#alfred is a good uncle figure towards iris
longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Longitudinalwaveme Reviews Some More Old Comics (and One New One), Part 3
 Batman #353, “Last Laugh”
The Joker walks into his hideout at the abandoned Tatch Hotel, where his goons are gambling. He promptly kills one of them by snakebite for disrespecting him. 
Batman scares a corrupt city council member into revealing that the doctored photos that “revealed” Batman as a crime boss came from real crime boss Rupert Thorne. Apparently, Thorne ensured that Reeves would lose the election...meaning that he wanted Hamilton Hill to be mayor for some reason. 
Also, Gordon is currently not the Commissioner---someone named Commissioner Pauling is, and Batman suspects both he and the new mayor are corrupt. 
The next day, as Bruce Wayne, he accompanies Vicki Vale to the destruction of Gotham Central Station. Apparently, Vicki was witness to an interaction between Rupert Thorne and Morton Monroe that culminated in the latter’s suicide. 
The computer being used to manage the explosions that will preserve the landmark while still clearing space for new development malfunctions has been stolen...by the Joker! 
Because Batman and the new police commissioner are on the outs, Batman hadn’t known about the Joker’s escape from Arkham, and he’s not happy about that. He does, however, quickly work out that the Joker has bought some land in the Palisades under the pseudonym of Mr. Harlan Quinn. (No...seriously!) 
Batman heads to the location in question...only to be caught off-guard by the Joker, who shoots a drugged arrow at him. When he wakes up, he’s tied to some rocks and surrounded by dynamite. 
Joker is upset that Gotham is constructing a statue for a Broadway star and not for him, so he’s going to use the dynamite and the computer he stole to create a monument of himself (and kill Batman). 
Batman manages to break free and jams the computer signal by way of a device he brought with him for that purpose. 
The story is then interrupted for a weird He-Man comic! Hi there, He-Man, Teela, Man-at-Arms, Battle Cat, Sorceress, Mer-man, Beast Man, and Skeletor! And, uh, Superman, too, I guess! Why not? 
I can honestly say I did not expect this Batman comic to contain a Superman/Masters of the Universe crossover where Superman fought Skeletor. 
And now back to Batman, who’s fighting Joker’s goons. While this is going on, the Joker shoots at Batman while his back is turned-only for the explosions to go off. It temporarily creates Joker’s memorial of himself, but it lasts for only a few seconds before collapsing. The issue ends with Joker frowning and Batman smiling in a really unsettling manner. 
The issue also has a backup story, starring Robin and Batman, the latter of whom is undercover as Matches Malone. They work together to defeat some con-men, and Dick uses an inflatable suit to dress up as Batman. It’s pretty amusing. 
Batman #355, “Never Scratch a Cat” 
Why does Catwoman own what appears to be a pet panther? 
Apparently, she’s not happy abut the fact that Vicky Vale is also romantically interested in Bruce Wayne. We then cut to the latter two on a date. 
Their date is suddenly interrupted when Catwoman uses her car to send their car off a cliff and into a river. She immediately regrets it and dives into the water after them to save them.
Bruce fights her off and makes it to the surface with Vicki himself. Two days later, she wakes up in the hospital. 
The police have been staking out Selina’s house, but so far, there hasn’t been any sign of her. 
That night, Batman leaves to track down Catwoman, telling Dick not to come with him as Robin. They have a fairly heartwarming conversation, and then Batman zooms off, leaving Dick and Alfred worried about how angry he seems. 
Batman breaks into Selina’s house...and is promptly attacked by her pet panther. They fight, and he defeats the panther. He then discovers that Selina hasn’t been home for at least 2 days. 
Batman looks through her bills and discovers that she’s rented an apartment somewhere. 
Ex-Commissioner Gordon talks politics with Mayor Hamilton Hill. There’s a petition to remove the latter from his position, since he’s connected to Thorne and Thorne was arrested for murdering his own appointee for police commissioner. Also, Hill makes him commissioner again. 
