kaiser-brutus · 8 days
异种核心 「xenocore」
So, this is basically a story I just started working on. It's heavily inspired by Transformers, Jurassic World and Ultraman. If that sounds interesting, do check it out. I hope you enjoy :) 🙏
*The image below does not fully represent the characters in the story*
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The Foreign [Chapter 1.1]
Within the vast darkness of the cosmos, unfamiliar planets, adorned with neon colours and intricate details visible through the naked eye, were torn apart by an invisible force. Chunks of their planetary contents drifted into the empty void of space as time passed.
Down below, pieces of debris levitated aimlessly in the vacuum, revealing to be infrastructural scraps when more debris came into view.
These fragments derived from the planet, Lumiere. The futuristic cities that thrived there, were now breaking apart along with the planet itself. It was as if gravity had inverted tenfold, lifting and pulling up everything in its path.
As the bizarre phenomenon continued its devastation, a sleek maglev car raced off on its track. It expertly manoeuvred through the cityscape while unleashing a barrage of energy blasts from its blasters, creating a glowing display of luminous streaks cutting through the atmosphere.
The energy blasts made quick work of the approaching enemies, obliterating their highly sophisticated cybernetic bodies. These enemies were a handful of cybernetic theropod dinosaurs, their raven bodies contrasting sharply with the minacious glow of their crimson eyes.
Amidst the clash of technology and prehistoric aesthetics, one of the enemies went for an ambush by pouncing from the roof of a nearby structure but failed as it was swiftly dispatched by the Maglev car's missile.
After traversing a series of slanted turns and loops akin to a roller coaster, the Maglev car drove off a dead end, becoming airborne. Right in front, a huge cataclysmic spectacle unfolded. Chunks of the cities’ and planet's surface levitated, swallowed into the boundless expanse of the cosmos. A massive fissure promptly ensued, splitting the cities apart, amplifying the severity of Lumiere's grievous state.
The airborne Maglev vehicle transformed into a cybernetic Tratayenia, Sirius. After a brief period of free falling, Sirius elegantly performed a forward roll upon crashing onto the ever-tilting city terrain, instantly getting charged by three cybernetic, raven dinosaurs afterwards.
Reacting swiftly, Sirius spun around, simultaneously transforming his right arm into a sleek machete integrated with an energy blaster. 
Capitalising on the momentum generated from his spin, Sirius concurrently thrust the blade into the chest of the first enemy and fired a devastating energy blast right through it, pulverising the enemy’s core.
After swiftly retracting his weapon, Sirius immediately followed up with a clockwise spinning kick that smashed squarely onto the second enemy’s face, sending it tumbling away.
Despite the sheer agility Sirius harnessed, the third foe caught him off guard, impaling his right shoulder with the tip of its extendable long tail. Sirius shrieked in anguish as the enemy hoisted him up, slamming him through a futuristic overhead bridge and onto the unforgiving ground.
The tail became dislodged from Sirius’s shoulder, but Sirius began sliding downward at a rate of knots as the steepness of the terrain rapidly exacerbated.
Adapting quickly, Sirius sunk his razor-sharp claws into the ground in an effort to impede his descent.
However, like a thief in the night, an unknown adversary swooped in and snatched Sirius off the surface he was clinging to like a comet, hurtling him down hundreds of miles parallel to the sharply tilted cityscape until he impacted a new terrain below. Although devastated, this area appeared seemingly unaffected by the planet-destroying phenomenon.
Dust and ash promptly scattered into the atmosphere upon impact, creating a hemispheric cloud of debris that enclosed the impact site. Immediately after, Sirius was violently launched across the desolated city terrain, ramming into a ruined structure which instantly crumbled upon collision.
As the dust and ash were settling, a pair of ominous crimson eyes blazed brightly within the lingering haze, their explicit illumination pierced sharply through the blinding obscurity, emanating a dark and formidable presence.
Out of the blue, from within the haze spurted a vibrant ray of energy beam that cut across the atmosphere, shooting towards Sirius, gusting clear of any remnants of haze in the way.
Fortunately for Sirius, two layers of crescent-shaped energy shield emerged before him, each adorned in enthralling colours of neon blue and green as well as intricate patterns.
These shields of otherworldly semblance and ethereality successfully protected Sirius from what could have been a lethal blow from the mighty energy beam.
The saviours who defended Sirius with their shields were Quasar, the cybernetic Albertosaurus and Stellar, the cybernetic Gorgosaurus, their advent brought a welcoming relief for Sirius who struggled to rise to his feet.
“General, are you alright?” Quasar checked in, expressing concern in his voice while both newcomers helped Sirius on his feet.
With the lingering dust and ash finally cleared, the figure with a baleful pair of crimson eyes was revealed to be Andromeda, the cybernetic Diabolus Rex.
"We..better keep moving" Stellar suggested, her tone carrying a sense of unease as she and the others witnessed the gravity of their situation.
More cybernetic raven dinosaurs showed up, aligning forces with Andromeda.
"Phantom Siege, erase them." Andromeda commanded.
"Have you retrieved the incubator capsules, General?" Quasar urgently asked.
“Yes, all in here.” Sirius answered, tapping on the storage compartment in his chest where the capsules were securely hidden.
“Good. Get to Emperor Etendus, we’ll buy you some time.” Quasar instructed as multiple intricate components and gears of his cybernetic form began shifting harmoniously. Rows of giant sickle-like blades were deployed on both sides of his outer ankles, followed by one equipped at the tip of his tail.
Without hesitation, Sirius rushed his way to the “Imperial”, where the emperor resided while his comrades fended off the enemies.
Incarcerate, a formidable adversary from the Phantom Siege, leapt forward with a serrated dagger in his right hand. He tried plunging the blade into the top of Quasar’s head but missed, striking the metallic ground with an audible “clank” as Quasar evaded to his right swiftly.
In response, Incarcerate promptly reconfigured his left arm, equipping himself with a dark machete and swinging it at Quasar in the hopes of damaging him. However, the blade ended up only slicing the air as Quasar leaned back in the nick of time, barely avoiding the slash. 
Incarcerate immediately followed up with a forward thrust of his machete only for Quasar to deftly evade to his right. Now, possessing the angular advantage, Quasar seized the opportunity to deliver a swift roundhouse kick to Incarcerate’s body.
Reacting quickly, Incarcerate caught the roundhouse kick with his arms, trapping Quasar’s leg firmly within his grasp. Using his tremendous strength and a powerful torque generated by turning his whole body, Incarcerate tossed Quasar by his leg, soaring him through the air akin to a fighter jet taking off.
Amidst Quasar being airborne, Incarcerate transformed some sections of his neck and jaws, reconstructing his mouth into a powerful plasma cannon. He fired at Quasar with superb precision, putting his enemy in a nosedive towards the ground with just one shot.
Quasar plummeted into the cityscape, demolishing every desolate structure unfortunate enough to be in his trajectory, leaving a trail of augmented ruination in his wake.
Meanwhile, Incarcerate began shifting from his orthodox stance, winding his right arm backwards and swiftly extending it diagonally downwards towards his left, his right foot advancing a step forward concurrently.
He already retracted his left arm as well, his left forearm raised diagonally towards his right with his wrist inverted so his claws poised upwards.
Once moved into position, the intricate mechanisms of his arms abruptly shifted in unison, emitting an audible and confirming “clank”. He winded his right arm back again, simultaneously taking a step back with his right foot.
Now, his right arm illuminated with an ominous crimson blaze, surging with immense power.
"We are Phantom Siege, the evolutionary supremacy of you" Incarcerate calmly declared, plummeting his right palm into the earth with thunderous impact.
With one single hit, enormous fissures came barreling in swarms, promptly ripping through the metallic ground that supported the weight of the city structures for eternity. The catastrophic quake rampaged through the cityscape, collapsing buildings like frangible biscuits under pressure.
Once the quake had reached Quasar, the ground underneath him erupted, launching him and everything in his vicinity sky-high. The eruption also spewed out constant long, luminescent strips of purple light that travelled upwards.
Out of the blue, gravity seemed to vanish, causing pieces of infrastructural scraps and Lumeire’s crust to levitate alongside Quasar in the purplish void.
As Quasar struggled to traverse his way inside the gravity-absent space, Incarcerate, well in his element, swiftly sprang among the countless structural scraps with lightning speed akin to a laser reflecting off a mirror.
At a moment’s notice, Incarcerate lept towards Quasar from one of the scraps, slashing him with his claw-like sword. Incarcerate bounced off from another scrap towards Quasar and delivered a second slash. From here onwards, it was just a deadly dance of “rinse and repeat” as Quasar would be sliced and diced with ten more slashes, with the last one being the most potent.
After issuing the final blow with a flourish, Incarcerate returned to the ground below with a menacing pose, his gleaming swords proudly displayed as his adversary ignited into a blazing fireball. A deafening explosion soon followed, sending shockwaves rippling through the atmosphere.
The “Imperial” was a marvellous feat of construction ingenuity on planet Lumiere, a futuristic palace of titanic proportion, towering all other structures by several miles.
Its base stretched across an area of more than 50 kilometres square. The lower half of the “Imperial” largely consisted of countless rectangular structures of labyrinthine arrangement, forming a gentle slope on both sides of the palace that gradually steepened towards the heavens, reminiscent of a towering volcano.
At the top of this magnificent megastructure, the slopes abruptly transitioned into a 90-degree vertical drop, where a colossal cannon-like structure resided, dominating the upper half of the palace with its imposing presence.
Inside the Imperial Palace, the almighty emperor of Lumiere, Etendus, paced with slow, methodical steps. His calm authority filled the brightly lit hall adorned with pearly and technological aesthetics.
Surreal light bulbs, emitting a welcoming ray of oceanic light were installed on the lustrous pillars and ceiling, suffusing the hall with a subtle azure hue.
Despite the emperor’s serene demeanour, his heart lurked a great looming sense of trepidation which was promptly alleviated by a call of a familiar voice.
“Lord Etendus!” Sirius’s yell echoed through the vast expanse of the hall as he dashed frantically towards the emperor. “Sirius, the capsules, have you retrieved them?” Etendus inquired with a tad of urgency in his tone. “Yes, Your Majesty, they're here.” Sirius answered, unlocking the storage compartment in his chest.
Using a mild energy ray shooting from the palm of his clawed hand, Sirius guided the delicate glowing capsules into his grasp.
“Well done my loyal soldier.” Etendus commended. “I’ll quickly transfer them to the escape pods. Our clan may have fallen, but our descendants will thrive and carry on our legacy in a distant world where they’ll call home.”
After hearing Etendus’s brief speech, a wave of sadness and dread washed over Sirius’s heart. With the once blissful existence eradicated, now confronted with the daunting possibility of extinction as Lumiere spiralled towards annihilation, surviving through this war was far from guaranteed.
