#alimony pony
zoeyhorse · 5 months
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How the mane 6 would react to getting handed divorce papers
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janegumball · 1 year
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The Divorce Horse, the Alimony Pony
Was wondering what a “nightmare moon”-ified Cadence would look like so
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ravencincaide · 11 months
When you assume you make an ‘ass’ out of me and you 
Summary: Finding out you’re pregnant, you decide to end things over text. Too bad Chuuya and Dazai were NOT buying your poor excuses. Or the time you made them very happy. 
Pairing: preg! Reader x Dazai x Chuuya
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 5: Embracing 
Warnings: pregnancy, cursing, hint at (kinky) intimacy, 
Enjoy ~
You were feeling like shit. And that was a huge statement considering that you had only ever taken a handful of sick days; turning up to work despite broken bones, staples keeping your skin somewhat together and internal bleeding. Cold was a minor inconvenience and sprained muscles could be forced to function. Ear inflammation was harder but still doable. After all, your job wasn’t all about active field work. A lot of it was information checking online, monitoring people or groups activities through other teams reports or keeping an eye on bank data so your team was within its budget for missions, leisure or other necessities. Damn, it was a miracle how you managed to fix it the last budging year when you had two subordinates who were the definition of shooting maniacs, one chronic alcoholic, and an illiterate clutz who could never find receipts or who somehow switched up numbers in their reports to the point of giving you a heart attack. 
Thereby being away even for a day not only risked your office becoming a shooting range, no work being done, missions delayed however, most importantly, your steady tower of paperwork growing into an unmanageable city. You were on your second week away from the office, with no real prognosis for when you’d feel well enough to be back. And you were dreading going back.
Your boss has turned up a few days prior, had taken a thirty second look at you before you ran to the bathroom throwing up and had essentially three things to say to you while you were hugging the porcelain pony:
“ If it’s a stomach bug, get it cured before you even think about entering the office. If you’re pregnant-” the words had made your head snap up in total shock at a possibility you hadn’t even considered. Seeing as your boss brought it up, clearly she thought that you might be. Maybe not that shocking given that you were fucking more than average “ and want an abortion then hurry up and get it done before its too late. And see you in the office at the end of the month.” You could practically feel the warning look from your boss through the heavy wooden door, threatening you not to sweep this issue under the carpet and to keep her updated. “ If you intend to keep it then get your prenatals in order and see you in three years.” With those words she, being the ever caring friend she was, dropped two packets of pregnancy tests on your desk before leaving you alone. 
When the results came back positive it was not necessarily a shocker. What surprised you more was that the nauseous feeling came as spontaneously as it did and how tired you felt most days. How exhausted thinking, or in your case overthinking, made you. It felt as if that little test, or five, somehow made you grow up overnight. From a carefree young adult doing whatever you wanted, missions, drinking or wild kinky sex you were suddenly expected within the next nine months to become a mother. A responsible and caring adult that would make yourself, your children and your own parents proud. You didn’t know if you were going to succeed with that but you were damn determined to give your baby the best childhood and care you could. And step one in that equation was to remove people out of your life who did not want a serious relationship with you or were interested in raising a baby together. You did not need forced commitment or alimony; what you needed was a partner and a father to your child. And since you were certain your lovers were not up to the role, you were certain you’d do a much better job alone by yourself- as always!  
Still you never expected you would become the kind of trashy person who’d end things over text. You couldn’t understand how people could do it; either talk to the person you want to break up with or do a Dazai and just ghost. This felt too much like attachment issues wrapped in apology for you. Knowing you were already gonna earn a place in hell for it, you typed up a message that you were certain they’d hate you for. Which was perfect in your mind, if you were shooting yourself in the foot by breaking up with two executives who outranked you and your boss by a mile then the least you could do was make sure they wouldn’t unnecessarily seek you out. You’d deal with their revenge on you when you got back from parental leave. 
Thus when the sound of pounding on your door came many hours later you were certain it was your boss again. Either to scold you for the extra workload she got from her bosses thanks to yours truly or to kidnap you to the hospital. Dragging yourself out of bed with a groan you quickly ran a brush through your hair for a more presentable appearance. Giving up on changing out of the t-shirt and shorts you headed for the door, opening it absentmindedly. Too late you realized you should have checked who it was. 
“ What the hell are you two doing here?” You asked, making your meanest look as you crossed your arms over your chest. You were certain it looked more like a chihuahua barking at a rottweiler than anything threatening.
