readers, it’s October, so you know what that means: it’s time for Christmas-themed websites! No, I wouldn’t actually do that to you. But I don’t have any Halloween-themed websites either. It’s probably for the best.
What I do have is yet another almost-even mix of design trends and aesthetics. Could this be the end of bandwagon-hopping? Could we possibly be that lucky? I doubt it, but the last few months have been pure pleasure in terms of variety, and I hope this continues.
Today, we start off with Heartbeat, a web and app agency. Their site, while hearkening back to the days of pure minimalism, is loaded with personality, and some pretty ingenious animation. This is the first time in a while that animated inter-page transitions haven’t just annoyed me.
I’d also note how their contact form is dead simple and short. And if even that’s too much for a given client, they put their phone number, Skype ID, and email right where potential customers can find them. I’m sold, and I don’t even need them to make me anything.
Believe is or not, Anakin has nothing to do with a certain notable whiny villain who only stops whining when they cut his limbs off, which is presumably one of the better times to whine. It’s a design studio. It’s got that post-minimalist style, lots of white space, and elegant (if somewhat small at times) typography. Some aspects of their site (especially the labels on their contact form) could use a lot more contrast, but otherwise, this site is darned pretty.
Jony Guedj
Jony Guedj is a filmmaker, and his site makes that very, very clear. I mean, the portfolio itself is basically a minimalist “film reel”, with a timeline at the bottom that is reminiscent of video editing apps. The site might be minimalist, but it’s creative, and gets the point across fairly quickly. Plus, I’d say it’s a fantastic example of how to use a horizontally scrolling layout.
George Hastings
George Hastings’ portfolio is a simple, but finely crafted affair. The colors are striking, the type is solid, and the little animations are downright superb. It feels like minimalism had a brief fling with brutalism, and the result is a site that manages to feel utilitarian in a way, but still quite pretty. Also, you should absolutely have a look at this guy’s code and design experiments.
Elsa Muse
Elsa Muse’s work is about as artsy as you can get, and so is her site. It’s got some textbook post-minimalism [I should be writing that textbook] blended rather harshly with the boldest colors out there. The header of the home page is one of those designs that’s a bit of an eyesore on purpose. It’s supposed to stand out, rather than sooth. In a way, it’s genius. With this kind of site, you’ll only ever attract the sort of clients who love your style.
Dries Van Broeck
Dries Van Broeck is a motion designer. While the rest of his site is definitely well-crafted, you’ll be coming here for the animation most of all. So obviously, all of his work and many random site elements are animated, bouncing around, and generally pretty lively. Is it a bit distracting? Yes, but that is literally his job. I’d say this site sells his skills pretty well.
Alex Hunting Studio
Alex Hunting Studio has gone for the white-with-black-lines style of minimalism that used to be everywhere. It’s clean, it fits the textbook modern aesthetic, and presents their projects in slideshow format. They went for that “like a magazine, but online” look, and I’d say they nailed it.
Simon Ammann
Simon Ammann doesn’t take minimalism to a whole new level, but he comes pretty close. Until you actually click through to a project, it’s all about that very small amount of text. Basically, he gets to the point. And he uses white space pretty much perfectly.
Timothy Achumba
Timothy Achumba is a product designer at Facebook, and the experience shows in his work. It’s dark, it’s sleek, it’s pretty. While the UI is simple and unassuming (as portfolios go, anyway), I couldn’t find a single flaw to criticize. Okay, maybe I would have made the contact info more prominent; but this guy’s working for Facebook. He doesn’t need regular clients to hire him often. He just needs to show off his near-flawless work until he moves on to the next billion-dollar corporation.
Matthew Vernon
Matthew Vernon’s portfolio took a fairly normal business site layout and gave it a semi-retro feel with magazine-like typography, and that classic “Internet Blue”. It’s a simple change to a simple site; but it gives the whole thing a bit of a nostalgic feel, while still looking professional.
Malte Gruhl
Malte Gruhl’s website is as psychedelic as his name. That’s really the only way I can properly describe it. Oh sure, “artsy”, “post-minimalist”, “etc.”… these are all fairly accurate descriptors. But really, it’s a bit more like a chaotic art project than a website. I don’t know if it will sell his services, but it’s definitely hard to forget. I’d almost hire the guy just to see what would happen.
Tyler Hancock
After that last visual feast, Tyler Hancock’s light, minimalist, and type-driven portfolio is soothing to the eyes, even while bordering on brutalism. With big text and bigger images, this site is a delight for anyone who prefers simplicity and order in a site design.
Matt Lee
Matt Lee bills himself as a “creative developer”, and judging by his site, I’d say he earned the title. What looks to be—at first glance—a typical dark layout turns out to be quite stylish. From the typography, to the “pixel” theme (you’ll see what I mean if you look hard at the backgrounds), to the way he uses photographs to reinforce the site’s visual themes, everything is put together beautifully.