Etendus parted his jaws marginally, activating the same mild energy ray Sirius used to extract the capsules. Except, the energy ray was emitting from inside his cybernetic mouth, allowing Sirius to manoeuvre the capsules to Etendus, passing it to his entrance where they were secured somewhere within his mechanized body.
Amidst Sirius’s moment of sorrow and apprehension, the pearly aesthetics of the palace hall abruptly turned sombre and gloomy. The azure lights that evoked a sense of oceanic tranquillity were replaced with an ominous scarlet glow, bathing the hall with its sinistrous embrace as the emergency siren bellowed a petrifying cry of despair.
Out of the blue, an unknown dark figure burst through the palace's ceiling with a thunderous rumble, sending debris scattering in all directions. With a supernatural grace, the mysterious figure landed effortlessly together on his hind legs and right arm, his left arm poised high in the air, fingers splayed, displaying an imposing presence of elite competence. 
He raised his head slowly and steadily, revealing his radiant crimson eyes.
The newly arrived threat was Aesir, the cybernetic Indominus Rex, another warrior of the Phantom Siege.
"I'll hold him off. Emperor, get the capsules to the escape pods" Sirius instructed with assertiveness, ready to face the malice for the survival of his clan.
"Understood, may the odds be with you, soldier." Etendus responded solemnly, his tone carrying a mixture of gratitude and concern.
"Your ravage will not come to triumph, invader." Sirius firmly declared as he instantly reconfigured his arms, equipping himself with a gleaming sword on his left arm and an energy blaster on his right.
Aesir unhesitantly armed himself with weapons of his own and squared off with Sirius. The two fighters circled each other for a brief period of time, analysing each other in an effort to cherry-pick exploitable weaknesses. Aesir made the first move by faking his attack, pretending to advance towards his opponent, even emitting an intimidating grunt to further deceive Sirius.
Sirius, falling for the bait, fired an energy blast at Aesir, who swiftly evaded it by springing to his right. Seizing an opportunity to counterattack, Aesir spun anticlockwise and unleashed a diagonal energy-infused tail slash that dashed towards Sirius, causing a medium-sized explosion upon impacting him. 
Amidst Sirius’s momentary distraction caused by the explosion, Aesir immediately charged forward, executing a counterclockwise spinning kick. Sirius narrowly ducked under the attack, sweeping Aesir by ensnaring his ankle with his long tail and yanking it, tumbling Aesir to the floor while manoeuvring to the right.
Sirius swiftly pointed his energy blaster at Aesir’s head, about to shoot. However, Aesir managed to grab hold of the side of Sirius’s blaster together with his hands and jaws, misdirecting the weapon away, causing Sirius to narrowly miss his shot.
In a panic, Sirius kept firing his energy blaster blindly while desperately trying to wrestle his weapon out of Aesir’s mouth. Aesir, with his immense bite force, swiftly crushed Sirius's weapon along with his arm, disarming his adversary whilst incapacitating one of his limbs, killing two birds with one stone.
Sirius howled in agony as Aesir spun around, dragging Sirius by his mangled arm with his jaws and flinging him across the palace hall with tremendous force.
Sirius’s back collided with the hall’s pillar, sending tremors coursing through the structure, leaving behind a chaotic pattern of fractures on the pristine, solid pillar. The collision also caused one of the pillar’s lights to blow out, scattering glittering sparks in all directions.
As Sirius dropped onto the floor, suffering from the excruciating pain surging through his body, Aesir seized the opportunity to capitalise on his rival’s moment of weakness.
Utilising his hydraulic legs, Aesir leapt into the air, reminiscent of a grasshopper. With his weapon of choice, a sleek arrow-shaped edged weapon deployed on his left arm, he aimed to plunge the tip of the blade into the top of Sirius’s head.
With his sheer willpower, Sirius managed to stand up despite his pain and evaded Aesir’s assault by manoeuvring to his right in the nick of time.
Undeterred, Aesir swiftly followed up with a backhand swing of his weapon which Sirius leaned back just enough to dodge and quickly moved behind Aesir. Aesir pressed on, swinging his weapon relentlessly, desperately trying to reach Sirius. However, Sirius kept leaning back, maintaining his splendid elusiveness by keeping himself narrowly out of his opponent’s onslaught.
Using his sharp claws, Aesir delivered a blow with his right hand, stepping his rear foot forward at the same time. Sirius, with his brisk reaction, clamped his jaws onto Aesir’s attacking arm by his wrist. Using Aesir’s aggressive forward momentum against him, Sirius executed a beautiful throw by swiftly pulling Aesir's wrist and sweeping his inner thigh, effortlessly hoisting Aesir off the ground and over Sirius’s hips, tumbling the assailant towards the floor.
However, Aesir showcased an astonishing feat of agility by slightly adjusting himself amid his descent, pulling off a near-perfect landing on his feet instead of falling onto the floor. With his back now mostly facing Sirius, Aesir retaliated with a swipe of his powerful tail, only for Sirius to simply duck under and lunge forward with a powerful energy “charged” body slam.
The impact sent shockwaves rippling through Aesir’s body, knocking the wind out of him and hurling him back a great distance away. Aesir desperately latched onto the floor with all four of his limbs, his razor-sharp claws digging deep into the surface, scarring the pristine palace floor with a palpable sign of a fierce rivalry.
Once Aesir gradually came to a halt, he calmly rose to his normal bipedal stance, unfazed. Using his cybernetic eyes, he briefly analysed Sirius’s body anatomy, even concluding his most possible fighting style based on the moves he witnessed.
“A general indeed.” Aesir commended with ill-intent behind his deep murmuring.
The mechanisms on Aesir’s ankles reconfigured subtly as he prepared his next move. Subsequently, he leapt towards a pillar and bounced off from it with dazzling speed, hurtling straight towards Sirius.
Seizing this rare opportunity for an easy retaliation, Sirius intercepted Aesir with a circular spinning kick to his head the moment Aesir entered striking distance. However, the pitch-black darkness of Aesir’s figure faded glitchy and translucent. What was supposed to be a swift and clean shot, ended up only meeting air as Sirius’s kick cut across Aesir’s frame like he was a ghost, leaving Sirius utterly puzzled.
All of a sudden, Sirius sensed a crushing force colliding with the top of his head. Apparently, Aesir had somehow positioned himself above Sirius without notice, delivering the oblivious fighter a devastating tail slam down onto his head.
Disoriented and damaged, Sirius wobbled, sparks spewing out from his cybernetic head as he tried to regain his footing and focus. Aesir, now augmented by his new bizarre ability, traversed throughout Sirius's vicinity with unearthly speed, leaving a dark holographic apparition behind in his wake as he darted from one spot to another in a blink of an eye.
Before Sirius could collect his wits, he had already received another head trauma from Aesir’s flying kick that struck out of nowhere, the heel of Aesir’s foot driving deep into Sirius’s cheek.
As Sirius was sent hurling across the hall by the sheer power of the kick, Aesir instantly positioned himself at the receiving end of Sirius’s trajectory, swiftly delivering a spinning kick that redirected Sirius towards the opposite direction. In a flash, he repositioned himself again in front of Sirius, issuing another spinning kick that propelled Sirius to a different direction. Following, he positioned himself before a hurtling Sirius once more, ready to execute another attack. Aesir armed himself with his arrow-shaped bladed weapon and mercilessly thrust it into Sirius's chest as Sirius hurled towards him.
Sirius was impaled with a sickening squelch, the razor-sharp edge of the blade slicing through his cybernetic organs with buttery ease. The tip of the weapon burst out from his back in a gruesome display of brutality.
The weapon, trickling with the mechanical fluids of its opponent, was yanked out savagely, ripping through the insides as it exited the body. Sirius stumbled backwards, each movement sending shockwaves of pain scorching through his chest as he collapsed to the floor on one knee.
With grim determination, Sirius abruptly transformed his left arm into an energy blaster in an effort to catch his enemy by surprise with a single shot. However, Aesir simply turned glitchy and translucent once again; a holographic version of himself, rendering Sirius’s retaliation utterly in vain as the shot he fired went completely through his enemy’s intangible form.
Moreover, Sirius noticed a faint afterimage of Aesir bolting past him with blinding speed right as Aesir turned holographic, leading him to turn around to face his adversary’s true form.
To his surprise, standing before him were five Aesirs assembled in a wedge formation, each positioned diagonally behind the next, reminiscent of a sharp arrowhead. Together, they formed an imposing streamlined formation, ready to trounce any challenger in their wake. Out of the five, four Aesirs were merely holograms, only the one at the centre remained corporeal, solid and tangible.
In the heat of despair, Sirius frantically unleashed a hail of energy projectiles from his blaster, aiming at the real Aesir. In response, Aesir danced effortlessly between the shots by darting amongst the holograms with unfathomable speed. “We have transcended beyond the limitations of your species’s evolutionary construct, the embodiment of perfection you could only dream of.” Aesir taunted, his deep, tranquil tone resonating through the chamber, casting the atmosphere with the ever-looming fate of vanquishment.
At last, Sirius stopped his resistance, his body finally succumbing to his injury as he collapsed on one knee onto the floor. “Then, why do the bidding of the malevolent?” Sirius’s question emerged in halting tones, each word a testament to his dwindling strength.
Aesir deactivated his holographic ability, sizing up his defeated adversary.
Etendus, who had arrived at the evacuation station near the peak of the “Imperial”, placed the final incubator capsule inside one of the escape pods. The intricate mechanisms of the interior of the escape pod activated, reconfiguring itself to secure the delicate capsule. Sensing a commotion nearby, Etendus turned around to inspect.
On one of the bridges leading to the evacuation station, a swift and nimble combatant was on his pursuit, his movements fluid and precise as he raced effortlessly on the tight surface of the platform with short, rapid strides.
As he drew near his target, Etendus, he pounced with a sudden burst of power, leaping high into the air towards his left with deadly elegance. As he hung suspended in the air, he promptly transformed his entire body into a colossal drill, charging towards Etendus with the ferocity of a raging bull.
Undeterred, Etendus calmly stood by for the incoming onslaught. With the instincts of a seasoned warrior, he easily sidestepped and ensnared the slimmer part of his enemy’s drill form with his powerful jaws, spinning him around in a full circle. As the enemy urgently reverted to his original form, Etendus sent him hurling away from the evacuation station.
Upon returning to his original form amid his fall, the enemy skillfully landed on all four of his limbs. Rising onto his hind legs with a composed demeanour, he unhesitantly squared up with Etendus, exuding an aura of readiness.
Meanwhile, the escape pods were ready to launch as indicated by the azure light illuminating from the fine gaps between the sleek metal platings that shielded the colossal cannon-shaped structure.
A dazzling ray of azure beam was promptly fired from the muzzle of the cannon-like structure, producing a towering pillar of vibrant illumination ascending into the darkness of the cosmos, a magnificent display of otherworldly technology.