“ Checking if it’s a hostage situation, Bella” You gaped as Chuuya and Dazai brushed past you. Your dark haired ex-lover making his way to your bedroom, hand on the hilt of his gun. Before you could stop him, Chuuya, who was still lingering in the doorway, forced your attention by sticking his phone into your face with your textmessage pulled up on the screen.  
Thank you for this time, I’ve found a better dick. No hard feelings.
“ What is this damned thing?” He asked, his voice far above the usual caring and loving tone he’d use with you. 
“ What does it look like?” You raised your hand and studied the chipped manicure on your nails no longer able to stand the angry and hurt expression on his face. “ I’m breaking up with you, duh.”  
“ Heeh what the hell do you mean by that Y/N? Better dick?” He took a step closer to you, his expression growing darker by the second “ We all know you’re a slut for us, ready to let us do whatever we want to you so stop lying and spit out what’s really going on.” he was gripping your arms tightly. When you refused to look at him he gave you a rough shake in warning. 
“ What the hell-” you caught your exclamation that ‘it hurts’ knowing that it was exactly what he was going for at that moment. “ It’s as I said, I found someone new”
“ How long?!” he didn’t yell but somehow that made it even worse. When you didn’t reply immediately he shook you again “ And what’s so great about this supposed new person.” 
You felt your eyes sting and closed them for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. Your next sentence was a hit below the belt; “ They’re actually sweet and caring towards me. Not just after sex.” 
“ Sweetheart-” the look on Chuuya’s face was as if you had slapped him, the arguments caught in his throat. 
You looked away from him, shaking his hands off your shoulders. Your heart was tearing itself in your ribcage, Begging you to stop this nonsense. But you wouldn’t- you couldn’t. You needed to protect the child in your tummy, to shelter them from the constant fighting, every other week visitation, jealousy and screaming. You needed to  prevent them from becoming a pawn in a game called ‘hurt the other parent more’.
“ Sweetheart, do you really believe that-?” Chuuya asked carefully.  
“ -Or is it just that you are pregnant Y/N?” Dazai’s question made you jump, your head snapping in his direction. You could see him leaning against the doorway, an unreadable expression on his face. Damn you hated it when he did that. 
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about '' you lied, back to crossing your arms over your chest. “ I’m done with this conversation so please get out.” 
“ Come on Y/N the cats out of the bag now” Dazai looked almost too pleased with himself as he held up the pregnancy test he had fished out of the trashcan. 
You felt the colour drain from your face. Your mouth opening and closing as your mind raced between forcing them out of your apartment and lying about it, again. 
“ Is it a false positive?” Chuuya asked cautiously, eyeing the brunette. 
“ There are five more in there,” Dazai shrugged, silently telling him to draw his own conclusions, as he took a step towards you. You cursed yourself for not taking the trash out sooner.  
“ Is it ours?” The question made you hang your head in defeat. “ Belladonna is it-” Dazai growled in warning. 
“ Yes” you breathed. You could feel them sharing a look of utter confusion between each other over your head. 
“ Darlin, then why the charades?” 
“ Because you wouldn’t want it!” you screamed at the top of your lungs “ and I- we don’t need a partner out of obligation.”   
Silence lingered in your apartment for a few long moments. You wrapped your arms around yourself. You just wanted them to stop making this harder on you than it already was. Now that they knew the reason for all this, you prayed they wouldn’t cause any more hassle and just silently walk out of the apartment. That they’d walk out of your life and leave you alone. Without any fighting, pity or compromises. Just go, you pleaded silently, before you’d find yourself regretting your decision.   
“ You assumed we wouldn’t want it,” Chuuya corrected you. You raised your head finally facing your lover, ready to scream at him- them to get out. The scream never made it past your lips, his expressing killing any arguments you had left;  you had expected distress or anger on his face, maybe sadness or guilt but all you could see was a bright happy smile. “ And when you assume something you make an ‘ass’ out of me and you. Now come here my sweetheart” he spread his arms out beckoning you for a hug. 
You had never seen that expression on Chuuya’s face. It was as if you had gifted him the sun and moon on a silver platter. You felt all fight fading out of your body, leaving behind just tiredness and longing for his warm embrace.Cautiously you came up to him, breathing a sigh of relief as he hugged you close yet gently to his body, burying his face in your shoulder. “ Oh sweets you’re gonna be a mother- I’m gonna be a father!” 
“ Or uncle” Dazai added unable to stop himself from pushing Chuuya’s buttons“ You’re so cute Chuuya ready to be a dad to my kids”  
“ Shut it mackerel” Chuuya muttered “ You’re just jealous she’s hugging me.” 