Batman tracks Catwoman to her new apartment and the two fight, verbally and physically. Eventually, though, they make up and hug each other. It’s kind of weird, but I guess it works.
Flash #324, “The Slayer and the Slain” 
The Reverse-Flash is dead! But the real horror of this issue isn’t that he’s dead or that he died attempting to murder Fiona Webb...it’s the fact that this issue will kick off the Trial of the Flash arc; otherwise known as the Arc That Never Ends! 
Some really weird nurse tells a baby the story of her favorite soap opera...only to lose her grip on the carriage, which goes hurtling towards a pane of glass! Kid Flash manages to save the baby, but not the glass. 
Kid Flash then rushes to what he believes will be the wedding of his uncle to Fiona Webb, changing into a tuxedo along the way. 
Unfortunately, when Wally arrives at the church, there’s no sign of Barry. Dexter Miles, Barry’s friend Mack Nathan, Mack’s son Troy, and Ralph Dibney, the Elongated Man, are at the church, though, as are Barry’s parents and Fiona herself. 
Before Barry’s first name was Bartholomew, it was Barrence. No, seriously. 
Fiona is naturally very upset, believing Barry stood her up at the alter. Henry Allen is less than sympathetic. “Nora and I aren’t ready to give up on our boy just yet, Fiona. And if you really love him...you’re not about to either!” Way to guilt-trip her, Henry. No wonder Barry got along better with Roscoe-pretending-to-be-you than he did with you. 
Barry and the Reverse-Flash have a fight/race around the world, Eobard yelling about how mad he is about Barry trapping him at the end of time for four years. 
Officer Frye and Frank Curtis are also at the wedding. 
Apparently the Guardians of the Universe stopped Wally from helping Barry fight Eobard for some reason. Okay...
Eobard, being Eobard, makes a giant ice sculpture of Iris in the Himalayas just so he can troll Barry. Then they fight some more as all the wedding guests wonder where the bridegroom is. 
While the two are fighting/racing, Eobard creates a big wave at Miami Beach, which Barry has to stop to rescue some swimmers from. 
Captain Frye is starting to believe that Barry’s been murdered. 
Eobard and Barry end up in Cape Carneval and take a rocket into outer space. After they return to Earth, Eobard taunts Barry by writing “Guess who’s going to kill your wife again” in the sand. This naturally makes Barry very, very unhappy. 
Equally unhappy is Fiona, who is now completely convinced she’s been stood up and is leaving the church. 
The wedding photographer pops up over thirty-five minutes after the wedding is supposed to start; conveniently already filming with his camera.
Eobard runs towards Fiona, murder on his mind...only for Barry to grab him from behind by the neck as he shouts “NO! Not again!” 
Barry tries to comfort Fiona to no avail as Frye discovers that Eobard is dead. 
And on that grim note, the issue ends. 
Batman #362, “When Riddled By the Riddler...” 
Why was Riddler working at a winery? Is it just because one of the processes involved in making wine is called riddling it? Whatever the reason, the appearance of a film crew at the winery apparently gives Riddler an idea for his next crime spree.
Batman is summoned to police headquarters, where Harvey Bullock is arguing with Commissoner Gordon. Apparently, Bullock’s working with Mayor Hill, and the Riddler has been sending Gordon puzzle boxes.
This puzzle box prompts Bullock to ask about the Riddler, which in turn prompts Gordon to tell Bullock and the reader about the Riddler’s M.O. and backstory. 
When he finishes the story, Batman finally arrives and kicks Bullock out. He and Gordon proceed to try to solve Riddler’s latest riddle as Bullock eavesdrops on them both from outside the door. The riddle seems to point in the direction of the Mother Goose Amusement Park, but Batman tells Gordon to keep thinking of other possible meanings just in case. 
Bullock plans to outwit Gordon, Batman, and the Riddler, showing an impressive degree of self-confidence (or self-delusion). 
Batman goes to the park and is promptly ambushed by a machine-gun wielding Riddler. 
Then they fight, Riddler escapes, and Batman learns that the amusement park has been closed all season, so it would have no money around to steal. 
