Public protest is the best way to get legislative change on climate change
There is no better way to show our democracy in action then with mass public protest. It showcases the privilege that we as a democratic nation have. It bands together the silent supporters, shows the physical representation of the will of the people and says that these issues will not be ignored by politicians who are swayed by corporations phat stacks or the weak willed politicians who are not willing to stick their neck out to save our planet.
But the question is, is mass protest the best way to get legislative change on climate change and that's no doubt a massive yes.
Throughout history mass protest has enjoyed the satisfaction of fixing even the hardest of issues, it toppled the tsar and time and time again has given people in our society rights. Meaningful causes such as women's rights and racial equality have now been legislatively sorted. This is because of protest movements I’m sure we’re all aware of. Because when we did nothing but mutter, the politicians stayed comfortably sat in their ivory towers ignoring those in need. Saying painful quotes such as “don’t risk the good we have... for the very potential evil that will come”, that’s about women suffrage. But only when there were marches did the moral breakthrough happen.
So it’s happened in the past and it will happen again.
You’d have to be ignorant stupid, or a combination of all adjectives i can think of that are negative to think climate isn’t the most important issue our world faces right now. We are in a make or break moment for our very existence and the best way to tell the politicians that they have to do something is through our one physical unified movement. And I think 1.4 million young people around the world taking part in school strikes in 2,233 cities and towns in 128 countries for climate action will do it.
Whatever you say about this protest movement, it has been effective in its goal to get people talking especially in parliament. And as a direct result it is abundantly clear that new climate change targets are being set, this was covered by Ed but I think I can recap. Emissions from homes, transport, farming and industry will be avoided completely or - in the most difficult examples offset by planting trees or sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. And even straight away Jermemy Corbyn and other big names called for a climate change emergency.
Protest is our way to tell the politicians that they are wrong and we are angry, we will not be downtrodden in our veiws
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Why Public protest is not the best way to solve the climate crisis
I love protest but we have to be practical. Global warming is a global issue and we have to stop following the template of a hypocritical western nation only caring about our own internal politics.
We need a global movement and a global solution, because the examples of mass protest which have been ignored far out weigh the useful ones. Look at Hong Kong where 1,000,000 people have recently protested but were only met by a one sentence statement and tear gas. And don’t get me started on undemocratic nations such as China who have made the issues of tiananmen square disappear.  So sure for our wonderful democratic utopias that we can get something done with these protests but for the rest of the world we need to fix it elsewhere and better.
But what does that look like? Well I’ve got 2 solutions, one that Ed breifly touched on the last resort that I simply have to mention.
I’m a proud globalist and believe in global co-operation and solutions. We saw the biggest difference to climate change goals in The Paris Agreement which was an agreement within the United Nations on Climate Change, dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, signed in 2016. And now I want to take this further, because our world is dying and what we are ALL doing is sticking the knife in deeper.
In September 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Climate Summit to bring world leaders of governments, the private sector and civil society together to support the process and accelerate climate action and ambition. The World leaders will report on what they are doing, and what more they intend to do when they convene in 2020 for the UN climate conference, where commitments will be renewed and may be increased. This is incredibly commendable and is actually making a massive difference but I would take it a step further.
Where any country to not accept the agreements of this conference it is integral that sanctions such as the ones we put on Iran be put in place. Economic sanctions and worse will have to  be put on until they all decide to stop killing our planet. Because a harsh and firm response is needed massively and a we’ll do it later atmosphere is toxic
I applaud climate protest and love it but when it comes down to it, we need a world wide solution 
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Germany on LGBT rights in Russia
On the Question of: LGBT rights in Russia
Submitted by: Germany
Recognising That an independent poll showed  that 74% of Russians say that homosexuality should not be accepted in society and that this is a Global issue
Alarmed by A poll saying 16% of Russians are for gay isolation,  22% for treatment and 5% for ‘liquidation’
Noticing The recent change in federal law making teaching about LGBT issues illegals and the rightful concern by the Committee on the rights of children 
Concerned by a key political figure in Moscow called a pride parade ‘satanic’
Germany appalled by the Kremlin's support for the Chechnian leader denying anti LGBT purges
Recognising the president shown by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) on equality
Appaled by the discrimination that people like krasovsky and many openly LGBT workers face everyday
1. Recommends a committee be set up focused on the education of young youth of LGBT issues in the interest of their better development
2. Urges Russia to strengthen its protection of LGBT people and the danger they will certainly face because of these views
3. Strongly advises this law be repealed more closely and repealed to protect the youth
4. Asks that a trial pride take place in an area decided by the Russain government  to measure and find the public reaction
5. This parade should be protected by UN peacekeepers which the HR council hopes that the security council will loan
6. Calls for a private fact finding mission be carried out to find the damages of this purge
a. The crimes be punished by appropriate judicial establishments
b. The Kremlin make a public response apologising for  their support of the Chechnian crimes if there is real hard evidence for the purge
 6. Requests Russia do an internal review of all laws and gaps in law not     protecting or giving free rights to its LGBT citizens
7.Requests legislation movement (such as quotas) to protect vulnerable workers
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Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions
Winston Churchill
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Trump sexual misconduct does it matter?