On the bridge where two cybernetic theropods were ready to face off, The foe initiated the engagement, storming towards Etendus on the offensive. Etendus responded in kind, charging headlong towards the enemy with a menacing roar that emanated both primaeval and mechanical essences. The two combatants quickly met in a clash, their gaping jaws bristled with serrated teeth a hair's breadth away from chomping each other in the face.
Year 2014
England, 5:00 pm...
A sea of Clouds, bleak, infused with a dense colouration of dismal grey, blanketed the vastness of the sky like a veil of sorrow. Its brooding presence casted an aura of gloom into the atmosphere.
Bellowing thunder proclaimed its imposing presence akin to a ferocious beast marking its territory, showcasing Mother Nature's dominance over her realm. Lightning trailed across the heavens with its dazzling burst of jagged brilliance, its electric tendrils slithering through the dark clouds like a mysterious serpent of divine origin.
A heavy downpour mercilessly plummeted into the town below, each raindrop a tiny bullet smashing into every surface in its wake, creating a minuscule explosion of water upon impact, drenching the streets in a spattered mess.
Despite the ever-raging thunderstorm, the streets were bustling with commuters, each seemingly preoccupied with their own business as they wove through each other, impatiently navigating the urban landscape in search of home. Their umbrellas, vibrant in various colours, shielded them from the elements pelting down from above, creating a flamboyant display reminiscent of a blooming flower bed stretching across the great expanse of the streets.
Herds of children could be seen stampeding out of their school, enthusiastically hurling themselves into their parents’ embrace with joy and laughter, a prime representation of a blissful childhood.
Amid the cheerful spirit teeming around the school gate, a boy emerged from a nearby alley, strolling on a passageway underneath the second floor of a building. His red hoodie partially masked the bitterness written on his face and the unhealed scar branded beside his left eye. His presence exuded an ominous aura of darkness and wretchedness, sharply contrasting the blissful innocence of the children nearby.
Suddenly, the boy tripped over a person’s outstretched leg, causing him to topple onto the rainwater-filled floor and landing flat on his torso, knocking the wind out of him. He promptly coiled his arms around his body in a tight embrace, curling into a fetal position. The weight of the searing anguish pinned him against the unforgiving floor as the downpour relentlessly pelted his body, drenching him in the freezing rain.
“Look where you’re going, Asian boy.” Taunted the man who tripped the boy, his smirk dripping with condescension.
“Crawl back to where you came from, shithead” One of the man’s companions sneered before lashing out, swinging his leg like a wrecking ball and ruthlessly colliding his foot onto the boy’s face. 
Helpless and defenceless, the boy could only cover his face in agony as the assailant tossed his partially smoked cigarette at him.
As the 3 men turned their backs and left, the boy mustered up his will in an effort to stand up, triggering waves of pain surging through his body with every movement.
Numerous towering figures of adults weaved past the miniature stature of the assaulted boy, completely disregarding the obvious presence of a victim. The boy struggled to his feet, his left arm clutching his upper abdomen in pain. As he looked up, he caught a glimpse of one of the commuters, a woman. She gave the boy an unsympathetic side-eye coupled with a swift, condescending smirk, her scornful action reflected in the boy’s pupil as she walked past.
Sensing a presence beside him, the boy looked to his left. Within the comfort of a nearby shelter was a silent witness, his face hidden behind the frame of his smartphone, filming every detail of the misery and humiliation the boy just faced. Upon getting caught red-handed by the boy, the witness lowered his phone, revealing an irritating smirk of mockery before disappearing into the crowd of commuters, umbrella in hand.
Seemingly numb to the ridicule he was subjected to, the boy pressed forward amidst the heavy rainstorm with reluctant stoicism.
The silence of the chilly interior of a convenience store was shattered by the abrupt ringing of a Shopkeeper's Bell as the boy pushed open the glass door at the entrance.
Stepping into the frosty realm of the store, the boy immediately made his way towards one of the aisle sections with laser focus, not even acknowledging the cashier at the counter.
“Make sure you pay for your stuff, kid.” The cashier uttered nonchalantly, immersing himself in his newspaper. He lounged in the comfort of his office chair with his back pressed heavily against the cushion in a sluggish manner.
The boy stopped at the snacks section of the aisle, his gaze fell upon the Snickers bar before him. In a moment of hesitation, the boy nervously darted glances at the cashier, taking a deep breath to alleviate the boiling anxiety within him. The boy mustered up his courage, snatching a handful of Snickers bars from the shelf in the blink of an eye. With the agility of a cat, the boy bolted for the exit, his foot thudding the floor in rapid succession as he escaped.
The resounding ringing of the Shopkeeper’s Bell alerted the cashier when the boy opened the door and vanished into the freedom of the bustling streets.
“Have a good day kid. HEY!! YOU DIDN'T PAY!!” Exclaimed the cashier, the sudden realisation of stolen products woke him up from his immersion in his newspaper.
“GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE THIEF!!” The cashier bawled, his tone seething with exasperation as he scurried out of his seat in a hasty pursuit of the boy.
“Three days ago, on August 15th, a tragic murder of four children from Dansfield Primary School was discovered around the Appledine Way in Bedford.” Reported the female news anchor on the television.
The news broadcast displayed footage of crime scene cleaners in stark white bio suits, their actions were purposeful yet ambiguous as they retrieved all remnants of the tragedy for disposal. Black body bags, heavy with the contents of homicide, were carefully transferred away, never to be seen again. Later, the screen cut to footage of detectives scouring the crime scene, scanning for any glimmer of evidence amid the bloodshed of chaos.
The news anchor continued reporting…
“Despite massive investigation efforts done around the vicinity of Appledine Way, Dansfield primary school and numerous other areas, the police still have no clue on identifying potential suspects. This case remains unsolved, the authorities are appealing for any information that could aid the investigation.
It is a murder case like no other. Various gashes and stab wounds have been found on the victims’ bodies, but no trace of the murderer was left behind. DNA tests and CCTV footage revealed nothing, suggesting a highly proficient killer is on the loose…”
The footage of the news broadcast gradually zoomed outwards, revealing the thin black frame of the television set. The audible and distinct voice of the news anchor slowly faded into faint murmurs as parts of the walls and everyday objects like the portable socket outlet came into view. 
The scale of the spacious, dark living room slowly uncovered its true form, casting an eerie ambience that lingered in the atmosphere. Out of the blue, a dazzling flash of light caused by a lightning strike illuminated the room, exposing the intricate colours and flower design on a nearby sofa.
A gentle brief rumbling of thunder ensued, its deafening sound greatly insulated by the thick walls of the house. As the voice of the news anchor dwindled into nothing more than an indistinguishable rustle, a cordless phone emerged, standing imposingly on the peak of a wooden table.
A sudden ringing of the phone broke the eerie silence of the living room, masking the muffling sound of the television with its infuriating cry for attention. A hand swooped in, swiftly snatching the phone from its charging dock, muting its ringing as a result.
“Yes?” the receiver answered elegantly, placing the phone to her ear.
“Marlin Jones?” Asked the person on the other side of the call.
“Yeah.” Marlin replied, her voice carrying an ounce of suspicion.
“This is Officer Patrick Davis from Westline Police Department, we’ve found your son.”
“Look kid, we called your parents, they're coming to get you home.” The officer stated, his expression burned out, his tone weary.
“But I’ve stolen something, am I not supposed to go to jail?” The boy opposed in an effort to persuade the officer with his righteous logic.
The officer rose from his seat, visibly at the end of his rope with the argument. He leaned towards the boy, his hands planted onto the desk with the strength of a colossal tree. With austerity written on his face, he glared into the boy’s eyes.
“Look kid, listen up. Jail isn't a fun place to stay in, this ain't your house or a playground. It’s a rough, dirty place filled with bad people that will gladly harm you. So do me a favor, go back home.” The officer warned assertively before turning his back and reaching for the door handle.
Right before the officer exited the interrogation room, the boy promptly sprang out of his seat in a last-ditch effort to convince him. “Officer, I’ve stolen something I shouldn’t have, it’s only fair and responsible for me to be put in jail!” The boy declared, his tone brimming with an aura of determination, his eyebrows frowned with unparalleled resolution.
The officer exhaled exasperatingly, his hands resting idly on both sides of his waist. Gathering his final ounce of patience, he attempted to reason with the boy again. “Hey kid..” he uttered before being interrupted by a call from his radio. “Brian, Mr and Mrs Jones are here, get their son now.” announced the officer on the other side of the radio. “Copy that.” The officer replied.
After a brief sigh, the officer sprang into action, advancing towards the boy and grasping his wrist. “Alright kid, time to return to your parents before they get mad.” The officer advised as he swiftly hauled the boy by his wrist. The boy attempted to break free, but against the unyielding clutch of the officer, his desperate struggle fell into vanity.
In a burst of hysteria, the boy let out primal shrieks of terror that quickly filled the air. “NO!! LET ME GO!! I WANT TO GO TO JAIL!! I WANT TO GO JAIL!!” The boy screamed and begged, tears pouring out of his eyes. His chaotic thrashing disturbed the eerie calm of the interrogation room as he flailed his arms in a futile attempt to latch onto nearby furniture.
At last, the boy lashed out, inflicting a bite onto the officer’s arm in the hopes of freeing himself. “GOD DAMN IT, YOU LITTLE SHIT!! HEY, SOMEONE HELP ME DEAL WITH THIS LUNATIC!!” Howled the officer. In a flash, Another officer rushed into the interrogation room, hastily positioning himself behind the boy. By wrapping the sheer bulk of his arms around the boy’s upper and lower jaw in a deadlock, he pried open the miniature mandible like the shell of a scallop.
Upon freeing the officer's arm, the boy resumed his hysterical mayhem, thrashing uncontrollably as his limbs turned into hazardous fury of weapons.
As the two officers hoisted the boy by his feet and shoulders, the boy retaliated with a series of wild, frantic lashes from his arms and kicks that could knock the wind out of someone if they were careless. It was a scene reminiscent of an exorcism from a horror movie as the two officers cautiously carried the crazed boy out of the room. “I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME!! I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME!!!” The boy’s scream of dread reverberated through the atmosphere.
With a sense of urgency, the boy strolled hurriedly as he entered the front door of his house. Each of his steps surged palpable dread of the foreseeable peril into his heart, triggering him to speed up his strides as he traversed his way through the eerie but luxurious interior of his house. Before he could reach the safety of his room, a hand emerged from a room wreathed in darkness, snatching the boy by the cap of his hoodie as he passed by.
“Let me go!!” Exclaimed the boy, thrashing wildly in an attempt to free himself from the dominating grasp of the unknown adult. His flailing arms, an airborne projectile, assailed any furniture in their wake, knocking off objects that once stood at the peak of the tables and desks. Meanwhile, the unknown adult maintained his vice-like grip on the boy, displaying no sign of struggle.