Laboratorium isn’t anything groundbreaking, but it’s a pretty, and well-made site. I do particularly like the way they handle large resolutions, though.
Ben Bate
Ben Bate’s portfolio only looks like it was made with Bootstrap. it’s actually custom made to look like Bootstrap! Okay, all jokes aside, this is an interesting one due to the sales strategy, rather than the aesthetics. Instead of depending on images or the usual copy to sell services, there’s a whole lot of social proof. You get to see the brands Ben has worked for before you even get to see examples of his work. There’s even a few classic testimonials at the bottom of the page.
Even more interesting is his sales pitch: you tell him what you want, and he’ll prepare a PDF of relevant work samples. And hey, at that point, you’re already in email contact with him, right? It’s clever, and requires no more work on the part of the client than usual.
Booreiland is a Dutch digital agency that combines a fairly familiar layout with basically all of my favorite little twists: The effective use of yellow. Drop shadows that don’t suck. Animation that, while obvious, feels understated, and wouldn’t totally break the site were it to go missing. Fantastic type. It’s all good.
I live in Mexico, and I can tell you that design sensibilities south of the border trend toward the extremely colorful. LatinMedios doesn’t go full double rainbow, but they have kept some of that color in their branding. To be fair, it’s in some of their work, too. It depends on the client.
The rest of the site is a classic nearly-monochromatic business portfolio, with background animations and all the trimmings. It’s a blend of design thinking that could only come from the collision between two or more cultures. LatinMedios is in the U.S., Mexico, and several places in South America, so that just fits.
Upperquad brings us a site that’s just plain pretty. It embraces that post-minimalist style, with soft colors, big type, and some subtle (and sometimes not-subtle) animation to spice things up. The use of seemingly randomized geometric shapes adds to the feeling of asymmetry and artful chaos; but the site itself is still simple and usable.
Xigen is another one that is just plain pretty and well-done, while not going too experimental. Give it a look!
Untold is last, but not least, with a lovely dark, elegant website that gets right to the point. Mind you, it comes with the usual drawbacks of a site that’s meant to be elegant: namely the small body text size. I don’t know when small text got classified as “modern and elegant”, but I’m going to blame the print industry, as usual. (Just kidding, I love you guys.)
120+ Unique, Premium Typefaces – 31 Font Families – only $9!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 20 Best New Portfolio Sites, October 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2fA8nUr
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webbygraphic001 · 7 years
20 Best New Portfolio Sites, October 2017
Hey WDD readers, it’s October, so you know what that means: it’s time for Christmas-themed websites! No, I wouldn’t actually do that to you. But I don’t have any Halloween-themed websites either. It’s probably for the best.
What I do have is yet another almost-even mix of design trends and aesthetics. Could this be the end of bandwagon-hopping? Could we possibly be that lucky? I doubt it, but the last few months have been pure pleasure in terms of variety, and I hope this continues.
Today, we start off with Heartbeat, a web and app agency. Their site, while hearkening back to the days of pure minimalism, is loaded with personality, and some pretty ingenious animation. This is the first time in a while that animated inter-page transitions haven’t just annoyed me.
I’d also note how their contact form is dead simple and short. And if even that’s too much for a given client, they put their phone number, Skype ID, and email right where potential customers can find them. I’m sold, and I don’t even need them to make me anything.
Believe is or not, Anakin has nothing to do with a certain notable whiny villain who only stops whining when they cut his limbs off, which is presumably one of the better times to whine. It’s a design studio. It’s got that post-minimalist style, lots of white space, and elegant (if somewhat small at times) typography. Some aspects of their site (especially the labels on their contact form) could use a lot more contrast, but otherwise, this site is darned pretty.
Jony Guedj
Jony Guedj is a filmmaker, and his site makes that very, very clear. I mean, the portfolio itself is basically a minimalist “film reel”, with a timeline at the bottom that is reminiscent of video editing apps. The site might be minimalist, but it’s creative, and gets the point across fairly quickly. Plus, I’d say it’s a fantastic example of how to use a horizontally scrolling layout.
George Hastings
George Hastings’ portfolio is a simple, but finely crafted affair. The colors are striking, the type is solid, and the little animations are downright superb. It feels like minimalism had a brief fling with brutalism, and the result is a site that manages to feel utilitarian in a way, but still quite pretty. Also, you should absolutely have a look at this guy’s code and design experiments.
Elsa Muse
Elsa Muse’s work is about as artsy as you can get, and so is her site. It’s got some textbook post-minimalism [I should be writing that textbook] blended rather harshly with the boldest colors out there. The header of the home page is one of those designs that’s a bit of an eyesore on purpose. It’s supposed to stand out, rather than sooth. In a way, it’s genius. With this kind of site, you’ll only ever attract the sort of clients who love your style.