“ And you’re just denying the undeniable” 
Chuuya growled in reply before biting back the anger, turning his attention towards you instead. The smile never once leaving his face “ So don’t you dare try and break up with us over this again, ‘kay?” Chuuya moved  back and pressed a kiss to your forehead before brushing your hair out of your eyes “- or you’re welcome to break up with bandages over there”  he teased, making you smile slightly as Dazai let out an annoyed ‘ you dog’. 
Surprisingly the argument didn’t go any further than that. Instead Dazai’s attention was shifting between you in Chuuya’s arms and the little white test still clutched between his fingers before he finally broke the silence:“ By the way Belladonna have you had your doctors visit yet? To ensure the little one is fine.”
You sighed, shaking your head a no. “ I haven’t really got around to it yet” 
“ That won’t do!” Chuuya cried pulling back from you instantly, his hand already dialing his subordinates, while he was walking towards the door then turning around and pacing back into your room“ Yes I need you to find the best prenatal care doctor in Yokohoma- yes directly I don’t care how much they charge- Sweetheart where is your insurance and identification card?” 
You blinked as he stopped in front of you, blue eyes staring at you intensely “ umm In the kitchen, furthest cupboard to the right- top draw. Should be under the travel pamphlet.” Before you could finish your sentence he was already out of the room going to hunt for your documents. 
Still you could hear him talking on the phone, beginning to list a bunch of things he wanted delivered to your place within the next fifteen minutes; childcare books, research on food that was safe to eat during pregnancy, alcohol- he was clear to specify it was for himself- and some safe alcohol free options.
“ - and prepare statistics on best child care facilities in Yokohama, and broker offers for all the housing around those areas -and–” 
“ Chuuya don't just start randomly buying things” you yelled, staring to follow behind him pausing only when a very gentle hand wrapped itself around your wrist. In fact you were half way pulling out of the touch before your mind registered it. The unusual softness surprised you. Usually Dazai was unapologetically rough during sex; unafraid to slap, hit or even whip you and it was Chuuya who showed you in butterfly touches, kisses over bruised skin and soft embraces.
“ Let him be Y/N” Dazai stated, his voice sounding strange in your ears. His hand falling away from your wrist the instant you turned to face him. You could see that his head was bowed, his hair covering his eyes from you. Sometime during your and Chuuya’s embrace he had moved to sit down on a nearby chair. Wordlessly he patted his lap, silently asking you to sit down instead of the usual act of just pulling you into it. You looked at him skeptically as you took your place on his lap. The moment you did he buried his face in your shoulder, his arms pausing inches above your skin as if you’d shatter in his arms if he touched you.. 
“ Are you okay?” You asked as you urged him closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Taking it as permission he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you carefully to his chest, burying his face in your hair. He held you like that for a few moments, totally silent but for an almost unnoticeable shake of his shoulders “ Dazai, are you crying?” 
His response was to bring you even closer
“ Dazai, are you okay?” You asked again with more worry in your voice. He hushed you, stroking your hair. You were starting to panic at his reaction, your mind racing so much that you almost missed his answer to your previous question; 
“ I’m more ‘okay’ than ever, Y/N”
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powderblueblood · 5 months
heyyyy how are you hope ur doing well. my apologies for distracting you from edlacy, but i for some reason remembered your like beadie x actor steve harrington au, i think maybe because of bringing up baby, but i just wanted to say that i think it would be very funny if one of his ex wives was basically 40s rebecca-diane (molly gordon) from theatre camp. like just a complete weirdo he met on like one movie set when she was in extra cabaret girl and just impressed the hell out of him with her communion with the spirits and her insistence that jade or rose quarts or opal will fucking talk to the moon and whisper his subconscious solutions through the wave magic or whatever it is she believes. she also has her own version of co dependent best friendship with amos that maybe steve found slightly unsettling because ultimately she was kind of fine with the divorce (her summer camp teaching job with amos was coming up so she wasn't planning on spending too much time with him anyway and also the alimony money would let her take on the job in the first place and take a break from the cruise ship for a second before it started its winter tour). perhaps she is able to commune with the spirits and determines that he should dedicate a percentage of his money to sponsoring the theater camp and every year forward their programs have a "sponsored by renowned hollywood star steven harrington" as a tagline and it is used in the marketing. she enjoys her holiday fruit baskets very much and she does send notes when the fruit baskets are a little melon heavy one year. also, maybe, perhaps, she is me.