Dragging the boy to the living room, the unknown adult tossed him to the marble floor. The cap of the boy’s hoodie fell off as a result, spilling the beans of the atrocity swept under the rug. Akin to a war-ravaged scenery, the boy’s face was a clutter of trauma, adorned with sabbing gashes and crimson contusion, narrating a tale of untold tragedy within his life.
As the boy gradually regained his footing, shielding his face within his hoodie cap in shame, his eyes fell upon a minacious silhouette standing before him amidst the darkness of the room…
Marlin Jones wielding a hefty, rusty chain.
Marlin swung her arms, her chain gradually picking up speed reminiscent of an industrial turbine as it spun, each rotation harvesting an ominous amount of raw energy and power, producing a deep metallic whirr reverberating through the atmosphere.
The slow, rhythmic rotation of the chain quickly accelerated into a chaotic vortex of menace. In a fit of rage, Marlin unleashed a barrage of onslaught, hurling the chain towards the boy. With a combination of exquisite elegance and brutality in its motion, the chain bolted through the air with lightning’s fury.
“WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SIT PUT?!” Marlin bawled as the chain clashed with the boy’s arm with all its amassed power and weight. The boy wailed immediately upon the excruciating assault, his tone a mixture of anguish and anger.
“WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BEHAVE?!” Marlin promptly silenced the boy’s wail by continuing her attack, whipping the chain across his face in a flash, drawing out a splatter of blood from his mouth.
“WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN?!” Marlin finished her combination with a swift final scourge across the other side of the boy’s cheek. A sickening squelch resonated through the air as the rusty, worn metal peeled chunks of skin and flesh off the boy in a gruesome display of violence.
The once pristine, snowy white walls of the house now bore bloodshed scattered far and wide, turning them into a canvas that portrayed a tale of the anonymous horror of mankind.
Blood poured profusely from the gaping wound on the boy’s cheeks, soaking the marble floor in a puddle of crimson. Collapsed onto the floor on all fours, the boy mustered his strength in an agonising attempt to stand up. Each of his movement surged shockwaves of searing pain throughout his body, pinning him to the bloodied floor.
“WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE LIKE TIMMY?” Marlin roared in a crazed madness.
“Instead, your GRADES are FAILING!” Marlin added, her chain seamlessly whiplashing through the air with deadly elegance, landing a crushing blow to the boy's back.
Upon getting struck, the boy collapsed back onto the floor amid his gradual ascent, his face submerged in the pool of his own crimson as he lay sprawled on the floor.
“All the teachers DISLIKE you!” Marlin immediately followed up, lunging the chain towards the boy. Like a ferocious serpent, the chain impacted the back of the boy’s head with immense power and breakneck velocity. The boy instantly clutched the back of his head in sheer agony, using his hands to shield against the relentless onslaught. The unbearable anguish surging through his mind made him curl up in a foetal position, soothing the pain while bracing for incoming attacks.
“You’ve DISGRACED us enough!!” At last, Marlin lashed out a final whip to the helpless boy. However, her fury was far from vented. “Now, YOU'RE learning to STEAL?!”
“What kind of son did I raise?” Marlin began pacing back and forth frantically, the imminent threat of an uncontrolled outburst never absent. “Those rescuers should’ve left you in the ruins of your hometown to ROT!!” Marlin bellowed, pointing a finger at the boy, her eyes burning with hatred.
As the boy struggled to his feet, Marlin turned her back to him, seemingly about to walk away before suddenly turning back around to scold him. “And how many times have I told you not to hang around with those mucks, they are a bad influence! WHY DON’T YOU GET IT?!”
“SPLAT!!” In an aggressive act of fortitude and defiance, the boy, still on all fours, spat a mouthful of blood vehemently onto the floor, aggravating the crimson clutter beneath him.
Blood persisted to cascade from his wounds, drenching his neck and hoodie as he fitfully got onto his feet. “They are not mucks.” The boy declared. He gradually raised his arm, eventually pointing an index finger at the murder case news broadcast on the television. “They–were MY FRIENDS!!” A rebellious roar, a mixture of unwavering fearlessness and resentment, exited the boy's mouth.
Seemingly at the end of his ropes with his stepmother, the boy snarled at Marlin, his face etched with unyielding aggression. “You did this, didn’t you?” The boy hissed, his hand trembling with palpable rage as he pointed an index finger at Marlin.
“Wow, you catch up quick huh?” Marlin commanded nonchalantly after breaking out of her momentary look of surprise.
The unknown adult who dragged the boy out to face Marlin’s wrath, discreetly grabbed a pipe wrench from a table behind, sneaking up on the unsuspecting boy. With a swift wind up, he slammed the hefty wrench onto the boy's knee, dislocating the joint with an audible snap.
The excruciating pain instantly flooded the boy's mind, bringing him down to his knees. His wail of agony quickly filled the air, only to be silenced by a devastating followed-up blow to the back of his head.
“Insufferable scum.” The unknown adult, Marlin's husband murmured as he approached his wife, handing the pipe wrench over to her.
Marlin condescendingly smirked as she took the pipe wrench. The boy, lying incapacitated on the floor, tightly covered the severe wound on the back of his head, barely containing the cascade of blood. Fragments of tissue matter stained the floor and the boy’s fingers as blood rapidly seeped through the gaps between his tightly closed fingers.
Marlin approached the boy, her gleaming, scornful presence reflected in her eyes. Using her feet, she pushed the boy slightly, turning him over enough to reveal his face.
Marlin tightened her grip on the pipe wrench. With a barbaric ferocity, she bashed the boy’s face repeatedly with her weapon in hand, each blow carrying the intention to cripple. The sickening squelch of flesh mangled and bones fractured upon impact resonated into the air. Every vicious strike triggered a splatter of blood and tiny fragments of tissue to be scattered to the surroundings, painting the floors, walls and furniture with crimson brutality.
Even with the barrage of onslaught inflicted, the attacks displayed no sign of receding, each devastating blow was delivered with the same lethality as the last. Drips of crimson splattered onto the sofa, family portrait, and the attacker herself, soaking her in red over time.
As the living room was gradually adorned with the vile bloodshed like a slaughterhouse, Marlin still persisted in her ruthless pummelling, her bloodlust completely fogging up her mind. Within her rain of attacks, every beatdown produced a squelch of mutilation across the atmosphere. The seemingly endless torment eventually spawned a burst of blood sprayed onto the Television’s screen.
Marlin, her clothes now bathed in gore, finally seized her bloody rampage. Debilitated and disfigured, the boy lay motionlessly on the floor, his face a manifestation of mangled flesh and bone. His feeble breathing was his only sign of life.
“Any last words?” Marlin asked. The boy's eyes faintly blinked before he answered. “You’ll….pay..for this…” A nearly obscure murmur exited the boy's mouth.
Marlin nodded sternly and with a final wind-up, she slammed the pipe wrench onto the boy’s temple with every ounce of her strength. In the blink of an eye, all signs of the boy’s struggle had ceased to exist, his faintly opened eyes now sewn shut. For awhile, the air across the rooms of the house was filled with a surreal sense of stillness.
Marlin eventually woke up from her rage-like trance, fully comprehending the atrocity she had committed. She loosened her grip on the pipe wrench, steadying her breath as her adrenaline dissipated. 
“Stupid muck got it coming, acting all tough and defiant under our very own eyes. Scum’s forgotten his place!” Marlin’s husband grumbled, his frustration seething through.
“I’m done” Marlin uttered, her voice lingering with a tad of exhaustion as she returned the bloodied pipe wrench to her husband. “We need to clean up this mess real quick before somebody finds out.”
“Don’t worry hun, that’ll be sorted out in no time.” Marlin’s husband replied arrogantly.
“Sure you’ll do.” Marlin smirkingly cooed before heading downstairs from the living room.
Marlin’s husband turned around and tossed the pipe wrench onto a nearby table. He whipped out a smartphone from his pocket, texting an unknown recipient. “Everything is under control and discretion, well done.” he texted.
While attending to his text messages, a dark, minacious figure rose up a few feet behind him, its towering stature slowly revealed as it gradually stood upright. Thick, inky blackness shrouded its colossal, humanoid form, permeating the air with an oppressive, unparalleled dread.
With Marlin's husband oblivious to the presence of the divine, the dark entity slowly raised its head. Its eyes, glowing ominously in bright crimson further exuded its aura of malevolence, a symbol of mortality, ready to strike.
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kaiser-brutus · 3 years
Previous Chapter -> Click Here
Image: Indoraptor model by W Dragon
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Chapter 2: Time Lapse
Present day….
Location: Romaina
The presence of a slow rhythmic beeping of the heart rate monitor was the first sign of approaching reality while you were still very well dozed in pitch black darkness, but not for long. You slowly opened your eyes, welcoming the ray of sunshine into your field of vision. The first sight of a familiar ceiling lamp promptly reminded you that you were hospitalized. But oddly enough, your mind drew a blank upon trying to retrieve memories from your pre-hospitalized days. Suffering from a deadly illness was the only thing you had any slight impression of.
Speaking of deadly illness….a skeptical question began emerging within your mind as you turned your head slowly to the right to survey the room.
"How am I still alive?"
In the meantime, you noticed yourself to be the only occupant in the room. There were no friends, no familiar faces of any kind looking after you. You could not help but to sense something was off as if you were certain you were actually not alone all along despite struggling to access memories of your past.
You cautiously removed your oxygen mask and sat up, utterly surprised by the absence of pain at your right abdominal area. You realized yourself to be…...normal, like a healthy human being.
"Have I…... recovered?" You thought. It had been almost like centuries since you felt as fresh as today, but how was that even possible? Shouldn't you have succumbed to your sickness already? Maybe the illness wasn't as deadly as your fuzzy memories had you to believe. After all, you failed to recall what exactly the illness was. So, who were you to say it should have killed you?
You got off the bed, brought along your IV pole, and headed out of the room. Needless to say, you did not expect the abundance of highly advanced versions of everyday devices like smartphones and tablets being used upon making your first step on the smooth tiles of the hospital aisle. They were so advanced that they lacked any resemblance from the smartphones and tablets you remembered.
"Those are phones and tablets?! Where did the usual iPhone and iPad go?" You thought.
Furthermore, all the devices shared one thing in common. They all possessed a 'Terrascout' logo on it, signaling that this corporation, whatever it might be, dominated the technology industry, and you had no idea about it. You were dumbfounded to see such drastic unfamiliarity, to say the least.
As you strolled your way further through the center of the aisle, your eyes noticed a significant increase in the presence of Terrascout's smartphones and tablets. You also noticed the hospital itself was even using the Terrascout's heart rate monitor in the patients' rooms. All these cues led you to realize the sheer influence Terrascout actually had on the public. This was definitely not just another Apple or Samsung company, this was something much bigger.