Dries Van Broeck
Dries Van Broeck is a motion designer. While the rest of his site is definitely well-crafted, you’ll be coming here for the animation most of all. So obviously, all of his work and many random site elements are animated, bouncing around, and generally pretty lively. Is it a bit distracting? Yes, but that is literally his job. I’d say this site sells his skills pretty well.
Alex Hunting Studio
Alex Hunting Studio has gone for the white-with-black-lines style of minimalism that used to be everywhere. It’s clean, it fits the textbook modern aesthetic, and presents their projects in slideshow format. They went for that “like a magazine, but online” look, and I’d say they nailed it.
Simon Ammann
Simon Ammann doesn’t take minimalism to a whole new level, but he comes pretty close. Until you actually click through to a project, it’s all about that very small amount of text. Basically, he gets to the point. And he uses white space pretty much perfectly.
Timothy Achumba
Timothy Achumba is a product designer at Facebook, and the experience shows in his work. It’s dark, it’s sleek, it’s pretty. While the UI is simple and unassuming (as portfolios go, anyway), I couldn’t find a single flaw to criticize. Okay, maybe I would have made the contact info more prominent; but this guy’s working for Facebook. He doesn’t need regular clients to hire him often. He just needs to show off his near-flawless work until he moves on to the next billion-dollar corporation.
Matthew Vernon
Matthew Vernon’s portfolio took a fairly normal business site layout and gave it a semi-retro feel with magazine-like typography, and that classic “Internet Blue”. It’s a simple change to a simple site; but it gives the whole thing a bit of a nostalgic feel, while still looking professional.
Malte Gruhl
Malte Gruhl’s website is as psychedelic as his name. That’s really the only way I can properly describe it. Oh sure, “artsy”, “post-minimalist”, “etc.”… these are all fairly accurate descriptors. But really, it’s a bit more like a chaotic art project than a website. I don’t know if it will sell his services, but it’s definitely hard to forget. I’d almost hire the guy just to see what would happen.
Tyler Hancock
After that last visual feast, Tyler Hancock’s light, minimalist, and type-driven portfolio is soothing to the eyes, even while bordering on brutalism. With big text and bigger images, this site is a delight for anyone who prefers simplicity and order in a site design.
Matt Lee
Matt Lee bills himself as a “creative developer”, and judging by his site, I’d say he earned the title. What looks to be—at first glance—a typical dark layout turns out to be quite stylish. From the typography, to the “pixel” theme (you’ll see what I mean if you look hard at the backgrounds), to the way he uses photographs to reinforce the site’s visual themes, everything is put together beautifully.
Laboratorium isn’t anything groundbreaking, but it’s a pretty, and well-made site. I do particularly like the way they handle large resolutions, though.
Ben Bate
Ben Bate’s portfolio only looks like it was made with Bootstrap. it’s actually custom made to look like Bootstrap! Okay, all jokes aside, this is an interesting one due to the sales strategy, rather than the aesthetics. Instead of depending on images or the usual copy to sell services, there’s a whole lot of social proof. You get to see the brands Ben has worked for before you even get to see examples of his work. There’s even a few classic testimonials at the bottom of the page.
Even more interesting is his sales pitch: you tell him what you want, and he’ll prepare a PDF of relevant work samples. And hey, at that point, you’re already in email contact with him, right? It’s clever, and requires no more work on the part of the client than usual.
Booreiland is a Dutch digital agency that combines a fairly familiar layout with basically all of my favorite little twists: The effective use of yellow. Drop shadows that don’t suck. Animation that, while obvious, feels understated, and wouldn’t totally break the site were it to go missing. Fantastic type. It’s all good.
I live in Mexico, and I can tell you that design sensibilities south of the border trend toward the extremely colorful. LatinMedios doesn’t go full double rainbow, but they have kept some of that color in their branding. To be fair, it’s in some of their work, too. It depends on the client.
The rest of the site is a classic nearly-monochromatic business portfolio, with background animations and all the trimmings. It’s a blend of design thinking that could only come from the collision between two or more cultures. LatinMedios is in the U.S., Mexico, and several places in South America, so that just fits.
Upperquad brings us a site that’s just plain pretty. It embraces that post-minimalist style, with soft colors, big type, and some subtle (and sometimes not-subtle) animation to spice things up. The use of seemingly randomized geometric shapes adds to the feeling of asymmetry and artful chaos; but the site itself is still simple and usable.
Xigen is another one that is just plain pretty and well-done, while not going too experimental. Give it a look!
Untold is last, but not least, with a lovely dark, elegant website that gets right to the point. Mind you, it comes with the usual drawbacks of a site that’s meant to be elegant: namely the small body text size. I don’t know when small text got classified as “modern and elegant”, but I’m going to blame the print industry, as usual. (Just kidding, I love you guys.)
120+ Unique, Premium Typefaces – 31 Font Families – only $9!
Source from Webdesigner Depot http://ift.tt/2z7BAvn from Blogger http://ift.tt/2xrcWIV
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