pal I need you to know I read this in the waiting room at the doctors this morning to distract me from the NERVES and it has stayed with me it is on my mind like a hat, you’re so fucking right
because of course Steve would become obsessed with some weird little chorine who can commune with the beyond because he’s begging for a sign ANY SIGN (the sign is to go to a ranch in Death Valley and dry out, Steven)
but you just know he had Rebecca-Diane doing full seances at the height of the spiritualism phase and she unknowingly (or knowingly) caused so many box office flops to be made but she’s like… whatever.
she’s also so critical of Steve not being ‘dedicated enough to the craft’ lmao like she’s definitely a more talented actor than he is because listen… it’s not hard he’s kind of a one trick pony in thataways
truth is, Rebecca-Diane told him that the spirits have been begging him to go into producing for years, particularly financing stage-to-screen adaptations of her and Amos’ original plays… but Jesus Christ he won’t take a fucking hint will he
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catgirlmagneto · 2 years
spotify wrapped song 4 and 20!
4. cactus juice by medusa!
fav lyric: cough it up and spit i know your daddies bought you ponies/ but the only thing that you can give to me is alimony
20. mary magdalene by fka twigs
fav lyric: a woman’s war/ unoccupied history/ true nature won’t search to destroy if it doesn’t make sense
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labelleperfumery · 5 months
Gypsy Rose Wants Spousal Support from Estranged Husband Amid Divorce
Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants her estranged husband, Ryan Anderson, to pony up some dough as they end their marriage … asking a judge to sign off on alimony for her. TMZ has obtained Gypsy’s divorce docs, and the big takeaway is the fact that she’s… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/11/gypsy-rose-blanchard-wants-spousal-support-alimony-estranged-husband-divorce/
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lolafm · 2 years
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nathalie kelley & she/her/cis woman ‷ watch out , lola cáceres has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty nine years old and celebrate their birthday on november 4th. they are from sydney, australia, reside in lunar crescent and are currently working as an onlyfans content creator. one thing you should know about them is that she has been married three times, and each time has been for money.
full name                                            lola cáceres
age                                                      39
date of birth                                       november 8th 1982
place of birth                                     san bartolo , peru
zodiac                                               scorpio sun, aquarius moon, aries rising
orientation                                         heterosexual
relationship status                             divorced x3
face claim                                          nathalie kelley
height                                                  5′6″
hair color                                             brown
eye color                                             brown
tattoos                                                classic basic bitch dolphin tattoo on her ankle
siblings                                               n/a
fresh to roswell
was born in peru but moved to australia when she was 5 months old , and then the US following her second marriage 
self proclaimed black widow ( nobody died , just nasty divorces )
moved to roswell to be ‘ lowkey ’ bc she thinks she’s some sort of celebrity bc of her ex husbands but in reality nobody knows who she is dfgjh
she’s been married three times. once to famous tennis player , movie director and then to a real estate mogul 
is trying to live a more modest life and fit in with the native roswellians and isn’t doing the best job tbh
never has had a real job before but has suddenly deemed herself a business woman bc of her OF account
gaslight , gatekeep , girlboss
the wild pony has quickly become her spot . you can find her there often playing pool or trying to get people to dance with her
still lives mostly off of alimony cheques from her last husband
has travelled to 14 different countries
real house wives divorcees of roswell ?!
fans ( wink wink ) or anyone who might recognize her from her ~line of work
regulars at wild pony who she forces to dance with her
girlies to brunch with <3
more tba
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dailyeltonjohn · 5 years
“Honey Roll” - the second track on the soundtrack for the film Friends (1971)
Bernie Taupin and Elton John were hired to write the music for the soundtrack before their own work had really taken off. The soundtrack was released on vinyl in 1971 but was never released on CD or streaming. The songs from the soundtrack are all on the compilation album Rare Masters (1992).   
It’s a fairly short song in which a man complains about his ex-wife.
Do you want to drive to ride mount on your pony Loosen up my tie to help me breathe Insisting that I pay my alimony Each and every day is the same old scene
Come on do the roll, do the roll with me Come on do the roll, do the roll with me I said honey, I said honey I said honey, I said honey Come on do the honey roll with me
Well I want to say that I'm your mister funky Singing this song is taking up your time I did the donkey now I'm your funky monkey Sing it children, sing it on your mind
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corniestcorn · 8 years
dirtyskellylover replied to your post: dirtyskellylover replied to your post “i can’t...