You continued walking while your perplexed mind attempted to digest everything your wandering eyes captured, which only resulted in more questions cluttering up in your head rather than answers.
You eventually reached the counter table of the hospital after some time. That was when a female doctor made her presence known behind you out of the blue, as if she just spawned out of thin air.
"Y/N." The doctor mentioned.
Your ears detected the sudden presence of her voice, causing your neck to jerk up and your eyes to widen abruptly in response before turning around quickly to face whoever was behind you.
"I see you've recovered from your cancer, congratulations." Said the doctor while handing her Terrascout branded tablet to you
Looking down at the tablet's screen, you saw a digital diagram of your innards and it stated that you are healthy. No virus, bacteria or anything abnormal occupying within your body rent free. You had indeed recovered. The doctor's mention of the word "cancer" also managed to jog back some memories. Indeed, you were suffering from some form of cancer back then. That itself justified the skepticism you had earlier…
"How am I still alive?"
"Mam, you mean….there's a cure for cancer now?" You asked the doctor out of curiosity.
"No, There's no cure for cancer. Yet, we have cases of patients recovering from it despite the slim chance. But…..yours is the strangest. It's like your cancer cells disappeared, not just disappeared but it vanished overnight. Like, we never have a patient with that sort of speedy recovery." The doctor answered.
In response, you stared down at the tablet with a slightly scrunched up face, in an effort to comprehend what in the world is going on.
It seemed like reality just flipped the moment you woke up from your hospital bed.
"Anyway, I have to go now, my other patients are waiting for me. Glad that you've recovered, we will discharge you soon enough." Mentioned the doctor.
She proceeded to walk past you in a hurry but you stopped the rhythmic click-clacking of her high heels dead on its tracks by calling to her, this time raising your voice a little to get her attention.
"Yes?" The doctor turned around and asked.
"What's the year today?" You followed up.
"2040." The doctor answered.
"WHAT?!" Your eyes widened, in a disbelief that so much time had passed the minute you woke up.
"You've been in a coma for 13 years, we honestly thought you'll never be conscious again, but now….you are. It's a good thing we never gave up life support on you all along."
Just like that, the click-clacking of her heels resumed after she was done explaining. You were left standing, frozen in place, looking down at the floor, furrowing your eyebrow and contemplating, in a futile attempt to search for what had possibly led you to this by scouring through your biological memory file.
Meanwhile on Pluto……….
"Tell me! Where is he?!" Erebus, the Phantom Scorpios Rex roared with insatiable demand lingering in his tone.
(Cyborg) Phantom Scorpios Rex.
Clan: Phantom Siege
Code name: Erebus_750
Stage: Adult
Size: 23ft tall, 50ft long, 10tons
Type: Darkness, Multi
Ingredients: Tyrannosaurus Rex,
Carnotaurus, Velociraptor, Tree Frog,
Attack: A
Speed: A
Defense: D
Hiatus, a critically injured cyborg Armaduraptor, only whimpered in response while attempting to crawl away, a hopeless struggle to slip pass his deathly fate.
(Cyborg) Armaduraptor. [NERFED]
Clan: Phantom Siege
Code name: Hiatus_NoS1x08
Stage: Adult
Size: 18ft tall, 40ft long, 18tons
Type: Socery, Multi
Ingredients: Ankylosaurus and
Attack: D
Speed: B
Defense: B
With his severed limbs and blossoming sparks randomly exploding out of his damaged body, Hiatus was barely able to move a quarter of his own body length, let alone escape.
"We should kill him, we're wasting time here." Erebus said impatiently.
Deathloop, who's now a Phantom Andersonraptor, signalled otherwise by putting his arm before Erebus.
(Cyborg) Phantom Andersonraptor
Clan: Phantom Siege
Code name: SIN_DeathL00P13
Stage: Adult
Size: 23ft tall, 50 long, 10tons
Type: Darkness, Multi
Ingredients: Dilophosaurus, Monolophosaurus, Cheetah, Gorgosaurus, Dakotaraptor, Deinonychus, King Cobra and Poison Dart Frog
Attack: A
Speed: A
Defense: C
"Alright, let's make a deal this time, I spare you from the afterlife, you give us his location." Deathloop requested rather elegantly in his delivery of words, a totally non existent style of speech when he was normal.
"Please, don't be like this.
Snap out of it!
I know the normal you are still in…"
Deathloop violently interrupted Hiatus's pleading, stomping onto his head before his next word could exit his mouth. "If you speak about it again, I'll crush your jaw with this foot" Deathloop warned, even twisting his foot left and right on Hiatus's face to really convey the message before letting go.
"I will not tell you, never will. If Sil really wants her subjects back, she can have me, leave Ripper out of this!" Hiatus said assertively, raising his voice a little at his final phrase. "Such boldness!" Deathloop responded, acting amused and slowly creeping behind Hiatus left ear. "Sacrificing yourself for your dear pal I see." He murmured, adding a sinister deep voice chuckle after finishing his sentence. He proceeded to forcefully grab on Hiatus's neck using his jaws and pull him up so as to make him stand on his one leg. He then tossed Hiatus towards Erebus, whose extendable tail immediately morphed into an elongated blade and stabbed Hiatus right through his chest and out of his back, destroying his power core. As if that wasn't enough, Erebus sliced Hiatus in half from his chest up, splattering artificial fluids everywhere and leaving an extraterrestrial machine mess on the Pluto ground. After the slaughter, Erebus suddenly picked up a familiar radio wave signal that he could only identify as Ripper. He quickly informed Deathloop about this great news and without hesitation, Deathloop decided their next destination.
"Set course to Earth."
You were on foot from the hospital after your discharge, wearing what must be a damn old purple hoodie as you slowly walked your way home with head facing down, eyes watching the concrete tiles moving past you like your previous 13 years of wasted life. With every step you took, more and more thoughts began clouding over your head, refusing to unfollow no matter where you went. "This is absurd, how am I not rotten for not moving for 13 years? How are my muscles not shrinked to nothingness after not activating them for such a long period of time? How has my skin tone not changed in a slightest bit?" You thought to yourself. At least, that's what you would imagine how someone would be like if he/she lay still for 13 years. Either way, you being completely normal after a 13 year coma was simply too good to be true for the likes of reality.
"Wait, would my house even be around after 13 years of not living there?" Another thought struck you like a bolt of lightning before something else distracted you.
A hologram. Not just any hologram, but a hologram billboard displaying high up at the side of a corporate estate. Since you only witness this type of advanced technology in movies, not in real life, you did not mind taking this chance to fully admire one of its kind.
Here's what the hologram billboard was showing….
"The CEO of Terrascout, Mr Dario Grigore, welcome to the show." The lady on the sofa said with excitement and overall, great enthusiasm in her tone as she shook Dario's hand.
"My pleasure to meet you and your wonderful audience, Miss Muller." Dario replied pleasingly with a megawatt smile on his face.
"You know…since the first announcement of Terrascout in 2033, your company has been growing ever so rapidly. Combined with the efforts from the United States government, you were able to mass produce self-driving cars to the general public within 3 years since the debut announcement. Fast forward to now, we have self-driving buses, trains, even commercial planes and military tanks! I mean, it's just crazy to see everything so advanced within such a short period of time! How'd you do that!?" The lady asked excitedly.
Dario replied "Well, first of all, thank you for your compliments Miss Muller. Building and developing technology has always been my dream since when I was a kid and I started developing this……"
You watched intently during the first few dialogues of the hologram show.
"Dario Grigore. So he's the man behind all these. Sounds too much like a plot for a Terminator film. Or is it just me?" You cooed with stoicism deep in your voice as your long strands of luscious hair lightly brushed against the side of your face due to an occuring breeze. Afterward, you went back to strolling your way home.
You resumed wondering if there would even be a home after 13 years of…..wait, there it is, your home, still perfectly intact. Your jaw dropped, thinking how this could even be possible.
You all so cautiously walked towards the entrance of your house, breath hitching with every step you took.
At last, you're finally home. You reached for the door handle and held onto it for a good few seconds with anxiety clogged in your throat before finally turning it.
Door's locked, unsurprisingly.
"Right….the key. Almost forgot about that."
You unlocked the door with your now equipped key and took off your boots before stepping on the wooden flooring of your house. Before you could place your footwear on the shoe shelf. You noticed not a single dust lingered on your walls, floors and furniture in sight. As if the house somehow did chores on its own.
That realization made your bottom eyelid twitch in the slightest as a drop of cold sweat travelled down along the side of your face. You were freaked out, honestly. You left your boots on your shoe shelf untidily before making a dash tour around your whole 2 storey house.
You opened the doors to check every room. However, the lack of presence of an occupant allowed your heart rate to ease up a bit. You honestly thought your house was already owned by another resident for a moment. But still, the whole situation was bizarre. How did your house interior not lose any of its appeal after a decade of abandonment?
However, you figured you would deal with that question later for the favour of getting a quick shower first. Today was honestly a lot to take in in terms of all the changes and strange phenomena that occurred. You secretly wished it was all just a dream.
In Dario's mansion (Location: New York)………
With both hands clutching onto his hair in a death grip, pulling it ever so slightly, Dario Grigore was mentally overwhelmed to meet the brink of his downfall presented in all of its glory on the screen of his own Terrascout branded laptop. Like falling into an abyss, the point of no return is inevitable. Terrascout had been losing capital for the past 2 years. Now, the capital had gone down enough to make Dario clench his ass tight with despair tearing from his eyes as he watched the ever decreasing data that's his capital displayed on his laptop screen.
Suddenly, the sound of a door knocking woke him up from the downward spiral of his emotions.
"Come in." Dario replied, regaining his composure for whoever was about to enter his room.
"Daddy?" A little girl popped her head out from behind the door. It is Dario's 5 year old daughter. The sight of her brought a wave of warmth and joy to his heart.
"Ana." Dario called out with opened arms and teary eyes.
"Daddy!" Ana yelled excitedly, surging forward into Dario's arms for a hug.
"Ana, how's school today?" Dario asked
"It was fun! Today, I learned how Praying Mantis hunts its prey by using its arms and how Blowflies die easily in the cold because they don't have fur to keep themselves warm." Ana answered with great enthusiasm, flipping the pages of the 'insects for kids' book as she explained.
Right after, Dario's wife, Alexandria entered the room.
"Come on Ana, dinner's ready." Alexandria said politely with a sweet smile on her face.
"Okay!" Ana replied, sprinting out of the room with the same level of excitement as when she entered.
"Dad, aren't you coming with us?" Ana asked just before she exited.
"No, Dad will be late for dinner tonight because he has work to do." Alexandria answered.
"Okay." Ana replied, happily accepting the answer and immediately headed towards the direction of the dining area.
"So, how's everything going? You...don't look so good today." Alexandria asked.
"Oh, everything's fine. You don't need to worry hun." Dario answered back with a smile, trying to hide the grim truth from his wife.
