#alexander 001
cordeliakwan · 2 years
[ @alexlwoo​ ]
The sand glowed.
It actually glowed and once Cordelia realized that she just stood there for a few minutes, taking in the sight. It was like she was dropped into some magical coastside fairytale location - the way the waves came in and out, drawing a small line in the sand where the sand got wet. The edges of the waves were still visible, illuminated by the light of the sand, and then the ocean got quickly lost in the darkness. It was beautiful.
And then Cordelia was moving, croushing down into the sand and first just having the sand flow through her fingers a couple of times, and then she took two big fistfuls of it and just threw it up into the air, letting it fall everywhere around her, on her while she looked up and watched as a bunch of tiny specks of glowing spots fell onto her. She let out a free, excited, amazed giggle.
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She threw another fistful up and as she looked up, she noticed somebody from the corner of her eyes and as she looked, she realized it was somebody familiar. “Alex? Alex! You’re here too, that is amazing! And this, isn’t this amazing?! It feels like a fairytale.”
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madibyrd · 2 years
[ @alexlwoo​ ]
Madi wasn’t quite sure how she even managed to keep on going in these tunnels, but she had to.
She wasn’t even sure what was going on. She saw Emre die, she tried his pulse and there was nothing there, but then his body was gone and somebody, Madi wasn’t even sure who, she couldn’t remember, but somebody told her he was coming in here. Her head was spinning and she was ready to puke, but she had to keep on going. Maybe Emre would be at the next turn of the tunnels. Or maybe he would be at the end, with the trees.
Madi hoped for the first, but it felt too easy - was it possible she just hallucinated that person telling her Emre got up and left? Could she have made them up because she didn’t want to accept Emre’s death?
She wasn’t sure, she wasn’t sure about anything anymore, just that she had to keep going, one foot after another. Left and right, left and right, left and right, left and--
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“Oh.” There was somebody in the tunnels. “Emre?” she asked, but then the flash of the torch dimmed and she could see that this was not Emre at all. She wanted to cry but there was no tears left in her eyes anymore. “Are you-- are you real?” she had to ask, she just had to. She wasn’t quite sure.
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narilily · 2 years
Wrinkling her nose, Nari shook her head adamantly over his idea of TV commercials talking about poop. He wasn't going to get away with blaming it on that! "No, because when those commercials come on, I scroll through my phone, instead of watching their faces, you giant weirdo," but she still found herself laughing as she said it. Truthfully, he was right -- commercials honestly had no shame. "Either way, you need to find something new to watch on TV," she scoffed. Maybe just a new hobby, period. Obviously watching sports or whatever else he did wasn't leading him down the right path. "Hm, yes, someone could, but you? I'd be surprised if there wasn't some sort of secret motive. That being said, I'm off in about half an hour, so I'll help you find the best tree if you promise to buy me dinner after." @xandcrstone
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maggiealbright · 2 years
@alexanderwarren 1 tippling place, rittenhouse
A weeknight drink had grown to become an increasingly common occurrence for Maggie. She wasn't particularly proud of this fact, but it had become fact, and she'd come to co-exist with it — the notion that she needed something between work and sleep, some form of entertainment, some method of turning everything off for a bit. To sit in the corner of a bar surrounded by strangers, enveloped in the buzz of activity, comforted by the hum of idle chatter and low music and the clanking of glasses and the sheer inconsequentiality of all of it — it was a reprieve. A typical weeknight. A casual drink. A normal life.
Maggie sipped her Jack and Ginger casually, scrolling through the news highlights her phone showed, focusing on the banal offerings: the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the best all-natural cleaning solutions to use. She had resigned herself to the idea that she'd soon amble home alone, warmed from the liquor and the ambiance and complacent enough that she could sit in peace for a few hours in front of the television before she had to worry about trying to go to sleep. Setting her phone down, she blinked, readjusting to the low light, and sat back in her barstool, casting her gaze upon the other patrons.
When she saw Alex, she froze.
The Venn diagram wherein Maggie and Jane's friends overlapped had diminished in size greatly; Maggie held no ill-will about this. It was to be expected, even. But Alex was something she'd never accounted for: he'd actually stuck around. More, he had been so proactive in making sure Maggie was okay. She'd felt no other choice than to, effectively, ghost him — deny him the opportunity to learn that she was about as far from okay as she imagined she possibly could be. She was no better, now.