Didn’t you know people pay fanfiction writers thousands of dollars?! But real talk I get alimony and I sell snakes lmao. Then come the action figures and posters. Ya’ll haven’t even seen my Jurassic Park figures or my My Little Pony collection either.
“I sell snakes.”
hey sorry i stopped right there quick question but why tho
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zoeyhorse · 3 months
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if u know u know
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Just How Can I Include Craft To My USB Stick Folders?
I appreciate my lifestyle in the exotic wonderland from Camotes Islands located in Cebu, Philippines Camotes Islands are actually likewise referred to as the Lost Horizon and also the name Camotes actually indicates pleasant white potato. The Ottoman Realm is past's failed to remember realm, even though that lasted coming from the 14th century all the way through World War I as the world's last official empire. Just like other ethnicity of individuals, African American men and women can be a vibrant, effective staff when they work and also find passion in one another. The technique to manage this is certainly not dispersed - propaganda - due to the fact that folks will only merely claim "the opposition to transhumanism is deceptive and also unreasonable consequently transhumanism is actually to be supported." That in itself is actually a form from herd-psychology that is actually being used today. At the same time, that was actually comprehended to become requisite for all that were actually certainly not family slaves, or even boys, to take the sacrament at one of the terrific events: Squire Cass himself took that on Christmas-day; while those who were actually pursued be actually "great livers" visited congregation along with more significant, though still along with moderate, frequency.
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As an example, according to research conducted by Italy's Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura, modest draft beer alcohol consumption (a little bit more than a pint daily) minimizes enthusiasts' threat from cardiovascular disease by 31 percent (the same as modest consumption of wine); a research study released in the Medical Journal of the American Community from Nephrology, in the meantime, located that mild usage of draft beer reduces the risk of cultivating kidney stones through 41 per-cent. Enclosures could possibly dive without trouble, and also enjoyed performing this. He delighted a great deal affection, someday, among a crowd of white boys, by throwing back somersaults from the strict of a canoe, that this depresses Tom's sense, and at last he shoved the canoe under Chambers while he was in the air-so he landed on his head in the kayak bottom; and while he lay cold, numerous from Tom's early adversaries viewed that their long-desired chance was come, as well as they offered the misleading successor such a walloping that with Chamber's greatest assistance he was hardly capable to drag herself home subsequently.
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There are actually girls teams which encourage girls to burglarize males by weding all of them, with-holding sexual activity off them until the guy rests and also reaches her or cheats, then breakup him as well as attract alimony for the remainder from her daily life, or however lengthy is made it possible for by conditions. Mom Swine: Hey there, kids. 6. Maintain reviewing record. Possibly this social anti-white male phenomena our experts are finding isn't disapproval or authorities coordinated course warfare to maintain our company divided. Still, Coady having taken Nalcor's version of the truth, should today perform the only honest trait: she has to immediately release to Hubert-Diet-19.Info your home from Assembly as well as to the general public the individual third-party assessment" documents to which Nalcor lays claim. She figured out that the son from her uncle's buddy was actually most likely regarding forty years old; a soldier just off service was actually undoubtedly a bachelor; as well as she addressed, her uncle assisting, not to allow Monsieur de Troisville stopped their house in the ailment he entered it. Though Penelope galloped, Mademoiselle Cormon, soaked up in thoughts of her trousseau and the wedding-day, stated regularly that Jacquelin made no chance whatsoever. There is actually a ton of skills in our neighborhood as well as the Union supplies a device to harness it. Our experts additionally need to identify the constraints in our local ability and also connect to the global proficiency which is thus essential to the success of a task like Muskrat Tumbles. This greats to understand that there are actually corespondents that go through this as you believe that at times your the only person in the world. Also reduced as he is actually right now to a surface, Uncle Felix presents the celebrities in the faraway sky to the little ones, that is he presents all of them the lighting, the "pleasure" which is actually in other places. So he developeded a friend, a boy he had actually been aware of, which steered a mini four-pony drag in Toledo, Ohio, as well as ordered five fits of clothes at once, and also led points called "germans" at celebrations where the earliest gal was not fifteen, however all the presents were actually solid silver.
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beckybraswell1 · 6 years
Buying a Business
Prospective entrepreneurs have several options other than starting a business from scratch, including buying an existing business or franchise. But before you write a check and get started, it’s important to do your research and understand exactly what you’re getting into. This section covers all aspects of buying a business, such as purchasing a franchise; buying an existing business; understanding valuation and accounting terminology; what to expect when buying a business; and more.
