#alfie’s moodboards
runnning-outof-time · 4 months
The Joys of Being a Girl Dad | Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons (set in Girl Dad series)
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Request: no - written for @justrainandcoffee ‘s 2 year ‘Alfieversary’
Pairing: Tommy Shelby (x Reader mentioned) & Alfie Solomons (x fem!OC & child OC mentioned)
Summary: Tommy stops by Margate to congratulate an old associate…adversary…friend.
Warnings: language (it’s Tommy and Alfie we’re talking about here), a slight bit of Cyril slander
A/N: I’m sorry it took me soooo long to write something for your celebration, Flor!! I guess I could call this a present for Rose’s 1 year anniversary too now, even though she’s not really in it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful au with us!!
A/N 2: I should also say that this story was supposed to be shorter, but I just kinda became invested and ran away with it…I hope you don’t mind. Also it’s been a bit since I’ve written for Alfie, so I hope he’s not too ooc here. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged!
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“Who let you in?” the man who was sitting facing the open balcony door asked.
“How’d you know it was me?” the other man, who was standing at the entrance of the room, responded with his own question.
“Smelt the smoke and horse shit the second you stepped through that archway,” the first man mused, earning a snort from the second. “So I’ll ask again: who let you in?”
“Your wife…”
“Figures she did,” the first man cut the second off, muttering the comment under his breath.
“Your wife’s assistant let me in after she told me to get lost and slammed the door in my face,” the rest of the statement was shared, which made the first man finally spin in his seat to look back towards the archway.
Silence hung in the air for a few moments, the two men staring at each other from several paces away…much like they had on that fated day all those months ago. “So why didn’t ya listen to her?” the first man finally broke the quiet, his quip conjoined with a look of query.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Alfie?” the second man asked, his eyebrows just slightly raised.
“It has,” the first man nodded, pursing his lips together for a moment before he continued, “yet it is still sooner than the day in which I thought I’d see Tommy Shelby again.”
Tommy Shelby just shook his head at the man’s remark, looking at the ground as he pursed his lips. It didn’t faze him in the slightest.
“Why’re you here then?” Alfie asked, still wanting to get to the bottom of the Birmingham man’s presence. However, he interjected again before said man even had the chance to speak: “you’ve come to finish me off, haven’t ya? Since ya couldn’t get it right the first time.”
“I’ve come with something,” Tommy answered, not even bothering to respond to Alfie’s second comment.
He then stepped towards the chair that the other man was sitting in, his hands still behind his back. Anyone else would have wondered if maybe they’d got it right…maybe he was actually there to finish his old adversary off. But Alfie wasn’t bothered in the slightest. No, he could tell from the manner in which Tommy approached him.
“I want to offer a congratulations…on your daughter,” Tommy finished his statement once he was standing in front of Alfie. Alfie looked him over with raised eyebrows, wondering just how a busy, business-minded man like him would have gotten such information. “(Y/N) told me the news. She got word of it from Rose,” Tommy gave the curious man some more information.
“That Rosie…” Alfie mused with a slight shake of his head, “I had a feelin’ that she hadn’t cut off all contact with you Shelbys.” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of his wife still keeping up a regular correspondence with the wife of the man who’d shot him.
(Y/N) and Rose had hit it off practically from the moment they met each other. Their friendship went beyond their husbands’ business partnership, and so when one disgruntled husband aimed a gun at the other and pulled the trigger, the two women tried hard not to let it come completely between them. There some time where radio silence prevailed…actually most out the time over the course of the last year was filled with radio silence, but it didn’t seem like a beat was missed when Rose contacted (Y/N) to tell her of the newest addition to the Solomons family.
Although Tommy was more hesitant to make amends, he couldn’t deny his wife’s request to deliver something to the newest Solomons.
“She wanted me to give you this,” Tommy then said, finally revealing the tan, stuffed rabbit that he’d brought with him. “To give to her,” he included, making his intentions more clear.
“I knew you weren’t givin’ me a stuffed rabbit,” Alfie quipped, snorting to himself before continuing, “or at least I hope you were plannin’ to.”