"Alright then….good luck for your meeting tomorrow. Have your dinner once you're finished" said Alexandria.
"Thanks." Dario replied with a nod.
After Alexandria left, Dario resumed attempting to solve the issue at hand. He stared at his laptop, desperately trying to come up with ways to turn things around.
Now, back to you (Y/N).
You finished your makeup after you were done showering. Today, you went for your standard gothic black eyeshadow but with a black lipstick this time instead of the usual black. It's good to change up patterns every now and then. You wore a Breakdown Of Sanity T-shirt coupled with a black hoodie jacket. Oh, of course you wore your hoodie jacket with the hood on cos you like yourself looking mysterious as f$$k. Finally, you finished off with a black cargo pants.
Now, time for the contact lenses. You opened a small cabinet right above the toilet sink in search of your contacts. However, right when you did so, a random pair of golden contacts that was placed next to the sink glowed slightly. You swore you caught a glimpse of it, but nothing happened when you turned back to take a good look at it.
"Maybe it was just my imagination." You thought to yourself before proceeding to gently rinse the golden contacts and wear it since it had been a long time since you had worn them and plus, it was conveniently placed right beside the sink before you, so why waste time looking for a different one in the cabinet?
You decided to make a final tour around your house before heading out, but this time, you fully revisited almost every part of the house. After going around and viewing your bedroom, you came across your own martial arts gym at home. Almost instantly, a surge of memories and nostalgia came rushing into your brain as you walked towards and landed a touch on your heavy bag. You were actively training in Kickboxing back then, even participated in some amertur competitions too. You casually threw some light and lazy punches on the bag, noticing that you still retain the muscle memory of executing the techniques despite 13 years of not practicing them.
Once you decided you were done playing with your heavy bag, you spotted a dummy Karambit Knife on a bench to your right. The sight alone triggered another memory surge in your brain. You remembered you were also training in weapons combat aside from Kickboxing before your cancer gave you a ticket to the ICU.
Lastly, you went to the final room of your house, and it turned out to be the room that had the most impact on you….emotionally.
It's the room where you used to play your electric guitar, and that led you to regain another piece of your memory.
Stella, your girlfriend.
It almost came across as a shock that you actually had a girlfriend but everything quickly made sense once the memories fully solidified in your mind, which in turn also led you to rediscover the feelings you had and apparently, still have for Stella.
"I used to play many of our favourite songs with her during winter. Those were truly wonderful times." You smiled at that thought.
Speaking of guitar...."Wait, where's my electric guitar!?" Your golden eyes widened, littered with surprise upon realizing your guitar-stand was empty all along.
You walked towards your guitar-stand, eyes locked with it while thinking where your electric guitar went. You stood before the guitar-stand motionlessly, all while looking menacing with the hood of your hoodie jacket obstructing the top half of your face from the natural surrounding light of the sunset, leaving only your glaring eagle eyes exposed from the darkness within.
Your entire house was unscathed, so why would your electric guitar be the one and only exception?
"Guess it was thrown away some time ago." You cooed to yourself, not overly concerned in the end.
After all, it's been 13 years, so change is inevitable no matter what. You soon moved on with your life, heading out of your house to take a breather and have a short stroll after all the odd occurrences that you went through.
Just when you were about to step out of your house, you saw something you couldn't believe you missed earlier.
A grave in your backyard….
Dread dispersed throughout your facial expression instantly. However, it was now combined with a sense of paranoia as the possibility of someone who might have died in your house sent shivers down your spine. Blood ran cold throughout your body as if you were chilled inside a freezer. Soon enough, you found yourself paralyzed in place at the entrance of your house, seemingly lost the mental capacity to move a muscle.
"Why does it feel cold all of a sudden? I've heard rumors that the surrounding temperature would decrease whenever a paranormal entity is present. Could it be…." That mere thought made the hairs at the back of your neck as straight and stiff as a tree trunk.
"Could there really be a ghost lurking behind me? Is it the reason why my house is still good as new even after 13 years? Is this why my electric guitar went missing?" You clenched your jaws tight, compressing your molars against each other as droplets of sweat oozed from your glands.
Expectedly, it all turned out to be just an extreme form of overthinking doing its dirty tricks on you when you finally had the miniscule amount of might to slash whatever was behind you with your Karambit Knife, only to meet an enemy as harmless and invisible as thin air.
Wait, a Karambit Knife? You opened your palm and took a look at it. The knife has some off but intimidating and cool looking textures and colours, primarily on its grip and some section of its blade. However, you would rather admire your new weapon later after checking the grave in your backyard first.
When you made your way to the grave, standing before it. First thing you noticed was your name on the gravestone.
"Y/N L/N
"So it's actually longer than 13 years huh." You thought. Looking further down, your eyes came across a piece of really old yellowish scrap of paper. You picked it up and flipped it to check the other side.
"Love Stella", it said
At that moment, you could sense the delicate skin beside your eyeball stretched as a result of the massive width your eyelids opened. Your pupils dilated too, even trembling slightly in astonishment.
While your eyes locked vision with the scrap of paper, your mind wandered off into memory lane once again. You remembered the truly fun times you and Stella had together, even went as far as to recall the initial moment you developed a crush on her when you two were in school. Memories of Stella's happy laughter and chuckles played inside your head like a tape recorder as your heart relished in the cocktail of love and nostalgia washing over you.
"It was bittersweet, Stella…" You spoke in a firm and slow pace as tears began welling up in your eyes. A part of you was saddened at the probability that she might have found a new partner by now.
"FREEZE!" A police officer commanded loudly, snapping you out from your day dreaming and back to reality.
Several other Terrascout branded self-driving police cars showed up shortly after, with their sirens roaring into your eardrums.
"What's....going…..on?" You murmured to yourself as your confused mind tried to process the whole situation.
The female doctor you had a conversation with earlier back in the hospital rushed out of one of the police cars alongside several other officers who made no hesitation to aim their pistols at you.
"HE!! He's a variant!!! No one recovers from cancer overnight!" The female doctor exclaimed, pointing her index finger at you frantically.
"Variant?" You mumbled, tilting your head and giving the doctor a perplexed look.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP YOUNG MAN!!" The same officer that demanded you to freeze yelled with a ferocity that could make anyone's heart pound in trepidation. However, to you it was just a nuisance. Every word spewed from that idiot cop's mouth did nothing except to intensify the raging inferno inside you.
"This is why I hate cops…if he says another word, I swear I'm really going to lose it" You thought to yourself, followed by giving him a stern face, your eyes steaming with fury.
"Oi!!" You talked back, your deepened voice resonating through the environment.
"Did you…..just make fun of my makeup?" You followed up as the weight of your glare penetrated the officer's soul.
Your eyes….or rather, your contact lenses glowed purple all of a sudden without you noticing, planting a seed of fear inside the officer's heart, causing him to slowly back off.
Following immediately after the glowing of your now purple iris were countless nanobots, which seemingly phased into existence out of nowhere began rapidly spreading themselves throughout your body. However, that was not it, you realized you were being chambered into something as the nanobots continued morphing into a massive and definitely inhuman organism. Meaning, whatever the nanobots were transforming into, like a pilot in a plane, your whole body would be inside of it, shielded from outside harm's reach. Within seconds, the nanobots/you transformed into a gargantuan cyborg Indoraptor with its menacing purple mechanical eyes fully lit up.
(Cyborg) Indoraptor [NERFED]
Clan: Phantom Siege
Code name: IndR301077_Ripper
Stage: Adult
Size: 23ft tall, 50ft long, 10tons
Type: Shadow, Multi
Ingredients: Indominus Rex, Velociraptor and Gaboon Viper
Attack: D
Speed: A
Defense: C
Despite possessing the obvious combat advantages over the officers' for simply being a giant mecha dinosaur, you were oddly enough, far from being in an optimum state in contrast to when you were in human form.
"Why???" Your much deeper and less organic voice came out of Ripper's own artificial vocal chords as you lifted your right raptorial arm tediously and watched it clenched its three digit clawed hand rather loosely. Your whole arm was having a minor tremor throughout the period and you could even sense the tingles in each finger.
When was the last time you felt this way? When you were having a flu or…..your most recent illness? Haven't you recovered from that already? Either way, you were partially drained of energy, enough to leave you longing for a slumber to recharge.
Being a part of Ripper meant both of you were ingrained with each other's knowledge and wisdom. As a result, stagger and disbelief ran its course throughout your mind upon recalling the revelation that was Sil who narrowly snatched away part of Ripper's combat prowess in the form of a red diamond before Ripper managed to escape the HERA Facility through the portal.
"No, it can't….BE!!!" You exclaimed, voice heavy with exasperation and exhaustion as you collapsed with one knee and your palm landing heavily onto the ground, sending a minor tremor due to Ripper's weight.
"BAAMMM!!" An armor piercing shotgun ammunition impacted Ripper's face, waking you back to paying attention to the current issue at hand.
The bullets were clearly deadlier than what they used to be during the late 2010s and the early 2020s, able to bypass 6 inch thick concrete like butter. However, as destructive as those ammunition were, they were just as damaging as a marshmallow for Ripper, whose face lacked the presence of even a single sign of injury.
"When do shotguns have armor piercing rounds?" You thought to yourself upon discovering the ammunition type thanks to Ripper's advanced capability of identifying and gathering information and data on basically anything. It's almost like a built-in Google but….more efficient.
Another shot soon followed with bullets traveling at supersonic speed and shell ejecting off of the blaster's chamber with a confirming clunk. However, you didn't fall for the same mistake twice. With your now superhuman reflex, you shielded yourself with Ripper's forearm from getting shot again.
The bullets ended up ricocheting off of Ripper's forearm, eliminating one officer and the female doctor with the projectiles piercing right through their foreheads.
"It's learning….and it looks so calm and collected, almost like….it's not even affected by its own mutation." One officer mumbled, his words barely exiting out of his jittery mouth.
You have no intention of killing them, but staying and returning back to your human form is not a bright idea.
You also don't have the luxury of time to think of the mountain of questions rapidly accumulating inside your head (including the ones related to your sudden transformation into Ripper.) Hence, the only option is to flee. So you crouched down, engaging Ripper's hydraulic legs, filling it up with potential energy. You proceeded to leap high up into the air with exhilarating speed like a grasshopper, producing a shockwave composed of dust and dirt gushing towards the remaining officers and surrounding area.
"This is officer Kyle, we need backup, variant mutant is highly intelligent, we need backup now!" Kyle demanded into his radio after moving into a clear spot that's dust free. Meanwhile, you continued your escape after landing on the roof of a 10 storey building, leaping once again with the aim to set foot on a decently faraway traffic road.