Trump sexual misconduct does it matter?
Sexual misconduct is bad. And nowhere is the scourge of such crimes found greater than in the secret places where the rich and Powerful hide. And nowhere are the rich and Powerful better installed than in the place most associated with freedom, righteousness and the spirit Of All Good Things than the White House in Washington DC. At least 19 women have come against Trump in accusing him of sexual misconduct and assault and no doubt many more may be on their way. Now, I'm not here to call trump overtly a rapist or a misogynist and in no way will I make this article an investigation into such claims. That is neither right nor the point of the article. I will, however, look into whether those claims matter.
“You've got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women. if you admit anything and any culpability, then your dead”
“ just grab ‘em by the p**sy”
“ All the women on my show flirted with me, consciously or unconsciously they couldn't help it”
Sexual assault crimes matter and if it's done by the president of America then there is no doubt that it is even more important. One could argue that it doesn't matter despite the fact it's the president; any sexual misconduct or accused sexual misconduct matters and the power of the person and status of the person should be completely irrelevant. Why must these claims get so caught up in politics? It matters because sexual assault attacks a very person's livelihood. So of course it matters because it would matter for anyone even if it's a president. As well as that politically it does matter,  and there is no doubt about that, we can't have the president, arguably the most important man in the world who is meant to be a role model that people respect, Being someone who sexually assaults young women. It is entirely wrong. What would it mean if his crimes were ignored because he is the president?
However, some could say that it doesn't matter, he was elected in, it doesn't matter that he's the president, people knew what they were voting for, knowing of these claims and voted for him anyway, therefore he's the right man for the job.
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Did Marx Get it all wrong?
There is no doubt that Marxism is Fascinating. And my fascination cannot be described as anything less than obsessive, so far that it caused me to read the damn book by Marx himself entitled ‘The Communist Manifesto’. In the bulk of this article I will be focusing on the idea of communism as a utopian final destination however later on inspecting the idea that the two historians did not get it all wrong. So here goes.
To use the structure of a famous Churchill quote: capitalism not perfect but it’s sure the best worst system I know. However a rise in a communist idealism has given me the urge to write this. The idea of communism is flawed in every way For example you see a lack of progress. The idea of communism is about a collective and not an individual and that’s my main problem. It’s all about being as productive and practical as possible which means that when you’re not working on something for material gain like farming wheat you're simply a liability and therefore you have no time or resources given by the government for writing books or research, and there’s simply no companies to house that, hence depleting the number of joys in the world and progression in beautiful and knowledge bringing work. As well as that because it eradicates competition  of business (as I touched briefly on earlier) but also between people you get no growth in technology and you see a dumbing down of society this is famously seen in the time when in a communist society knowledge was seen as the enemy and even people in society with glasses were killed. This lack of progress leaves devastation in its wake. You also see a gross idealism that doesn’t work. It betrays psychology and makes very little sense. People are naturally competitive you can’t avoid it. We form natural hierarchies but in communism, if you do that, you get killed and that’s where you find millions killed in cold blood.
However although the idea of communism as a Utopia may be flawed, in the Communist manifesto it states a universal timeline that goes like this: it starts off with the feudal phase, moving into the capitalist phase then to the socialist phase ending up at the ‘utopian’ final destination of communism. We've obviously seen throughout history the revolutions from a feudal phase into a capitalistic phase which many countries were in.  We can see many countries becoming more socialist this can be shown in as some countries, for instance Cuba, there was a push towards the Socialist phase. This is built upon as in the Communist manifesto it states that countries coming out of the  capitalistic phase are often to become more  nationalistic this can be shown as in policies around the world becoming much more nationalistic,  for example,  Britain's famed brexit and Americas move from all nationalistic policies. so in that case it is very clear as we can see many countries moving towards a more socialist state zeitgeist also in the creation of welfare States being pushed for around the world.