“I wasn’t planning on doing that, Alfie, no,” Tommy shook his head, dismissing the comment before it gained any ground. “The rabbit’s for your girl.”
Alfie took a moment to look over the other man again. He was still holding the rabbit out in front of him, waiting for Alfie to take it. Tommy wondered how long Alfie was going to make him stand like this.
Finally he took it. “She’ll like it,” Alfie stated, eyeing over the animal from close up now. He couldn’t deny that it felt soft in his hands. Allie would surely love it. “Thanks, Tommy.”
“My three couldn’t go to bed without it,” Tommy commented, a small smile gracing his lips as he thought of his three daughters and the love they had for that very stuffed rabbit.
A look of realization flashed across Alfie’s face as he heard Tommy’s comment. He brought his hand up to his jaw and ran it down his cheek slowly, stroking his beard as if he was in thought. “Have a seat,” he then said, gesturing to the chair that was set directly across from the one he was sitting in. He waited until the other man was seated before continuing, “three girls, huh?” he mused, sounding like he was talking more so to himself than anything.
“Yeah,” Tommy nodded in response.
“A proper girl dad,” Alfie commented then.
“A what?” Tommy asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“You’re a dad that’s got all girls, hence the fucking term girl dad…stick with it, Tommy,” the response came laden with derision.
Tommy raised his eyebrows at the other man’s comments, looking to the ground as he let the air cool off before he cleared his throat and nodded his head. “Yeah, a girl dad then.” He ran a hand along the back of his head as he spoke, wondering if he was even using the term correctly. Alfie didn’t comment, so he guessed that he didn’t seem to care none.
Instead the newer father continued on with the conversation. “Does it ever get hard?”
“What? Being a girl dad?” Tommy looked over at him again.
“No, not being able to hit your fucking mark when you’re fifteen fucking paces away,” Alfie retorted, “yes, being a girl dad,” he then exaggerated his words.
Tommy bit his tongue yet again. He wasn’t here to get into a fight with Alfie Solomons. The rabbit currently sitting in the other man’s lap was supposed to serve as a sort of olive branch.
“It does,” he finally answered after a moment’s pause.
“Give me some fuckin’ detail, mate,” Alfie asked.
“Fuckin’ hell, Alfie,” Tommy sighed under his breath, pressing the pads of his thumbs against his eyelids. He cleared his throat again as he thought of how he’d answer the question. “It’s been hard from the moment we brought Thea home. A different sort of hard than the ‘hard’ I’ve experienced prior. But it’s also been rewarding...with Thea, then Evie and now Juniper. I’ve learned more from them than from anything else I’ve ever done.”
Alfie took a moment to digest what his confidant had just shared with him. He truly didn’t expect Tommy Shelby to come out with such meaningful statements. I guess even the worst of men can change their tones, he thought to himself. “I didn’t know ya had it in ya, Tommy,” he commented, exuding a breath of a laugh as he shook his head.
Tommy kept his eyes locked on Alfie unsure of how to respond to his comment. He wondered if this was all some sort of game…if Alfie now wanted to toy with him; getting him to open up just to use the information against him.
“Thanks for sharing it though. I, uh…” Alfie paused, the sound of his voice cutting through Tommy’s thoughts and making him focus in again. “I’ll take all of the help I can get with this one. They say that raising a child takes a fucking village, or however that fucking saying goes.”
“There’s a great deal of joy in it too,” Tommy made sure to add, hoping to convey that having daughters, or kids at all for that matter, wasn’t only stressful. “I just know that I wouldn’t be able to do it without (Y/N) though.”
“That’s the same with me and my Rosie. A fuckin’ trooper, that woman is,” Alfie agreed in regards to his wife. Truthfully, he wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for Rose Solomons. He genuinely owed his life to her…and he was going to spend the rest of it showing her.
Silence fell between the two men then, both sitting comfortably in their thoughts of the women they had in their lives, and of how much their respective wives meant to them. The silence hung until the sound of small feet came pattering off of the hardwood in the hallway.