Buying a Franchise
If you are considering buying a franchise you may want to consider the cost. Start-up costs and royalty fees can put a serious damper on a franchisee’s take-home pay. For example, if you were opening up a popular fast food franchise, the franchisee must not only pay money toward the location, he or she must also pony up a large franchise fee for the right to operate the business for a period of years. After that time is up, assuming the company agrees to renew the contract, another franchise fee can be charged. The total monetary layout to open a fast food franchise can range anywhere from $500,000 to $1.6 million depending on the popularity of the franchise.
Make Sure You Have Liquidity
The amount of cash a company has on hand or can generate quickly reveals how healthy the company is financially. High levels of available cash indicate that the business can pay off debt easily when due dates occur. The types of assets a company has and the marketability of those assets are where a discussion of financial liquidity begins.
Findings a Business For Sale
To many, online business marketplaces would seem the obvious place to start when searching for an online business for sale. The internet is the largest business for sale marketplace and has seen rapid growth in recent years. Online business marketplaces are attractive as they enable buyers to look across the industry at a range of available listings, helping them to identify potential investment opportunities. Buyers are able to request additional information on listings, which automatically alerts the seller or designated broker (if represented). Most established online business brokers have a presence on such platforms, using them as an additional outreach channel.
What is Due Diligence?
When you are considering buying a business, conducting due diligence ensures you have access to important information about the business you’re buying. It’s the best way for you to assess the value of a business and the risks associated with buying it. You usually conduct due diligence after you and the seller have agreed in principle to a deal, but before signing a binding contract. The information you collect during due diligence is highly sensitive and confidential. The seller might want you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you access this information.
Hire a Business Attorney
When you’re faced with a business issue that is complex, time consuming, or has liability issues, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable business attorney. If you are a startup or small business owner, you will want to look for a lawyer or legal team that identifies with the startup and small business culture. For example, a lawyer who runs his own small legal practice—a solo practitioner–will likely have the legal expertise you need, as well as an understanding of your plight as a small business owner.
Once you have selected the perfect lawyer for your small business, build a comfortable working relationship with him or her over time. You will want to reach out to your lawyer for counsel and guidance on substantive and non-substantive matters alike.
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tessasusan31 · 6 years
Buying a Business
Prospective entrepreneurs have several options other than starting a business from scratch, including buying an existing business or franchise. But before you write a check and get started, it’s important to do your research and understand exactly what you’re getting into. This section covers all aspects of buying a business, such as purchasing a franchise; buying an existing business; understanding valuation and accounting terminology; what to expect when buying a business; and more.
Buying a Franchise
If you are considering buying a franchise you may want to consider the cost. Start-up costs and royalty fees can put a serious damper on a franchisee’s take-home pay. For example, if you were opening up a popular fast food franchise, the franchisee must not only pay money toward the location, he or she must also pony up a large franchise fee for the right to operate the business for a period of years. After that time is up, assuming the company agrees to renew the contract, another franchise fee can be charged. The total monetary layout to open a fast food franchise can range anywhere from $500,000 to $1.6 million depending on the popularity of the franchise.
Make Sure You Have Liquidity
The amount of cash a company has on hand or can generate quickly reveals how healthy the company is financially. High levels of available cash indicate that the business can pay off debt easily when due dates occur. The types of assets a company has and the marketability of those assets are where a discussion of financial liquidity begins.
Findings a Business For Sale
To many, online business marketplaces would seem the obvious place to start when searching for an online business for sale. The internet is the largest business for sale marketplace and has seen rapid growth in recent years. Online business marketplaces are attractive as they enable buyers to look across the industry at a range of available listings, helping them to identify potential investment opportunities. Buyers are able to request additional information on listings, which automatically alerts the seller or designated broker (if represented). Most established online business brokers have a presence on such platforms, using them as an additional outreach channel.
What is Due Diligence?
When you are considering buying a business, conducting due diligence ensures you have access to important information about the business you’re buying. It’s the best way for you to assess the value of a business and the risks associated with buying it. You usually conduct due diligence after you and the seller have agreed in principle to a deal, but before signing a binding contract. The information you collect during due diligence is highly sensitive and confidential. The seller might want you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you access this information.
Hire a Business Attorney
When you’re faced with a business issue that is complex, time consuming, or has liability issues, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable business attorney. If you are a startup or small business owner, you will want to look for a lawyer or legal team that identifies with the startup and small business culture. For example, a lawyer who runs his own small legal practice—a solo practitioner–will likely have the legal expertise you need, as well as an understanding of your plight as a small business owner.