So she attempted to flee.
This wasn't her proudest moment, and she'd certainly languish telling anyone about it, but it felt as if she'd had no other option. Quickly, and methodically, she headed toward the bar to pay her tab, trying to tuck herself into a pocket of stools so as to be undetected. But it was not to be — only a moment or so later, she heard her name fall from his lips. She struggled to swallow, turning to face the man with a false smile.
"Alex," she cooed, as if she was relieved to be seeing him. "How've you been?"
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suresh-lal · 2 months
Location: The Met
Who: @alexcalder
Sitting on the bench looking at Caravaggio's The Denial of St. Peter. Suresh waited in the red walled gallery. A picture of calm repose, with their fingers curled around the unneeded brochure. But appearances were important to the image. Watching the trickle of people moving through the room around him without looking like he was watching them.
Finally, another man sat down on the same bench. And Suresh turned to glance at them. Alexander. Suresh turned back to look at the paintings again. Voice relaxed and low enough not to carry or draw much attention. A voice practiced in speaking at funerals and wakes. As if the dead liked to eavesdrop. "How was work? Is it finished?"
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father-jude · 3 months
Where: A bodega in East Manhattan
Who: @alexcalder
It had been a long day. Generally Jude liked the very busy days. It kept his mind off of things that were beginning to take up more and more of his time after hours. He had walked to the bodega to buy a soda, a luxury that he rarely indulged in anymore. But the night was oppressively hot and he needed to stretch his leg.
Once he’d bought his drink he stood outside the small shop and opened it. Listening to the fizz for a moment before he brought it up to his lips to take a long drink. Dropping the cap he bent down stiffly to grab it. And he realized that there was a man looking at him expectantly.  “I’m sorry, did you say something?” Jude asked as he straighted up and put the cap in his pocket.
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tormxntum · 3 months
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Who: Alexander (@thcrnedthrones) & Cailean
Where: Aboard the Naglar
Cailean seemed the very model of a soldier and commander. Their back was straight, and their features betrayed no hint of emotion as they stood before the royal apartments. It had taken decades, but by now they had mastered the art of appearing almost inhuman in the eyes of the monarchs; they were there solely for their needs. Not that it mattered; Those with royal blood running through their veins would would never notice how their jaw clenched and their fingers trembled while witnessing the stark contrast between the luxurious upper deck and the cramped lower deck where their soldiers slept. But, as they entered the room and saw Alexander by himself, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders, and they let the mask slip for a moment. They had expected him to be surrounded by other royals and had been prepared for it. Yet there he was, alone, and Cailean could almost pretend they were still young, before the crown had come between them. "At last I catch ye on yer own. I was startin’ to think I would have to kidnap ye myself to get a moment with ye."
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luckylewis · 6 months
closed for: @margaretxalexander
where: her office
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"I still never really know what I'm supposed to be saying here," Lucky admits after he had taken a sip of water and situated himself across from her. It's far from their first counselling session, but given he's never naturally been a chatty person without alcohol or drugs in the mix, he's certain anything he could think to say would end up boring her in a situation that was inescapable.
( He's never been more aware of the ticking of his watch than each time he found himself sat in that same seat. )
"It's been a good week, for the most part."
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laureljacobs · 6 months
closed @margaretxalexander
location: laurel's house
Laurel stepped out onto her backyard terrace, wasting no time in taking a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, withdrawing two, and putting both in her mouth to light them at once. One was safely tucked into the crevice of the ashtray that remained a fixture on the single table she'd put outside to give the space some sense that a person actually lived in the house. While smoking two cigarettes at once was something that she had done and would do again, the second one wasn't for her, it was for the person she knew was currently headed up the drive.
She sat and shot off a quick text to Maggie to let her know that she was around the back and to just come on through. Not that the other woman really needed the invitation — she was, after all, the only person in Aurora Bay with a spare key to Laurel's place.
She raised her cigarette to her lips, taking a long drag and enjoying the quiet for a moment. If she loved anything about this town, it was the quiet. She'd never gotten anything like it during all of her years in New York. When she heard footsteps behind her, she picked up the other cigarette and held it up over her head without looking back. "Thank god you're here," she said. "I really thought I was going to have to smoke both of these alone."