Gordon, Bullock, and Batman reconvene to do some Bat Deducting in order to figure out the Riddler’s real plan. Because Batman’s true superpower is his ability to understand the insane ways in which the Riddler uses riddles to plot his crimes. 
Apparently, Riddler is going to steal the loot of a game show being filmed in Paradise Theater. The show in question is called “Enigma”, which is a terrible name for a show filmed in Gotham. It’s beggining the Riddler to show up. 
The Riddler actually wears a suit in this issue! That’s unusual for Riddler at this point, and it looks really good. Of course, he immediately takes it off a few panels later, but still. 
Apparently, the game show consists of getting contestants to answer riddles and...seriously, who decided it was a good idea to film this in Gotham? 
Then the Riddler pops himself out of the riddle drum used in the game show. It’s hilarious. He steals the money and walks out the door, gloating. 
Batman then appears and starts chasing Riddler, who hijacks a bus. Batman follows him and uses gas to force the bus to stop. 
Then Batman literally kicks him off the bus and captures him. 
The issue ends with Bullock deciding to drop the charges he’s managed to get raised against Gordon (after Gordon uses a riddle to threaten him). Hill is not happy about this. 
Batman #373, “The Frequency of Fear” 
The issue opens with Jason Todd having a freaky nightmare about his parents’ deaths (since this is pre-Crisis, the deaths happened at the hands of Killer Croc). 
A really stupid psychologist wants to meet Jonathan Crane so that he can analyze the effects of fear on the human mind. Unfortunately for him, Crane has been released from Arkham, because everyone in Gotham is stupid. Even the stupid psychologist thinks so! 
Meanwhile, a couple of people at Gotham University wonder if they really did see the Scarecrow heading for the old Marston House where Crane once lived. 
Julia Pennyworth, Alfred’s daughter, asks Vicki Vale for a position at Picture News (is this different than the Picture News where Iris West-Allen works?) Vicki is opposed to the idea until Julia insists she’s not interested in Bruce Wayne. 
Apparently, in an earlier issue a number of Batman’s Rogues dragged Scarecrow around while he was mostly incapacitated by fear. He’s not happy about the fact that they did this and is plotting revenge against all of them. 
A guard at the courthouse demands to know why he’s there. In response, Scarecrow uses a skull to emit his fear frequency, and the guard predictably starts hallucinating. He then continues to use the frequency to get the location of the lock-up. He’s then lead the the solitary cell of the Joker.....and then Batman shows up. 
Scarecrow proceeds to use the fear frequency on both him and on Robin, when the latter shows up. Batman manages to fight off the worst of it, but when Jason chases the Scarecrow out of the building and onto the rope Scarecrow was using to escape, the frequency overcomes him, he loses his balance, and he starts falling. 
Batman manages to rescue him, though. 
On an unrelated note, Child Services are worried about the fact that Jason keeps falling asleep in class. 
Gordon and Bullock go out for dinner and have a little chat; Mayor Hill hires a hit out on Bullock.
Meanwhile, Batman tells Crane’s backstory to Robin, who suggests that Crane might be hanging out at his old house. Batman dismisses this, which is unfortunate, since Crane is, in fact, hanging out there. 
Crane is reading his psychology textbook to his little skull head. The man is really weird. I’ll also note that his textbook does actually contain a few words I’m not familiar with, which is impressive. 
Crane then determines that he’ll have to get rid of Batman first if he wants to kill off all the other villains, and goes out to do just that. 
Commissioner Gordon calls in Batman and Robin and tells them that the Scarecrow is attacking a zoo. Batman tells Robin to go home; he thinks the case is too dangerous for Jason. 
Batman goes to the zoo, and is increasingly affected by fear. When he reaches the crocodile pit, the fear is so overwhelming that he loses his balance and starts to fall in. 
Meanwhile, Jason has disobeyed orders and gone to Crane’s old house. The Scarecrow promptly attacks him as Batman falls into the crocodile exhibit....and the issue ends on a cliffhanger. Ooof. 