You crushed some vehicles into pancakes and severely cracked the pavement upon landing impactfully on the road, your weight triggering the concrete surface to sink slightly beneath you. You continued running, annihilating more vehicles as you sprint but you tried your best to avoid stepping on the fear stricken residents in the process. You made it to a nearby slightly bigger section of the road that is the traffic junction. Upon arriving there, you quickly noticed approximately 30 self-driving and of course, Terrascout branded police cars speeding towards you with their sirens blasting into the atmosphere while swiftly drifting away from any vehicles blocking their way.
"Target locked, ready to fire." Said Owen, one of the officers in the police cars. He then proceeded to pull out a missile controller stick to his right and pushed the trigger button on top of it. Parts of his vehicle transformed into multiple fancy missile chambers that you sweared looked something straight out of the Transformers movies. Following immediately after were missiles flying straight towards you with every intention to eliminate you/Ripper.
In response, you picked up a random empty automobile on the street by digging your claws deep into it like a fork, and tossed it at the missiles, intercepting all the missiles at once thanks to the tight grouping of the projectiles, resulting in an explosion that shattered numerous windows from surrounding buildings, and created an enormous fireball. You resumed your escape by leaping high up into the air once more, but this time, it went horribly wrong as you were hit mid air on both sides by two Plasma Cannons that happened to be mounted opposite of each other on the roofs of two far apart commercial buildings.
"WHAT!!" You exclaimed, clearly caught off guard.
You instantly found yourself plummeting down through the atmosphere, but due to the momentum of your jump, you were still traveling forward and covering huge distances.
You managed to free fall your way over the 100m tall Romania's border, which was made up of thick titanium alloy and had signs that said "Warning, Variant Zone" spread evenly across the wall. That was when the additional incoming police cars ceased on their pursuit, satisfied with the outcome.
"Target went over the borderline, target containmed." One officer informed into his radio.
"Roger that, return to base." The radio replied.
"Copy that. All units return to base, we're finished."
You crash landed with optimal velocity into a forest, the energy from the fall surged you forward through the forest floor, destroying a massive trail of vegetation and perfect soil along the way. Friction finally made you come to a halt in an open area with your chin slamming into the mud. You remained motionless for a split second before lifting up your raptor forelimbs and pushing your palms against the ground in an effort to get back on your feet.
"Damn this Morissa, took my powers away. This really shouldn't hurt as much as it currently is should it?" You hissed, squeezing your right torso with your left palm in a worthless attempt to ease the pain. There were no real injuries though...
With the presence of unbearable pain lingering within your body, you only hobbled for a few steps before returning to your miniature human form and immediately collapsing onto the moist ground on your back, with your left arm thrown over your tummy and your head facing the right.
It was only mere moments after you just fainted. However, that was all it took for someone to spot you. A dark figure, clothed with black feathers, seemingly to have been lurking in the shadow, spying on your every single move, came approaching you. Her heels click-clacked against the soft ground as she slowly closed her distance on you.
The clicking of her heels paused once she finally stood before your immobile form. Her barely exposed glowy eye glared down at you intently, surveying its brand new discovery.
Image: Scorpios Rex from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous by DeviantArt
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kaiser-brutus · 3 years
Next Chapter -> Click Here
Note: This is a non canon prequel of my yet to be written fanfic as I incorporated RE Village characters into it.
Image: Indoraptor (fan art)
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Chapter 1: The Escaped Weapon Project
It takes only a single miniscule spark to prompt a cataclysmic wildfire that'll lead an entire forest into jeopardy. Well, in the case of Ripper, the baby cyborg Indoraptor, it only took a light chilling breeze from the Aircon to gently brush up against his quills to disrupt him from his rare peaceful slumber. 
Disappointed at the fact that he had woken up to his not so desirable reality, he growled and lazily rolled off from his side to his front, ending up with both his chest and chin compressed against the hard alloy floor underneath his weight. He let out a sharp exhale through his nostrils before slowly lifting his mechanical eyelids, only to see blurred vision.
"Am I in heaven?" Or so he thought. Reality quickly smacked him like a brick to the face once his vision became crystal clear. His mere moment of excitement instantly turned into an avalanche of dissatisfaction when he realized he was still in one of the glass cuboid cages located in HERA, a planet size facility used solely for creating bioengineered cyborg Theropod dinosaurs as weapons. Ripper was one of them. He's also one of the most successful ones created.
Just before Ripper's eyelids shut completely again, zoning him back to dream realm, a distant muffled shriek instantly slapped him back to full consciousness. The other cyborg dinosaurs heard it too and all of them rushed to the edge of their own respective cages to inspect what was going on.
There, Ripper saw two guards in their bio suits trying violently to yank Aris, the baby cyborg Indominus Rex out of his sibling, Aesir's jaw in order to take him out of their cage which was located far below Ripper's. "Hey! Tase him!" Commanded one of the guards. The other guard did as told, whipping out his futuristic 5000V taser stick and jabbed Aesir with no remorse. Aesir hanged on for dear life and clamped tighter onto Aris's tail with his jaws upon receiving the first jab, completely ignoring the electric current running its course through his soul. However, sheer will alone was no match against the torturous nature of the taser stick. Aesir's grip slipped and he was knocked back slightly when he received the second and even harder jab, the cage's door immediately slammed in front of his face before his jaws could reach Aris again.
Once out of his cage, Aris was quickly shoved into a thick, door sized cylindrical container. The container's top opening was immediately sealed with a massive industrial lid that had a big transparent pipe connected to it. Knowing the inevitable outcome, Aesir frantically scratched and rammed his cage's door, roaring like mad man only for the glass to not show a single dent. The glass that the cage was made of was simply too durable.
"This fella just can't catch a break!" Exclaimed Ripper. Beside his cage sat another Cyborg Dino in her cage. Amber, the baby cyborg Novaraptor, who's body anatomy is similar to Ripper's. She said "He's destined to become their best…..I don't want to think about it." She looked down as she spoke her last few phrases with concerns and uncertainty written on her face. Ripper turned his head sharply to face Amber. "Can't we help him for once? I'm sick of watching all these unfold many times over!" He exclaimed frustratingly.
Right on top of both of them was Ultan, the baby cyborg Megapiscivoraptor, who was also locked inside one of the cuboid cages. "No, that'll just get us into more trouble, not to mention, it'll ruin what we planned so far." He replied to Ripper.
All 3 of them went about their commotions in their respective cages as Aris was getting tortured. And this time, it was with green acid showering down from the transparent pipe that was connected to the lid's top. The sizzling sound of acid eating its way through Aris's metallic exoskeleton, and the unholy, agonising screams and cries Aris let out was more than enough for all the other Cyborg Dinos to look away with their eyes tightly shut.
Out of nowhere, a man in black suit who ordered his guards to gruesomely torture Aris, shouted into a microphone he grabbed nearby. His eyes scanning through every cyborgs within the tower of cages that surrounded him.
"Listen! Whoever dares to disoblige our commands will face the same consequence as this lunatic! DO Y'ALL UNDERSTAND!" He warned, pointing his index finger at a very burnt Aris.
All Cyborg Dinos in their cages took a few steps back, some were even shaking slightly out of intimidation. But not Ripper, He remained still at his original position like a statue. His orange eyes ignited with rage and his mechanical pupils dilated as he glared at the man with malice in mind. A row of venomous quills on the back of his neck started rising and vibrating like a rattle of a Rattlesnake as well. He was clearly on the brink of lashing his pent up rage on the man.
To the left of Ripper was Andromeda, the baby cyborg Diabolus Rex. She said "We can't help them, for now. But at least we have a shot at helping ourselves."
"I promise I'll make that….fucker pay one day when I grew up!" Ripper yelled, but with control…..surprisingly. Deathloop, the baby cyborg Andersonraptor (also has a body similar to Ripper's), who's in a cage that was just on top of Amber's, joined the conversation too. "Yeah, bastard clearly deserves it."
"Morissa is going to check on us pretty soon. Everybody, please get yourself ready, we've prepared way too long just for this day. Y'all know what to do right?"  Said Ultan. Everyone nodded in response.
About 5 minutes later, several eye-piercing beams of light shined out of nowhere at the entrance of the facility, making everyone squint their eyes like they just woke up early in the morning with the sunshine beating down on their faces relentlessly.
"Here it comes…." Ultan commented.
The beams of light quickly formed into a gigantic swirling light blue portal. Everyone knew who was coming at this point.
It was the Darkness Siege queen herself, Morissa.
(Cyborg) Morissa
Clan: Darkness Siege [Leader]
Size: 336ft, 30000tons
Type: Darkness, Speed
Attack: U
Defense: S
Speed: M
She had finally come to check on one of her minions, the man in the black suit. She towered over the human by 56 times his height and her V shaped head, mechanical tentacles for legs (Yes, that means she's literally floating in the air) and her dense alloy exoskeleton that shielded her entire humanoid build was enough to make the very young Cyborg Dinos look at her with a good dose of trepidation in their eyes. Except for Aesir, who was still sobbing over Aris, totally ignoring Morissa's presence.
"The chief executive officer of HERA, how are things going?" Morissa asked politely.
The man simply smirked and bowed with his right forearm placed to his stomach, portraying his near cockiness and esteem all at once to his superior. "All well, your highness. As you can see, these are my works of wonders! I call them the Phantom Siege. Each possessing a variety of powers and abilities from different beings of the Luminar Siege. Thanks to our urm….tests, all of them are growing ever so powerful at a rapid rate, and will surpass the Luminar Siege once fully grown." The man answered assuredly as Morissa took a stroll to check out the Dinosaurs, even locking eyes with the still furious Aesir along the way.
"Test? What a lie!" Exclaimed Deathloop. "Countless died because of him. But….it's not like Morissa would give a damn anyway so what's the point?" Ripper followed up.
"Project 'Galactic Ravager' is almost done too. Combine that with the formidable power of our Phantom Siege, we'll soon wipe the Luminar Siege off the face of the universe like they never existed!" The man cheered with a near psychotic excitement drawn on his face. Meanwhile, Morissa only smirked and replied calmly "I see you've been doing your homework, Jordan."
As both Jordan and Morissa went about their conversation, Ultan had been eyeing closely on the still turned on portal controller located at the ground level of the facility ever since Morissa appeared from the portal. His mind was fully focused on calculating the right timing to pull out the "trump card".
"Should we do it now?" Ripper asked anxiously. "Yes." Ultan replied with decisiveness in his tone.
Ultan proceeded to open a storage chamber within his chest and slowly and steadily extract the keycard he managed to steal from one of the chief guards during his previous "test" (aka torture)......all while doing his best to minimize his movements to prevent unnecessary attention to himself.
After taking out the keycard, Ultan proceeded to align the QR code at the back of the keycard with a laser illuminating from the emergency scanner installed at one of the tight corners of the facility's high ceiling. Needless to say, he was having a tough time doing it sneakily.
If Ultan was a human, he would be sweating bullets while struggling to scan the keycard with a scanner that was light years away.