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This Is Home by cavetown // Animatic
This is so cute
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(cartoon by Barry Deutsch)
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The internet and LGBTQ+ representation
I’ve been thinking about this idea a lot. I could make a long paragraph about this, and I may in the future, a point about the lgbtqt+ society.
The idea that being gay or lgbtq+ is a choice annoys me to no ends. It is not that there are magically more LGBT people in the world or that more people ‘choose’ such things in recent times. It is that these people now have the language to validate themselves, it is that they have a community to be validated in and it is that they are no longer persecuted and forced to stay quiet and in the shadows - no longer erased from the history books.
There aren’t more gay people. Only gay people are getting their voices heard easier.
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Couldn't agree more. I personally believe that blaming millennials is a way to distract themselves from their own shortcomings to the Earth, for example, ignoring climate change and such. People fear what they don't rly understand
People Who Blame Millenials for Everything Will Soon be Utterly Dependent on Them
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Ok. This is reposted. MASSSIVE THANKS TO @plumvv for being an absolute life saver and correcting my god awful grammar.
I personally disagree with the point this is trying to make, however there are many ideas that can be picked on as good talking points.
One instance in which I disagree with it is the fact it really glosses over the many bad things they have done and focuses on only a few good things, the ‘far right’ tend to statistically do much more bad than others that hold different political values, such as the far left, so this is not just me making a generalisation. For instance, they famously promote hate speech and have caused a lot of violence in the past. Hence this is an idea cannot get behind.
As well as this; what is to say that the far left can’t also do these ‘great things’ the far right do? I can’t see this post as proof that the far right are good people above the far left. The far left has done equally good things and/or even more.
It also glosses over the way in which the far right classically tries to achieve each of these ‘great things’. Often, however not all the time , when they are promoting ‘free speech’ it is done aggressively, sometimes with violence, however although you can see this from the left, personally, I believe you see it way less often.
HOWEVER I believe this tweet puts its finger on an excellent point. Not all people with unpopular or possibly wrong beliefs are bad people. I don’t think I could hate someone for what they believe, so long as they do no harm. Just because some groups get generalised as evil people does not mean that they are all bad and everyone, despite of political opinion can do good. <3
I really want an open discussion on this please put down in the ask box vv
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Just in case you’re wondering who the good guys are.
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I have a question: is that ok or not. Because it’s his money some could suggest that he could do what he wants with it. But idk. I’m just rly bored and want to post something 🤷‍♂️
Gotham is a city with a poor economy, high crime rate and increased poverty. Instead of distributing his money to try and fix these issues, Bruce Wayne decides to spend his billions on a car with guns and lasers as well as a suit which can’t fly
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People Who Blame Millenials for Everything Will Soon be Utterly Dependent on Them
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Attention America! We Brits have your president! If you do not send us £50M by Sunday morning….
We’ll return him back to you.
Click here for a random joke!
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On the Issue of the Rohingya Crisis
Submitted by Russia
The Security Council,
Recognising that the reports of violence are unconfirmed and that the evidence is potentially unreliable,
Believing the idea that you cannot force a sovereign nation to subdue to biased western ideals nor define their population for them,
Recalling the limited economic capabilities of Myanmar and duties they have currently  to provide for legitimate citizens of their country,
Appalled that there are confirmed cases of violence and domestic terrorism by the ARSA and other Rohingya groups to members of Myanmar authorities,
Understanding that the United Nations has the task of enforcing international security and peace and that the Muslim dominated culture of Rohingya are not popular with the Buddhist culture of Myanmar,
Noting that the UN would be actively working against Myanma
1. Demands that a fact-finding mission: Reporting of Misconduct by Military to Rohingya (RMMR) is dispatched to Myanmar to ascertain whether or not the allegations are true;
2. Encourages proponents of forcing Myanmar to give citizenship to the Rohingya to respect the view that you cannot force a country to act in a way that they do not deem acceptable in their culture;
3. Emphasises that having to suddenly provide services for just less than a million new citizens could cripple or damage services for current legal citizens of Myanmar and put an unfair pressure on the already small budget on that country;
4. Demands that these groups be equally held accountable for their violence and misconduct;
5. Reaffirms that to integrate the Rohingya into society would be dangerous and possibly damaging to culture and peace of the region;
6. Reminds the Security Council that an inclusive deal must be sought and that they must be given strong representation in talking about such issues rather than using force
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