Flash 2021 Annual 
Man, Wally West makes the weirdest faces in this confessional. 
Barry, Ollie, and Mr. Terrific talk technobabble. 
Good news! It turns out Wally’s not a murderer anymore! HURRAH! 
Roy is alive again! YAY! 
Barry and Ollie are also making weird faces. 
Ollie really wants to save Roy from the speed force explosion that will kill everybody at Sanctuary, but Barry says there’s nothing they can do. Ollie doesn’t like this explanation.
Also, Barry’s powers suddenly start fading. 
Wally makes another weird face as he and Roy talk. 
Hey, Savitar’s back! And looking a lot more attractive than the last time I saw him. 
Turns out that he’s been causing all the weird problems with the Speed Force in this arc. It’s appropriate for him, I think. 
Roy and Wally team up to fight Savitar, who goes on a villainous monologue about how he’s going to eat the speed force so he can become it. 
There’s some more technobabble about the Speed Force. Apparently, if they don’t cause the explosion that kills everyone at Sanctuary, Savitar’s plan to eat the Speed Force will destroy the Omniverse. 
Roy ends up setting up the necessary explosion to save the Omniverse. Good work, Roy! 
Aww, Roy and all the heroes are dead again....:(
Oh, well. At least Wally still isn’t a murderer now. 
Wally and Savitar arrive in the present, Wally decides to continue being the Flash, he and Savitar have a fight/race, Wally wins, and Savitar disappears. 
After Wally takes a nap, he and Barry have a cute talk, and Barry gives poor Ollie, who’s been through a lot, a hug. 
Wally goes home and reunites with his family. HURRAH!!!!
Heat Wave’s going to be in the next arc. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes. 
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 5
Here is the long awaited Chapter 5. Also, due to my own desire, all of the temporary heroes will have suits fashioned after outfits from “Avatar: the Last Airbender”.
Con trai means “son” while Con gài means “daughter”, or at least that’s what the website I found them on says. (the website is www.vietnamesepod101.com if you’re wondering)
Also, I made a typo in chapter 2/3 with Marc’s pronouns but since then, I’ve changed it. I hope you all will continue to receive this fic with the same enthusiasm you have thus far.
Jason danced around his kitchen with Damian on his hip, his sisters sitting on some of the kitchen counters. Bobby Day’s “Rockin’ Robin” poured into the kitchen from his bluetooth speaker.
Tim wandered into the kitchen, one hand rubbing at his eye and the other on the wall, and ran into Steph’s legs. “‘ephanie?”
“Hey Tim.” Steph gently pushed Tim in the direction of the fridge and laughed as she watched him stumble to the fridge.
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair as he walked passed and smiled. “Good morning Timbers.”
“Good morning Uncle Tim.” Damian murmured from where his head was resting against his dad’s shoulder.
“Wha-?” Tim turned to look at the pair. “When did-?”
“Just went through yesterday.” Jason smiled. “Don’t worry too much.”
Tim nodded and got his glass of water before returning to the girls and settling between them. “Have you told Dick yet?”
Jason shook his head and opened the oven door to peek at the muffins he was baking. “No. But he, Wally and the kids are supposed to come over for lunch today.”
Jason carefully pried the sleeping form of his son off of his hip and passed him to Roy with a smile before looking at his brother. “So, Dickiebird, how are you holding up?”
Dick shrugged, playing with Mar’i’s hair to distract himself, before smiling. “I’m fine.” He glanced over at Wally for a moment. “Wally and I have been helping each other with this single parent thing.”
Wally smiled before turning to watch Jai and Iris chase each other around the dining room table. “Dick’s a great help with those two, they always have so much energy.”
Jason chuckled and shook his head. “Of course they have so much energy, look at who their father is.” Jason was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. “Give me just a moment.”
Wally and Dick sent him a pair of thumbs up as he stood up and walked towards the door.
Jason opened the door and simply raised an eyebrow. “What can I help you with Mr. Wayne?”