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crwnalpha · 8 months
continued thread with kevin + alexander - @dcrkalpha
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of course kevin wanted to have some time away for the two of them. a three day weekend for just them. they haven't spend that much time together with alexander always working and kevin doing school. and of course, when he got a long weekend, he took advantage of it. of course, kevin didn't want to leave university just because he was dating alexander. he still cared about his future, about himself. and as nice as it was dating one of the richest men, if not the richest in the nation, his future was still important. maybe that's why alexander loved him more for it? that was at least his thoughts.
" yes, i have a four day weekend, so i'm taking full advantage of spending it with my boyfriend, " he smirked. " so yes, a cute getaway, " he smiles. when the other said that he had a place in the hamptons, he nodded. it sounded good to him. being away for a long weekend, and the fact that alexander made calls so that he didn't have to go in. " that sounds lovely, " he whispered. when he felt the kiss, he smiled. " you don't need to be sorry. i just know that i want to spend all the time i can with you, " he responded. " okay, so it sounds like we're going to the hamptons, " he grinned. " i'm excited, " he giggled.
when the other suggested to go take a shower he nodded. " alright, sounds like a plan, " he grinned. " fine, fine, i'll do my best to be fast in the shower, " he said after they kissed. when the other mentioned that there was no need packing, he chuckled. " you just want me naked, don't you? " he teased. but he was very down for it. " okay, so i guess we'll be shopping then. sounds like we're going to have a nice long weekend. shopping, eating, fucking, oh what else can i ask for, " he grinned as he leaned up and kissed him again.
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naturesesme · 8 months
Date: 300's BCE and Persia is freshly conquered Location: Babylon Characters: @erenxdemir & @naturesesme Notes: Siblings haven't seen each other in literal months
She'd been missing for months. Of course, Olympias had made certain not to worry Alexander and, quite frankly, Nike was happy she'd been so pragmatic about it. The Queen Mother had hid away the truth and made certain to tell her other siblings that, in the young princess' terrible grief over the death of her father at her sister's own wedding, she had gone on a religious sabbatical and not ran away from home. It wasn't entirely untrue. The princess had taken Olympias' old druidic tomes and stolen away on a ship to find herself. Tired of geography books, sly women's politics and fancy dances. She crossed the seas to find the rumoured living Archdruid and eventually had, spending months at Dionaeia's side and learning all she could while the entire course of the world changed just ship's ride away.
Her mentor had told her stories of how souls of mortals eventually flickered away and were made into brand new ones. That was who Thessalonike was - a shiny new soul, a new life, a new promise. But not her brother, no. Her brother was an old soul. Already, Alexander proved the legacy of his many lives. In her absence, her oldest brother had conquered Persia, which most people seemed surprised about because they hadn't sat at his side while their teachers marveled at his genius and his sister just looked out the window, wanting to run out into the gardens. She heard the stories from the sailors on her way back home, even one of a new Pharaoh with her brother's name. It was lovely to not return home and dodge questions about her supposed sabbatical or tell Olympias how her ship had sank and she nearly drowned. Instead, she headed straight to Persia and entered the castle without notice or pomp. A mountain dog, large, but inconspicuous if she played her cards right. And she did play them very well right up until she made it to the king's floor where the guards started rightfully yelling and chasing her. Alex opened the door to wonder the commotion and she immediately darted inside.
Nike bravely withheld a giggle as soon as she stumbled into her true form and she smiled brightly at her brother - away from the view of the door and all the apologizing Persian guards. "So this is all new." Nike looked towards the little statue of the late King Darius in the corner. Maybe her brother was still in the process of remodeling.
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parkerana · 2 years
Who: Parker & @runningincirclesx Where: NYE at the Metro
Parker placed one of her hands on Alex’s shoulder to balance as she adjusted her shoe, “This is the last time I raid my sister’s closet for shoes, maybe that’s why she hates me, I’ve got the smaller feet.” She snorted softly, only slightly joking. Straightening herself back up she smiled at Alex, “So were my eyes deceiving me or was that Penny, I saw you show up with?” Even after Penny had disappeared Parker had kept in contact with Alex, he was like the older brother she never had and even when she’d gone off and left Tonopah and traveled the world, she’d always sent him postcards from wherever the lasted dig she was at was. “I didn’t even know she was back in town.”