"Oh how I wish I was locked in a cage that's preferably…...hi….higher up." Ultan mumbled frustratingly.
BINGO! In the end, Ultan managed to scan the keycard before anyone caught him. The loud "beep" from the emergency scanner indicated his success.
In no time, all the power in the facility shut down. The lights went off and the motors within the facility's machinery came to a sudden halt. Deafening silence and pitch black nothingness quickly roamed the gargantuan area, causing a brief moment of mass panic among guards. Turns out, the emergency scanner on the ceiling was a system reboot switch.
By the time the facility went back to normal and visibility started to return, the Phantom Siege Cyborg Dinos were already outside their cages and made their way to the ground level where Morissa, Jordan and the guards were at. The cages' doors had unlocked when the facility was rebooting.
All the guards were induced with a cocktail of surprise and fear in their eyes. Their faces instantly turned pale as a ghost, clearly not anticipating this moment.
"Oh shit" said one of the guards in terror.
Before the guards could even withdraw their dinkey pistols, the Phantom Siege's superior reflexes made quick work of intercepting their actions by pouncing, slashing and biting the guards in their neck or face before they could pull the trigger. The larger and more grown up ones even managed to kill some of the guards. Deathloop in particular, swiftly decapitated 4 armed guards (each guard standing 10m away from each other) with his giant dagger-like claws in a matter of just under 10 seconds without getting shot once. Within minutes, the facility looked more like a slaughter house than really anything else with blood and human flesh scattered across the floor.
While the massacre ensued, Ripper wasted no time and used his hydraulic spring-like hind legs to leap towards the protal controller like a grasshopper with immense speed thanks to the Luminar Siege's raptor DNA.
Once Ripper reached the portal controller, Ultan yelled across the facility, telling Ripper to insert "Destination: Earth" on the touch screen keypad. After doing exactly just that, Ripper and many other hybrids quickly dashed towards the portal, not looking back at the still ongoing carnage. Just as Ripper was getting close to the portal, Amber slowly caught up to him from behind, sprinting alongside him.
"We're finally free." Amber said. Ripper replied "Don't celebrate too early, let's get into the portal first."
Once the two got close enough, they leaped into the dazzling bright light that was the portal. A few more others made it as well before Morissa used one of her powers to essentially turn all her selected targets' movements into slow motion, rendering them unable to escape.
"Fucking pieces of SHIT!!" Jordan shouted with pure annoyance and rage, kicking the foot of the portal controller table at the same time, messing up his hair in the process.
"I guess your overconfidence got the better of you after all. You thought your humans would be more than capable of handling your creations, but it seems like they're not trained…..enough" Morissa stated, but what she mentioned next eased the frowned face of Jordan's
"But, no need to worry, parts of them are still with us…."
Morissa opened up her palm and revealed what looked like to be diamonds, levitating within her grasp. Each coloured diamond represents each Phantom Siege that escaped.
A sinister toothy smile slowly stretched across Jordan's face upon comprehending what he just saw.
"This will be a cake walk." Jordan reassured himself.
"It better be." Morissa replied.
Year: 2024
Location: Romania
"I got eyes on the target." Roy, a military sniper, said to his radio while being hidden behind a rock structure within a forest, camouflaged from head to toe in his Ghillie Suit. He was the closest thing to achieve full invisibility.
Like a lion stalking its prey, Roy was all a while been eyeing the enemy troops several kilometers away through his scope. The enemy troops were still going about their day, navigating through the jungle, totally oblivious that someone in the group was going to have a bullet pierced through their skull with sonic speed. Fortunately, that didn't happen, but what's unfortunate was that Roy received dire news from his radio that a possible nuke was coming his way.
"What the fuck! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Roy yelled at his radio, his heartbeat skyrocketed.
"I don't know what happened sir, it….it just appeared out of nowhere and it's heading towards your location…..and….a…."
"Hello? Hey! Can you hear me? You've got to be shitting me." Upon realizing that his radio died, he stood, picked up his sniper rifle and started sprinting towards the direction where he parked his nearby military truck, praying to every religious entity that he would reach his truck before the nuke roasted his ass. Sweat poured out from every gland present on his skin as he ran through tall trees and branches, leaving him looking like he just took a dive in a lake. His heartbeat further accelerated when he peaked his eyes up. There was what it looked like to be a comet in the sky, travelling alongside him, seemingly matching his pace. Roy automatically assumed the worst, thinking whatever the object was in the sky definitely had to be a nuke.
At last, Roy managed to reach his truck parked on a dirt road within the forest. He quickly hopped in and sped off, not even considering putting his seat belt first. Meanwhile, the comet crashed with an earth shattering bang near Roy's enemy troops. A gust of wind produced by the shockwave came rushing through the thick forest like a sandstorm, making the troops crouched behind a giant boulder and braced for the impact. After all the wind and debris settled, the troops got back to their feet and readied their rifles and machine guns, thinking it was some kind of an enemy attack. The general of the troops used his hand gestures to give his commands, and they cautiously headed towards the nearby crash site where a cloud of smoke could be seen levitating its way up the atmosphere.
After walking through the last bit of vegetation, the troops came upon a large deserted area. They were in awe to see about 4 football fields of the forest had been uprooted by the shockwave caused by the crashed comet. "Hey! Look over there!" One of the troops spoke in Russian, his finger pointing at the 200m far away crater that still had smoke gushing out from it. All the troops ran to the edge of the crater to have a better look of it. But all they saw was the small flames that littered in the pit of the crater. "This is Delta team, an asteroid just crashed, no one's hurt, nothing abnormal." The general spoke in Russian to his radio. But, the corner of his eye glimpsed upon a large reptilian shaped footprint beside him as he finished speaking, his eyes began following the trail of footprints that faded into the dense forest. It was a sight that left him speechless. A drop of cold sweat drew a fine line from his temple down to his chin. The uncertainty of what ran into the forest clearly made his heart skip a bit.
[In Russian:] "We've found something…." The general spoke after switching his radio back on.
Leaves and branches rustled upon every contact, the sound of grass susurrating with every step. Ripper, who was now a juvenile, was sprinting frantically through the forest as if being chased. The terrifying sound of machine gun shots could be heard from a short distance away with ammunition ricocheting and destroying whatever tree branches and trunks that were in their way. Some were even a hair's breadth away from hitting Ripper's legs, (not that it would hurt him though….)
[In Russian:] "Take it down!!" A yell could be heard from a distance behind Ripper. Apparently, the Russian troops that discovered the crater managed to find Ripper and were now attempting to capture him and bring him back to their military base. However, Ripper's weaponry proved to be too much for the troops to handle as he used his cyborg cell to morph a venomous spike at the tip of its tail and flung it at one of their military trucks, piercing deep into its engine. The abnormally high corrosive venom melted the lower half of the truck into a gooey black paste in no time, causing the upper half to break off and crash upside down into a swamp, killing the troops inside the vehicle. The melted parts ended up clogging the narrow passageway of the forest, forcing the other troops to get out of their own vehicle in order to continue pursuing Ripper.
Ripper, who was now temporarily out of sight from the Russian troops, took this window of opportunity to find a hiding spot. He caught a glimpse of a small cliff and unhesitatingly headed towards it. He hopped down and ducked under the cliff's edge. The sound of footsteps of the Russian troops soon followed.
[In Russian:] "Hey, split up, you guys check the east side. You 2, come with me. We'll be checking the cliff" commanded the general.
As the troops parted their ways. The general and the 2 troops approached the cliff's edge but hadn't noticed that Ripper was just hidden underneath them.
A white noise suddenly emitted from the general's holstered radio, signalling him to pick up. [In Russian:] "We're still in the pursuit." The general said. After about 10 seconds of muffled distorted murmuring from his radio, the general hung up after a final reply of "Copy that." He let out a small exasperated sigh of disappointment before calling all troops to get to the chopper.
Ripper waited patiently but yet anxiously for the troops' presence to disappear, only crawling out of his hiding spot slowly and cautiously when his artificial senses no longer detected any signs of humans in close proximity.
Once completely out in the open, Ripper, on his quadrupedal stance, drew his attention to a much bigger cliff's edge in front of him upon hearing machine gun shots and explosions echoing from the far side of the cliff. He silently walked towards the edge with grace, only cracking some small stones and branches along the way as he made his way up on the slightly uphilled and narrow pathway of the huge cliff. Once he reached to the end of the cliff, what he witnessed far below was the absolute ruins of a Romanian city. Buildings crumbling and collapsing under their heavily damaged infrastructure, raging inferno seasoned across the whole map of the city, even right to the horizon, gunshots and sounds of explosives blasting everywhere, corpses and blood of soldiers laid waste on the streets. Ripper, who's an alien to this planet was oblivious of what was going on as he watched the carnage persisted.
A drop of clear liquid to Ripper's eyebrow broke his prolonged stare at the ongoing carnage. He looked up, only to be splashed with more liquid dropping onto his face and body. Ripper remained unflinched as he locked eyes with the cloudy sky. It was definitely the first time he experienced a heavy downpour. However, a faraway dark figure within the sky caught his attention. As the figure got closer, it looked a lot more strange to him as he had never seen a flying object with spinning fans attached to its wings. Suddenly, the figure opened its bottom chamber and dropped….something. Ripper's eyes widened at the sight, sensing the possible grave prophecy even though he had no clue what he just saw. His eyes glued to the dropped object all the way till it impacted the city below. The second the object hit the ground, it shined a dazzling white light that covered the entire field of Ripper's vision in an instant, causing Ripper to shut his eyes and turn his head left, facing down. An Ear-splitting ringing sound soon flooded his ears as the ground began shaking progressively violently.
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kaiser-brutus · 3 years
In the middle of the night....
Daniela: Sneaks up to the Christmas tree, cautiously takes one of the presents and shakes it beside her ear.
You: Pokes her shoulder out of nowhere.
Daniela: Scared shitless.
You: *Whispering* "What you're doing!?"
Daniela: "SHHHHHHHHH!!!"
Bela from upstairs: "Who's there!?"
Daniela: Freaks out, tosses the present to you and disperses off
Bela: "You?? What are you doing here?"
You: *Holding the present* "I....ju...just....sigh" *gives up explaining*
[Just a random scenario I suddenly came up with :)]
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kaiser-brutus · 3 years
If Crystal Lake made a song for my beloved Dani D... :)
Song: Crystal Lake - See This Through (Instrumental)
⚠️ I do not own this music ⚠️
Credit: Michael Pahalen (For creating the instrumental track)
Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRUa6pxXlWktTw0O1S2WcA
Credit: Dallin Case (For uploading the video with the track)
Link to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlIzpRmGzeE
Original Track's created by Crystal Lake
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKE4R2XWLzg&t=130s
⚠️I do not own the original Daniela Dimitrescu picture ⚠️
Credit: @dimitrescusisterss from Instagram
Link: https://www.instagram.com/dimitrescusisterss/
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