“There’s a French class coming to Gotham. They’re staying in one of the company hotels in the heart of the city. You and your brothers had best be on your best behaviour since Dick is the tour guide for their tours through the company buildings and you’re the acting bodyguard for their tours around the city.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Hey Dickiebird! I didn’t know you signed up to give some tours to some hoity toity French kids.”
“I didn’t know I signed up to give some tours either.” Dick leaned on the wall next to the door. “When did either of us sign up to help you?”
Bruce sighed and looked at his two oldest sons. “Don’t do it for me. Do it for Alfred, he would like it if any of you came around.”
“Mmm, no can do B. My son is the child of a rogue and the grandchild of a rogue, my sister is the child of a rogue, my sisters are children of rogues, my brothers and I associate with rogues. Alfred is more than welcome to come around. You can give him my address and then forget it.”
Dick nodded and slung an arm around Jason’s shoulders. “When is the French class supposed to be here?”
“They’re flying in on Saturday but don’t start their tours until the following Monday to allow for them to get used to the time change.
Jason nervously tapped his foot on the floor, hoping and praying to whatever deity came to mind first a certain god of destruction that everything would turn out alright. He took a deep breath, shook out his hands and knocked on the door to the apartment.
The door opened and Selina appeared, dishevelled hair and shirt falling down her arm. Selina was sleepily rubbing at her eye with the other hand still held the door, just open enough she could see whomever was at her door but not open enough that anyone could see into her apartment.
“Aunt Selina?” Jason whispered while praying again to the deity. “Do you remember me? I’m-”
Selina let go of the door to wrap her arms around Jason, pulling the much taller boy against her chest. “Oh Jason. Why didn’t you come to me immediately after you breached city limits?” She pulled back just enough to hesitantly trace her fingers over the scars that marred his otherwise conventionally handsome face. “My poor bird. My poor, poor, little bird.”
“Aunt Selina. I’m fine now. Dick and Tim have sided with me against Bruce. I know how much you care for him and I understand if you’re taking his side, I just, I needed to see my Aunt Selina one last time.”
“Jason Peter Todd. I’m not the Joker. My one goal in life isn’t to be the Bat’s one and only. The day he brought Dick on the scene I decided then and there that you all weren’t his birds. You were mine. And cats are just as likely to attack bats as they are birds.” Selina’s fingers paused on top of a set of three very faint white-silver scars just under his jawline. “I am sorry that I ever caused you pain my little bird.”
Jason nervously straightened things around his apartment, Damian, Roy and Lian sat on the couch watching his mad dash around the apartment while Stephanie and Cass sat on a pair of counters with Tim standing between them. Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris were nervously looking out the window as Jason continued to clean.
Dick, Wally, Mar’i, Jay and Iris suddenly scrambled away from the window to sit down around Damian, Roy and Lian.
A few minutes after they sat down, a firm knock came at the door. Jason brushed the dust off of his shirt and approached the door. Jason opened the door and smiled. “Hi Aunt Selina. Hi Grandpa Alfred.”
Alfred smiled at Jason and glanced down at the covered dish in his hands. “I made my key lime pie.”
Selina simply chuckled. “Little bird. At this point, I’m your mom. Just call me Mom.”
Thana looked at her friends, Chloé steadfast in her loyalty, Nino firm in his friendship, and Kim unshakable in his protection, and smiled. “I love you guys so much. You are my family.”
Chloé smiled and wrapped her arms around Thana. “We love you too.”
Nino and Kim joined their hug, the four friends uniting in their found family and solidifying their bonds. “You’re our family too Thana.”
Desgracia watched as Marc took a deep breath before looking at Kaalki. “Kaalki, full gallop.”
Marc was encased in a pale brown light. When the light disappeared, they stood in a loose-fitting gray bodysuit with brown knee-high boots with dark orange-red bands around the top of the boots and around the ankles, dark red wrist gauntlets covered in orange horseshoes with dark golden yellow bands around the top and bottom of the gauntlets. Over the gray bodysuit, they had a dark red tunic which crossed over their chest which was hemmed in a red-orange. The bottom half of their face was obscured by the turtleneck of their gray bodysuit while they had a dark orange-red domino mask with light gray eye lenses. The domino mask had a thin golden yellow outline, akin to glasses, while their hair had reddened. While their hair had previously been pitch black, it was now a dark chestnut that had lengthened to resemble Sesshomaru’s.