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criticalfai1ure · 1 year
yvette holcroft née van de hoek. daughter of Hendrik & Maria Van de Hoek. younger sister of August Van de Hoek. married to Cyrus Holcroft. mother to Mina, Newton, & Judith Holcroft. STATUS : Estranged on the surface ; Devoted sibling within the letters secreted out by her maid.
cyrus g. a. holcroft. only child of Gideon & Henrietta Holcroft. widower of Prudence Wembley. married to Yvette Van de Hoek. father to Mina, Newton, & Judith. Captain of a pirate hunter, the HMS Dolphin. STATUS : Hostile.
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colemonroe · 2 years
WHERE: The Metro, Rooftop WHO: @runningincirclesx​
It was fair to say that something like this wasn’t exactly up Cole Monroe’s alley. He was a mechanic and a biker– he felt more at home in leather and denim, covered in a layer of grease. Even so, it hadn’t taken too much prodding before he agreed to go. He found himself at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey as he stared into the crowd. Soon enough, pale blue eyes landed on none other than Alexander Morales. Doctor Alexander Morales. In an ordinary world, it wasn’t a stretch to say that Cole would have never crossed paths with a therapist, but after his arrest following his brutal attack on Taliah Tezel’s abusive ex, the court had ordered mandatory therapy sessions as a condition of his early release and parole. Apparently his rage needed to be tempered down into something manageable, and Dr. Morales had been assigned to help with that. During their sessions, Cole hadn’t offered up much, forever resigned to the belief that he didn’t need help with his anger, not when he’d known it so intimately his entire life. But that didn’t mean he hadn’t garnered a certain level of respect for the man. Quite the opposite, actually. Though he hadn’t allowed himself to benefit much from it, Cole respected the man’s work and his dedication to it. That was why he suddenly stepped away from the bar and made his way over– and because the idea of talking to him when he wasn’t legally required to do so tended to hit a bit differently. “Hey, Doc,” he called out, flashing him his usual crooked grin as he held out a hand for the man to take, “Long time, no see.”
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
everyone who sends me teal owes me $20 :c
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featuringnana · 1 year
closed starter for    alexander & rebecca
Orgulhoso era, certamente, um dos seus piores defeitos. Não apenas porque contribuía para a lista de motivos pelo qual ele era difícil de lidar, mas porque atrapalhava todo e qualquer relacionamento em sua vida. Não sabia ceder ou admitir os seus erros, e para estar ali, deveria mesmo estar muito desesperado. E é claro que estaria! Se o destino da sua felicidade e a realização do seu maior sonho estivesse nas mãos daquela que tanto o irritava, que ele tanto atormentou em todas as vezes que pôde. Tudo dependia dele, que apesar de carismático e uma ótima lábia, sabia que aquilo não funcionaria com a Ortiz. Por que mesmo os outros haviam confiado nele para aquela tarefa? Ah, é claro, porque a culpa era dele, de seu ego e sua imaturidade. Irresponsável com horário, como sempre, chegou alguns minutos após, ainda sem entender como ela havia aceitado o convite tão facilmente. Algumas mensagens e lá estava ela? Era bom que se preparasse para o que estava por vir. Mesmo de costas, era impossível não reconhecê-la: a silhueta do corpo tão bem desenhado, os cabelos caindo pelas costas, a postura perfeita. Sentou-se ao seu lado, respirando fundo e encarando as bebidas ao falar com ela.  “Confesso que fiquei surpreso. Achei que não viria. Mas que bom que veio.”  Lábia não vai funcionar, Holloway, lembre-se disso. Ele repetia para si mesmo.  “E aí, Becky, o que você tem feito? A galera lá da banda sente falta sua, sabia? Falo por eles, no caso.”  Ironia também não vai funcionar, tonto! Infelizmente, ele não resistiu, mas seria melhor que tivesse ficado quieto. Era sempre melhor, mas ele nunca escolhia essa opção. Acenou para o barman.  “Pode me trazer uma cerveja e uma dose dupla de whisky?” Virou-se de volta para a garota. “Eu te pago uma bebida. Pode pedir o que quiser.” 
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