Once you have selected the perfect lawyer for your small business, build a comfortable working relationship with him or her over time. You will want to reach out to your lawyer for counsel and guidance on substantive and non-substantive matters alike.
Business Lawyer Free Consultation
When you are looking to buy a business, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Don’t Get On Facebook During Divorce
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From https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/buying-a-business/
source https://familylawattorneyut.wordpress.com/2018/12/12/buying-a-business/
from Divorce Lawyer Tooele Utah http://divorcelawyertooeleutah.blogspot.com/2018/12/buying-business.html
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jennielane1 · 6 years
Buying a Business
Prospective entrepreneurs have several options other than starting a business from scratch, including buying an existing business or franchise. But before you write a check and get started, it’s important to do your research and understand exactly what you’re getting into. This section covers all aspects of buying a business, such as purchasing a franchise; buying an existing business; understanding valuation and accounting terminology; what to expect when buying a business; and more.
Buying a Franchise
If you are considering buying a franchise you may want to consider the cost. Start-up costs and royalty fees can put a serious damper on a franchisee’s take-home pay. For example, if you were opening up a popular fast food franchise, the franchisee must not only pay money toward the location, he or she must also pony up a large franchise fee for the right to operate the business for a period of years. After that time is up, assuming the company agrees to renew the contract, another franchise fee can be charged. The total monetary layout to open a fast food franchise can range anywhere from $500,000 to $1.6 million depending on the popularity of the franchise.
Make Sure You Have Liquidity
The amount of cash a company has on hand or can generate quickly reveals how healthy the company is financially. High levels of available cash indicate that the business can pay off debt easily when due dates occur. The types of assets a company has and the marketability of those assets are where a discussion of financial liquidity begins.
Findings a Business For Sale
To many, online business marketplaces would seem the obvious place to start when searching for an online business for sale. The internet is the largest business for sale marketplace and has seen rapid growth in recent years. Online business marketplaces are attractive as they enable buyers to look across the industry at a range of available listings, helping them to identify potential investment opportunities. Buyers are able to request additional information on listings, which automatically alerts the seller or designated broker (if represented). Most established online business brokers have a presence on such platforms, using them as an additional outreach channel.
What is Due Diligence?
When you are considering buying a business, conducting due diligence ensures you have access to important information about the business you’re buying. It’s the best way for you to assess the value of a business and the risks associated with buying it. You usually conduct due diligence after you and the seller have agreed in principle to a deal, but before signing a binding contract. The information you collect during due diligence is highly sensitive and confidential. The seller might want you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you access this information.
Hire a Business Attorney
When you’re faced with a business issue that is complex, time consuming, or has liability issues, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable business attorney. If you are a startup or small business owner, you will want to look for a lawyer or legal team that identifies with the startup and small business culture. For example, a lawyer who runs his own small legal practice—a solo practitioner–will likely have the legal expertise you need, as well as an understanding of your plight as a small business owner.
Once you have selected the perfect lawyer for your small business, build a comfortable working relationship with him or her over time. You will want to reach out to your lawyer for counsel and guidance on substantive and non-substantive matters alike.
Business Lawyer Free Consultation
When you are looking to buy a business, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Don’t Get On Facebook During Divorce
Business Mediation
Is It Time to Modify Alimony?
February Often Brings Divorce Filings
Beneficiaries of an Estate
What is Specific Performance?
Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/buying-a-business/
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aretia · 6 years
Buying a Business
Prospective entrepreneurs have several options other than starting a business from scratch, including buying an existing business or franchise. But before you write a check and get started, it’s important to do your research and understand exactly what you’re getting into. This section covers all aspects of buying a business, such as purchasing a franchise; buying an existing business; understanding valuation and accounting terminology; what to expect when buying a business; and more.
Buying a Franchise
If you are considering buying a franchise you may want to consider the cost. Start-up costs and royalty fees can put a serious damper on a franchisee’s take-home pay. For example, if you were opening up a popular fast food franchise, the franchisee must not only pay money toward the location, he or she must also pony up a large franchise fee for the right to operate the business for a period of years. After that time is up, assuming the company agrees to renew the contract, another franchise fee can be charged. The total monetary layout to open a fast food franchise can range anywhere from $500,000 to $1.6 million depending on the popularity of the franchise.
Make Sure You Have Liquidity
The amount of cash a company has on hand or can generate quickly reveals how healthy the company is financially. High levels of available cash indicate that the business can pay off debt easily when due dates occur. The types of assets a company has and the marketability of those assets are where a discussion of financial liquidity begins.