“What’s your name?” Desgracia’s eye lenses were blue-green and flicked over his suit in vague interest.
Desgracia’s eye lenses darkened to green and hissed. “Hero name. We don’t use names in the field.” A gruff voice repeating the same words to a much younger version of her older brother sounded in her head.
“Oh, uh, um.” Marc frowned and tapped their chin in thought.
“Well, you’re using the Horse Miraculous so it should be something horse related. Poulain, because you’re new at this so you’re like a foal.”
“Poulain rouge.” Marc smiled and shook out their shoulders. “Poulain rouge because my hair is more red now.”
“Welcome to the team Poulain rouge.” Desgracia smiled and leaned over to ruffle their hair.
Thana sat under the stairs which lead to the second floor of the school, sketching an outfit for a client when another person tripped over her legs. She glanced up to see it was Marc before looking back down at her sketch.
“Sorry. I didn’t-” Marc started before Thana cut them off.
“Would you wear this?” Thana pushed her sketchbook towards them and tapped her fingers on her leg.
Marc looked over the sketch and nodded. “Yeah. Looks good. Who’s it for?”
“A client. Hey, you’re good at writing, right?” Thana looked at them and seemed to be imploring them to answer.
“Could you look over my website and figure out what’s wrong with it?” Thana smiled. “You can come over to Chlo’s to look over it. Well, Chlo’s or Kim’s.”
Marc nodded. “Sure.”
Thana and Marc followed after Kim as he walked into his home.
“Mẹ! Mèo con and our friend came over, I hope that’s okay.” Kim called as they entered the house. Kim and Thana toed off their shoes on instinct while Marc just copied their movements.
“Con trai. Con gài.” Kim’s Mẹ wrapped the two up in a hug before pressing kisses to their foreheads. “Ni hao. I’m Kim’s mom, and Marinette,” Kim’s Mẹ noticed how she flinched at the use of the name and corrected herself, “Thana has practically become my daughter.”
“My name is Marc Anciel.” Marc shook Kim’s Mẹ’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.”
“None of that ma’am stuff. Just call me Mẹ, those two do.” Kim’s Mẹ was, arguably, a very attractive woman. She had short black hair and warm caramel brown eyes and she was just a few centimeters shorter than Kim. “Come on in.”
The three teens smiled at the woman before they went back to Kim’s room. Thana pulled up her website and moved out of the desk chair to allow Marc to look it over.
Marc looked over the website while Kim and Thana did their homework. “Are you sure you want the whole webpage to be gunmetal gray? You could mix it up with the background being light purple so the gray stands out.”
Thana nodded and let out a quiet “huh”. “Hey Marc? Do you care if I hug you?”
Marc’s eyes widened and they smiled shyly. “Sure.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Marc. “Thank you so much.”
Desgracia looked over the field, making sure each of her teammates weren’t being overwhelmed with this Akuma’s minions, when she saw the Akuma gunning for Poulain rouge.
Desgracia lept from the rooftop, landing on her toes in front of Poulain rouge and glared at the Akuma. She twirled her baton in her hand, keeping it low enough to not hit Poulain, before she looked back over her shoulder at Poulain. “Go get Monsieur Punaise. Tell him to hurry.”
Poulain nodded, turned around and ran to get their fearless leader who had one fear and it was Desgracia.
By the time Poulain returned with Monsieur Punaise, the Akuma was barely holding on. Monsieur Punaise called for his Lucky Charm, a plane ticket (specifically one for the flight they were taking soon), before deakumatizing the Akuma and throwing the Lucky Charm in the air with a call of “Miraculous Monsieur Punaise”.
Desgracia wrapped an arm around Poulain’s waist before jumping away, leaving her more even tempered teammates to assist the Akuma victim.
