#alfie dellon
notquitedeadpod · 4 months
Do you have any specific appearances in mind for Alfie, Casper and Neige? I'm so curious, even if it's just a vague idea or direction.
Hmm, yes and no. Really, the only canon way they look are their descriptions in the show. But there are some things to do with the way they look which I've given a lot of thought to which I'll kind of. Waffle about. These are not really canon things, though, and fall instead into a category of dubious canon, where bc I'm the author I can't really fully escape the implication that everything I say about these little guys has more authorial power, but also this is stuff that's not necessarily consistent or anything that would come up within the show itself.
In the beginning I wasn't really thinking much about how Cas looked beyond the fact he has a lot of very dark, curly and wavy hair, which he should probably take better care of but just doesn't have the emotional bandwidth. I don't think he'd ever cut it off, though, it's important to him. Besides his hair and the angularness of his features, he changes in my head when I picture him in my head. Pretty consistently he has kind of medium toned skin, which you get the impression would be a lot darker if he was able to be in the sun more. When he does go out in it now, he tans fast and gets an extraordinary amount of freckles. He has brown eyes and very angular features, a long nose, a sharp brow. He's tall, ish, but not massively so. He has kind of a medium build, he clearly takes care of his body, but it's all for function, not for looks. He dresses in a way that's not exactly untidy, but I think he sort of just. Puts clothes on his body rather than carefully dressing himself in outfits, if you know what I mean?
By contrast, Neige is small, below average height, and his features are sort of soft and androgynous. His hair is pale gold and very well looked after. He likes to keep it cropped in a similar style to that you see on greek statues, but he has been known to let it grow longer if that's fashionable. There's an almost cherubic softeness to him, in my head. His hair and his skin, all shades of gold, but his eyes are a very striking blue, so when his kill drive is activated and they turn red, it's very noticeable. It totally shifts the colour tone of his face from angellic/ethereal to earthen and fiery. Neige also ✨gets dressed✨ like he is going for a look pretty much whenever he's choosing clothes. Is he fashionable in the sense that he's on trend? Fuck no. But there's something bold and stylish about him, having just decided to put on whatever he thinks makes him look hottest. I think he's accutely aware of his prettiness and sees it as a potential power. He uses his clothes to accentuate that where he can. Basically, for Neige, his body is first and foremost a tool, and you ought to keep your tools in the best condition possible so they can be functionally optimised.
Because I think of the show from Alfie's perspective, his appearance is the least developed. I think he has a lot of issues with his looks, but he's not hateful of himself. He's like. An average amount of good looking. He puts time and effort into how he styles himself when he has the energy to, but there hasn't been a lot of time for that since the events of the show started, poor lamb. He has mousy brown hair which he thinks is boring, a lot of freckles.
I hope that was at least fun if not necessarily informative!!!
--- Eira xxx
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Alfie is transgender to me simply because projecting my transgenderism is how I show love to my favorite characters
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suncrayon · 3 months
alfie sees a red flag and finds it sexy
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does-existance-exist · 3 months
diversity win! this vampire has vampire osfed
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literary-heights · 3 months
alfie dellon you will always be famous
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hangingslothcentral · 7 months
Sam Enfield? Little Bit.
Alfie Dellon? Very Bitten.
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