“Daddy! Daddy!” a shrill voice of a small girl soon accompanied the hurried footsteps. Said girl quickly appeared in the archway of Alfie office. Along with her frantic demeanor, Alfie was also able to see streaks of tears on her chreks.
“What’s wrong, Allie?” he asked her, his brows furrowing together.
“Cyril chewed on my stuffie, daddy!” she exclaimed, hiccuping as she spoke through her tears. “It was my favorite stuffie!”
“Awe now love, I’m sorry about that,” Alfie began, opening his arms to the child as she came over to him. She quickly fell into them, and he wasted no time in hugging her tightly. “He’s just a brute that knows nothing of favorite stuffies,” he consoled her as she continued to sniffle her tears away.
Tommy watched on as the moment played out in front of him. He laughed to himself as hearing the reason behind the problem at hand took him back to the moments where Cyril had chewed his girls’ stuffies; there had to have been several instances during the dog’s stay at Arrow House.
“I don’t have a stuffie now, daddy,” Allie whimpered, finally lifting her head from her father’s chest. “Mum said it was too covered in slobber to be saved.”
“Well I’ve got just the fix for ya, Allie,” Alfie began, unwrapping one of his arms from her so that he could blindly search for the stuffed rabbit that Tommy had just handed him. He continued when he found the animal, “now I know it’s no bear, and I know that your favorite stuffies have all been bears, but this lovely little lass was just placed upon my lap moments before you came runnin’ in.”
Allie’s eyes immediately found the rabbit, and she had it in her tight embrace within an instant. “This stuffie is so soft! And she has a lovely bow!” she observed, now beaming with excitement. “Thank you so much, daddy!” she smiled at her father.
“Thanks have to go to that man,” Alfie told his daughter, nodding in Tommy’s direction. He bit his tounge and stopped the urge to add ‘the one who shot your father’ because even he knew this wasn’t the time for that. He didn’t want to bring that feud into Allie’s realm.
“What’s his name?” Allie asked in a loud whisper, her shy eyes finding Tommy’s.
“Tell ‘er your name, mate,” Alfie beckoned Tommy to share the information.
“It’s Tommy,” the other man followed suit, smiling as he spoke.
Allie observed him for a moment, surely trying to decide what she felt about him. A few beats of silence passed before a smile formed on her face. “Thank you, Mr. Tommy,” she said in a small voice.
“You’re welcome, Allie,” Tommy nodded, his smile widening.
“Dad you have to yell at Cyril now,” Allie turned back to her dad, a deep frown present on her face.
“I’ll make sure he knows what he’s done,” Alfie assured her, “go play, love.”
With one last smile, Allie hopped off of her father’s lap and exited the room almost as quick as she entered it.
“That fuckin’ dog…” Alfie trailed off, shaking his head, “why’d you give him back?”
“You wanted him back, Alfie,” Tommy answered in a monotone voice.
“You may be right,” Alfie conceded, cracking a smile as he thought about the dog.
“Your daughter’s lovely,” Tommy commented.
“She is, ain’t she?” Alfie answered, “light of my fuckin’ life, that girl…both her and her mum.”
Tommy nodded, his mind going to his wife and daughters. There was no doubt that he shared the same sentiment towards his girls.
Oh, the joys of being a girl dad…even if — or rather when, because it’ll surely happen again — Tommy and Alfie were at odds with each other, they’ll always have the shared title as something they can both relate to.
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The Story of Rose and Alfie
Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21
@mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @notyour-valentine @theshelbyslimited
@peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss
@alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl
@emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife
@anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @garrison-girl-08
@insanitybyanothername @depxiety @justrainandcoffee @dragons-are-my-favorite @forgottenpeakywriter
@cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable
@thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife @jomarch-wannabe @ryecosse @padfootdaredmetoo
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demiurgic-aesthetic · 7 months
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Peaky Blinders // aesthetic
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justrainandcoffee · 29 days
Fireman!Alfie Solomons - Alternate Universe
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Not for the first time the fire department received a call from that house and that young woman.
"Is it her again?" one of the firemen asked.
"The same."
"Jesus Christ," he rolled his eyes.