Desgracia landed on a rooftop and put Poulain down on the rooftop. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. He didn’t get close enough to take a swipe at me.” Poulain rouge chuckled and shook their head. “Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?”
“Poulain. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. All damage dealt in the battle was rendered useless and disappeared when Monsieur Punaise cast his final charm.” Desgracia cupped Poulain’s face in her hands. “You have to be on guard at all times in battle. I won’t always be here. You need to trust your teammates to protect you in battle.”
Trâu landed on the rooftop and chuckled. “Desi, you can’t just kidnap our Foal.”
Desgracia turned her green eyes on him, however after assessing him as no threat her eye lenses turned back into their normal blue. “Trâu. I didn’t kidnap them. I just needed to ensure that they were fine.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118 @thatonecroc
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
BWYD Chapter 14
Jason and Roy are Running Away and Dragging Marinette and Lian with Them
Jason walked into Marinette’s room, a smile on his face as he raised his hand to knock on the door frame. “Hey. Pixie Pop?”
Marinette looked up from the jacket she was altering, her needle held gently between her lips, and her eyes widened in surprise. She carefully placed her needle on a scrap piece of fabric and disentangled herself from the thread before she rose from where she was in her bay window. She smiled at her brother and scooped up Houdini. “Yeah Jay-Jay?”
His smile grew and he strode into the room. “You wanna go visit Uncle Clark?”
Her eyes lit up and she nodded rapidly. “Yes! Yes yes yes!” She quickly collected her “Uncle Clark” bag (which was merely an old duffle bag from when Bruce was young) and rushed at her brother. “Do you think Damian or Colin will be able to watch Oberon and Houdini while we’re gone?”
Jason nodded and ruffled her already messy hair. “Get dressed in some more comfortable clothes, we’ll meet in the kitchen to get some roadtrip snacks and drinks before going down to the garage.” He smiled and pressed an affectionate kiss to her forehead. “Okay?”
Marinette changed into an oversized black t-shirt with a red superman symbol in the center over a pair of light denim jeggings with a good amount of stretch. She pulled on a pair of red socks before slipping her feet into a pair of worn brown combat boots. She ran her fingers through her hair and pulled it back into a messy bun. She looked around her room and deftly collected the jacket she was altering, placing it in a bag over her sketchbook and some other partially finished projects. She looked around a final time, nodding when she decided she had everything she needed. “Come on Tikki.”
Tikki flew into her messy bun and settled herself amongst the hair of her holder. She let out a relaxed sigh before Marinette offered her a macaron.
Marinette picked up her bags and walked out of her room towards the kitchen. She waved at Alfred before walking over to her grandfather and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Will you be okay if Jay-Jay and I go visit Uncle Clark?”
“Of course.” He smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder. “What can I get you for your trip?”
Marinette smiled and shrugged before she wandered around the kitchen, her steps light and fairy-like. “Probably something with Vitamin C and something with protein. So it’s not all sugar and fat.” She plucked a selection of fruits from the fruit bowl beside the fridge before moving to the pantry. She hummed a tune to herself as she grabbed various snacks before she heard the much clunkier footsteps of Jason approaching.
Jason walked into the kitchen, a mischievous smile on his face. “Hey Alfie.” His voice came out high and lilting, a clear sign that he was up to something. “When’re Bruce and Dick supposed to be back?”
“Twenty minutes Master Jason. Am I to assume that you are running away before they return?” A coy grin teased at the corner of his lips and he shook his head. “What did you do this time Master Jason?”
“You know me so well Alfie.” Jason went around the kitchen plucking sweet treats from the pantry and bottled drinks from the fridge before he waved over his shoulder as he left. “Give my regards to the old man. Come on Pixie Pop.”
Marinette looked after her brother before shaking her head and putting her goodies in an insulated bag. “Bye Grandpa Alfie. I’m sorry that Alfie stuck.” She pressed a kiss to her grandfather’s cheek before passing him a smile and walking out of the kitchen.
