#alfred and jazzz
hetaliatxtpostz · 7 years
Other Headcannons...
Along the same lines as Historically accurate fashion in Hetalia: music. And again I’ll use America, because that’s what i know, maybe one day I’ll become more cultured,(I’m trying): America would be AMAZING at Jazz, the Blues, country-- obviously-- and hip-hop. 
Beyond that I bet all the other nations have thier own little niches, and they would be so cute in a band!! I know, for a fact, that Islamic spiritual music is beautiful. A lot of music around the world is breathtaking! What if they all performed thier own little parts around a campfire? Or just hummed different things in moments of silence?
I love that Prussia plays flute in the manga, I think it’s adorable. And there’s no way at this point they haven’t all mastered at least one instrument. (Not sure about voice. I bet America can sing... I don’t feel like England can.)   
(Alfred and Matthew can duet guitar.)   
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