"Do not complain," his colleague, named Ollie, smirked. "Captain likes her."
It wasn't a secret that Captain Solomons was head over heels with that girl. And luckily for him, apparently she had a tendency to set kitchens on fire.
Or maybe she was just doing the same on purpose, to have the chance to see him. Because, how many times a person could cause an arson in their own kitchen?
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I am seriously considering transform this into a miniseries. For me and my... 5 readers.
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whentommymetalfie · 5 months
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One busy night in the A&E, Alfie takes care of a blue eyed patient with a broken arm and an overbearing husband.
He quickly catches onto the fact that something isn't quite right.
Moodboard for my fic All for nothing, which you can find on AO3.
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potter-solomons · 10 months
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Alfie takes you away.
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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PEAKY BLINDERS ▸ Biker Gang!AU aesthetic board
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awinterrosesstuff · 8 months
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Theon Greyjoy - Game of Thrones
And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
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novashelby · 5 days
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He was stiff as a board, glued to his velvet chair. Lost for thoughts and words was an understatement, really. Other descriptions? Uncomfortable, insulted, assaulted, mildly aroused...maybe. The young Shelby walked in, no warning, no common courtesy. Just like your fuckin' daddy. But he wasn't about to tell her that as her legs dangled over each side of his own. She was marking his neck with a trail of wet kisses.
When she noticed he wasn't reciprocating her touches, she pulled back. Her lips were puffy, smeared a bit with her red lip rouge. Which he suspected was on his neck. "What's wrong?"
He blinked. "I'm just thinking how your family needs therapy, is all-"
"So, you want me to stop?"
"I'm still trying to understand why you started."
"Does your daddy know you're here?"
She smiled, and said, "Mr. Solomons, of course..he pays for my flat. Why wouldn't he?"
"Here, I mean, putting your spit on my neck-which is a bit uncomfortable-"
"Oh, ooooh."
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littleprincerianne · 5 months
would you make an alfie (from bluey) themed stimboard (asked by caregiver, little struggles with typing)
- @decayed-stars
...the way i happily went "omg alfie" whilst wriggling my hand around is something we will not discuss (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) i hope you both like this though !
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runnning-outof-time · 3 months
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Just One Last Present
This is for the lovely Flor @justrainandcoffee , who’s incredible OC’s - Rose Solomons - birthday is today (I’ve got roughly 30 minutes to midnight here). I’m terribly sorry that I didn’t formally attend the birthday party that she was thrown … I hope you can accept this rather late present.
Thank you for creating this wonderful woman and sharing her and Alfie’s story with us. I still can’t believe this amazing world that you’ve created around here.
Here’s to many more stories and birthdays! ❤️
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Rose was thankful to finally be dressed in comfortable clothing. Sure, she enjoyed every second of the surprise party that Alfie threw her on one of her favorite beaches, but wearing a fancy dress and mask and walking around in the sand all evening had sure worn her out.
She had just lowered herself down onto the couch, right next to Cyril, who was sprawled out and already fast asleep. A soft laugh escaped her lips as she pet him gently. The pooch had had the time of his life earlier; getting many treats and compliments on his dapper attire.
She let out a sigh of content as she dropped her head back against the couch, closing her eyes and soaking in the silence. Today was a good day, she thought to herself, smiling as the events played in her mind.
She was so deep in her reverie that she didn’t hear the footsteps sounding off of the hardwood. Because of this, she just about jumped in surprise when something was set down on her lap.
“What’s this, Al?” she asked her husband, confusion now present on her face as she tried to figure out how he managed to sneak in without her noticing.
“Bet you thought my company was all I was goin’ to give you,” he answered her, a grin present on his face.
“You’ve given me plenty today,” she answered him, her heart swelling just thinking of all of the things he’d done for her over the course of the day. Alfie shook his head in disagreement, nodding to the present as a non-verbal direction for her to open it. “Really, Alfie, you have.”
“Just one last present, Rosie,” he insisted.
Rose titled her head slightly, staring at him for a moment to see if he might take the gift back. She should have known better to even think that. With a soft sigh, she accepted defeat (like it was so hard to) and looked down at the present sitting in her lap.