Marinette and Jason were cruising down the highway, belting out the lyrics to Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” when Jason slowed down. He rolled down his window and Marinette watched his posture relax. “Hey Roy! What’re you doing?”
Marinette watched as Jason’s friend, Roy Harper (the ward of her Ubaba’s business rival Oliver Quinn), looked around before his green eyes focused on Jason. “Oh, Jaybird. It’s you.” Roy walked to the (now stopped) car and lifted his daughter, Lian, up onto his hip. “What’re you two doing?”
“We’re going to Uncle Clark’s!” Marinette happily supplied from the back. “Where’re you two going?”
Roy looked down into his daughter’s tired green eyes, before looking back up at Jason. “We’re running away from Quinn’s. Can we bum a ride to Metropolis? Wally’s offered to take us in for a few days.”
Jason nodded and unlocked the doors. “I understand the need to run away. Get in.”
Roy settled Lian in the back seat before he climbed into the passenger seat and sighed. “Thanks.”
Jason nodded and tossed a few snacks to Roy, watching Marinette pass some snacks to Lian in the rearview mirror, before he turned the radio’s volume up.
Jason and Roy sat beside their respective child in a booth in a diner, gentle smiles on their faces. “So, what do you think sounds good?”
“I’ll probably get a burger and fries.” Roy shrugged before he looked down at his daughter. “What about you Lian?”
She shrugged and appeared as though she was going to say something when a pair of older ladies approached the table.
“Oh my. Aren’t you two handsome men? And so good with children too.” The older ladies chorused in unison, their eyes trailing down Roy and Jason’s forms in a lecherous manner.
Jason reached across the table and placed his hand on Roy’s arm, a smile on his face. “It takes a lot of patience, doesn’t it sweetums?” He turned to look at the two older ladies and flashed them a “get lost” smile. “We’re both so young but we somehow made this little family of our’s work, him raising his young daughter and I raising my sister. Isn’t that right Pixie Pop?”
Marinette nodded from where she’d burrowed into her older brother’s side before she flashed the sad orphan eyes to the older women. “But it’s really nice having Roy and Lian around.” She brought tears to her eyes and blinked to let them cascade down her cheeks. “Before the rest of our family died, we had a really big family. Our father, our grandfather, our four brothers and three sisters. We all lived together in a beautiful house but,” she sniffled and hid her face behind her hands. “They passed in a fire that burned down our house.”
The older women turned their attention to Roy and Lian, who were in a similar position to Jason and Marinette. Lian hid in Roy’s chest and Roy simply glared at the women. “I believe our waitress would like to take our order so if you could,” he shooed the women away, and they left (begrudgingly).
“What can I get you folks started with today?”
Jason looked around the table before nodding. “I think we’ll all have your famous burger, two with cheese, one without onion, and one with only pickles, with fries and four strawberry milkshakes.”
The group of four got back on the road and drove to the house of Wally West. They all got out to walk Roy and Lian to the door, which was answered by Wally’s own children, Jai and Iris. Roy and Lian smiled as Lian and the West children ran into the house, their laughter following them.
Wally came to the door and smiled at his friends. “Hey Roy, Jay.” He took Roy and Lian’s bags and laughed. “I didn’t realize we were having so many house guests. I’ll have to make up another guest room.”
Jason shook his head, accompanied by Marinette’s firm “no”, before looking at Roy and Wally. “We’re just passing through on our way to Kent’s. Figured we’d give that bozo a ride.”
Jason pulled up outside of Clark Kent’s home, pulling his go bag from the floor behind his seat while Marinette happily carried her bag to the front door.
Marinette simply opened the door and walked in. “Uncle Clark! Aunt Lois! Oiseau Noir! Chiot!”
Jason walked into the house to see Marinette in a group hug with Conner and Jon and he let out a laugh. He pulled out his phone to take a picture of the three before Clark walked into the entryway.
“What’d you do this time?” Clark’s jovial voice reached Jason and Jason turned to him, turning off his phone.
“Nothing they can prove.”
@dast218 @toodaloo-kangaroo @amayakans @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg
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