Findings a Business For Sale
To many, online business marketplaces would seem the obvious place to start when searching for an online business for sale. The internet is the largest business for sale marketplace and has seen rapid growth in recent years. Online business marketplaces are attractive as they enable buyers to look across the industry at a range of available listings, helping them to identify potential investment opportunities. Buyers are able to request additional information on listings, which automatically alerts the seller or designated broker (if represented). Most established online business brokers have a presence on such platforms, using them as an additional outreach channel.
What is Due Diligence?
When you are considering buying a business, conducting due diligence ensures you have access to important information about the business you’re buying. It’s the best way for you to assess the value of a business and the risks associated with buying it. You usually conduct due diligence after you and the seller have agreed in principle to a deal, but before signing a binding contract. The information you collect during due diligence is highly sensitive and confidential. The seller might want you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you access this information.
Hire a Business Attorney
When you’re faced with a business issue that is complex, time consuming, or has liability issues, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable business attorney. If you are a startup or small business owner, you will want to look for a lawyer or legal team that identifies with the startup and small business culture. For example, a lawyer who runs his own small legal practice—a solo practitioner–will likely have the legal expertise you need, as well as an understanding of your plight as a small business owner.
Once you have selected the perfect lawyer for your small business, build a comfortable working relationship with him or her over time. You will want to reach out to your lawyer for counsel and guidance on substantive and non-substantive matters alike.
Business Lawyer Free Consultation
When you are looking to buy a business, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Don’t Get On Facebook During Divorce
Business Mediation
Is It Time to Modify Alimony?
February Often Brings Divorce Filings
Beneficiaries of an Estate
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/buying-a-business/
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lenabrown11 · 6 years
Buying a Business
Prospective entrepreneurs have several options other than starting a business from scratch, including buying an existing business or franchise. But before you write a check and get started, it’s important to do your research and understand exactly what you’re getting into. This section covers all aspects of buying a business, such as purchasing a franchise; buying an existing business; understanding valuation and accounting terminology; what to expect when buying a business; and more.
Buying a Franchise
If you are considering buying a franchise you may want to consider the cost. Start-up costs and royalty fees can put a serious damper on a franchisee’s take-home pay. For example, if you were opening up a popular fast food franchise, the franchisee must not only pay money toward the location, he or she must also pony up a large franchise fee for the right to operate the business for a period of years. After that time is up, assuming the company agrees to renew the contract, another franchise fee can be charged. The total monetary layout to open a fast food franchise can range anywhere from $500,000 to $1.6 million depending on the popularity of the franchise.
Make Sure You Have Liquidity
The amount of cash a company has on hand or can generate quickly reveals how healthy the company is financially. High levels of available cash indicate that the business can pay off debt easily when due dates occur. The types of assets a company has and the marketability of those assets are where a discussion of financial liquidity begins.
Findings a Business For Sale
To many, online business marketplaces would seem the obvious place to start when searching for an online business for sale. The internet is the largest business for sale marketplace and has seen rapid growth in recent years. Online business marketplaces are attractive as they enable buyers to look across the industry at a range of available listings, helping them to identify potential investment opportunities. Buyers are able to request additional information on listings, which automatically alerts the seller or designated broker (if represented). Most established online business brokers have a presence on such platforms, using them as an additional outreach channel.
What is Due Diligence?
When you are considering buying a business, conducting due diligence ensures you have access to important information about the business you’re buying. It’s the best way for you to assess the value of a business and the risks associated with buying it. You usually conduct due diligence after you and the seller have agreed in principle to a deal, but before signing a binding contract. The information you collect during due diligence is highly sensitive and confidential. The seller might want you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you access this information.
Hire a Business Attorney
When you’re faced with a business issue that is complex, time consuming, or has liability issues, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable business attorney. If you are a startup or small business owner, you will want to look for a lawyer or legal team that identifies with the startup and small business culture. For example, a lawyer who runs his own small legal practice—a solo practitioner–will likely have the legal expertise you need, as well as an understanding of your plight as a small business owner.
Once you have selected the perfect lawyer for your small business, build a comfortable working relationship with him or her over time. You will want to reach out to your lawyer for counsel and guidance on substantive and non-substantive matters alike.
Business Lawyer Free Consultation
When you are looking to buy a business, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
Recent Posts
Don’t Get On Facebook During Divorce
Business Mediation
Is It Time to Modify Alimony?
February Often Brings Divorce Filings
Beneficiaries of an Estate
What is Specific Performance?
Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/buying-a-business/
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