The wrapping was beautifully done…she almost didn’t want to open it. The pattern on it was floral and blue, and it was tied together with a big, powder blue bow on top.
“Go on, love,” Alfie softly prompted her to continue, watching intently as she began to untie the bow.
Silence hung in the air as she went about the motions of pulling away the wrapping paper. A box greeted her when she had placed the outer layer aside. It had no giveaways on it, and it made her look to her husband with furrowed brows.
Alfie gave no hints either, and it prompted her to keep going. Slowly, she lifted the lid of the box. A gasp left her lips when she discovered what was inside.
“Alfie,” she breathed, her eyes now wide, “is this…?”
“The one you were lookin’ at,” he finished her question before she could ask it.
Rose’s eyes stayed locked on the absolutely stunning diamond necklace as she tried to decipher if she was dreaming or not. She’d look at it almost every time she’d go into town, and she always wonder what it would look like draped around her neck. Now it was sitting in her lap. It was hers.
“This must’ve cost a fortune,” she commented, finally looking up at Alfie again, her eyes still wide.
“You’re worth it,” Alfie concluded, his tone leaving no room for discussion.
The widest smile formed on Rose’s face as she heard Alfie’s declaration. She haphazardly placed the box down beside her — Cyril didn’t even mind that it bonked him on the nose — and stood from the couch to wrap her arms tightly around her husband’s shoulders. “I love you, Alfie,” she breathed as happy tears formed in her eyes. “This was the best birthday I could have ever asked for.”
“I love you, Rosie,” Alfie responded, smiling at his wife as she pulled away to look at him once more. She looked so sweet, her smile nearly touching her ears as her eyes shined with tears. “Happy birthday,” he whispered one last time before leaning in and kissing her.
A happy birthday, indeed.
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I decided to write this because I remembered this lovely necklace from one of the polls you shared. I hope it made sense, and that you enjoyed it!
I also realized while I was making the moodboard that one of June’s birth flowers is the rose … did that play into her name? Or was it a beautiful coincidence?
Happy Birthday, Rose!!
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peakyswritings · 9 months
Rose and Alfie celebrating Hanukkah
Inspired by @raincoffeeandfandoms ’ Alfie x Rose universe
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Santa’s here!🎅🏻 I made some Christmas-themed moodboard for my mutuals (and you have no idea how hard it’s been to wait until Christmas morning to post them). I hope you like them!
Merry Christmas, Flor🎄 I wanted to give you a gift as well, but of course I had to find another way to include Alfie and Rose, so I made it Hanukkah. I know it has passed already, but I couldn’t not include one of my favourite couples, so I guess we’ll take a little step back in time! Also I wanted to tell you I’m so so happy you’re part of this community, and I’m so grateful to have you as a friend🤍
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justrainandcoffee · 6 days
Bonita (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc)
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"Did you take my phone this morning while I was taking a shower, Al?"
Alfie was behind the reception counter working when his girlfriend called him. "I don't know, did I?""
"I had a meeting and when I opened my phone to show the client some designs, I found your pictures. You're adorable."
"Glad you mention it, Rosie. Because I felt bonita."
From the other side of the line, he heard her laugh "Do you still feel bonita?"
"I feel bonita, yes."
"Good. You're bonita, but you know that."
"Also took some pictures of Cyril sleeping on our bed because he looked adorable. And I made a playlist for Beast and also your brother called in the process. There's also more pictures in a private album, but I highly recommend you not to open them in public."
"Oh God... You didn't."
"I did, luv, I told you... I felt bonita."
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Based on this post. Thanks for your tag @peakyswritings ❤️
Alfie x Rose masterlist
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whentommymetalfie · 5 months
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Bird Song -Tommy and Luca
Tommy is not sure how he’s ended up here. On the surface it appears like a dream, the penthouse in Soho, the successful husband who never misses an opportunity to spoil him, a life full of expensive dinners and parties. But beneath the glimmering surface lies a darkness unlike anything else.
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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ALFIE x NUN!READER aesthetic board
for @jomarch-wannabe's 350 followers celebration
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